You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

83 lines
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package marketwssclient
import (
// Responsible to handle MBP data from WebSocket
type MarketByPriceWebSocketClient struct {
// Initializer
func (p *MarketByPriceWebSocketClient) Init(host string) *MarketByPriceWebSocketClient {
return p
// Set callback handler
func (p *MarketByPriceWebSocketClient) SetHandler(
connectedHandler hbwebsocketclientbase.ConnectedHandler,
responseHandler hbwebsocketclientbase.ResponseHandler) {
p.WebSocketClientBase.SetHandler(connectedHandler, p.handleMessage, responseHandler)
// Request full Market By Price order book
func (p *MarketByPriceWebSocketClient) Request(symbol string, clientId string) {
topic := fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.mbp.150", symbol)
req := fmt.Sprintf("{\"req\": \"%s\",\"id\": \"%s\" }", topic, clientId)
applogger.Info("WebSocket requested, topic=%s, clientId=%s", topic, clientId)
// Subscribe incremental update of Market By Price order book
func (p *MarketByPriceWebSocketClient) Subscribe(symbol string, clientId string) {
topic := fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.mbp.150", symbol)
sub := fmt.Sprintf("{\"sub\": \"%s\",\"id\": \"%s\" }", topic, clientId)
applogger.Info("WebSocket subscribed, topic=%s, clientId=%s", topic, clientId)
// Subscribe full Market By Price order book
func (p *MarketByPriceWebSocketClient) SubscribeFull(symbol string, level int, clientId string) {
topic := fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.mbp.refresh.%d", symbol, level)
sub := fmt.Sprintf("{\"sub\": \"%s\",\"id\": \"%s\" }", topic, clientId)
applogger.Info("WebSocket subscribed, topic=%s, clientId=%s", topic, clientId)
// Unsubscribe update of Market By Price order book
func (p *MarketByPriceWebSocketClient) UnSubscribe(symbol string, clientId string) {
topic := fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.mbp.150", symbol)
unsub := fmt.Sprintf("{\"unsub\": \"%s\",\"id\": \"%s\" }", topic, clientId)
applogger.Info("WebSocket unsubscribed, topic=%s, clientId=%s", topic, clientId)
// Unsubscribe full Market By Price order book
func (p *MarketByPriceWebSocketClient) UnSubscribeFull(symbol string, level int, clientId string) {
topic := fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.mbp.refresh.%d", symbol, level)
unsub := fmt.Sprintf("{\"unsub\": \"%s\",\"id\": \"%s\" }", topic, clientId)
applogger.Info("WebSocket unsubscribed, topic=%s, clientId=%s", topic, clientId)
func (p *MarketByPriceWebSocketClient) handleMessage(msg string) (interface{}, error) {
result := market.SubscribeMarketByPriceResponse{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(msg), &result)
return result, err