package selfContract import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "" "math/rand" "sync" "time" "wss-pool/cmd/common" "wss-pool/cmd/websocketservice" "wss-pool/dictionary" "wss-pool/internal/data/business" "wss-pool/internal/model" red "wss-pool/internal/redis" "wss-pool/logging/applogger" "wss-pool/pkg/model/market" ) const ( proportion int32 = 10000 //调价原价比例 step int32 = 20 //调价指数 digits int32 = 4 //保留小数位数 numPrices int = 20 //生成随机价格数量 defaultStep float64 = 0.001 // 默认波动率 PushFrequency int = 3 //S TimeRemaining int64 = 20 //s ) var ( contractChan = make(chan string) SelfContractCode string //合约代码 FaceValue decimal.Decimal // 面值合约 InitialPrice decimal.Decimal // 初始价格 KLineMap = make(map[string]KlineLowHigh) ClosePrices decimal.Decimal //当前价格 //做调价终止值使用 OldFiveMin int64 //记录K线时间搓 OldFifteenMin int64 OldThirtyMin int64 OldOneHour int64 OldFourHour int64 OldDay int64 OldWeek int64 OldMon int64 IsRun bool ContractMap = make(map[string]bool) //保存领取的任务 lock sync.Mutex endChan = make(chan string) ) type KlineLowHigh struct { Low decimal.Decimal High decimal.Decimal ID int64 Vol decimal.Decimal Amount decimal.Decimal Count decimal.Decimal TradeTurnover decimal.Decimal Open decimal.Decimal } type ConstructorContract struct { SelfContractCode string `json:"selfContractCode"` //虚拟合约 BeginTime string `json:"beginTime"` //开始时间 EndTime string `json:"endTime"` //结束时间 MaxPrice decimal.Decimal `json:"maxPrices"` MinPrice decimal.Decimal `json:"minPrice"` MaxPriceStr string `json:"maxPrice"` } func NewSelfContract() { //首次启动 go func() { this := new(ConstructorContract) this.MinPrice = InitialPrice this.SelfContractCode = SelfContractCode this.defaultContract() }() for { t := time.NewTimer(1 * time.Minute) <-t.C go func() { if IsRun { applogger.Info("已有调价在运行, 该次调价不能运行") return } result := getData() fmt.Println(result) for _, v := range result { if v.TradeName != SelfContractCode { applogger.Info("parametric inequality") continue } end, _ := common.TimeStrToTimes(v.EndTime) if end.Unix() <= time.Now().Unix() { applogger.Info("该调价已过期") continue } if _, ok := ContractMap[fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", v.TradeName, end.Unix())]; ok { applogger.Info("该任务正在运行", fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", v.TradeName, end.Unix())) continue } ContractMap[fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", v.TradeName, end.Unix())] = true //保存任务 begin, _ := common.TimeStrToTimes(v.BeginTime) if begin.Unix() < common.TimeToNow() { applogger.Info("该调价已过期") continue } else if end.Unix() <= begin.Unix() { applogger.Info("begin end 有误") continue } maxPrice, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v.MaxPrice) //if maxPrice.LessThan(InitialPrice) { // applogger.Info("调价有误",v.MaxPrice) // continue //} //等待到开始时间 applogger.Info("等待到begin time ", v.BeginTime, v.EndTime) IsRun = true // 调价任务已开启 time.Sleep(begin.Sub(common.TimeToNows())) contractChan <- "constructorStart" this := new(ConstructorContract) this.SelfContractCode = SelfContractCode this.EndTime = v.EndTime this.MinPrice = InitialPrice this.MaxPrice = maxPrice this.BeginTime = v.BeginTime this.constructor(begin, end) //更改状态 contract := model.NewContractMarket() contract.ID = v.ID contract.UpdateIsGetOne() } if len(result) > 0 && IsRun { IsRun = false this := new(ConstructorContract) this.MinPrice = InitialPrice this.SelfContractCode = SelfContractCode this.defaultContract() } }() } } func getData() []model.ContractMarket { contract := model.NewContractMarket() contract.IsType = model.Contract contract.TradeName = SelfContractCode result := contract.List() return result } // 规定启动 func (this *ConstructorContract) constructor(begin, end time.Time) { applogger.Info("开始调价。。。", "结束时间:", this.EndTime, "当前价格:", this.MinPrice, "最终价格", this.MaxPrice) totalDuration := end.Sub(common.TimeToNows()) closePrice := this.MinPrice highPrice := this.MinPrice lowPrice := this.MinPrice oldPrice := this.MinPrice var openPrice decimal.Decimal //var temporalFrequency = time.Duration(PushFrequency) * time.Second timeInterval := float64(totalDuration) / float64(time.Minute) delta := this.MaxPrice.Sub(closePrice).Div(decimal.NewFromFloat(timeInterval)) applogger.Debug("-------------------------delta", delta) fluctuation := closePrice.Mul(decimal.NewFromInt32(step).Div(decimal.NewFromInt32(proportion))).Round(digits) applogger.Info("timeInterval", timeInterval, "delta", delta, "fluctuation", fluctuation) // 开始进行调价 for !this.MaxPrice.Equal(InitialPrice) || end.Unix() > common.TimeToNows().Unix() { // 生成随机价格波动 fmt.Println("当前价格", InitialPrice) prices := this.generateRandomPrices(InitialPrice, fluctuation, delta) openPrice = InitialPrice this.GetAllLowHigh(highPrice, lowPrice) nonVanishing(lowPrice) numFrequency := int(60) / PushFrequency ClearTotal() for i := 1; i <= numFrequency; i++ { //go func(prices []decimal.Decimal, closePrice, openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, oldPrice decimal.Decimal, this *ConstructorContract) { start := time.Now() // 获取当前时间 rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) key := rand.Intn(len(prices)) closePrice = prices[key] // applogger.Info("实际落盘价:", closePrice) //if (closePrice.Sub(this.MaxPrice)).Mul(delta).GreaterThan(decimal.NewFromInt32(0)){ // closePrice = this.MaxPrice //} //当只剩 20 秒 if (end.Unix() - common.TimeToNows().Unix()) < TimeRemaining { closePrice = this.MaxPrice } FaceValue = common.GetFaceValue(closePrice) //生成深度、Trade Detail 数据 CreateDepth(oldPrice, closePrice) //k 线 详情 this.pullStorage(closePrice, openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, oldPrice, prices) oldPrice = closePrice applogger.Debug("目标价格", this.MaxPrice, "当前价格", closePrice, "调价结束时间", this.EndTime, "i", i, time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")) //更新市价 lock.Lock() InitialPrice = closePrice lock.Unlock() if end.Unix() <= common.TimeToNows().Unix() { break } fmt.Println("Run time: ", time.Since(start)) s := float64(PushFrequency) - time.Since(start).Seconds() if s > float64(0) { applogger.Debug("停留 秒", s) time.Sleep(time.Duration(s) * time.Second) } } } } func (this *ConstructorContract) defaultContract() { closePrice := this.MinPrice highPrice := this.MinPrice lowPrice := this.MinPrice oldPrice := this.MinPrice var openPrice decimal.Decimal //var temporalFrequency = time.Duration(PushFrequency) * time.Second for { select { case _, ok := <-contractChan: // 从管道接收值 if ok { applogger.Info("calculateContractPrice start,defaultContract") return } default: //fmt.Println(time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")) rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) openPrice = InitialPrice Loop: prices := calculateContractPrice(InitialPrice) fmt.Println("开盘价", InitialPrice) //更新落盘价、开盘价、最高价和最低价 key := rand.Intn(numPrices) highPrices := this.getMaxPrices(openPrice, prices) lowPrices := this.getMinPrices(openPrice, prices) //被2整除 涨 if key%2 == 0 { highPrice = this.getMaxPrice(openPrice, highPrices) lowPrice = openPrice prices = highPrices } else { highPrice = openPrice lowPrice = this.getMinPrice(openPrice, lowPrices) prices = lowPrices } if len(prices) <= 0 { goto Loop } this.GetAllLowHigh(highPrice, lowPrice) nonVanishing(lowPrice) numFrequency := int(60) / PushFrequency ClearTotal() for i := 1; i <= numFrequency; i++ { // start := time.Now() // 获取当前时间 // fmt.Println("Run time: ", time.Since(start)) go func(prices []decimal.Decimal, closePrice, openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, oldPrice decimal.Decimal, this *ConstructorContract) { //更新市价 //fmt.Println(closePrice) rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) key := rand.Intn(len(prices)) closePrice = prices[key] lock.Lock() InitialPrice = closePrice lock.Unlock() FaceValue = common.GetFaceValue(closePrice) //生成深度、Trade Detail 数据 CreateDepth(oldPrice, closePrice) //fmt.Println("Run time: ", time.Since(start)) this.pullStorage(closePrice, openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, oldPrice, prices) //fmt.Println("123123123 ", closePrice,openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, oldPrice) oldPrice = closePrice }(prices, closePrice, openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, oldPrice, this) time.Sleep(time.Duration(int64(PushFrequency)) * time.Second) } } } } func generateRandomStep(min, max decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal { rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) return min.Add(decimal.NewFromFloat(rand.Float64()).Mul(max.Sub(min))) } // 计算虚拟合约价格 func calculateContractPrice(basePrice decimal.Decimal) []decimal.Decimal { prices := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) max := basePrice.Mul(decimal.NewFromFloat(defaultStep)).Round(digits) min := max.Neg() for i := 0; i < numPrices; i++ { price := basePrice.Add(generateRandomStep(max, min)).Round(digits) prices = append(prices, price) } return prices } func getOpen(timestamp int64, period string) decimal.Decimal { tick := GetNewPriceAll(SelfContractCode, period) open := InitialPrice if len(tick) > 0 { switch tick[0].Code { case timestamp: open, _ = decimal.NewFromString(tick[0].Open) default: open, _ = decimal.NewFromString(tick[0].Close) } } return open } func nonVanishing(low decimal.Decimal) { for k, v := range KLineMap { if v.Low.IsZero() { v.Low = low } KLineMap[k] = v } } func (this *ConstructorContract) GetAllLowHigh(high, low decimal.Decimal) { //初始化 if len(KLineMap) == 0 { KLineMap["1min"] = KlineLowHigh{ ID: common.GenerateSingaporeMinuteTimestamp(), Low: low, High: high, Vol: decimal.NewFromInt(0), Amount: decimal.NewFromInt(0), Count: decimal.NewFromInt(0), TradeTurnover: decimal.NewFromInt(0), Open: InitialPrice, } to := common.GenerateSingaporeFiveMinTimestamp() from := to - int64(5*60) low, high, vol, amount, count, tradeTurnover := GetTimeNewPrice(this.SelfContractCode, from, to, "1min") KLineMap["5min"] = KlineLowHigh{ ID: to, Low: low, High: high, Vol: vol, Amount: amount, Count: count, TradeTurnover: tradeTurnover, Open: getOpen(to, "5min"), } OldFiveMin = to to = common.GenerateSingaporeFifteenMinTimestamp() from = to - int64(15*60) low, high, vol, amount, count, tradeTurnover = GetTimeNewPrice(this.SelfContractCode, from, to, "5min") KLineMap["15min"] = KlineLowHigh{ ID: to, Low: low, High: high, Vol: vol, Amount: amount, Count: count, TradeTurnover: tradeTurnover, Open: getOpen(to, "15min"), } OldFifteenMin = to to = common.GenerateSingaporeThirtyMinTimestamp() from = to - int64(30*60) low, high, vol, amount, count, tradeTurnover = GetTimeNewPrice(this.SelfContractCode, from, to, "15min") KLineMap["30min"] = KlineLowHigh{ ID: to, Low: low, High: high, Vol: vol, Amount: amount, Count: count, TradeTurnover: tradeTurnover, Open: getOpen(to, "30min"), } OldThirtyMin = to from = common.GenerateSingaporeHourTimestamp() to = from + int64(60*59) low, high, vol, amount, count, tradeTurnover = GetTimeNewPrice(this.SelfContractCode, from, to, "30min") KLineMap["60min"] = KlineLowHigh{ ID: from, Low: low, High: high, Vol: vol, Amount: amount, Count: count, TradeTurnover: tradeTurnover, Open: getOpen(from, "60min"), } OldOneHour = from to = common.GenerateSingaporeFourHourTimestamp() from = to - (4 * 60 * 60) low, high, vol, amount, count, tradeTurnover = GetTimeNewPrice(this.SelfContractCode, from, to, "60min") KLineMap["4hour"] = KlineLowHigh{ ID: from, Low: low, High: high, Vol: vol, Amount: amount, Count: count, TradeTurnover: tradeTurnover, Open: getOpen(from, "4hour"), } OldFourHour = from from = common.GenerateSingaporeDayTimestamp("") to = from + int64(60*60*24-1) low, high, vol, amount, count, tradeTurnover = GetTimeNewPrice(this.SelfContractCode, from, to, "4hour") KLineMap["1day"] = KlineLowHigh{ ID: from, Low: low, High: high, Vol: vol, Amount: amount, Count: count, TradeTurnover: tradeTurnover, Open: getOpen(from, "1day"), } OldDay = from from = common.GenerateSingaporeMonTimestamp() to = common.TimeToNow() low, high, vol, amount, count, tradeTurnover = GetTimeNewPrice(this.SelfContractCode, from, to, "1week") KLineMap["1mon"] = KlineLowHigh{ ID: from, Low: low, High: high, Vol: vol, Amount: amount, Count: count, TradeTurnover: tradeTurnover, Open: getOpen(from, "1mon"), } OldMon = from from = common.GetWeekTimestamp() to = common.TimeToNow() low, high, vol, amount, count, tradeTurnover = GetTimeNewPrice(this.SelfContractCode, from, to, "1day") KLineMap["1week"] = KlineLowHigh{ ID: from, Low: low, High: high, Vol: vol, Amount: amount, Count: count, TradeTurnover: tradeTurnover, Open: getOpen(from, "1week"), } OldWeek = from } for k, v := range KLineMap { switch k { case "1min": v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeMinuteTimestamp() v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.TradeTurnover = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.High = high v.Low = low v.Open = InitialPrice case "5min": v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeFiveMinTimestamp() if v.ID > OldFiveMin { //新时间节点更新 v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.TradeTurnover = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Low = low v.High = high v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) OldFiveMin = v.ID } if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { v.Low = low } if v.High.LessThan(high) { v.High = high } case "15min": v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeFifteenMinTimestamp() if v.ID > OldFifteenMin { v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.TradeTurnover = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Low = low v.High = high v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) OldFifteenMin = v.ID } if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { v.Low = low } if v.High.LessThan(high) { v.High = high } case "30min": v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeThirtyMinTimestamp() if v.ID > OldThirtyMin { v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.TradeTurnover = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Low = low v.High = high v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) OldThirtyMin = v.ID } if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { v.Low = low } if v.High.LessThan(high) { v.High = high } case "60min": v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeHourTimestamp() if v.ID > OldOneHour { v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.TradeTurnover = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Low = low v.High = high v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) OldOneHour = v.ID } if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { v.Low = low } if v.High.LessThan(high) { v.High = high } case "4hour": v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeFourHourTimestamp() - (4 * 60 * 60) if v.ID > OldFourHour { v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.TradeTurnover = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Low = low v.High = high v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) OldFourHour = v.ID } if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { v.Low = low } if v.High.LessThan(high) { v.High = high } case "1day": v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeDayTimestamp("") if v.ID > OldDay { v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.TradeTurnover = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Low = low v.High = high v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) OldDay = v.ID } if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { v.Low = low } if v.High.LessThan(high) { v.High = high } case "1week": v.ID = common.GetWeekTimestamp() if v.ID > OldWeek { v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.TradeTurnover = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Low = low v.High = high v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) OldWeek = v.ID } if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { v.Low = low } if v.High.LessThan(high) { v.High = high } case "1mon": v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeMonTimestamp() if v.ID > OldMon { v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.TradeTurnover = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) v.Low = low v.High = high v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) OldMon = v.ID } if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { v.Low = low } if v.High.LessThan(high) { v.High = high } } KLineMap[k] = v } } func (this *ConstructorContract) pullStorage(close, open, high, low, oldPrice decimal.Decimal, prices []decimal.Decimal) { for _, v := range dictionary.ContractPriceTime { resp := market.SubscribeCtKlineResponse{ Channel: fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.kline.%s", this.SelfContractCode, v), Timestamp: KLineMap[v].ID, Tick: &market.CtKlineTick{ Open: KLineMap[v].Open, High: KLineMap[v].High, Low: KLineMap[v].Low, Close: close, Id: KLineMap[v].ID, Vol: TotalVol.Add(KLineMap[v].Vol), Count: TotalCount.Add(KLineMap[v].Count), Amount: TotalAmount.Add(KLineMap[v].Amount), Rrade_Turnover: TotalTradeTurnover.Add(KLineMap[v].TradeTurnover), Mrid: int64(rand.Intn(99999999999999) + 99999), }, } if v == "1day" { go OneDayDetailMerged(resp) } jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ ServersId: resp.Channel, Content: resp, Symbol: resp.Channel}) //applogger.Info("SubscribeCtKline %s:", string(jsonMessage), v) red.RedisClient.Publish(resp.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) go business.UpdateSubscribeCtKline(resp) } //合约详情 detail := market.SubscribeCtDetailResponse{ Channel: fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.detail", this.SelfContractCode), Timestamp: time.Now().Unix(), Tick: &market.CtDetailTick{ Open: open, High: high, Low: low, Close: close, Id: time.Now().Unix(), Vol: TotalVol, Count: TotalCount.IntPart(), Amount: TotalAmount, TradeTurnover: TotalTradeTurnover, }, } jsonMessages, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ ServersId: detail.Channel, Content: detail, Symbol: detail.Channel}) //applogger.Info("detail :", string(jsonMessages)) red.RedisClient.Publish(detail.Channel, string(jsonMessages)) } // 生成随机价格波动 func (this *ConstructorContract) generateRandomPrices(currentPrice, fluctuation, delta decimal.Decimal) []decimal.Decimal { prices := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) for i := 0; i < numPrices; i++ { price := currentPrice.Add(delta.Add(fluctuation.Mul(decimal.NewFromFloat(2*rand.Float64() - 1)))).Round(digits) prices = append(prices, price) } return prices } // 获取最高价 func (this *ConstructorContract) getMaxPrices(highPrice decimal.Decimal, prices []decimal.Decimal) []decimal.Decimal { res := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) for _, price := range prices { if price.GreaterThan(highPrice) { res = append(res, price) } } return res } func (this *ConstructorContract) getMaxPrice(highPrice decimal.Decimal, prices []decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal { for _, price := range prices { if price.GreaterThan(highPrice) { highPrice = price } } return highPrice } // 获取最低价 func (this *ConstructorContract) getMinPrices(lowPrice decimal.Decimal, prices []decimal.Decimal) []decimal.Decimal { res := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) for _, price := range prices { if price.LessThan(lowPrice) { res = append(res, price) } } return res } func (this *ConstructorContract) getMinPrice(lowPrice decimal.Decimal, prices []decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal { for _, price := range prices { if price.LessThan(lowPrice) { lowPrice = price } } return lowPrice }