171 changed files with 29316 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
# ---> Go |
# If you prefer the allow list template instead of the deny list, see community template: |
# |
# |
# Binaries for programs and plugins |
*.exe |
*.exe~ |
*.dll |
*.so |
*.dylib |
.idea/ |
# Test binary, built with `go test -c` |
*.test |
cmd/config.yaml |
# Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE |
*.out |
# Dependency directories (remove the comment below to include it) |
vendor/ |
cmd/config.yaml |
# Go workspace file |
||| |
*.log |
config/config.yaml |
go.* |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
GOHOSTOS:=$(shell go env GOHOSTOS) |
GOPATH:=$(shell go env GOPATH) |
VERSION=$(shell git describe --tags --always) |
.PHONY: win_build |
# win_build services
win_build: |
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "-X main.Version=$(VERSION)" -o ./bin/wssPool ./cmd/main.go |
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ |
### wss-pool |
## 项目说明 |
根据撮合系统需求,实现一个广播分发的webSocket数据服务; |
* 对接第三方数据服务[火币,币安,OKX,股票...]. |
* 基于go-websocket提供高性能的、稳定的、时效性的数据服务. |
* 实现用户订阅功能 |
* 实现数据分发功能 |
## Benchmarks |
#现货数据ws调用规则 |
*ws://端口/quotes-wss |
- (1)客户端ping: |
{ |
"type":"ping", |
"symbol":"ping" |
} |
- (2)订阅: |
{ |
"type":"subscribe", |
"symbol":"market.btcusdt.kline.1min" |
} |
- (3)取消订阅: |
{ |
"type":"unSubscribe", |
"symbol":"market.btcusdt.kline.1min" |
} |
| Benchmark name | 服务端端口| |
| ------------------------------ | ---------:| |
| wssPool服务 | :8861| |
| 数采集服务 | :8852| |
*服务启动说明 |
- wssPool服务启动:./服务名称 --check=server --hostS --addrS 服务端端口号 |
- 数采集服务端启动:./服务名称 --check=gather --hostG --addrG 服务端端口号 |
#现货-合约-股票静态数据服务 |
| Static Services name | 服务名称 | |
| ------------------------------ | --------------------:| |
| 现货-K线数据(蜡烛图) | spots/kline| |
| 现货-聚合行情(Ticker) | spots/merged| |
| 现货-所有交易对的最新 | spots/tickers| |
| 现货-最近市场成交记录 | spots/trade| |
| 现货-市场深度数据 | spots/depth| |
| 现货-最近24小时行情数据 | spots/detail| |
| 现货-获得近期交易记录 | spots/history/trade| |
| 现货列表数据服务 | spots/merged/list| |
| 合约-获取行情深度数据 | contract/depth| |
| 合约-获取市场最优挂单 | contract/bbo| |
| 合约-K线数据获取 | contract/history/kline| |
| 合约-行情数据信息 | contract/merged | |
| 合约-获取标记价格的K线数据 | contract/history/price_kline | |
| 合约-批量获取聚合行情(V2) | contract/batch_merged | |
| 合约-获取市场最近成交记录 | contract/trade| |
| 合约-批量获取最近的交易记录 | contract/history/trade| |
| 合约-平台历史持仓量查询 | contract/swap_his_open_interest| |
| 合约-获取合约的溢价指数K线 | contract/history/linear_swap_premium_index_kline| |
| 合约-获取实时预测资金费率的K线数据 | contract/history/linear_swap_estimated_rate_kline| |
| 合约-获取基差数据 | contract/history/linear_swap_basis | |
*服务启动说明 |
- 服务端启动:./staticS --check=gin --hostC --addrC :8851 |
*端口配置 |
- 静态服务端口:8851 |
#现货-合约-股票静态服务调用规则 |
-服务名称 |
# 股票服务 |
### supervisor 管理服务 |
``` |
1、http静态服务 |
WEB主服务端启动:服务名称 --check gin --hostS --addrS :88 |
2、(美股|外汇[实时|买一卖一])行情服务 |
外汇分发服务:服务名称 --check collectForex --hostS --addrS :7778 --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml |
外汇采集服务:服务名称 --check gatherForex --hostS --addrS :8965 --model forex --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml |
美股分发服务:服务名称 --check collectUs --hostS --addrS :7777 --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml |
美股采集服务:服务名称 --check gatherUs --hostS --addrS :8964 --model usShare --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml |
3、股票采集和更新服务 |
印度期权股票服务端启动:服务名称 --check indiaOption --hostS --addrS :95 |
指数股票服务端启动:服务名称 --check stockIndex --hostS --addrS :92 |
日本股票服务端启动:服务名称 --check japanStock --hostS --addrS :86 |
印尼股票服务端启动:服务名称 --check indonesiaStock --hostS --addrS :89 |
泰国股票服务端启动:服务名称 --check thailandStock --hostS --addrS :90 |
印度股票服务端启动:服务名称 --check indiaStock --hostS --addrS :91 |
马来股票服务端启动:服务名称 --check malaysiaStock --hostS --addrS :93 |
新加坡股票服务端启动:服务名称 --check singaporeStock --hostS --addrS :94 |
港股票服务端启动:服务名称 --check hongkongStock --hostS --addrS :96 |
英股票服务端启动:服务名称 --check ukStock --hostS --addrS :97 |
德股票服务端启动:服务名称 --check germanyStock --hostS --addrS :98 |
巴西股票服务端启动:服务名称 --check brazilStock --hostS --addrS :103 |
美股票服务端启动:服务名称 --check usStock --hostS --addrS :102 |
``` |
### cron 管理服务(行情报警、指数、泰股、马股、港股、印度股、印尼股、新加坡股、英股、德股、法股、巴西、日本) |
``` |
*/20 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/checkStock --check tickDB --model checkStock --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml>>/var/log/checkStock.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-6 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/stockIndex --check tickDB --model stockIndex --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml>>/var/log/stockIndex.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/ukStock --check tickDB --model southAsiaStock --contract UK --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml>>/var/log/ukStock.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/indiaStock --check tickDB --model southAsiaStock --contract India --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml>>/var/log/indiaStock.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/thailandStock --check tickDB --model southAsiaStock --contract Thailand --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml>>/var/log/thailandStock.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/malaysiaStock --check tickDB --model southAsiaStock --contract Malaysia --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml>>/var/log/malaysiaStock.log 2>&1 |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/hongkongStock --check tickDB --model southAsiaStock --contract HongKong --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml>>/var/log/hongkongStock.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/indonesiaStock --check tickDB --model southAsiaStock --contract Indonesia --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml>>/var/log/indonesiaStock.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/singaporeStock --check tickDB --model southAsiaStock --contract Singapore --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml>>/var/log/singaporeStock.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/germanyStock --check tickDB --model southAsiaStock --contract Germany --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml>>/var/log/germanyStock.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/franceStock --check tickDB --model southAsiaStock --contract France --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml>>/var/log/franceStock.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/japanStock --check tickDB --model southAsiaStock --contract Japan --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml>>/var/log/japanStock.log 2>&1 & |
``` |
### 更新美股上一次行情价格 |
``` |
8 9 * * * root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/preClose --check tickDB --model previousClose --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml>>/var/log/preClose.log 2>&1 & |
``` |
### K线数据优化 |
``` |
12 22 * * 2-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/deleteSpot --check tickDB --model deleteSpot --contract false --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml>>/var/log/deleteSpot.log 2>&1 & |
``` |
### 插针数据推送 |
``` |
*/1 * * * * root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/stockCloseData --check tickDB --model stockCloseData --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml>>/var/log/stockCloseData.log 2>&1 & |
``` |
@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ |
公司无线密码: |
账号1:H3C_2202-5G-1 |
密码:A13b142202) |
账号2:ssid |
密码:Meetingyou0) |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1、美股数据接入账号: |
||| |
账号 |
密码: Meetingyou0 |
key: CDGMfPJmyiEX5dbjagLSEipf5Y4XbXVb |
2、亚马逊oss接入: |
myaccesspoint |
桶名称:log-aws-bucket-2023 |
S3: s3://arn:aws:s3:ap-southeast-1:297182325232:accesspoint/myaccesspoint |
ARN: arn:aws:s3:ap-southeast-1:297182325232:accesspoint/myaccesspoint |
别名:myaccesspoint-9kcrj5icrgdejw1fydhda6n6rfcjkaps1a-s3alias |
3、区域:ap-southeast-1 |
aws_access_key_id:AKIAUKMLSNHYAP7EOBDE |
aws_secret_access_key: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 |
||| |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1、域名解析: |
||| |
Meetingyou0) |
2、GCP-谷歌云-测试环境: |
项目名称:SC Project 47850 |
||| |
邮箱密码:7ae8b5w0u0z |
访问地址: |
3、GCP-谷歌云-正式环境: |
项目名称:SC Project 51416 |
登录邮箱 |
邮箱密码:Meetingyou0 |
辅助邮箱 |
访问地址: |
4、跳板机 |
||| |
用户名:Administrator |
密码:J.RUhgy8hHf?QsaK50cckzv3ynl7X.W= |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1、测试服务接口是否正常 |
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "status": "0","pageSize": "10","pageCount": "1"}' |
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "status": "0","pageSize": "10","pageCount": "1"}' |
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "status": "0","pageSize": "10","pageCount": "1"}' |
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "status": "0","pageSize": "10","pageCount": "1"}' |
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "status": "0","pageSize": "10","pageCount": "1"}' |
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ }' |
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "code": "BSE:IXIGO","id": "80","stock": "7"}' |
2、初始化股票数据 |
./shareUs -conf /home/ubuntu/service/config/shareUs.yaml -check shareUs -network onLine |
./digitalInit -conf /home/ubuntu/service/config/digitalInit.yaml -check digitalInit -network onLine |
./optionInr -conf /home/ubuntu/service/config/optionInr.yaml -check optionInr -network onLine |
./shareClearCache -conf /home/ubuntu/service/config/shareInit.yaml -check shareClearCache -network onLine |
./contract -conf /home/ubuntu/service/config/contract.yaml -check contract -network onLine |
./second -conf /home/ubuntu/service/config/second.yaml -check second -network onLine |
./shareCache -conf /home/ubuntu/service/config/shareCache.yaml -check shareCache -network onLine |
./wssPool --check tickDB --hostS --addrS :1000 --model allUs --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml |
./wssPool --check tickDB --hostS --addrS :1000 --model Us --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml |
./wssPool --check tickDB --hostS --addrS :1000 --model allUs --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml |
./wssPool --check stockDataUs --hostS --addrS :1000 --project US --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml |
./wssPool --check tickDB --hostS --addrS :1000 --model updateStockUsCode --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml |
./wssPool --check stockCode --hostS --addrS :7777 --project US --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml |
./wssPool --check gatherUs --hostS --addrS :7777 |
3、mysql-生成model |
./xorm.exe reverse mysql admin:Meetingyou0@\(\)/bourse?charset=utf8 templates/goxorm |
./xorm.exe reverse mysql admin:Meetingyou0@\(\)/bourse?charset=utf8 templates/goxorm |
./xorm.exe reverse mysql root:'q7%B/$o>ck5r]{x<'@\(\)/bourse?charset=utf8 templates/goxorm |
./xorm.exe reverse mysql root:123456789@\(\)/bourse?charset=utf8 templates/goxorm |
4、本地环境-docker启动服务 |
docker run --name mysql -p 13306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=12345678 mysql:8.0.28 |
docker run --name f2ad9f23df82a3e5efabd1574b862a94c0657c73a6179efec07d5cf9ae5a307f -p 13306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456789 -d mysql:8.0.28 |
docker run --name my-redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis --requirepass "123456" |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
服务器环境部署: |
1、redis部署 |
sudo apt update |
sudo apt-get install redis-server |
2、mongod部署 |
sudo apt update |
wget -qO- | sh |
apt install docker-compose |
docker-compose up -d |
3、安装supervisor |
sudo apt update |
apt install supervisor |
4、安装nginxs |
sudo apt update |
sudo apt install nginx |
sudo systemctl start nginx |
sudo service nginx reload {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload|status|configtest|rotate|upgrade) |
5、设置最大链接数 |
vim /etc/profile |
ulimit -n 1000000 |
source /etc/profile |
6、初始化服务器 |
切换用户:sudo -i |
修改登录权限:vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config |
修改配置:PasswordAuthentication yes |
修改配置: ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes |
重启ssh服务:service ssh restart |
修改密码:passwd |
7、修改服务器时区 |
sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Shanghai |
8、查看redis链接数 |
netstat -an | grep :6379 | wc -l |
netstat -tuln | grep :80 |
9、corn 定时器 |
sudo systemctl status cron |
sudo systemctl stop cron |
sudo systemctl enable cron |
sudo service cron restart |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1、市场总资产: 冻结 + 可用 + 持仓市值 |
2、市场可用资产: 可用 |
3、市场累计盈亏(订单表-->平仓状态): |
1、买涨:订单量 * (平仓价 - 开仓价) |
2、买跌:订单量 * (开仓价 - 平仓价) |
4、市场冻结资产: 冻结 |
5、市场总手续费(统计订单表-->【持仓和平仓】状态): |
1、交易手续费:bot_stock_fur_trade ------ sum(service_cost + closing_cost) |
2、申购手续费:bot_user_fur_pre_stock_order ----- sum(get_fee) |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
目前杠杆设置注解: |
1、全市场杠杆倍数设置——》针对所有市场股票给的默认杠杆倍数(目前设置的是1,可修改),且不需要关闭,当然也不影响用户单独设置其他杠杆倍数; |
2、用户杠杆倍数设置——》如果用户通过了申请且满足了后台设置触发杠杆的条件(例如:1、是否开启杠杆,2、是否达到最小面值,3、是否满足设置杠杆的范围(最大和最小)),就会使用这个用户单独设置的杠杆倍数; |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
docker save liuqingzheng/yapi:latest > yapi_latest.tar |
docker save mongo:latest > mongo_latest.tar |
docker save gitea/gitea:latest > gitea_latest.tar |
docker save mysql:5.7 > mysql.tar |
scp -P 31544 mongo_latest.tar mysql.tar gitea_latest.tar yapi_latest.tar root@ |
docker load < mongo_latest.tar mysql.tar gitea_latest.tar yapi_latest.tar |
docker run -d --name yapi-mongo -e -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=admin mongo:latest |
docker run -d --name yapi-mongo mongo:latest |
docker run -d --name yapi-web -p 3001:3000 liuqingzheng/yapi:latest |
find / -name config.json 2>/dev/null |
docker run -d --name gitea_server_1 -p 3000:3000 -p 222:31544 gitea/gitea:latest |
docker run -d --name gitea_db_1 -p 3306:3306 -p 33060:33060 mysql/mysql:5.7 |
文档|git |
yapi: |
git: |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
cron 执行定时任务; cat /etc/crontab |
// 行情报警、指数、泰股、马股、港股、印度股、印尼股、新加坡股、英股、德股、法股、日本 |
*/20 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/checkStock --check tickDB --model checkStock --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml>>/var/log/checkStock.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-6 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/stockIndex --check tickDB --model stockIndex --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml>>/var/log/stockIndex.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/thailandStock --check tickDB --model southAsiaStock --contract Thailand --hostS --addrS :289 --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml>>/var/log/thailandStock.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/malaysiaStock --check tickDB --model southAsiaStock --contract Malaysia --hostS --addrS :299 --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml>>/var/log/malaysiaStock.log 2>&1 |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/hongkongStock --check tickDB --model southAsiaStock --contract HongKong --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml>>/var/log/hongkongStock.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/indiaStock --check tickDB --model southAsiaStock --contract India --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml>>/var/log/indiaStock.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/indonesiaStock --check tickDB --model southAsiaStock --contract Indonesia --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml>>/var/log/indonesiaStock.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/singaporeStock --check tickDB --model southAsiaStock --contract Singapore --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml>>/var/log/singaporeStock.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/ukStock --check tickDB --model southAsiaStock --contract UK --config=/home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml>>/var/log/ukStock.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/germanyStock --check tickDB --model southAsiaStock --contract Germany --config=/home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml>>/var/log/germanyStock.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/franceStock --check tickDB --model southAsiaStock --contract France --config=/home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml>>/var/log/franceStock.log 2>&1 & |
59 59 23 * * root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/forexClosePrice --check tickDB --model forexClosePrice --config=/home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml>>/var/log/forexClosePrice.log 2>&1 & |
*/5 * * * 1-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/deleteForexTrade --check tickDB --model deleteForexTrade --config=/home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config.yaml>>/var/log/forexClosePrice.log 2>&1 & |
// 更新上一次行情价格 |
8 9 * * * root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/preClose --check=tickDB --model=previousClose --config=/home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml>>/var/log/preClose.log 2>&1 & |
// 数据清理 |
12 22 * * 2-5 root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/deleteSpot --check=tickDB --model=deleteSpot --contract=false --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml>>/var/log/deleteSpot.log 2>&1 & |
// 插针数据推送 |
*/1 * * * * root /home/ubuntu/wss-server/stockCloseData --check=tickDB --model=stockCloseData --config=/home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml>>/var/log/stockCloseData.log 2>&1 & |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
[program:collectUs] |
command=/home/ubuntu/wss-server/collectUs --check collectUs --hostS --addrS :7777 --config /home/ubuntu/wss-server/config/config06.yaml |
startsecs=30 |
autostart=true |
autorestart=true |
stderr_logfile=/var/log/supervisor/collectUs_err.log |
stdout_logfile=/var/log/supervisor/collectUs_info.log |
stdout_logfile_maxbytes = 5MB |
stdout_logfile_backups = 3 |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
test(谷歌云)服务器(域名 |
web-mysql公)私有) |
trade-quotes公)私有) |
mongo-redis公)私有) |
msyql |
host:公)私有) |
user:root |
密码:Meetingyou0)) |
redis |
host:公)私有) |
密码:MRrfvtyujnb&hg56 |
端口:6379 |
mongodb数据库 |
host:公)私有) |
账号:pqRRVamndJ |
密码:35LlW3pXF76&WD!OOlnI |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
project06-新服务器(域名 |
p6-mongo (nic0) (nic0) |
p6-quotes (nic0) (nic0) |
p6-trade (nic0) (nic0) |
p6-web (nic0) (nic0) |
用户名:root |
密码:Meetingyou0)) |
mysql |
IP: (nic0) (nic0) |
port: 23306 |
USER: root |
PWD: Meetingyou0))2024$ |
redis |
IP: (nic0) (nic0) |
port :26379 |
PWD: 7d00cb62-1d1c-4c86-b50a-ebf9f00cc9fd |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
p7正式环境,美股|泰股|马股|港股|IPO交易服务更新 |
服务部署完毕(2024-06-21) |
此次更新功能包含: |
1、部署美股、泰股、马股、港股、IPO交易服务 |
2、访问地址 |
1>交易订单域名: |
2>交易订单Wss: wss:// |
3、相关API文档参见 |
1> |
2> |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
测试|正式环境,德股|法股交易服务更新 |
服务部署完毕(2024-06-24) |
此次更新功能包含: |
1、部署德股、法股交易服务 |
2、测试访问地址 |
1>交易订单域名: |
2>交易订单Wss: wss:// |
3、线上访问地址 |
1>交易订单域名: |
2>交易订单Wss: wss:// |
4、相关API文档参见 |
1> |
2> |
3> |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
测试|p6正式环境,股票交易服务更新 |
服务部署完毕(2024-06-27) |
此次更新功能包含: |
1、统一股票订单列表时间格式 |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
p2|p7正式环境,股票交易服务更新 |
服务部署完毕(2024-07-01) |
此次更新功能包含: |
1、更新通过配置股票插针进行后台交易 |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
p8正式环境,数字币交易服务更新 |
服务部署完毕(2024-07-02) |
此次更新功能包含: |
1、部署合约、现货、秒合约交易服务 |
2、线上访问地址 |
1>交易订单域名: |
2>交易订单Wss: wss:// |
3、相关API文档参见 |
1> |
2> |
3> |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
关于插针改动(p2\p6\p7): |
1、前端/后端-(订单wss订阅|浮动盈亏wss订阅|市场总金额浮动盈亏wss订阅)取值为:实时价、闭盘价(优先级:实时价 > 闭盘价) |
2、盘中插针(优先级:插针价 > 实时价) |
1>设置时:交易开仓取值为:插针价 |
2>未设置时:交易开仓取值为:实时价 |
3、盘前|盘后插针 (在设置容许下单的前提下:例如调整开盘时间等) |
1>设置时:交易开仓取值为:插针价 |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
测试环境,股票交易统计服务更新 |
服务部署完毕(2024-07-10) |
此次更新功能包含: |
1、新增股票各个市场订阅统计服务(包含:用户市场总资产、用户市场总可用余额、用户市场冻结、用户市场累计盈亏、用户市场总手续费、用户市场总浮动盈亏) |
2、相关API文档参见 |
1> |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
FB |
应用编号:489884953731337 |
应用密钥:77fcf7fe8f8b1ba26ad622b537e321c9 |
gg |
客户端ID: |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
p6正式环境,股票交易服务更新 |
服务部署完毕(2024-08-02) |
此次更新功能包含: |
1、新增股票市场IPO欠款功能 |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
正式环境,p9股票交易服务更新 |
服务部署完毕(2024-08-13) |
此次更新功能包含: |
1、部署美股、泰股、巴西股交易服务 |
2、线上访问地址 |
1>交易订单域名: |
2>交易订单Wss: wss:// |
3、相关API文档参见 |
1>订单api: |
2>订单订阅: |
3>管理员|浮动盈亏订阅: |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
正式|测试(美股\德股\法股\英股)环境,p6股票交易服务更新 |
服务部署完毕(2024-08-14) |
此次更新功能包含: |
1、修改股票交易杠杆取值逻辑 |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
目前杠杆开启的条件: |
1、申请杠杆(开启杠杆) |
2、是否满足设置杠杆的最小购买量 |
3、设置杠杆倍数是否满足区间范围(最小~最大) |
杠杆优先级: |
1、设置默认杠杆 |
2、设置单个用户杠杆 |
3、优先级:设置单个用户杠杆 > 默认值 |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
p9测试环境,数字币交易服务更新 |
服务部署完毕(2024-09-19) |
此次更新功能包含: |
1、部署合约、现货、秒合约交易服务 |
2、交易访问地址 |
1>交易订单域名: |
2>交易订单Wss: wss:// |
3、行情访问地址 |
1>行情订单域名: |
2>行情订单Wss: wss:// |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
@ -0,0 +1,357 @@ |
package api |
import ( |
"" |
"net/http" |
"wss-pool/pkg/processor" |
) |
// 处理跨域
func Core() gin.HandlerFunc { |
return func(c *gin.Context) { |
method := c.Request.Method |
c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") |
c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type,AccessToken,X-CSRF-Token,Authorization,Token") |
c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST,GET,OPTIONS") |
c.Header("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Content-Length,Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Access-Control-Allow-Headers,Content-Type") |
c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "True") |
// Release Index Options
if method == "OPTIONS" { |
c.AbortWithStatus(http.StatusNoContent) |
} |
// Process Request
c.Next() |
} |
} |
// 数据API服务路由
func RouterApiServer(project string) *gin.Engine { |
routers := gin.Default() |
routers.Use(Core()) |
router := routers.Group("/") |
// excel 导出
router.GET("/spots/excel", processor.SymbolToExcel) |
router.GET("/spots/excel/forex", processor.ExcelToForexCode) |
router.GET("/spots/excel/japan", processor.ExcelToSymbolByJapanJson) |
router.GET("/spots/excel/japanJson", processor.ExcelToSymbolByJapan) |
// 现货数据API服务
router.GET("/main/list", processor.MainSpotList) |
router.GET("/main/free-list", processor.MainFreeSpotList) |
router.GET("/spots/kline", processor.SpotsKline) |
router.GET("/spots/merged", processor.SpotsMerged) |
router.GET("/spots/tickers", processor.SpotsTickers) |
router.GET("/spots/trade", processor.SpotsTrade) |
router.GET("/spots/intro", processor.IntroList) |
router.GET("/spots/img/visit", processor.Visit) |
router.GET("/spots/detail", processor.SpotsDetail) |
router.GET("/spots/history/trade", processor.SpotsHistoryTrade) |
router.GET("/spots/depth", processor.SpotsDepth) |
router.GET("/spots/merged/list", processor.SpotsMergedList) |
router.GET("/spots/index/list", processor.ExchangeSymbolIndexList) |
router.GET("/spots/index/info", processor.StockIndexInfo) |
router.GET("/spots/index/kline/list", processor.StockIndexKLineList) |
// 合约数据API服务
router.GET("/contract/bbo", processor.ContractBbo) |
router.GET("/contract/history/kline", processor.ContractHistoryKline) |
router.GET("/contract/history/price_kline", processor.ContractHistoryPriceKline) |
router.GET("/contract/batch_merged", processor.ContractBatchMerged) |
router.GET("/contract/trade", processor.ContractTrade) |
router.GET("/contract/swap_his_open_interest", processor.ContractsWapHisOpenInterest) |
router.GET("/contract/history/linear_swap_premium_index_kline", processor.ContractHistoryLinearSwapPremiumIndexKline) |
router.GET("/contract/history/linear_swap_estimated_rate_kline", processor.ContractHistoryLinearSwapEstimatedRateKline) |
router.GET("/contract/history/linear_swap_basis", processor.ContractHistoryLinearSwapBasis) |
router.GET("/contract/merged/list", processor.ContractMergedList) |
router.GET("/contract/merged", processor.ContractMerged) |
router.GET("/contract/depth", processor.ContractDepth) |
router.GET("/contract/history/trade", processor.ContractHistoryTrade) |
router.POST("/encryption/spots/news/add", processor.StockNewAdd) |
// 股票基本信息查询
router.GET("share/fundamentals", processor.Fundamentals) |
router.GET("share/fundamentals_new", processor.FundamentalsNew) |
router.GET("share/eod", processor.Eod) |
router.GET("share/get-list-optional-stock", processor.FindShareBySymbol) |
router.GET("share/intradiscal", processor.IntraDisCal) |
router.GET("share/exchange-symbol-list", processor.ExchangeSymbolList) |
router.GET("share/exchange-free-symbol-list", processor.ExchangeFreeSymbolList) |
router.GET("share/intraday", processor.Intraday) |
router.GET("/spots/news/list", processor.StockNewsList) |
router.GET("/spots/kline/list", processor.StockKLineList) |
router.GET("/spots/southAsia/info", processor.StockSouthAsiaInfo) |
router.GET("/spots/us/info", processor.StockUsInfo) |
router.GET("/spots/kline/us/list", processor.StockKLineUsList) |
router.GET("/spots/ticker_to_excel", processor.TickerToExcel) |
router.POST("/spots/update/img", processor.UpdateImg) |
router.POST("/spots/update/keep", processor.UpdateKeepDecimal) |
router.POST("/spots/list/new/add", processor.StockListAddToPHP) |
router.POST("/spots/php/update", processor.StockListUpdateToPHP) |
router.POST("/spots/index/list/new/add", processor.StockIndexListUpdateToPHP) |
// 美股股票静态数据查询
router.GET("/market/grouped", processor.Grouped) |
router.GET("/market/trades", processor.Trades) |
router.GET("/market/last-trade", processor.LastTrade) |
router.GET("/market/quotes", processor.Quotes) |
router.GET("/market/last-quote", processor.LastQuote) |
router.GET("/market/snapshot-all-tickers", processor.SnapshotAllTickers) |
router.GET("/market/snapshot-gainers-losers", processor.SnapshotGainersLosers) |
router.GET("/market/snapshot-one-ticker", processor.SnapshotOneTicker) |
router.GET("/market/reference-ticker", processor.ReferenceTicker) |
router.GET("/market/contract-price-kline", processor.ContractPriceKLineList) |
router.GET("/market/history-us", processor.HistoryUsList) |
router.GET("/market/inquiry/price", processor.InquiryPrice) |
router.GET("/market/spot-kline", processor.SpotKLineList) |
router.GET("/market/contract-kline", processor.ContractKLineList) |
router.GET("/market/reference-ticker-details", processor.ReferenceTickerDetails) |
router.GET("/market/aggregates", processor.Aggregates) |
router.GET("/market/open-close", processor.OpenClose) |
router.GET("/market/previous-close", processor.PreviousClose) |
router.GET("/market/reference-ticker-news", processor.ReferenceTickerNews) |
router.POST("/market/msg", processor.MsgSend) |
router.POST("/market/mobilelogin", processor.MobileLogin) |
router.POST("/market/phonenumberbypassword", processor.PhoneNumberByPassWord) |
router.POST("/market/registration", processor.Registration) |
router.POST("/market/forgetpasswore", processor.ForgetPassWore) |
router.POST("/market/setphonenumber", processor.SetPhoneNumber) |
// 期权数据API服务
router.GET("/option/list", processor.ExchangeOptionList) |
router.GET("/option/info", processor.OptionInfo) |
router.GET("/option/php/list", processor.OptionPHPList) |
router.GET("/option/excel", processor.OptionToExcel) |
// 外汇数据API服务
router.GET("/forex/kline", processor.ForexAggregates) |
router.GET("/forex/tickers/list", processor.ForexAllTickers) |
router.GET("/forex/ticker", processor.ForexTicker) |
router.GET("/forex/previous_close", processor.ForexPreviousClose) |
router.GET("/forex/grouped_daily", processor.ForexGroupedDaily) |
router.GET("/forex/ticker_search_list", processor.ForexSymbolList) |
router.GET("/forex/ticker_free_list", processor.ForexFreeSymbolList) |
router.GET("/forex/quotes_bbo", processor.ForexQuotesBBO) |
router.GET("/forex/last_quote_bbo", processor.ForexLastQuote) |
router.GET("/forex/real_time_currency", processor.ForexRealTimeCurrency) |
// 新版外汇API服务
router.GET("/forex/ticker_new_search_list", processor.ForexSymbolListNew) |
router.GET("/forex/ticker_new_free_list", processor.ForexFreeSymbolListNew) |
router.GET("/forex/kline_history", processor.ForexAggregatesNewGet) |
router.GET("/forex/trade_tick_list", processor.ForexTradeList) |
router.POST("/forex/depth_tick", processor.ForexAggregatesDepthTick) |
router.POST("/forex/trade_tick", processor.ForexAggregatesTradeTick) |
router.POST("/forex/kline_new", processor.ForexAggregatesNewPost) |
router.POST("/forex/spots/news/add", processor.StockNewAdd) |
return routers |
} |
// 指数股票API服务
func RouterStockIndexApiServer() *gin.Engine { |
router := gin.Default() |
router.Use(Core()) |
group := router.Group("/stockIndex") |
{ |
group.POST("/new/add", processor.StockIndexInfoAdd) |
group.POST("/list/add", processor.StockIndexListAdd) |
group.POST("/info/add", processor.StockIndexInfoMon) |
group.POST("/list/update", processor.StockIndexListUpdate) |
group.GET("/list/get", processor.StockIndexListGet) |
group.POST("/spots/news/add", processor.StockNewAdd) |
} |
return router |
} |
// 印度期权股票API服务
func RouterIndiaOptionApiServer() *gin.Engine { |
router := gin.Default() |
router.Use(Core()) |
group := router.Group("/indiaOption") |
{ |
group.POST("/info/add", processor.OptionInfoAdd) |
group.POST("/list/add", processor.OptionListAdd) |
} |
return router |
} |
// 美股股票API服务
func RouterUSApiServer() *gin.Engine { |
router := gin.Default() |
router.Use(Core()) |
group := router.Group("/us") |
{ |
group.POST("/message/add", processor.UsMessage) |
} |
return router |
} |
// 印尼股票API服务
func RouterIndonesiaApiServer() *gin.Engine { |
router := gin.Default() |
router.Use(Core()) |
group := router.Group("/indonesia") |
{ |
group.POST("/spots/new/add", processor.StockInfoAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/list/add", processor.StockListAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/info/add", processor.StockInfoMon) |
group.POST("/spots/list/update", processor.StockListUpdate) |
group.GET("/spots/list/get", processor.StockListGet) |
group.POST("/spots/news/add", processor.StockNewAdd) |
} |
return router |
} |
// 泰国股票API服务
func RouterThailandApiServer() *gin.Engine { |
router := gin.Default() |
router.Use(Core()) |
group := router.Group("/thailand") |
{ |
group.POST("/spots/new/add", processor.StockInfoAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/list/add", processor.StockListAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/info/add", processor.StockInfoMon) |
group.POST("/spots/list/update", processor.StockListUpdate) |
group.GET("/spots/list/get", processor.StockListGet) |
group.POST("/spots/news/add", processor.StockNewAdd) |
} |
return router |
} |
// 印度股票API服务
func RouterIndiaApiServer() *gin.Engine { |
router := gin.Default() |
router.Use(Core()) |
group := router.Group("/india") |
{ |
group.POST("/spots/new/add", processor.StockInfoAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/list/add", processor.StockListAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/info/add", processor.StockInfoMon) |
group.POST("/spots/list/update", processor.StockListUpdate) |
group.GET("/spots/list/get", processor.StockListGet) |
group.POST("/spots/news/add", processor.StockNewAdd) |
} |
return router |
} |
// 马来西亚股票API服务
func RouterMalaysiaApiServer() *gin.Engine { |
router := gin.Default() |
router.Use(Core()) |
group := router.Group("/malaysia") |
{ |
group.POST("/spots/new/add", processor.StockInfoAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/list/add", processor.StockListAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/info/add", processor.StockInfoMon) |
group.POST("/spots/list/update", processor.StockListUpdate) |
group.GET("/spots/list/get", processor.StockListGet) |
group.POST("/spots/news/add", processor.StockNewAdd) |
} |
return router |
} |
// 新加坡股票API服务
func RouterSingaporeApiServer() *gin.Engine { |
router := gin.Default() |
router.Use(Core()) |
group := router.Group("/singapore") |
{ |
group.POST("/spots/new/add", processor.StockInfoAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/list/add", processor.StockListAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/info/add", processor.StockInfoMon) |
group.POST("/spots/list/update", processor.StockListUpdate) |
group.GET("/spots/list/get", processor.StockListGet) |
group.POST("/spots/news/add", processor.StockNewAdd) |
} |
return router |
} |
// 港股股票API服务
func RouterHongKongApiServer() *gin.Engine { |
router := gin.Default() |
router.Use(Core()) |
group := router.Group("/hongkong") |
{ |
group.POST("/spots/new/add", processor.StockInfoAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/list/add", processor.StockListAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/info/add", processor.StockInfoMon) |
group.POST("/spots/list/update", processor.StockListUpdate) |
group.GET("/spots/list/get", processor.StockListGet) |
group.POST("/spots/news/add", processor.StockNewAdd) |
} |
return router |
} |
// 英国股票API服务
func RouterUKApiServer() *gin.Engine { |
router := gin.Default() |
router.Use(Core()) |
group := router.Group("/uk") |
{ |
group.POST("/spots/new/add", processor.StockInfoAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/list/add", processor.StockListAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/info/add", processor.StockInfoMon) |
group.POST("/spots/list/update", processor.StockListUpdate) |
group.GET("/spots/list/get", processor.StockListGet) |
group.POST("/spots/news/add", processor.StockNewAdd) |
} |
return router |
} |
// 法国股票API服务
func RouterFranceApiServer() *gin.Engine { |
router := gin.Default() |
router.Use(Core()) |
group := router.Group("/france") |
{ |
group.POST("/spots/new/add", processor.StockInfoAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/list/add", processor.StockListAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/info/add", processor.StockInfoMon) |
group.POST("/spots/list/update", processor.StockListUpdate) |
group.GET("/spots/list/get", processor.StockListGet) |
group.POST("/spots/news/add", processor.StockNewAdd) |
} |
return router |
} |
// 德国股票API服务
func RouterGermanyApiServer() *gin.Engine { |
router := gin.Default() |
router.Use(Core()) |
group := router.Group("/germany") |
{ |
group.POST("/spots/new/add", processor.StockInfoAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/list/add", processor.StockListAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/info/add", processor.StockInfoMon) |
group.POST("/spots/list/update", processor.StockListUpdate) |
group.GET("/spots/list/get", processor.StockListGet) |
group.POST("/spots/news/add", processor.StockNewAdd) |
} |
return router |
} |
// 巴西股票API服务
func RouterBrazilApiServer() *gin.Engine { |
router := gin.Default() |
router.Use(Core()) |
group := router.Group("/brazil") |
{ |
group.POST("/spots/new/add", processor.StockInfoAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/list/add", processor.StockListAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/info/add", processor.StockInfoMon) |
group.POST("/spots/list/update", processor.StockListUpdate) |
group.GET("/spots/list/get", processor.StockListGet) |
group.POST("/spots/news/add", processor.StockNewAdd) |
} |
return router |
} |
// 日本股票API服务
func RouterJapanApiServer() *gin.Engine { |
router := gin.Default() |
router.Use(Core()) |
group := router.Group("/japan") |
{ |
group.POST("/spots/new/add", processor.StockInfoAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/list/add", processor.StockListAdd) |
group.POST("/spots/info/add", processor.StockInfoMon) |
group.POST("/spots/list/update", processor.StockListUpdate) |
group.GET("/spots/list/get", processor.StockListGet) |
group.POST("/spots/news/add", processor.StockNewAdd) |
} |
return router |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,521 @@ |
package closingMarket |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"log" |
"math" |
"net/http" |
"strconv" |
"strings" |
"sync" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/cmd/common" |
"wss-pool/dictionary" |
"wss-pool/internal/data/business" |
"wss-pool/internal/model" |
red "wss-pool/internal/redis" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
models "wss-pool/pkg/model" |
) |
// Define a websocket connection object that contains information for each connection
type Client struct { |
Id string // Client ID
conn *websocket.Conn // Define websocket link objects
msg chan []byte // Define messages received and distributed
symbol sync.Map // Concurrent Security - Manage User Subscription Types
mux sync.Mutex |
} |
type StockMessage struct { |
S string `json:"s,omitempty"` // 股票代码
Country string `json:"country"` //国家
StockCode string `json:"stock_code" bson:"stock_code"` // 股票代码
Symbol string `json:"symbol"` |
Stock string `json:"stock"` // 期权代码
IsStockIndex bool `json:"is_stock_index"` |
IsOptionList bool `json:"is_option_list"` |
IsOptionInfo bool `json:"is_option_info"` |
} |
var ( |
wsStockConMap = map[string][]*websocket.Conn{} |
mutexStock = sync.RWMutex{} |
msgStockChan = make(chan []byte) |
mutexConn = sync.RWMutex{} |
TotalNum int |
mutexTotal = sync.RWMutex{} |
countryMap = make(map[string][]string) |
mutexCountry = sync.RWMutex{} |
clearClientChan = make(chan *websocket.Conn) |
pinStockMap = make(map[string]bool) |
mutexPinMap = sync.RWMutex{} |
) |
const ( |
stockConnNum int = 20 |
writeWait = 10 * time.Second |
) |
// Define an UpGrader to upgrade a regular HTTP connection to a websocket connection
var upServer = &websocket.Upgrader{ |
// Define read/write buffer size
WriteBufferSize: 1024, |
ReadBufferSize: 1024, |
// Verification request
CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool { |
// If it is not a get request, return an error
if r.Method != "GET" { |
fmt.Println("Request method error") |
return false |
} |
// If chat is not included in the path, an error is returned
if r.URL.Path != "/quotes-pin-wss" { |
fmt.Println("Request path error") |
return false |
} |
token := r.URL.Query().Get("token") |
if !common.CheckToken(token) { |
applogger.Debug("token expired") |
return false |
} |
// Verification rules can also be customized according to other needs
return true |
}, |
} |
// ShareConnect
func ShareConnect(host, addr string) { |
go writeShare() |
go offLineStock() |
go pinStock() |
http.HandleFunc("/quotes-pin-wss", wsHandleShare) |
url := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", host, addr) |
err := http.ListenAndServe(url, nil) |
if err != nil { |
log.Fatal("ListenAndServe: ", err) |
} |
} |
// 读取插针数据
func pinStock() { |
for { |
stockPinData() |
time.Sleep(20 * time.Second) |
} |
} |
func getPinMap(symbol string) bool { |
mutexStock.RLock() |
defer mutexStock.RUnlock() |
return pinStockMap[symbol] |
} |
func setPinMap(symbol string) { |
mutexPinMap.Lock() |
defer mutexPinMap.Unlock() |
pinStockMap[symbol] = true |
applogger.Info("set pinMap", symbol) |
} |
func initPinMap() { |
mutexPinMap.Lock() |
defer mutexPinMap.Unlock() |
pinStockMap = make(map[string]bool) |
} |
// 针对资产插针
func stockPinData() { |
initPinMap() |
for k, v := range business.StockClosedDataList { |
hashListName := fmt.Sprintf("STOCK_PRICES:%d", v) |
keys := red.Scan(hashListName) |
for _, key := range keys { |
res, _ := red.HGetAll(key) |
status, _ := strconv.Atoi(res["status"]) |
code := res["stock_code"] |
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), res) |
if status != business.StockStatusOn { |
continue |
} |
symbol := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", code, k) |
setPinMap(symbol) |
mutexStock.RLock() |
_, ok := wsStockConMap[symbol] |
mutexStock.RUnlock() |
if !ok { |
applogger.Info("No subscription ", symbol) |
continue |
} |
if k == "US" { |
UsPinStock(code, res["price"], k) |
} else { |
stockCode := common.GetOldCode(code) |
SouthAsiaPinSpot(code, stockCode, res["price"], k) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func SouthAsiaPinSpot(symbol, stockCode, price, country string) { |
prices, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(price, 64) |
param := models.StockParam{ |
Symbol: symbol, |
StockCode: stockCode, |
StockName: "", |
Price: prices, |
UpDownRate: decimal.NewFromInt(0), |
UpDown: decimal.NewFromInt(0), |
TradeV: decimal.NewFromInt(0), |
TradeK: "买入", |
Country: strings.ToLower(country), |
Ts: time.Now().UnixMilli(), |
ClosingMarket: true, |
} |
param.Token = "" |
msgStr, err := json.Marshal(param) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
msgStockChan <- msgStr |
} |
func UsPinStock(code, price, country string) { |
message := &models.ClientMessage{ |
S: code, // 股票代码
C: []decimal.Decimal{decimal.NewFromInt(0), decimal.NewFromFloat(1)}, // 条件,有关更多信息,请参阅贸易条件术语表
V: common.CalculateContractPrices(decimal.NewFromInt(int64(100)), float64(0.02), 0, 1)[0].IntPart(), // 交易量,代表在相应时间戳处交易的股票数量 -- 报价交易量
Dp: true, // 暗池真/假
Ms: "open", // 市场状态,指示股票市场的当前状态(“开盘”、“收盘”、“延长交易时间”)
T: time.Now().UnixMilli(), // 以毫秒为单位的时间戳 -- 此聚合窗口的结束时钟周期的时间戳(以 Unix 毫秒为单位)
Cl: decimal.RequireFromString(price), // 此聚合窗口的收盘价
A: decimal.NewFromInt(11), // 今天的成交量加权平均价格
Se: time.Now().UnixMilli(), |
H: decimal.RequireFromString(price), // 此聚合窗口的最高逐笔报价
L: decimal.RequireFromString(price), // 此聚合窗口的最低价格变动价格
Op: decimal.RequireFromString(price), // 今天正式开盘价格
// P: decimal.RequireFromString(price),
ClosingMarket: true, |
} |
msgStr, err := json.Marshal(message) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
msgStockChan <- msgStr |
} |
func wsHandleShare(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { |
// Obtain a link through the upgraded upgrade tool
conn, err := upServer.Upgrade(w, r, nil) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Info("Failed to obtain connection:%v", err) |
return |
} |
// Register users after successful connection
client := &Client{ |
Id: uuid.NewV4().String(), |
conn: conn, |
msg: make(chan []byte), |
symbol: sync.Map{}, |
mux: sync.Mutex{}, |
} |
readShare(client) |
} |
func setTotalNum(num int) { |
mutexTotal.Lock() |
defer mutexTotal.Unlock() |
TotalNum += num |
} |
func getTotalNum() { |
mutexTotal.RLock() |
defer mutexTotal.RUnlock() |
applogger.Debug("number of colleagues online :%v", TotalNum) |
} |
// Read the message sent by the client and process the return response
func readShare(cl *Client) { |
defer cl.conn.Close() |
setTotalNum(1) |
getTotalNum() |
for { |
_, msg, err := cl.conn.ReadMessage() |
if err != nil { |
clearClientChan <- cl.conn |
applogger.Debug("user exit:%v", cl.conn.RemoteAddr().String()) |
return |
} |
// Process business logic
psgMsg := model.SubMessage(string(msg)) |
if psgMsg != nil { |
switch psgMsg.Type { |
case "ping": // Receiving ping
aloneSendStock(cl.conn, []byte(model.ReturnValue("pong"))) |
case "subscribe": // Receive subscription
country, stock := getCountry(psgMsg.Symbol) |
//applogger.Info(country, stock)
if !dictionary.StockCountryMap[country] { |
applogger.Error(country, "incorrect subscription information 不属于合规的股票市场") |
aloneSendStock(cl.conn, []byte(model.ReturnValue("incorrect subscription information"))) |
clearClientChan <- cl.conn |
return |
} |
aloneSendStock(cl.conn, []byte(model.ReturnValue("subscribe success"))) |
//获取 服务是否 订阅该数据
mutexStock.RLock() |
conns, ok := wsStockConMap[psgMsg.Symbol] |
mutexStock.RUnlock() |
if ok { |
conns = checkClient(conns, cl.conn) |
} else { |
conns = make([]*websocket.Conn, 0) |
conns = append(conns, cl.conn) |
} |
//applogger.Info("psgMsg.Symbol", psgMsg.Symbol)
mutexStock.Lock() |
wsStockConMap[psgMsg.Symbol] = conns |
mutexStock.Unlock() |
if !ok { |
go cl.userPSubscribeUs(country, stock) |
} |
case "unSubscribe": // Receive unsubscribe
applogger.Info("Received unsubscribe message body:", string(msg)) |
mutexStock.RLock() |
conns, ok := wsStockConMap[psgMsg.Symbol] |
mutexStock.RUnlock() |
if ok { |
removeWsconnStock(conns, cl.conn, psgMsg.Symbol) |
} |
aloneSendStock(cl.conn, []byte(model.ReturnValue("unSubscribe success"))) |
applogger.Debug("Subscription type after current user deletion:%v", ok) |
default: |
// TODO: Handling other situations transmitted by customers
applogger.Debug("Please provide accurate instructions......") |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// 废弃 客户端
func offLineStock() { |
for userConn := range clearClientChan { |
setTotalNum(-1) |
getTotalNum() |
for key, v := range wsStockConMap { |
removeWsconnStock(v, userConn, key) |
} |
} |
} |
// send message
func aloneSendStock(conn *websocket.Conn, message []byte) error { |
mutexConn.Lock() |
defer mutexConn.Unlock() |
//applogger.Debug("aloneSendStock :%v",conn,message)
conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(writeWait)) |
w, err := conn.NextWriter(websocket.TextMessage) // Write data in the form of io, with parameters of data type
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to conn.NextWriter :%v", err) |
return err |
} |
if _, err := w.Write(message); err != nil { // Write data, this function is truly used to transmit data to the foreground
applogger.Error("Failed Write message :%v", err) |
return err |
} |
if err := w.Close(); err != nil { // Close write stream
applogger.Error("Failed to close write stream:%v", err) |
return nil |
} |
return nil |
} |
// 清理客户端
func removeWsconnStock(conn []*websocket.Conn, userConn *websocket.Conn, symbol string) error { |
index := -1 |
for i, v := range conn { |
if v == userConn { |
index = i |
break |
} |
} |
if index >= 0 { |
conn = append(conn[:index], conn[index+1:]...) |
mutexStock.Lock() |
wsStockConMap[symbol] = conn |
mutexStock.Unlock() |
} |
return nil |
} |
func deleteWsconnStock(symbol string) { |
mutexStock.Lock() |
defer mutexStock.Unlock() |
delete(wsStockConMap, symbol) |
} |
// 广播
func broadcastWebSocketStock(msg []byte, symbol string) { |
mutexStock.RLock() |
conns, ok := wsStockConMap[symbol] |
mutexStock.RUnlock() |
if !ok { |
applogger.Error("Parsing data information:%v") |
return |
} |
total := len(conns) |
if total <= 0 { |
return |
} |
start := time.Now() |
connDiv := int(math.Ceil(float64(total) / float64(stockConnNum))) |
for i := 0; i < connDiv; i++ { |
startIndex := i * stockConnNum |
endIndex := (i + 1) * stockConnNum |
if endIndex > total { |
endIndex = total |
} |
wg := sync.WaitGroup{} |
for _, val := range conns[startIndex:endIndex] { |
wg.Add(1) |
go func(val *websocket.Conn, msg []byte) { |
defer wg.Done() |
aloneSendStock(val, msg) |
}(val, msg) |
} |
wg.Wait() |
} |
applogger.Info("broadcast WebSocket info : %v ;total:%v;time-consuming %v ", symbol, total, time.Since(start)) |
} |
func writeShare() { |
for message := range msgStockChan { |
var subMsg StockMessage |
if err := json.Unmarshal(message, &subMsg); err != nil { |
applogger.Error(err.Error()) |
} |
if subMsg.S == "" { |
if subMsg.IsStockIndex { //指数
broadcastWebSocketStock(message, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", subMsg.StockCode, common.StockIndexPrefix)) |
} else if subMsg.IsOptionList { //期权列表
broadcastWebSocketStock(message, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", subMsg.Stock, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", common.StockOption, common.CapitalizeFirstLetter(subMsg.Country), common.StockOptionList))) |
} else if subMsg.IsOptionInfo { //期权详情
broadcastWebSocketStock(message, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", subMsg.Stock, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", common.StockOption, common.CapitalizeFirstLetter(subMsg.Country), common.StockOptionInfo))) |
} else { //tradingview
broadcastWebSocketStock(message, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", subMsg.Symbol, common.CapitalizeFirstLetter(subMsg.Country))) |
} |
//applogger.Info("broadcast WebSocket Sub message %v info:%v", subMsg.Country, subMsg.StockCode)
continue |
} |
broadcastWebSocketStock(message, fmt.Sprintf("%s.US", subMsg.S)) |
//applogger.Info("broadcast WebSocket Sub message US info:%v", subMsg.S)
} |
} |
func checkClient(conns []*websocket.Conn, conn *websocket.Conn) []*websocket.Conn { |
for _, v := range conns { |
if v == conn { |
return conns |
} |
} |
conns = append(conns, conn) |
return conns |
} |
func getCountry(symbol string) (string, string) { |
symbolArr := strings.Split(symbol, ".") |
if len(symbolArr) < 2 { |
applogger.Error("symbol 有误") |
return "", "" |
} |
county := symbolArr[len(symbolArr)-1] |
return county, symbol[0 : strings.Index(symbol, county)-1] |
} |
// 按市场订阅
func (cl *Client) userPSubscribeUs(country, symbol string) { |
mutexCountry.RLock() |
symbols, ok := countryMap[country] |
mutexCountry.RUnlock() |
mutexCountry.Lock() |
countryMap[country] = append(symbols, symbol) |
mutexCountry.Unlock() |
if ok { |
//applogger.Error(country, "已订阅")
return |
} |
applogger.Debug(country, "start a stock subscription") |
pubSub := red.RedisClient.PSubscribe(fmt.Sprintf("*.%s", country)) |
defer func() { |
pubSub.Close() |
}() |
_, err := pubSub.Receive() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("failed to receive from control PubSub,%v", zap.Error(err)) |
return |
} |
ch := pubSub.Channel() |
for msg := range ch { |
mutexStock.RLock() |
conns, ok := wsStockConMap[msg.Channel] |
mutexStock.RUnlock() |
if !ok { |
continue |
} |
// TODO: 是否还有客户端
if len(conns) > 0 { |
//是否有插针 必须放在下面判断,不然会被误判 客户端 断开链接
if !getPinMap(msg.Channel) { |
msgStockChan <- []byte(msg.Payload) |
} |
} else { |
deleteWsconnStock(msg.Channel) |
mutexCountry.RLock() |
symbols := countryMap[country] |
mutexCountry.RUnlock() |
index := -1 |
msgChannel := strings.Split(msg.Channel, ".") |
for i, v := range symbols { |
if v == msgChannel[0] { |
index = i |
break |
} |
} |
if index >= 0 { |
symbols = append(symbols[:index], symbols[index+1:]...) |
mutexCountry.Lock() |
countryMap[country] = symbols |
mutexCountry.Unlock() |
} |
// 退订
if len(symbols) <= 0 { |
mutexCountry.Lock() |
delete(countryMap, country) |
mutexCountry.Unlock() |
applogger.Debug("Starting unsubscribe.....", country) |
pubSub.PUnsubscribe(fmt.Sprintf("*.%s", country)) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ |
package common |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"" |
"net/http" |
"regexp" |
"strconv" |
"strings" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
"wss-pool/internal/redis" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
) |
const ( |
StockProject string = "stock" |
CoinProject string = "coin" |
StockOn string = "1" |
StockIndexOn int = 1 |
StockIndexPrefix string = "StockIndex" |
StockOption string = "Option" |
StockOptionList string = "List" |
StockOptionInfo string = "Info" |
) |
var CountryStartTime = map[string]int64{ |
"India": 42300000, |
"Thailand": 39000000, |
"Indonesia": 36000000, |
"Malaysia": 32400000, |
"Singapore": 32400000, |
"UK": 54000000, |
"France": 54000000, |
"Germany": 54000000, |
"Brazil": 75600000, |
"Japan": 42300000, |
} |
var StockToPHPMap = map[string]string{ |
"US": "US", |
"Thailand": "THA", |
"India": "IN", |
"Indonesia": "IDN", |
"Malaysia": "MYS", |
"Singapore": "SGD", |
"HongKong": "HKD", |
"UK": "UK", |
"Germany": "EUR", |
"France": "FUR", |
"Brazil": "BR", |
"Japan": "JP", |
} |
var path = map[string]bool{ |
"/spots/update/keep": true, |
"/stock/spots/update/keep": true, |
"/stock/spots/list/new/add": true, |
"/spots/list/new/add": true, |
"/spots/news/add": true, |
"/spots/index/list/new/add": true, |
"/stock/spots/index/list/new/add": true, |
"/option/php/list": true, |
"/stock/option/php/list": true, |
"/spots/php/update": true, |
"/stock/spots/php/update": true, |
} |
type Response struct { |
Code int `json:"code"` |
Msg string `json:"msg"` |
Data interface{} `json:"data"` |
} |
// JWTAuthMiddleware 基于JWT的认证中间件
func JWTAuthMiddleware() func(c *gin.Context) { |
return func(c *gin.Context) { |
if path[c.FullPath()] { |
c.Next() |
return |
} |
token := strings.TrimSpace(c.Request.Header.Get("token")) |
if token == "" { |
c.Abort() |
JsonResult(401, "can't find the token", "", c) |
return |
} |
//applogger.Debug("鉴权Token用户:%v", fmt.Sprintf("TOKEN:USER:%s", token))
userId, _ := redis.Get_Cache_Data(fmt.Sprintf("TOKEN:USER:%s", token)) |
if userId == "" || userId == "0" { |
c.Abort() |
JsonResult(401, "token expired", "", c) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
func CheckToken(token string) bool { |
if token == "" { |
return false |
} |
userId, _ := redis.Get_Cache_Data(fmt.Sprintf("TOKEN:USER:%s", token)) |
if userId == "" || userId == "0" { |
return false |
} |
return true |
} |
func JsonResult(code int, msg string, data interface{}, c *gin.Context) { |
// 开始时间
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, Response{ |
code, |
msg, |
data, |
}) |
} |
func IsLetter(str string) bool { |
reg := regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z0-9&-]+$`) |
return reg.MatchString(str) |
} |
func DelRes(hashListName, str string) { |
redis.RedisClient = redis.RedisInit(config.Config.Redis.DbEleven) |
keys, _ := redis.HGetAll(hashListName) |
for key, _ := range keys { |
if strings.Contains(key, str) { |
redis.HDel(hashListName, key) |
fmt.Println(key) |
} |
} |
//if len(k)> 0 {
// redis.HDel(hashListName, strings.Join(k, ","))
// k = make([]string,0)
} |
func IsExistStock(country, code string) bool { |
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s:STOCK:LIST:%s", StockToPHPMap[country], code) |
status, _ := redis.Hget(key, "status") |
if status == StockOn { |
return true |
} |
return false |
} |
func IsExistStockNew(country, code string, redisIp string) bool { |
red := redis.RedisClientMap[redisIp] |
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s:STOCK:LIST:%s", StockToPHPMap[country], code) |
status, _ := redis.HGetNew(key, "status", red) |
if status == StockOn { |
return true |
} |
return false |
} |
func IsExistOption(country, code string) (bool, float64) { |
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s:OPTION:LIST:%s", StockToPHPMap[country], code) |
status, _ := redis.Hget(key, "status") |
if status == StockOn { |
rate, _ := redis.Hget(key, "rate") |
rateFloat, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(rate, 64) |
return true, rateFloat |
} |
return false, 0 |
} |
func TgBotSendMsg(msg string) { |
if _, err := internal.HttpPost(config.Config.TgBot.URL, fmt.Sprintf(`{"text":"%s","chat_id":%d}`, msg, config.Config.TgBot.ChatId)); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("TgBotSendMsg", err) |
} |
} |
func UPdateAll(country string) { |
data.Mgo_init(config.Config.Mongodb) |
var per = []string{ |
"1day", |
"1week", |
"1mon", |
} |
for _, v := range per { |
UPdateTime(1696089600000, 1700796517000, country, v) |
} |
} |
func UPdateTime(from, to int64, country, period string) { |
//filter := bson.M{"timestamp": bson.M{"$gte": from, "$lte": to}}
//tableName := data.GetStockSouthAsiaTableName(country, period)
//res := make([]model.StockMogoParam, 0)
//projection := bson.M{"symbol": 1, "stock_code": 1, "country": 1, "timestamp": 1}
//sort := bson.M{"timestamp": 1}
//data.MgoFindProjectionRes(tableName, filter, projection, sort, &res, 0)
//if len(res) <= 0 {
// applogger.Error(" no data", period)
// return
//var key = make(map[int64]bool)
//for _, v := range res {
// utcTime := time.Unix(v.Ts/1000, 0)
// location, _ := time.LoadLocation("Asia/Singapore")
// t := utcTime.In(location)
// if t.Hour() != 0 {
// continue
// }
// l := len(key)
// key[v.Ts] = true
// if l == len(key){
// continue
// }
// fmt.Println(v.Ts)
// filter = bson.M{"timestamp": bson.M{"$eq": v.Ts}}
// update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{
// {"timestamp", v.Ts + CountryStartTime[country]},
// }}}
// applogger.Info("GetTimeNewPriceAll info: %v %v", update,v)
// fmt.Println(data.GetStockSouthAsiaTableName(country, period))
// if err := data.MgoUpdateMany(data.GetStockSouthAsiaTableName(country, period), filter,update); err != nil {
// applogger.Error("stock MgoInsertMany err:%v", err)
// }
} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ |
package common |
import ( |
"bytes" |
"compress/gzip" |
"encoding/json" |
) |
// 压缩 与json搭配使用
func MarshalToJsonWithGzip(jsonData interface{}) []byte { |
dataAfterMarshal, _ := json.Marshal(jsonData) |
dataAfterGzip, err := Encode(dataAfterMarshal) |
if err != nil { |
return nil |
} |
return dataAfterGzip |
} |
// 解压 与json搭配使用
func UnmarshalDataFromJsonWithGzip(msg []byte) (*struct{}, error) { |
dataAfterDecode, err := Decode(msg) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
data := &struct { |
}{} |
err = json.Unmarshal(dataAfterDecode, data) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
return data, nil |
} |
// Gzip用法 压缩数据
func Encode(input []byte) ([]byte, error) { |
// 创建一个新的 byte 输出流
var buf bytes.Buffer |
// 创建一个新的 gzip 输出流
gzipWriter := gzip.NewWriter(&buf) |
// 将 input byte 数组写入到此输出流中
_, err := gzipWriter.Write(input) |
if err != nil { |
_ = gzipWriter.Close() |
return nil, err |
} |
if err := gzipWriter.Close(); err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
// 返回压缩后的 bytes 数组
return buf.Bytes(), nil |
} |
// Gzip用法 解压数据
func Decode(input []byte) ([]byte, error) { |
// 创建一个新的 gzip.Reader
bytesReader := bytes.NewReader(input) |
gzipReader, err := gzip.NewReader(bytesReader) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
defer func() { |
// defer 中关闭 gzipReader
_ = gzipReader.Close() |
}() |
buf := new(bytes.Buffer) |
// 从 Reader 中读取出数据
if _, err := buf.ReadFrom(gzipReader); err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
return buf.Bytes(), nil |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,671 @@ |
package common |
import ( |
"bufio" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"os" |
"strings" |
"sync" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
) |
var validStockCodeMutex = sync.RWMutex{} |
var validStockCode = map[string]bool{} |
var NotStockCode = map[string]bool{ |
"BSE:20MICRONS": true, |
"BSE:21STCENMGM": true, |
"BSE:360ONE": true, |
"BSE:3IINFOLTD": true, |
"BSE:3MINDIA": true, |
"BSE:3PLAND": true, |
"BSE:5PAISA": true, |
"BSE:63MOONS": true, |
"BSE:A2ZINFRA": true, |
"BSE:AAATECH": true, |
"BSE:AARTECH": true, |
"BSE:AARTIIND": true, |
"BSE:AARVEEDEN": true, |
"BSE:AAVAS": true, |
"BSE:ABAN": true, |
"BSE:ABB": true, |
"BSE:ABCAPITAL": true, |
"BSE:ABFRL": true, |
"BSE:ABSLAMC": true, |
"BSE:ACC": true, |
"BSE:ACCELYA": true, |
"BSE:ACE": true, |
"BSE:ACI": true, |
"BSE:ACL": true, |
"BSE:ADANIENT": true, |
"BSE:ADFFOODS": true, |
"BSE:ADL": true, |
"BSE:ADORWELD": true, |
"BSE:ADSL": true, |
"BSE:AEROFLEX": true, |
"BSE:AETHER": true, |
"BSE:AFFLE": true, |
"BSE:AGARIND": true, |
"BSE:AGI": true, |
"BSE:AGRITECH": true, |
"BSE:AGSTRA": true, |
"BSE:AHL": true, |
"BSE:AHLEAST": true, |
"BSE:AHLUCONT": true, |
"BSE:AIAENG": true, |
"BSE:AIRAN": true, |
"BSE:AJMERA": true, |
"BSE:AKI": true, |
"BSE:AKSHAR": true, |
"BSE:AKZOINDIA": true, |
"BSE:ALANKIT": true, |
"BSE:ALICON": true, |
"BSE:ALKALI": true, |
"BSE:ALKEM": true, |
"BSE:ALLCARGO": true, |
"BSE:ALLSEC": true, |
"BSE:ALMONDZ": true, |
"BSE:ALOKINDS": true, |
"BSE:ALPA": true, |
"BSE:ALPHAGEO": true, |
"BSE:ALPSINDUS": true, |
"BSE:AMBER": true, |
"BSE:AMBIKCO": true, |
"BSE:AMBUJACEM": true, |
"BSE:AMDIND": true, |
"BSE:AMIORG": true, |
"BSE:AMJLAND": true, |
"NSE:AMNPLST": true, |
"BSE:ANANTRAJ": true, |
"BSE:ANDHRAPAP": true, |
"BSE:ANDREWYU": true, |
"BSE:ANGELONE": true, |
"BSE:ANIKINDS": true, |
"BSE:ANMOL": true, |
"BSE:ANUP": true, |
"BSE:ANURAS": true, |
"BSE:APARINDS": true, |
"BSE:APCL": true, |
"BSE:APEX": true, |
"BSE:APLAPOLLO": true, |
"BSE:APLLTD": true, |
"BSE:APOLLO": true, |
"BSE:APTECHT": true, |
"BSE:APTUS": true, |
"BSE:ARCHIDPLY": true, |
"BSE:ARCHIES": true, |
"BSE:ARENTERP": true, |
"BSE:ARIES": true, |
"BSE:ARMANFIN": true, |
"BSE:ARSHIYA": true, |
"BSE:ARVIND": true, |
"BSE:ARVSMART": true, |
"BSE:ASAHISONG": true, |
"BSE:ASAL": true, |
"BSE:ASALCBR": true, |
"BSE:ASHIANA": true, |
"BSE:ASHIMASYN": true, |
"BSE:ASHOKA": true, |
"BSE:ASHOKLEY": true, |
"BSE:ASIANENE": true, |
"BSE:ASMS": true, |
"BSE:ASTEC": true, |
"BSE:ASTERDM": true, |
"BSE:ASTRAL": true, |
"BSE:ASTRAZEN": true, |
"BSE:ASTRON": true, |
"BSE:ATALREAL": true, |
"BSE:ATAM": true, |
"BSE:ATFL": true, |
"BSE:ATGL": true, |
"BSE:ATL": true, |
"BSE:ATUL": true, |
"BSE:ATULAUTO": true, |
"BSE:AUBANK": true, |
"BSE:AURIONPRO": true, |
"BSE:AURUM": true, |
"BSE:AUSOMENT": true, |
"BSE:AUTOAXLES": true, |
"BSE:AUTOIND": true, |
"BSE:AVALON": true, |
"BSE:AVG": true, |
"BSE:AVONMORE": true, |
"BSE:AVROIND": true, |
"BSE:AVTNPL": true, |
"BSE:AWHCL": true, |
"BSE:AWL": true, |
"BSE:AXISBANK": true, |
"BSE:AXISCADES": true, |
"BSE:AXITA": true, |
"BSE:AYMSYNTEX": true, |
"BSE:BAFNAPH": true, |
"BSE:BAGFILMS": true, |
"BSE:BAIDFIN": true, |
"BSE:BAJAJCON": true, |
"BSE:BAJAJELEC": true, |
"BSE:BAJAJHIND": true, |
"BSE:BALAMINES": true, |
"BSE:BALPHARMA": true, |
"BSE:BANARISUG": true, |
"BSE:BANG": true, |
"BSE:BANKINDIA": true, |
"BSE:BANSWRAS": true, |
"BSE:BARBEQUE": true, |
"BSE:BASF": true, |
"BSE:BASML": true, |
"BSE:BATAINDIA": true, |
"BSE:BAYERCROP": true, |
"BSE:BBL": true, |
"BSE:BBOX": true, |
"BSE:BBTC": true, |
"BSE:BBTCL": true, |
"BSE:BCG": true, |
"BSE:BCLIND": true, |
"BSE:BCONCEPTS": true, |
"BSE:BDL": true, |
"BSE:BEARDSELL": true, |
"BSE:BEDMUTHA": true, |
"BSE:BEL": true, |
"BSE:BEML": true, |
"BSE:BEPL": true, |
"BSE:BFINVEST": true, |
"BSE:BGRENERGY": true, |
"BSE:BHAGCHEM": true, |
"BSE:BHAGERIA": true, |
"BSE:BHAGYANGR": true, |
"BSE:BHANDARI": true, |
"BSE:BHARATRAS": true, |
"BSE:BHEL": true, |
"BSE:BIGBLOC": true, |
"BSE:BIKAJI": true, |
"BSE:BIL": true, |
"BSE:BINANIIND": true, |
"BSE:BIOCON": true, |
"BSE:BKMINDST": true, |
"BSE:BLAL": true, |
"BSE:BLISSGVS": true, |
"BSE:BLKASHYAP": true, |
"BSE:BLS": true, |
"BSE:BLUECHIP": true, |
"BSE:BLUEDART": true, |
"BSE:BODALCHEM": true, |
"BSE:BOMDYEING": true, |
"BSE:BOROLTD": true, |
"BSE:BORORENEW": true, |
"BSE:BOSCHLTD": true, |
"BSE:BPCL": true, |
"BSE:BPL": true, |
"BSE:BRIGADE": true, |
"NSE:BRIGHT": true, |
"BSE:BRITANNIA": true, |
"BSE:BRNL": true, |
"BSE:BROOKS": true, |
"BSE:BSL": true, |
"BSE:BSOFT": true, |
"BSE:BTML": true, |
"BSE:BURNPUR": true, |
"BSE:BUTTERFLY": true, |
"BSE:BVCL": true, |
"BSE:BYKE": true, |
"BSE:CALSOFT": true, |
"BSE:CAMPUS": true, |
"BSE:CAMS": true, |
"BSE:CANBK": true, |
"BSE:CANTABIL": true, |
"BSE:CAPACITE": true, |
"BSE:CAPTRUST": true, |
"BSE:CAREERP": true, |
"BSE:CARTRADE": true, |
"BSE:CARYSIL": true, |
"BSE:CCHHL": true, |
"BSE:CCL": true, |
"BSE:CEATLTD": true, |
"BSE:CELEBRITY": true, |
"BSE:CENTENKA": true, |
"BSE:CENTEXT": true, |
"BSE:CENTRALBK": true, |
"BSE:CENTRUM": true, |
"BSE:CENTUM": true, |
"BSE:CERA": true, |
"BSE:CESC": true, |
"BSE:CGCL": true, |
"BSE:CGPOWER": true, |
"BSE:CHALET": true, |
"BSE:CHEMBOND": true, |
"BSE:CHEMCON": true, |
"BSE:CHEMFAB": true, |
"BSE:CHEVIOT": true, |
"BSE:CHOICEIN": true, |
"BSE:CHOLAFIN": true, |
"BSE:CIEINDIA": true, |
"BSE:CINELINE": true, |
"BSE:CINEVISTA": true, |
"BSE:CIPLA": true, |
"BSE:CLEAN": true, |
"BSE:CLEDUCATE": true, |
"BSE:CLSEL": true, |
"BSE:CMSINFO": true, |
"BSE:COALINDIA": true, |
"BSE:COASTCORP": true, |
"BSE:COFFEEDAY": true, |
"BSE:COFORGE": true, |
"BSE:COLPAL": true, |
"BSE:COMPINFO": true, |
"BSE:COMPUSOFT": true, |
"BSE:CONCOR": true, |
"BSE:CONFIPET": true, |
"BSE:CONTROLPR": true, |
"BSE:COUNCODOS": true, |
"BSE:CRAFTSMAN": true, |
"NSE:CREATIVE": true, |
"BSE:CREDITACC": true, |
"BSE:CREST": true, |
"BSE:CRISIL": true, |
"BSE:CROMPTON": true, |
"BSE:CSBBANK": true, |
"BSE:CTE": true, |
"BSE:CUB": true, |
"BSE:CUBEXTUB": true, |
"BSE:CUPID": true, |
"BSE:CYBERTECH": true, |
"BSE:CYIENT": true, |
"BSE:CYIENTDLM": true, |
"BSE:DABUR": true, |
"BSE:DALBHARAT": true, |
"BSE:DALMIASUG": true, |
"BSE:DBCORP": true, |
"BSE:DBL": true, |
"BSE:DBOL": true, |
"BSE:DBREALTY": true, |
"BSE:DCAL": true, |
"BSE:DCBBANK": true, |
"BSE:DCI": true, |
"BSE:DCM": true, |
"BSE:DCMNVL": true, |
"BSE:DCMSRIND": true, |
"BSE:DCW": true, |
"BSE:DCXINDIA": true, |
"BSE:DECCANCE": true, |
"BSE:DEEPAKNTR": true, |
"BSE:DEEPENR": true, |
"BSE:DEEPINDS": true, |
"BSE:DELHIVERY": true, |
"BSE:DELPHIFX": true, |
"BSE:DELTACORP": true, |
"BSE:DEN": true, |
"BSE:DENORA": true, |
"BSE:DEVIT": true, |
"BSE:DEVYANI": true, |
"BSE:DGCONTENT": true, |
"BSE:DHANBANK": true, |
"BSE:DHANI": true, |
"BSE:DHANUKA": true, |
"BSE:DHARMAJ": true, |
"BSE:DHRUV": true, |
"BSE:DHUNINV": true, |
"BSE:DIACABS": true, |
"BSE:DIAMINESQ": true, |
"BSE:DIAMONDYD": true, |
"BSE:DICIND": true, |
"BSE:DIGISPICE": true, |
"BSE:DISHTV": true, |
"BSE:DIVGIITTS": true, |
"BSE:DIVISLAB": true, |
"BSE:DIXON": true, |
"BSE:DJML": true, |
"BSE:DLF": true, |
"BSE:DOLPHIN": true, |
"BSE:DPWIRES": true, |
"NSE:DRL": true, |
"BSE:DTIL": true, |
"BSE:DYCL": true, |
"BSE:EPIGRAL": true, |
"BSE:FINPIPE": true, |
"BSE:FOCUS": true, |
"BSE:GENSOL": true, |
"BSE:GREENLAM": true, |
"BSE:GSTL": true, |
"BSE:GUJGASLTD": true, |
"BSE:GUJRAFFIA": true, |
"BSE:HBSL": true, |
"BSE:HMAAGRO": true, |
"BSE:IDEAFORGE": true, |
"BSE:IKIO": true, |
"BSE:IRBINVIT": true, |
"BSE:JIOFIN": true, |
"BSE:JLHL": true, |
"BSE:JSWINFRA": true, |
"BSE:KDL": true, |
"NSE:KORE": true, |
"BSE:KPIL": true, |
"BSE:KRITI": true, |
"BSE:LINCOLN": true, |
"BSE:LLOYDSME": true, |
"BSE:LOTUSEYE": true, |
"BSE:MANAKCOAT": true, |
"BSE:MAXIND": true, |
"BSE:MAZDA": true, |
"BSE:MICEL": true, |
"BSE:MKPL": true, |
"BSE:MOLDTECH": true, |
"BSE:MSTCLTD": true, |
"BSE:MVGJL": true, |
"BSE:NAGAFERT": true, |
"BSE:NETWEB": true, |
"BSE:NIITMTS": true, |
"BSE:NILAINFRA": true, |
"BSE:NRAIL": true, |
"BSE:NUVAMA": true, |
"BSE:OCCL": true, |
"BSE:ORICONENT": true, |
"BSE:ORTINLAB": true, |
"BSE:PAKKA": true, |
"BSE:PALREDTEC": true, |
"BSE:PAVNAIND": true, |
"BSE:PRECISION": true, |
"BSE:PREMEXPLN": true, |
"BSE:PROZONER": true, |
"BSE:PTCIL": true, |
"BSE:PYRAMID": true, |
"BSE:RAJRATAN": true, |
"BSE:RAJRILTD": true, |
"BSE:RATNAVEER": true, |
"BSE:REDTAPE": true, |
"BSE:RHFL": true, |
"BSE:RISHABH": true, |
"BSE:ROML": true, |
"BSE:RRKABEL": true, |
"BSE:RSYSTEMS": true, |
"BSE:SAFARI": true, |
"BSE:SALONA": true, |
"BSE:SAMHI": true, |
"BSE:SAMPANN": true, |
"BSE:SANDUMA": true, |
"BSE:SBCL": true, |
"BSE:SBFC": true, |
"BSE:SEJALLTD": true, |
"NSE:SEL": true, |
"BSE:SELMC": true, |
"BSE:SENCO": true, |
"NSE:SENSEXETF": true, |
"NSE:SHEETAL": true, |
"BSE:SHIVATEX": true, |
"BSE:SHYAMCENT": true, |
"BSE:SIGIND": true, |
"BSE:SIGMA": true, |
"BSE:SIGNATURE": true, |
"BSE:SOUTHWEST": true, |
"BSE:SPENCERS": true, |
"BSE:SRGHFL": true, |
"BSE:SUBEXLTD": true, |
"BSE:TASTYBITE": true, |
"BSE:TECILCHEM": true, |
"BSE:TITAGARH": true, |
"BSE:TREL": true, |
"BSE:TVSSCS": true, |
"BSE:UCAL": true, |
"BSE:UDS": true, |
"BSE:UNIENTER": true, |
"BSE:URAVI": true, |
"BSE:URJA": true, |
"BSE:VENKEYS": true, |
"BSE:VIJIFIN": true, |
"BSE:VIPULLTD": true, |
"BSE:VLEGOV": true, |
"BSE:VPRPL": true, |
"NSE:WORTH": true, |
"BSE:WSI": true, |
"BSE:YASHO": true, |
"BSE:YATHARTH": true, |
"BSE:YATRA": true, |
"NSE:ZEAL": true, |
"BSE:BLUECOAST": true, |
"BSE:GATECH": true, |
"NSE:SECMARK": true, |
"BSE:KEL": true, |
"BSE:SICALLOG": true, |
"NSE:MAL": true, |
"NSE:TCLCONS": true, |
"BSE:TPHQ": true, |
"BSE:SURAJEST": true, |
"BSE:NCC": true, |
} |
func GetIndiaStock() { |
for { |
filter := bson.M{"Country": "India"} |
dateList, err := data.MgoFind(data.StockList, filter) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoFind info err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
//start := time.Now() // 获取当前时间
validStockCodeMutex.Lock() |
if len(dateList.([]primitive.M)) > 0 { |
validStockCode = map[string]bool{} |
} |
for _, value := range dateList.([]primitive.M) { |
if value["Exchange"] == nil || value["Code"] == nil { |
continue |
} |
code := value["Code"].(string) |
exchange := value["Exchange"].(string) |
validStockCode[fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", exchange, code)] = true |
} |
validStockCodeMutex.Unlock() |
//fmt.Println("Run time: ", time.Since(start))
applogger.Info("india stock number :%v", len(validStockCode)) |
time.Sleep(1 * time.Hour) |
} |
} |
func GetIndiaStockBool(key, country string) bool { |
if country != "India" { |
return true |
} |
validStockCodeMutex.RLock() |
defer validStockCodeMutex.RUnlock() |
return validStockCode[key] |
} |
func ReadTest(rename string) { |
data.Mgo_init(config.Config.Mongodb) |
file, err := os.Open(rename) |
if err != nil { |
// 错误处理
fmt.Println("Error opening file:", err) |
return |
} |
defer file.Close() // 确保在函数结束时关闭文件
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) |
stockList := make([]string, 0) |
// i := 0
for scanner.Scan() { |
// scanner.Text() 返回当前行的内容
// fmt.Println(strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text()),i)
filter := bson.M{"Country": "India", "Code": strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())} |
dateList, _ := data.MgoFind(data.StockList, filter) |
res := dateList.([]primitive.M) |
if len(res) <= 0 { |
fmt.Println(res) |
continue |
} else if len(res) >= 2 { |
fmt.Println(res) |
break |
} |
str, ok := res[0]["Exchange"].(string) |
if !ok { |
fmt.Println(res) |
continue |
} |
exchange := "BSE" |
if str == "BSE" { |
exchange = "NSE" |
} |
stockList = append(stockList, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", exchange, strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text()))) |
} |
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { |
fmt.Println("Error reading file:", err) |
} |
write(stockList) |
} |
func write(param []string) { |
fmt.Println(len(param)) |
filename := "example.txt" |
// 打开文件以追加数据,如果文件不存在则创建它
file, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("Error opening file:", err) |
return |
} |
defer file.Close() |
// 要追加的内容
for _, value := range param { |
content := fmt.Sprintf(`"%s":true, %s`, value, "\n") |
// 写入数据
_, err = file.WriteString(content) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("Error writing to file:", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ |
package main |
import ( |
"flag" |
"wss-pool/cmd/servicemanager" |
"wss-pool/cmd/websocketcollect/forex" |
"wss-pool/cmd/websocketcollect/us" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal/data/business" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model" |
) |
var ( |
BuildTime string |
configName = flag.String("config", "./config/config.yaml", "choose service") |
// service selection
checkInt = flag.String("check", "gin", "choose service") |
// Service Method Selection
checkStr = flag.String("model", "spots", "choose service") |
// Service IP and Port Configuration [,]
ipServer = flag.String("hostS", "", "Server distribution IP") |
addrServer = flag.String("addrS", ":8861", "Server distribution Post") |
contractCode = flag.String("contract", "", "Server distribution Post") |
project = flag.String("project", "", "Server distribution project") |
stockTs = flag.Int64("stockTs", 0, "") |
) |
func init() { |
applogger.Info("build time:", BuildTime) |
flag.Parse() |
config.LoadConfig(*configName) |
} |
func main() { |
applogger.Info("gather service start") |
applogger.Info("intService---checkBool:%v,ginIp:%v,ginPost:%v,checkStr:%v", *checkInt, *ipServer, *addrServer, *checkStr) |
switch *checkInt { |
case model.Gin: // Http查询服务
servicemanager.GinServer(*ipServer, *addrServer, *checkInt, *project) |
case model.Gather: // 源订阅-火币市场行情采集
servicemanager.Gather(*checkStr, *ipServer, *addrServer) |
case model.CurrencyWss: // 项目-行情Wss订阅
servicemanager.Currency(*ipServer, *addrServer) |
case model.CollectUs: // 美股-行情采集分发
us.SubscribeShareUs(*ipServer, *addrServer) |
case model.GatherUs: // 项目-美股市场行情采集
servicemanager.GatherUS(*checkStr, *ipServer, *addrServer) |
case model.CollectForex: // 外汇-行情采集分发
forex.SubscribeForex(*ipServer, *addrServer) |
case model.GatherForex: // 项目-外汇市场行情采集
servicemanager.GatherForex(*checkStr, *ipServer, *addrServer) |
case model.ShareWss: // 股票市场-行情Wss订阅
servicemanager.ShareWss(*ipServer, *addrServer) |
case model.PinWs: // 股票市场-插针行情Wss订阅
servicemanager.PinWs(*ipServer, *addrServer) |
case model.TickDB: // 数字币|股票(mongodb)-数据优化
servicemanager.TickDB(*checkStr, *ipServer, *addrServer, *contractCode) |
case model.SelfContract: // 合约服务
servicemanager.SelfContract(*checkStr, *ipServer, *addrServer, *contractCode) |
case model.SelfMarketSpot: // 现货服务
servicemanager.SelfMarketSpot(*checkStr, *ipServer, *addrServer, *contractCode) |
case model.StockIndex: // 指数服务
servicemanager.GinServer(*ipServer, *addrServer, *checkInt, *project) |
case model.IndiaOption: // 印度期权服务
servicemanager.GinServer(*ipServer, *addrServer, *checkInt, *project) |
case model.USStock: // 美股服务
servicemanager.GinServer(*ipServer, *addrServer, *checkInt, *project) |
case model.IndonesiaStock: // 印尼股服务
servicemanager.GinServer(*ipServer, *addrServer, *checkInt, *project) |
case model.ThailandStock: // 泰股服务
servicemanager.GinServer(*ipServer, *addrServer, *checkInt, *project) |
case model.IndiaStock: // 印度股服务
servicemanager.GinServer(*ipServer, *addrServer, *checkInt, *project) |
case model.MalaysiaStock: // 马来西亚股服务
servicemanager.GinServer(*ipServer, *addrServer, *checkInt, *project) |
case model.HongKongStock: // 港股服务
servicemanager.GinServer(*ipServer, *addrServer, *checkInt, *project) |
case model.SingaporeStock: // 新加坡股服务
servicemanager.GinServer(*ipServer, *addrServer, *checkInt, *project) |
case model.UKStock: // 英股服务
servicemanager.GinServer(*ipServer, *addrServer, *checkInt, *project) |
case model.GermanyStock: // 德股服务
servicemanager.GinServer(*ipServer, *addrServer, *checkInt, *project) |
case model.FranceStock: // 法股服务
servicemanager.GinServer(*ipServer, *addrServer, *checkInt, *project) |
case model.BrazilStock: // 巴西股服务
servicemanager.GinServer(*ipServer, *addrServer, *checkInt, *project) |
case model.JapanStock: // 日本股服务
servicemanager.GinServer(*ipServer, *addrServer, *checkInt, *project) |
case model.StockData: // mongodb-倒数据
business.SymbolToStock(*project) |
case model.StockDataUs: // mongodb-倒数据
business.SymbolToStockList(*project) |
case model.StockDataInfo: // mongodb-倒详情数据
business.SymbolToStockInfo(*project) |
case model.StockDataNews: // 股票市场数据更新
business.SymbolNews(*project) |
case model.StockCode: // 更新股票市场代码列表(老版本)
business.SymbolCode(*project) |
case model.DelOptionHash: // 删除期权hash
business.DelOptionHash() |
case model.SendIndiaInfo: // 发送给PHP印度股票信息
business.SendIndiaInfo() |
case model.MalaysiaStockUpdate: // 新增马来西亚数字代码
business.MalaysiaStockUpdate() |
case model.DeleteIndia: // 清理印度市场后台没有权限的股票(优化印度股票k线-mongodb压力)
business.DeleteSpotDay(*project, *stockTs) |
case model.ForexToExcel: // 导出外汇股票代码
business.TickerToExcel() |
default: |
applogger.Debug("Please select the startup ID......") |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,278 @@ |
package marketwsscliert |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"wss-pool/cmd/websocketservice" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal/data/business" |
red "wss-pool/internal/redis" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/hbwssclient/marketwssclient" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/market" |
) |
/*U本币合约数据 |
*/ |
// subscribeCtKline 合约kline数据
func subscribeCtKline(symbolList map[string][]string) { |
client := new(marketwssclient.ContractKLineWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbContract.HbContractHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for symbol, period := range symbolList { |
for _, value := range period { |
client.Subscribe(symbol, value, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
} |
}, |
func(response interface{}) { |
resp, ok := response.(market.SubscribeCtKlineResponse) |
if ok { |
if &resp != nil { |
if resp.Tick != nil || resp.Data != nil { |
resp = RunModify(resp) |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: resp.Channel, |
Sender: Cli.Id, |
Content: resp, |
Symbol: resp.Channel}) |
red.RedisClient.Publish(resp.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
go business.UpdateSubscribeCtKline(resp) |
applogger.Info("subscribeCtKline data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v-%v", resp.Channel, Cli.Id, resp.Tick, resp.Data) |
} |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for symbol, period := range symbolList { |
for _, value := range period { |
client.UnSubscribe(symbol, value, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// subscribeCtDepth 合约深度数据源
func subscribeCtDepth(symbolList map[string][]string) { |
//改为一对一 发送
for symbol, period := range symbolList { |
for _, value := range period { |
topic := fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.depth.%s", symbol, value) |
client := new(marketwssclient.ContractDepthWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbContract.HbContractHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
client.Subscribe(symbol, value, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
}, |
func(response interface{}) { |
resp, ok := response.(interface{}) |
if ok { |
if &resp != nil { |
//jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{
// ServersId: topic,
// Sender: Cli.Id,
// Content: resp,
// Symbol: topic})
red.RedisClient.Publish(topic, resp) |
applogger.Info("subscribeCtDepth data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v", topic, Cli.Id) |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
defer client.Close() |
} |
} |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
client := new(marketwssclient.ContractDepthWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbContract.HbContractHost) |
for symbol, period := range symbolList { |
for _, value := range period { |
client.UnSubscribe(symbol, value, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// subscribeCtAddDepth 合约深度增量数据
func subscribeCtAddDepth(symbolList map[string][]string) { |
client := new(marketwssclient.ContractDepthSizeWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbContract.HbContractHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for symbol, period := range symbolList { |
for _, value := range period { |
client.Subscribe(symbol, value, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
} |
}, |
func(response interface{}) { |
resp, ok := response.(market.SubscribeCtAddDepthResponse) |
if ok { |
if &resp != nil { |
if resp.Tick != nil { |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: resp.Channel, |
Sender: Cli.Id, |
Content: resp, |
Symbol: resp.Channel}) |
red.RedisClient.Publish(resp.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
applogger.Info("subscribeCtAddDepth data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v", resp.Channel, Cli.Id, resp.Tick) |
} |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for symbol, period := range symbolList { |
for _, value := range period { |
client.UnSubscribe(symbol, value, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// subscribeCtBbo TODO: 合约买一卖一逐笔行情数据
func subscribeCtBbo(symbolList map[string][]string) { |
client := new(marketwssclient.ContractBBOWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbContract.HbContractHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for symbol, _ := range symbolList { |
client.Subscribe(symbol, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
}, |
func(response interface{}) { |
resp, ok := response.(market.SubscribeCtBboResponse) |
if ok { |
if &resp != nil { |
if resp.Tick != nil { |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: resp.Channel, |
Sender: Cli.Id, |
Content: resp, |
Symbol: resp.Channel}) |
red.RedisClient.Publish(resp.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
applogger.Info("subscribeCtBbo data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v", resp.Channel, Cli.Id, resp.Tick) |
} |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for symbol, _ := range symbolList { |
client.UnSubscribe(symbol, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// subscribeCtDetail TODO: 合约详情数据
func subscribeCtDetail(symbolList map[string][]string) { |
client := new(marketwssclient.ContractDetailWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbContract.HbContractHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for symbol, _ := range symbolList { |
client.Subscribe(symbol, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
}, |
func(response interface{}) { |
resp, ok := response.(market.SubscribeCtDetailResponse) |
if ok { |
if &resp != nil { |
if resp.Tick != nil { |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: resp.Channel, |
Sender: Cli.Id, |
Content: resp, |
Symbol: resp.Channel}) |
red.RedisClient.Publish(resp.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
applogger.Info("subscribeCtDetail data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v", resp.Channel, Cli.Id, resp.Tick) |
} |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for symbol, _ := range symbolList { |
client.UnSubscribe(symbol, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// subscribeCtTradeDetail 合约贸易详情数据
func subscribeCtTradeDetail(symbolList map[string][]string) { |
client := new(marketwssclient.ContractTradeDetailWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbContract.HbContractHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for symbol, _ := range symbolList { |
client.Subscribe(symbol, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
}, |
func(response interface{}) { |
resp, ok := response.(market.SubscribeCtTradeDetailResponse) |
if ok { |
if &resp != nil { |
if resp.Tick != nil { |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: resp.Channel, |
Sender: Cli.Id, |
Content: resp, |
Symbol: resp.Channel}) |
red.RedisClient.Publish(resp.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
applogger.Info("subscribeCtTradeDetail data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v", resp.Channel, Cli.Id, resp.Tick) |
} |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for symbol, _ := range symbolList { |
client.UnSubscribe(symbol, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,430 @@ |
package marketwsscliert |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"strings" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/internal" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
red "wss-pool/internal/redis" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model" |
models "wss-pool/pkg/model" |
) |
var messageStr chan []byte |
var messageDayStr chan []byte |
func init() { |
messageStr = make(chan []byte) |
messageDayStr = make(chan []byte) |
} |
// 外汇交易对实时报价
func subscribeMarketForexBakNew(conn *websocket.Conn) { |
for { |
_, msg, err := conn.ReadMessage() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("err info:%v", err) |
time.Sleep(50 * time.Second) |
break |
} |
if strings.Contains(string(msg), "ping") || |
strings.Contains(string(msg), "subscribe success") || |
strings.Contains(string(msg), "\"ev\":\"C\"") || |
strings.Contains(string(msg), "\"ev\":\"T\"") || |
strings.Contains(string(msg), "pong") { |
continue |
} |
var subModel model.FinnhubMessageNew |
if err = json.Unmarshal(msg, &subModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("subModel Unmarshal info111 err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
var modelCl []model.ForexJsonData |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(subModel.Content), &modelCl); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("subModel Unmarshal info222 err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
for _, value := range modelCl { |
//if value.Pair != "XAUUSD" {
// continue
// TODO: 插针处理
forexJson, checkBool := RunModifyForexNew(value) |
msgStr, err := json.Marshal(forexJson) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
applogger.Debug("message info:%v", string(msgStr)) |
if checkBool { |
// TODO: 启动插针数据推送(延缓数据推送)
messageStr <- msgStr |
} else { |
for k, db := range red.RedisClientMap { |
err = db.Publish(fmt.Sprintf("%s.Forex", value.Pair), string(msgStr)).Err() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("db", k, "存储失败:", err) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func pinInsertionRun() { |
go func() { |
for msg := range messageStr { |
var forexModel models.ForexJsonData |
if err := json.Unmarshal(msg, &forexModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Run Unmarshal info err:", err) |
continue |
} |
// 推送到redis
for k, db := range red.RedisClientMap { |
err := db.Publish(fmt.Sprintf("%s.Forex", forexModel.Pair), string(msg)).Err() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("db", k, "存储失败:", err) |
} |
} |
// 写入Mongodb数据格式
t := time.Unix(forexModel.Timestamp, 0) |
formatted := t.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") |
dataStr := bson.D{ |
{"code", forexModel.Pair}, |
{"timestamp", formatted}, |
{"open_price", decimal.NewFromFloat(forexModel.Open).String()}, |
{"close_price", decimal.NewFromFloat(forexModel.Close).String()}, |
{"high_price", decimal.NewFromFloat(forexModel.High).String()}, |
{"low_price", decimal.NewFromFloat(forexModel.Low).String()}, |
{"volume", decimal.NewFromInt(int64(forexModel.Volume)).String()}, |
{"turnover", "0.00"}, |
} |
if err := data.MgoInsertOne(data.ForexKLine, dataStr); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Insert info err:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
}() |
} |
// 外汇交易对实时天报价
func subscribeMarketDayForexBakNew(conn *websocket.Conn) { |
for { |
_, msg, err := conn.ReadMessage() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("err info:%v", err) |
time.Sleep(50 * time.Second) |
break |
} |
if strings.Contains(string(msg), "ping") || |
strings.Contains(string(msg), "subscribe success") || |
strings.Contains(string(msg), "\"ev\":\"C\"") || |
strings.Contains(string(msg), "\"ev\":\"T\"") || |
strings.Contains(string(msg), "pong") { |
continue |
} |
var subModel model.FinnhubMessageNew |
if err = json.Unmarshal(msg, &subModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("subModel Unmarshal info111 err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
var modelCl []model.ForexJsonData |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(subModel.Content), &modelCl); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("subModel Unmarshal info222 err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
for _, value := range modelCl { |
// TODO: 插针处理
forexJson, checkBool := RunModifyForex(value) |
msgStr, err := json.Marshal(forexJson) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
applogger.Debug("message info:%v", string(msgStr)) |
if checkBool { |
// TODO: 启动插针数据推送(延缓数据推送)
messageDayStr <- msgStr |
} else { |
for k, db := range red.RedisClientMap { |
err = db.Publish(fmt.Sprintf("%s.DayForex", value.Pair), string(msgStr)).Err() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("db", k, "存储失败:", err) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func pinInsertionDayRun() { |
go func() { |
for msg := range messageDayStr { |
var forexModel models.ForexJsonData |
if err := json.Unmarshal(msg, &forexModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Run Unmarshal info err:", err) |
continue |
} |
// 数据处理
for k, db := range red.RedisClientMap { |
err := db.Publish(fmt.Sprintf("%s.Forex", forexModel.Pair), string(msg)).Err() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("db", k, "存储失败:", err) |
} |
} |
} |
}() |
} |
// 外汇交易对买一卖一报价
func subscribeMarketForexQuoteBakNew(conn *websocket.Conn) { |
for { |
_, msg, err := conn.ReadMessage() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("err info:%v", err) |
time.Sleep(50 * time.Second) |
break |
} |
msgStrOne := string(msg) |
//applogger.Debug("ReadMessage data info:%v", msgStrOne)
if strings.Contains(msgStrOne, "ping") || |
strings.Contains(msgStrOne, "subscribe success") || |
strings.Contains(msgStrOne, "\"ev\":\"CAS\"") || |
strings.Contains(msgStrOne, "\"ev\":\"T\"") || |
strings.Contains(msgStrOne, "pong") { |
continue |
} |
var subModel model.FinnhubMessageNew |
if err = json.Unmarshal(msg, &subModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("subModel Unmarshal info111 err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
var modelCl []model.ForexLastQuote |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(subModel.Content), &modelCl); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("subModel Unmarshal info222 err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
for _, value := range modelCl { |
msgStr, err := json.Marshal(value) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
applogger.Debug("message info:%v", string(msgStr)) |
// Write to Redis for broadcasting
if len(value.P) == 0 { |
continue |
} |
for k, db := range red.RedisClientMap { |
err = db.Publish(fmt.Sprintf("%s.LastForex", value.P), string(msgStr)).Err() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("db", k, "存储失败:", err) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// 外汇交易对成交报价
func subscribeMarketForexTradeBakNew(conn *websocket.Conn) { |
for { |
_, msg, err := conn.ReadMessage() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("err info:%v", err) |
time.Sleep(50 * time.Second) |
break |
} |
msgStrOne := string(msg) |
//applogger.Debug("ReadMessage data info:%v", msgStrOne)
if strings.Contains(msgStrOne, "ping") || |
strings.Contains(msgStrOne, "subscribe success") || |
strings.Contains(msgStrOne, "\"ev\":\"CAS\"") || |
strings.Contains(msgStrOne, "\"ev\":\"C\"") || |
strings.Contains(msgStrOne, "pong") { |
continue |
} |
var subModel model.FinnhubMessageNew |
if err = json.Unmarshal(msg, &subModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("subModel Unmarshal info111 err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
var modelCl []model.ForexTrade |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(subModel.Content), &modelCl); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("subModel Unmarshal info222 err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
for _, value := range modelCl { |
msgStr, err := json.Marshal(value) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
applogger.Debug("message info:%v", string(msgStr)) |
for k, db := range red.RedisClientMap { |
err = db.Publish(fmt.Sprintf("%s.TradeForex", value.Code), string(msgStr)).Err() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("db", k, "存储失败:", err) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// 外汇交易对成交报价存储
func subscribeMarketForexTradeBak2New(conn *websocket.Conn) { |
for { |
_, msg, err := conn.ReadMessage() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("err info:%v", err) |
time.Sleep(50 * time.Second) |
break |
} |
msgStrOne := string(msg) |
//applogger.Debug("ReadMessage data info:%v", msgStrOne)
if strings.Contains(msgStrOne, "ping") || |
strings.Contains(msgStrOne, "subscribe success") || |
strings.Contains(msgStrOne, "\"ev\":\"CAS\"") || |
strings.Contains(msgStrOne, "\"ev\":\"C\"") || |
strings.Contains(msgStrOne, "pong") { |
continue |
} |
var subModel model.FinnhubMessageNew |
if err = json.Unmarshal(msg, &subModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("subModel Unmarshal info111 err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
var modelCl []model.ForexTrade |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(subModel.Content), &modelCl); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("subModel Unmarshal info222 err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel |
for _, v := range modelCl { |
filter := bson.M{"tick_time": bson.M{"$eq": decimal.RequireFromString(v.TickTime).IntPart()}, "code": bson.M{"$eq": v.Code}} |
update := bson.D{{"$set", |
bson.D{ |
{"ev", v.Ev}, |
{"code", v.Code}, |
{"seq", v.Seq}, |
{"tick_time", decimal.RequireFromString(v.TickTime).IntPart()}, |
{"price", v.Price}, |
{"volume", v.Volume}, |
{"turnover", v.Turnover}, |
{"trade_direction", v.TradeDirection}, |
}}} |
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true) |
dataList = append(dataList, models) |
} |
if len(dataList) > 0 { |
if err = data.MgoBulkWrite(data.ForexTradeList, dataList); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("forexTrade MgoBulkWrite err:%v", err) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// 清理外汇成交报价数据信息
func DeleteForexTrade() { |
dateList, err := data.MgoFind(data.ForexListBak, bson.M{}) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoFind info err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
//applogger.Info("MgoFind info len: %v", dateList)
for _, value := range dateList.([]primitive.M) { |
code := value["symbol"].(string) |
filter := bson.M{"code": code} |
//applogger.Debug("清理数据:%v", filter)
if err = data.MgoDeleteMany100List(data.ForexTradeList, filter, code); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("DeleteForexTrade MgoDeleteMany err :", err.Error()) |
} |
} |
} |
// 每周一到周五0点0分0秒更新外汇交易对闭盘价
func ForexUpdateCode() { |
dateList, err := data.MgoFind(data.ForexListBak, bson.M{}) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoFind info err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
var codeList []string |
for _, value := range dateList.([]primitive.M) { |
code := value["code"].(string) |
codeList = append(codeList, code) |
} |
UrlBatchKline := "" |
var dataPost model.ConstructParametersPost |
for _, value := range codeList { |
dataPost.Trace = uuid.New().String() |
dataPost.Data.DataList = append(dataPost.Data.DataList, model.DataParameters{ |
Code: value, |
KlineType: 1, |
KlineTimestampEnd: 0, |
QueryKlineNum: 1, |
AdjustType: 0, |
}) |
} |
queryStr, err := json.Marshal(&dataPost) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("解析json错误:%v", err) |
return |
} |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpPost(UrlBatchKline, string(queryStr)) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("读取响应失败:%v", err) |
return |
} |
//applogger.Debug("响应内容:%v", bodyStr)
var klineNew model.KlinePostReturnStruct |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &klineNew); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("解析失败:%v", err) |
return |
} |
//applogger.Debug("响应内容:%v", klineNew)
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel |
for _, v := range klineNew.Data.KlineList { |
filter := bson.M{ |
"code": v.Code, |
} |
updateData := bson.M{} |
for _, value := range v.KlineData { |
updateData["openPrice"] = value.OpenPrice |
updateData["highPrice"] = value.HighPrice |
updateData["lowPrice"] = value.LowPrice |
updateData["closePrice"] = value.ClosePrice |
updateData["timestamp"] = value.Timestamp |
break |
} |
update := bson.M{"$set": updateData} |
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true) |
dataList = append(dataList, models) |
} |
if len(dataList) > 0 { |
if err = data.MgoBulkWrite(data.ForexListBak, dataList); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoInsertMany err:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ |
package marketwsscliert |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"errors" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"strings" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/cmd/common" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
"wss-pool/internal/data/business" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/stock" |
) |
var UsNewCode = make(map[string]bool) |
// 订阅美股股票行情数据
func subscribeFinnhub() *websocket.Conn { |
url := fmt.Sprintf("wss://%v?token=%v", config.Config.FinnhubUs.FinnhubWss, config.Config.FinnhubUs.FinnhubKey) |
conn, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(url, nil) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to link to wss server:%v", err) |
//defer conn.Close()
return nil |
} |
return conn |
} |
func subscribeMarketUsBak(conn *websocket.Conn) { |
_ = sendUsCode(conn, false) // 获取订阅全部股票
go singleSendUsCode(conn) // 单线程 订阅后续新增的股票
// TODO: Verify if key permissions are passed
//subAuh := fmt.Sprintf("{\"action\":\"auth\",\"params\":\"%v\"}", config.Config.ShareGather.PolygonKey)
//Send(conn, subAuh)
//// Initiate event subscription
//subData := fmt.Sprintf("{\"action\":\"subscribe\",\"params\":\"A.*\"}")
//Send(conn, subData)
//usMessage := make([]model.ClientMessage, 0)
for { |
_, msg, err := conn.ReadMessage() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("err info:%v", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Debug("ReadMessage data info:%v", string(msg)) |
var subModel model.FinnhubMessage |
if err := json.Unmarshal(msg, &subModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("subModel Unmarshal info err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
if !common.IsFinnhubOpeningUS() { |
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "us shareMarket it's not opening time -----------------------------end") |
continue |
} |
for _, value := range subModel.Data { |
message := model.ClientMessage{ |
S: value.S, // 股票代码
C: value.C, // 条件,有关更多信息,请参阅贸易条件术语表
V: value.V, // 交易量,代表在相应时间戳处交易的股票数量 -- 报价交易量
Dp: true, // 暗池真/假
T: value.T, // 以毫秒为单位的时间戳 -- 此聚合窗口的结束时钟周期的时间戳(以 Unix 毫秒为单位)
Cl: value.P, |
Op: value.P, |
H: value.P, |
L: value.P, |
} |
msgStr, err := json.Marshal(message) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Debug("message info:%v", string(msgStr)) |
// Write to Redis for broadcasting
if len(message.S) == 0 { |
return |
} |
business.JudgePublishMap("US", message.S, fmt.Sprintf("%s.US", message.S), string(msgStr)) |
business.JudgeHsetMap("US", business.StockClosingPrice["USNew"], message.S, message.Cl.String()) |
} |
} |
} |
func sendUsCode(conn *websocket.Conn, isSingle bool) error { |
filter := bson.M{"Country": "US", "YesterdayClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}} |
projection := bson.M{"Code": 1} |
stockRes := make([]stock.StockPolygon, 0) |
data.MgoPagingFindStructProjection(data.StockList, filter, projection, 20000, 1, -1, &stockRes) |
old := len(UsNewCode) |
for _, v := range stockRes { |
if !common.IsExistStock("US", v.Code) { |
continue |
} |
sendPing := fmt.Sprintf("{\"type\":\"subscribe\",\"symbol\":\"%v\"}", v.Code) |
if !isSingle { //订阅全部美股
fmt.Println(sendPing) |
Send(conn, sendPing) |
UsNewCode[v.Code] = true |
continue |
} |
if !UsNewCode[v.Code] { //追加订阅新股票
applogger.Debug("new us stock:%v", sendPing) |
Send(conn, sendPing) |
UsNewCode[v.Code] = true |
} |
} |
applogger.Debug("old us stock num", old, len(UsNewCode)) |
return nil |
} |
func singleSendUsCode(conn *websocket.Conn) { |
for { |
time.Sleep(1 * time.Hour) |
if err := Send(conn, fmt.Sprintf("{\"type\":\"subscribe\",\"symbol\":\"%v\"}", "")); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("ws:%v", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Debug("send new us stock start") |
if err := sendUsCode(conn, true); err != nil { |
applogger.Debug("send new us stock end") |
return |
} |
} |
} |
// 接收分发股票实时行情
func subscribeDispense(roue string, post int) *websocket.Conn { |
url := fmt.Sprintf("ws://%v:%v/%v", config.Config.FinnhubUs.DispenseWss, post, roue) |
applogger.Debug("dispense wss url:", url) |
conn, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(url, nil) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to link to wss server:%v", err) |
return nil |
} |
applogger.Debug("dispense wss connect success......") |
return conn |
} |
// 美股订阅
func subscribeMarketUsBakNew(conn *websocket.Conn) { |
for { |
_, msg, err := conn.ReadMessage() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("err info:%v", err) |
time.Sleep(50 * time.Second) |
break |
} |
msgStrOne := string(msg) |
applogger.Debug("ReadMessage data info:%v", msgStrOne) |
if strings.Contains(msgStrOne, "ping") || strings.Contains(msgStrOne, "subscribe success") { |
continue |
} |
var subModel model.FinnhubMessageNew |
if err = json.Unmarshal(msg, &subModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("subModel Unmarshal info111 err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
var modelCl model.FinnhubMessage |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(subModel.Content), &modelCl); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("subModel Unmarshal info222 err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
// 美股开盘时间判定
//if !common.IsFinnhubOpeningUS() {
// applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "us shareMarket it's not opening time -----------------------------end")
// continue
for _, value := range modelCl.Data { |
message := model.ClientMessage{ |
S: value.S, // 股票代码
C: value.C, // 条件,有关更多信息,请参阅贸易条件术语表
V: value.V, // 交易量,代表在相应时间戳处交易的股票数量 -- 报价交易量
Dp: true, // 暗池真/假
T: value.T, // 以毫秒为单位的时间戳 -- 此聚合窗口的结束时钟周期的时间戳(以 Unix 毫秒为单位)
Cl: value.P, |
Op: value.P, |
H: value.P, |
L: value.P, |
} |
msgStr, err := json.Marshal(message) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
applogger.Debug("message info:%v", string(msgStr)) |
// Write to Redis for broadcasting
if len(message.S) == 0 { |
continue |
} |
business.JudgePublishMap("US", message.S, fmt.Sprintf("%s.US", message.S), string(msgStr)) |
business.JudgeHsetMap("US", business.StockClosingPrice["USNew"], message.S, message.Cl.String()) |
} |
} |
} |
// 发送消息
func Send(conn *websocket.Conn, data string) error { |
if conn == nil { |
applogger.Error("WebSocket sent error: no connection available") |
return errors.New("WebSocket sent error: no connection available") |
} |
err := conn.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, []byte(data)) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("WebSocket sent error: data=%s, error=%s", data, err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,401 @@ |
package marketwsscliert |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"wss-pool/cmd/websocketservice" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal/data/business" |
red "wss-pool/internal/redis" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/hbwssclient/marketwssclient" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/market" |
) |
/* 火币现货数据来源 |
*/ |
// subscribeDepth 市场深度行情数据
func subscribeDepth(symbolList map[string][]string) { |
client := new(marketwssclient.DepthWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbGather.HbHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for key, value := range symbolList { |
for _, vue := range value { |
client.Request(key, vue, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
client.Subscribe(key, vue, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
} |
}, |
func(resp interface{}) { |
depthResponse, ok := resp.(market.SubscribeDepthResponse) |
if ok { |
if &depthResponse != nil { |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: depthResponse.Channel, |
Sender: Cli.Id, |
Content: resp, |
Symbol: depthResponse.Channel}) |
red.RedisClient.Publish(depthResponse.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
applogger.Info("subscribeDepth data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v-%v", depthResponse.Channel, Cli.Id, depthResponse.Tick, depthResponse.Data) |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for key, value := range symbolList { |
for _, vue := range value { |
client.UnSubscribe(key, vue, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// subscribeLevelMbp 市场深度MBP行情数据(增量推送)(150挡)
func subscribeLevelMbp(symbolList map[string][]string) { |
client := new(marketwssclient.MarketByPriceWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbGather.HbHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for key, _ := range symbolList { |
client.Request(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
client.Subscribe(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
}, |
func(resp interface{}) { |
depthResponse, ok := resp.(market.SubscribeMarketByPriceResponse) |
if ok { |
if &depthResponse != nil { |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: depthResponse.Channel, |
Sender: Cli.Id, |
Content: resp, |
Symbol: depthResponse.Channel}) |
red.RedisClient.Publish(depthResponse.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
applogger.Info("subscribeLevelMbp data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v-%v", depthResponse.Channel, Cli.Id, depthResponse.Tick, depthResponse.Data) |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for key, _ := range symbolList { |
client.UnSubscribe(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// subscribeFullMbp 市场深度MBP行情数据(全量推送)
func subscribeFullMbp(symbolList map[string][]int) { |
client := new(marketwssclient.MarketByPriceWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbGather.HbHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for key, value := range symbolList { |
for _, vue := range value { |
client.SubscribeFull(key, vue, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
} |
}, |
func(resp interface{}) { |
depthResponse, ok := resp.(market.SubscribeMarketByPriceResponse) |
if ok { |
if &depthResponse != nil { |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: depthResponse.Channel, |
Sender: Cli.Id, |
Content: resp, |
Symbol: depthResponse.Channel}) |
red.RedisClient.Publish(depthResponse.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
applogger.Info("subscribeFullMbp data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v-%v", depthResponse.Channel, Cli.Id, depthResponse.Tick, depthResponse.Data) |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for key, value := range symbolList { |
for _, vue := range value { |
client.UnSubscribeFull(key, vue, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// subscribeSubMbp 市场深度MBP行情数据(增量推送)
func subscribeSubMbp(symbolList map[string][]int) { |
client := new(marketwssclient.MarketByPriceTickWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbGather.HbHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for key, value := range symbolList { |
for _, vue := range value { |
client.Request(key, vue, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
client.Subscribe(key, vue, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
} |
}, |
func(resp interface{}) { |
depthResponse, ok := resp.(market.SubscribeMarketByPriceResponse) |
if ok { |
if &depthResponse != nil { |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: depthResponse.Channel, |
Sender: Cli.Id, |
Content: resp, |
Symbol: depthResponse.Channel}) |
red.RedisClient.Publish(depthResponse.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
applogger.Info("subscribeSubMbp data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v-%v", depthResponse.Channel, Cli.Id, depthResponse.Tick, depthResponse.Data) |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for key, value := range symbolList { |
for _, vue := range value { |
client.UnSubscribe(key, vue, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// subscribeBbo 买一卖一逐笔行情
func subscribeBbo(symbolList map[string][]string) { |
client := new(marketwssclient.BestBidOfferWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbGather.HbHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for key, _ := range symbolList { |
client.Subscribe(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
}, |
func(resp interface{}) { |
bboResponse, ok := resp.(market.SubscribeBestBidOfferResponse) |
if ok { |
if bboResponse.Tick != nil { |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: bboResponse.Channel, |
Sender: Cli.Id, |
Content: resp, |
Symbol: bboResponse.Channel}) |
red.RedisClient.Publish(bboResponse.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
} |
applogger.Info("subscribeBbo data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v-%v", bboResponse.Channel, Cli.Id, bboResponse.Tick, nil) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for key, _ := range symbolList { |
client.UnSubscribe(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Connection closed") |
} |
// subscribeKLine K线数据
func subscribeKLine(symbolList map[string][]string) { |
client := new(marketwssclient.CandlestickWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbGather.HbHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for symbol, period := range symbolList { |
for _, value := range period { |
client.Subscribe(symbol, value, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
} |
}, |
func(response interface{}) { |
resp, ok := response.(market.SubscribeCandlestickResponse) |
if ok { |
if &resp != nil { |
if resp.Tick != nil || resp.Data != nil { |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: resp.Channel, |
Sender: Cli.Id, |
Content: resp, |
Symbol: resp.Channel, |
}) |
//applogger.Info("k line JSON --- %s",string(jsonMessage))
red.RedisClient.Publish(resp.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
applogger.Info("k line resp %v", resp.Data) |
go business.UpdateWsMgo(resp) |
} |
applogger.Info("subscribeKLine data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v-%v", resp.Channel, Cli.Id, resp.Tick, resp.Data) |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for symbol, period := range symbolList { |
for _, value := range period { |
client.UnSubscribe(symbol, value, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// subscribeTrade 成交明细
func subscribeTrade(symbolList map[string][]string) { |
client := new(marketwssclient.TradeWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbGather.HbHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for key, _ := range symbolList { |
client.Request(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
client.Subscribe(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
}, |
func(resp interface{}) { |
depthResponse, ok := resp.(market.SubscribeTradeResponse) |
if ok { |
if &depthResponse != nil { |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: depthResponse.Channel, |
Sender: Cli.Id, |
Content: resp, |
Symbol: depthResponse.Channel}) |
red.RedisClient.Publish(depthResponse.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
applogger.Info("subscribeTrade data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v-%v", depthResponse.Channel, Cli.Id, depthResponse.Tick, depthResponse.Data) |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for key, _ := range symbolList { |
client.UnSubscribe(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// subscribeLast24h 市场概要
func subscribeLast24h(symbolList map[string][]string) { |
// Initialize a new instance
client := new(marketwssclient.Last24hCandlestickWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbGather.HbHost) |
// Set the callback handlers
client.SetHandler( |
// Connected handler
func() { |
for key, _ := range symbolList { |
client.Request(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
client.Subscribe(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
}, |
// Response handler
func(resp interface{}) { |
candlestickResponse, ok := resp.(market.SubscribeLast24hCandlestickResponse) |
if ok { |
if &candlestickResponse != nil { |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: candlestickResponse.Channel, |
Sender: Cli.Id, |
Content: resp, |
Symbol: candlestickResponse.Channel}) |
red.RedisClient.Publish(candlestickResponse.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
applogger.Info("subscribeLast24h data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v-%v", candlestickResponse.Channel, Cli.Id, candlestickResponse.Tick, candlestickResponse.Data) |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
// Connect to the wss and wait for the handler to handle the response
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for key, _ := range symbolList { |
client.UnSubscribe(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// subscribeTicker 市场聚合行情(ticker)
func subscribeTicker(symbolList map[string][]string) { |
client := new(marketwssclient.TickerWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbGather.HbHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for symbol, _ := range symbolList { |
client.Subscribe(symbol, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
}, |
func(response interface{}) { |
resp, ok := response.(market.TickerWebsocketResponse) |
if ok { |
if &resp != nil { |
if resp.Tick != nil || resp.Data != nil { |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: resp.Channel, |
Sender: Cli.Id, |
Content: resp, |
Symbol: resp.Channel}) |
red.RedisClient.Publish(resp.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
applogger.Info("subscribeTicker data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v-%v", resp.Channel, Cli.Id, resp.Tick, resp.Data) |
} |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for symbol, _ := range symbolList { |
client.UnSubscribe(symbol, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ |
package marketwsscliert |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"" |
"" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/cmd/common" |
"wss-pool/cmd/websocketcollect/us" |
"wss-pool/cmd/websocketservice" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/dictionary" |
"wss-pool/internal/data/business" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model" |
) |
var Cli websocketservice.User |
// 数字币行情采集
func RunHBDataRedis(checkData string) { |
HbMarketSpots(checkData) |
HbContract(checkData) |
} |
// 火币现货行情数据
func HbMarketSpots(checkData string) { |
switch checkData { |
case "subscribeDepth": // 市场深度行情数据 8863
subscribeDepth(model.SymbolListString(dictionary.Depth)) |
case "subscribeLevelMbp": // 市场深度MBP行情数据(增量推送)(150挡) 8864
subscribeLevelMbp(model.SymbolListString([]string{})) |
case "subscribeFullMbp": // 市场深度MBP行情数据(全量推送) 8865
subscribeFullMbp(model.SymbolListInt(dictionary.LevelsRefresh)) |
case "subscribeSubMbp": // 市场深度MBP行情数据(增量推送) 8866
subscribeSubMbp(model.SymbolListInt(dictionary.LevelsMbp)) |
case "subscribeBbo": // 买一卖一逐笔行情 8867
subscribeBbo(model.SymbolListString([]string{})) |
case "subscribeKLine": // K线数据 8868
subscribeKLine(model.SymbolListString(dictionary.TimeCycle)) |
case "subscribeTrade": // 成交明细 8869
subscribeTrade(model.SymbolListString([]string{})) |
case "subscribeLast24h": // 市场概要 8847
subscribeLast24h(model.SymbolListString([]string{})) |
case "subscribeTicker": // 聚合行情(Ticker) 8848
subscribeTicker(model.SymbolListString([]string{})) |
default: |
applogger.Info("Please select the data source that needs to be connected......") |
} |
} |
// 币本位永续合约行情数据
func HbContract(checkData string) { |
switch checkData { |
case "subscribeCtKline": // k线数据 8841
go GetModifyContract() |
subscribeCtKline(model.SymbolCtListString(dictionary.ContractTime)) |
case "subscribeCtDepth": // 深度信息 8842
subscribeCtDepth(model.SymbolCtListString(dictionary.ContractDepth)) |
case "subscribeCtAddDepth": // 新增深度信息 8843
subscribeCtAddDepth(model.SymbolCtListString(dictionary.ContractAddDepth)) |
case "subscribeCtBbo": // 买一卖一行情数据 8844
subscribeCtBbo(model.SymbolCtListString([]string{})) |
case "subscribeCtDetail": // 合约详情数据 8845
subscribeCtDetail(model.SymbolCtListString([]string{})) |
case "subscribeCtTradeDetail": // 合约贸易详情数据 8846
subscribeCtTradeDetail(model.SymbolCtListString([]string{})) |
default: |
applogger.Info("Please select the data source that needs to be connected......") |
} |
} |
// 美股行情采集
func ShareMarket(checkData string) { |
// TODO: 不需要推送插针数据
go business.NewPinStock(common.GetRedisNoPin(config.Config.Redis.NoPinAss)) |
switch checkData { |
case "usShare": // US
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 10) |
defer ticker.Stop() |
for { |
select { |
case <-ticker.C: |
applogger.Info("Execute automatic subscription........") |
if conn := subscribeFinnhub(); conn != nil { |
subscribeMarketUsBak(conn) |
} |
} |
} |
default: |
applogger.Info("Please select the data source that needs to be connected......") |
} |
} |
// 美股行情采集分发
func ShareMarketBak(checkData string) { |
// TODO: 不需要推送插针数据
go business.NewPinStock(common.GetRedisNoPin(config.Config.Redis.NoPinAss)) |
switch checkData { |
case "usShare": |
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 10) |
defer ticker.Stop() |
for { |
select { |
case <-ticker.C: |
if conn := subscribeDispense("ws", 7777); conn != nil { |
webSocketsWrite(conn, "us", "subscribe") |
subscribeMarketUsBakNew(conn) |
} |
} |
} |
default: |
applogger.Info("Please select the data source that needs to be connected......") |
} |
} |
// 外汇行情采集分发
func ForexMarketBak(checkData string) { |
switch checkData { |
case "forex": |
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 10) |
defer ticker.Stop() |
for { |
select { |
case <-ticker.C: |
if conn := subscribeDispense("forexWs", 7778); conn != nil { |
webSocketsWrite(conn, "forex", "subscribe") |
pinInsertionRun() |
subscribeMarketForexBakNew(conn) |
} |
} |
} |
default: |
applogger.Info("Please select the data source that needs to be connected......") |
} |
} |
// 外汇行情天采集分发
func ForexMarketDayBak(checkData string) { |
switch checkData { |
case "forex": |
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 10) |
defer ticker.Stop() |
for { |
select { |
case <-ticker.C: |
if conn := subscribeDispense("forexWs", 7778); conn != nil { |
webSocketsWrite(conn, "forexDay", "subscribe") |
pinInsertionDayRun() |
subscribeMarketDayForexBakNew(conn) |
} |
} |
} |
default: |
applogger.Info("Please select the data source that needs to be connected......") |
} |
} |
// 外汇买一卖一报价采集分发
func ForexMarketQuoteBak(checkData string) { |
switch checkData { |
case "forex": |
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 10) |
defer ticker.Stop() |
for { |
select { |
case <-ticker.C: |
if conn := subscribeDispense("forexWs", 7778); conn != nil { |
webSocketsWrite(conn, "quotes", "subscribe") |
subscribeMarketForexQuoteBakNew(conn) |
} |
} |
} |
default: |
applogger.Info("Please select the data source that needs to be connected......") |
} |
} |
// 外汇成交报价采集分发
func ForexMarketTradeBak(checkData string) { |
switch checkData { |
case "forex": |
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 10) |
defer ticker.Stop() |
for { |
select { |
case <-ticker.C: |
if conn := subscribeDispense("forexWs", 7778); conn != nil { |
webSocketsWrite(conn, "trade", "subscribe") |
subscribeMarketForexTradeBakNew(conn) |
} |
} |
} |
default: |
applogger.Info("Please select the data source that needs to be connected......") |
} |
} |
// 外汇成交报价存储
func ForexMarketTradeBak2(checkData string) { |
switch checkData { |
case "forex": |
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 10) |
defer ticker.Stop() |
for { |
select { |
case <-ticker.C: |
if conn := subscribeDispense("forexWs", 7778); conn != nil { |
webSocketsWrite(conn, "tradeStorage", "subscribe") |
subscribeMarketForexTradeBak2New(conn) |
} |
} |
} |
default: |
applogger.Info("Please select the data source that needs to be connected......") |
} |
} |
// 外汇成交报价数据清理
func ForexMarketClearTradeBak2(checkData string) { |
switch checkData { |
case "forex": |
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 5) |
defer ticker.Stop() |
for { |
select { |
case <-ticker.C: |
DeleteForexTrade() |
} |
} |
default: |
applogger.Info("Please select the data source that needs to be connected......") |
} |
} |
// 股票分发推送
func webSocketsWrite(conn *websocket.Conn, topic, content string) { |
message := us.Message{ |
Topic: topic, |
Content: content, |
} |
msg, err := json.Marshal(message) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("marshal:%v", err) |
return |
} |
err = conn.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, msg) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("write:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
// 外汇交易对更新闭盘价
func ForexUpdateClosePrice() { |
// 创建一个cron调度器
c := cron.New() |
// 添加任务,每天0点执行
err := c.AddFunc("0 0 0 * * 1-5", func() { |
ForexUpdateCode() |
}) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("", err) |
} |
// 启动cron调度器
c.Start() |
// 阻塞主线程,防止程序退出
select {} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,589 @@ |
package marketwsscliert |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"io/ioutil" |
"log" |
"math/rand" |
"net/http" |
"testing" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/cmd/common" |
"wss-pool/internal" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model" |
) |
type ConstructParameters struct { |
Trace string `json:"trace"` |
Data struct { |
Code string `json:"code"` |
KlineType int `json:"kline_type"` |
KlineTimestampEnd int `json:"kline_timestamp_end"` |
QueryKlineNum int `json:"query_kline_num"` |
AdjustType int `json:"adjust_type"` |
} `json:"data"` |
} |
type KlinePostReturnStruct struct { |
Ret int `json:"ret"` |
Msg string `json:"msg"` |
Trace string `json:"trace"` |
Data struct { |
KlineList []struct { |
Code string `json:"code"` |
KlineType int `json:"kline_type"` |
KlineData []struct { |
Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` |
OpenPrice string `json:"open_price"` |
ClosePrice string `json:"close_price"` |
HighPrice string `json:"high_price"` |
LowPrice string `json:"low_price"` |
Volume string `json:"volume"` |
Turnover string `json:"turnover"` |
} `json:"kline_data"` |
} `json:"kline_list"` |
} `json:"data"` |
} |
type KlineGetReturnStruct struct { |
Ret int `json:"ret"` |
Msg string `json:"msg"` |
Trace string `json:"trace"` |
Data struct { |
Code string `json:"code"` |
KlineType int `json:"kline_type"` |
KlineList []struct { |
Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` |
OpenPrice string `json:"open_price"` |
ClosePrice string `json:"close_price"` |
HighPrice string `json:"high_price"` |
LowPrice string `json:"low_price"` |
Volume string `json:"volume"` |
Turnover string `json:"turnover"` |
} `json:"kline_list"` |
} `json:"data"` |
} |
type Symbol struct { |
Code string `json:"code"` |
DepthLevel int `json:"depth_level"` |
} |
type DataList struct { |
SymbolList []Symbol `json:"symbol_list"` |
} |
type Request struct { |
CmdID int `json:"cmd_id"` |
SeqID int `json:"seq_id"` |
Trace string `json:"trace"` |
Data DataList `json:"data"` |
} |
type OrderBookOrTradeTick struct { |
Trace string `json:"trace"` |
Data struct { |
SymbolList []SymbolList `json:"symbol_list"` |
} `json:"data"` |
} |
type SymbolList struct { |
Code string `json:"code"` |
} |
type DepthTradeReturnStruct struct { |
Msg string `json:"msg"` |
Trace string `json:"trace"` |
Data struct { |
TickList []struct { |
Code string `json:"code"` |
Seq string `json:"seq"` |
TickTime string `json:"tick_time"` |
Bids []struct { |
Price string `json:"price"` |
Volume string `json:"volume"` |
} `json:"bids"` |
Asks []struct { |
Price string `json:"price"` |
Volume string `json:"volume"` |
} `json:"asks"` |
} `json:"tick_list"` |
} `json:"data"` |
} |
type TradeReturnStruct struct { |
Msg string `json:"msg"` |
Trace string `json:"trace"` |
Data struct { |
TickList []struct { |
Code string `json:"code"` |
Seq string `json:"seq"` |
TickTime string `json:"tick_time"` |
Price string `json:"price"` |
Volume string `json:"volume"` |
Turnover string `json:"turnover"` |
} `json:"tick_list"` |
} `json:"data"` |
} |
type Results struct { |
CmdID int `json:"cmd_id"` |
Data struct { |
Code string `json:"code"` |
Seq string `json:"seq"` |
TickTime string `json:"tick_time"` |
Bids []struct { |
Price string `json:"price"` |
Volume string `json:"volume"` |
} `json:"bids"` |
Asks []struct { |
Price string `json:"price"` |
Volume string `json:"volume"` |
} `json:"asks"` |
} `json:"data"` |
} |
type ResultsTrade struct { |
CmdID int `json:"cmd_id"` |
Data struct { |
Code string `json:"code"` |
Seq string `json:"seq"` |
TickTime string `json:"tick_time"` |
Price string `json:"price"` |
Volume string `json:"volume"` |
Turnover string `json:"turnover"` |
TradeDirection int `json:"trade_direction"` |
} `json:"data"` |
} |
func GenerateParameters(trace, code string, kline_type, query_kline_num int) string { |
queryStr := fmt.Sprintf("{'trace':'%v','data':{'data_list':[{'code':'%v','kline_type':%v,'kline_timestamp_end':0,'query_kline_num':%v,'adjust_type':0}]}}", trace, code, kline_type, query_kline_num) |
return queryStr |
} |
// GenerateRandomFloat64 在min和max之间生成一个随机浮点数
func GenerateRandomFloat64(min, max float64) float64 { |
return min + rand.Float64()*(max-min) |
} |
// 将两个时间区间划分成指定数量的等分区间
func TestTime(t *testing.T) { |
// 假设这是从MongoDB获取的时间戳(以秒为单位)
timestamp := int64(1735064100000) |
// 将时间戳转换为time.Time类型
t1 := time.Unix(timestamp, 0) |
// 格式化时间
formattedTime := t1.Format(time.RFC3339) |
fmt.Println("时间戳:", timestamp) |
fmt.Println("转换后的时间:", formattedTime) |
return |
layoutStart := "2024-12-17 17:00:00" |
layoutEnd := "2024-12-17 17:09:00" |
startT := common.TimeStringToTime(layoutStart) |
endT := common.TimeStringToTime(layoutEnd) |
applogger.Debug("start:%v,end:%v", startT, endT) |
startF := 2658.33000 |
endF := 2652.33000 |
numIntervals := 5 |
msgTime := DivideTimeInterval(startT, endT, numIntervals) |
msgFloat := DivideFloatInterval(startF, endF, numIntervals) |
var msgTF = make(map[int]string) |
// 打印每个区间的时间
for i, mt := range msgTime { |
mf, ok := msgFloat[i] |
if ok { |
msgTF[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%v,%v", mt, mf) |
applogger.Debug("msgTF:%v,%v", i, msgTF[i]) |
} |
} |
} |
func TestGetKline(t *testing.T) { |
percentage := decimal.RequireFromString("1").Add(decimal.RequireFromString("1").Div(decimal.RequireFromString("10000"))) |
startValue := 2652.33000 // 起点值 2652.33000 938.20000 0.58464
endValue := 2658.33000 // 结束值 2658.33000 958.20000 0.68464
maxValue := decimal.NewFromFloat(endValue).Mul(percentage).InexactFloat64() |
var currentValue = startValue |
var currentValueS float64 |
for { |
if currentValue <= endValue { |
currentValue *= percentage.InexactFloat64() |
} else { |
min := currentValue |
currentValueS = RandomBetween(min, maxValue) |
} |
applogger.Debug("currentValue:%v,endSub:%v,Max:%v", currentValue, currentValueS, maxValue) |
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) |
} |
//for currentValue := startValue; currentValue <= endValue; currentValue *= percentage.InexactFloat64() {
// applogger.Debug("currentValue:", currentValue)
} |
func TestGetKlineS(t *testing.T) { |
percentage := decimal.RequireFromString("1").Add(decimal.RequireFromString("1").Div(decimal.RequireFromString("10000"))) |
startValue := 2658.33000 // 起点值
endValue := 2652.33000 // 结束值
maxValue := decimal.NewFromFloat(endValue).Mul(percentage).InexactFloat64() |
var currentValue = startValue |
var currentValueS float64 |
for { |
if currentValue <= startValue { |
currentValue /= percentage.InexactFloat64() |
// 变化值小于结束值
if currentValue <= endValue { |
currentValueS = RandomBetween(endValue, maxValue) |
} |
} |
applogger.Debug("currentValue:%v,endSub:%v,Max:%v", currentValue, currentValueS, maxValue) |
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) |
} |
} |
func TestMainList(t *testing.T) { |
url := "wss://" |
c, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(url, nil) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("dial:", err) |
} |
defer c.Close() |
// Send heartbeat every 10 seconds
go func() { |
for range time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second).C { |
req := Request{ |
CmdID: 22000, |
SeqID: 123, |
Trace: "3380a7a-3e1f-c3a5-5ee3-9e5be0ec8c241692805462", |
Data: DataList{}, |
} |
messageBytes, err := json.Marshal(req) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("json.Marshal error:", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Debug("req data:", string(messageBytes)) |
err = c.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, messageBytes) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("write:", err) |
} |
} |
}() |
req := Request{ |
CmdID: 22002, |
SeqID: 123, |
Trace: uuid.New().String(), |
Data: DataList{SymbolList: []Symbol{ |
//{"GOLD", 5},
//{"AAPL.US", 5},
//{"700.HK", 5},
//{"GOLD", 1},
//{"Silver", 1},
{"GOLD", 1}, |
//{"Silver", 1},
}}, |
//Data: dataList,
} |
messageBytes, err := json.Marshal(req) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Debug("json.Marshal error:", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Debug("req data:", string(messageBytes)) |
err = c.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, messageBytes) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("write:", err) |
} |
rece_count := 0 |
for { |
_, message, err := c.ReadMessage() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Debug("read:", err) |
break |
} else { |
var messageToJson Results |
if err = json.Unmarshal(message, &messageToJson); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("SendAllClientTradeSwitcher err:%v", err) |
} |
switch messageToJson.CmdID { |
case 22001: // 心跳
// {"ret":200,"msg":"ok","cmd_id":22001,"seq_id":123,"trace":"3380a7a-3e1f-c3a5-5ee3-9e5be0ec8c241692805462"}
applogger.Info("Heartbeat results:%v", string(message)) |
case 22999: // 数据解析
// {"cmd_id":22999,"data":{"code":"EURUSD","seq":"114101723","tick_time":"1732168153591","bids":[{"price":"1.05478","volume":"100000.00"}],"asks":[{"price":"1.05479","volume":"100000.00"}]}}
applogger.Info("Received message:%v", string(message)) |
default: |
applogger.Info("Received message err:%v", string(message)) |
} |
} |
rece_count++ |
if rece_count%10000 == 0 { |
fmt.Println("count:", rece_count, " Received message:", string(message)) |
} |
} |
} |
func TestMainLists(t *testing.T) { |
url := "wss://" |
c, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(url, nil) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("dial:", err) |
} |
defer c.Close() |
// Send heartbeat every 10 seconds
go func() { |
for range time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second).C { |
req := Request{ |
CmdID: 22000, |
SeqID: 123456, |
Trace: "3380a7a-3e1f-c3a5-5ee3-9e5be0ec8c241692805462787878", |
Data: DataList{}, |
} |
messageBytes, err := json.Marshal(req) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("json.Marshal error:", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Debug("req data:", string(messageBytes)) |
err = c.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, messageBytes) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("write:", err) |
} |
} |
}() |
req := Request{ |
CmdID: 22004, |
SeqID: 123456, |
Trace: uuid.New().String(), |
Data: DataList{SymbolList: []Symbol{ |
//{"GOLD", 5},
//{"AAPL.US", 5},
//{"700.HK", 5},
//{"GOLD", 1},
//{"Silver", 1},
{"GOLD", 1}, |
//{"Silver", 1},
}}, |
//Data: dataList,
} |
messageBytes, err := json.Marshal(req) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("json.Marshal error:", err) |
return |
} |
err = c.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, messageBytes) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("write:", err) |
} |
rece_count := 0 |
for { |
_, msg, err := c.ReadMessage() |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("read:", err) |
break |
} else { |
var messageToJson ResultsTrade |
if err = json.Unmarshal(msg, &messageToJson); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Unmarshal error:%v", err) |
continue |
} |
switch messageToJson.CmdID { |
case 22001: // 处理心跳
// {"ret":200,"msg":"ok","cmd_id":22001,"seq_id":123456,"trace":"3380a7a-3e1f-c3a5-5ee3-9e5be0ec8c241692805462787878"}
applogger.Debug("Heartbeat results:%v", string(msg)) |
case 22998: // 处理订阅数据
// {"cmd_id":22998,"data":{"code":"XAUUSD","seq":"65087341","tick_time":"1732267727182","price":"2694.84","volume":"95.00","turnover":"0.00","trade_direction":0}}
code := model.Check_Code[messageToJson.Data.Code] |
if len(code) == 0 { |
code = messageToJson.Data.Code |
} |
tradeMsg := &[]model.ForexTrade{ |
{ |
Ev: "T", |
Code: code, |
Seq: messageToJson.Data.Seq, |
TickTime: messageToJson.Data.TickTime, |
Price: messageToJson.Data.Price, |
Volume: messageToJson.Data.Volume, |
Turnover: messageToJson.Data.Turnover, |
TradeDirection: messageToJson.Data.TradeDirection, |
}, |
} |
msgStr, err := json.Marshal(tradeMsg) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Marshal error:%v", err) |
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) |
continue |
} |
applogger.Info("Message processing result:%v", string(msgStr)) |
default: |
applogger.Debug("ReadMessage data info:%v", string(msg)) |
} |
} |
rece_count++ |
if rece_count%10000 == 0 { |
fmt.Println("count:", rece_count, " Received message:", string(msg)) |
} |
} |
} |
func TestGet(t *testing.T) { |
urlStr := "" |
log.Println("请求内容:", urlStr) |
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", urlStr, nil) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("Error creating request:", err) |
return |
} |
q := req.URL.Query() |
q.Add("token", "bf8f33c446c4494286eccaa57a2e6fac-c-app") |
var query ConstructParameters |
query.Trace = uuid.New().String() |
query.Data.Code = "AUDUSD" |
query.Data.KlineType = 8 |
query.Data.KlineTimestampEnd = 0 |
query.Data.QueryKlineNum = 3 |
query.Data.AdjustType = 0 |
byteStr, err := json.Marshal(&query) |
if err != nil { |
return |
} |
q.Add("query", string(byteStr)) |
req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode() |
// 发送请求
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("Error sending request:", err) |
return |
} |
defer resp.Body.Close() |
bodyStr, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) |
if err != nil { |
log.Println("读取响应失败:", err) |
return |
} |
var klineNew KlineGetReturnStruct |
if err = json.Unmarshal(bodyStr, &klineNew); err != nil { |
log.Println("解析失败:", err) |
return |
} |
log.Println("响应内容:", klineNew) |
} |
func TestPost(t *testing.T) { |
for { |
UrlBatchKline := "" |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpPost(UrlBatchKline, GenerateParameters(uuid.New().String(), "GOLD", 1, 1)) |
if err != nil { |
log.Println("读取响应失败:", err) |
return |
} |
var klineNew KlinePostReturnStruct |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &klineNew); err != nil { |
log.Println("解析失败:", err) |
return |
} |
//applogger.Info("数据信息:%v", klineNew)
ClosePrice := klineNew.Data.KlineList[0].KlineData[0].ClosePrice |
OpenPrice := klineNew.Data.KlineList[0].KlineData[0].OpenPrice |
HighPrice := klineNew.Data.KlineList[0].KlineData[0].HighPrice |
LowPrice := klineNew.Data.KlineList[0].KlineData[0].LowPrice |
Volume := klineNew.Data.KlineList[0].KlineData[0].Volume |
Timestamp := klineNew.Data.KlineList[0].KlineData[0].Timestamp |
Turnover := klineNew.Data.KlineList[0].KlineData[0].Turnover |
applogger.Debug("闭盘价:%v,开盘价:%v,最高价:%v,最低价:%v,交易量:%v,交易时间:%v,交易金额:%v", ClosePrice, OpenPrice, HighPrice, LowPrice, Volume, Timestamp, Turnover) |
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1) |
} |
} |
func TestGetOrderDepth(t *testing.T) { |
urlStr := "" |
log.Println("请求内容:", urlStr) |
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", urlStr, nil) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("Error creating request:", err) |
return |
} |
q := req.URL.Query() |
q.Add("token", "bf8f33c446c4494286eccaa57a2e6fac-c-app") |
var query OrderBookOrTradeTick |
query.Trace = uuid.New().String() |
query.Data.SymbolList = []SymbolList{ |
{Code: "GOLD"}, |
} |
byteStr, err := json.Marshal(&query) |
if err != nil { |
return |
} |
q.Add("query", string(byteStr)) |
req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode() |
// 发送请求
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("Error sending request:", err) |
return |
} |
defer resp.Body.Close() |
bodyStr, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) |
if err != nil { |
log.Println("读取响应失败:", err) |
return |
} |
var klineNew DepthTradeReturnStruct |
if err = json.Unmarshal(bodyStr, &klineNew); err != nil { |
log.Println("解析失败:", err) |
return |
} |
log.Println("响应内容:", klineNew) |
} |
func TestGetOrderTrade(t *testing.T) { |
urlStr := "" |
log.Println("请求内容:", urlStr) |
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", urlStr, nil) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("Error creating request:", err) |
return |
} |
q := req.URL.Query() |
q.Add("token", "bf8f33c446c4494286eccaa57a2e6fac-c-app") |
var query OrderBookOrTradeTick |
query.Trace = uuid.New().String() |
query.Data.SymbolList = []SymbolList{ |
{Code: "GOLD"}, |
} |
byteStr, err := json.Marshal(&query) |
if err != nil { |
return |
} |
q.Add("query", string(byteStr)) |
req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode() |
// 发送请求
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("Error sending request:", err) |
return |
} |
defer resp.Body.Close() |
bodyStr, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) |
if err != nil { |
log.Println("读取响应失败:", err) |
return |
} |
var klineNew TradeReturnStruct |
if err = json.Unmarshal(bodyStr, &klineNew); err != nil { |
log.Println("解析失败:", err) |
return |
} |
log.Println("响应内容:", klineNew) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ |
package marketwsscliert |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"" |
"math/rand" |
"strings" |
"sync" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/cmd/common" |
"wss-pool/cmd/selfContract" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
"wss-pool/internal/model" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/market" |
) |
const ( |
proportion int32 = 10000 //调价原价比例
numPrices int = 60 * 5 //生成随机价格数量
) |
var ( |
ModifyContractMap = make(map[string]ModifyContract) |
mu = sync.Mutex{} |
UpdatePrice = make(map[string]decimal.Decimal) |
) |
type ModifyContract struct { |
ContractCode string `json:"ContractCode"` //合约
BeginTime string `json:"BeginTime"` //开始时间
EndTime string `json:"EndTime"` //结束时间
Price decimal.Decimal `json:"Prices"` //价格
Prices string `json:"Price"` //价格
Digits int `json:"Digits"` //保留几位小数
Step int `json:"Step"` // 浮点数
BeginUnix int64 |
EndUnix int64 |
} |
func SetValue(key string, value ModifyContract) { |
mu.Lock() |
defer mu.Unlock() |
ModifyContractMap[key] = value |
} |
func GetValue(key string) (ModifyContract, bool) { |
mu.Lock() |
defer mu.Unlock() |
value, ok := ModifyContractMap[key] |
return value, ok |
} |
func getData() []model.ContractMarket { |
contract := model.NewContractMarket() |
result := contract.ListModifyContract() |
return result |
} |
// 加载配置数据
func GetModifyContract() { |
data.InitGorm(config.Config.Bourse) |
for { |
t := time.NewTimer(10 * time.Second) |
<-t.C |
result := getData() |
for _, v := range result { |
end, _ := common.TimeStrToTimes(v.EndTime) |
if end.Unix() < time.Now().Unix() { |
applogger.Error("该调价已过期") |
continue |
} |
price, err := decimal.NewFromString(v.MaxPrice) |
if price.IsZero() { |
applogger.Error("价格有误", price) |
continue |
} |
begin, err := common.TimeStrToTimestamp(v.BeginTime) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("begin err", err) |
continue |
} |
ends, err := common.TimeStrToTimestamp(v.EndTime) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Info("end err", err) |
continue |
} |
//判断当前合约 是否有任务还在执行
if mapVal, ok := GetValue(v.TradeName); ok { |
if mapVal.EndUnix >= time.Now().Unix() { |
applogger.Info(v.TradeName, " is run") |
continue |
} |
} |
SetValue(v.TradeName, ModifyContract{ |
ContractCode: v.TradeName, |
BeginTime: v.BeginTime, |
EndTime: v.EndTime, |
Price: price, |
Digits: v.KeepDecimal, |
Step: v.Step, |
BeginUnix: begin, |
EndUnix: ends, |
}) |
contract := model.NewContractMarket() |
contract.ID = v.ID |
contract.UpdateIsGetOne() |
} |
} |
} |
// 合约插针
func RunModify(param market.SubscribeCtKlineResponse) market.SubscribeCtKlineResponse { |
countSplit := strings.Split(param.Channel, ".") |
if len(countSplit) < 2 { |
return param |
} |
val, ok := GetValue(countSplit[1]) |
if !ok { |
return param |
} |
//不在设置的时间区间范围 过滤 ,因k线间隔 不同 id误差大,使用ts
if (val.BeginUnix)*1000 > param.Timestamp || (val.EndUnix*1000) < param.Timestamp { |
return param |
} |
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", param.Tick.Close.String(), countSplit[1]) |
var price decimal.Decimal |
applogger.Info("old", param.Tick.Close) |
tick := param.Tick |
//保持各种K线 落盘价一致 问题
price, ok = UpdatePrice[key] |
if !ok { |
fmt.Println("new data") |
price = calculateContractPrice(val.Price, int32(val.Step), int32(val.Digits)) |
UpdatePrice[key] = price |
} |
go clearPrice(key) |
tick.Close = price |
if price.GreaterThan(tick.High) { |
tick.High = price |
} |
if price.LessThan(tick.Low) { |
tick.Low = price |
} |
applogger.Info("new", tick.Close, "channel", param.Channel) |
var timestamp int64 |
var open decimal.Decimal |
expot := countSplit[len(countSplit)-1] |
switch expot { |
case "1min": |
timestamp = common.GenerateSingaporeMinuteTimestamp() |
open = GetContractOpen(timestamp, expot, countSplit[1]) |
case "5min": |
timestamp = common.GenerateSingaporeFiveMinTimestamp() |
open = GetContractOpen(timestamp, expot, countSplit[1]) |
case "15min": |
timestamp = common.GenerateSingaporeFifteenMinTimestamp() |
open = GetContractOpen(timestamp, expot, countSplit[1]) |
case "30min": |
timestamp = common.GenerateSingaporeThirtyMinTimestamp() |
open = GetContractOpen(timestamp, expot, countSplit[1]) |
case "60min": |
timestamp = common.GenerateSingaporeHourTimestamp() |
open = GetContractOpen(timestamp, expot, countSplit[1]) |
case "4hour": |
timestamp = common.GenerateSingaporeFourHourTimestamp() - (4 * 60 * 60) |
open = GetContractOpen(timestamp, expot, countSplit[1]) |
case "1day": |
timestamp = common.GenerateSingaporeDayTimestamp("") |
open = GetContractOpen(timestamp, expot, countSplit[1]) |
case "1week": |
timestamp = common.GetWeekTimestamp() |
open = GetContractOpen(timestamp, expot, countSplit[1]) |
case "1mon": |
timestamp = common.GenerateSingaporeMonTimestamp() |
open = GetContractOpen(timestamp, expot, countSplit[1]) |
} |
tick.Open = open |
param.Tick = tick |
return param |
} |
func GetContractOpen(timestamp int64, period, contract string) decimal.Decimal { |
var open decimal.Decimal |
tick := selfContract.GetNewPriceAll(contract, period) |
if len(tick) > 0 { |
switch tick[0].Code { |
case timestamp: |
open, _ = decimal.NewFromString(tick[0].Open) |
default: |
open, _ = decimal.NewFromString(tick[0].Close) |
} |
} |
return open |
} |
func clearPrice(close string) { |
if len(UpdatePrice) >= 10 { |
for key := range UpdatePrice { |
if key != close { |
delete(UpdatePrice, key) |
break |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// 计算虚拟合约价格
func calculateContractPrice(basePrice decimal.Decimal, step int32, digits int32) decimal.Decimal { |
rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) |
max := basePrice.Mul(decimal.NewFromFloat(float64(step) / float64(proportion))).Round(digits) |
min := max.Neg() |
return basePrice.Add(generateRandomStep(max, min)).Round(digits) |
} |
func generateRandomStep(min, max decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal { |
return min.Add(decimal.NewFromFloat(rand.Float64()).Mul(max.Sub(min))) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,421 @@ |
package marketwsscliert |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"" |
"math/rand" |
"strconv" |
"strings" |
"sync" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/cmd/common" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
"wss-pool/internal/model" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
models "wss-pool/pkg/model" |
) |
var ( |
conversion_forex = decimal.RequireFromString("1") |
proportion_forex = decimal.RequireFromString("1000000") |
) |
var ( |
muForex = sync.Mutex{} |
ModifyForexMap = make(map[string]ModifyForex) |
) |
type ModifyForex struct { |
ForexCode string `json:"ForexCode"` // 外汇
BeginTime string `json:"BeginTime"` // 开始时间-date
EndTime string `json:"EndTime"` // 结束时间-date
Price decimal.Decimal `json:"Prices"` // 设置价格
ChangePrice decimal.Decimal `json:"ChangePrice"` // 插针变化价格(开盘价,初始浮点变化区间起始价) - (初始浮点变化区间结束价-动态直至不在变化) - (浮点变化区间结束后的起始价格)
EndPrice decimal.Decimal `json:"EndPrice"` // 浮点变化区间结束后的结束价格
Proportion decimal.Decimal `json:"Proportion"` // 浮动率
CheckBool bool `json:"CheckBool"` // 判断是负增长还是正增长
Digits int `json:"Digits"` // 保留几位小数
Step int `json:"Step"` // 浮点数
BeginUnix int64 `json:"BeginUnix"` // 开始时间-unix
EndUnix int64 `json:"EndUnix"` // 结算时间-unix
RestoreChangePrice decimal.Decimal `json:"RestorePrice"` // 插针恢复变化价格(开盘价,初始浮点变化区间起始价) - (初始浮点变化区间结束价-动态直至不在变化) - (浮点变化区间结束后的起始价格)
RestoreBeginTime string `json:"RestoreBeginTime"` // 插针恢复开始时间-date
RestoreEndTime string `json:"RestoreEndTime"` // 插针恢复结束时间-date
RestoreBeginUnix int64 `json:"RestoreBeginUnix"` // 插针恢复开始时间-unix
RestoreEndUnix int64 `json:"RestoreEndUnix"` // 插针恢复结束时间-unix
RestoreBool bool `json:"RestoreBool"` // 插针恢复
RestoreSetChangePrice bool `json:"RestoreSetChangePrice"` // 插针恢复更新
DataHandling map[int]string `json:"DataHandling"` // 数据处理-需要初始化
NumIntervals int `json:"NumIntervals"` // 数据处理-间隔次数
} |
func SetValue_Forex(key string, value ModifyForex) { |
muForex.Lock() |
defer muForex.Unlock() |
ModifyForexMap[key] = value |
} |
func GetValue_Forex(key string) (ModifyForex, bool) { |
muForex.Lock() |
defer muForex.Unlock() |
value, ok := ModifyForexMap[key] |
return value, ok |
} |
func getData_Forex() []model.ForexMarket { |
forex := model.NewForexMarket() |
result := forex.ListModifyForex() |
return result |
} |
// 外汇加载交易对插针列表
func GetModifyForex() { |
data.InitGorm(config.Config.Bourse) |
for { |
t := time.NewTimer(10 * time.Second) |
<-t.C |
result := getData_Forex() |
applogger.Debug("加载需要插针的交易对设置:%v", result) |
for _, v := range result { |
end, _ := common.TimeStrToTimes(v.EndTime) |
if end.Unix() < time.Now().Unix() { |
applogger.Error("该调价已过期......") |
delete(ModifyForexMap, v.TradeName) |
forex := model.NewForexMarket() |
forex.ID = v.ID |
forex.UpdateIsGetOne() |
continue |
} |
price, err := decimal.NewFromString(v.MaxPrice) |
if price.IsZero() { |
applogger.Error("price err:%v", price) |
continue |
} |
// 插针设置
begin, err := common.TimeStrToTimestamp(v.BeginTime) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("begin err:%v", err) |
continue |
} |
ends, err := common.TimeStrToTimestamp(v.EndTime) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Info("end err:%v", err) |
continue |
} |
// 插针恢复
restoreBegin, err := common.TimeStrAddFiveTime(v.BeginTime) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("restoreBegin err:%v", err) |
continue |
} |
restoreEnds, err := common.TimeStrAddFiveTime(v.EndTime) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Info("restoreEnds err:%v", err) |
continue |
} |
restoreBeginUnix, err := common.TimeStrToTimestamp(restoreBegin) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("restoreBeginUnix err:%v", err) |
continue |
} |
restoreEndsUnix, err := common.TimeStrToTimestamp(restoreEnds) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("restoreEndsUnix err:%v", err) |
continue |
} |
if mapVal, ok := GetValue_Forex(v.TradeName); ok { |
if mapVal.EndUnix >= time.Now().Unix() { |
applogger.Info(v.TradeName, " is run") |
continue |
} |
} |
// 第二次浮点随机数值的端点值(结束浮点)
proportion_value := conversion_forex.Add(decimal.NewFromInt32(int32(v.Step)).Div(proportion_forex)) |
// 写入缓存中
SetValue_Forex(v.TradeName, ModifyForex{ |
ForexCode: v.TradeName, |
BeginTime: v.BeginTime, // 设置开始时间
EndTime: v.EndTime, // 设置结束时间
Price: price, // 设置价格
ChangePrice: decimal.Zero, // 插针变化价格(开盘价,初始浮点变化区间起始价) - (初始浮点变化区间结束价-动态直至不在变化) - (浮点变化区间结束后的起始价格)
EndPrice: decimal.Zero, // 浮点变化区间结束后的结束价格
Proportion: proportion_value, // 区间浮动率
CheckBool: false, |
Digits: v.KeepDecimal, |
Step: v.Step, |
BeginUnix: begin, // 插针开始时间
EndUnix: ends, // 插针结束时间
RestoreBeginTime: restoreBegin, // 插针恢复开始时间-date
RestoreEndTime: restoreEnds, // 插针恢复结束时间-date
RestoreBeginUnix: restoreBeginUnix, // 插针恢复开始时间-unix
RestoreEndUnix: restoreEndsUnix, // 插针恢复结束时间-unix
RestoreBool: false, // 插针恢复标识
RestoreSetChangePrice: false, // 插针恢复更新
RestoreChangePrice: decimal.Zero, // 插针恢复变化价格(开盘价,初始浮点变化区间起始价) - (初始浮点变化区间结束价-动态直至不在变化) - (浮点变化区间结束后的起始价格)
DataHandling: make(map[int]string), |
NumIntervals: 5, |
}) |
forex := model.NewForexMarket() |
forex.ID = v.ID |
forex.UpdateIsGetOne() |
} |
} |
} |
// 外汇插针
func RunModifyForex(param models.ForexJsonData) (models.ForexJsonData, bool) { |
// 缓存中插针的交易对信息
val, ok := GetValue_Forex(param.Pair) |
if !ok { |
return param, false |
} |
// 不在设置的时间区间范围过滤
if val.BeginUnix > param.Timestamp || val.EndUnix < param.Timestamp { |
return param, false |
} |
applogger.Debug("交易对%v,原始数据:%v", param.Pair, param) |
// 数据赋值
changePrice_New := val.ChangePrice |
price_new := val.Price |
endPrice_new := val.EndPrice |
checkBool := val.CheckBool |
// 第一次浮点区间的起始价
if val.ChangePrice.IsZero() { |
changePrice_New = decimal.NewFromFloat(param.Close) // k线闭盘价(即浮点起始价)
endPrice_new = price_new.Mul(val.Proportion) // 第二次浮点结束价
if changePrice_New.Cmp(price_new) >= 1 { |
checkBool = true |
} |
} |
// 平滑价格生成(价格趋向结束价)
var price decimal.Decimal |
if checkBool { |
// 负增长
if changePrice_New.Cmp(price_new) >= 0 { |
changePrice_New = changePrice_New.Div(val.Proportion) |
price = changePrice_New |
// 更新缓存变量字段
val.ChangePrice = changePrice_New |
val.Price = price_new |
val.EndPrice = endPrice_new |
val.CheckBool = checkBool |
SetValue_Forex(val.ForexCode, val) |
} else { |
randomPrice := RandomBetween(price_new.Div(val.Proportion).InexactFloat64(), endPrice_new.InexactFloat64()) |
price = decimal.NewFromFloat(randomPrice) |
} |
} else { |
// 正增长
if changePrice_New.Cmp(price_new) <= 0 { |
changePrice_New = changePrice_New.Mul(val.Proportion) |
price = changePrice_New |
// 更新缓存变量字段
val.ChangePrice = changePrice_New |
val.Price = price_new |
val.EndPrice = endPrice_new |
val.CheckBool = checkBool |
SetValue_Forex(val.ForexCode, val) |
} else { |
randomPrice := RandomBetween(changePrice_New.Div(val.Proportion).InexactFloat64(), endPrice_new.InexactFloat64()) |
price = decimal.NewFromFloat(randomPrice) |
} |
} |
param.Open = changePrice_New.InexactFloat64() |
param.Close = price.InexactFloat64() |
if price.GreaterThan(decimal.NewFromFloat(param.High)) { |
param.High = price.InexactFloat64() |
} |
if price.LessThan(decimal.NewFromFloat(param.Low)) { |
param.Low = price.InexactFloat64() |
} |
forexJson := models.ForexJsonData{ |
Event: "CAS", |
Pair: param.Pair, |
Open: param.Open, |
Close: param.Close, |
High: param.High, |
Low: param.Low, |
Volume: param.Volume, |
Timestamp: param.Timestamp, |
} |
applogger.Debug("交易对%v,插针数据:%v", param.Pair, forexJson) |
return forexJson, true |
} |
func RunModifyForexNew(param models.ForexJsonData) (models.ForexJsonData, bool) { |
// 缓存中插针的交易对信息
val, ok := GetValue_Forex(param.Pair) |
if !ok { |
return param, false |
} |
// 不在设置的时间区间范围过滤
if val.BeginUnix > param.Timestamp || val.EndUnix < param.Timestamp { |
if val.RestoreBeginUnix > param.Timestamp || val.RestoreEndUnix < param.Timestamp || val.RestoreBool { |
return param, false |
} else { |
applogger.Debug("恢复交易对%v,原始数据:%v", param.Pair, param) |
if val.RestoreChangePrice.IsZero() { |
var startT, endT time.Time |
var startF, endF float64 |
startT = common.TimeStringToTime(val.RestoreBeginTime) // 设置插针开始时间
endT = common.TimeStringToTime(val.RestoreEndTime) // 设置插针结束时间
msgTime := DivideTimeInterval(startT, endT, val.NumIntervals) // 时间区间划分
// 判定插针结束价格和当前即时价格
if param.Close == val.ChangePrice.InexactFloat64() { |
val.RestoreBool = true |
SetValue_Forex(val.ForexCode, val) |
return param, false |
} else { |
startF = val.ChangePrice.InexactFloat64() // 插针结束价格
endF = param.Close // 恢复即时价格
} |
applogger.Debug("开始价格:%v,结束价格:%v", startF, endF) |
msgFloat := DivideFloatInterval(startF, endF, val.NumIntervals) // 浮点区间划分
var msgTF = make(map[int]string) |
for i, mt := range msgTime { |
mf, okM := msgFloat[i] |
if okM { |
msgTF[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%v,%v", mt, mf) |
applogger.Debug("msgTF:%v,%v", i, msgTF[i]) |
} |
} |
val.DataHandling = msgTF |
val.RestoreSetChangePrice = true |
} |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Debug("插针交易对%v,原始数据:%v", param.Pair, param) |
// 第一次浮点区间的起始价
if val.ChangePrice.IsZero() { |
var startT, endT time.Time |
var startF, endF float64 |
val.ChangePrice = decimal.NewFromFloat(param.Close) // k线闭盘价(即浮点起始价)
startT = common.TimeStringToTime(val.BeginTime) // 设置插针开始时间
endT = common.TimeStringToTime(val.EndTime) // 设置插针结束时间
msgTime := DivideTimeInterval(startT, endT, val.NumIntervals) // 时间区间划分
startF = param.Close // 设置插针开始价格
endF = val.Price.InexactFloat64() // 设置插针结束价格
applogger.Debug("开始价格:%v,结束价格:%v", startF, endF) |
msgFloat := DivideFloatInterval(startF, endF, val.NumIntervals) // 浮点区间划分
var msgTF = make(map[int]string) |
for i, mt := range msgTime { |
mf, okM := msgFloat[i] |
if okM { |
msgTF[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%v,%v", mt, mf) |
applogger.Debug("msgTF:%v,%v", i, msgTF[i]) |
} |
} |
val.DataHandling = msgTF |
} |
} |
/* 浮点区间价格随机生成浮点值 |
1、判定当前时间戳在区间内 |
2、在区间内则生成对应的浮点值 |
*/ |
var price decimal.Decimal |
for _, msg := range val.DataHandling { |
// msgTF:0,1734426000-1734426108,2652.33-2653.5299999999997
splitMsg := strings.Split(msg, ",") |
if len(splitMsg) >= 2 { |
splitT := strings.Split(splitMsg[0], "-") // 开始时间~结束时间 1734426000-1734426108
if len(splitT) >= 2 { |
start, _ := strconv.Atoi(splitT[0]) // 开始时间 1734426000
end, _ := strconv.Atoi(splitT[1]) // 结束时间 1734426108
if param.Timestamp >= int64(start) && param.Timestamp <= int64(end) { |
splitF := strings.Split(splitMsg[1], "-") // 开始浮点~结束浮点 2652.33-2653.5299999999997
if len(splitF) >= 2 { |
sf := decimal.RequireFromString(splitF[0]) // 开始浮点 2652.33
ef := decimal.RequireFromString(splitF[1]) // 结束浮点 2653.5299999999997
randomPrice := RandomBetween(sf.InexactFloat64(), ef.InexactFloat64()) |
price = decimal.NewFromFloat(randomPrice) |
val.ChangePrice = price |
if val.RestoreSetChangePrice { |
val.RestoreChangePrice = price |
} |
SetValue_Forex(val.ForexCode, val) |
} |
break // 跳出循环
} |
} |
} |
} |
param.Close = price.InexactFloat64() |
param.Open = val.ChangePrice.InexactFloat64() |
if price.GreaterThan(decimal.NewFromFloat(param.High)) { |
param.High = price.InexactFloat64() |
} |
if price.LessThan(decimal.NewFromFloat(param.Low)) { |
param.Low = price.InexactFloat64() |
} |
forexJson := models.ForexJsonData{ |
Event: "CAS", |
Pair: param.Pair, |
Open: param.Open, |
Close: param.Close, |
High: param.High, |
Low: param.Low, |
Volume: param.Volume, |
Timestamp: param.Timestamp, |
} |
applogger.Debug("交易对%v,插针数据:%v", param.Pair, forexJson) |
return forexJson, true |
} |
// 在a和b之间生成平滑随机值
func RandomBetween(a, b float64) float64 { |
// 确保a小于b
if a > b { |
a, b = b, a |
} |
// 计算范围
rangeVal := (b - a) |
// 在范围内生成随机数
return rand.Float64()*rangeVal + a |
} |
// 时间区间
func DivideTimeInterval(start, end time.Time, numIntervals int) map[int]string { |
// 计算两个时间点之间的间隔
duration := end.Sub(start) |
// 计算每个区间的持续时间
intervalDuration := duration / time.Duration(numIntervals) |
// 生成区间起始时间列表
var msg = make(map[int]string) |
for i := 0; i <= numIntervals; i++ { |
subStart := start.Add(time.Duration(i) * intervalDuration).Unix() |
subEnd := start.Add(time.Duration(i+1) * intervalDuration).Unix() |
msg[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", subStart, subEnd) |
applogger.Debug("时间数据展示:%v,%v", i, msg[i]) |
} |
return msg |
} |
// 浮点区间
func DivideFloatInterval(start, end float64, numIntervals int) map[int]string { |
// 计算每个子区间的宽度
width := (end - start) / float64(numIntervals) |
// 生成区间起始时间列表
var msg = make(map[int]string) |
// 生成并打印子区间
for i := 0; i <= numIntervals; i++ { |
subStart := start + width*float64(i) |
subEnd := start + width*float64(i+1) |
msg[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", decimal.NewFromFloat(subStart), decimal.NewFromFloat(subEnd)) |
applogger.Debug("浮点数据展示:%v,%v", i, msg[i]) |
} |
return msg |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,517 @@ |
package selfContract |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"math/rand" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/cmd/common" |
"wss-pool/cmd/websocketservice" |
"wss-pool/internal/gzip" |
red "wss-pool/internal/redis" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/market" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/stock" |
) |
const ( |
volRand int = 1 //成交张数 随机最大值
maxRand float64 = 1000 //成交笔数 随机最大值
minRand float64 = 0.1 |
minLeastRand float64 = 1 |
quantity int = 60 //成交币
tradeNum int = 50 |
DepthNum int = 80 //深度数据只要
DepthMaxNum int = 300 //深度数据只要
defaultMaxStep float64 = 0.003 |
defaultMinStep float64 = 0.000001 |
) |
var ( |
TotalAmount decimal.Decimal // 当前总成交量
TotalTradeTurnover decimal.Decimal //总成交额
TotalVol decimal.Decimal //总成交两张数
TotalCount decimal.Decimal //总成交笔数
oldAsks int64 |
oldBids int64 |
) |
func ClearTotal() { |
TotalAmount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
TotalTradeTurnover = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
TotalVol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
TotalCount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
} |
func CreateDepth(old, closePrice decimal.Decimal) { |
chStep6 := fmt.Sprintf("market-%s-depth-step6", SelfContractCode) |
//redisStep6, _ := red.Get_Cache_Data(chStep6)
rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) |
tick := market.CtDepthTick{ |
Mrid: rand.Int63n(99999999999) + int64(99999), |
Id: common.TimeToNow(), |
Ts: common.TimeToNow(), |
} |
tick.Asks, tick.Bids = DepthStep(closePrice, old) |
//applogger.Info("asks ", tick.Asks, tick.Bids)
CreateTradeDetail(tick) |
tick.Asks = insertionSort(tick.Asks) |
tick.Bids = quickSort(tick.Bids) |
res := market.SubscribeCtDepthResponse{ |
Channel: chStep6, |
Timestamp: common.TimeToNow(), |
Tick: &tick, |
} |
resByte, _ := json.Marshal(res) |
resStep6, _ := gzip.DecompressData(resByte) |
OneDayContractDepth(res) |
red.RedisClient.Publish(res.Channel, resStep6) |
} |
// 卖单 买单
func DepthStep(closePrice, old decimal.Decimal) ([][]decimal.Decimal, [][]decimal.Decimal) { |
data := make([][]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
datas := make([][]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
if old.Equal(closePrice) { |
return data, datas |
} |
amaxRand := float64(0) |
bmaxRand := float64(0) |
if old.GreaterThan(closePrice) { |
diff := old.Sub(closePrice) |
amaxRand, _ = diff.Div(old).Mul(decimal.NewFromFloat(maxRand)).Round(2).Float64() |
bmaxRand = amaxRand / float64(3) |
} else { |
diff := closePrice.Sub(old) |
bmaxRand, _ = diff.Div(old).Mul(decimal.NewFromFloat(maxRand)).Round(2).Float64() |
amaxRand = bmaxRand / float64(3) |
} |
asksMap := make(map[string]int) |
bidsMap := make(map[string]int) |
minRands := minRand |
if closePrice.LessThan(decimal.NewFromInt(int64(1))) { |
minRands = minLeastRand |
} |
for i := 0; i < DepthNum; i++ { |
item := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
price := calculateMaxMinContractPrice(closePrice, false) |
if _, ok := asksMap[price.String()]; ok { |
continue |
} |
item = append(item, price) |
item = append(item, decimal.NewFromFloat(common.RandFloats(minRands, amaxRand))) |
data = append(data, item) |
asksMap[price.String()] = 1 |
if len(data) >= 20 { |
break |
} |
} |
for i := 0; i < DepthNum; i++ { |
item := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
price := calculateMaxMinContractPrice(closePrice, true) |
if _, ok := bidsMap[price.String()]; ok { |
continue |
} |
item = append(item, price) |
item = append(item, decimal.NewFromFloat(common.RandFloats(minRands, bmaxRand))) |
datas = append(datas, item) |
bidsMap[price.String()] = 1 |
if len(datas) >= 20 { |
break |
} |
} |
return data, datas |
} |
// 生成一天聚合深度
func OneDayContractDepth(item market.SubscribeCtDepthResponse) { |
result := market.SubscribeCtDepthTempResponse{} |
result.Tick = &market.CtDepthTick{} |
title := fmt.Sprintf("market-%s-depth-step6", SelfContractCode) |
rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) |
result.Tick.Mrid = rand.Int63n(99999999999) + int64(99999) |
result.Tick.Id = common.TimeToNow() * 1000 |
result.Tick.Ts = common.TimeToNow() * 1000 |
result.Tick.Asks = insertionSort(item.Tick.Asks) |
result.Tick.Bids = quickSort(item.Tick.Bids) |
result.Channel = fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.depth.step6", SelfContractCode) |
resultJsons, _ := json.Marshal(result) |
red.Set_Cache_Value(title, string(resultJsons)) |
return |
//titleInfo := fmt.Sprintf("market-%s-depth-step6-info", SelfContractCode)
//redisRes, _ := red.Get_Cache_Data(title)
//if common.GetWeeHours() || redisRes == "" {
// itemJson, _ := json.Marshal(item)
// if err := red.Set_Cache_Value(title, string(itemJson)); err != nil {
// applogger.Error(title, err)
// }
// //if err := red.Set_Cache_Value(titleInfo, string(itemJson)); err != nil {
// // applogger.Error(title, err)
// //}
// return
//result := market.SubscribeCtDepthTempResponse{}
//if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(redisRes), &result); err != nil {
// applogger.Error("json err", err)
// return
//bids := make(map[decimal.Decimal]decimal.Decimal, 0)
//asks := make(map[decimal.Decimal]decimal.Decimal, 0)
//for _, v := range result.Tick.Bids {
// bids[v[0]] = v[1]
//for _, v := range result.Tick.Asks {
// asks[v[0]] = v[1]
//bidsTemp := make([][]decimal.Decimal, 0)
//bidsAbandonMap := make(map[decimal.Decimal]int)
//// fmt.Println("bids map" ,bids)
//// fmt.Println("bids",result.Tick.Bids)
//for _, v := range item.Tick.Bids {
// value := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0)
// if len(v) <= 0 {
// continue
// }
// if num, ok := bids[v[0]]; !ok {
// value = append(value, v[0])
// value = append(value, v[1].Add(num))
// bidsTemp = append(bidsTemp, value)
// bidsAbandonMap[v[0]] = 1
// } else {
// value = append(value, v[0])
// value = append(value, v[1])
// bidsTemp = append(bidsTemp, value)
// }
//for key, val := range bids {
// if _, ok := bidsAbandonMap[key]; !ok {
// value := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0)
// value = append(value, key)
// value = append(value, val)
// bidsTemp = append(bidsTemp, value)
// }
//asksTemp := make([][]decimal.Decimal, 0)
//asksAbandonMap := make(map[decimal.Decimal]int)
//for _, v := range item.Tick.Asks {
// if len(v) <= 0 {
// continue
// }
// value := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0)
// if num, ok := asks[v[0]]; ok {
// value = append(value, v[0])
// value = append(value, v[1].Add(num))
// asksAbandonMap[v[0]] = 1 //收集起来
// asksTemp = append(asksTemp, value)
// } else {
// value = append(value, v[0])
// value = append(value, v[1])
// asksTemp = append(asksTemp, value)
// }
//for key, val := range asks {
// if _, ok := asksAbandonMap[key]; !ok {
// value := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0)
// value = append(value, key)
// value = append(value, val)
// asksTemp = append(asksTemp, value)
// }
//result.Channel = fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.depth.step6-info", SelfContractCode)
//result.Tick.Asks = asksTemp
//result.Tick.Bids = bidsTemp
//result.Tick.Mrid = rand.Int63n(99999999999) + int64(99999)
//result.Tick.Id = common.TimeToNow() * 1000
//result.Tick.Ts = common.TimeToNow() * 1000
////resultJson, _ := json.Marshal(result)
////if err := red.Set_Cache_Value(titleInfo, string(resultJson)); err != nil {
//// applogger.Error(title, err)
//if len(asksTemp) >= DepthNum {
// asksTemp = asksTemp[:DepthNum]
// //fmt.Println(len(asksTemp))
// //os.Exit(11)
//if len(bidsTemp) >= DepthNum {
// bidsTemp = bidsTemp[:DepthNum]
////result := market.SubscribeCtDepthTempResponse{}
//result.Tick.Asks = insertionSort(asksTemp)
//result.Tick.Bids = quickSort(bidsTemp)
//result.Channel = fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.depth.step6", SelfContractCode)
//resultJsons, _ := json.Marshal(result)
//red.Set_Cache_Value(title, string(resultJsons))
//applogger.Info("OneDayContractDepth ", string(resultJsons))
} |
// 生成一天聚合行情
func OneDayDetailMerged(param market.SubscribeCtKlineResponse) { |
title := fmt.Sprintf("market-%s-detail-merged", SelfContractCode) |
chStep6 := fmt.Sprintf("market-%s-depth-step6", SelfContractCode) |
redisStep6, _ := red.Get_Cache_Data(chStep6) |
resultStep6 := market.SubscribeCtDepthResponse{} |
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(redisStep6), &resultStep6); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("OneDayContractDepth json err", err) |
return |
} |
result := market.SubscribeCtDetailResponse{} |
tick := &market.CtDetailTick{} |
result.Channel = title |
rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) |
var totalPriceAsks decimal.Decimal |
var totalNumAsks decimal.Decimal |
for _, v := range resultStep6.Tick.Asks { |
if len(v) <= 0 { |
continue |
} |
totalPriceAsks = totalPriceAsks.Add(v[0]) |
totalNumAsks = totalNumAsks.Add(v[1]) |
} |
if len(resultStep6.Tick.Asks) > 0 { |
value := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
value = append(value, totalPriceAsks.Div(decimal.NewFromInt(int64(len(resultStep6.Tick.Asks)))).Round(digits)) |
value = append(value, totalNumAsks) |
tick.Asks = value |
} |
bidsTemp := make([][]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
var totalPriceBids decimal.Decimal |
var totalNumBids decimal.Decimal |
for _, v := range resultStep6.Tick.Bids { |
if len(v) <= 0 { |
continue |
} |
totalPriceBids = totalPriceBids.Add(v[0]) |
totalNumBids = totalNumBids.Add(v[1]) |
} |
if len(resultStep6.Tick.Bids) > 0 { |
value := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
value = append(value, totalPriceBids.Div(decimal.NewFromInt(int64(len(resultStep6.Tick.Bids)))).Round(digits)) |
value = append(value, totalNumBids) |
bidsTemp = append(bidsTemp, value) |
tick.Bids = value |
} |
tick.Mrid = rand.Int63n(99999999999) + int64(99999) |
tick.Id = common.TimeToNow() |
tick.TradeTurnover = param.Tick.Rrade_Turnover |
tick.Count = param.Tick.Count.IntPart() |
tick.High = param.Tick.High |
tick.Open = param.Tick.Open |
tick.Vol = param.Tick.Vol |
tick.Close = param.Tick.Close |
tick.Low = param.Tick.Low |
tick.Amount = param.Tick.Amount |
result.Tick = tick |
result.Timestamp = common.TimeToNow() |
result.Channel = fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.detail.merged", SelfContractCode) |
resultJson, _ := json.Marshal(result) |
if err := red.Set_Cache_Value(title, string(resultJson)); err != nil { |
applogger.Error(title, err) |
} |
//applogger.Info("OneDayContractDepth ", string(resultJson))
} |
// 生成详情
func CreateTradeDetail(tick market.CtDepthTick) { |
res := market.SubscribeCtTradeDetailResponse{} |
res.Tick = &market.CtTradeDetailTick{} |
res.Tick.Data = make([]market.TradeDetail, 0) |
TotalCount = decimal.NewFromInt(0) |
tradeDetailAPI := make([]stock.MarketTrade, 0) |
for key, v := range tick.Asks { |
if key >= 1 { |
break |
} |
trade := v[1].Mul(FaceValue).Mul(v[0]) //每一笔成交张数 * 合约面值 * 成交价格
item := market.TradeDetail{ |
Amount: v[1], |
Ts: common.TimeToNow() * 1000, |
Id: common.TimeToNow() * 1000, |
Price: v[0], |
Direction: "sell", |
Quantity: trade.Div(v[0]).Round(digits), //成交币
TradeTurnover: trade, |
} |
//TotalTradeTurnover = TotalTradeTurnover.Add(trade)
//TotalAmount = TotalAmount.Add(item.Quantity)
//TotalVol = TotalVol.Add(v[1])
res.Tick.Data = append(res.Tick.Data, item) |
apiItem := stock.MarketTrade{ |
ID: common.TimeToNow() * 1000, |
OrderNumber: item.Amount.String(), |
DealPrice: item.Price.String(), |
OrderTime: common.TimeToNow() * 1000, |
TradeType: 2, |
TradeTurnover: trade, |
} |
tradeDetailAPI = append(tradeDetailAPI, apiItem) |
} |
res.Channel = fmt.Sprintf("", SelfContractCode) |
res.Timestamp = common.TimeToNow() * 1000 |
if len(res.Tick.Data) > 0 { |
// fmt.Println(res.Tick.Data)
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: res.Channel, |
Content: res, |
Symbol: res.Channel}) |
//applogger.Info("CreateTradeDetail sell:", string(jsonMessage))
red.RedisClient.Publish(res.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
} |
//TotalCount = TotalCount.Add(decimal.NewFromInt(int64(len(tick.Asks))))
res = market.SubscribeCtTradeDetailResponse{} |
res.Tick = &market.CtTradeDetailTick{} |
res.Tick.Data = make([]market.TradeDetail, 0) |
res.Channel = fmt.Sprintf("", SelfContractCode) |
for key, v := range tick.Bids { |
if key >= 1 { |
break |
} |
trade := v[1].Mul(FaceValue).Mul(v[0]) //每一笔成交张数 * 合约面值 * 成交价格
item := market.TradeDetail{ |
Amount: v[1], //张数
Ts: common.TimeToNow() * 1000, |
Id: common.TimeToNow() * 1000, |
Price: v[0], |
Direction: "buy", |
Quantity: trade.Div(v[0]).Round(digits), //成交币
TradeTurnover: trade, |
} |
TotalTradeTurnover = TotalTradeTurnover.Add(trade) |
TotalAmount = TotalAmount.Add(item.Quantity) |
TotalVol = TotalVol.Add(v[1]) |
res.Tick.Data = append(res.Tick.Data, item) |
apiItem := stock.MarketTrade{ |
ID: common.TimeToNow() * 1000, |
OrderNumber: item.Amount.String(), |
DealPrice: item.Price.String(), |
OrderTime: common.TimeToNow() * 1000, |
TradeType: 1, |
TradeTurnover: trade, |
} |
tradeDetailAPI = append(tradeDetailAPI, apiItem) |
} |
res.Timestamp = common.TimeToNow() * 1000 |
TotalCount = TotalCount.Add(decimal.NewFromInt(int64(len(tick.Bids)))) |
if len(res.Tick.Data) > 0 { |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: res.Channel, |
Content: res, |
Symbol: res.Channel}) |
//applogger.Info("CreateTradeDetail buy:", string(jsonMessage))
go func(channel string, jsonMessage []byte) { |
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) |
red.RedisClient.Publish(channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
}(res.Channel, jsonMessage) |
} |
title := fmt.Sprintf("market-%s-trade-detail", SelfContractCode) |
var resultJson []byte |
//if len(tradeDetailAPI) < tradeNum {
// item, _ := red.Get_Cache_Data(title)
// //itemJson, _ := json.Marshal(item)
// res := make([]stock.MarketTrade, 0)
// json.Unmarshal([]byte(item), &res)
// l := len(res)
// res = append(res, tradeDetailAPI...)
// if l > 0 {
// res = res[l:]
// }
// resultJson, _ = json.Marshal(res)
//} else {
resultJson, _ = json.Marshal(tradeDetailAPI) |
// }
if err := red.Set_Cache_Value(title, string(resultJson)); err != nil { |
applogger.Error(title, err) |
} |
// os.Exit(11111)
// applogger.Info(string(resultJson))
} |
func calculateMaxMinContractPrice(basePrice decimal.Decimal, isNegative bool) decimal.Decimal { |
rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) |
max := basePrice.Mul(decimal.NewFromFloat(rand.Float64()*defaultMinStep + rand.Float64()*(defaultMaxStep-defaultMinStep))).Round(digits) |
// fmt.Println(max)
if isNegative { |
return basePrice.Sub(max).Round(digits) |
} |
return basePrice.Add(max).Round(digits) |
} |
// 买单不能高于当前价,卖但不能低于当前价
func randDepth(max, min int, closePrice, old decimal.Decimal) ([][]decimal.Decimal, [][]decimal.Decimal) { |
data := make([][]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
datas := make([][]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
//item := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0)
//item = append(item, calculateMaxMinContractPrice(closePrice, false))
//item = append(item, decimal.NewFromInt(int64(max)))
//data = append(data, item)
//item = make([]decimal.Decimal, 0)
//item = append(item, calculateMaxMinContractPrice(closePrice, true))
//item = append(item, decimal.NewFromInt(int64(min)))
//datas = append(datas, item)
//if old.GreaterThan(closePrice) {
// //跌
// return data, datas
//dataTemp := make([][]decimal.Decimal, 0)
//datasTemp := make([][]decimal.Decimal, 0)
//item = make([]decimal.Decimal, 0)
//item = append(item, data[0][0])
//item = append(item, datas[0][1])
//dataTemp = append(dataTemp, item)
//item = make([]decimal.Decimal, 0)
//item = append(item, datas[0][0])
//item = append(item, data[0][1])
//datasTemp = append(datasTemp, item)
return data, datas |
} |
// 升序
func insertionSort(nums [][]decimal.Decimal) [][]decimal.Decimal { |
n := len(nums) |
for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ { |
for j := 0; j < n-i-1; j++ { |
if nums[j][0].GreaterThan(nums[j+1][0]) { |
nums[j], nums[j+1] = nums[j+1], nums[j] |
} |
} |
} |
return nums |
} |
// 降序
func quickSort(nums [][]decimal.Decimal) [][]decimal.Decimal { |
n := len(nums) |
for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ { |
minIdx := i |
for j := i + 1; j < n; j++ { |
if nums[j][0].GreaterThan(nums[minIdx][0]) { |
minIdx = j |
} |
} |
nums[i], nums[minIdx] = nums[minIdx], nums[i] |
} |
return nums |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ |
package selfContract |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
) |
func GetNewPrice(contractCode string) []data.MongoTick { |
filter := bson.M{"channel": fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.kline.1min", contractCode)} |
tableName := data.GetContractKLineTableName("1min") |
pagedData, _ := data.MgoLimitFind(tableName, filter, int64(1)) |
return pagedData |
} |
func GetNewPriceAll(contractCode, period string) []data.MongoTick { |
filter := bson.M{"channel": fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.kline.%s", contractCode, period)} |
tableName := data.GetContractKLineTableName(period) |
pagedData, _ := data.MgoLimitFind(tableName, filter, int64(1)) |
return pagedData |
} |
func GetTimeNewPrice(contractCode string, from, to int64, period string) (decimal.Decimal, decimal.Decimal, decimal.Decimal, decimal.Decimal, decimal.Decimal, decimal.Decimal) { |
filter := bson.M{"channel": fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.kline.%s", contractCode, period), "code": bson.M{"$gte": from, "$lte": to}} |
tableName := data.GetContractKLineTableName(period) |
pagedData, _ := data.MgoLimitFind(tableName, filter, int64(0)) |
var low, high, vol, amount, count, tradeTurnover decimal.Decimal |
for key, v := range pagedData { |
lows, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v.Low) |
highs, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v.High) |
vols, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v.Vol) |
amounts, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v.Amount) |
counts, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v.Count.(string)) |
tradeTurnovers, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v.TradeTurnover) |
if key == 0 { |
low = lows |
high = highs |
vol = vols |
amount = amounts |
count = counts |
tradeTurnover = tradeTurnovers |
continue |
} |
vol = vol.Add(vols) |
amount = vol.Add(amounts) |
count = vol.Add(counts) |
tradeTurnover = tradeTurnovers.Add(tradeTurnover) |
if low.GreaterThan(lows) { |
low = lows |
} |
if high.LessThan(highs) { |
high = highs |
} |
} |
return low, high, vol, amount, count, tradeTurnover |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,723 @@ |
package selfContract |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"math/rand" |
"sync" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/cmd/common" |
"wss-pool/cmd/websocketservice" |
"wss-pool/dictionary" |
"wss-pool/internal/data/business" |
"wss-pool/internal/model" |
red "wss-pool/internal/redis" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/market" |
) |
const ( |
proportion int32 = 10000 //调价原价比例
step int32 = 20 //调价指数
digits int32 = 4 //保留小数位数
numPrices int = 20 //生成随机价格数量
defaultStep float64 = 0.001 // 默认波动率
PushFrequency int = 3 //S
TimeRemaining int64 = 20 //s
) |
var ( |
contractChan = make(chan string) |
SelfContractCode string //合约代码
FaceValue decimal.Decimal // 面值合约
InitialPrice decimal.Decimal // 初始价格
KLineMap = make(map[string]KlineLowHigh) |
ClosePrices decimal.Decimal //当前价格 //做调价终止值使用
OldFiveMin int64 //记录K线时间搓
OldFifteenMin int64 |
OldThirtyMin int64 |
OldOneHour int64 |
OldFourHour int64 |
OldDay int64 |
OldWeek int64 |
OldMon int64 |
IsRun bool |
ContractMap = make(map[string]bool) //保存领取的任务
lock sync.Mutex |
endChan = make(chan string) |
) |
type KlineLowHigh struct { |
Low decimal.Decimal |
High decimal.Decimal |
ID int64 |
Vol decimal.Decimal |
Amount decimal.Decimal |
Count decimal.Decimal |
TradeTurnover decimal.Decimal |
Open decimal.Decimal |
} |
type ConstructorContract struct { |
SelfContractCode string `json:"selfContractCode"` //虚拟合约
BeginTime string `json:"beginTime"` //开始时间
EndTime string `json:"endTime"` //结束时间
MaxPrice decimal.Decimal `json:"maxPrices"` |
MinPrice decimal.Decimal `json:"minPrice"` |
MaxPriceStr string `json:"maxPrice"` |
} |
func NewSelfContract() { |
go func() { |
this := new(ConstructorContract) |
this.MinPrice = InitialPrice |
this.SelfContractCode = SelfContractCode |
this.defaultContract() |
}() |
for { |
t := time.NewTimer(1 * time.Minute) |
<-t.C |
go func() { |
if IsRun { |
applogger.Info("已有调价在运行, 该次调价不能运行") |
return |
} |
result := getData() |
fmt.Println(result) |
for _, v := range result { |
if v.TradeName != SelfContractCode { |
applogger.Info("parametric inequality") |
continue |
} |
end, _ := common.TimeStrToTimes(v.EndTime) |
if end.Unix() <= time.Now().Unix() { |
applogger.Info("该调价已过期") |
continue |
} |
if _, ok := ContractMap[fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", v.TradeName, end.Unix())]; ok { |
applogger.Info("该任务正在运行", fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", v.TradeName, end.Unix())) |
continue |
} |
ContractMap[fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", v.TradeName, end.Unix())] = true //保存任务
begin, _ := common.TimeStrToTimes(v.BeginTime) |
if begin.Unix() < common.TimeToNow() { |
applogger.Info("该调价已过期") |
continue |
} else if end.Unix() <= begin.Unix() { |
applogger.Info("begin end 有误") |
continue |
} |
maxPrice, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v.MaxPrice) |
//if maxPrice.LessThan(InitialPrice) {
// applogger.Info("调价有误",v.MaxPrice)
// continue
applogger.Info("等待到begin time ", v.BeginTime, v.EndTime) |
IsRun = true // 调价任务已开启
time.Sleep(begin.Sub(common.TimeToNows())) |
contractChan <- "constructorStart" |
this := new(ConstructorContract) |
this.SelfContractCode = SelfContractCode |
this.EndTime = v.EndTime |
this.MinPrice = InitialPrice |
this.MaxPrice = maxPrice |
this.BeginTime = v.BeginTime |
this.constructor(begin, end) |
contract := model.NewContractMarket() |
contract.ID = v.ID |
contract.UpdateIsGetOne() |
} |
if len(result) > 0 && IsRun { |
IsRun = false |
this := new(ConstructorContract) |
this.MinPrice = InitialPrice |
this.SelfContractCode = SelfContractCode |
this.defaultContract() |
} |
}() |
} |
} |
func getData() []model.ContractMarket { |
contract := model.NewContractMarket() |
contract.IsType = model.Contract |
contract.TradeName = SelfContractCode |
result := contract.List() |
return result |
} |
// 规定启动
func (this *ConstructorContract) constructor(begin, end time.Time) { |
applogger.Info("开始调价。。。", "结束时间:", this.EndTime, "当前价格:", this.MinPrice, "最终价格", this.MaxPrice) |
totalDuration := end.Sub(common.TimeToNows()) |
closePrice := this.MinPrice |
highPrice := this.MinPrice |
lowPrice := this.MinPrice |
oldPrice := this.MinPrice |
var openPrice decimal.Decimal |
//var temporalFrequency = time.Duration(PushFrequency) * time.Second
timeInterval := float64(totalDuration) / float64(time.Minute) |
delta := this.MaxPrice.Sub(closePrice).Div(decimal.NewFromFloat(timeInterval)) |
applogger.Debug("-------------------------delta", delta) |
fluctuation := closePrice.Mul(decimal.NewFromInt32(step).Div(decimal.NewFromInt32(proportion))).Round(digits) |
applogger.Info("timeInterval", timeInterval, "delta", delta, "fluctuation", fluctuation) |
// 开始进行调价
for !this.MaxPrice.Equal(InitialPrice) || end.Unix() > common.TimeToNows().Unix() { |
// 生成随机价格波动
fmt.Println("当前价格", InitialPrice) |
prices := this.generateRandomPrices(InitialPrice, fluctuation, delta) |
openPrice = InitialPrice |
this.GetAllLowHigh(highPrice, lowPrice) |
nonVanishing(lowPrice) |
numFrequency := int(60) / PushFrequency |
ClearTotal() |
for i := 1; i <= numFrequency; i++ { |
//go func(prices []decimal.Decimal, closePrice, openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, oldPrice decimal.Decimal, this *ConstructorContract) {
start := time.Now() // 获取当前时间
rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) |
key := rand.Intn(len(prices)) |
closePrice = prices[key] |
// applogger.Info("实际落盘价:", closePrice)
//if (closePrice.Sub(this.MaxPrice)).Mul(delta).GreaterThan(decimal.NewFromInt32(0)){
// closePrice = this.MaxPrice
//当只剩 20 秒
if (end.Unix() - common.TimeToNows().Unix()) < TimeRemaining { |
closePrice = this.MaxPrice |
} |
FaceValue = common.GetFaceValue(closePrice) |
//生成深度、Trade Detail 数据
CreateDepth(oldPrice, closePrice) |
//k 线 详情
this.pullStorage(closePrice, openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, oldPrice, prices) |
oldPrice = closePrice |
applogger.Debug("目标价格", this.MaxPrice, "当前价格", closePrice, "调价结束时间", this.EndTime, "i", i, time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")) |
lock.Lock() |
InitialPrice = closePrice |
lock.Unlock() |
if end.Unix() <= common.TimeToNows().Unix() { |
break |
} |
fmt.Println("Run time: ", time.Since(start)) |
s := float64(PushFrequency) - time.Since(start).Seconds() |
if s > float64(0) { |
applogger.Debug("停留 秒", s) |
time.Sleep(time.Duration(s) * time.Second) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func (this *ConstructorContract) defaultContract() { |
closePrice := this.MinPrice |
highPrice := this.MinPrice |
lowPrice := this.MinPrice |
oldPrice := this.MinPrice |
var openPrice decimal.Decimal |
//var temporalFrequency = time.Duration(PushFrequency) * time.Second
for { |
select { |
case _, ok := <-contractChan: // 从管道接收值
if ok { |
applogger.Info("calculateContractPrice start,defaultContract") |
return |
} |
default: |
//fmt.Println(time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) |
openPrice = InitialPrice |
Loop: |
prices := calculateContractPrice(InitialPrice) |
fmt.Println("开盘价", InitialPrice) |
key := rand.Intn(numPrices) |
highPrices := this.getMaxPrices(openPrice, prices) |
lowPrices := this.getMinPrices(openPrice, prices) |
//被2整除 涨
if key%2 == 0 { |
highPrice = this.getMaxPrice(openPrice, highPrices) |
lowPrice = openPrice |
prices = highPrices |
} else { |
highPrice = openPrice |
lowPrice = this.getMinPrice(openPrice, lowPrices) |
prices = lowPrices |
} |
if len(prices) <= 0 { |
goto Loop |
} |
this.GetAllLowHigh(highPrice, lowPrice) |
nonVanishing(lowPrice) |
numFrequency := int(60) / PushFrequency |
ClearTotal() |
for i := 1; i <= numFrequency; i++ { |
// start := time.Now() // 获取当前时间
// fmt.Println("Run time: ", time.Since(start))
go func(prices []decimal.Decimal, closePrice, openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, oldPrice decimal.Decimal, this *ConstructorContract) { |
rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) |
key := rand.Intn(len(prices)) |
closePrice = prices[key] |
lock.Lock() |
InitialPrice = closePrice |
lock.Unlock() |
FaceValue = common.GetFaceValue(closePrice) |
//生成深度、Trade Detail 数据
CreateDepth(oldPrice, closePrice) |
//fmt.Println("Run time: ", time.Since(start))
this.pullStorage(closePrice, openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, oldPrice, prices) |
//fmt.Println("123123123 ", closePrice,openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, oldPrice)
oldPrice = closePrice |
}(prices, closePrice, openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, oldPrice, this) |
time.Sleep(time.Duration(int64(PushFrequency)) * time.Second) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func generateRandomStep(min, max decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal { |
rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) |
return min.Add(decimal.NewFromFloat(rand.Float64()).Mul(max.Sub(min))) |
} |
// 计算虚拟合约价格
func calculateContractPrice(basePrice decimal.Decimal) []decimal.Decimal { |
prices := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
max := basePrice.Mul(decimal.NewFromFloat(defaultStep)).Round(digits) |
min := max.Neg() |
for i := 0; i < numPrices; i++ { |
price := basePrice.Add(generateRandomStep(max, min)).Round(digits) |
prices = append(prices, price) |
} |
return prices |
} |
func getOpen(timestamp int64, period string) decimal.Decimal { |
tick := GetNewPriceAll(SelfContractCode, period) |
open := InitialPrice |
if len(tick) > 0 { |
switch tick[0].Code { |
case timestamp: |
open, _ = decimal.NewFromString(tick[0].Open) |
default: |
open, _ = decimal.NewFromString(tick[0].Close) |
} |
} |
return open |
} |
func nonVanishing(low decimal.Decimal) { |
for k, v := range KLineMap { |
if v.Low.IsZero() { |
v.Low = low |
} |
KLineMap[k] = v |
} |
} |
func (this *ConstructorContract) GetAllLowHigh(high, low decimal.Decimal) { |
if len(KLineMap) == 0 { |
KLineMap["1min"] = KlineLowHigh{ |
ID: common.GenerateSingaporeMinuteTimestamp(), |
Low: low, |
High: high, |
Vol: decimal.NewFromInt(0), |
Amount: decimal.NewFromInt(0), |
Count: decimal.NewFromInt(0), |
TradeTurnover: decimal.NewFromInt(0), |
Open: InitialPrice, |
} |
to := common.GenerateSingaporeFiveMinTimestamp() |
from := to - int64(5*60) |
low, high, vol, amount, count, tradeTurnover := GetTimeNewPrice(this.SelfContractCode, from, to, "1min") |
KLineMap["5min"] = KlineLowHigh{ |
ID: to, |
Low: low, |
High: high, |
Vol: vol, |
Amount: amount, |
Count: count, |
TradeTurnover: tradeTurnover, |
Open: getOpen(to, "5min"), |
} |
OldFiveMin = to |
to = common.GenerateSingaporeFifteenMinTimestamp() |
from = to - int64(15*60) |
low, high, vol, amount, count, tradeTurnover = GetTimeNewPrice(this.SelfContractCode, from, to, "5min") |
KLineMap["15min"] = KlineLowHigh{ |
ID: to, |
Low: low, |
High: high, |
Vol: vol, |
Amount: amount, |
Count: count, |
TradeTurnover: tradeTurnover, |
Open: getOpen(to, "15min"), |
} |
OldFifteenMin = to |
to = common.GenerateSingaporeThirtyMinTimestamp() |
from = to - int64(30*60) |
low, high, vol, amount, count, tradeTurnover = GetTimeNewPrice(this.SelfContractCode, from, to, "15min") |
KLineMap["30min"] = KlineLowHigh{ |
ID: to, |
Low: low, |
High: high, |
Vol: vol, |
Amount: amount, |
Count: count, |
TradeTurnover: tradeTurnover, |
Open: getOpen(to, "30min"), |
} |
OldThirtyMin = to |
from = common.GenerateSingaporeHourTimestamp() |
to = from + int64(60*59) |
low, high, vol, amount, count, tradeTurnover = GetTimeNewPrice(this.SelfContractCode, from, to, "30min") |
KLineMap["60min"] = KlineLowHigh{ |
ID: from, |
Low: low, |
High: high, |
Vol: vol, |
Amount: amount, |
Count: count, |
TradeTurnover: tradeTurnover, |
Open: getOpen(from, "60min"), |
} |
OldOneHour = from |
to = common.GenerateSingaporeFourHourTimestamp() |
from = to - (4 * 60 * 60) |
low, high, vol, amount, count, tradeTurnover = GetTimeNewPrice(this.SelfContractCode, from, to, "60min") |
KLineMap["4hour"] = KlineLowHigh{ |
ID: from, |
Low: low, |
High: high, |
Vol: vol, |
Amount: amount, |
Count: count, |
TradeTurnover: tradeTurnover, |
Open: getOpen(from, "4hour"), |
} |
OldFourHour = from |
from = common.GenerateSingaporeDayTimestamp("") |
to = from + int64(60*60*24-1) |
low, high, vol, amount, count, tradeTurnover = GetTimeNewPrice(this.SelfContractCode, from, to, "4hour") |
KLineMap["1day"] = KlineLowHigh{ |
ID: from, |
Low: low, |
High: high, |
Vol: vol, |
Amount: amount, |
Count: count, |
TradeTurnover: tradeTurnover, |
Open: getOpen(from, "1day"), |
} |
OldDay = from |
from = common.GenerateSingaporeMonTimestamp() |
to = common.TimeToNow() |
low, high, vol, amount, count, tradeTurnover = GetTimeNewPrice(this.SelfContractCode, from, to, "1week") |
KLineMap["1mon"] = KlineLowHigh{ |
ID: from, |
Low: low, |
High: high, |
Vol: vol, |
Amount: amount, |
Count: count, |
TradeTurnover: tradeTurnover, |
Open: getOpen(from, "1mon"), |
} |
OldMon = from |
from = common.GetWeekTimestamp() |
to = common.TimeToNow() |
low, high, vol, amount, count, tradeTurnover = GetTimeNewPrice(this.SelfContractCode, from, to, "1day") |
KLineMap["1week"] = KlineLowHigh{ |
ID: from, |
Low: low, |
High: high, |
Vol: vol, |
Amount: amount, |
Count: count, |
TradeTurnover: tradeTurnover, |
Open: getOpen(from, "1week"), |
} |
OldWeek = from |
} |
for k, v := range KLineMap { |
switch k { |
case "1min": |
v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeMinuteTimestamp() |
v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.TradeTurnover = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.High = high |
v.Low = low |
v.Open = InitialPrice |
case "5min": |
v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeFiveMinTimestamp() |
if v.ID > OldFiveMin { |
v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.TradeTurnover = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Low = low |
v.High = high |
v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) |
OldFiveMin = v.ID |
} |
if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { |
v.Low = low |
} |
if v.High.LessThan(high) { |
v.High = high |
} |
case "15min": |
v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeFifteenMinTimestamp() |
if v.ID > OldFifteenMin { |
v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.TradeTurnover = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Low = low |
v.High = high |
v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) |
OldFifteenMin = v.ID |
} |
if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { |
v.Low = low |
} |
if v.High.LessThan(high) { |
v.High = high |
} |
case "30min": |
v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeThirtyMinTimestamp() |
if v.ID > OldThirtyMin { |
v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.TradeTurnover = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Low = low |
v.High = high |
v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) |
OldThirtyMin = v.ID |
} |
if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { |
v.Low = low |
} |
if v.High.LessThan(high) { |
v.High = high |
} |
case "60min": |
v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeHourTimestamp() |
if v.ID > OldOneHour { |
v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.TradeTurnover = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Low = low |
v.High = high |
v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) |
OldOneHour = v.ID |
} |
if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { |
v.Low = low |
} |
if v.High.LessThan(high) { |
v.High = high |
} |
case "4hour": |
v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeFourHourTimestamp() - (4 * 60 * 60) |
if v.ID > OldFourHour { |
v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.TradeTurnover = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Low = low |
v.High = high |
v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) |
OldFourHour = v.ID |
} |
if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { |
v.Low = low |
} |
if v.High.LessThan(high) { |
v.High = high |
} |
case "1day": |
v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeDayTimestamp("") |
if v.ID > OldDay { |
v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.TradeTurnover = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Low = low |
v.High = high |
v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) |
OldDay = v.ID |
} |
if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { |
v.Low = low |
} |
if v.High.LessThan(high) { |
v.High = high |
} |
case "1week": |
v.ID = common.GetWeekTimestamp() |
if v.ID > OldWeek { |
v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.TradeTurnover = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Low = low |
v.High = high |
v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) |
OldWeek = v.ID |
} |
if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { |
v.Low = low |
} |
if v.High.LessThan(high) { |
v.High = high |
} |
case "1mon": |
v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeMonTimestamp() |
if v.ID > OldMon { |
v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.TradeTurnover = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Low = low |
v.High = high |
v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) |
OldMon = v.ID |
} |
if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { |
v.Low = low |
} |
if v.High.LessThan(high) { |
v.High = high |
} |
} |
KLineMap[k] = v |
} |
} |
func (this *ConstructorContract) pullStorage(close, open, high, low, oldPrice decimal.Decimal, prices []decimal.Decimal) { |
for _, v := range dictionary.ContractPriceTime { |
resp := market.SubscribeCtKlineResponse{ |
Channel: fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.kline.%s", this.SelfContractCode, v), |
Timestamp: KLineMap[v].ID, |
Tick: &market.CtKlineTick{ |
Open: KLineMap[v].Open, |
High: KLineMap[v].High, |
Low: KLineMap[v].Low, |
Close: close, |
Id: KLineMap[v].ID, |
Vol: TotalVol.Add(KLineMap[v].Vol), |
Count: TotalCount.Add(KLineMap[v].Count), |
Amount: TotalAmount.Add(KLineMap[v].Amount), |
Rrade_Turnover: TotalTradeTurnover.Add(KLineMap[v].TradeTurnover), |
Mrid: int64(rand.Intn(99999999999999) + 99999), |
}, |
} |
if v == "1day" { |
go OneDayDetailMerged(resp) |
} |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: resp.Channel, |
Content: resp, |
Symbol: resp.Channel}) |
//applogger.Info("SubscribeCtKline %s:", string(jsonMessage), v)
red.RedisClient.Publish(resp.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
go business.UpdateSubscribeCtKline(resp) |
} |
detail := market.SubscribeCtDetailResponse{ |
Channel: fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.detail", this.SelfContractCode), |
Timestamp: time.Now().Unix(), |
Tick: &market.CtDetailTick{ |
Open: open, |
High: high, |
Low: low, |
Close: close, |
Id: time.Now().Unix(), |
Vol: TotalVol, |
Count: TotalCount.IntPart(), |
Amount: TotalAmount, |
TradeTurnover: TotalTradeTurnover, |
}, |
} |
jsonMessages, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: detail.Channel, |
Content: detail, |
Symbol: detail.Channel}) |
//applogger.Info("detail :", string(jsonMessages))
red.RedisClient.Publish(detail.Channel, string(jsonMessages)) |
} |
// 生成随机价格波动
func (this *ConstructorContract) generateRandomPrices(currentPrice, fluctuation, delta decimal.Decimal) []decimal.Decimal { |
prices := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) |
for i := 0; i < numPrices; i++ { |
price := currentPrice.Add(delta.Add(fluctuation.Mul(decimal.NewFromFloat(2*rand.Float64() - 1)))).Round(digits) |
prices = append(prices, price) |
} |
return prices |
} |
// 获取最高价
func (this *ConstructorContract) getMaxPrices(highPrice decimal.Decimal, prices []decimal.Decimal) []decimal.Decimal { |
res := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
for _, price := range prices { |
if price.GreaterThan(highPrice) { |
res = append(res, price) |
} |
} |
return res |
} |
func (this *ConstructorContract) getMaxPrice(highPrice decimal.Decimal, prices []decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal { |
for _, price := range prices { |
if price.GreaterThan(highPrice) { |
highPrice = price |
} |
} |
return highPrice |
} |
// 获取最低价
func (this *ConstructorContract) getMinPrices(lowPrice decimal.Decimal, prices []decimal.Decimal) []decimal.Decimal { |
res := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
for _, price := range prices { |
if price.LessThan(lowPrice) { |
res = append(res, price) |
} |
} |
return res |
} |
func (this *ConstructorContract) getMinPrice(lowPrice decimal.Decimal, prices []decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal { |
for _, price := range prices { |
if price.LessThan(lowPrice) { |
lowPrice = price |
} |
} |
return lowPrice |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ |
package selfMarketSpot |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"math/rand" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/cmd/common" |
"wss-pool/cmd/websocketservice" |
red "wss-pool/internal/redis" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/market" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/stock" |
) |
const ( |
maxRand float64 = 2000 //成交笔数 随机最大值
minRand float64 = 0.1 |
minLeastRand float64 = 1 |
DepthNum int = 80 //深度数据只要
DepthMaxNum int = 300 //深度数据只要
defaultMaxStep float64 = 0.003 |
defaultMinStep float64 = 0.000001 |
) |
var ( |
TotalAmount decimal.Decimal // 当前总成交量
TotalCount decimal.Decimal //总成交笔数
oldAsks int64 |
oldBids int64 |
) |
func ClearTotal() { |
TotalAmount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
TotalCount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
} |
func CreateDepth(old, closePrice decimal.Decimal) { |
chStep0 := fmt.Sprintf("market-%s-depth-step0", SelfSymbol) |
rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) |
tick := market.CtDepthTick{ |
Mrid: rand.Int63n(99999999999) + int64(99999), |
Id: common.TimeToNow(), |
Ts: common.TimeToNow(), |
} |
tick.Asks, tick.Bids = DepthStep(closePrice, old) |
//applogger.Info("asks ", tick.Asks, tick.Bids)
CreateTradeDetail(tick) |
tick.Asks = insertionSort(tick.Asks) |
tick.Bids = quickSort(tick.Bids) |
res := market.SubscribeCtDepthResponse{ |
Channel: chStep0, |
Timestamp: common.TimeToNow(), |
Tick: &tick, |
} |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: res.Channel, |
Content: res, |
Symbol: res.Channel}) |
OneDayContractDepth(res) |
red.RedisClient.Publish(res.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
} |
// 卖单 买单
func DepthStep(closePrice, old decimal.Decimal) ([][]decimal.Decimal, [][]decimal.Decimal) { |
data := make([][]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
datas := make([][]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
if old.Equal(closePrice) { |
return data, datas |
} |
amaxRand := float64(0) |
bmaxRand := float64(0) |
if old.GreaterThan(closePrice) { |
diff := old.Sub(closePrice) |
amaxRand, _ = diff.Div(old).Mul(decimal.NewFromFloat(maxRand)).Round(2).Float64() |
bmaxRand = amaxRand / float64(3) |
} else { |
diff := closePrice.Sub(old) |
bmaxRand, _ = diff.Div(old).Mul(decimal.NewFromFloat(maxRand)).Round(2).Float64() |
amaxRand = bmaxRand / float64(3) |
} |
asksMap := make(map[string]int) |
bidsMap := make(map[string]int) |
minRands := minRand |
if closePrice.LessThan(decimal.NewFromInt(int64(1))) { |
minRands = minLeastRand |
} |
for i := 0; i < DepthNum; i++ { |
item := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
price := calculateMaxMinContractPrice(closePrice, false) |
if _, ok := asksMap[price.String()]; ok { |
continue |
} |
item = append(item, price) |
item = append(item, decimal.NewFromFloat(common.RandFloats(minRands, amaxRand))) |
data = append(data, item) |
asksMap[price.String()] = 1 |
if len(data) >= 20 { |
break |
} |
} |
for i := 0; i < DepthNum; i++ { |
item := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
price := calculateMaxMinContractPrice(closePrice, true) |
if _, ok := bidsMap[price.String()]; ok { |
continue |
} |
item = append(item, price) |
item = append(item, decimal.NewFromFloat(common.RandFloats(minRands, bmaxRand))) |
datas = append(datas, item) |
bidsMap[price.String()] = 1 |
if len(datas) >= 20 { |
break |
} |
} |
return data, datas |
} |
// 生成一天聚合深度
func OneDayContractDepth(item market.SubscribeCtDepthResponse) { |
result := market.SubscribeCtDepthTempResponse{} |
result.Tick = &market.CtDepthTick{} |
title := fmt.Sprintf("market-%s-depth-step0", SelfSymbol) |
rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) |
result.Tick.Mrid = rand.Int63n(99999999999) + int64(99999) |
result.Tick.Id = common.TimeToNow() * 1000 |
result.Tick.Ts = common.TimeToNow() * 1000 |
result.Tick.Asks = insertionSort(item.Tick.Asks) |
result.Tick.Bids = quickSort(item.Tick.Bids) |
result.Channel = fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.depth.step0", SelfSymbol) |
resultJsons, _ := json.Marshal(result) |
red.Set_Cache_Value(title, string(resultJsons)) |
} |
// TODO: 生成 聚合行情/市场概要
func OneDayDetailMerged(param market.SubscribeCandlestickResponse) { |
result := market.TickerWebsocketResponse{} |
tick := &market.TickR{} |
tick.Count = int(param.Tick.Count) |
tick.High = param.Tick.High |
tick.Open = param.Tick.Open |
tick.Vol = param.Tick.Vol |
tick.Close = param.Tick.Close |
tick.Low = param.Tick.Low |
tick.Amount = param.Tick.Amount |
result.Tick = tick |
result.Timestamp = common.TimeToNow() |
result.Channel = fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.ticker", SelfSymbol) |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: result.Channel, |
Content: result, |
Symbol: result.Channel}) |
red.RedisClient.Publish(result.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
res := market.TickerWebsocketResponses{} |
title := fmt.Sprintf("market-%s-detail-merged", SelfSymbol) |
res.Tick = tick |
res.Channel = title |
jsonMessages, _ := json.Marshal(res) |
if err := red.Set_Cache_Value(title, string(jsonMessages)); err != nil { |
applogger.Error(title, err) |
} |
//applogger.Info("subscribeTicker data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v-%v", result.Channel, result.Tick, result.Data)
//applogger.Info("OneDayContractDepth ", string(resultJson))
} |
// 生成详情
func CreateTradeDetail(tick market.CtDepthTick) { |
res := market.SubscribeTradeResponse{} |
res.Tick = &market.TickTrade{} |
res.Tick.Data = make([]market.Trade, 0) |
TotalCount = decimal.NewFromInt(0) |
tradeDetailAPI := make([]stock.MarketTrade, 0) |
for key, v := range tick.Asks { |
if key >= 1 { |
break |
} |
item := market.Trade{ |
Amount: v[1], |
Timestamp: common.TimeToNow() * 1000, |
TradeId: common.TimeToNow() * 1000, |
Price: v[0], |
Direction: "sell", |
} |
res.Tick.Data = append(res.Tick.Data, item) |
apiItem := stock.MarketTrade{ |
ID: common.TimeToNow() * 1000, |
OrderNumber: item.Amount.String(), |
DealPrice: item.Price.String(), |
OrderTime: common.TimeToNow() * 1000, |
TradeType: 2, |
} |
tradeDetailAPI = append(tradeDetailAPI, apiItem) |
} |
res.Channel = fmt.Sprintf("", SelfSymbol) |
res.Timestamp = common.TimeToNow() * 1000 |
if len(res.Tick.Data) > 0 { |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: res.Channel, |
Content: res, |
Symbol: res.Channel}) |
//applogger.Info("CreateTradeDetail sell:", string(jsonMessage))
red.RedisClient.Publish(res.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
} |
res = market.SubscribeTradeResponse{} |
res.Tick = &market.TickTrade{} |
res.Tick.Data = make([]market.Trade, 0) |
res.Channel = fmt.Sprintf("", SelfSymbol) |
for key, v := range tick.Bids { |
if key >= 1 { |
break |
} |
item := market.Trade{ |
Amount: v[1], //CHEN
Timestamp: common.TimeToNow() * 1000, |
TradeId: common.TimeToNow() * 1000, |
Price: v[0], |
Direction: "buy", |
} |
TotalAmount = TotalAmount.Add(item.Amount) |
res.Tick.Data = append(res.Tick.Data, item) |
apiItem := stock.MarketTrade{ |
ID: common.TimeToNow() * 1000, |
OrderNumber: item.Amount.String(), |
DealPrice: item.Price.String(), |
OrderTime: common.TimeToNow() * 1000, |
TradeType: 1, |
} |
tradeDetailAPI = append(tradeDetailAPI, apiItem) |
} |
res.Timestamp = common.TimeToNow() * 1000 |
TotalCount = TotalCount.Add(decimal.NewFromInt(int64(len(tick.Bids)))) |
if len(res.Tick.Data) > 0 { |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: res.Channel, |
Content: res, |
Symbol: res.Channel}) |
//applogger.Info("CreateTradeDetail buy:", string(jsonMessage))
go func(channel string, jsonMessage []byte) { |
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) |
red.RedisClient.Publish(channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
}(res.Channel, jsonMessage) |
} |
title := fmt.Sprintf("market-%s-trade-detail", SelfSymbol) |
var resultJson []byte |
resultJson, _ = json.Marshal(tradeDetailAPI) |
if err := red.Set_Cache_Value(title, string(resultJson)); err != nil { |
applogger.Error(title, err) |
} |
} |
func calculateMaxMinContractPrice(basePrice decimal.Decimal, isNegative bool) decimal.Decimal { |
rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) |
max := basePrice.Mul(decimal.NewFromFloat(rand.Float64()*defaultMinStep + rand.Float64()*(defaultMaxStep-defaultMinStep))).Round(digits) |
// fmt.Println(max)
if isNegative { |
return basePrice.Sub(max).Round(digits) |
} |
return basePrice.Add(max).Round(digits) |
} |
// 升序
func insertionSort(nums [][]decimal.Decimal) [][]decimal.Decimal { |
n := len(nums) |
for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ { |
for j := 0; j < n-i-1; j++ { |
if nums[j][0].GreaterThan(nums[j+1][0]) { |
nums[j], nums[j+1] = nums[j+1], nums[j] |
} |
} |
} |
return nums |
} |
// 降序
func quickSort(nums [][]decimal.Decimal) [][]decimal.Decimal { |
n := len(nums) |
for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ { |
minIdx := i |
for j := i + 1; j < n; j++ { |
if nums[j][0].GreaterThan(nums[minIdx][0]) { |
minIdx = j |
} |
} |
nums[i], nums[minIdx] = nums[minIdx], nums[i] |
} |
return nums |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ |
package selfMarketSpot |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
) |
func GetNewPrice(contractCode string) []data.MongoTick { |
filter := bson.M{"channel": fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.kline.1min", contractCode)} |
tableName := data.GetStockKLineTableName("1min") |
pagedData, _ := data.MgoLimitFind(tableName, filter, int64(1)) |
return pagedData |
} |
func GetNewPriceAll(contractCode, period string) []data.MongoTick { |
filter := bson.M{"channel": fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.kline.%s", contractCode, period)} |
tableName := data.GetStockKLineTableName(period) |
pagedData, _ := data.MgoLimitFind(tableName, filter, int64(1)) |
return pagedData |
} |
func GetTimeNewPrice(contractCode string, from, to int64, period string) (decimal.Decimal, decimal.Decimal, decimal.Decimal, decimal.Decimal, decimal.Decimal) { |
filter := bson.M{"channel": fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.kline.%s", contractCode, period), "code": bson.M{"$gte": from, "$lte": to}} |
tableName := data.GetStockKLineTableName(period) |
pagedData, _ := data.MgoLimitFind(tableName, filter, int64(0)) |
var low, high, vol, amount, count decimal.Decimal |
for key, v := range pagedData { |
lows, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v.Low) |
highs, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v.High) |
vols, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v.Vol) |
amounts, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v.Amount) |
var counts decimal.Decimal |
if countItem, ok := v.Count.(string); ok { |
counts, _ = decimal.NewFromString(countItem) |
} else if countItem, ok := v.Count.(int64); ok { |
counts = decimal.NewFromInt(countItem) |
} |
if key == 0 { |
low = lows |
high = highs |
vol = vols |
amount = amounts |
count = counts |
continue |
} |
vol = vol.Add(vols) |
amount = vol.Add(amounts) |
count = vol.Add(counts) |
if low.GreaterThan(lows) { |
low = lows |
} |
if high.LessThan(highs) { |
high = highs |
} |
} |
return low, high, vol, amount, count |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,698 @@ |
package selfMarketSpot |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"math/rand" |
"strings" |
"sync" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/cmd/common" |
"wss-pool/cmd/websocketservice" |
"wss-pool/dictionary" |
"wss-pool/internal/data/business" |
"wss-pool/internal/model" |
red "wss-pool/internal/redis" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/market" |
) |
const ( |
proportion int32 = 10000 //调价原价比例
step int32 = 20 //调价指数
digits int32 = 4 //保留小数位数
numPrices int = 20 //生成随机价格数量
defaultStep float64 = 0.001 // 默认波动率
PushFrequency int = 3 //S
TimeRemaining int64 = 20 //s
) |
var ( |
contractChan = make(chan string) |
SelfSymbol string //现货
InitialPrice decimal.Decimal // 初始价格
KLineMap = make(map[string]KlineLowHigh) |
//ClosePrices decimal.Decimal //当前价格 //做调价终止值使用
OldFiveMin int64 //记录K线时间搓
OldFifteenMin int64 |
OldThirtyMin int64 |
OldOneHour int64 |
OldFourHour int64 |
OldDay int64 |
OldWeek int64 |
OldMon int64 |
IsRun bool |
MarketSpotMap = make(map[string]bool) //保存领取的任务
lock sync.Mutex |
EndChan = make(chan string) |
) |
type KlineLowHigh struct { |
Low decimal.Decimal |
High decimal.Decimal |
ID int64 |
Vol decimal.Decimal |
Amount decimal.Decimal |
Count decimal.Decimal |
Open decimal.Decimal |
} |
type ConstructorContract struct { |
SelfSymbol string `json:"selfSymbol"` //现货
BeginTime string `json:"beginTime"` //开始时间
EndTime string `json:"endTime"` //结束时间
MaxPrice decimal.Decimal `json:"maxPrices"` |
MinPrice decimal.Decimal `json:"minPrice"` |
} |
func NewSelfMarketSpot() { |
go func() { |
this := new(ConstructorContract) |
this.MinPrice = InitialPrice |
this.SelfSymbol = SelfSymbol |
this.defaultContract() |
}() |
for { |
t := time.NewTimer(1 * time.Minute) |
<-t.C |
go func() { |
if IsRun { |
applogger.Info("已有调价在运行, 该次调价不能运行") |
return |
} |
result := getData() |
fmt.Println(result) |
for _, v := range result { |
v.TradeName = common.ToLower(v.TradeName) |
if v.TradeName != SelfSymbol { |
applogger.Info("parametric inequality") |
continue |
} |
end, _ := common.TimeStrToTimes(v.EndTime) |
if end.Unix() <= common.TimeToNow() { |
applogger.Info("该调价已过期") |
continue |
} |
if _, ok := MarketSpotMap[fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", v.TradeName, end.Unix())]; ok { |
applogger.Info("该任务正在运行", fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", v.TradeName, end.Unix())) |
continue |
} |
MarketSpotMap[fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", v.TradeName, end.Unix())] = true //保存任务
begin, _ := common.TimeStrToTimes(v.BeginTime) |
if begin.Unix() < common.TimeToNow() { |
applogger.Info("该调价已过期") |
continue |
} else if end.Unix() <= begin.Unix() { |
applogger.Info("begin end 有误") |
continue |
} |
maxPrice, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v.MaxPrice) |
//if maxPrice.LessThan(InitialPrice) {
// applogger.Info("调价有误",v.MaxPrice)
// continue
applogger.Info("等待到begin time ", v.BeginTime, v.EndTime) |
IsRun = true // 调价任务已开启
time.Sleep(begin.Sub(common.TimeToNows())) |
// startd := time.Now()
contractChan <- "constructorStart" |
this := new(ConstructorContract) |
this.SelfSymbol = SelfSymbol |
this.EndTime = v.EndTime |
this.MinPrice = InitialPrice |
this.MaxPrice = maxPrice |
this.BeginTime = v.BeginTime |
// fmt.Println("断开 默认波动 时间 Run time: ", time.Since(startd))
this.constructor(begin, end) |
fmt.Println("调价结束") |
contract := model.NewContractMarket() |
contract.ID = v.ID |
contract.UpdateIsGetOne() |
} |
if IsRun && len(result) > 0 { |
IsRun = false |
applogger.Debug("开启新的默认携程") |
this := new(ConstructorContract) |
this.MinPrice = InitialPrice |
this.SelfSymbol = SelfSymbol |
this.defaultContract() |
} |
}() |
} |
} |
func getData() []model.ContractMarket { |
contract := model.NewContractMarket() |
contract.IsType = model.Market |
symbol := strings.Split(SelfSymbol, "usdt") |
contract.TradeName = strings.ToUpper(symbol[0]) |
result := contract.List() |
return result |
} |
// 规定启动
func (this *ConstructorContract) constructor(begin, end time.Time) { |
applogger.Info("开始调价。。。", "结束时间:", this.EndTime, "当前价格:", this.MinPrice, "最终价格", this.MaxPrice) |
totalDuration := end.Sub(common.TimeToNows()) |
closePrice := this.MinPrice |
highPrice := this.MinPrice |
lowPrice := this.MinPrice |
oldPrice := this.MinPrice |
var openPrice decimal.Decimal |
//temporalFrequency := time.Duration(PushFrequency) * time.Second
timeInterval := float64(totalDuration) / float64(time.Minute) |
delta := this.MaxPrice.Sub(closePrice).Div(decimal.NewFromFloat(timeInterval)) |
fluctuation := closePrice.Mul(decimal.NewFromInt32(step).Div(decimal.NewFromInt32(proportion))).Round(digits) |
applogger.Info("timeInterval", timeInterval, "delta", delta, "fluctuation", fluctuation) |
// 开始进行调价
for !this.MaxPrice.Equal(InitialPrice) || end.Unix() > common.TimeToNows().Unix() { |
fmt.Println("当前价格", InitialPrice) |
prices := this.generateRandomPrices(InitialPrice, fluctuation, delta) |
openPrice = InitialPrice |
this.GetAllLowHigh(highPrice, lowPrice) |
nonVanishing(lowPrice) |
numFrequency := int(60) / PushFrequency |
ClearTotal() |
for i := 1; i <= numFrequency; i++ { |
//go func(prices []decimal.Decimal, closePrice, openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, oldPrice decimal.Decimal, this *ConstructorContract) {
start := time.Now() // 获取当前时间
rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) |
key := rand.Intn(len(prices)) |
closePrice = prices[key] |
// applogger.Info("实际落盘价:", closePrice)
//if (closePrice.Sub(this.MaxPrice)).Mul(delta).GreaterThan(decimal.NewFromInt32(0)) {
// closePrice = this.MaxPrice
//当只剩 20 秒
if (end.Unix() - common.TimeToNows().Unix()) < TimeRemaining { |
closePrice = this.MaxPrice |
} |
////生成深度、Trade Detail 数据
CreateDepth(oldPrice, closePrice) |
////k 线 详情
this.pullStorage(closePrice, openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, oldPrice, prices) |
applogger.Debug("目标价格", this.MaxPrice, "当前价格", closePrice, "调价结束时间", this.EndTime, "i", i, time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")) |
oldPrice = closePrice |
lock.Lock() |
InitialPrice = closePrice |
lock.Unlock() |
if end.Unix() <= common.TimeToNows().Unix() { |
break |
} |
fmt.Println("Run time: ", time.Since(start)) |
s := float64(PushFrequency) - time.Since(start).Seconds() |
if s > float64(0) { |
applogger.Debug("停留 秒", s) |
time.Sleep(time.Duration(s) * time.Second) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func nonVanishing(low decimal.Decimal) { |
for k, v := range KLineMap { |
if v.Low.IsZero() { |
v.Low = low |
} |
KLineMap[k] = v |
} |
} |
func (this *ConstructorContract) defaultContract() { |
closePrice := this.MinPrice |
highPrice := this.MinPrice |
lowPrice := this.MinPrice |
oldPrice := this.MinPrice |
var openPrice decimal.Decimal |
//var temporalFrequency = time.Duration(PushFrequency) * time.Second
for { |
select { |
case _, ok := <-contractChan: // 从管道接收值
if ok { |
applogger.Info("calculateContractPrice start,defaultContract") |
return |
} |
default: |
//fmt.Println(time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) |
openPrice = InitialPrice |
Loop: |
prices := calculateContractPrice(InitialPrice) |
fmt.Println("开盘价", InitialPrice) |
// 更新落盘价、开盘价、最高价和最低价
key := rand.Intn(numPrices) |
highPrices := this.getMaxPrices(openPrice, prices) |
lowPrices := this.getMinPrices(openPrice, prices) |
//被2整除 涨
if key%2 == 0 { |
highPrice = this.getMaxPrice(openPrice, highPrices) |
lowPrice = openPrice |
prices = highPrices |
} else { |
highPrice = openPrice |
lowPrice = this.getMinPrice(openPrice, lowPrices) |
prices = lowPrices |
} |
if len(prices) <= 0 { |
goto Loop |
} |
this.GetAllLowHigh(highPrice, lowPrice) |
nonVanishing(lowPrice) |
numFrequency := int(60) / PushFrequency |
ClearTotal() |
for i := 1; i <= numFrequency; i++ { |
// start := time.Now() // 获取当前时间
// fmt.Println("Run time: ", time.Since(start))
go func(prices []decimal.Decimal, closePrice, openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, oldPrice decimal.Decimal, this *ConstructorContract) { |
rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) |
key := rand.Intn(len(prices)) |
closePrice = prices[key] |
lock.Lock() |
InitialPrice = closePrice |
lock.Unlock() |
//// 生成深度、Trade Detail 数据
CreateDepth(oldPrice, closePrice) |
//fmt.Println("Run time: ", time.Since(start))
this.pullStorage(closePrice, openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, oldPrice, prices) |
//fmt.Println("123123123 ", closePrice,openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, oldPrice)
oldPrice = closePrice |
}(prices, closePrice, openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, oldPrice, this) |
time.Sleep(time.Duration(int64(PushFrequency)) * time.Second) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func generateRandomStep(min, max decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal { |
rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) |
return min.Add(decimal.NewFromFloat(rand.Float64()).Mul(max.Sub(min))) |
} |
// 计算现货价格
func calculateContractPrice(basePrice decimal.Decimal) []decimal.Decimal { |
prices := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
max := basePrice.Mul(decimal.NewFromFloat(defaultStep)).Round(digits) |
min := max.Neg() |
for i := 0; i < numPrices; i++ { |
price := basePrice.Add(generateRandomStep(max, min)).Round(digits) |
prices = append(prices, price) |
} |
return prices |
} |
func getOpen(timestamp int64, period string) decimal.Decimal { |
tick := GetNewPriceAll(SelfSymbol, period) |
open := InitialPrice |
if len(tick) > 0 { |
switch tick[0].Code { |
case timestamp: |
open, _ = decimal.NewFromString(tick[0].Open) |
default: |
open, _ = decimal.NewFromString(tick[0].Close) |
} |
} |
return open |
} |
func (this *ConstructorContract) GetAllLowHigh(high, low decimal.Decimal) { |
if len(KLineMap) == 0 { |
KLineMap["1min"] = KlineLowHigh{ |
ID: common.GenerateSingaporeMinuteTimestamp(), |
Low: low, |
High: high, |
Vol: decimal.NewFromInt(0), |
Amount: decimal.NewFromInt(0), |
Count: decimal.NewFromInt(0), |
Open: InitialPrice, |
} |
to := common.GenerateSingaporeFiveMinTimestamp() |
from := to - int64(5*60) |
low, high, vol, amount, count := GetTimeNewPrice(SelfSymbol, from, to, "1min") |
KLineMap["5min"] = KlineLowHigh{ |
ID: to, |
Low: low, |
High: high, |
Vol: vol, |
Amount: amount, |
Count: count, |
Open: getOpen(to, "5min"), |
} |
OldFiveMin = to |
to = common.GenerateSingaporeFifteenMinTimestamp() |
from = to - int64(15*60) |
low, high, vol, amount, count = GetTimeNewPrice(SelfSymbol, from, to, "5min") |
KLineMap["15min"] = KlineLowHigh{ |
ID: to, |
Low: low, |
High: high, |
Vol: vol, |
Amount: amount, |
Count: count, |
Open: getOpen(to, "15min"), |
} |
OldFifteenMin = to |
to = common.GenerateSingaporeThirtyMinTimestamp() |
from = to - int64(30*60) |
low, high, vol, amount, count = GetTimeNewPrice(SelfSymbol, from, to, "15min") |
KLineMap["30min"] = KlineLowHigh{ |
ID: to, |
Low: low, |
High: high, |
Vol: vol, |
Amount: amount, |
Count: count, |
Open: getOpen(to, "30min"), |
} |
OldThirtyMin = to |
from = common.GenerateSingaporeHourTimestamp() |
to = from + int64(60*59) |
low, high, vol, amount, count = GetTimeNewPrice(SelfSymbol, from, to, "30min") |
KLineMap["60min"] = KlineLowHigh{ |
ID: from, |
Low: low, |
High: high, |
Vol: vol, |
Amount: amount, |
Count: count, |
Open: getOpen(from, "60min"), |
} |
OldOneHour = from |
to = common.GenerateSingaporeFourHourTimestamp() |
from = to - (4 * 60 * 60) |
low, high, vol, amount, count = GetTimeNewPrice(SelfSymbol, from, to, "60min") |
KLineMap["4hour"] = KlineLowHigh{ |
ID: from, |
Low: low, |
High: high, |
Vol: vol, |
Amount: amount, |
Count: count, |
Open: getOpen(from, "4hour"), |
} |
OldFourHour = from |
from = common.GenerateSingaporeDayTimestamp("") |
to = from + int64(60*60*24-1) |
low, high, vol, amount, count = GetTimeNewPrice(SelfSymbol, from, to, "4hour") |
KLineMap["1day"] = KlineLowHigh{ |
ID: from, |
Low: low, |
High: high, |
Vol: vol, |
Amount: amount, |
Count: count, |
Open: getOpen(from, "1day"), |
} |
OldDay = from |
from = common.GenerateSingaporeMonTimestamp() |
to = common.TimeToNow() |
low, high, vol, amount, count = GetTimeNewPrice(SelfSymbol, from, to, "1week") |
KLineMap["1mon"] = KlineLowHigh{ |
ID: from, |
Low: low, |
High: high, |
Vol: vol, |
Amount: amount, |
Count: count, |
Open: getOpen(from, "1mon"), |
} |
OldMon = from |
from = common.GetWeekTimestamp() |
to = common.TimeToNow() |
low, high, vol, amount, count = GetTimeNewPrice(SelfSymbol, from, to, "1day") |
KLineMap["1week"] = KlineLowHigh{ |
ID: from, |
Low: low, |
High: high, |
Vol: vol, |
Amount: amount, |
Count: count, |
Open: getOpen(from, "1week"), |
} |
OldWeek = from |
} |
for k, v := range KLineMap { |
switch k { |
case "1min": |
v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeMinuteTimestamp() |
v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.High = high |
v.Low = low |
v.Open = InitialPrice |
case "5min": |
v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeFiveMinTimestamp() |
if v.ID > OldFiveMin { |
v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Low = low |
v.High = high |
v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) |
OldFiveMin = v.ID |
} |
if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { |
v.Low = low |
} |
if v.High.LessThan(high) { |
v.High = high |
} |
case "15min": |
v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeFifteenMinTimestamp() |
if v.ID > OldFifteenMin { |
v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Low = low |
v.High = high |
v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) |
OldFifteenMin = v.ID |
} |
if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { |
v.Low = low |
} |
if v.High.LessThan(high) { |
v.High = high |
} |
case "30min": |
v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeThirtyMinTimestamp() |
if v.ID > OldThirtyMin { |
v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Low = low |
v.High = high |
v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) |
OldThirtyMin = v.ID |
} |
if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { |
v.Low = low |
} |
if v.High.LessThan(high) { |
v.High = high |
} |
case "60min": |
v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeHourTimestamp() |
if v.ID > OldOneHour { |
v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Low = low |
v.High = high |
v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) |
OldOneHour = v.ID |
} |
if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { |
v.Low = low |
} |
if v.High.LessThan(high) { |
v.High = high |
} |
case "4hour": |
v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeFourHourTimestamp() - (4 * 60 * 60) |
if v.ID > OldFourHour { |
v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Low = low |
v.High = high |
v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) |
OldFourHour = v.ID |
} |
if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { |
v.Low = low |
} |
if v.High.LessThan(high) { |
v.High = high |
} |
case "1day": |
v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeDayTimestamp("") |
if v.ID > OldDay { |
v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Low = low |
v.High = high |
v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) |
OldDay = v.ID |
} |
if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { |
v.Low = low |
} |
if v.High.LessThan(high) { |
v.High = high |
} |
case "1week": |
v.ID = common.GetWeekTimestamp() |
if v.ID > OldWeek { |
v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Low = low |
v.High = high |
v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) |
OldWeek = v.ID |
} |
if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { |
v.Low = low |
} |
if v.High.LessThan(high) { |
v.High = high |
} |
case "1mon": |
v.ID = common.GenerateSingaporeMonTimestamp() |
if v.ID > OldMon { |
v.Vol = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Amount = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Count = decimal.NewFromFloat(0) |
v.Low = low |
v.High = high |
v.Open = getOpen(v.ID, k) |
OldMon = v.ID |
} |
if v.Low.GreaterThan(low) { |
v.Low = low |
} |
if v.High.LessThan(high) { |
v.High = high |
} |
} |
KLineMap[k] = v |
} |
} |
func (this *ConstructorContract) pullStorage(close, open, high, low, oldPrice decimal.Decimal, prices []decimal.Decimal) { |
for _, v := range dictionary.ContractPriceTime { |
resp := market.SubscribeCandlestickResponse{ |
Channel: fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.kline.%s", this.SelfSymbol, v), |
Timestamp: KLineMap[v].ID, |
Tick: &market.Tick{ |
Open: KLineMap[v].Open, |
High: KLineMap[v].High, |
Low: KLineMap[v].Low, |
Close: close, |
Id: KLineMap[v].ID, |
Count: int(TotalCount.Add(KLineMap[v].Count).IntPart()), |
Amount: TotalAmount.Add(KLineMap[v].Amount), |
}, |
} |
if v == "1day" { |
go OneDayDetailMerged(resp) |
} |
jsonMessage, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: resp.Channel, |
Content: resp, |
Symbol: resp.Channel}) |
//applogger.Info("SubscribeKline %s:", string(jsonMessage), v)
red.RedisClient.Publish(resp.Channel, string(jsonMessage)) |
go business.UpdateWsMgo(resp) |
} |
detail := market.SubscribeCtDetailResponse{ |
Channel: fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.detail", this.SelfSymbol), |
Timestamp: time.Now().Unix(), |
Tick: &market.CtDetailTick{ |
Open: open, |
High: high, |
Low: low, |
Close: close, |
Id: time.Now().Unix(), |
Count: TotalCount.IntPart(), |
Amount: TotalAmount, |
}, |
} |
jsonMessages, _ := json.Marshal(websocketservice.Message{ |
ServersId: detail.Channel, |
Content: detail, |
Symbol: detail.Channel}) |
//applogger.Info("detail :", string(jsonMessages))
red.RedisClient.Publish(detail.Channel, string(jsonMessages)) |
} |
// 生成随机价格波动
func (this *ConstructorContract) generateRandomPrices(currentPrice, fluctuation, delta decimal.Decimal) []decimal.Decimal { |
prices := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) |
for i := 0; i < numPrices; i++ { |
price := currentPrice.Add(delta.Add(fluctuation.Mul(decimal.NewFromFloat(2*rand.Float64() - 1)))).Round(digits) |
prices = append(prices, price) |
} |
return prices |
} |
// 获取最高价
func (this *ConstructorContract) getMaxPrices(highPrice decimal.Decimal, prices []decimal.Decimal) []decimal.Decimal { |
res := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
for _, price := range prices { |
if price.GreaterThan(highPrice) { |
res = append(res, price) |
} |
} |
return res |
} |
func (this *ConstructorContract) getMaxPrice(highPrice decimal.Decimal, prices []decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal { |
for _, price := range prices { |
if price.GreaterThan(highPrice) { |
highPrice = price |
} |
} |
return highPrice |
} |
// 获取最低价
func (this *ConstructorContract) getMinPrices(lowPrice decimal.Decimal, prices []decimal.Decimal) []decimal.Decimal { |
res := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
for _, price := range prices { |
if price.LessThan(lowPrice) { |
res = append(res, price) |
} |
} |
return res |
} |
func (this *ConstructorContract) getMinPrice(lowPrice decimal.Decimal, prices []decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal { |
for _, price := range prices { |
if price.LessThan(lowPrice) { |
lowPrice = price |
} |
} |
return lowPrice |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
package servicemanager |
import ( |
"wss-pool/cmd/websocketservice" |
"wss-pool/config" |
red "wss-pool/internal/redis" |
) |
// Currency TODO: 优化需要多个广播通道
func Currency(ipServer, addrServer string) { |
red.RedisClient = red.RedisInit(config.Config.Redis.DbEleven) |
websocketservice.Connect(ipServer, addrServer) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
package servicemanager |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"" |
"wss-pool/cmd/marketwsscliert" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
red "wss-pool/internal/redis" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
) |
// Gather
func Gather(checkStr, ipServer, addrServer string) { |
red.RedisClient = red.RedisInit(config.Config.Redis.DbEleven) |
// Enable collaborative data collection
data.Mgo_init(config.Config.Mongodb) |
//go bamarketwsscliert.RunBaDataRedis(checkStr)
go marketwsscliert.RunHBDataRedis(checkStr) |
// Register Route
router := gin.Default() |
addr := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", ipServer, addrServer) |
applogger.Info("intService---addr:%v", addr) |
// Start Service
if err := router.Run(addr); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to start Gin data collection service:%v", err) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ |
package servicemanager |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"" |
"wss-pool/api" |
"wss-pool/cmd/common" |
"wss-pool/cmd/websocketservice" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
"wss-pool/internal/data/business" |
red "wss-pool/internal/redis" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
) |
// GinServer
func GinServer(ipServer, addrServer, serverName, project string) { |
data.Mgo_init(config.Config.Mongodb) |
var server = &gin.Engine{} |
if serverName != "gin" { |
red.RedisInitMap(common.GetRedisDBMore(config.Config.Redis.DbMore)) |
// TODO: 插针(股票市场名称),目前p6,p7不要插针
go business.NewPinStock(common.GetRedisNoPin(config.Config.Redis.NoPinAss)) |
} |
switch serverName { |
case "gin": // 数字币市场
red.RedisClient = red.RedisInit(config.Config.Redis.DbTen) |
data.InitMsqlDB(config.Config.Bourse) |
server = api.RouterApiServer(project) |
case "stockIndex": // 股票指数
server = api.RouterStockIndexApiServer() |
case "indiaOption": // 印度期权市场
server = api.RouterIndiaOptionApiServer() |
case "usStock": // 美股市场
server = api.RouterUSApiServer() |
case "indonesiaStock": // 印尼市场
server = api.RouterIndonesiaApiServer() |
case "thailandStock": // 泰国市场
server = api.RouterThailandApiServer() |
case "indiaStock": // 印度市场
server = api.RouterIndiaApiServer() |
case "malaysiaStock": // 马股市场
server = api.RouterMalaysiaApiServer() |
case "singaporeStock": // 新加坡市场
server = api.RouterSingaporeApiServer() |
case "hongkongStock": // 港股市场
server = api.RouterHongKongApiServer() |
case "ukStock": // 英股市场
server = api.RouterUKApiServer() |
case "franceStock": // 法股市场
server = api.RouterFranceApiServer() |
case "germanyStock": // 德股市场
server = api.RouterGermanyApiServer() |
case "brazilStock": // 巴西市场
server = api.RouterBrazilApiServer() |
case "japanStock": // 日本市场
server = api.RouterJapanApiServer() |
} |
addr := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", ipServer, addrServer) |
applogger.Info("intService---addr:%v", addr) |
// TODO: 缓存交易对数据
if project == common.CoinProject || config.Config.ServerLevel == "test" { |
websocketservice.SubscriptionCache() |
} |
if err := server.Run(addr); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to start Gin data collection service:%v", err) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
package servicemanager |
import ( |
"" |
"os" |
"wss-pool/cmd/selfContract" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
red "wss-pool/internal/redis" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
) |
// Gather
func SelfContract(checkStr, ipServer, addrServer, contractCode string) { |
red.RedisClient = red.RedisInit(config.Config.Redis.DbEleven) |
data.Mgo_init(config.Config.Mongodb) |
data.InitGorm(config.Config.Bourse) |
if contractCode == "" { |
applogger.Error("Lack of contract code") |
os.Exit(400) |
} |
res := selfContract.GetNewPrice(contractCode) |
if len(res) > 0 { |
selfContract.InitialPrice = decimal.RequireFromString(res[0].Close) |
} |
if selfContract.InitialPrice.IsZero() { |
selfContract.InitialPrice, _ = decimal.NewFromString(checkStr) |
} |
if selfContract.InitialPrice.IsZero() { |
applogger.Error("Lack of initial price") |
os.Exit(400) |
} |
selfContract.SelfContractCode = contractCode |
applogger.Info("合约", selfContract.SelfContractCode, "初始价格", selfContract.InitialPrice) |
// Enable collaborative data collection
selfContract.NewSelfContract() |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
package servicemanager |
import ( |
"" |
"os" |
"wss-pool/cmd/selfMarketSpot" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
red "wss-pool/internal/redis" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
) |
// Gather
func SelfMarketSpot(checkStr, ipServer, addrServer, symbol string) { |
red.RedisClient = red.RedisInit(config.Config.Redis.DbEleven) |
data.Mgo_init(config.Config.Mongodb) |
data.InitGorm(config.Config.Bourse) |
if symbol == "" { |
applogger.Error("Lack of symbol") |
os.Exit(400) |
} |
res := selfMarketSpot.GetNewPrice(symbol) |
if len(res) > 0 { |
selfMarketSpot.InitialPrice = decimal.RequireFromString(res[0].Close) |
} |
if selfMarketSpot.InitialPrice.IsZero() { |
selfMarketSpot.InitialPrice, _ = decimal.NewFromString(checkStr) |
} |
if selfMarketSpot.InitialPrice.IsZero() { |
applogger.Error("Lack of initial price") |
os.Exit(400) |
} |
selfMarketSpot.SelfSymbol = symbol |
applogger.Info("现货", selfMarketSpot.SelfSymbol, "初始价格", selfMarketSpot.InitialPrice) |
// Enable collaborative data collection
selfMarketSpot.NewSelfMarketSpot() |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ |
package servicemanager |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"" |
"wss-pool/cmd/common" |
"wss-pool/cmd/marketwsscliert" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
red "wss-pool/internal/redis" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
) |
// GatherUS
// @Description: 美股采集
// @param checkStr
// @param ipServer
// @param addrServer
func GatherUS(checkStr, ipServer, addrServer string) { |
// 初始化相同项目mongodb和redis的ip对应关系
//data.MgoDbToRedisMap = common.GetMgoDbToRedisMap(config.Config.Mongodb.RedisToMongodb)
// 初始化所有项目MongoDB
//data.Mgo_initMap(config.Config.Mongodb, common.GetMongodbAddrList(config.Config.Mongodb.AddrList))
// 初始化所有项目Redis
red.RedisInitMapList(common.GetRedisAddrList(config.Config.Redis.AddrList)) |
// Enable collaborative data collection
go marketwsscliert.ShareMarketBak(checkStr) |
// Register Route
router := gin.Default() |
addr := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", ipServer, addrServer) |
applogger.Info("intService---addr:%v", addr) |
// Start Service
if err := router.Run(addr); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to start Gin data collection service:%v", err) |
} |
} |
// GatherForex
// @Description: 外汇采集
// @param checkStr
// @param ipServer
// @param addrServer
func GatherForex(checkStr, ipServer, addrServer string) { |
data.Mgo_init(config.Config.Mongodb) |
// init Redis
red.RedisInitMapList(common.GetRedisAddrList(config.Config.Redis.AddrList)) |
// 外汇插针配置加载
go marketwsscliert.GetModifyForex() |
// 外汇实时报价
go marketwsscliert.ForexMarketBak(checkStr) |
// 外汇实时天报价
go marketwsscliert.ForexMarketDayBak(checkStr) |
// 外汇买一卖一报价
go marketwsscliert.ForexMarketQuoteBak(checkStr) |
// 外汇成交报价
go marketwsscliert.ForexMarketTradeBak(checkStr) |
// 外汇成交报价存储
go marketwsscliert.ForexMarketTradeBak2(checkStr) |
// 外汇成交报价清理
go marketwsscliert.ForexMarketClearTradeBak2(checkStr) |
// 外汇交易对每天0点0分0秒更新数据
go marketwsscliert.ForexUpdateClosePrice() |
// Register Route
router := gin.Default() |
addr := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", ipServer, addrServer) |
applogger.Info("intService---addr:%v", addr) |
// Start Service
if err := router.Run(addr); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to start Gin data collection service:%v", err) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
package servicemanager |
import ( |
"wss-pool/cmd/closingMarket" |
"wss-pool/cmd/websocketservice" |
"wss-pool/config" |
red "wss-pool/internal/redis" |
) |
// shareWs
func ShareWss(ipServer, addrServer string) { |
red.RedisClient = red.RedisInit(config.Config.Redis.DbUser) |
websocketservice.ShareConnect(ipServer, addrServer) |
} |
// TODO: 针对插针
func PinWs(ipServer, addrServer string) { |
red.RedisClient = red.RedisInit(config.Config.Redis.DbUser) |
closingMarket.ShareConnect(ipServer, addrServer) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ |
package servicemanager |
import ( |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
"wss-pool/internal/data/business" |
red "wss-pool/internal/redis" |
) |
// TickDB
func TickDB(checkStr, ipServer, addrServer, contractCode string) { |
data.Mgo_init(config.Config.Mongodb) |
switch checkStr { |
case "spotKline": // 现货历史数据
business.TickUpdateSpotKline() |
case "all": // 合约全部历史数据
business.TickUpdateContractKline(true) |
case "allUs": // 美股全部历史数据
business.TickUpdateStockUs(true) |
case "Us": // 实时数据
business.TickUpdateStockUs(false) |
case "previousClose": // TODO: 更新美股上次比盘价
business.UpdateStockUS() |
case "UsNewPrice": |
business.UsNewPrice(contractCode) |
case "usOpenPrice": |
business.UpdateOpenPrice() |
case "southAsiaStock": // TODO: 自动聚合东南亚国家数据
red.RedisClient = red.RedisInit(config.Config.Redis.DbTen) |
business.TickSouthAsiaSpotKline(contractCode) |
case "stockIndex": // TODO: 自动聚合指数
business.TickSpotIndexKline() |
case "deleteSpot": // TODO: 自动数据清理:contractCode(true:清理数据,false:清理并优化多余数据)
business.DeleteSpot(contractCode) |
case "stockCloseData": // TODO: 自动检测并推送插针数据
business.StockClosedData() |
case "checkStock": // TODO: 自动机器人行情检查
business.CheckStock() |
case "updateStockCode": // 更新股票code和交易所
business.UpdateStockCode() |
case "updateStockUsCode": // 更新美股股票code和交易所
business.UpdateStockUsCode() |
case "updateStockExchange": // 更新印度股票(Exchange字段)
business.UpdateStockExchange() |
case "forexClosePrice": // TODO: 更新外汇闭盘价
business.ForexUpdateCode() |
case "deleteForexTrade": // TODO: 清理外汇成交报价
business.DeleteForexTrade() |
default: |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ |
package cache |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"strings" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/stock" |
) |
var db *leveldb.DB |
// initDB
// @Description:
func InitDB(name string) { |
o := &opt.Options{ |
Filter: filter.NewBloomFilter(10), |
} |
var tableNamePath string |
switch config.Config.ServerLevel { |
case "test": |
tableNamePath = fmt.Sprintf("./cmd/websocketcollect/db/%v", name) |
default: |
tableNamePath = fmt.Sprintf("/home/ubuntu/wss-server/db/%v", name) |
} |
dba, err := leveldb.OpenFile(tableNamePath, o) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("OpenFile err:%v", err) |
return |
} |
db = dba |
} |
// WriteDB
// @Description:
// @param key
// @param value
// @return error
func WriteDB(key, value string) error { |
batch := new(leveldb.Batch) |
batch.Put([]byte(key), []byte(value)) |
if err := db.Write(batch, nil); err != nil { |
fmt.Printf("Write err:%v\n", err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
// ReadDB
// @Description:
// @param key
// @return []byte
func ReadDB(key string) []byte { |
data, err := db.Get([]byte(key), nil) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Printf("OpenFile err:%v\n", err) |
return []byte{} |
} |
return data |
} |
// ReadListDB
// @Description:
// @return []string
func ReadListDB() []string { |
var privateKey []string |
iter := db.NewIterator(nil, nil) |
for iter.Next() { |
value := iter.Value() |
privateKey = append(privateKey, string(value)) |
} |
iter.Release() |
if err := iter.Error(); err != nil { |
fmt.Printf("iter.Error:%v\n", err) |
return privateKey |
} |
return privateKey |
} |
// DeleteByKey
// @Description:
// @param key
// @return error
func DeleteByKey(key string) error { |
if err := db.Delete([]byte(key), nil); err != nil { |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
// InitShareUsCode
// @Description: 初始化美股股票代码列表
func InitShareUsCode() { |
filter := bson.M{"Country": "US", "YesterdayClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}} |
projection := bson.M{"Code": 1} |
for _, mongoClient := range data.MgoDbClientMap { |
stockRes := make([]stock.StockPolygon, 0) |
data.MgoPagingFindStructProjectionNew(mongoClient, data.StockList, filter, projection, 20000, 1, -1, &stockRes) |
for _, v := range stockRes { |
if err := WriteDB(v.Code, v.Code); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("sendUsCodeNew err:%v", err) |
continue |
} |
} |
applogger.Info("写入美股股票代码列表:%v", ReadListDB()) |
applogger.Debug("写入美股股票代码列表总数:%v", len(ReadListDB())) |
} |
} |
// InitForexCode
// @Description: 初始化外汇代码列表
func InitForexCode() { |
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%vforex/symbol?exchange=oanda&token=%v", config.Config.FinnhubUs.FinnhubHost, config.Config.FinnhubUs.FinnhubKey) |
applogger.Debug("url data info:%v", url) |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpGet(url) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("WriteShareUs err info:%v", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Debug("new add shareUs code info:%v", bodyStr) |
var dataForex []model.ForexCodeList |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &dataForex); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Unmarshal err info:%v", err) |
return |
} |
for _, v := range dataForex { |
code := strings.Replace(v.DisplaySymbol, "/", "", -1) |
if err := WriteDB(code, code); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("sendUsCodeNew err:%v", err) |
continue |
} |
} |
applogger.Info("写入外汇代码列表:%v", ReadListDB()) |
applogger.Debug("写入外汇代码列表总数:%v", len(ReadListDB())) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
MANIFEST-000003 |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
MANIFEST-000000 |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
=============== Oct 23, 2024 (CST) =============== |
16:49:09.927634 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
16:49:09.929200 db@open opening |
16:49:09.929718 version@stat F·[] S·0B[] Sc·[] |
16:49:09.930859 db@janitor F·2 G·0 |
16:49:09.930859 db@open done T·1.6589ms |
=============== Oct 23, 2024 (CST) =============== |
16:50:25.834513 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
16:50:25.835027 version@stat F·[] S·0B[] Sc·[] |
16:50:25.835027 db@open opening |
16:50:25.835027 journal@recovery F·1 |
16:50:25.835565 journal@recovery recovering @1 |
16:50:25.836251 version@stat F·[] S·0B[] Sc·[] |
16:50:25.839923 db@janitor F·2 G·0 |
16:50:25.839923 db@open done T·4.8966ms |
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
MANIFEST-000037 |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
MANIFEST-000035 |
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ |
=============== Oct 21, 2024 (CST) =============== |
14:05:51.117469 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
14:05:51.125464 db@open opening |
14:05:51.125464 version@stat F·[] S·0B[] Sc·[] |
14:05:51.126502 db@janitor F·2 G·0 |
14:05:51.127014 db@open done T·1.0377ms |
=============== Oct 21, 2024 (CST) =============== |
14:18:26.670497 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
14:18:26.676241 version@stat F·[] S·0B[] Sc·[] |
14:18:26.676241 db@open opening |
14:18:26.676241 journal@recovery F·1 |
14:18:26.676241 journal@recovery recovering @1 |
14:18:26.677423 version@stat F·[] S·0B[] Sc·[] |
14:18:26.693376 db@janitor F·2 G·0 |
14:18:26.693376 db@open done T·17.1353ms |
=============== Oct 21, 2024 (CST) =============== |
14:18:58.327918 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
14:18:58.333562 version@stat F·[] S·0B[] Sc·[] |
14:18:58.333562 db@open opening |
14:18:58.333562 journal@recovery F·1 |
14:18:58.334153 journal@recovery recovering @2 |
14:18:58.334656 version@stat F·[] S·0B[] Sc·[] |
14:18:58.349518 db@janitor F·2 G·0 |
14:18:58.349518 db@open done T·15.9557ms |
=============== Oct 21, 2024 (CST) =============== |
14:19:32.429756 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
14:19:32.435404 version@stat F·[] S·0B[] Sc·[] |
14:19:32.435404 db@open opening |
14:19:32.435404 journal@recovery F·1 |
14:19:32.435404 journal@recovery recovering @4 |
14:19:32.436432 version@stat F·[] S·0B[] Sc·[] |
14:19:32.459359 db@janitor F·2 G·0 |
14:19:32.459359 db@open done T·23.955ms |
=============== Oct 21, 2024 (CST) =============== |
14:20:20.289425 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
14:20:20.294887 version@stat F·[] S·0B[] Sc·[] |
14:20:20.294887 db@open opening |
14:20:20.294887 journal@recovery F·1 |
14:20:20.295433 journal@recovery recovering @6 |
14:20:20.296072 version@stat F·[] S·0B[] Sc·[] |
14:20:20.310833 db@janitor F·2 G·0 |
14:20:20.310833 db@open done T·15.9465ms |
=============== Oct 21, 2024 (CST) =============== |
14:20:36.927623 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
14:20:36.934195 version@stat F·[] S·0B[] Sc·[] |
14:20:36.934195 db@open opening |
14:20:36.934281 journal@recovery F·1 |
14:20:36.934281 journal@recovery recovering @8 |
14:20:36.935338 version@stat F·[] S·0B[] Sc·[] |
14:20:36.938053 db@janitor F·2 G·0 |
14:20:36.938053 db@open done T·3.8583ms |
=============== Oct 21, 2024 (CST) =============== |
14:22:23.986904 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
14:22:23.992574 version@stat F·[] S·0B[] Sc·[] |
14:22:23.992574 db@open opening |
14:22:23.992574 journal@recovery F·1 |
14:22:23.992574 journal@recovery recovering @10 |
14:22:23.993680 version@stat F·[] S·0B[] Sc·[] |
14:22:24.008658 db@janitor F·2 G·0 |
14:22:24.008658 db@open done T·16.0838ms |
=============== Oct 21, 2024 (CST) =============== |
14:24:51.467782 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
14:24:51.473434 version@stat F·[] S·0B[] Sc·[] |
14:24:51.473434 db@open opening |
14:24:51.473434 journal@recovery F·1 |
14:24:51.473938 journal@recovery recovering @12 |
14:24:51.474495 version@stat F·[] S·0B[] Sc·[] |
14:24:51.477297 db@janitor F·2 G·0 |
14:24:51.477297 db@open done T·3.8623ms |
=============== Oct 21, 2024 (CST) =============== |
14:46:39.100971 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
14:46:39.106984 version@stat F·[] S·0B[] Sc·[] |
14:46:39.106984 db@open opening |
14:46:39.106984 journal@recovery F·1 |
14:46:39.106984 journal@recovery recovering @14 |
14:46:39.115173 memdb@flush created L0@16 N·10706 S·117KiB "A,v10697":"ZZZ,v3592" |
14:46:39.115693 version@stat F·[1] S·117KiB[117KiB] Sc·[0.25] |
14:46:39.118621 db@janitor F·3 G·0 |
14:46:39.118621 db@open done T·11.6369ms |
=============== Oct 21, 2024 (CST) =============== |
14:49:38.789393 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
14:49:38.795391 version@stat F·[1] S·117KiB[117KiB] Sc·[0.25] |
14:49:38.795391 db@open opening |
14:49:38.795391 journal@recovery F·1 |
14:49:38.795981 journal@recovery recovering @17 |
14:49:38.797010 version@stat F·[1] S·117KiB[117KiB] Sc·[0.25] |
14:49:38.799205 db@janitor F·3 G·0 |
14:49:38.799205 db@open done T·3.8134ms |
=============== Oct 22, 2024 (CST) =============== |
13:43:35.290331 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
13:43:35.296999 version@stat F·[1] S·117KiB[117KiB] Sc·[0.25] |
13:43:35.296999 db@open opening |
13:43:35.296999 journal@recovery F·1 |
13:43:35.296999 journal@recovery recovering @19 |
13:43:35.297504 version@stat F·[1] S·117KiB[117KiB] Sc·[0.25] |
13:43:35.312184 db@janitor F·3 G·0 |
13:43:35.312184 db@open done T·15.1845ms |
=============== Oct 22, 2024 (CST) =============== |
13:44:56.419488 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
13:44:56.425242 version@stat F·[1] S·117KiB[117KiB] Sc·[0.25] |
13:44:56.425242 db@open opening |
13:44:56.425242 journal@recovery F·1 |
13:44:56.425242 journal@recovery recovering @21 |
13:44:56.426359 version@stat F·[1] S·117KiB[117KiB] Sc·[0.25] |
13:44:56.441861 db@janitor F·3 G·0 |
13:44:56.441861 db@open done T·16.6193ms |
=============== Oct 22, 2024 (CST) =============== |
13:46:42.392191 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
13:46:42.398184 version@stat F·[1] S·117KiB[117KiB] Sc·[0.25] |
13:46:42.398184 db@open opening |
13:46:42.398184 journal@recovery F·1 |
13:46:42.398706 journal@recovery recovering @23 |
13:46:42.399245 version@stat F·[1] S·117KiB[117KiB] Sc·[0.25] |
13:46:42.402856 db@janitor F·3 G·0 |
13:46:42.402856 db@open done T·4.6718ms |
=============== Oct 22, 2024 (CST) =============== |
13:47:34.914821 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
13:47:34.920792 version@stat F·[1] S·117KiB[117KiB] Sc·[0.25] |
13:47:34.920792 db@open opening |
13:47:34.920792 journal@recovery F·1 |
13:47:34.920792 journal@recovery recovering @25 |
13:47:34.921296 version@stat F·[1] S·117KiB[117KiB] Sc·[0.25] |
13:47:34.924466 db@janitor F·3 G·0 |
13:47:34.924466 db@open done T·3.6741ms |
=============== Oct 22, 2024 (CST) =============== |
13:48:23.970763 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
13:48:23.976619 version@stat F·[1] S·117KiB[117KiB] Sc·[0.25] |
13:48:23.976619 db@open opening |
13:48:23.976619 journal@recovery F·1 |
13:48:23.977144 journal@recovery recovering @27 |
13:48:23.977671 version@stat F·[1] S·117KiB[117KiB] Sc·[0.25] |
13:48:23.979746 db@janitor F·3 G·0 |
13:48:23.979746 db@open done T·3.1275ms |
=============== Oct 22, 2024 (CST) =============== |
13:50:04.249322 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
13:50:04.255596 version@stat F·[1] S·117KiB[117KiB] Sc·[0.25] |
13:50:04.255596 db@open opening |
13:50:04.255596 journal@recovery F·1 |
13:50:04.255596 journal@recovery recovering @29 |
13:50:04.256320 version@stat F·[1] S·117KiB[117KiB] Sc·[0.25] |
13:50:04.259469 db@janitor F·3 G·0 |
13:50:04.259469 db@open done T·3.8727ms |
=============== Oct 22, 2024 (CST) =============== |
13:56:29.194742 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
13:56:29.200860 version@stat F·[1] S·117KiB[117KiB] Sc·[0.25] |
13:56:29.200860 db@open opening |
13:56:29.200860 journal@recovery F·1 |
13:56:29.200860 journal@recovery recovering @31 |
13:56:29.202562 memdb@flush created L0@33 N·1 S·185B "JBKMM,v10708":"JBKMM,v10708" |
13:56:29.203065 version@stat F·[2] S·117KiB[117KiB] Sc·[0.50] |
13:56:29.204707 db@janitor F·4 G·0 |
13:56:29.204707 db@open done T·3.847ms |
=============== Oct 22, 2024 (CST) =============== |
13:58:29.143667 log@legend F·NumFile S·FileSize N·Entry C·BadEntry B·BadBlock Ke·KeyError D·DroppedEntry L·Level Q·SeqNum T·TimeElapsed |
13:58:29.150187 version@stat F·[2] S·117KiB[117KiB] Sc·[0.50] |
13:58:29.150187 db@open opening |
13:58:29.150187 journal@recovery F·1 |
13:58:29.150187 journal@recovery recovering @34 |
13:58:29.150993 version@stat F·[2] S·117KiB[117KiB] Sc·[0.50] |
13:58:29.165607 db@janitor F·4 G·0 |
13:58:29.165607 db@open done T·15.4202ms |
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
package forex |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"net/http" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
) |
// SubscribeForex
// @Description: 外汇行情采集分发
// @param ipServer
// @param addrServer
func SubscribeForex(ipServer, addrServer string) { |
data.Mgo_init(config.Config.Mongodb) |
codeList := GetMongodbForexCode() |
applogger.Debug("foreList data:%v", codeList) |
hub := newHub() |
go hub.ForexMarketBBOSwitcher(codeList) // 订阅盘口(买一卖一)报价
go hub.ForexMarketTradeSwitcher(codeList) // 订阅成交报价
go hub.ForexMarketBatchPrice(codeList) // 订阅实时报价
go hub.ForexMarketBatchDayPrice(codeList) // 订阅每天报价-数据(实时-最高-最低-开盘价)
go |
http.HandleFunc("/forexWs", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { |
handleConnection(hub, w, r) |
}) |
addr := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", ipServer, addrServer) |
applogger.Info("wss-pool server start at %v", addr) |
if err := http.ListenAndServe(addr, nil); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("ListenAndServe:%v", err) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,725 @@ |
package forex |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"errors" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"log" |
"net/http" |
"strings" |
"sync" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model" |
) |
var topic = "forex" // 实时报价
var topic_d = "forexDay" // 实时天报价
var topic_t = "trade" // 成交报价
var topic_s = "tradeStorage" // 成交报价存储
var topic_c = "quotes" // 盘口(买一卖一)报价
var upGrader = websocket.Upgrader{ |
ReadBufferSize: 1024, |
WriteBufferSize: 1024, |
// Verification request`
CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool { |
// If it is not a get request, return an error
if r.Method != "GET" { |
fmt.Println("Request method error") |
return false |
} |
// If chat is not included in the path, an error is returned
if r.URL.Path != "/forexWs" { |
fmt.Println("Request path error") |
return false |
} |
// Verification rules can also be customized according to other needs
return true |
}, |
} |
var forexLastKline = make(chan []model.ForexJsonData) |
var forexDayLastKline = make(chan []model.ForexJsonData) |
// 订阅数据类型
type Symbol struct { |
Code string `json:"code"` |
DepthLevel int `json:"depth_level"` |
} |
type Request struct { |
CmdID int `json:"cmd_id"` |
SeqID int `json:"seq_id"` |
Trace string `json:"trace"` |
Data DataList `json:"data"` |
} |
type DataList struct { |
SymbolList []Symbol `json:"symbol_list"` |
} |
type ResultBbo struct { |
CmdID int `json:"cmd_id"` |
Data struct { |
Code string `json:"code"` |
Seq string `json:"seq"` |
TickTime string `json:"tick_time"` |
Bids []struct { |
Price string `json:"price"` |
Volume string `json:"volume"` |
} `json:"bids"` |
Asks []struct { |
Price string `json:"price"` |
Volume string `json:"volume"` |
} `json:"asks"` |
} `json:"data"` |
} |
type ResultsTrade struct { |
CmdID int `json:"cmd_id"` |
Data struct { |
Code string `json:"code"` |
Seq string `json:"seq"` |
TickTime string `json:"tick_time"` |
Price string `json:"price"` |
Volume string `json:"volume"` |
Turnover string `json:"turnover"` |
TradeDirection int `json:"trade_direction"` |
} `json:"data"` |
} |
// Client represents a WebSocket client.
type Client struct { |
conn *websocket.Conn |
subscriptions map[string]bool // Tracks which topics the client is subscribed to
} |
// Hub maintains the set of active clients and broadcasts messages to the clients.
type Hub struct { |
clients map[*Client]bool // All connected clients
broadcast chan Message // Broadcast channel for messages
topics map[string][]*Client // Topic to clients mapping for subscriptions
mu sync.Mutex // Mutex for safe concurrent access
} |
// Message structure to hold the message content and the topic
type Message struct { |
Topic string `json:"topic"` |
Content string `json:"content"` |
} |
// newHub Initialize a new Hub
func newHub() *Hub { |
return &Hub{ |
clients: make(map[*Client]bool), |
broadcast: make(chan Message), |
topics: make(map[string][]*Client), |
} |
} |
// run Start the Hub to listen for messages
func (h *Hub) run() { |
for { |
msg := <-h.broadcast |
// Lock the hub to safely access the topics map
||| |
if clients, ok := h.topics[msg.Topic]; ok { |
for _, client := range clients { |
err := client.conn.WriteJSON(msg) |
if err != nil { |
log.Printf("Error writing message to client: %v", err) |
client.conn.Close() |
delete(h.clients, client) |
} |
} |
} |
||| |
} |
} |
// Handle WebSocket connections
func handleConnection(hub *Hub, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { |
conn, err := upGrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) |
if err != nil { |
log.Println("Error during connection upgrade:", err) |
return |
} |
client := &Client{conn: conn, subscriptions: make(map[string]bool)} |
hub.clients[client] = true |
go func() { |
defer func() { |
delete(hub.clients, client) |
for topic := range client.subscriptions { |
||| |
hub.topics[topic] = removeClientFromTopic(hub.topics[topic], client) |
||| |
} |
}() |
for { |
var msg Message |
if err = conn.ReadJSON(&msg); err != nil { |
log.Println("Error reading message:", err) |
break |
} |
applogger.Info("message info:%v---%v", msg.Topic, msg.Content) |
if msg.Content == "ping" || msg.Content == "subscribe" { |
client.subscriptions[msg.Topic] = true |
||| |
hub.topics[msg.Topic] = append(hub.topics[msg.Topic], client) |
||| |
} |
switch msg.Content { |
case "subscribe": |
hub.broadcast <- Message{Topic: msg.Topic, Content: "subscribe success"} |
case "ping": |
hub.broadcast <- Message{Topic: msg.Topic, Content: "pong"} |
default: |
// TODO: 广播客户端订阅消息
//hub.broadcast <- msg
} |
} |
}() |
} |
// subscribeTradeSwitcher content new
func subscribeTradeSwitcher() *websocket.Conn { |
url := "wss://" |
applogger.Info("subscribePolygon info Url:%v", url) |
conn, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(url, nil) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to link to wss server:%v", err) |
return nil |
} |
return conn |
} |
func (h *Hub) ForexMarketBBOSwitcher(codeList []string) { |
var dataList DataList // 构造订阅参数
for _, value := range codeList { |
dataList.SymbolList = append(dataList.SymbolList, Symbol{ |
Code: value, |
DepthLevel: 1, |
}) |
} |
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 1) |
defer ticker.Stop() |
for { |
select { |
case <-ticker.C: |
applogger.Info("Execute automatic subscription........") |
if conn := subscribeTradeSwitcher(); conn != nil { |
// Send heartbeat every 10 seconds
go func() { |
for range time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second).C { |
req := Request{ |
CmdID: 22000, |
SeqID: 1447560092, |
Trace: "b9e14618-b43f-4fb3-bf08-0bd1b60f285d", |
Data: DataList{}, |
} |
messageBytes, err := json.Marshal(req) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err:%v", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Debug("Message send info:%v", string(messageBytes)) |
err = conn.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, messageBytes) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("write heartbeat err:%v", err) |
} |
} |
}() |
// Construct subscription parameters
req := Request{ |
CmdID: 22002, |
SeqID: 1447560092, |
Trace: uuid.New().String(), |
Data: dataList, |
} |
messageBytes, err := json.Marshal(req) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err:%v", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Debug("Message send info:%v", string(messageBytes)) |
err = conn.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, messageBytes) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Debug("write err:%v", err) |
return |
} |
// 客户端broadcast,消息推送
h.SendAllClientBBOSwitcher(conn) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func (h *Hub) ForexMarketTradeSwitcher(codeList []string) { |
var dataList DataList // 构造订阅参数
for _, value := range codeList { |
dataList.SymbolList = append(dataList.SymbolList, Symbol{ |
Code: value, |
DepthLevel: 1, |
}) |
} |
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 1) |
defer ticker.Stop() |
for { |
select { |
case <-ticker.C: |
applogger.Info("Execute automatic subscription........") |
if conn := subscribeTradeSwitcher(); conn != nil { |
// Send heartbeat every 10 seconds
go func() { |
for range time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second).C { |
req := Request{ |
CmdID: 22000, |
SeqID: 1148509458, |
Trace: "a5e37d07-168f-403a-b4cb-08be813e0b91", |
Data: DataList{}, |
} |
messageBytes, err := json.Marshal(req) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err:%v", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Debug("Message send info:%v", string(messageBytes)) |
err = conn.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, messageBytes) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("heartbeat write err:%v", err) |
} |
} |
}() |
// Construct subscription parameters
req := Request{ |
CmdID: 22004, |
SeqID: 1148509458, |
Trace: uuid.New().String(), |
Data: dataList, |
} |
messageBytes, err := json.Marshal(req) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err:%v", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Debug("Message send info:%v", string(messageBytes)) |
err = conn.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, messageBytes) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Debug("write err:%v", err) |
return |
} |
// 客户端broadcast,消息推送
h.SendAllClientTradeSwitcher(conn) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func (h *Hub) ForexMarketBatchPrice(codeList []string) { |
var dataList model.ConstructParametersPost |
for _, value := range codeList { |
dataList.Trace = uuid.New().String() |
dataList.Data.DataList = append(dataList.Data.DataList, model.DataParameters{ |
Code: value, |
KlineType: 1, |
KlineTimestampEnd: 0, |
QueryKlineNum: 1, |
AdjustType: 0, |
}) |
} |
go func() { |
for { |
UrlBatchKline := "" |
queryStr, err := json.Marshal(&dataList) |
if err != nil { |
return |
} |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpPost(UrlBatchKline, string(queryStr)) |
if err != nil { |
return |
} |
//applogger.Debug("klineBatchPrice data:%v", bodyStr)
var klineNew model.KlinePostReturnStruct |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &klineNew); err != nil { |
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) |
continue |
} |
//applogger.Debug("klineNew count:%v", len(klineNew.Data.KlineList))
// 将数据写入缓存用来推送K线
for _, value := range klineNew.Data.KlineList { |
if len(value.KlineData) == 0 { |
continue |
} |
code := model.Check_Code[value.Code] |
if len(code) == 0 { |
code = value.Code |
} |
openPrice := decimal.RequireFromString(value.KlineData[0].OpenPrice).InexactFloat64() |
closePrice := decimal.RequireFromString(value.KlineData[0].ClosePrice).InexactFloat64() |
highPrice := decimal.RequireFromString(value.KlineData[0].HighPrice).InexactFloat64() |
lowPrice := decimal.RequireFromString(value.KlineData[0].LowPrice).InexactFloat64() |
volume := decimal.RequireFromString(value.KlineData[0].Volume).InexactFloat64() |
timestamp := decimal.RequireFromString(value.KlineData[0].Timestamp).IntPart() |
forexJson := []model.ForexJsonData{ |
{ |
Event: "CAS", |
Pair: code, |
Open: openPrice, |
Close: closePrice, |
High: highPrice, |
Low: lowPrice, |
Volume: int(volume), |
Timestamp: timestamp, |
}, |
} |
forexLastKline <- forexJson |
} |
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond) |
} |
}() |
h.ForexMarketBatchPriceBatch() |
} |
func (h *Hub) ForexMarketBatchDayPrice(codeList []string) { |
var dataList model.ConstructParametersPost |
for _, value := range codeList { |
dataList.Trace = uuid.New().String() |
dataList.Data.DataList = append(dataList.Data.DataList, model.DataParameters{ |
Code: value, |
KlineType: 8, |
KlineTimestampEnd: 0, |
QueryKlineNum: 1, |
AdjustType: 0, |
}) |
} |
go func() { |
for { |
UrlBatchKline := "" |
queryStr, err := json.Marshal(&dataList) |
if err != nil { |
return |
} |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpPost(UrlBatchKline, string(queryStr)) |
if err != nil { |
return |
} |
//applogger.Debug("klineBatchPrice data:%v", bodyStr)
var klineNew model.KlinePostReturnStruct |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &klineNew); err != nil { |
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) |
continue |
} |
//applogger.Debug("klineNew count:%v", len(klineNew.Data.KlineList))
// 将数据写入缓存用来推送K线
for _, value := range klineNew.Data.KlineList { |
if len(value.KlineData) == 0 { |
continue |
} |
code := model.Check_Code[value.Code] |
if len(code) == 0 { |
code = value.Code |
} |
openPrice := decimal.RequireFromString(value.KlineData[0].OpenPrice).InexactFloat64() |
closePrice := decimal.RequireFromString(value.KlineData[0].ClosePrice).InexactFloat64() |
highPrice := decimal.RequireFromString(value.KlineData[0].HighPrice).InexactFloat64() |
lowPrice := decimal.RequireFromString(value.KlineData[0].LowPrice).InexactFloat64() |
volume := decimal.RequireFromString(value.KlineData[0].Volume).InexactFloat64() |
timestamp := decimal.RequireFromString(value.KlineData[0].Timestamp).IntPart() |
forexJson := []model.ForexJsonData{ |
{ |
Event: "CAS-D", |
Pair: code, |
Open: openPrice, |
Close: closePrice, |
High: highPrice, |
Low: lowPrice, |
Volume: int(volume), |
Timestamp: timestamp, |
}, |
} |
forexDayLastKline <- forexJson |
} |
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond) |
} |
}() |
h.ForexMarketBatchDayPriceBatch() |
} |
// SendAllClientTradeSwitcher send message to all clients
func (h *Hub) SendAllClientBBOSwitcher(conn *websocket.Conn) { |
for { |
_, msg, err := conn.ReadMessage() |
if err != nil { |
if websocket.IsUnexpectedCloseError(err, websocket.CloseGoingAway, websocket.CloseAbnormalClosure) { |
applogger.Error("IsUnexpectedCloseError err:%v", err) |
} |
break |
} |
var messageToJson ResultBbo |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(string(msg)), &messageToJson); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("SendAllClientTradeSwitcher err:%v", err) |
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) |
continue |
} |
switch messageToJson.CmdID { |
case 22001: // 心跳
// {"ret":200,"msg":"ok","cmd_id":22001,"seq_id":123,"trace":"3380a7a-3e1f-c3a5-5ee3-9e5be0ec8c241692805462"}
applogger.Debug("Heartbeat results:%v", string(msg)) |
case 22999: // 处理订阅数据
// {"cmd_id":22999,"data":{"code":"EURUSD","seq":"114101723","tick_time":"1732168153591","bids":[{"price":"1.05478","volume":"100000.00"}],"asks":[{"price":"1.05479","volume":"100000.00"}]}}
code := model.Check_Code[messageToJson.Data.Code] |
if len(code) == 0 { |
code = messageToJson.Data.Code |
} |
tickTime := decimal.RequireFromString(messageToJson.Data.TickTime).IntPart() |
bids := decimal.RequireFromString(messageToJson.Data.Bids[0].Price).InexactFloat64() |
asks := decimal.RequireFromString(messageToJson.Data.Asks[0].Price).InexactFloat64() |
volume := decimal.RequireFromString(messageToJson.Data.Asks[0].Volume).IntPart() |
quotesMsg := &[]model.ForexLastQuote{ |
{ |
Ev: "C", |
P: code, |
T: tickTime, |
B: bids, |
A: asks, |
X: int(volume), |
}, |
} |
msgStr, err := json.Marshal(quotesMsg) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err:%v", err) |
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) |
continue |
} |
applogger.Info("Message result:%v", string(msgStr)) |
// 广播数据
h.broadcast <- Message{Topic: topic_c, Content: string(msgStr)} |
default: |
applogger.Debug("Message result:%v", string(msg)) |
} |
} |
} |
func (h *Hub) SendAllClientTradeSwitcher(conn *websocket.Conn) { |
for { |
_, msg, err := conn.ReadMessage() |
if err != nil { |
if websocket.IsUnexpectedCloseError(err, websocket.CloseGoingAway, websocket.CloseAbnormalClosure) { |
applogger.Error("IsUnexpectedCloseError err:%v", err) |
} |
break |
} |
var messageToJson ResultsTrade |
if err = json.Unmarshal(msg, &messageToJson); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Unmarshal err:%v", err) |
continue |
} |
switch messageToJson.CmdID { |
case 22001: // 处理心跳
// {"ret":200,"msg":"ok","cmd_id":22001,"seq_id":123456,"trace":"3380a7a-3e1f-c3a5-5ee3-9e5be0ec8c241692805462787878"}
applogger.Debug("Heartbeat results:%v", string(msg)) |
case 22998: // 处理订阅数据
// {"cmd_id":22998,"data":{"code":"XAUUSD","seq":"65087341","tick_time":"1732267727182","price":"2694.84","volume":"95.00","turnover":"0.00","trade_direction":0}}
code := model.Check_Code[messageToJson.Data.Code] |
if len(code) == 0 { |
code = messageToJson.Data.Code |
} |
tradeMsg := &[]model.ForexTrade{ |
{ |
Ev: "T", |
Code: code, |
Seq: messageToJson.Data.Seq, |
TickTime: messageToJson.Data.TickTime, |
Price: messageToJson.Data.Price, |
Volume: messageToJson.Data.Volume, |
Turnover: messageToJson.Data.Turnover, |
TradeDirection: messageToJson.Data.TradeDirection, |
}, |
} |
msgStr, err := json.Marshal(tradeMsg) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err:%v", err) |
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) |
continue |
} |
applogger.Info("Message result:%v", string(msgStr)) |
// 广播数据
h.broadcast <- Message{ |
Topic: topic_t, |
Content: string(msgStr), |
} |
h.broadcast <- Message{ |
Topic: topic_s, |
Content: string(msgStr), |
} |
default: |
applogger.Debug("Message result:%v", string(msg)) |
} |
} |
} |
func (h *Hub) ForexMarketBatchPriceBatch() { |
for dataValue := range forexLastKline { |
applogger.Info("Message result:%v", dataValue) |
message, err := json.Marshal(&dataValue) |
if err != nil { |
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) |
continue |
} |
// 广播数据
h.broadcast <- Message{Topic: topic, Content: string(message)} |
} |
} |
func (h *Hub) ForexMarketBatchDayPriceBatch() { |
for dataValue := range forexDayLastKline { |
applogger.Info("Message result:%v", dataValue) |
message, err := json.Marshal(&dataValue) |
if err != nil { |
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) |
continue |
} |
// 广播数据
h.broadcast <- Message{Topic: topic_d, Content: string(message)} |
} |
} |
// ForexMarket content
func (h *Hub) ForexMarket() { |
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 10) |
defer ticker.Stop() |
for { |
select { |
case <-ticker.C: |
applogger.Info("Execute automatic subscription........") |
if conn := subscribePolygon(); conn != nil { |
h.SendAllClientNew(conn) // 客户端broadcast,消息推送
} |
} |
} |
} |
// subscribePolygon Link to third-party services
func subscribePolygon() *websocket.Conn { |
url := fmt.Sprintf("wss://%v/forex", config.Config.ShareGather.PolygonWss) |
applogger.Info("subscribePolygon info Url:%v", url) |
conn, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(url, nil) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to link to wss server:%v", err) |
return nil |
} |
return conn |
} |
// SendAllClientNew send message to all clients
func (h *Hub) SendAllClientNew(conn *websocket.Conn) { |
for { |
_, msg, err := conn.ReadMessage() |
if err != nil { |
if websocket.IsUnexpectedCloseError(err, websocket.CloseGoingAway, websocket.CloseAbnormalClosure) { |
applogger.Error("IsUnexpectedCloseError error: %v", err) |
} |
break |
} |
applogger.Debug("ReadMessage data info:%v", string(msg)) |
message := string(msg) |
if strings.Contains(message, "Connected Successfully") { |
// 鉴权
// {"action":"auth","params":"vG4tCD5emAFPkS4kWtXxJntMASyN4dnv"}
keyStr := model.SendAuthority{ |
Action: "auth", |
Params: config.Config.ShareGather.PolygonKey, |
} |
authStr, err := JsonMarshal(keyStr) |
if err != nil { |
break |
} |
if err = Send(conn, string(authStr)); err != nil { |
break |
} |
} else if strings.Contains(message, "authenticated") { |
// 发起实时价格订阅
// {"action":"subscribe", "params":"CAS.*"}
subStr := model.SendAuthority{Action: "subscribe", Params: "CAS.*"} |
resultStr, err := JsonMarshal(subStr) |
if err != nil { |
break |
} |
if err = Send(conn, string(resultStr)); err != nil { |
break |
} |
// 发起报价(卖一|买一)订阅
// {"action":"subscribe", "params":"C.*"}
subStrC := model.SendAuthority{Action: "subscribe", Params: "C.*"} |
resultStrC, err := JsonMarshal(subStrC) |
if err != nil { |
break |
} |
if err = Send(conn, string(resultStrC)); err != nil { |
break |
} |
} else { |
// 广播数据
var topicTop string |
if strings.Contains(message, "\"ev\":\"CAS\"") { |
topicTop = topic |
} else if strings.Contains(message, "\"ev\":\"C\"") { |
topicTop = topic_c |
} |
h.broadcast <- Message{Topic: topicTop, Content: message} |
} |
} |
} |
// Send Subscribe send message
func Send(conn *websocket.Conn, data string) error { |
if conn == nil { |
applogger.Error("WebSocket sent error: no connection available") |
return errors.New("WebSocket sent error: no connection available") |
} |
if err := conn.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, []byte(data)); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("WebSocket sent error: data=%s, error=%s", data, err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
// JsonMarshal marshal json
func JsonMarshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) { |
str, err := json.Marshal(v) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Marshal error: %v", err) |
return []byte{}, err |
} |
return str, nil |
} |
// removeClientFromTopic Remove a client from a topic
func removeClientFromTopic(clients []*Client, c *Client) []*Client { |
for i, client := range clients { |
if client == c { |
return append(clients[:i], clients[i+1:]...) |
} |
} |
return clients |
} |
// GetMongodbForexCode select forex code
func GetMongodbForexCode() []string { |
dateList, err := data.MgoFind(data.ForexListBak, bson.M{}) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoFind info err: %v", err) |
return []string{} |
} |
//applogger.Info("MgoFind info len: %v", dateList)
var dateListStr []string |
for _, value := range dateList.([]primitive.M) { |
code := value["code"].(string) |
dateListStr = append(dateListStr, code) |
} |
return dateListStr |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ |
package us |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"net/http" |
"wss-pool/cmd/websocketcollect/cache" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
) |
// SubscribeShareUs
// @Description: 广播美股实时行情/新增code
// @param addr
func SubscribeShareUs(ipServer, addrServer string) { |
// 初始化相同项目mongodb和redis的ip对应关系
//data.MgoDbToRedisMap = common.GetMgoDbToRedisMap(config.Config.Mongodb.RedisToMongodb)
// 初始化所有项目MongoDB
//data.Mgo_initMap(config.Config.Mongodb, common.GetMongodbAddrList(config.Config.Mongodb.AddrList))
// 初始化美股
cache.InitDB("us") |
hub := newHub() |
go hub.ShareMarket() |
go |
http.HandleFunc("/usWss/add/code", serveHome) |
http.HandleFunc("/ws", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { |
handleConnection(hub, w, r) |
}) |
addr := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", ipServer, addrServer) |
applogger.Info("wss-pool server start at %v", addr) |
if err := http.ListenAndServe(addr, nil); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("ListenAndServe:%v", err) |
} |
} |
// serveHome
// @Description: 新增美股code
// @param w
// @param r
func serveHome(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { |
if r.URL.Path != "/usWss/add/code" { |
http.Error(w, "Not found", http.StatusNotFound) |
return |
} |
if r.Method != http.MethodGet { |
http.Error(w, "Method not allowed", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed) |
return |
} |
value := r.FormValue("code") |
if value == "" { |
http.Error(w, "code is empty", http.StatusBadRequest) |
return |
} |
applogger.Info("subscribe share us code:%v", value) |
if err := cache.WriteDB(value, value); err != nil { |
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) |
return |
} |
// 确保返回 JSON 内容类型
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") |
// 设置状态码
w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) |
// 将响应编码为 JSON 并写入响应体
if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(Message{ |
Topic: value, |
Content: "新增美股code成功!", |
}); err != nil { |
http.Error(w, "Failed to encode JSON", http.StatusInternalServerError) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ |
package us |
import ( |
"context" |
"encoding/json" |
"errors" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"log" |
"net/http" |
"sync" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/cmd/websocketcollect/cache" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model" |
) |
var ( |
UsNewCode = make(map[string]bool) |
ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background()) |
wg sync.WaitGroup |
) |
var upGrader = websocket.Upgrader{ |
ReadBufferSize: 1024, |
WriteBufferSize: 1024, |
// Verification request`
CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool { |
// If it is not a get request, return an error
if r.Method != "GET" { |
fmt.Println("Request method error") |
return false |
} |
// If chat is not included in the path, an error is returned
if r.URL.Path != "/ws" { |
fmt.Println("Request path error") |
return false |
} |
// Verification rules can also be customized according to other needs
return true |
}, |
} |
// Client represents a WebSocket client.
type Client struct { |
conn *websocket.Conn |
subscriptions map[string]bool // Tracks which topics the client is subscribed to
} |
// Hub maintains the set of active clients and broadcasts messages to the clients.
type Hub struct { |
clients map[*Client]bool // All connected clients
broadcast chan Message // Broadcast channel for messages
topics map[string][]*Client // Topic to clients mapping for subscriptions
mu sync.Mutex // Mutex for safe concurrent access
} |
// Message structure to hold the message content and the topic
type Message struct { |
Topic string `json:"topic"` |
Content string `json:"content"` |
} |
// Initialize a new Hub
func newHub() *Hub { |
return &Hub{ |
clients: make(map[*Client]bool), |
broadcast: make(chan Message), |
topics: make(map[string][]*Client), |
} |
} |
// Start the Hub to listen for messages
func (h *Hub) run() { |
for { |
msg := <-h.broadcast |
// Lock the hub to safely access the topics map
||| |
if clients, ok := h.topics[msg.Topic]; ok { |
for _, client := range clients { |
err := client.conn.WriteJSON(msg) |
if err != nil { |
log.Printf("Error writing message to client: %v", err) |
client.conn.Close() |
delete(h.clients, client) |
} |
} |
} |
||| |
} |
} |
// Handle WebSocket connections
func handleConnection(hub *Hub, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { |
conn, err := upGrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) |
if err != nil { |
log.Println("Error during connection upgrade:", err) |
return |
} |
client := &Client{conn: conn, subscriptions: make(map[string]bool)} |
hub.clients[client] = true |
go func() { |
defer func() { |
delete(hub.clients, client) |
for topic := range client.subscriptions { |
||| |
hub.topics[topic] = removeClientFromTopic(hub.topics[topic], client) |
||| |
} |
}() |
for { |
var msg Message |
if err = conn.ReadJSON(&msg); err != nil { |
log.Println("Error reading message:", err) |
break |
} |
applogger.Info("message info:%v---%v", msg.Topic, msg.Content) |
if msg.Content == "ping" || msg.Content == "subscribe" { |
client.subscriptions[msg.Topic] = true |
||| |
hub.topics[msg.Topic] = append(hub.topics[msg.Topic], client) |
||| |
} |
switch msg.Content { |
case "subscribe": |
hub.broadcast <- Message{Topic: msg.Topic, Content: "subscribe success"} |
case "ping": |
hub.broadcast <- Message{Topic: msg.Topic, Content: "pong"} |
default: |
// TODO: 广播客户端订阅消息
//hub.broadcast <- msg
} |
} |
}() |
} |
// ShareMarket content
func (h *Hub) ShareMarket() { |
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 10) |
defer ticker.Stop() |
for { |
select { |
case <-ticker.C: |
applogger.Info("Execute automatic subscription........") |
if conn := subscribeFinnHub(); conn != nil { |
// 客户端broadcast,消息推送
if err := h.SendAllClientNew(conn); err != nil { |
break |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func (h *Hub) SendAllClientNew(conn *websocket.Conn) error { |
sendUsCodeNew(conn, false) // 初始化所有项目股票code订阅
go singleSendUsCodeNew(conn) // 单线程 订阅后续新增的股票
for { |
_, msg, err := conn.ReadMessage() |
if err != nil { |
if websocket.IsUnexpectedCloseError(err, websocket.CloseGoingAway, websocket.CloseAbnormalClosure) { |
applogger.Error("IsUnexpectedCloseError error: %v", err) |
} |
return errors.New("Error reading message") |
} |
applogger.Debug("ReadMessage data info:%v", string(msg)) |
var subModel model.FinnhubMessage |
if err := json.Unmarshal(msg, &subModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("subModel Unmarshal info err: %v", err) |
continue |
} |
// send to websocket
h.broadcast <- Message{Topic: "us", Content: string(msg)} |
} |
} |
// Link to third-party services
func subscribeFinnHub() *websocket.Conn { |
url := fmt.Sprintf("wss://%v?token=%v", config.Config.FinnhubUs.FinnhubWss, config.Config.FinnhubUs.FinnhubKey) |
applogger.Info("subscribeFinnHub info Url:%v", url) |
conn, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(url, nil) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to link to wss server:%v", err) |
return nil |
} |
return conn |
} |
func singleSendUsCodeNew(conn *websocket.Conn) { |
for { |
time.Sleep(10 * time.Minute) |
//if err := Send(conn, fmt.Sprintf("{\"type\":\"subscribe\",\"symbol\":\"%v\"}", "")); err != nil {
// applogger.Error("ws:%v", err)
// return
applogger.Debug("send new us stock start") |
sendUsCodeNew(conn, true) |
} |
} |
func sendUsCodeNew(conn *websocket.Conn, isSingle bool) { |
stockRes := cache.ReadListDB() |
for _, code := range stockRes { |
sendPing := fmt.Sprintf("{\"type\":\"subscribe\",\"symbol\":\"%v\"}", code) |
if !isSingle { //订阅全部美股
fmt.Println("subscribe:", code) |
Send(conn, sendPing) |
UsNewCode[code] = true |
continue |
} |
if !UsNewCode[code] { //追加订阅新股票
applogger.Debug("new us stock:%v", sendPing) |
Send(conn, sendPing) |
UsNewCode[code] = true |
} |
} |
} |
func Send(conn *websocket.Conn, data string) error { |
if conn == nil { |
applogger.Error("WebSocket sent error: no connection available") |
return errors.New("WebSocket sent error: no connection available") |
} |
if err := conn.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, []byte(data)); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("WebSocket sent error: data=%s, error=%s", data, err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
// Remove a client from a topic
func removeClientFromTopic(clients []*Client, c *Client) []*Client { |
for i, client := range clients { |
if client == c { |
return append(clients[:i], clients[i+1:]...) |
} |
} |
return clients |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,540 @@ |
package websocketservice |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"errors" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"log" |
"net/http" |
"strconv" |
"strings" |
"sync" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal" |
"wss-pool/internal/gzip" |
"wss-pool/internal/model" |
red "wss-pool/internal/redis" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/market" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/stock" |
) |
const ( |
// Time allowed to write a message to the peer.
writeWait = 10 * time.Second |
// Time allowed to read the next pong message from the peer.
pongWait = 60 * time.Second |
// Send pings to peer with this period. Must be less than pongWait.
pingPeriod = (pongWait * 9) / 10 |
// Maximum message size allowed from peer.
maxMessageSize = 512 |
SpotsStatus int = 1 |
ContractStatus int = 2 |
RedisDIGITAL string = "DIGITAL:LIST" |
StatusPass int = 1 |
) |
// Define a websocket connection object that contains information for each connection
type User struct { |
Id string // Client ID
conn *websocket.Conn // Define websocket link objects
msg chan []byte // Define messages received and distributed
symbol sync.Map // Define a collection of user subscription types
stop chan string |
start chan string |
mux sync.Mutex |
} |
var ( |
wsConMap = map[string][]*websocket.Conn{} |
mutex = sync.RWMutex{} |
msgChan = make(chan []byte) |
mutexSpotConn = sync.RWMutex{} |
) |
// Define the message body for the output
type Message struct { |
ServersId string `json:"serversId,omitempty"` // Service ID (used to receive the client push ID of the third-party push server)
Sender string `json:"sender,omitempty"` // sender
Recipient string `json:"recipient,omitempty"` // recipient
Content any `json:"content,omitempty"` // send content
Symbol string `json:"symbol,omitempty"` // Subscription type
Logo string `json:"logo_link,omitempty"` // Subscription type
KeepDecimal string `json:"keep_decimal"` |
} |
var SpotMarketCache = sync.Map{} |
var ContractCache = sync.Map{} |
// Define an UpGrader to upgrade a regular HTTP connection to a websocket connection
var up = &websocket.Upgrader{ |
// Define read/write buffer size
WriteBufferSize: 1024, |
ReadBufferSize: 1024, |
// Verification request
CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool { |
// If it is not a get request, return an error
if r.Method != "GET" { |
fmt.Println("Request method error") |
return false |
} |
// If chat is not included in the path, an error is returned
if r.URL.Path != "/quotes-wss" { |
fmt.Println("Request path error") |
return false |
} |
// Verification rules can also be customized according to other needs
return true |
}, |
} |
func Connect(host, addr string) { |
go write() |
http.HandleFunc("/quotes-wss", wsHandle) |
url := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", host, addr) |
fmt.Println(url) |
err := http.ListenAndServe(url, nil) |
if err != nil { |
log.Fatal("ListenAndServe: ", err) |
} |
} |
func wsHandle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { |
// Obtain a link through the upgraded upgrade tool
conn, err := up.Upgrade(w, r, nil) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Info("获取连接失败:%v", err) |
return |
} |
// Register users after successful connection
user := &User{ |
Id: uuid.NewV4().String(), |
conn: conn, |
msg: make(chan []byte), |
stop: make(chan string), |
start: make(chan string), |
symbol: sync.Map{}, |
mux: sync.Mutex{}, |
} |
read(user) |
//go hearBeat(user)
} |
// Read the message sent by the client and process the return response
func read(user *User) { |
defer func() { |
user.conn.Close() |
}() |
for { |
_, msg, err := user.conn.ReadMessage() |
if err != nil { |
offLine(user.conn) |
applogger.Info("user exit:%v", user.conn.RemoteAddr().String()) |
return |
} |
// Process business logic
psgMsg := model.SubMessage(string(msg)) |
fmt.Println(psgMsg) |
if psgMsg != nil { |
switch psgMsg.Type { |
case "ping": // Receiving ping
aloneSend(user.conn, []byte(model.ReturnValue("pong"))) |
case "subscribe": // Receive subscription
applogger.Info("接收到订阅消息体:", string(msg)) |
aloneSend(user.conn, []byte(model.ReturnValue("subscribe success"))) |
//获取 服务是否 订阅该数据
mutex.RLock() |
conns, ok := wsConMap[psgMsg.Symbol] |
mutex.RUnlock() |
if ok { |
conns = checkClient(conns, user.conn) |
} else { |
conns = make([]*websocket.Conn, 0) |
conns = append(conns, user.conn) |
} |
applogger.Info("psgMsg.Symbol", psgMsg.Symbol) |
mutex.Lock() |
wsConMap[psgMsg.Symbol] = conns |
mutex.Unlock() |
if !ok { |
go user.userSubscribe(psgMsg.Symbol) |
} |
case "unSubscribe": // Receive unsubscribe
applogger.Info("Received unsubscribe message body:", string(msg)) |
mutex.RLock() |
conns, ok := wsConMap[psgMsg.Symbol] |
mutex.RUnlock() |
if ok { |
removeWsconn(conns, user.conn, psgMsg.Symbol) |
} |
aloneSend(user.conn, []byte(model.ReturnValue("unSubscribe success"))) |
applogger.Debug("Subscription type after current user deletion:%v", ok) |
default: |
// TODO: Handling other situations transmitted by customers
} |
} |
} |
} |
// 清理客户端
func removeWsconn(conn []*websocket.Conn, userConn *websocket.Conn, symbol string) error { |
index := -1 |
for i, v := range conn { |
if v == userConn { |
index = i |
break |
} |
} |
if index >= 0 { |
conn = append(conn[:index], conn[index+1:]...) |
mutex.Lock() |
wsConMap[symbol] = conn |
mutex.Unlock() |
} |
return nil |
} |
func deleteWsconn(symbol string) { |
mutex.Lock() |
defer mutex.Unlock() |
delete(wsConMap, symbol) |
} |
// 检查是否订阅过
func checkClient(conns []*websocket.Conn, conn *websocket.Conn) []*websocket.Conn { |
for _, v := range conns { |
if v == conn { |
return conns |
} |
} |
conns = append(conns, conn) |
return conns |
} |
// 广播
func broadcastWebSocket(msg []byte, symbol string) { |
mutex.RLock() |
conns, ok := wsConMap[symbol] |
mutex.RUnlock() |
if !ok { |
applogger.Error("Parsing data information:%v") |
return |
} |
for _, val := range conns { |
if err := aloneSend(val, msg); err != nil { |
removeWsconn(conns, val, symbol) |
} |
} |
} |
// 断开连接 清理订阅
func offLine(userConn *websocket.Conn) { |
for key, v := range wsConMap { |
removeWsconn(v, userConn, key) |
} |
} |
// send message
func aloneSend(conn *websocket.Conn, message []byte) error { |
mutexSpotConn.Lock() |
defer mutexSpotConn.Unlock() |
conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(writeWait)) |
w, err := conn.NextWriter(websocket.TextMessage) // Write data in the form of io, with parameters of data type
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to conn.NextWriter :%v", err) |
return err |
} |
if _, err := w.Write(message); err != nil { // Write data, this function is truly used to transmit data to the foreground
applogger.Error("Failed Write message :%v", err) |
return err |
} |
if err := w.Close(); err != nil { // Close write stream
applogger.Error("Failed to close write stream:%v", err) |
return nil |
} |
return nil |
} |
//func hearBeat(user *User) {
// defer func() {
// user.conn.Close()
// }()
// ticker := time.NewTicker(writeWait) // Set timing
// for {
// select {
// case <-ticker.C:
// TODO: Need to add a server to ping the client
// //发送心跳
// if err := aloneSend(user.conn, []byte(model.ReturnValue("ping"))); err != nil {
// applogger.Error("Failed to send heartbeat message: ", err)
// //ping 不通 清理客户端
// offLine(user.conn)
// return
// }
// }
// }
// Producer sends messages
func write() { |
for message := range msgChan { |
// TODO: 延迟200毫秒
time.Sleep(20 * time.Millisecond) |
var subMsg Message |
json.Unmarshal(message, &subMsg) |
broadcastWebSocket(message, subMsg.Symbol) |
applogger.Info("broadcast WebSocket Sub message info:%v", subMsg.Symbol) |
} |
} |
// User subscription and cancellation
func (u *User) userSubscribe(symbol string) { |
applogger.Info("新交易对", symbol) |
pubSub := red.RedisClient.Subscribe(symbol) |
defer func() { |
pubSub.Close() |
}() |
_, err := pubSub.Receive() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("failed to receive from control PubSub,%v", zap.Error(err)) |
return |
} |
ch := pubSub.Channel() |
for msg := range ch { |
var subMsg Message |
isSubscribeCtDepth := strings.Contains(symbol, "USDT.depth.step") |
switch isSubscribeCtDepth { |
case true: |
content, err := gzip.GZipDecompress([]byte(msg.Payload)) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("UnGZip data error: %s", err) |
return |
} |
result := market.SubscribeCtDepthResponse{} |
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(content), &result); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Depth Unmarshal ", err) |
close(u.msg) |
return |
} |
subMsg.Symbol = result.Channel |
subMsg.Content = result |
subMsg.ServersId = result.Channel |
message, _ := json.Marshal(subMsg) |
msg.Payload = string(message) |
default: |
//applogger.Info("Subscribe date:%v", msg.Payload)
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(msg.Payload), &subMsg); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Parsing data information:%v", err) |
close(u.msg) |
return |
} |
} |
//fmt.Println("返回数据 : ", msg.Payload)
mutex.RLock() |
conns := wsConMap[subMsg.Symbol] |
mutex.RUnlock() |
if len(conns) > 0 { |
msgChan <- []byte(msg.Payload) |
} else { |
applogger.Debug("Starting unsubscribe.....", symbol) |
deleteWsconn(symbol) |
pubSub.Unsubscribe(symbol) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
func HashValue(hashListName string) []stock.PHPData { |
keys := red.Scan(hashListName) |
result := make([]stock.PHPData, 0) |
for _, v := range keys { |
res, _ := red.HGetAll(v) |
fmt.Println(res) |
item := stock.PHPData{} |
for field, value := range res { |
switch field { |
case "name": |
item.Name = value |
case "code": |
item.Code = value |
case "keep_decimal": |
item.KeepDecimal = value |
case "face_value": |
item.FaceValue, _ = strconv.Atoi(value) |
case "max_pry": |
item.MaxPry, _ = strconv.Atoi(value) |
case "min_pry": |
item.MinPry, _ = strconv.Atoi(value) |
case "logo_link": |
item.LogoLink = value |
case "status": |
item.Status, _ = strconv.Atoi(value) |
} |
} |
//if item.Status == StatusPass {
result = append(result, item) |
} |
return result |
} |
func HashValueOnce(key string) (stock.PHPData, error) { |
res, _ := red.HGetAll(key) |
item := stock.PHPData{} |
for field, value := range res { |
switch field { |
case "name": |
item.Name = value |
case "code": |
item.Code = value |
case "keep_decimal": |
item.KeepDecimal = value |
case "face_value": |
item.FaceValue, _ = strconv.Atoi(value) |
case "max_pry": |
item.MaxPry, _ = strconv.Atoi(value) |
case "min_pry": |
item.MinPry, _ = strconv.Atoi(value) |
case "logo_link": |
item.LogoLink = value |
case "status": |
item.Status, _ = strconv.Atoi(value) |
} |
} |
if item.Status == StatusPass { |
return item, nil |
} |
return stock.PHPData{}, errors.New("data is null") |
} |
// market_type //1现货,2合约,3美股
func PHPResutl(market_type int) stock.PHPRes { |
var eodModel stock.PHPRes |
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/bs/market", |
config.Config.HbApi.PHPHost) |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpPost(url, fmt.Sprintf(`{"market_type":"%d","trade_name":"","page":1,"page_size":1000}`, market_type)) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err) |
return eodModel |
} |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &eodModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("eodModel json Unmarshal err: %v", err) |
return eodModel |
} |
return eodModel |
} |
// market_type 1现货,2合约,3美股
func PHPMarketTrade(market_type, num int, trade_name string) stock.PHPMarketTradeList { |
var eodModel stock.PHPMarketTradeList |
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/bs/market_trade", |
config.Config.HbApi.PHPHost) |
fmt.Println(url) |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpPost(url, fmt.Sprintf(`{"market_type":%d,"trade_name":"%s","num":%d}`, market_type, trade_name, num)) |
fmt.Println(bodyStr) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err) |
return eodModel |
} |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &eodModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("eodModel json Unmarshal err: %v", err) |
return eodModel |
} |
return eodModel |
} |
func SubscriptionCache() { |
spot := HashValue(RedisDIGITAL) |
contract := HashValue(RedisCONTRACT) |
applogger.Info("spot :", spot, "contract :", contract) |
for _, v := range spot { |
symbol := fmt.Sprintf("market.%susdt.kline.1day", strings.ToLower(v.Name)) |
go UserMainSubscribe(symbol, SpotsStatus, v.Name) |
} |
for _, v := range contract { |
symbol := fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.kline.1day", v.Name) |
go UserMainSubscribe(symbol, ContractStatus, v.Name) |
} |
} |
// 1 合约 2 现货
func UserMainSubscribe(symbol string, market_type int, name string) { |
applogger.Info("新交易对", symbol) |
var subMsg Message |
pubSub := red.RedisClient.Subscribe(symbol) |
defer func() { |
pubSub.Close() |
}() |
_, err := pubSub.Receive() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("failed to receive from control PubSub,%v", zap.Error(err)) |
return |
} |
ch := pubSub.Channel() |
for msg := range ch { |
//applogger.Info("Subscribe date:%v", msg.Payload)
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(msg.Payload), &subMsg); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Parsing data information:%v", err) |
return |
} |
if subMsg.Symbol == "" { |
applogger.Error("symbol not data :%v", err) |
continue |
} |
if market_type == SpotsStatus { |
val, err := HashValueOnce(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", RedisDIGITAL, name)) |
if err != nil { |
//applogger.Error(name, err.Error())
SpotMarketCache.Delete(strings.ToLower(name)) |
continue |
} |
subMsg.Logo = val.LogoLink |
subMsg.Symbol = strings.ToLower(val.Name) |
subMsg.KeepDecimal = val.KeepDecimal |
SpotMarketCache.Store(strings.ToLower(name), subMsg) |
} else { |
val, err := HashValueOnce(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", RedisCONTRACT, name)) |
if err != nil { |
//applogger.Error(name, err.Error())
ContractCache.Delete(name) |
continue |
} |
subMsg.Logo = val.LogoLink |
subMsg.Symbol = val.Name |
subMsg.KeepDecimal = val.KeepDecimal |
ContractCache.Store(name, subMsg) |
} |
} |
} |
// Send data to websocket websocketServer
func (u *User) send(data string) (err error) { |
if u.conn == nil { |
applogger.Error("WebSocket sent error: no connection available") |
return err |
} |
u.mux.Lock() |
err = u.conn.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, []byte(data)) |
u.mux.Unlock() |
return err |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,412 @@ |
package websocketservice |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"log" |
"math" |
"net/http" |
"strings" |
"sync" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/cmd/common" |
"wss-pool/dictionary" |
"wss-pool/internal/model" |
red "wss-pool/internal/redis" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
mol "wss-pool/pkg/model" |
) |
// Define a websocket connection object that contains information for each connection
type Client struct { |
Id string // Client ID
conn *websocket.Conn // Define websocket link objects
msg chan []byte // Define messages received and distributed
symbol sync.Map // Concurrent Security - Manage User Subscription Types
mux sync.Mutex |
} |
type StockMessage struct { |
S string `json:"s,omitempty"` // 股票代码
Country string `json:"country"` //国家
StockCode string `json:"stock_code" bson:"stock_code"` // 股票代码
Symbol string `json:"symbol"` |
Stock string `json:"stock"` // 期权代码
IsStockIndex bool `json:"is_stock_index"` |
IsOptionList bool `json:"is_option_list"` |
IsOptionInfo bool `json:"is_option_info"` |
} |
var ( |
wsStockConMap = map[string][]*websocket.Conn{} |
mutexStock = sync.RWMutex{} |
msgStockChan = make(chan []byte) |
mutexConn = sync.RWMutex{} |
TotalNum int |
mutexTotal = sync.RWMutex{} |
countryMap = make(map[string][]string) |
mutexCountry = sync.RWMutex{} |
clearClientChan = make(chan *websocket.Conn) |
) |
const ( |
stockConnNum int = 20 |
) |
// Define an UpGrader to upgrade a regular HTTP connection to a websocket connection
var upServer = &websocket.Upgrader{ |
// Define read/write buffer size
WriteBufferSize: 1024, |
ReadBufferSize: 1024, |
// Verification request
CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool { |
// If it is not a get request, return an error
if r.Method != "GET" { |
fmt.Println("Request method error") |
return false |
} |
// If chat is not included in the path, an error is returned
if r.URL.Path != "/quotes-share-wss" { |
fmt.Println("Request path error") |
return false |
} |
token := r.URL.Query().Get("token") |
if !common.CheckToken(token) { |
applogger.Debug("token expired") |
return false |
} |
// Verification rules can also be customized according to other needs
return true |
}, |
} |
// ShareConnect
func ShareConnect(host, addr string) { |
go writeShare() |
go offLineStock() |
http.HandleFunc("/quotes-share-wss", wsHandleShare) |
url := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", host, addr) |
err := http.ListenAndServe(url, nil) |
if err != nil { |
log.Fatal("ListenAndServe: ", err) |
} |
} |
func wsHandleShare(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { |
// Obtain a link through the upgraded upgrade tool
conn, err := upServer.Upgrade(w, r, nil) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Info("Failed to obtain connection:%v", err) |
return |
} |
// Register users after successful connection
client := &Client{ |
Id: uuid.NewV4().String(), |
conn: conn, |
msg: make(chan []byte), |
symbol: sync.Map{}, |
mux: sync.Mutex{}, |
} |
readShare(client) |
} |
func setTotalNum(num int) { |
mutexTotal.Lock() |
defer mutexTotal.Unlock() |
TotalNum += num |
} |
func getTotalNum() { |
mutexTotal.RLock() |
defer mutexTotal.RUnlock() |
applogger.Debug("number of colleagues online :%v", TotalNum) |
} |
// Read the message sent by the client and process the return response
func readShare(cl *Client) { |
defer cl.conn.Close() |
setTotalNum(1) |
getTotalNum() |
for { |
_, msg, err := cl.conn.ReadMessage() |
if err != nil { |
clearClientChan <- cl.conn |
applogger.Debug("user exit:%v", cl.conn.RemoteAddr().String()) |
return |
} |
// Process business logic
psgMsg := model.SubMessage(string(msg)) |
if psgMsg != nil { |
switch psgMsg.Type { |
case "ping": // Receiving ping
aloneSendStock(cl.conn, []byte(model.ReturnValue("pong"))) |
case "subscribe": // Receive subscription
country, stock := getCountry(psgMsg.Symbol) |
if !dictionary.StockCountryMap[country] { |
applogger.Error(country, "incorrect subscription information 不属于合规的股票市场") |
aloneSendStock(cl.conn, []byte(model.ReturnValue("incorrect subscription information"))) |
clearClientChan <- cl.conn |
return |
} |
aloneSendStock(cl.conn, []byte(model.ReturnValue("subscribe success"))) |
//获取 服务是否 订阅该数据
mutexStock.RLock() |
conns, ok := wsStockConMap[psgMsg.Symbol] |
mutexStock.RUnlock() |
if ok { |
conns = checkClient(conns, cl.conn) |
} else { |
conns = make([]*websocket.Conn, 0) |
conns = append(conns, cl.conn) |
} |
mutexStock.Lock() |
wsStockConMap[psgMsg.Symbol] = conns |
mutexStock.Unlock() |
applogger.Info("psgMsg.Symbol:%v,wsStockClient:%v", psgMsg.Symbol, wsStockConMap) |
if !ok { |
go cl.userPSubscribeUs(country, stock) |
} |
case "unSubscribe": // Receive unsubscribe
applogger.Info("Received unsubscribe message body:", string(msg)) |
mutexStock.RLock() |
conns, ok := wsStockConMap[psgMsg.Symbol] |
mutexStock.RUnlock() |
if ok { |
removeWsconnStock(conns, cl.conn, psgMsg.Symbol) |
} |
aloneSendStock(cl.conn, []byte(model.ReturnValue("unSubscribe success"))) |
applogger.Debug("Subscription type after current user deletion:%v", ok) |
default: |
// TODO: Handling other situations transmitted by customers
applogger.Debug("Please provide accurate instructions......") |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// 废弃 客户端
func offLineStock() { |
for userConn := range clearClientChan { |
setTotalNum(-1) |
getTotalNum() |
for key, v := range wsStockConMap { |
removeWsconnStock(v, userConn, key) |
} |
} |
} |
// send message
func aloneSendStock(conn *websocket.Conn, message []byte) error { |
mutexConn.Lock() |
defer mutexConn.Unlock() |
//applogger.Debug("aloneSendStock :%v",conn,message)
conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(writeWait)) |
w, err := conn.NextWriter(websocket.TextMessage) // Write data in the form of io, with parameters of data type
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to conn.NextWriter :%v", err) |
return err |
} |
if _, err := w.Write(message); err != nil { // Write data, this function is truly used to transmit data to the foreground
applogger.Error("Failed Write message :%v", err) |
return err |
} |
if err := w.Close(); err != nil { // Close write stream
applogger.Error("Failed to close write stream:%v", err) |
return nil |
} |
return nil |
} |
// 清理客户端
func removeWsconnStock(conn []*websocket.Conn, userConn *websocket.Conn, symbol string) error { |
index := -1 |
for i, v := range conn { |
if v == userConn { |
index = i |
break |
} |
} |
if index >= 0 { |
conn = append(conn[:index], conn[index+1:]...) |
mutexStock.Lock() |
wsStockConMap[symbol] = conn |
mutexStock.Unlock() |
} |
return nil |
} |
func deleteWsconnStock(symbol string) { |
mutexStock.Lock() |
defer mutexStock.Unlock() |
delete(wsStockConMap, symbol) |
} |
// 广播
func broadcastWebSocketStock(msg []byte, symbol string) { |
//applogger.Debug("订阅客户端:%v---%v", wsStockConMap, symbol)
mutexStock.RLock() |
conns, ok := wsStockConMap[symbol] |
mutexStock.RUnlock() |
if !ok { |
applogger.Error("Parsing data information:%v") |
return |
} |
total := len(conns) |
if total <= 0 { |
return |
} |
start := time.Now() |
connDiv := int(math.Ceil(float64(total) / float64(stockConnNum))) |
for i := 0; i < connDiv; i++ { |
startIndex := i * stockConnNum |
endIndex := (i + 1) * stockConnNum |
if endIndex > total { |
endIndex = total |
} |
wg := sync.WaitGroup{} |
for _, val := range conns[startIndex:endIndex] { |
wg.Add(1) |
go func(val *websocket.Conn, msg []byte) { |
defer wg.Done() |
aloneSendStock(val, msg) |
}(val, msg) |
} |
wg.Wait() |
} |
applogger.Info("broadcast WebSocket info : %v ;total:%v;time-consuming %v ", symbol, total, time.Since(start)) |
} |
func writeShare() { |
for message := range msgStockChan { |
if strings.Contains(string(message), "\"ev\":\"CAS\"") { // 外汇行情订阅
var subMsg mol.ForexJsonData |
if err := json.Unmarshal(message, &subMsg); err != nil { |
applogger.Error(err.Error()) |
} |
broadcastWebSocketStock(message, fmt.Sprintf("%s.Forex", subMsg.Pair)) |
} else if strings.Contains(string(message), "\"ev\":\"CAS-D\"") { // 外汇行情天订阅
var subMsg mol.ForexJsonData |
if err := json.Unmarshal(message, &subMsg); err != nil { |
applogger.Error(err.Error()) |
} |
broadcastWebSocketStock(message, fmt.Sprintf("%s.DayForex", subMsg.Pair)) |
} else if strings.Contains(string(message), "\"ev\":\"C\"") { // 外汇买一卖一报价
var subMsg mol.ForexLastQuote |
if err := json.Unmarshal(message, &subMsg); err != nil { |
applogger.Error(err.Error()) |
} |
broadcastWebSocketStock(message, fmt.Sprintf("%s.LastForex", subMsg.P)) |
} else if strings.Contains(string(message), "\"ev\":\"T\"") { |
var subMsg mol.ForexTrade |
if err := json.Unmarshal(message, &subMsg); err != nil { |
applogger.Error(err.Error()) |
} |
broadcastWebSocketStock(message, fmt.Sprintf("%s.TradeForex", subMsg.Code)) |
} else { |
var subMsg StockMessage |
if err := json.Unmarshal(message, &subMsg); err != nil { |
applogger.Error(err.Error()) |
} |
if subMsg.S == "" { |
if subMsg.IsStockIndex { // 指数行情订阅
broadcastWebSocketStock(message, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", subMsg.StockCode, common.StockIndexPrefix)) |
} else if subMsg.IsOptionList { // 期权列表行情订阅
broadcastWebSocketStock(message, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", subMsg.Stock, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", common.StockOption, common.CapitalizeFirstLetter(subMsg.Country), common.StockOptionList))) |
} else if subMsg.IsOptionInfo { // 期权详情订阅
broadcastWebSocketStock(message, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", subMsg.Stock, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", common.StockOption, common.CapitalizeFirstLetter(subMsg.Country), common.StockOptionInfo))) |
} else { // 东南亚股票市场行情订阅(tradingView)
broadcastWebSocketStock(message, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", subMsg.Symbol, common.CapitalizeFirstLetter(subMsg.Country))) |
} |
continue |
} |
// 美股行情订阅
broadcastWebSocketStock(message, fmt.Sprintf("%s.US", subMsg.S)) |
} |
} |
} |
func getCountry(symbol string) (string, string) { |
symbolArr := strings.Split(symbol, ".") |
if len(symbolArr) < 2 { |
applogger.Error("symbol 有误") |
return "", "" |
} |
county := symbolArr[len(symbolArr)-1] |
return county, symbol[0 : strings.Index(symbol, county)-1] |
} |
// 按市场订阅
func (cl *Client) userPSubscribeUs(country, symbol string) { |
mutexCountry.RLock() |
symbols, ok := countryMap[country] |
mutexCountry.RUnlock() |
mutexCountry.Lock() |
countryMap[country] = append(symbols, symbol) |
mutexCountry.Unlock() |
if ok { |
//applogger.Error(country, "已订阅")
return |
} |
applogger.Debug(country, "start a stock subscription") |
pubSub := red.RedisClient.PSubscribe(fmt.Sprintf("*.%s", country)) |
defer func() { |
pubSub.Close() |
}() |
_, err := pubSub.Receive() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("failed to receive from control PubSub,%v", zap.Error(err)) |
return |
} |
ch := pubSub.Channel() |
for msg := range ch { |
mutexStock.RLock() |
conns, ok := wsStockConMap[msg.Channel] |
mutexStock.RUnlock() |
if !ok { |
continue |
} |
if len(conns) > 0 { |
msgStockChan <- []byte(msg.Payload) |
} else { |
deleteWsconnStock(msg.Channel) |
mutexCountry.RLock() |
symbols := countryMap[country] |
mutexCountry.RUnlock() |
index := -1 |
msgChannel := strings.Split(msg.Channel, ".") |
for i, v := range symbols { |
if v == msgChannel[0] { |
index = i |
break |
} |
} |
if index >= 0 { |
symbols = append(symbols[:index], symbols[index+1:]...) |
mutexCountry.Lock() |
countryMap[country] = symbols |
mutexCountry.Unlock() |
} |
// 退订
if len(symbols) <= 0 { |
mutexCountry.Lock() |
delete(countryMap, country) |
mutexCountry.Unlock() |
applogger.Debug("Starting unsubscribe.....", country) |
pubSub.PUnsubscribe(fmt.Sprintf("*.%s", country)) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ |
package config |
import ( |
"" |
"os" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model" |
) |
var Config model.Config |
// LoadConfig Load config
func LoadConfig(urlPath string) { |
dataBytes, err := os.ReadFile(urlPath) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Info("fail to read file:%v", err) |
return |
} |
err = yaml.Unmarshal(dataBytes, &Config) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Info("Failed to parse yaml file:%v", string(dataBytes), err.Error()) |
return |
} |
applogger.Info("config---->:%v", Config) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ |
package dictionary |
// usdt wbtc dai busd
// 计量单位
var TypeUnit = "usdt" |
// TODO: 系统数字火币-后期需要做个字典管理功能
var Symbol = []string{"btc", "eth", "bnb", "usdc", "xrp", "eos", "ada", "doge", "sol", "trx", "ltc", "dot", "matic", "bch", "ton", "avax", "shib", "invu", "osel", "fmd", "dten", "dten", "xnsl", "kools"} |
// 火币K线
var TimeCycle = []string{"1min", "5min", "15min", "30min", "60min", "4hour", "1day", "1mon", "1week", "1year"} |
// 币安K线
var BaTimeCycle = []string{"1m", "5m", "15m", "30m", "1h", "4h", "1d", "1M", "1w"} |
var BaToBaMap = map[string]string{ |
"1m": "1min", |
"5m": "5min", |
"15m": "15min", |
"30m": "30min", |
"1h": "60min", |
"4h": "4hour", |
"1d": "1day", |
"1M": "1mon", |
"1w": "1week", |
} |
// 币安深度
var BaDepth = []string{"5", "10", "20"} |
// 深度
var Depth = []string{"step0", "step1", "step2", "step3", "step4", "step5"} |
// 市场深度MBP行情数据
var LevelsRefresh = []int{5, 10, 20} |
var LevelsMbp = []int{5, 20, 400} |
/* |
合约订阅接口 |
1、永续:BTC-USDT(永续合约代码) |
2、交割:BTC-USDT-210625(交割合约代码) |
3、BTC-USDT-CW(当周合约标识) |
4、BTC-USDT-NW(次周合约标识) |
5、BTC-USDT-CQ(当季合约标识) |
6、BTC-USDT-NQ(次季合约标识) |
*/ |
var ContractCode = []string{"-USDT", "-USDT-CW", "-USDT-NW", "-USDT-CQ", "-USDT-NQ"} |
var ContractTime = []string{"1min", "5min", "15min", "30min", "60min", "4hour", "1day", "1week", "1mon"} |
var ContractPriceTime = []string{"1min", "5min", "15min", "30min", "60min", "4hour", "1day", "1week", "1mon"} |
var ContractDepth = []string{"step0", "step1", "step2", "step3", "step4", "step5", "step6", "step7", "step8", "step9", "step10", "step11", "step12", "step13", "step14", "step15", "step16", "step17", "step18", "step19"} |
var ContractAddDepth = []string{"20", "150"} |
// 美股市场
var StockUsListTime = []string{"5min", "15min", "30min", "1hour", "1day", "1week", "1mon"} |
var StockUsListDayTime = []string{"1day", "1week", "1mon"} |
var StockUsListTimeMap = map[string]string{"5min": "5", "15min": "15", "30min": "30", "1hour": "hour", "1day": "day", "1week": "week", "1mon": "month"} |
// 股票(马股|泰股|印尼股|印度股|新加坡股|港股|英股|法股|德股|巴西股|日本股)市场
var StockCodeList = []string{"Malaysia", "Thailand", "Indonesia", "India", "Singapore", "HongKong", "UK", "France", "Germany", "Brazil", "Japan"} |
var StockSouthAsiaListTime = []string{"5min", "15min", "30min", "1hour", "1day", "1week", "1mon"} |
var StockSouthAsiaListTimes = []string{"1hour", "1day", "1week", "1mon"} |
var StockCountryMap = map[string]bool{ |
"Thailand": true, |
"Indonesia": true, |
"India": true, |
"US": true, |
"StockIndex": true, |
"Malaysia": true, |
"Singapore": true, |
"HongKong": true, |
"OptionIndiaList": true, |
"OptionIndiaInfo": true, |
"UK": true, |
"France": true, |
"Germany": true, |
"Brazil": true, |
"Japan": true, |
"Forex": true, |
"DayForex": true, |
"LastForex": true, |
"TradeForex": true, |
} |
var OptionCodeList = []string{"US", "India"} |
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ |
package internal |
import ( |
"crypto/md5" |
"encoding/hex" |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"math/rand" |
"strings" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model" |
) |
var ( |
pr = fmt.Sprintf |
topIckLine = "market.kline" |
) |
const ( |
OneMin = "1min" |
FiveTime = "5min" |
FifteenTime = "15min" |
ThirtyTime = "30min" |
SixtyTime = "60min" |
fourTime = "4hour" |
OneDay = "1day" |
OneMon = "1mon" |
OneWeek = "1week" |
OneYear = "1year" |
) |
// CheckKLineTable
func CheckKLineTable(suffix string) string { |
// "1min", "5min", "15min", "30min", "60min", "4hour", "1day", "1mon", "1week", "1year"
if strings.Contains(suffix, OneMin) { |
return pr("%v.%v", topIckLine, OneMin) |
} |
if strings.Contains(suffix, FiveTime) { |
return pr("%v.%v", topIckLine, FiveTime) |
} |
if strings.Contains(suffix, FifteenTime) { |
return pr("%v.%v", topIckLine, FifteenTime) |
} |
if strings.Contains(suffix, ThirtyTime) { |
return pr("%v.%v", topIckLine, ThirtyTime) |
} |
if strings.Contains(suffix, SixtyTime) { |
return pr("%v.%v", topIckLine, SixtyTime) |
} |
if strings.Contains(suffix, fourTime) { |
return pr("%v.%v", topIckLine, fourTime) |
} |
if strings.Contains(suffix, OneDay) { |
return pr("%v.%v", topIckLine, OneDay) |
} |
if strings.Contains(suffix, OneMon) { |
return pr("%v.%v", topIckLine, OneMon) |
} |
if strings.Contains(suffix, OneWeek) { |
return pr("%v.%v", topIckLine, OneWeek) |
} |
if strings.Contains(suffix, OneYear) { |
return pr("%v.%v", topIckLine, OneYear) |
} |
return "" |
} |
// Md5 token
func Md5(s string) string { |
h := md5.New() |
h.Write([]byte(s)) |
return hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)) |
} |
// Captcha
func Captcha(n int) string { |
code := "" |
rand.Seed(time.Now().Unix()) |
for i := 0; i < n; i++ { |
code = fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", code, rand.Intn(10)) |
} |
return code |
} |
// GetToken
func GetToken() (string, error) { |
var tm model.Token |
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%v:9999/v1/getcomm/get-comm/token.html", config.Config.DomainName) |
jsonP, err := HttpPost(url, "") |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("HttpPost err: %v", err) |
return "", err |
} |
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonP), &tm); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json Unmarshal err: %v", err) |
return "", err |
} |
token := tm.Data |
return token, nil |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ |
package internal |
import ( |
"strings" |
"time" |
) |
// GetBetweenDates 根据开始日期和结束日期计算出时间段内所有日期
// 参数为日期格式,如:2020-01-01
func GetBetweenDates(sdate, edate string) []string { |
d := []string{} |
timeFormatTpl := "2006-01-02 15:04:05" |
if len(timeFormatTpl) != len(sdate) { |
timeFormatTpl = timeFormatTpl[0:len(sdate)] |
} |
date, err := time.Parse(timeFormatTpl, sdate) |
if err != nil { |
// 时间解析,异常
return d |
} |
date2, err := time.Parse(timeFormatTpl, edate) |
if err != nil { |
// 时间解析,异常
return d |
} |
if date2.Before(date) { |
// 如果结束时间小于开始时间,异常
return d |
} |
// 输出日期格式固定
timeFormatTpl = "2006-01-02" |
date2Str := date2.Format(timeFormatTpl) |
d = append(d, date.Format(timeFormatTpl)) |
for { |
date = date.AddDate(0, 0, 1) |
dateStr := date.Format(timeFormatTpl) |
d = append(d, dateStr) |
if dateStr == date2Str { |
break |
} |
} |
return d |
} |
func StringReplace(str string) string { |
return strings.Replace(str, " ", "", -1) |
} |
func ConversionTime(beforeTime string) int64 { |
afterTime, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02", beforeTime, time.Local) |
if err != nil { |
afterTime, err = time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02", beforeTime, time.Local) |
if err != nil { |
afterTime, err = time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", beforeTime, time.Local) |
} |
} |
return afterTime.Unix() |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
package business |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"strconv" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/stock" |
) |
// TickerToExcel
// @Description: 导出excel
func TickerToExcel() { |
data.Mgo_init(config.Config.Mongodb) |
filter := bson.M{"ticker": bson.M{"$regex": "USD$"}} |
res := make([]stock.ForexData, 0) |
data.MgoFindRes(data.ForexList, filter, &res) |
applogger.Debug("TickerToExcel to info:", len(res)) |
// 创建Excel文件
file := excelize.NewFile() |
sheetName := "Sheet1" |
// 写入表头
file.SetCellValue(sheetName, "A1", "code") |
file.SetCellValue(sheetName, "B1", "Name") |
file.SetCellValue(sheetName, "C1", "Country") |
file.SetCellValue(sheetName, "D1", "PrimaryExchange") |
file.SetCellValue(sheetName, "E1", "Symbol") |
file.SetCellValue(sheetName, "F1", "NumericCode") |
// 写入数据
row := 2 // 从第二行开始写入数据
for _, val := range res { |
file.SetCellValue(sheetName, "A"+strconv.Itoa(row), val.Ticker) |
file.SetCellValue(sheetName, "B"+strconv.Itoa(row), "") |
file.SetCellValue(sheetName, "C"+strconv.Itoa(row), "") |
file.SetCellValue(sheetName, "D"+strconv.Itoa(row), "") |
file.SetCellValue(sheetName, "E"+strconv.Itoa(row), "") |
file.SetCellValue(sheetName, "F"+strconv.Itoa(row), "") |
row++ |
} |
err := file.SaveAs(fmt.Sprintf("./cmd/%s.xlsx", "forex")) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("TickerToExecl to info err:", err) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ |
package business |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/dictionary" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/hbwssclient/marketwssclient" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/market" |
) |
// k线数据
func MgoSubscribeCtKline() { |
symbolList := model.SymbolCtListString(dictionary.ContractTime) |
client := new(marketwssclient.ContractKLineWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbContract.HbContractHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for symbol, period := range symbolList { |
for _, value := range period { |
client.Subscribe(symbol, value, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
} |
}, |
func(response interface{}) { |
resp, ok := response.(market.SubscribeCtKlineResponse) |
if ok { |
if &resp != nil { |
if resp.Tick != nil || resp.Data != nil { |
applogger.Info("subscribeCtKline data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v-%v", resp.Channel, resp.Tick, resp.Data) |
} |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for symbol, period := range symbolList { |
for _, value := range period { |
client.UnSubscribe(symbol, value, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// 深度信息
func MgoSubscribeCtDepth() { |
symbolList := model.SymbolCtListString(dictionary.ContractDepth) |
client := new(marketwssclient.ContractDepthWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbContract.HbContractHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for symbol, period := range symbolList { |
for _, value := range period { |
client.Subscribe(symbol, value, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
} |
}, |
func(response interface{}) { |
resp, ok := response.(market.SubscribeCtDepthResponse) |
if ok { |
if &resp != nil { |
if resp.Tick != nil { |
applogger.Info("subscribeCtDepth data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v", resp.Channel, resp.Tick) |
} |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for symbol, period := range symbolList { |
for _, value := range period { |
client.UnSubscribe(symbol, value, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// 新增深度信息
func MgoSubscribeCtAddDepth() { |
symbolList := model.SymbolCtListString(dictionary.ContractAddDepth) |
client := new(marketwssclient.ContractDepthSizeWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbContract.HbContractHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for symbol, period := range symbolList { |
for _, value := range period { |
client.Subscribe(symbol, value, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
} |
}, |
func(response interface{}) { |
resp, ok := response.(market.SubscribeCtAddDepthResponse) |
if ok { |
if &resp != nil { |
if resp.Tick != nil { |
applogger.Info("subscribeCtAddDepth data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v", resp.Channel, resp.Tick) |
} |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for symbol, period := range symbolList { |
for _, value := range period { |
client.UnSubscribe(symbol, value, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// 买一卖一行情数据
func MgoSubscribeCtBbo() { |
symbolList := model.SymbolCtListString([]string{}) |
client := new(marketwssclient.ContractBBOWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbContract.HbContractHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for symbol, _ := range symbolList { |
client.Subscribe(symbol, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
}, |
func(response interface{}) { |
resp, ok := response.(market.SubscribeCtBboResponse) |
if ok { |
if &resp != nil { |
if resp.Tick != nil { |
applogger.Info("subscribeCtBbo data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v", resp.Channel, resp.Tick) |
} |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for symbol, _ := range symbolList { |
client.UnSubscribe(symbol, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// 合约详情数据
func MgoSubscribeCtDetail() { |
symbolList := model.SymbolCtListString([]string{}) |
client := new(marketwssclient.ContractDetailWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbContract.HbContractHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for symbol, _ := range symbolList { |
client.Subscribe(symbol, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
}, |
func(response interface{}) { |
resp, ok := response.(market.SubscribeCtDetailResponse) |
if ok { |
if &resp != nil { |
if resp.Tick != nil { |
applogger.Info("subscribeCtDetail data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v", resp.Channel, resp.Tick) |
} |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for symbol, _ := range symbolList { |
client.UnSubscribe(symbol, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// 合约贸易详情数据
func MgoSubscribeCtTradeDetail() { |
symbolList := model.SymbolCtListString([]string{}) |
client := new(marketwssclient.ContractTradeDetailWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbContract.HbContractHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for symbol, _ := range symbolList { |
client.Subscribe(symbol, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
}, |
func(response interface{}) { |
resp, ok := response.(market.SubscribeCtTradeDetailResponse) |
if ok { |
if &resp != nil { |
if resp.Tick != nil { |
applogger.Info("subscribeCtTradeDetail data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v", resp.Channel, resp.Tick) |
} |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for symbol, _ := range symbolList { |
client.UnSubscribe(symbol, config.Config.HbContract.HbContractSubUids) |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ |
package business |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"strconv" |
"strings" |
"sync" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/dictionary" |
"wss-pool/internal" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/stock" |
) |
/* |
采集美股历史数据 |
*/ |
const ( |
UsPageSize int64 = 500 |
) |
func UpdateStockUs(start, end interface{}, state string) { |
fmt.Println("updateStockUs", start, end, state) |
stocks, _, pageTotal := GetStockAll("US", 1, UsPageSize) |
wg := sync.WaitGroup{} |
for _, value := range stocks { |
wg.Add(1) |
go func(start, end interface{}, state, code string) { |
defer wg.Done() |
param := fmt.Sprintf("apiKey=%v", config.Config.ShareGather.PolygonKey) |
multiplier, _ := strconv.Atoi(dictionary.StockUsListTimeMap[state]) |
timespan := "minute" |
if !strings.Contains(state, "min") { |
multiplier = 1 |
timespan = dictionary.StockUsListTimeMap[state] |
} |
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/v2/aggs/ticker/%v/range/%d/%v/%v/%v?adjusted=true&sort=asc&%v", |
config.Config.ShareGather.PolygonHost, code, multiplier, timespan, start, end, param) |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpGet(url) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err) |
return |
} |
var eodModel stock.PreviousCloseResponse |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &eodModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("eodModel json Unmarshal err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Info("info", eodModel) |
UpdateUs(eodModel, state) |
}(start, end, state, value.Code) |
} |
wg.Wait() |
for i := int64(2); i <= pageTotal; i++ { |
stocks, _, _ := GetStockAll("US", i, UsPageSize) |
wg := sync.WaitGroup{} |
for _, value := range stocks { |
wg.Add(1) |
go func(start, end interface{}, state, code string) { |
defer wg.Done() |
param := fmt.Sprintf("apiKey=%v", config.Config.ShareGather.PolygonKey) |
multiplier, _ := strconv.Atoi(dictionary.StockUsListTimeMap[state]) |
timespan := "minute" |
if !strings.Contains(state, "min") { |
multiplier = 1 |
timespan = dictionary.StockUsListTimeMap[state] |
} |
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/v2/aggs/ticker/%v/range/%d/%v/%v/%v?adjusted=true&sort=asc&%v", |
config.Config.ShareGather.PolygonHost, code, multiplier, timespan, start, end, param) |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpGet(url) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err) |
return |
} |
var eodModel stock.PreviousCloseResponse |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &eodModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("eodModel json Unmarshal err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
UpdateUs(eodModel, state) |
applogger.Info("info", eodModel) |
}(start, end, state, value.Code) |
} |
wg.Wait() |
} |
} |
func UpdateUs(result stock.PreviousCloseResponse, period string) { |
if len(result.Results) <= 0 { |
applogger.Error("us data is null %v", result) |
return |
} |
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel |
for _, val := range result.Results { |
filter := bson.M{"code": bson.M{"$eq": result.Ticker}, "timestamp": bson.M{"$eq": val.T}} |
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{ |
{"code", result.Ticker}, |
{"timestamp", val.T}, |
{"vw", val.VW.String()}, |
{"o", val.O.String()}, |
{"c", val.C.String()}, |
{"h", val.H.String()}, |
{"n", val.N}, |
}}} |
applogger.Info("UpdateUs info:%v", update) |
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true) |
dataList = append(dataList, models) |
} |
tableName := data.GetStockUsTableName(period) |
if len(dataList) > 0 { |
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(tableName, dataList); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("UpdateUs MgoInsertMany err:%v", err) |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,993 @@ |
package business |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"errors" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"math" |
"strconv" |
"strings" |
"sync" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/cmd/common" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/dictionary" |
"wss-pool/internal" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
red "wss-pool/internal/redis" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/stock" |
) |
/* |
TODO: 股票列表更新规则(注意:每种股票的开盘时间进行更新) |
1、股票列表数据采集-定时任务(新增和更新) |
2、美股列表数据-定时任务(更新数据) |
3、马股列表数据-定时任务(更新数据) |
*/ |
const ( |
ContracttTime int = 1 //数字币数据年限
StockTime int = 5 //美股数据年限
PageSize int64 = 120 //聚合股票条数
StockStatusOn int = 1 |
StockStatusOff int = 2 |
) |
var ( |
OldNextUrl string |
StockClosedDataList = map[string]int{ |
"US": 3, // 美股
"Malaysia": 5, // 马股
"Thailand": 6, // 泰股
"Indonesia": 4, // 印尼股
"India": 7, // 印度股
"Singapore": 9, // 新加坡股
"HongKong": 12, // 港股
"UK": 14, // 英股
"France": 15, // 法股
"Germany": 16, // 德股
"Brazil": 17, // 巴西股
"Japan": 18, // 日股
} |
) |
var CountryStartTime = map[string]int64{ |
"India": 42300000, |
"Thailand": 39000000, |
"Indonesia": 36000000, |
"Malaysia": 32400000, |
"Singapore": 32400000, |
"UK": 54000000, |
"France": 54000000, |
"Germany": 54000000, |
"Brazil": 75600000, |
"Japan": 42300000, |
} |
var pinStock = map[string]map[string]map[string]bool{} |
var pinStockMutex = sync.RWMutex{} |
// InitStockList Stock List Collection
func InitStockList() { |
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/v3/reference/tickers?market=stocks&active=true&limit=1000&sort=ticker&apiKey=%s", |
config.Config.ShareGather.PolygonHost, config.Config.ShareGather.PolygonKey) |
for url != "" { |
applogger.Debug("url info:%v", url) |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpGet(url) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err) |
return |
} |
var shareModel stock.StockPolygonParam |
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &shareModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to parse stock list information:%v", err) |
return |
} |
if shareModel.Status == "ERROR" { |
fmt.Printf("%+v", shareModel) |
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) |
continue |
} |
url = "" |
if shareModel.NextUrl != "" && shareModel.NextUrl != OldNextUrl { |
OldNextUrl = shareModel.NextUrl |
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s&apiKey=%s&market=stocks", shareModel.NextUrl, config.Config.ShareGather.PolygonKey) |
} |
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel |
for _, value := range shareModel.Results { |
// TODO: 更新本地股票列表查
value.YesterdayClose = "" |
value.BeforeClose = "" |
filter := bson.D{{"Code", bson.M{ |
"$eq": value.Code, |
}}, {"Country", bson.M{ |
"$eq": "US", |
}}} |
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{ |
{"Code", value.Code}, |
{"Name", value.Name}, |
{"Country", strings.ToUpper(value.Locale)}, |
{"Exchange", value.PrimaryExchange}, |
{"Currency", value.Currency}, |
{"Type", value.Type}, |
{"Cik", value.CIK}, |
{"CompositeFigi", value.CompositeFigi}, |
{"ShareClassFigi", value.ShareClassFigi}, |
{"YesterdayClose", value.YesterdayClose}, |
{"BeforeClose", value.BeforeClose}}}} |
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true) |
dataList = append(dataList, models) |
} |
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(data.StockList, dataList); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoInsertMany err:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
// TickUpdateStockUS US Stock List Data - Scheduled Tasks (Update Data)
func TickUpdateStockUS() { |
for { |
now := time.Now() |
next := now.Add(time.Hour * 24) |
next = time.Date(next.Year(), next.Month(), next.Day(), 6, 0, 0, 0, next.Location()) |
t := time.NewTimer(next.Sub(now)) |
<-t.C |
UpdateStockUS() |
} |
} |
// TickUpdateStockKLSE Equities List Data - Scheduled Tasks (Update Data)
func TickUpdateStockKLSE() { |
for { |
now := time.Now() |
next := now.Add(time.Hour * 24) |
next = time.Date(next.Year(), next.Month(), next.Day(), 6, 0, 0, 0, next.Location()) |
t := time.NewTimer(next.Sub(now)) |
<-t.C |
UpdateStockKLSE() |
} |
} |
// 火币现货只允许拉取当前2000条数据
func TickUpdateSpotKline() { |
for _, value := range dictionary.TimeCycle { |
UpdateSpotKline(value) |
} |
return |
for { |
t := time.NewTimer(1 * time.Hour) |
<-t.C |
for _, value := range dictionary.TimeCycle { |
UpdateSpotKline(value) |
} |
} |
} |
// 火币K线价格只允许拉取当前2000条数据
func TickUpdateContractPriceKline() { |
for _, value := range dictionary.ContractPriceTime { |
UpdatePriceKline(value) |
} |
for { |
t := time.NewTimer(1 * time.Hour) |
<-t.C |
for _, value := range dictionary.ContractPriceTime { |
UpdatePriceKline(value) |
} |
} |
} |
// 合约
func TickUpdateContractKline(isAll bool) { |
if isAll { |
applogger.Info("start TickUpdateContractKline") |
//endTime := time.Now().Unix()
//startTime := time.Now().AddDate(-0, -6, 0).Unix()
for _, value := range dictionary.ContractTime { |
UpdateContractKline(value) |
} |
return |
} |
//for _, value := range dictionary.ContractTime {
// start := time.Now().Add(-2 * time.Hour).Unix()
// end := time.Now().Unix()
// UpdateContractKline(value, start, end)
//for {
// t := time.NewTimer(2 * time.Hour)
// <-t.C
// for _, value := range dictionary.ContractTime {
// start := time.Now().Add(-2 * time.Hour).Unix()
// end := time.Now().Unix()
// UpdateContractKline(value, start, end)
// }
} |
// 美股
func TickUpdateStockUs(isAll bool) { |
if isAll { |
start := common.TimeToNows().AddDate(0, 0, -20).Format("2006-01-02") |
end := common.TimeToNows().AddDate(0, 0, 0).Format("2006-01-02") |
for _, value := range dictionary.StockUsListDayTime { |
UpdateStockUs(start, end, value) |
} |
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "run us stock -----------------------------end") |
return |
} |
//nextFiveMinute := common.GenerateSingaporeFifteenMinTimestampOrigins()
//waitDuration := nextFiveMinute.Sub(common.TimeToNows())
//time.Sleep(waitDuration) // 60 min
runTime := time.Now() // 获取当前时间
if !common.IsOpeningUS() { |
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "us it's not opening time -----------------------------end") |
return |
} |
end := common.GenerateSingaporeFifteenMinTimestampOrigin() * 1000 |
start := end - int64(60*60*1000) |
for _, value := range dictionary.StockUsListTime { |
UpdateStockUs(start, end, value) |
} |
fmt.Println("Run time: ", time.Since(runTime)) |
} |
func GetTimeNewPrice(symbol string, from, to int64, country, period string) error { |
//fmt.Println("country", country, "period", period, "from", common.ConvertToTimeStr(from/1000), from, "to", common.ConvertToTimeStr(to/1000), to)
filter := bson.M{"symbol": symbol, "timestamp": bson.M{"$gte": from, "$lte": to}} |
tableName := data.GetStockTableName(common.CapitalizeFirstLetter(country)) |
highRes := make([]model.StockMogoParam, 0) |
projection := bson.M{"price": 1} |
sort := bson.M{"price": -1} |
data.MgoFindProjectionRes(tableName, filter, projection, sort, &highRes, 1) |
if len(highRes) <= 0 { |
applogger.Error(symbol+" no data", period) |
return errors.New(symbol + " no data") |
} |
high := highRes[0].Price |
lowRes := make([]model.StockMogoParam, 0) |
sort = bson.M{"price": 1} |
data.MgoFindProjectionRes(tableName, filter, projection, sort, &lowRes, 1) |
low := lowRes[0].Price |
openRes := make([]model.StockMogoParam, 0) |
sort = bson.M{"timestamp": 1} |
data.MgoFindProjectionRes(tableName, filter, projection, sort, &openRes, 1) |
open := openRes[0].Price |
closeRes := make([]model.StockMogoParam, 0) |
projection = bson.M{} |
sort = bson.M{"timestamp": -1} |
data.MgoFindProjectionRes(tableName, filter, projection, sort, &closeRes, 1) |
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel |
filter = bson.M{"timestamp": bson.M{"$eq": from}, "symbol": bson.M{"$eq": symbol}} |
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{ |
{"symbol", closeRes[0].Symbol}, |
{"stock_code", closeRes[0].StockCode}, |
{"stock_name", closeRes[0].StockName}, |
{"open_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", open)}, |
{"high_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", high)}, |
{"low_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", low)}, |
{"close_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", closeRes[0].Price)}, |
{"up_down_rate", closeRes[0].UpDownRate}, |
{"up_down", closeRes[0].UpDown}, |
{"trade_v", closeRes[0].TradeV}, |
{"trade_k", closeRes[0].TradeK}, |
{"vol", closeRes[0].Vol}, |
{"turnover_price_total", closeRes[0].TurnoverPriceTotal}, |
{"price_total", closeRes[0].PriceTotal}, |
//{"p_e", res[l].PE},
//{"eps", res[l].Eps},
//{"employees_number", res[l].EmployeesNumber},
//{"plate", res[l].Plate},
//{"desc", res[l].Desc},
{"price_code", closeRes[0].PriceCode}, |
{"country", closeRes[0].Country}, |
{"timestamp", from}, |
}}} |
//applogger.Info("GetTimeNewPrice info: %v", update)
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true) |
dataList = append(dataList, models) |
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(data.GetStockSouthAsiaTableName(country, period), dataList); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("stock MgoInsertMany err:%v", err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
func GetTimeNewPriceAll(symbol string, from, to int64, country, period, periodPre string) { |
//fmt.Println("country", country, "period", period, "from", common.ConvertToTimeStr(from/1000), "to", common.ConvertToTimeStr(to/1000))
filter := bson.M{"symbol": symbol, "timestamp": bson.M{"$gte": from, "$lte": to}} |
tableName := data.GetStockSouthAsiaTableName(country, periodPre) |
projection := bson.M{"stringVal": 1} |
sort := bson.M{"stringVal": -1} |
highRes := data.MgoFindProjectionAggregate(tableName, "high_price", filter, projection, sort, 1) |
if len(highRes) <= 0 { |
applogger.Error(symbol+" no data", period) |
return |
} |
if highRes[0].StringVal <= 0 { |
applogger.Error(symbol+" no data", period) |
return |
} |
high := highRes[0].StringVal |
sort = bson.M{"stringVal": 1} |
lowRes := data.MgoFindProjectionAggregate(tableName, "low_price", filter, projection, sort, 1) |
low := lowRes[0].StringVal |
sort = bson.M{"timestamp": 1} |
openRes := data.MgoFindProjectionAggregate(tableName, "open_price", filter, projection, sort, 1) |
open := openRes[0].StringVal |
sort = bson.M{"timestamp": -1} |
closeRes := data.MgoFindProjectionAggregate(tableName, "close_price", filter, projection, sort, 1) |
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel |
ts := from |
if period == "1day" || period == "1week" || period == "1mon" { |
ts = from + CountryStartTime[country] |
if country == "Brazil" && (period == "1day" || period == "1mon") { |
ts = from |
} |
} |
filter = bson.M{"timestamp": bson.M{"$eq": ts}, "symbol": bson.M{"$eq": symbol}} |
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{ |
{"symbol", closeRes[0].Symbol}, |
{"stock_code", closeRes[0].StockCode}, |
{"stock_name", closeRes[0].StockName}, |
{"open_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", open)}, |
{"high_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", high)}, |
{"low_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", low)}, |
{"close_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", closeRes[0].StringVal)}, |
//{"up_down_rate", res[l].UpDownRate},
//{"up_down", res[l].UpDown},
//{"trade_v", res[l].TradeV},
//{"trade_k", res[l].TradeK},
{"vol", closeRes[0].Vol}, |
{"turnover_price_total", closeRes[0].TurnoverPriceTotal}, |
{"price_total", closeRes[0].PriceTotal}, |
//{"p_e", res[l].PE},
//{"eps", res[l].Eps},
//{"employees_number", res[l].EmployeesNumber},
//{"plate", res[l].Plate},
// {"desc", res[l].Desc},
{"price_code", closeRes[0].PriceCode}, |
{"country", closeRes[0].Country}, |
{"timestamp", ts}, |
}}} |
//applogger.Info("GetTimeNewPriceAll info: %v", update)
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true) |
dataList = append(dataList, models) |
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(data.GetStockSouthAsiaTableName(country, period), dataList); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("stock MgoInsertMany err:%v", err) |
} |
} |
func GetStockAll(country string, pageNum, pageSize int64) ([]stock.StockPolygon, int64, int64) { |
filter := bson.M{"Country": country, "YesterdayClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}} |
projection := bson.M{"Code": 1, "Country": 1} |
res := make([]stock.StockPolygon, 0) |
total, _ := data.MgoFindTotal(data.StockList, filter) |
data.MgoPagingFindStructProjection(data.StockList, filter, projection, pageSize, pageNum, -1, &res) |
//印度股票过多 现在只画后台有权限得股票
//if country == "India" {
// data := make([]stock.StockPolygon, 0)
// for k, v := range res {
// if common.IsExistStock(v.Locale, v.Code) {
// data = append(data, res[k])
// }
// }
// return data, total, int64(math.Ceil(float64(total) / float64(pageSize)))
return res, total, int64(math.Ceil(float64(total) / float64(pageSize))) |
} |
func getOpen(timestamp int64, country, period, symbol string, price string) string { |
filter := bson.M{"stock_code": symbol} |
projection := bson.M{"timestamp": 1, "open_price": 1, "close_price": 1} |
sort := bson.M{"timestamp": -1} |
res, _ := data.MgoFindProjection(data.GetStockSouthAsiaTableName(country, period), filter, projection, sort, int64(1)) |
open := price |
if len(res) > 0 { |
timestamps, _ := res[0]["timestamp"].(int64) |
switch timestamps { |
case timestamp: |
open = res[0]["open_price"].(string) |
default: |
open = res[0]["close_price"].(string) |
} |
} |
return open |
} |
func DeleteUs() { |
data.Mgo_init(config.Config.Mongodb) |
red.RedisClient = red.RedisInit(config.Config.Redis.DbEleven) |
filter := bson.M{"Country": "US", "YesterdayClose": ""} |
projection := bson.M{"Code": 1, "Country": 1} |
sort := bson.M{} |
result, _ := data.MgoFindProjection(data.StockList, filter, projection, sort, 0) |
fmt.Println(len(result)) |
country := "US" |
for _, v := range result { |
code := v["Code"].(string) |
red.Hset(StockClosingPrice[country], code, "0") |
red.Hset(StockClosingPrice[fmt.Sprintf("%sNew", country)], code, "0") |
red.Hset(StockClosingPrice[fmt.Sprintf("%sBeforeClose", country)], code, "0") |
} |
} |
// 只保留前半天数据
func DeleteSpot(param string) { |
red.RedisClient = red.RedisInit(config.Config.Redis.DbEleven) |
times := common.TimeToNows().Add(-10 * time.Minute).UnixMilli() |
filter := bson.M{"timestamp": bson.M{"$lte": times}} |
for _, country := range dictionary.StockCodeList { |
tableName := data.GetStockTableName(common.CapitalizeFirstLetter(country)) |
if err := data.MgoDeleteMany(tableName, filter); err != nil { |
applogger.Error(country, "err :", err.Error()) |
} |
if param == "true" { |
continue |
} |
for _, v := range dictionary.StockSouthAsiaListTime { |
tableNames := data.GetStockSouthAsiaTableName(country, v) |
applogger.Debug(tableNames, "start") |
timeHour := common.TimeToNows().Add(-48 * time.Hour).UnixMilli() |
switch v { |
case "15min": |
timeHour = common.TimeToNows().Add(-75 * time.Hour).UnixMilli() |
case "30min": |
timeHour = common.TimeToNows().Add(-75 * time.Hour * 2).UnixMilli() |
case "1hour": |
timeHour = common.TimeToNows().Add(-7 * time.Hour * 24 * 2).UnixMilli() |
case "1day": |
timeHour = common.TimeToNows().Add(-365 * time.Hour * 24).UnixMilli() |
case "1week": |
timeHour = common.TimeToNows().Add(-365 * time.Hour * 24).UnixMilli() |
case "1mon": |
timeHour = common.TimeToNows().Add(-365 * time.Hour * 24 * 2).UnixMilli() |
} |
fmt.Println(timeHour) |
filter = bson.M{"timestamp": bson.M{"$lte": timeHour}} |
if err := data.MgoDeleteMany(tableNames, filter); err != nil { |
applogger.Error(country, "err :", err.Error()) |
} |
} |
} |
applogger.Debug("delete run end") |
} |
func DeleteSpotDay(times string, ts int64) { |
data.Mgo_init(config.Config.Mongodb) |
// var stockTime = []string{ "1day", "1week", "1mon"}
stocks, _, _ := GetStockAll("India", 1, 7001) |
for _, stock := range stocks { |
// for _,times:= range stockTime {
tableNames := data.GetStockSouthAsiaTableName("India", times) |
filter := bson.M{"symbol": stock.Code, "timestamp": ts} |
projection := bson.M{"stringVal": 1} |
sort := bson.M{"stringVal": -1} |
highRes := data.MgoFindProjectionAggregate(tableNames, "high_price", filter, projection, sort, 1) |
fmt.Printf("%+v", highRes) |
if len(highRes) <= 0 { |
applogger.Info(times, ts, stock.Code, "id empty ") |
continue |
} |
if highRes[0].ID.String() == "" { |
applogger.Info(times, ts, stock.Code, "id kong ") |
continue |
} |
filter = bson.M{"symbol": stock.Code, "timestamp": ts, "_id": bson.M{"$ne": highRes[0].ID}} |
if err := data.MgoDeleteMany(tableNames, filter); err != nil { |
applogger.Error(times, ts, stock.Code, "err :", err.Error()) |
} |
applogger.Info(times, ts, stock.Code) |
// os.Exit(111)
} |
} |
// 清理外汇成交报价数据信息
func DeleteForexTrade() { |
data.Mgo_init(config.Config.Mongodb) |
// 当前时间
now := time.Now() |
// 时间戳格式化函数
timestamp := func(t time.Time) int64 { |
return t.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond) |
} |
// 计算5分钟前的时间戳
fiveMinutesAgo := now.Add(time.Duration(-3) * time.Minute) |
fiveMinutesAgoMillis := timestamp(fiveMinutesAgo) |
filter := bson.M{"tick_time": bson.M{"$lte": fiveMinutesAgoMillis}} |
if err := data.MgoDeleteMany(data.ForexTradeList, filter); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("DeleteForexTrade MgoDeleteMany err :", err.Error()) |
} |
} |
// 推送插针数据:[3:美股 4:印尼 5:马股 6:泰股 9:新加坡 11:期权印度 12:港股 14:英国 15:法国 16:德国 17:巴西 18:日本]
func StockClosedData() { |
red.RedisClient = red.RedisInit(config.Config.Redis.DbTen) |
for k, v := range StockClosedDataList { |
// TODO: 盘前数据功能 实行全天更改数据
//if k == "US" && common.IsOpeningUS() {
// applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), k, " it's opening time -----------------------------end")
// continue
//} else if (k == "Thailand" || k == "Indonesia" || k == "India" || k == "Singapore" || k == "Malaysia" || k == "HongKong" || k == "UK" || k == "France" || k == "Germany" || k == "Brazil") && common.IsOpening(k) {
// applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), k, " it's opening time -----------------------------end")
// continue
// TODO: 插针
hashListName := fmt.Sprintf("STOCK_PRICES:%d", v) |
keys := red.Scan(hashListName) |
stockCodes := make(map[string]bool) |
for _, key := range keys { |
res, _ := red.HGetAll(key) |
status, _ := strconv.Atoi(res["status"]) |
code := res["stock_code"] |
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), res) |
if status != StockStatusOn { |
continue |
} |
if k == "US" { |
UsStock(code, res["price"], k, true) |
} else { |
stockCode := common.GetOldCode(code) |
SouthAsiaSpot(code, stockCode, res["price"], k, true) |
} |
stockCodes[code] = true |
} |
FullPush(stockCodes, k, v) |
} |
} |
// 只全量推送旧数据,对数据不做修改
func FullPush(stockCodes map[string]bool, country string, countryNum int) { |
if config.Config.Redis.FullPush != 1 { |
return |
} |
res, _ := red.HGetAll(fmt.Sprintf("STOCK_MARKET:LIST:%d", countryNum)) |
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), country, res) |
status, _ := strconv.Atoi(res["status"]) |
if status != StockStatusOn { |
return |
} |
if !common.IsPullOpen(country, res["am_open_time"], res["am_close_time"], res["pm_open_time"], res["pm_close_time"]) { |
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), country, " it's not pull push time -----------------------------end") |
return |
} |
filter := bson.M{"Country": country, "YesterdayClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}} |
projection := bson.M{"Code": 1, "YesterdayClose": 1} |
stockRes := make([]stock.StockPolygon, 0) |
data.MgoPagingFindStructProjection(data.StockList, filter, projection, 11000, 1, -1, &stockRes) |
for _, v := range stockRes { |
if !common.IsExistStock(country, v.Code) || stockCodes[v.Code] { |
applogger.Debug(country, v.Code, "not pin code") |
continue |
} |
key := StockClosingPrice[fmt.Sprintf("%sNew", country)] |
closePrice, _ := red.Hget(key, v.Code) |
if closePrice == "0" || closePrice == "" { |
closePrice = v.YesterdayClose |
} |
if country == "US" { |
UsStock(v.Code, closePrice, country, false) |
} else { |
stockCode := common.GetOldCode(v.Code) |
SouthAsiaSpot(v.Code, stockCode, closePrice, country, false) |
} |
} |
} |
func CheckNewPrice(code, country, price string) { |
key := StockClosingPrice[fmt.Sprintf("%sNew", country)] |
value, _ := red.Hget(key, code) |
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), code, country, price, value, "CheckNewPrice") |
if value != "" && value != "0" && value == price { //value 不是 0 并且 跟盘前价格一致
red.Hset(key, code, "0") |
} |
} |
// 推送目标美股插针数据行情
func UsStock(code, price, country string, isUpdate bool) { |
message := &model.ClientMessage{ |
S: code, // 股票代码
C: []decimal.Decimal{decimal.NewFromInt(0), decimal.NewFromFloat(1)}, // 条件,有关更多信息,请参阅贸易条件术语表
V: common.CalculateContractPrices(decimal.NewFromInt(int64(100)), float64(0.02), 0, 1)[0].IntPart(), // 交易量,代表在相应时间戳处交易的股票数量 -- 报价交易量
Dp: true, // 暗池真/假
Ms: "open", // 市场状态,指示股票市场的当前状态(“开盘”、“收盘”、“延长交易时间”)
T: time.Now().UnixMilli(), // 以毫秒为单位的时间戳 -- 此聚合窗口的结束时钟周期的时间戳(以 Unix 毫秒为单位)
Cl: decimal.RequireFromString(price), // 此聚合窗口的收盘价
A: decimal.NewFromInt(11), // 今天的成交量加权平均价格
Se: time.Now().UnixMilli(), |
H: decimal.RequireFromString(price), // 此聚合窗口的最高逐笔报价
L: decimal.RequireFromString(price), // 此聚合窗口的最低价格变动价格
Op: decimal.RequireFromString(price), // 今天正式开盘价格
// P: decimal.RequireFromString(price),
ClosingMarket: true, |
} |
msgStr, err := json.Marshal(message) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
if isUpdate { |
red.Hset(StockClosingPrice[fmt.Sprintf("%sNew", country)], code, price) |
} |
applogger.Info("last date info: %v", string(msgStr)) |
red.RedisClient.Publish(fmt.Sprintf("%s.US", message.S), string(msgStr)) |
} |
// 推送目标市场股票插针数据行情
func SouthAsiaSpot(symbol, stockCode, price, country string, isUpdate bool) { |
prices, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(price, 64) |
param := model.StockParam{ |
Symbol: symbol, |
StockCode: stockCode, |
StockName: "", |
Price: prices, |
UpDownRate: decimal.NewFromInt(0), |
UpDown: decimal.NewFromInt(0), |
TradeV: decimal.NewFromInt(0), |
TradeK: "买入", |
Country: strings.ToLower(country), |
Ts: time.Now().UnixMilli(), |
ClosingMarket: true, |
} |
param.Token = "" |
msgStr, err := json.Marshal(param) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Info("last date info: %v", string(msgStr)) |
// Write to Redis for broadcasting
red.RedisClient.Publish(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", param.Symbol, country), string(msgStr)) |
if isUpdate { |
red.Hset(StockClosingPrice[fmt.Sprintf("%sNew", country)], symbol, price) |
} |
} |
// 东南亚聚合行情
func TickSouthAsiaSpotKline(stockName string) { |
if !common.IsOpening(stockName) { |
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "it's not opening time -----------------------------end") |
return |
} |
start := time.Now() // 获取当前时间
applogger.Info(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "start TickSouthAsiaSpotKline") |
// 五分钟聚合
FiveMinTo := common.GenerateSingaporeFiveMinTimestampOrigin() * 1000 |
FiveMinFrom := FiveMinTo - int64(5*60*1000) |
// 十五分钟聚合
FifteenMinTo := common.GenerateSingaporeFifteenMinTimestampOrigin() * 1000 |
FifteenMinFrom := FifteenMinTo - int64(15*60*1000) |
// 三十分钟聚合
ThirtyMinTo := common.GenerateSingaporeThirtyMinTimestampOrigin() * 1000 |
ThirtyMinToForm := ThirtyMinTo - int64(30*60*1000) |
// 小时聚合
HourFrom := common.GenerateSingaporeHourTimestampOrigin() * 1000 |
HourTo := HourFrom + int64(60*60*1000) |
// 天聚合
DayFrom := common.GenerateSingaporeDayTimestamp(stockName) * 1000 |
DayTo := common.TimeToNow() * 1000 |
// 周聚合
WeekFrom := common.GetWeekTimestamp() * 1000 |
WeekTo := common.TimeToNow() * 1000 |
// 月聚合
MonFrom := common.GenerateSingaporeMonTimestampStock(stockName) * 1000 |
MonTo := common.TimeToNow() * 1000 |
//并发过高 拆分
stocks, _, pageTotal := GetStockAll(stockName, 1, PageSize) |
wg := sync.WaitGroup{} |
for _, value := range stocks { |
wg.Add(1) |
go func(FiveMinTo, FiveMinFrom, FifteenMinTo, FifteenMinFrom, ThirtyMinTo, ThirtyMinToForm, HourFrom, HourTo, DayFrom, DayTo, WeekFrom, WeekTo, MonFrom, MonTo int64, value stock.StockPolygon) { |
defer wg.Done() |
applogger.Info(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "start ", value.Code, value.Locale) |
if err := GetTimeNewPrice(value.Code, FiveMinFrom, FiveMinTo, value.Locale, "5min"); err != nil { |
applogger.Error(err.Error(), "run end") |
return |
} |
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, FifteenMinFrom, FifteenMinTo, value.Locale, "15min", "5min") |
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, ThirtyMinToForm, ThirtyMinTo, value.Locale, "30min", "15min") |
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, HourFrom, HourTo, value.Locale, "1hour", "30min") |
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, DayFrom, DayTo, value.Locale, "1day", "1hour") |
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, WeekFrom, WeekTo, value.Locale, "1week", "1day") |
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, MonFrom, MonTo, value.Locale, "1mon", "1week") |
}(FiveMinTo, FiveMinFrom, FifteenMinTo, FifteenMinFrom, ThirtyMinTo, ThirtyMinToForm, HourFrom, HourTo, DayFrom, DayTo, WeekFrom, WeekTo, MonFrom, MonTo, value) |
} |
wg.Wait() |
for i := int64(2); i <= pageTotal; i++ { |
stocks, _, _ := GetStockAll(stockName, i, PageSize) |
wg := sync.WaitGroup{} |
for _, value := range stocks { |
wg.Add(1) |
go func(FiveMinTo, FiveMinFrom, FifteenMinTo, FifteenMinFrom, ThirtyMinTo, ThirtyMinToForm, HourFrom, HourTo, DayFrom, DayTo, WeekFrom, WeekTo, MonFrom, MonTo int64, value stock.StockPolygon) { |
defer wg.Done() |
applogger.Info(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "start ", value.Code, value.Locale) |
if err := GetTimeNewPrice(value.Code, FiveMinFrom, FiveMinTo, value.Locale, "5min"); err != nil { |
applogger.Error(err.Error(), "run end") |
return |
} |
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, FifteenMinFrom, FifteenMinTo, value.Locale, "15min", "5min") |
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, ThirtyMinToForm, ThirtyMinTo, value.Locale, "30min", "15min") |
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, HourFrom, HourTo, value.Locale, "1hour", "30min") |
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, DayFrom, DayTo, value.Locale, "1day", "1hour") |
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, WeekFrom, WeekTo, value.Locale, "1week", "1day") |
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, MonFrom, MonTo, value.Locale, "1mon", "1week") |
}(FiveMinTo, FiveMinFrom, FifteenMinTo, FifteenMinFrom, ThirtyMinTo, ThirtyMinToForm, HourFrom, HourTo, DayFrom, DayTo, WeekFrom, WeekTo, MonFrom, MonTo, value) |
} |
wg.Wait() |
} |
fmt.Println("Run time: ", time.Since(start)) |
// TODO: 删除已画好的数据,提高查询速度
filter := bson.M{"timestamp": bson.M{"$lte": FiveMinTo}} |
tableName := data.GetStockTableName(stockName) |
data.MgoDeleteMany(tableName, filter) |
applogger.Info(tableName, FiveMinTo, "DELETE INFO") |
} |
// 指数数据聚合
func TickSpotIndexKline() { |
start := time.Now() // 获取当前时间
applogger.Info(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "start TickSpotIndexKline") |
// 五分钟聚合
FiveMinTo := common.GenerateSingaporeFiveMinTimestampOrigin() * 1000 |
FiveMinFrom := FiveMinTo - int64(5*60*1000) |
// 十五分钟聚合
FifteenMinTo := common.GenerateSingaporeFifteenMinTimestampOrigin() * 1000 |
FifteenMinFrom := FifteenMinTo - int64(15*60*1000) |
// 三十分钟聚合
ThirtyMinTo := common.GenerateSingaporeThirtyMinTimestampOrigin() * 1000 |
ThirtyMinToForm := ThirtyMinTo - int64(30*60*1000) |
// 小时聚合
HourFrom := common.GenerateSingaporeHourTimestampOrigin() * 1000 |
HourTo := HourFrom + int64(60*60*1000) |
// 天聚合
DayFrom := common.GenerateSingaporeDayTimestamp("") * 1000 |
DayTo := common.TimeToNow() * 1000 |
// 周聚合
WeekFrom := common.GetWeekTimestamp() * 1000 |
WeekTo := common.TimeToNow() * 1000 |
// 月聚合
MonFrom := common.GenerateSingaporeMonTimestampStock("") * 1000 |
MonTo := common.TimeToNow() * 1000 |
//并发过高 拆分
filter := bson.M{"State": common.StockIndexOn} |
res := make([]stock.StockIndexPolygon, 0) |
data.MgoFindStockRes(data.StockIndexList, filter, &res) |
wg := sync.WaitGroup{} |
for _, value := range res { |
wg.Add(1) |
go func(FiveMinTo, FiveMinFrom, FifteenMinTo, FifteenMinFrom, ThirtyMinTo, ThirtyMinToForm, HourFrom, HourTo, DayFrom, DayTo, WeekFrom, WeekTo, MonFrom, MonTo int64, value stock.StockIndexPolygon) { |
defer wg.Done() |
applogger.Info(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "start ", value.Code, value.Locale) |
if err := GetTimeNewIndexPrice(value.Code, FiveMinFrom, FiveMinTo, value.Locale, "5min"); err != nil { |
applogger.Error(err.Error(), "run end") |
return |
} |
GetTimeNewIndexPriceAll(value.Code, FifteenMinFrom, FifteenMinTo, value.Locale, "15min", "5min") |
GetTimeNewIndexPriceAll(value.Code, ThirtyMinToForm, ThirtyMinTo, value.Locale, "30min", "15min") |
GetTimeNewIndexPriceAll(value.Code, HourFrom, HourTo, value.Locale, "1hour", "30min") |
GetTimeNewIndexPriceAll(value.Code, DayFrom, DayTo, value.Locale, "1day", "1hour") |
GetTimeNewIndexPriceAll(value.Code, WeekFrom, WeekTo, value.Locale, "1week", "1day") |
GetTimeNewIndexPriceAll(value.Code, MonFrom, MonTo, value.Locale, "1mon", "1week") |
}(FiveMinTo, FiveMinFrom, FifteenMinTo, FifteenMinFrom, ThirtyMinTo, ThirtyMinToForm, HourFrom, HourTo, DayFrom, DayTo, WeekFrom, WeekTo, MonFrom, MonTo, value) |
} |
wg.Wait() |
fmt.Println("Run time: ", time.Since(start)) |
} |
func GetTimeNewIndexPrice(symbol string, from, to int64, country, period string) error { |
//fmt.Println("country", country, "period", period, "from", common.ConvertToTimeStr(from/1000), from, "to", common.ConvertToTimeStr(to/1000), to)
filter := bson.M{"stock_code": symbol, "timestamp": bson.M{"$gte": from, "$lte": to}} |
tableName := data.GetStockIndexTableName() |
highRes := make([]model.StockIndexParam, 0) |
projection := bson.M{"price": 1} |
sort := bson.M{"price": -1} |
data.MgoFindProjectionRes(tableName, filter, projection, sort, &highRes, 1) |
if len(highRes) <= 0 { |
applogger.Error(symbol+" no data", period) |
return errors.New(symbol + " no data") |
} |
high := highRes[0].Price |
lowRes := make([]model.StockIndexParam, 0) |
sort = bson.M{"price": 1} |
data.MgoFindProjectionRes(tableName, filter, projection, sort, &lowRes, 1) |
low := lowRes[0].Price |
openRes := make([]model.StockIndexParam, 0) |
sort = bson.M{"timestamp": 1} |
data.MgoFindProjectionRes(tableName, filter, projection, sort, &openRes, 1) |
open := openRes[0].Price |
closeRes := make([]model.StockIndexParam, 0) |
projection = bson.M{} |
sort = bson.M{"timestamp": -1} |
data.MgoFindProjectionRes(tableName, filter, projection, sort, &closeRes, 1) |
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel |
filter = bson.M{"timestamp": bson.M{"$eq": from}, "stock_code": bson.M{"$eq": symbol}} |
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{ |
{"stock_code", closeRes[0].StockCode}, |
{"stock_name", closeRes[0].StockName}, |
{"open_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", open)}, |
{"high_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", high)}, |
{"low_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", low)}, |
{"close_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", closeRes[0].Price)}, |
{"up_down_rate", closeRes[0].UpDownRate}, |
{"up_down", closeRes[0].UpDown}, |
{"vol", closeRes[0].Vol}, |
{"country", closeRes[0].Country}, |
{"timestamp", from}, |
}}} |
applogger.Info("GetTimeNewPrice info: %v", update) |
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true) |
dataList = append(dataList, models) |
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(data.GetStockIndixKlineTableName(period), dataList); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("stock MgoInsertMany err:%v", err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
func GetTimeNewIndexPriceAll(symbol string, from, to int64, country, period, periodPre string) { |
filter := bson.M{"stock_code": symbol, "timestamp": bson.M{"$gte": from, "$lte": to}} |
tableName := data.GetStockIndixKlineTableName(periodPre) |
res := make([]model.StockMogoParam, 0) |
projection := bson.M{"symbol": 1, "stock_code": 1, "stock_name": 1, "open_price": 1, "high_price": 1, "low_price": 1, "close_price": 1, "vol": 1, "country": 1, "timestamp": 1} |
sort := bson.M{"timestamp": 1} |
data.MgoFindProjectionRes(tableName, filter, projection, sort, &res, 0) |
if len(res) <= 0 { |
applogger.Error(symbol+" no data", period) |
return |
} |
var low, high, vol decimal.Decimal |
for key, v := range res { |
lows, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v.LowPrice) |
highs, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v.HighPrice) |
var vols decimal.Decimal |
if key == 0 { |
low = lows |
high = highs |
vol = vols |
continue |
} |
vol = vol.Add(vols) |
if low.GreaterThan(lows) { |
low = lows |
} |
if high.LessThan(highs) { |
high = highs |
} |
} |
l := len(res) - 1 |
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel |
ts := from |
open := res[0].OpenPrice |
opens, _ := decimal.NewFromString(open) |
if low.GreaterThan(opens) && !opens.Equal(decimal.NewFromInt(0)) { |
low = opens |
} |
if high.LessThan(opens) { |
high = opens |
} |
filter = bson.M{"timestamp": bson.M{"$eq": ts}, "stock_code": bson.M{"$eq": symbol}} |
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{ |
{"symbol", res[l].Symbol}, |
{"stock_code", res[l].StockCode}, |
{"stock_name", res[l].StockName}, |
{"open_price", open}, |
{"high_price", high.String()}, |
{"low_price", low.String()}, |
{"close_price", res[l].ClosePrice}, |
{"vol", res[l].Vol}, |
{"country", res[l].Country}, |
{"timestamp", ts}, |
}}} |
applogger.Info("GetTimeNewPriceAll info: %v", update) |
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true) |
dataList = append(dataList, models) |
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(data.GetStockIndixKlineTableName(period), dataList); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("stock MgoInsertMany err:%v", err) |
} |
} |
// 控制插针数据不推送
func NewPinStock(noPin map[string]bool) { |
for { |
fmt.Println(noPin) |
pinStockMutex.Lock() |
for k, v := range StockClosedDataList { |
hashListName := fmt.Sprintf("STOCK_PRICES:%d", v) |
dbs := red.ScanMap(hashListName) |
dbData := make(map[string]map[string]bool) |
for db, keys := range dbs { |
if noPin[db] { |
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), db, "no pin 不用插针") |
continue |
} |
stockCode := make(map[string]bool) |
for _, key := range keys { |
res, _ := red.HGetAllMap(db, key) |
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), db, res) |
status, _ := strconv.Atoi(res["status"]) |
code := res["stock_code"] |
if status == StockStatusOn { |
stockCode[code] = true |
} |
} |
dbData[db] = stockCode |
} |
pinStock[k] = dbData |
} |
pinStockMutex.Unlock() |
applogger.Info("pin stock :%v", pinStock) |
time.Sleep(1 * time.Minute) |
} |
} |
func getPinStock(db, country string) map[string]bool { |
pinStockMutex.RLock() |
defer pinStockMutex.RUnlock() |
return pinStock[country][db] |
} |
func JudgePublishMap(country, code, channel string, message interface{}) { |
for k, db := range red.RedisClientMap { |
if getPinStock(k, country)[code] { |
applogger.Debug(k, code, "pin stock", message) |
continue |
} |
applogger.Info("channel", channel, "DB", k) |
err := db.Publish(channel, message).Err() |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("db", k, "存储失败:", err) |
} |
} |
} |
func JudgeHsetMap(country, key, field string, value interface{}) { |
for k, db := range red.RedisClientMap { |
if getPinStock(k, country)[field] { |
applogger.Debug(k, field, "pin stock", value) |
continue |
} |
applogger.Info("key", key, "field", field, "value", value, "DB", k) |
err := db.HSet(key, field, value).Err() |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("db", k, "存储失败:", err) |
} |
} |
} |
func StockWs(param model.StockParam, country string) { |
param.Token = "" |
msgStr, err := json.Marshal(param) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
//applogger.Info("last date info: %v", string(msgStr))
// Write to Redis for broadcasting
JudgePublishMap(country, param.Symbol, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", param.Symbol, country), string(msgStr)) |
} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
@ -0,0 +1,638 @@ |
package business |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"go/types" |
"strings" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/dictionary" |
"wss-pool/internal" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/market" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/stock" |
) |
const ( |
MaxLimit int = 100 |
) |
type SpotKlineResInfo struct { |
ID int64 `json:"id"` |
Open decimal.Decimal `json:"open"` |
Close decimal.Decimal `json:"close"` |
Low decimal.Decimal `json:"low"` |
High decimal.Decimal `json:"high"` |
Amount decimal.Decimal `json:"amount"` |
Vol decimal.Decimal `json:"vol"` |
Count decimal.Decimal `json:"count"` |
TradeTurnover string `json:"trade_turnover"` |
} |
type LinearlineResInfo struct { |
ID int64 `json:"id"` |
Open decimal.Decimal `json:"open"` |
Close decimal.Decimal `json:"close"` |
Low decimal.Decimal `json:"low"` |
High decimal.Decimal `json:"high"` |
Amount decimal.Decimal `json:"amount"` |
Vol decimal.Decimal `json:"vol"` |
Count decimal.Decimal `json:"count"` |
TradeTurnover decimal.Decimal `json:"trade_turnover"` |
} |
type LinearKlineRes struct { |
Ch string `json:"ch"` |
Status string `json:"status"` |
Ts int64 `json:"ts"` |
Data []LinearlineResInfo `json:"data"` |
} |
type SpotKlineWsRes struct { |
Ch string `json:"ch"` |
Status string `json:"status"` |
Ts int64 `json:"ts"` |
Tick SpotKlineResInfo `json:"tick"` |
} |
type SpotKlineRes struct { |
Ch string `json:"ch"` |
Status string `json:"status"` |
Ts int64 `json:"ts"` |
Data []SpotKlineResInfo `json:"data"` |
} |
type ContractKlineRes struct { |
Ch string `json:"ch"` |
Status string `json:"status"` |
Ts int64 `json:"ts"` |
Data []LinearlineResInfo `json:"data"` |
} |
type MarketTradeIDInfo struct { |
ID int64 `json:"id"` |
Ts int64 `json:"ts"` |
TradeId int64 `json:"trade-id"` |
Amount float64 `json:"amount"` |
Price float64 `json:"price"` |
Direction string `json:"direction"` |
TradeTurnover decimal.Decimal `json:"trade_turnover"` |
} |
type MarketTradeID struct { |
ID int64 `json:"id"` |
Ts int64 `json:"ts"` |
Data []MarketTradeIDInfo `json:"data"` |
} |
type MarketTrade struct { |
Ch string `json:"ch"` |
Status string `json:"status"` |
Ts int64 `json:"ts"` |
Data []MarketTradeID `json:"data"` |
} |
// UpdateStockKLSE Daily update of stock market list data【】
func UpdateStockKLSE() { |
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel |
yesterday := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1).Format("2006-01-02") |
before := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -2).Format("2006-01-02") |
filter := bson.M{"Country": "Malaysia", "YesterdayClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}, "BeforeClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}} |
dateList, err := data.MgoFind(data.StockList, filter) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoFind info err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
for _, value := range dateList.([]primitive.M) { |
code := TypeCheck(value["Code"]) |
yesterdayClose := TypeCheck(value["YesterdayClose"]) |
beforeClose := TypeCheck(value["BeforeClose"]) |
eodModel, _ := ShareData(code, "KLSE", yesterday, before) |
for _, eo := range eodModel { |
switch eo.Date { |
case yesterday: |
yesterdayClose = eo.Close.String() |
case before: |
beforeClose = eo.Close.String() |
default: |
} |
} |
applogger.Debug("data info:%v-----%v-----%v", code, yesterdayClose, beforeClose) |
filterD := bson.D{{"Code", bson.M{ |
"$eq": code, |
}}} |
updateData := bson.M{ |
"$set": bson.M{ |
"Code": code, |
"YesterdayClose": yesterdayClose, |
"BeforeClose": beforeClose}} |
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filterD).SetUpdate(updateData).SetUpsert(true) |
dataList = append(dataList, models) |
} |
applogger.Debug("update data info:%v", dataList) |
if len(dataList) > 0 { |
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(data.StockList, dataList); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoBulkWrite update err:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
// U本位数据
func UpdateContractKline(period string) { |
for _, val := range dictionary.ContractCodeList { |
applogger.Info("UpdateContractKline") |
result := LinearKlineRes{} |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpGet(fmt.Sprintf("", val, period)) |
applogger.Info(bodyStr) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err) |
continue |
} |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &result); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Unmarshal err: %v---%v", err) |
continue |
} |
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel |
for _, eodValue := range result.Data { |
open := eodValue.Open.String() |
high := eodValue.High.String() |
low := eodValue.Low.String() |
close := eodValue.Close.String() |
vol := eodValue.Vol.String() |
amount := eodValue.Amount.String() |
count := eodValue.Count.String() |
tradeTurnover := eodValue.TradeTurnover.String() |
//applogger.Info("data: ", eodValue)
filter := bson.M{"code": bson.M{"$eq": eodValue.ID}, "channel": bson.M{"$eq": result.Ch}} |
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{ |
{"channel", result.Ch}, |
{"timestamp", eodValue.ID}, |
{"code", eodValue.ID}, |
{"open", open}, |
{"high", high}, |
{"low", low}, |
{"close", close}, |
{"vol", vol}, |
{"amount", amount}, |
{"count", count}, |
{"trade_turnover", tradeTurnover}, |
}}} |
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true) |
dataList = append(dataList, models) |
} |
if len(dataList) > 0 { |
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(data.GetContractKLineTableName(period), dataList); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("ContractKline MgoInsertMany err:%v", err) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// 现货
func UpdateSpotKline(period string) { |
for _, val := range dictionary.Symbol { |
result := SpotKlineRes{} |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpGet(fmt.Sprintf("", period, val)) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err) |
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) |
continue |
} |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &result); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Unmarshal err: %v---%v", err) |
continue |
} |
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel |
for _, eodValue := range result.Data { |
open := eodValue.Open.String() |
high := eodValue.High.String() |
low := eodValue.Low.String() |
close := eodValue.Close.String() |
vol := eodValue.Vol.String() |
amount := eodValue.Amount.String() |
count := eodValue.Count.String() |
applogger.Info("data: ", eodValue) |
filter := bson.M{"code": bson.M{"$eq": eodValue.ID}, "channel": bson.M{"$eq": result.Ch}} |
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{ |
{"channel", result.Ch}, |
{"timestamp", eodValue.ID}, |
{"code", eodValue.ID}, |
{"open", open}, |
{"high", high}, |
{"low", low}, |
{"close", close}, |
{"vol", vol}, |
{"amount", amount}, |
{"count", count}, |
}}} |
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true) |
dataList = append(dataList, models) |
} |
if len(dataList) > 0 { |
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(data.GetStockKLineTableName(period), dataList); err != nil { |
applogger.Error(" SpotKline MgoInsertMany err:%v", err) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func UpdatePriceKline(period string) { |
for _, val := range dictionary.ContractCodeList { |
result := SpotKlineRes{} |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpGet(fmt.Sprintf("", val, period)) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err) |
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) |
continue |
} |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &result); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Unmarshal err: %v---%v", err) |
continue |
} |
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel |
for _, eodValue := range result.Data { |
open := eodValue.Open.String() |
high := eodValue.High.String() |
low := eodValue.Low.String() |
close := eodValue.Close.String() |
vol := eodValue.Vol.String() |
amount := eodValue.Amount.String() |
count := eodValue.Count.String() |
applogger.Info("data: ", eodValue) |
filter := bson.M{"code": bson.M{"$eq": eodValue.ID}, "channel": bson.M{"$eq": result.Ch}} |
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{ |
{"channel", result.Ch}, |
{"timestamp", eodValue.ID}, |
{"code", eodValue.ID}, |
{"open", open}, |
{"high", high}, |
{"low", low}, |
{"close", close}, |
{"vol", vol}, |
{"amount", amount}, |
{"count", count}, |
{"trade_turnover", eodValue.TradeTurnover}, |
}}} |
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true) |
dataList = append(dataList, models) |
} |
if len(dataList) > 0 { |
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(data.GetContractPriceKLineTableName(period), dataList); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("PriceKline info err:%v", err) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// 现货实时入库
func UpdateWsMgo(result market.SubscribeCandlestickResponse) { |
if result.Tick.Id <= 0 { |
applogger.Error("ws data is null %v", result) |
return |
} |
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel |
open := result.Tick.Open.String() |
high := result.Tick.High.String() |
low := result.Tick.Low.String() |
close := result.Tick.Close.String() |
vol := result.Tick.Vol.String() |
amount := result.Tick.Amount.String() |
//applogger.Info("data: ", result.Tick)
filter := bson.M{"code": bson.M{"$eq": result.Tick.Id}, "channel": bson.M{"$eq": result.Channel}} |
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{ |
{"channel", result.Channel}, |
{"timestamp", result.Tick.Id}, |
{"code", result.Tick.Id}, |
{"open", open}, |
{"high", high}, |
{"low", low}, |
{"close", close}, |
{"vol", vol}, |
{"amount", amount}, |
{"is_ba", result.Tick.IsBa}, |
{"count", result.Tick.Count}, |
}}} |
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true) |
dataList = append(dataList, models) |
ch := strings.Split(result.Channel, ".") |
if len(ch) == 0 { |
applogger.Error("ch is null") |
return |
} |
period := ch[len(ch)-1] |
tableName := data.GetStockKLineTableName(period) |
if tableName == "" { |
applogger.Error("table info is null") |
return |
} |
if len(dataList) > 0 { |
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(tableName, dataList); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("ContractKline MgoInsertMany err:%v", err) |
} |
} |
} |
// 现货实时入库 测试
func UpdateWsMgoTest(result market.SubscribeCandlestickResponse) { |
if result.Tick.Id <= 0 { |
applogger.Error("ws data is null %v", result) |
return |
} |
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel |
open := result.Tick.Open.String() |
high := result.Tick.High.String() |
low := result.Tick.Low.String() |
close := result.Tick.Close.String() |
vol := result.Tick.Vol.String() |
amount := result.Tick.Amount.String() |
applogger.Info("data: ", result.Tick) |
filter := bson.M{"code": bson.M{"$eq": result.Tick.Id}, "channel": bson.M{"$eq": result.Channel}} |
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{ |
{"channel", result.Channel}, |
{"timestamp", result.Tick.Id}, |
{"code", result.Tick.Id}, |
{"open", open}, |
{"high", high}, |
{"low", low}, |
{"close", close}, |
{"vol", vol}, |
{"amount", amount}, |
{"is_ba", result.Tick.IsBa}, |
{"count", result.Tick.Count}, |
}}} |
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true) |
dataList = append(dataList, models) |
ch := strings.Split(result.Channel, ".") |
if len(ch) == 0 { |
applogger.Error("ch is null") |
return |
} |
period := ch[len(ch)-1] |
tableName := data.GetStockKLineTestTableName(period) |
if tableName == "" { |
applogger.Error("table info is null") |
return |
} |
if len(dataList) > 0 { |
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(tableName, dataList); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("ContractKline MgoInsertMany err:%v", err) |
} |
} |
} |
// 合约测试
func UpdateSubscribeCtKlineTest(result market.SubscribeCtKlineResponse) { |
if result.Tick.Id <= 0 { |
applogger.Error("ws data is null %v", result) |
return |
} |
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel |
open := result.Tick.Open.String() |
high := result.Tick.High.String() |
low := result.Tick.Low.String() |
close := result.Tick.Close.String() |
vol := result.Tick.Vol.String() |
amount := result.Tick.Amount.String() |
applogger.Info("data: ", result.Tick) |
filter := bson.M{"code": bson.M{"$eq": result.Tick.Id}, "channel": bson.M{"$eq": result.Channel}} |
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{ |
{"channel", result.Channel}, |
{"timestamp", result.Tick.Id}, |
{"code", result.Tick.Id}, |
{"open", open}, |
{"high", high}, |
{"low", low}, |
{"close", close}, |
{"vol", vol}, |
{"amount", amount}, |
{"count", result.Tick.Count.String()}, |
{"trade_turnover", result.Tick.Rrade_Turnover.String()}, |
}}} |
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true) |
dataList = append(dataList, models) |
ch := strings.Split(result.Channel, ".") |
if len(ch) == 0 { |
applogger.Error("ch is null") |
return |
} |
period := ch[len(ch)-1] |
tableName := data.GetContractKLineTestTableName(period) |
if tableName == "" { |
applogger.Error("table info is null") |
return |
} |
if len(dataList) > 0 { |
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(tableName, dataList); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("ContractKline MgoInsertMany err:%v", err) |
} |
} |
} |
// 合约实时入库
func UpdateSubscribeCtKline(result market.SubscribeCtKlineResponse) { |
if result.Tick.Id <= 0 { |
applogger.Error("ws data is null %v", result) |
return |
} |
//fmt.Println("kline ",result)
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel |
open := result.Tick.Open.String() |
high := result.Tick.High.String() |
low := result.Tick.Low.String() |
close := result.Tick.Close.String() |
vol := result.Tick.Vol.String() |
amount := result.Tick.Amount.String() |
//applogger.Info("data: ", result.Tick)
filter := bson.M{"code": bson.M{"$eq": result.Tick.Id}, "channel": bson.M{"$eq": result.Channel}} |
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{ |
{"channel", result.Channel}, |
{"timestamp", result.Tick.Id}, |
{"code", result.Tick.Id}, |
{"open", open}, |
{"high", high}, |
{"low", low}, |
{"close", close}, |
{"vol", vol}, |
{"amount", amount}, |
{"count", result.Tick.Count.String()}, |
{"trade_turnover", result.Tick.Rrade_Turnover.String()}, |
}}} |
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true) |
dataList = append(dataList, models) |
ch := strings.Split(result.Channel, ".") |
if len(ch) == 0 { |
applogger.Error("ch is null") |
return |
} |
period := ch[len(ch)-1] |
tableName := data.GetContractKLineTableName(period) |
if tableName == "" { |
applogger.Error("table info is null") |
return |
} |
if len(dataList) > 0 { |
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(tableName, dataList); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("ContractKline MgoInsertMany err:%v", err) |
} |
} |
} |
// ShareData Obtaining the closing price of Malaysian stocks through time【】
func ShareData(code, exchange, yesterday, before string) ([]stock.EodTimeMessage, error) { |
model := fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", code, exchange) |
from := before |
to := yesterday |
urlHttp := fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/api/eod/%v?api_token=%v&fmt=json&period=D&order=d&from=%v&to=%v", |
config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialHost, model, config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialKey, from, to) |
//applogger.Debug("UrlHttp info: %v", urlHttp)
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpGet(urlHttp) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err) |
return nil, err |
} |
var eodModel []stock.EodTimeMessage |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &eodModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Unmarshal err: %v---%v", code, err) |
return nil, err |
} |
return eodModel, nil |
} |
// 获取给定时间段内该代码的收盘价
func PreviousClose(code string) (stock.PreviousCloseResponse, error) { |
var eodModel stock.PreviousCloseResponse |
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/v2/aggs/ticker/%s/prev?adjusted=true&apiKey=%s", config.Config.ShareGather.PolygonHost, code, config.Config.ShareGather.PolygonKey) |
applogger.Debug("UrlHttp info: %v", url) |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpGet(url) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err) |
return eodModel, err |
} |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &eodModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Unmarshal err: %v---%v", code, err) |
return eodModel, err |
} |
return eodModel, nil |
} |
// 通过交易查询股票对应的交易所
func TradesTape(code string) (stock.TypeTradesResponse, error) { |
var eodModel stock.TypeTradesResponse |
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/v3/trades/%s?apiKey=%s&limit=1", config.Config.ShareGather.PolygonHost, code, config.Config.ShareGather.PolygonKey) |
applogger.Debug("UrlHttp info: %v", url) |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpGet(url) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err) |
return eodModel, err |
} |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &eodModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Unmarshal err: %v---%v", code, err) |
return eodModel, err |
} |
return eodModel, nil |
} |
// TypeCheck Character determination
func TypeCheck(m interface{}) string { |
switch m.(type) { |
case types.Nil: |
return "" |
case string: |
return m.(string) |
default: |
return "" |
} |
} |
// UpdateStockKLSEBak 马股列表闭盘数据更新--已废弃
func UpdateStockKLSEBak() { |
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel |
yesterday := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1).Format("2006-01-02") |
before := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -2).Format("2006-01-02") |
// TODO: 更改为从mongoDB中查数据源
var shareModel []stock.StockShare |
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/api/exchange-symbol-list/KLSE?api_token=%v&fmt=json", config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialHost, config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialKey) |
applogger.Debug("url info:%v", url) |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpGet(url) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err) |
return |
} |
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &shareModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to parse stock list information:%v", err) |
return |
} |
// 赋值更新的数据
for _, value := range shareModel { |
applogger.Debug("share types info: %v", value) |
model := fmt.Sprintf("%v.KLSE", value.Code) |
from := before |
to := yesterday |
urlHttp := fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/api/eod/%v?api_token=%v&fmt=json&period=D&order=d&from=%v&to=%v", |
config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialHost, model, config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialKey, from, to) |
applogger.Debug("UrlHttp info: %v", urlHttp) |
bodyStr, err = internal.HttpGet(urlHttp) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err) |
} |
var eodModel []stock.EodTimeMessage |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &eodModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Unmarshal err: %v---%v", value.Code, err) |
} |
for _, eo := range eodModel { |
switch eo.Date { |
case yesterday: |
value.YesterdayClose = eo.Close.String() |
case before: |
value.BeforeClose = eo.Close.String() |
default: |
} |
} |
filter := bson.D{{"Code", bson.M{ |
"$eq": value.Code, |
}}} |
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{ |
{"Code", value.Code}, |
{"Name", value.Name}, |
{"Country", value.Country}, |
{"Exchange", value.Exchange}, |
{"Currency", value.Currency}, |
{"Type", value.Type}, |
{"Isin", value.Isin}, |
{"YesterdayClose", value.YesterdayClose}, |
{"BeforeClose", value.BeforeClose}}}} |
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true) |
dataList = append(dataList, models) |
} |
applogger.Debug("update data info:%v", dataList) |
if len(dataList) > 0 { |
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(data.StockList, dataList); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoBulkWrite update err:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ |
package business |
import ( |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
) |
func RunHBData(checkData string) { |
HbMarketSpots(checkData) |
HbContract(checkData) |
ShareMarket(checkData) |
} |
// 现货行情数据
func HbMarketSpots(checkData string) { |
switch checkData { |
case "subscribeDepth": // 市场深度行情数据 8863
MgoSubscribeDepth() |
case "subscribeLevelMbp": // 市场深度MBP行情数据(增量推送)(150挡) 8864
MgoSubscribeLevelMbp() |
case "subscribeFullMbp": // 市场深度MBP行情数据(全量推送) 8865
MgoSubscribeFullMbp() |
case "subscribeSubMbp": // 市场深度MBP行情数据(增量推送) 8866
MgoSubscribeSubMbp() |
case "subscribeBbo": // 买一卖一逐笔行情 8867
MgoSubscribeBbo() |
case "subscribeKLine": // K线数据 8868
MgoSubscribeKLine() |
case "subscribeTrade": // 成交明细 8869
MgoSubscribeTrade() |
case "subscribeLast24h": // 市场概要 8847
MgoSubscribeLast24h() |
case "subscribeTicker": // 聚合行情(Ticker) 8848
MgoSubscribeTicker() |
default: |
applogger.Info("Please select the data source that needs to be connected......") |
} |
} |
// 合约行情数据
func HbContract(checkData string) { |
switch checkData { |
case "subscribeCtKline": // k线数据 8841
MgoSubscribeCtKline() |
case "subscribeCtDepth": // 深度信息 8842
MgoSubscribeCtDepth() |
case "subscribeCtAddDepth": // 新增深度信息 8843
MgoSubscribeCtAddDepth() |
case "subscribeCtBbo": // 买一卖一行情数据 8844
MgoSubscribeCtBbo() |
case "subscribeCtDetail": // 合约详情数据 8845
MgoSubscribeCtDetail() |
case "subscribeCtTradeDetail": // 合约贸易详情数据 8846
MgoSubscribeCtTradeDetail() |
default: |
applogger.Info("Please select the data source that needs to be connected......") |
} |
} |
// 股票行情数据
func ShareMarket(checkData string) { |
switch checkData { |
case "usShare": // US 8849
ShareUsData() |
default: |
applogger.Info("Please select the data source that needs to be connected......") |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ |
package business |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"strings" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/stock" |
) |
// ShareUsData TODO: 美股数据采集 修改为分布式多节点
func ShareUsData() { |
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/api/exchange-symbol-list/us?api_token=%v&fmt=json", config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialHost, config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialKey) |
applogger.Debug("select info:%v", url) |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpGet(url) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("HttpGet err:%v", err) |
return |
} |
var shareModel []stock.StockShare |
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &shareModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Unmarshal err:%v", err) |
return |
} |
for _, value := range shareModel { |
applogger.Info("select data info:%v", value) |
go func() { |
url := fmt.Sprintf("wss://%v/ws/%v?api_token=%v", config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialWsUs, "us", config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialKey) |
conn, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(url, nil) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("链接wss服务器失败:%v", err) |
return |
} |
defer conn.Close() |
subscribe := fmt.Sprintf("{\"action\": \"subscribe\", \"symbols\": \"%v\"}", value.Code) |
if err := conn.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, []byte(subscribe)); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("send connSub WriteMessage err::%v", err) |
return |
} |
for { |
_, msg, err := conn.ReadMessage() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("err info:%v", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Info("Subscribe date:%v", string(msg)) |
if !strings.Contains(string(msg), "{\"status_code\":200,\"message\":\"Authorized\"}") { |
go func() { |
// 持久化数据信息
var msgC stock.RealTimeMessage |
if err := bson.Unmarshal(msg, &msgC); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Insert info err:%v", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Debug("date info:%v", msgC) |
var c = []string{} |
for _, vc := range msgC.C { |
c = append(c, vc.String()) |
} |
cxt := bson.D{ |
{"S", msgC.S}, |
{"Dp", msgC.Dp}, |
{"C", c}, |
{"T", msgC.T}, |
{"Ms", msgC.Ms}, |
{"V", msgC.V}, |
{"P", msgC.P.String()}, |
} |
if err := data.MgoInsertOne(data.StockUs, cxt); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Insert info err:%v", err) |
return |
} |
}() |
} |
} |
}() |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,381 @@ |
package business |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/dictionary" |
"wss-pool/internal" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/hbwssclient/marketwssclient" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/market" |
) |
// 市场深度行情数据
func MgoSubscribeDepth() { |
symbolList := model.SymbolListString(dictionary.Depth) |
client := new(marketwssclient.DepthWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbGather.HbHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for key, value := range symbolList { |
for _, vue := range value { |
client.Request(key, vue, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
client.Subscribe(key, vue, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
} |
}, |
func(resp interface{}) { |
depthResponse, ok := resp.(market.SubscribeDepthResponse) |
if ok { |
if &depthResponse != nil { |
applogger.Info("subscribeDepth data,ServersId:%v,Content:%v-%v", depthResponse.Channel, depthResponse.Tick, depthResponse.Data) |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for key, value := range symbolList { |
for _, vue := range value { |
client.UnSubscribe(key, vue, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// 市场深度MBP行情数据(增量推送)(150挡)
func MgoSubscribeLevelMbp() { |
symbolList := model.SymbolListString([]string{}) |
client := new(marketwssclient.MarketByPriceWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbGather.HbHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for key, _ := range symbolList { |
client.Request(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
client.Subscribe(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
}, |
func(resp interface{}) { |
depthResponse, ok := resp.(market.SubscribeMarketByPriceResponse) |
if ok { |
if &depthResponse != nil { |
applogger.Info("subscribeLevelMbp data,ServersId:%v,Content:%v-%v", depthResponse.Channel, depthResponse.Tick, depthResponse.Data) |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for key, _ := range symbolList { |
client.UnSubscribe(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// 市场深度MBP行情数据(全量推送)
func MgoSubscribeFullMbp() { |
symbolList := model.SymbolListInt(dictionary.LevelsRefresh) |
client := new(marketwssclient.MarketByPriceWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbGather.HbHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for key, value := range symbolList { |
for _, vue := range value { |
client.SubscribeFull(key, vue, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
} |
}, |
func(resp interface{}) { |
depthResponse, ok := resp.(market.SubscribeMarketByPriceResponse) |
if ok { |
if &depthResponse != nil { |
applogger.Info("subscribeFullMbp data,ServersId:%v,Content:%v-%v", depthResponse.Channel, depthResponse.Tick, depthResponse.Data) |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for key, value := range symbolList { |
for _, vue := range value { |
client.UnSubscribeFull(key, vue, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// 市场深度MBP行情数据(增量推送)
func MgoSubscribeSubMbp() { |
symbolList := model.SymbolListInt(dictionary.LevelsMbp) |
client := new(marketwssclient.MarketByPriceTickWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbGather.HbHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for key, value := range symbolList { |
for _, vue := range value { |
client.Request(key, vue, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
client.Subscribe(key, vue, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
} |
}, |
func(resp interface{}) { |
depthResponse, ok := resp.(market.SubscribeMarketByPriceResponse) |
if ok { |
if &depthResponse != nil { |
applogger.Info("subscribeSubMbp data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v-%v", depthResponse.Channel, depthResponse.Tick, depthResponse.Data) |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for key, value := range symbolList { |
for _, vue := range value { |
client.UnSubscribe(key, vue, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// 买一卖一逐笔行情
func MgoSubscribeBbo() { |
symbolList := model.SymbolListString([]string{}) |
client := new(marketwssclient.BestBidOfferWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbGather.HbHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for key, _ := range symbolList { |
client.Subscribe(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
}, |
func(resp interface{}) { |
bboResponse, ok := resp.(market.SubscribeBestBidOfferResponse) |
if ok { |
if bboResponse.Tick != nil { |
} |
applogger.Info("subscribeBbo data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v-%v", bboResponse.Channel, bboResponse.Tick, nil) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for key, _ := range symbolList { |
client.UnSubscribe(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Connection closed") |
} |
// K线数据
func MgoSubscribeKLine() { |
symbolList := model.SymbolListString(dictionary.TimeCycle) |
client := new(marketwssclient.CandlestickWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbGather.HbHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for symbol, period := range symbolList { |
for _, value := range period { |
client.Subscribe(symbol, value, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
} |
}, |
func(response interface{}) { |
resp, ok := response.(market.SubscribeCandlestickResponse) |
if ok { |
if &resp != nil { |
if resp.Tick != nil || resp.Data != nil { |
go func() { |
Channel := resp.Channel |
Tick := resp.Tick |
Data := resp.Data |
Timestamp := resp.Timestamp |
tick := bson.D{ |
{"Id", Tick.Id}, |
{"Close", Tick.Close.String()}, |
{"Low", Tick.Low.String()}, |
{"Amount", Tick.Amount.String()}, |
{"High", Tick.High.String()}, |
{"Count", Tick.Count}, |
{"Open", Tick.Open.String()}, |
{"Vol", Tick.Vol.String()}, |
} |
cxt := bson.D{ |
{"Channel", Channel}, |
{"Tick", tick}, |
{"Data", Data}, |
{"Timestamp", Timestamp}, |
} |
table := internal.CheckKLineTable(Channel) |
applogger.Debug("数据库表名称:%v", table) |
if err := data.MgoInsertOne(table, cxt); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("writeKLine err:%v", err) |
return |
} |
}() |
} |
applogger.Info("subscribeKLine data Key:%v,time:%v,tick:%v,data:%v", resp.Channel, resp.Timestamp, resp.Tick, resp.Data) |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for symbol, period := range symbolList { |
for _, value := range period { |
client.UnSubscribe(symbol, value, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
} |
client.UnSubscribe("btcusdt", "1min", config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// 成交明细
func MgoSubscribeTrade() { |
symbolList := model.SymbolListString([]string{}) |
client := new(marketwssclient.TradeWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbGather.HbHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for key, _ := range symbolList { |
client.Request(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
client.Subscribe(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
}, |
func(resp interface{}) { |
depthResponse, ok := resp.(market.SubscribeTradeResponse) |
if ok { |
if &depthResponse != nil { |
applogger.Info("subscribeTrade data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v-%v", depthResponse.Channel, depthResponse.Tick, depthResponse.Data) |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for key, _ := range symbolList { |
client.UnSubscribe(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// 市场概要
func MgoSubscribeLast24h() { |
symbolList := model.SymbolListString([]string{}) |
client := new(marketwssclient.Last24hCandlestickWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbGather.HbHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for key, _ := range symbolList { |
client.Request(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
client.Subscribe(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
}, |
func(resp interface{}) { |
candlestickResponse, ok := resp.(market.SubscribeLast24hCandlestickResponse) |
if ok { |
if &candlestickResponse != nil { |
applogger.Info("subscribeLast24h data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v-%v", candlestickResponse.Channel, candlestickResponse.Tick, candlestickResponse.Data) |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for key, _ := range symbolList { |
client.UnSubscribe(key, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
// 聚合行情(Ticker)
func MgoSubscribeTicker() { |
symbolList := model.SymbolListString([]string{}) |
client := new(marketwssclient.TickerWebSocketClient).Init(config.Config.HbGather.HbHost) |
client.SetHandler( |
func() { |
for symbol, _ := range symbolList { |
client.Subscribe(symbol, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
}, |
func(response interface{}) { |
resp, ok := response.(market.TickerWebsocketResponse) |
if ok { |
if &resp != nil { |
if resp.Tick != nil || resp.Data != nil { |
applogger.Info("subscribeTicker data,ServersId:%v,Sender:%v,Content:%v-%v", resp.Channel, resp.Tick, resp.Data) |
} |
} |
} else { |
applogger.Warn("Unknown response: %v", resp) |
} |
}) |
client.Connect(true) |
fmt.Println("Press ENTER to unsubscribe and stop...") |
fmt.Scanln() |
for symbol, _ := range symbolList { |
client.UnSubscribe(symbol, config.Config.HbGather.HbSubUids) |
} |
client.Close() |
applogger.Info("Client closed") |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,331 @@ |
package business |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/internal" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/stock" |
) |
/* |
采集美股历史数据 |
一、日终数据 |
1、每日 daily |
2、每周 weekly |
3、每月 monthly |
二、日内数据 |
1、1小时 hour |
2、5分钟 fiveminutes |
3、1分钟 oneminute |
*/ |
func StockUsDaily() { |
filter := bson.M{"Country": "USA", "YesterdayClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}, "BeforeClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}} |
dateList, err := data.MgoFind(data.StockList, filter) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoFind info err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
for _, value := range dateList.([]primitive.M) { |
code := TypeCheck(value["Code"]) |
applogger.Debug("code info: %v", code) |
codeUS := fmt.Sprintf("%v.US", code) |
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/api/eod/%v?api_token=%v&period=d&fmt=json&from=2022-08-01&to=2023-06-17", |
config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialHost, codeUS, config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialKey) |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpGet(url) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err) |
return |
} |
fmt.Println(url) |
var eodModel []stock.EodData |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &eodModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("eodModel json Unmarshal err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Info("data info: %v", eodModel) |
var bsonEod []interface{} |
for _, eodValue := range eodModel { |
bsonEod = append(bsonEod, bson.D{ |
{"code", code}, |
{"date", eodValue.Date}, |
{"open", eodValue.Open}, |
{"high", eodValue.High}, |
{"low", eodValue.Low}, |
{"close", eodValue.Close}, |
{"adjusted_close", eodValue.AdjustedClose}, |
{"volume", eodValue.Volume}, |
}) |
} |
if len(bsonEod) > 0 { |
if err := data.MgoInsertMany(data.StockUsDaily, bsonEod); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoInsertMany info err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func StockUsWeekly() { |
filter := bson.M{"Country": "USA", "YesterdayClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}, "BeforeClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}} |
dateList, err := data.MgoFind(data.StockList, filter) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoFind info err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
for _, value := range dateList.([]primitive.M) { |
code := TypeCheck(value["Code"]) |
applogger.Debug("code info: %v", code) |
codeUS := fmt.Sprintf("%v.US", code) |
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/api/eod/%v?api_token=%v&period=w&fmt=json&from=2022-08-01&to=2023-06-17", |
config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialHost, codeUS, config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialKey) |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpGet(url) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err) |
return |
} |
var eodModel []stock.EodData |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &eodModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("eodModel json Unmarshal err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Info("data info: %v", eodModel) |
var bsonEod []interface{} |
for _, eodValue := range eodModel { |
bsonEod = append(bsonEod, bson.D{ |
{"code", code}, |
{"date", eodValue.Date}, |
{"open", eodValue.Open}, |
{"high", eodValue.High}, |
{"low", eodValue.Low}, |
{"close", eodValue.Close}, |
{"adjusted_close", eodValue.AdjustedClose}, |
{"volume", eodValue.Volume}, |
}) |
} |
if len(bsonEod) > 0 { |
if err := data.MgoInsertMany(data.StockUsWeekly, bsonEod); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoInsertMany info err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func StockUsMonthly() { |
filter := bson.M{"Country": "USA", "YesterdayClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}, "BeforeClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}} |
dateList, err := data.MgoFind(data.StockList, filter) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoFind info err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
for _, value := range dateList.([]primitive.M) { |
code := TypeCheck(value["Code"]) |
applogger.Debug("code info: %v", code) |
codeUs := fmt.Sprintf("%v.US", code) |
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/api/eod/%v?api_token=%v&period=m&fmt=json&from=2022-08-01&to=2023-06-17", |
config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialHost, codeUs, config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialKey) |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpGet(url) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err) |
return |
} |
var eodModel []stock.EodData |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &eodModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("eodModel json Unmarshal err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Info("data info: %v", eodModel) |
var bsonEod []interface{} |
for _, eodValue := range eodModel { |
bsonEod = append(bsonEod, bson.D{ |
{"code", code}, |
{"date", eodValue.Date}, |
{"open", eodValue.Open}, |
{"high", eodValue.High}, |
{"low", eodValue.Low}, |
{"close", eodValue.Close}, |
{"adjusted_close", eodValue.AdjustedClose}, |
{"volume", eodValue.Volume}, |
}) |
} |
if len(bsonEod) > 0 { |
if err := data.MgoInsertMany(data.StockUsMonthly, bsonEod); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoInsertMany info err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func StockUsHour() { |
filter := bson.M{"Country": "USA", "YesterdayClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}, "BeforeClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}} |
dateList, err := data.MgoFind(data.StockList, filter) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoFind info err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
for _, value := range dateList.([]primitive.M) { |
code := TypeCheck(value["Code"]) |
applogger.Debug("code info: %v", code) |
codeUs := fmt.Sprintf("%v.US", code) |
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/api/intraday/%v?api_token=%v&interval=1h&fmt=json&from=1659283200&to=1686759266", |
config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialHost, codeUs, config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialKey) |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpGet(url) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err) |
return |
} |
var eodModel []stock.IntraDayData |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &eodModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("eodModel json Unmarshal err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Info("data info: %v", eodModel) |
var bsonEod []interface{} |
for _, eodValue := range eodModel { |
bsonEod = append(bsonEod, bson.D{ |
{"code", code}, |
{"timestamp", eodValue.Timestamp}, |
{"gmtoffset", eodValue.Gmtoffset}, |
{"datetime", eodValue.Datetime}, |
{"open", eodValue.Open}, |
{"high", eodValue.High}, |
{"low", eodValue.Low}, |
{"close", eodValue.Close}, |
{"volume", eodValue.Volume}, |
}) |
} |
if len(bsonEod) > 0 { |
if err := data.MgoInsertMany(data.StockUsHour, bsonEod); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoInsertMany info err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func StockUsFiveMinutes() { |
filter := bson.M{"Country": "USA", "YesterdayClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}, "BeforeClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}} |
dateList, err := data.MgoFind(data.StockList, filter) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoFind info err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
for _, value := range dateList.([]primitive.M) { |
code := TypeCheck(value["Code"]) |
applogger.Debug("code info: %v", code) |
codeUs := fmt.Sprintf("%v.US", code) |
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/api/intraday/%v?api_token=%v&interval=5m&fmt=json&from=1659283200&to=1686759266", |
config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialHost, codeUs, config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialKey) |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpGet(url) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err) |
return |
} |
var eodModel []stock.IntraDayData |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &eodModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("eodModel json Unmarshal err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Info("data info: %v", eodModel) |
var bsonEod []interface{} |
for _, eodValue := range eodModel { |
bsonEod = append(bsonEod, bson.D{ |
{"code", code}, |
{"timestamp", eodValue.Timestamp}, |
{"gmtoffset", eodValue.Gmtoffset}, |
{"datetime", eodValue.Datetime}, |
{"open", eodValue.Open}, |
{"high", eodValue.High}, |
{"low", eodValue.Low}, |
{"close", eodValue.Close}, |
{"volume", eodValue.Volume}, |
}) |
} |
if len(bsonEod) > 0 { |
if err := data.MgoInsertMany(data.StockUsFiveMinutes, bsonEod); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoInsertMany info err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func StockUsOneMinute() { |
filter := bson.M{"Country": "USA", "YesterdayClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}, "BeforeClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}} |
dateList, err := data.MgoFind(data.StockList, filter) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoFind info err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
for _, value := range dateList.([]primitive.M) { |
code := TypeCheck(value["Code"]) |
applogger.Debug("code info: %v", code) |
codeUs := fmt.Sprintf("%v.US", code) |
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/api/intraday/%v?api_token=%v&interval=1m&fmt=json", |
config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialHost, codeUs, config.Config.ShareGather.FinancialKey) |
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpGet(url) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err) |
return |
} |
var eodModel []stock.IntraDayData |
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &eodModel); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("eodModel json Unmarshal err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
applogger.Info("data info: %v", eodModel) |
var bsonEod []interface{} |
for _, eodValue := range eodModel { |
bsonEod = append(bsonEod, bson.D{ |
{"code", code}, |
{"timestamp", eodValue.Timestamp}, |
{"gmtoffset", eodValue.Gmtoffset}, |
{"datetime", eodValue.Datetime}, |
{"open", eodValue.Open}, |
{"high", eodValue.High}, |
{"low", eodValue.Low}, |
{"close", eodValue.Close}, |
{"volume", eodValue.Volume}, |
}) |
} |
if len(bsonEod) > 0 { |
if err := data.MgoInsertMany(data.StockUsOneMinute, bsonEod); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoInsertMany info err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
package data |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"sync" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model" |
) |
var WebGorm *gorm.DB |
type DBConnect struct { |
sync.Mutex |
} |
func InitGorm(config model.Bourse) { |
var err error |
if WebGorm, err = gorm.Open(mysql.Open(config.Datasource), &gorm.Config{Logger: logger.Default.LogMode(logger.Info)}); err != nil { |
applogger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("连接%s数据库失败 err: %s", config.Datasource, err.Error())) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,501 @@ |
package data |
import ( |
"context" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"wss-pool/dictionary" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
) |
const ( |
StockIndexList = "stockIndexList" |
StockUs = "stockListUs" // US Real time
StockUsDaily = "stockUsDaily" // Us daily data
StockUsWeekly = "stockUsWeekly" // Us Weekly data
StockUsMonthly = "stockUsMonthly" // Us Monthly data
StockUsHour = "stockUsHour" // Us Hourly data
StockUsFiveMinutes = "stockUsFiveMinutes" // Us Data every five minutes
StockUsOneMinute = "stockUsOneMinute" // Us Data every minutes
StockNews = "stockNews" |
OptionList = "optionList" // list
ForexList = "forexList" // forex list
ForexListBak = "forexListBak" // forex list
ForexTradeList = "forexTradeList" // forex trade list
ForexKLine = "forexKLine" // forex kline
) |
var StockList string |
// Create_stockList_index New Stock List Index
func Create_stockList_index() { |
c := MgoConnect(StockList) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"Code", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"Symbol", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"Exchange", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"Vol", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"Source", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"Country", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"NumericCode", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
func Create_stockIndixList_index() { |
c := MgoConnect(StockIndexList) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"Code", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"Exchange", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"Sort", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"State", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"Country", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
func CreateOptionList() { |
c := MgoConnect(OptionList) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"Code", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"Percent", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"DateTime", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"Country", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
func CreateOptionindex() { |
for _, value := range dictionary.OptionCodeList { |
tableName := GetOptionTableName(value) |
c := MgoConnect(tableName) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"code", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
tableName = GetOptionExpiryTableName(value) |
c = MgoConnect(tableName) |
indexModel = []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"code", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"expiry", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"expiry_date", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err = c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
// 外汇索引
func CreateForexList() { |
c := MgoConnect(ForexList) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"ticker", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"updated", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"day.o", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"day.l", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"day.h", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"day.c", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
func CreateForexListNew() { |
c := MgoConnect(ForexListBak) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"code", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"name", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"category", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"symbol", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
func CreateForexTradeLis() { |
// {"ev":"T","code":"NZDCAD","seq":"75468393","tick_time":"1732274869856","price":"0.81696","volume":"92500.00","turnover":"0.00000","trade_direction":0}
c := MgoConnect(ForexTradeList) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"code", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"tick_time", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
func CreateForexKLine() { |
c := MgoConnect(ForexKLine) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"code", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"timestamp", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
// Create_stockUs_index 美股实时数据索引
func Create_stockUs_index() { |
c := MgoConnect(StockUs) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"s", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"se", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"t", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
// Create_stockUs_index
func Create_SpotKline_index() { |
for _, value := range dictionary.TimeCycle { |
tableName := GetStockKLineTableName(value) |
c := MgoConnect(tableName) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"channel", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"timestamp", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"code", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
func Create_ContractKline_index() { |
for _, value := range dictionary.ContractTime { |
tableName := GetContractKLineTableName(value) |
c := MgoConnect(tableName) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"channel", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"timestamp", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"code", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
func Create_ContractPriceKline_index() { |
for _, value := range dictionary.ContractPriceTime { |
tableName := GetContractPriceKLineTableName(value) |
c := MgoConnect(tableName) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"channel", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"timestamp", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"code", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
func Create_Stock_News() { |
c := MgoConnect(StockNews) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"code", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"country", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
func Create_Stock_index() { |
for _, value := range dictionary.StockCodeList { |
tableName := GetStockTableName(value) |
c := MgoConnect(tableName) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"stock_code", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"symbol", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"timestamp", -1}, |
}}, { |
Keys: bson.D{ |
{"price", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
for _, v := range dictionary.StockSouthAsiaListTime { |
c := MgoConnect(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", tableName, v)) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"stock_code", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"symbol", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"timestamp", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"high_price", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"low_price", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func Create_SpockIndexKline() { |
tableName := GetStockIndexTableName() |
c := MgoConnect(tableName) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"stock_code", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"timestamp", -1}, |
}}, { |
Keys: bson.D{ |
{"price", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
for _, v := range dictionary.StockSouthAsiaListTime { |
c := MgoConnect(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", tableName, v)) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"stock_code", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"timestamp", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"high_price", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"low_price", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
func Create_StockUsList_index() { |
for _, value := range dictionary.StockUsListTime { |
tableName := GetStockUsTableName(value) |
c := MgoConnect(tableName) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"timestamp", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"code", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
func Create_SpotKlineTest_index() { |
for _, value := range dictionary.TimeCycle { |
tableName := GetStockKLineTestTableName(value) |
c := MgoConnect(tableName) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"channel", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"timestamp", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"code", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
func Create_ContractKlineTest_index() { |
for _, value := range dictionary.ContractTime { |
tableName := GetContractKLineTestTableName(value) |
c := MgoConnect(tableName) |
indexModel := []mongo.IndexModel{ |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"channel", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"timestamp", -1}, |
}}, |
{Keys: bson.D{ |
{"code", -1}, |
}}, |
} |
_, err := c.Indexes().CreateMany(context.TODO(), indexModel) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to create index:%v", err) |
return |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,767 @@ |
package data |
import ( |
"context" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"log" |
"os" |
"sort" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model" |
) |
var DataBase string |
var mgoDb *mongo.Client |
var MgoDbClientMap = map[string]*mongo.Client{} |
var MgoDbToRedisMap = map[string]string{} |
type MongoTick struct { |
Id string `bson:"_id" json:"id"` |
Channel string `json:"channel"` |
Amount string `json:"amount"` // 成交量
Count interface{} `bson:"count" json:"count"` // 成交笔数
Open string `json:"open"` // 开盘价
Close string `json:"close"` // 收盘价(当K线为最晚的一根时,是最新成交价)
Low string `json:"low"` // 最低价
High string `json:"high"` // 最高价
Vol string `json:"vol"` // 成交额, 即 sum(每一笔成交价 * 该笔的成交量)
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` |
TradeTurnover string `bson:"trade_turnover" json:"trade_turnover"` |
Code int64 `json:"code"` |
} |
func GetStockKLineTableName(period string) string { |
return fmt.Sprintf("marketKline%v", period) |
} |
func GetContractKLineTableName(period string) string { |
return fmt.Sprintf("contractKline%v", period) |
} |
func GetContractPriceKLineTableName(period string) string { |
return fmt.Sprintf("contractPriceKline%v", period) |
} |
func GetStockUsTableName(period string) string { |
return fmt.Sprintf("stockUs%v", period) |
} |
func GetStockKLineTestTableName(period string) string { |
return fmt.Sprintf("marketKline%v_test", period) |
} |
func GetContractKLineTestTableName(period string) string { |
return fmt.Sprintf("contractKline%v_test", period) |
} |
func GetStockTableName(period string) string { |
return fmt.Sprintf("stock%v", period) |
} |
func GetStockIndexTableName() string { |
return fmt.Sprintf("stockIndex") |
} |
func GetStockIndixKlineTableName(period string) string { |
return fmt.Sprintf("stockIndex%s", period) |
} |
func GetStockSouthAsiaTableName(stock, period string) string { |
return fmt.Sprintf("stock%s%s", stock, period) |
} |
func GetOptionTableName(country string) string { |
return fmt.Sprintf("option%v", country) |
} |
func GetOptionExpiryTableName(country string) string { |
return fmt.Sprintf("optionExpiry%v", country) |
} |
func GetStockList(stockListTable int) { |
if stockListTable == 0 { |
StockList = "stockListBak" |
return |
} |
StockList = fmt.Sprintf("stockListBak%d", stockListTable) |
} |
// Mgo_init
func Mgo_init(config model.Mongodb) { |
mongodb := config.DbBase |
GetStockList(config.Table) |
fmt.Println(StockList) |
clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI(fmt.Sprintf("mongodb://%v:%v@%v:%v/%v?ssl=false&authSource=admin", config.DbUser, config.Password, config.DbHost, config.DbPort, mongodb)) |
client, err := mongo.Connect(context.TODO(), clientOptions) |
if err != nil { |
log.Printf("connect err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
// Check the connection
err = client.Ping(context.TODO(), nil) |
if err != nil { |
log.Printf("test connect err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
fmt.Println("Mongodb ok") |
mgoDb = client |
DataBase = mongodb |
// init mongo_index
Create_stockList_index() |
Create_stockUs_index() |
Create_stockIndixList_index() |
Create_SpotKline_index() |
Create_ContractKline_index() |
Create_ContractPriceKline_index() |
Create_StockUsList_index() |
Create_Stock_index() |
Create_SpockIndexKline() |
Create_Stock_News() |
CreateOptionList() |
CreateOptionindex() |
// 外汇
CreateForexList() |
CreateForexListNew() |
CreateForexTradeLis() |
CreateForexKLine() |
} |
func Mgo_inits(config model.Mongodb) *mongo.Client { |
mongodb := config.DbBase |
clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI(fmt.Sprintf("mongodb://%v:%v@%v:%v/%v?ssl=false&authSource=admin", config.DbUser, config.Password, config.DbHost, config.DbPort, mongodb)) |
client, err := mongo.Connect(context.TODO(), clientOptions) |
if err != nil { |
log.Printf("connect err: %v", err) |
return client |
} |
// Check the connection
err = client.Ping(context.TODO(), nil) |
if err != nil { |
log.Printf("test connect err: %v", err) |
return client |
} |
fmt.Println("Mongodb ok") |
return client |
} |
func Mgo_initMap(config model.Mongodb, addrList []string) { |
GetStockList(config.Table) |
DataBase = config.DbBase |
for _, addr := range addrList { |
clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI(fmt.Sprintf("mongodb://%v:%v@%v:%v/%v?ssl=false&authSource=admin", config.DbUser, config.Password, addr, config.DbPort, DataBase)) |
client, err := mongo.Connect(context.TODO(), clientOptions) |
if err != nil { |
log.Printf("connect err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
// Check the connection
err = client.Ping(context.TODO(), nil) |
if err != nil { |
os.Exit(0) |
} else { |
applogger.Info("mongodb init success") |
} |
MgoDbClientMap[addr] = client |
} |
} |
// mgoConnect
func mgoConnect(collection string) *mongo.Collection { |
return mgoDb.Database(DataBase).Collection(collection) |
} |
// MgoConnect
func MgoConnect(collection string) *mongo.Collection { |
return mgoConnect(collection) |
} |
// MgoInsertOne
func MgoInsertOne(collection string, docs interface{}) error { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
if _, err := c.InsertOne(context.TODO(), docs); err != nil { |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
// MgoInsertMany
func MgoInsertMany(collection string, docs []interface{}) error { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
if _, err := c.InsertMany(context.TODO(), docs); err != nil { |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
// MgoUpdateID
func MgoUpdateID(collection string, id interface{}, update interface{}) error { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
if _, err := c.UpdateByID(context.TODO(), id, update); err != nil { |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
// MgoUpdateOne
func MgoUpdateOne(collection string, filter interface{}, update interface{}) error { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
if _, err := c.UpdateOne(context.TODO(), filter, update); err != nil { |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
func MgoUpdateOneTrue(collection string, filter interface{}, update interface{}) error { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
opts := options.Update().SetUpsert(true) |
result, err := c.UpdateOne(context.TODO(), filter, update, opts) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
if result.MatchedCount == 0 && result.UpsertedCount > 0 { |
log.Printf("A new document was inserted with the id: %v", result.UpsertedID) |
} else if result.MatchedCount > 0 { |
log.Println("An existing document was updated") |
} else { |
log.Println("No operation was performed") |
} |
return nil |
} |
// MgoUpdateMany
func MgoUpdateMany(collection string, filter interface{}, update interface{}) error { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
if _, err := c.UpdateMany(context.TODO(), filter, update); err != nil { |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
// MgoBulkWrite
func MgoBulkWrite(collection string, models []mongo.WriteModel) error { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
_, err := c.BulkWrite(context.TODO(), models) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("UpdateMany err:%v", err) |
} |
return err |
} |
func MgoBulkWrites(client *mongo.Client, collection string, models []mongo.WriteModel) error { |
c := client.Database(DataBase).Collection(collection) |
_, err := c.BulkWrite(context.TODO(), models) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("UpdateMany err:%v", err) |
} |
return err |
} |
// MgoIsExist
func MgoIsExist(collection string, filter interface{}) bool { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
cur, err := c.Find(context.TODO(), filter) |
if err != nil { |
return false |
} |
var numDocs int |
for cur.Next(context.Background()) { |
numDocs++ |
} |
return numDocs > 0 |
} |
// MgoFind
func MgoFind(collection string, filter interface{}) (interface{}, error) { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
cursor, err := c.Find(context.TODO(), filter, options.Find().SetSort(bson.M{"Vol": -1})) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Find err: %v", err) |
return nil, err |
} |
var results []bson.M |
if err = cursor.All(context.TODO(), &results); err != nil { |
log.Fatal(err) |
} |
return results, nil |
} |
func MgoFindProjectionRes(collection string, filter, projection, sort interface{}, res interface{}, limit int64) { //
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
var optionStr *options.FindOptions |
if limit > 0 { |
optionStr = options.Find().SetProjection(projection).SetSort(sort).SetLimit(limit) |
} else { |
optionStr = options.Find().SetProjection(projection).SetSort(sort) |
} |
cursor, err := c.Find(context.TODO(), filter, optionStr) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Find MgoFindProjectionRes err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
if err = cursor.All(context.TODO(), res); err != nil { |
log.Fatal(err) |
} |
return |
} |
func MgoFindProjectionAggregate(collection, field string, filter, projection, sort interface{}, limit int64) []model.StockMogoParam { //
//fmt.Println(collection, field, filter)
params := make([]model.StockMogoParam, 0) |
pipeline := mongo.Pipeline{ |
{{"$match", filter}}, |
// Convert the string field to a double (floating-point) field
{{"$addFields", bson.D{{"stringVal", bson.D{{"$toDouble", "$" + field}}}}}}, |
// Sort by the new double field
{{"$sort", sort}}, |
// Project only the numeric field
// {{"$project", projection}},
// Limit to one document to get the single sorted numeric value
{{"$limit", limit}}, |
} |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
aggregate, err := c.Aggregate(context.TODO(), pipeline) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoPagingFind info err:%v", err) |
return params |
} |
if aggregate.Next(context.TODO()) { |
param := model.StockMogoParam{} |
if err = aggregate.Decode(¶m); err != nil { |
log.Fatal(err) |
} |
params = append(params, param) |
} |
//fmt.Printf("%+v", params)
return params |
} |
func MgoFindRes(collection string, filter interface{}, res interface{}) { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
cursor, err := c.Find(context.TODO(), filter, options.Find().SetSort(bson.M{"timestamp": 1})) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Find err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
if err = cursor.All(context.TODO(), res); err != nil { |
log.Fatal(err) |
} |
return |
} |
func MgoFindStockRes(collection string, filter interface{}, res interface{}) { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
cursor, err := c.Find(context.TODO(), filter, options.Find().SetSort(bson.M{"Vol": -1})) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Find err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
if err = cursor.All(context.TODO(), res); err != nil { |
log.Fatal(err) |
} |
return |
} |
// MgoFindOne
func MgoFindOne(collection string, filter interface{}) (bson.M, error) { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
cur := c.FindOne(context.TODO(), filter) |
var res bson.M |
if err := cur.Decode(&res); err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
return res, nil |
} |
// MgoFindAll
func MgoFindAll(collection string, filter interface{}) (interface{}, error) { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
cur, err := c.Find(context.TODO(), filter) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
var res interface{} |
if err := cur.All(context.TODO(), &res); err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
return res, err |
} |
// MgoDeleteOne
func MgoDeleteOne(collection string, filter interface{}) error { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
_, err := c.DeleteOne(context.TODO(), filter) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
// MgoDeleteMany
func MgoDeleteMany(collection string, filter interface{}) error { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
_, err := c.DeleteMany(context.TODO(), filter) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
func MillisToTime(millis int64) time.Time { |
return time.Unix(0, millis*int64(time.Millisecond)) |
} |
// MgoDeleteMany100List
func MgoDeleteMany100List(collection string, filter interface{}, code string) error { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
var count int64 = 100 |
// 查询所有文档并排序
findOptions := options.Find().SetSort(bson.D{{"tick_time", -1}}).SetLimit(count) |
cursor, err := c.Find(context.Background(), filter, findOptions) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Find err:%v", err) |
return err |
} |
var docs []bson.M |
if err = cursor.All(context.Background(), &docs); err != nil { |
return err |
} |
if len(docs) < 100 { |
return nil |
} |
//applogger.Debug("总数据:%v", len(docs))
// 获取最新N条记录的创建时间
var latestTimes []time.Time |
for _, doc := range docs { |
createdAt := MillisToTime(doc["tick_time"].(int64)) |
latestTimes = append(latestTimes, createdAt) |
} |
// 按时间排序,保证时间最新的在前面
sort.Slice(latestTimes, func(i, j int) bool { |
return latestTimes[i].After(latestTimes[j]) |
}) |
times := latestTimes[count-1].UnixNano() / 1e6 // 转换为毫秒
//applogger.Debug("需要删除的时间节点:%v,时间:%v", latestTimes[count-1], times)
// 删除旧的数据,保留最新的N条
deleteFilter := bson.M{ |
"tick_time": bson.M{ |
"$lt": times, |
}, |
"code": code, |
} |
_, err = c.DeleteMany(context.Background(), deleteFilter) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
//applogger.Debug("Deleted %v documents", deleteResult.DeletedCount)
return nil |
} |
func MgoFindResM(collection string, filter interface{}) ([]mongo.WriteModel, error) { |
var results []mongo.WriteModel |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
cur, err := c.Find(context.TODO(), filter, options.Find().SetSort(bson.M{"timestamp": 1})) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Find err: %v", err) |
return results, err |
} |
if err = cur.All(context.TODO(), &results); err != nil { |
log.Fatal(err) |
} |
return results, nil |
} |
// MgoPagingFind
func MgoPagingFind(collection string, filter interface{}, limit, page int64, sort int) ([]bson.M, error) { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
var optionStr *options.FindOptions |
if sort != 0 { |
optionStr = options.Find().SetLimit(limit).SetSkip((limit * page) - limit).SetSort(bson.M{"Code": sort}) |
} else { |
optionStr = options.Find().SetLimit(limit).SetSkip((limit * page) - limit) |
} |
fmt.Println(filter) |
cur, err := c.Find(context.Background(), filter, optionStr) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoPagingFind info err:%v", err) |
return nil, err |
} |
var results []bson.M |
if err = cur.All(context.TODO(), &results); err != nil { |
log.Fatal(err) |
} |
return results, err |
} |
func MgoPagingFindStruct(collection string, filter interface{}, limit, page int64, sortField string, sort int, res interface{}) error { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
var optionStr *options.FindOptions |
optionStr = options.Find().SetLimit(limit).SetSkip((limit * page) - limit).SetSort(bson.M{sortField: sort}) |
cur, err := c.Find(context.Background(), filter, optionStr) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoPagingFind info err:%v", err) |
return err |
} |
if err = cur.All(context.TODO(), res); err != nil { |
log.Fatal(err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
func MgoPagingFindStructList(collection string, filter interface{}, limit, page int64, sortStr string, sort int, res interface{}) error { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
var optionStr *options.FindOptions |
optionStr = options.Find().SetLimit(limit).SetSkip((limit * page) - limit).SetSort(bson.M{sortStr: sort}) |
cur, err := c.Find(context.Background(), filter, optionStr) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoPagingFind info err:%v", err) |
return err |
} |
if err = cur.All(context.TODO(), res); err != nil { |
log.Fatal(err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
func MgoPagingFindStructSort(collection string, filter interface{}, limit, page int64, sort interface{}, res interface{}) error { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
var optionStr *options.FindOptions |
optionStr = options.Find().SetLimit(limit).SetSkip((limit * page) - limit).SetSort(sort) |
cur, err := c.Find(context.Background(), filter, optionStr) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoPagingFind info err:%v", err) |
return err |
} |
if err = cur.All(context.TODO(), res); err != nil { |
log.Fatal(err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
func MgoPagingFindStructProjection(collection string, filter, projection interface{}, limit, page int64, sort int, res interface{}) error { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
var optionStr *options.FindOptions |
optionStr = options.Find().SetLimit(limit).SetSkip((limit * page) - limit).SetSort(bson.M{"Vol": sort}).SetProjection(projection) |
cur, err := c.Find(context.Background(), filter, optionStr) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoPagingFind info err:%v", err) |
return err |
} |
if err = cur.All(context.TODO(), res); err != nil { |
log.Fatal(err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
func MgoPagingFindStructProjectionNew(mongoClient *mongo.Client, collection string, filter, projection interface{}, limit, page int64, sort int, res interface{}) error { |
// 链接mongodb数据库
c := mongoClient.Database(DataBase).Collection(collection) |
// 查询mongodb数据
var optionStr *options.FindOptions |
optionStr = options.Find().SetLimit(limit).SetSkip((limit * page) - limit).SetSort(bson.M{"Vol": sort}).SetProjection(projection) |
cur, err := c.Find(context.Background(), filter, optionStr) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoPagingFind info err:%v,dataTable Name:%v", err, collection) |
return err |
} |
if err = cur.All(context.TODO(), res); err != nil { |
log.Fatal(err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
func MgoFindToStr(collection string, filter interface{}, limit int64, res interface{}) error { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
var optionStr *options.FindOptions |
if limit > 0 { |
optionStr = options.Find().SetLimit(limit).SetSort(bson.M{"timestamp": -1}) |
} else { |
optionStr = options.Find().SetSort(bson.M{"timestamp": -1}) |
} |
cur, err := c.Find(context.Background(), filter, optionStr) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoPagingFind info err:%v", err) |
return err |
} |
if err = cur.All(context.TODO(), res); err != nil { |
log.Fatal(err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
func MgoFindForexToStr(collection string, filter interface{}, limit int64, res interface{}) error { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
var optionStr *options.FindOptions |
if limit > 0 { |
optionStr = options.Find().SetLimit(limit).SetSort(bson.M{"tick_time": -1}) |
} else { |
optionStr = options.Find().SetSort(bson.M{"tick_time": -1}) |
} |
cur, err := c.Find(context.Background(), filter, optionStr) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoPagingFind info err:%v", err) |
return err |
} |
if err = cur.All(context.TODO(), res); err != nil { |
log.Fatal(err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
func MgoLimitFind(collection string, filter interface{}, limit int64) ([]MongoTick, error) { |
res := make([]MongoTick, 0) |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
var optionStr *options.FindOptions |
if limit > 0 { |
optionStr = options.Find().SetLimit(limit).SetSort(bson.M{"code": -1}) |
} else { |
optionStr = options.Find().SetSort(bson.M{"code": -1}) |
} |
cur, err := c.Find(context.Background(), filter, optionStr) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoPagingFind info err:%v", err) |
return nil, err |
} |
//var results []bson.M
if err = cur.All(context.TODO(), &res); err != nil { |
log.Fatal(err) |
} |
return res, err |
} |
func MgoFinds(collection string, filter interface{}, limit int64) ([]bson.M, error) { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
var optionStr *options.FindOptions |
if limit > 0 { |
optionStr = options.Find().SetLimit(limit).SetSort(bson.M{"timestamp": -1}) |
} else { |
optionStr = options.Find().SetSort(bson.M{"timestamp": -1}) |
} |
cur, err := c.Find(context.Background(), filter, optionStr) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoPagingFind info err:%v", err) |
return nil, err |
} |
var results []bson.M |
if err = cur.All(context.TODO(), &results); err != nil { |
log.Fatal(err) |
} |
return results, err |
} |
func MgoFindsCode(collection string, filter interface{}, limit int64) ([]bson.M, error) { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
var optionStr *options.FindOptions |
if limit > 0 { |
optionStr = options.Find().SetLimit(limit).SetSort(bson.M{"code": -1}) |
} else { |
optionStr = options.Find().SetSort(bson.M{"code": -1}) |
} |
cur, err := c.Find(context.Background(), filter, optionStr) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoPagingFind info err:%v", err) |
return nil, err |
} |
var results []bson.M |
if err = cur.All(context.TODO(), &results); err != nil { |
log.Fatal(err) |
} |
return results, err |
} |
func MgoFindProjection(collection string, filter, projection, sort interface{}, limit int64) ([]bson.M, error) { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
var optionStr *options.FindOptions |
if limit > 0 { |
optionStr = options.Find().SetLimit(limit).SetSort(sort).SetProjection(projection) |
} else { |
optionStr = options.Find().SetSort(sort).SetProjection(projection) |
} |
cur, err := c.Find(context.Background(), filter, optionStr) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoPagingFind info err:%v", err) |
return nil, err |
} |
var results []bson.M |
if err = cur.All(context.TODO(), &results); err != nil { |
log.Fatal(err) |
} |
return results, err |
} |
// MgoFindTotal
func MgoFindTotal(collection string, filter interface{}) (int64, error) { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
total, err := c.CountDocuments(context.TODO(), filter) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoPagingFind info err:%v", err) |
return 0, err |
} |
return total, nil |
} |
// MgoAggregate
func MgoAggregate(collection string, filter mongo.Pipeline) (interface{}, error) { |
c := mgoConnect(collection) |
aggregate, err := c.Aggregate(context.TODO(), filter) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("MgoPagingFind info err:%v", err) |
return 0, err |
} |
var showsWithInfo []map[string]interface{} |
if err = aggregate.All(context.TODO(), &showsWithInfo); err != nil { |
log.Printf("collection %s", err) |
panic(err) |
} |
return showsWithInfo, nil |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
package data |
import ( |
"database/sql" |
_ "" |
"" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model" |
) |
var Engine *xorm.EngineGroup |
var DB *sql.DB |
// InitMysql Init Mysql DB
func InitMysql(config model.Bourse) { |
var err error |
driver := config.Driver |
datasource := config.Datasource |
conns := []string{ |
datasource, |
} |
Engine, err = xorm.NewEngineGroup(driver, conns, xorm.RandomPolicy()) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("orm failed to initialized: %v", err) |
panic(err) |
} |
Engine.ShowExecTime(true) |
Engine.ShowSQL(true) |
Engine.SetMaxOpenConns(500) |
err = Engine.Ping() |
if err != nil { |
panic(err) |
} |
} |
func InitMsqlDB(config model.Bourse) { |
// root:IcWw%%r3pt@tcp(
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", config.Datasource) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Datasource open err: %v", err) |
return |
} |
DB = db |
return |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ |
package mysqlbusiness |
import ( |
"strconv" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/internal" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/sqlmodel" |
) |
// SaveBoUserSms
func SaveBoUserSms(userSms sqlmodel.BoUserSms) error { |
boUserSms := &sqlmodel.BoUserSms{ |
From: userSms.From, |
To: userSms.To, |
Message: userSms.Message, |
TaskId: userSms.TaskId, |
MessageResult: userSms.MessageResult, |
CreateTime: time.Now(), |
UpdateTime: time.Now(), |
} |
if _, err := data.Engine.Table("bo_user_sms").Insert(boUserSms); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("SaveBoUserSms info err: %v", err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
// SaveBoUsers
func SaveBoUsers(phoneNumber string, password string, InvitationCode string) (string, error) { |
token, err := internal.GetToken() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("select token err:%v", err) |
return "生成token失败,请联系管理员", err |
} |
uid := internal.Captcha(10) |
phone, err := strconv.Atoi(phoneNumber) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Atoi err: %v", err) |
return "电话号码解析失败,请联系管理员", err |
} |
bom := sqlmodel.BoUsers{ |
Uid: uid, |
Phonenumber: int64(phone), |
Loginpassword: password, |
Invitecode: InvitationCode, |
Accesstoken: token, |
Status: 1, |
Addtime: time.Now(), |
Updatetime: time.Now(), |
} |
checkInt, err := data.Engine.Table("bo_users").Insert(&bom) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("SaveBoUsers Insert err: %v", err) |
return "", err |
} |
applogger.Debug("新增数据:%v", checkInt) |
if checkInt == 0 { |
return "注册用户失败", nil |
} |
return "注册用户成功", nil |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ |
package mysqlbusiness |
import ( |
"strconv" |
"wss-pool/internal" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/sqlmodel" |
) |
// GetBoUserOptionalStocksNew
func GetBoUserOptionalStocksNew(bourseType, systemBoursesId int, userId int64) ([]sqlmodel.BoUserOptionalStocks, error) { |
var bom []sqlmodel.BoUserOptionalStocks |
if err := data.Engine.Table("bo_user_optional_stocks"). |
Where("bourseType = ?", bourseType). |
Where("systemBoursesId = ?", systemBoursesId). |
Where("userId = ?", userId). |
Desc("id"). |
Find(&bom); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("GetBoUserOptionalStocksNew find info err: %v", err) |
return nil, err |
} |
return bom, nil |
} |
// GetBoUsers
func GetBoUsers(token string) (bool, int64, error) { |
var bom []sqlmodel.BoUsers |
err := data.Engine.Table("bo_users"). |
Where("accessToken=?", token). |
Where("status=1"). |
Where("deleteTime is null"). |
Find(&bom) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("GetBoUsers info err: %v", err) |
return false, 0, err |
} |
for _, value := range bom { |
return true, value.Id, nil |
} |
return false, 0, nil |
} |
// GetBoUsersByPhoneNumber
func GetBoUsersByPhoneNumber(phoneNumber string) (string, error) { |
phone, err := strconv.Atoi(phoneNumber) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Atoi err: %v", err) |
return "电话号码解析失败,请联系管理员", err |
} |
var bom []sqlmodel.BoUsers |
err = data.Engine.Table("bo_users"). |
Where("phoneNumber=?", phone). |
Where("status=1"). |
Where("deleteTime is null"). |
Find(&bom) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("GetBoUsersByPhoneNumber info err: %v", err) |
return "注册异常请联系管理员", err |
} |
applogger.Debug("查询数据信息:", bom) |
if len(bom) > 0 { |
return "用户已经存在", nil |
} |
return "", nil |
} |
// GetBoUsersByPhoneAndPassWord
func GetBoUsersByPhoneAndPassWord(phoneNumber string, password string) (string, error) { |
token, err := internal.GetToken() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("select token err:%v", err) |
return "生成token失败,请联系管理员", err |
} |
phone, err := strconv.Atoi(phoneNumber) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Atoi err: %v", err) |
return "电话号码解析失败,请联系管理员", err |
} |
var u sqlmodel.UsersJson |
query := "select id,uid,accessToken from bo_users where phoneNumber=? and loginPassword=? and status=1 and deleteTime is null limit 1" |
if err := data.DB.QueryRow(query, phone, password).Scan(&u.Id, &u.Uid, &u.AccessToken); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("QueryRow err:%v", err) |
if err.Error() == "sql: no rows in result set" { |
return "用户不存在", err |
} |
return "登录异常请联系管理员", err |
} |
if err = UpdateBoUsersTokenById(u.Id, token); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("update info err: %v", err) |
return "更新token失败,请联系管理员", err |
} |
return token, nil |
} |
func GetBoUserTerminalEquipments(userId int64) error { |
var bom []sqlmodel.BoUserTerminalEquipments |
if err := data.Engine.Table("bo_user_terminal_equipments").Where("userId = ?", userId).Find(&bom); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("SaveBoUserSms info err: %v", err) |
return err |
} |
applogger.Debug("查询数据信息:%v", bom) |
return nil |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ |
package mysqlbusiness |
import ( |
"" |
"strconv" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/sqlmodel" |
) |
// UpdateBoUserSms
func UpdateBoUserSms(userSms sqlmodel.BoUserSms) error { |
_, err := data.Engine.Table("bo_user_sms"). |
Where("`from` = ?", userSms.From). |
Where("`to` = ?", userSms.To). |
Where("task_id = ?", userSms.TaskId). |
Where("message = ?", userSms.Message). |
Update(&userSms) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("UpdateBoUserSms info err:%v", err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
// UpdateBoUsersById
func UpdateBoUsersById(phoneNumber string, password string) (string, error) { |
phone, err := strconv.Atoi(phoneNumber) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Atoi err: %v", err) |
return "电话号码解析失败,请联系管理员", err |
} |
sqlStr := "UPDATE bo_users set loginPassword=? where phoneNumber=? and status=1" |
_, err = data.DB.Exec(sqlStr, password, phone) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Login User verification failed.", zap.Error(err)) |
return "修改密码异常请联系管理员", err |
} |
return "密码修改成功", nil |
} |
// UpdateBoUsersTokenById
func UpdateBoUsersTokenById(id int64, accessToken string) error { |
sqlStr := "UPDATE bo_users set accessToken=? where id=? and status=1" |
_, err := data.DB.Exec(sqlStr, accessToken, id) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Login User verification failed.", zap.Error(err)) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
// UpdateBoUsersById
func UpdateBoUsersPassWordByPhoneNumber(phoneNumber string, password string) (string, error) { |
phone, err := strconv.Atoi(phoneNumber) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Atoi err: %v", err) |
return "电话号码解析失败,请联系管理员", err |
} |
//sqlStr := "UPDATE bo_users set loginPassword=? where phoneNumber=? and status=1"
//_, err = data.DB.Exec(sqlStr, password, phone)
//if err != nil {
// applogger.Error("Login User verification failed.", zap.Error(err))
// return "修改密码异常请联系管理员", err
bom := sqlmodel.BoUsers{ |
Loginpassword: password, |
} |
checkInt, err := data.Engine.Table("bo_users"). |
Where("phoneNumber=?", phone). |
Where("status=1"). |
Update(&bom) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("UpdateBoUsersPassWordByPhoneNumber info err: %v", err) |
return "修改密码异常请联系管理员", err |
} |
if checkInt == 0 { |
return "修改密码失败", nil |
} |
return "修改密码成功", nil |
} |
// UpdateBoUsersById
func UpdateBoUsersPhoneNumberById(phoneNumber string, id int64) (string, error) { |
phone, err := strconv.Atoi(phoneNumber) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Atoi err: %v", err) |
return "电话号码解析失败,请联系管理员", err |
} |
sqlStr := "UPDATE bo_users set phoneNumber=? where id=? and status=1" |
_, err = data.DB.Exec(sqlStr, phone, id) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Login User verification failed.", zap.Error(err)) |
return "设置手机号异常请联系管理员", err |
} |
return "设置手机号成功", err |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
package gzip |
import ( |
"bytes" |
"compress/gzip" |
"io/ioutil" |
) |
// 使用gzip解压缩数据
func DecompressData(compressedData []byte) ([]byte, error) { |
buf := bytes.NewReader(compressedData) |
decompressor, err := gzip.NewReader(buf) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
defer decompressor.Close() |
result, err := ioutil.ReadAll(decompressor) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
return result, nil |
} |
func GZipDecompress(input []byte) (string, error) { |
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(input) |
reader, gzipErr := gzip.NewReader(buf) |
if gzipErr != nil { |
return "", gzipErr |
} |
defer reader.Close() |
result, readErr := ioutil.ReadAll(reader) |
if readErr != nil { |
return "", readErr |
} |
return string(result), nil |
} |
func GZipCompress(input string) ([]byte, error) { |
var buf bytes.Buffer |
gz := gzip.NewWriter(&buf) |
_, err := gz.Write([]byte(input)) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
err = gz.Flush() |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
err = gz.Close() |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
return buf.Bytes(), nil |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ |
package internal |
import ( |
"bytes" |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"io" |
"io/ioutil" |
"mime/multipart" |
"net/http" |
"strings" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/logging/perflogger" |
) |
var ( |
ResultStr = "" |
QueryError = "Query failed" |
QuerySuccess = "query was successful" |
QueryToken = "Token failure" |
ParameterError = "参数错误" |
PhoneError = "电话号码不正确" |
PassWordError = "密码不正确" |
TokenError = "登录成功并且生成新的token" |
UserIdError = "用户Id不正确" |
CodeError = "验证码不正确" |
) |
func HttpGet(url string) (string, error) { |
resp, err := http.Get(url) |
if err != nil { |
return "", err |
} |
defer resp.Body.Close() |
result, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("ioutil.ReadAll err: %v", err) |
return "", err |
} |
return string(result), err |
} |
// 统一请求Get方法
func HttpGetApi(url string) (map[string]interface{}, error) { |
logger := perflogger.GetInstance() |
logger.Start() |
resp, err := http.Get(url) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
defer resp.Body.Close() |
//logger.StopAndLog("GET", url)
var status map[string]interface{} |
if err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&status); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("NewDecoder err: %v", err) |
return nil, err |
} |
return status, err |
} |
func GetWithHeader(url string, headers map[string]string) (map[string]interface{}, error) { |
client := &http.Client{} |
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
for key, header := range headers { |
req.Header.Set(key, header) |
} |
resp, err := client.Do(req) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
defer resp.Body.Close() |
result, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("select err: %v", err) |
return nil, err |
} |
if strings.Contains(string(result), "html") { |
return nil, nil |
} |
var status map[string]interface{} |
if err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&status); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json NewDecoder err: %v", err) |
return nil, err |
} |
return status, nil |
} |
// 股票静态数据接入
func HttpGetDo(url string) (string, error) { |
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("http NewRequest err: %v", err) |
return "", err |
} |
req.Header.Add("X-RapidAPI-Key", config.Config.ShareGather.RapidApiKey) |
req.Header.Add("X-RapidAPI-Host", config.Config.ShareGather.RapidApiHost) |
res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("http DefaultClient Do err: %v", err) |
return "", err |
} |
defer res.Body.Close() |
body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("io ReadAll err: %v", err) |
return "", err |
} |
return string(body), nil |
} |
func HttpGetDoNew(url string) (map[string]interface{}, error) { |
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("NewRequest err: %v", err) |
return nil, err |
} |
req.Header.Add("X-RapidAPI-Key", config.Config.ShareGather.RapidApiKey) |
req.Header.Add("X-RapidAPI-Host", config.Config.ShareGather.RapidApiHost) |
res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("http DefaultClient Do err: %v", err) |
return nil, err |
} |
defer res.Body.Close() |
var status map[string]interface{} |
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&status); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("json NewDecoder err: %v", err) |
return nil, err |
} |
return status, nil |
} |
func HttpPost(url string, body string) (string, error) { |
resp, err := http.Post(url, "application/json", strings.NewReader(body)) |
if err != nil { |
return "", err |
} |
defer resp.Body.Close() |
result, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) |
if err != nil { |
return "", err |
} |
return string(result), err |
} |
func HttpPostFrom(url string, postData map[string]string) (string, error) { |
fmt.Println(url) |
payload := &bytes.Buffer{} |
w := multipart.NewWriter(payload) |
for k, v := range postData { |
w.WriteField(k, v) |
} |
w.Close() |
client := &http.Client{} |
req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", url, payload) |
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", w.FormDataContentType()) |
resp, err := client.Do(req) |
if err != nil { |
return "", err |
} |
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) |
resp.Body.Close() |
return string(data), err |
} |
// Unified return format
func GinResult(code int, value interface{}, msg string) interface{} { |
return gin.H{ |
"code": code, |
"data": value, |
"message": msg, |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ |
package model |
import ( |
"errors" |
"" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
) |
const ( |
AlreadyReceived int = 2 //已领取
Unclaimed int = 1 //未领取
ModifyContract int = 0 //插针
Market int = 2 //现货
Contract int = 1 //合约
) |
type ContractMarket struct { |
ID int64 `gorm:"column:id;"json:"id"` |
TradeName string `gorm:"column:trade_name;" json:"name"` |
BeginTime string `gorm:"column:begin_time;" json:"begin_time"` |
Step int `gorm:"column:step;" json:"step"` |
EndTime string `gorm:"column:end_time;" json:"end_time"` |
MaxPrice string `gorm:"column:max_price" json:"max_price"` |
IsType int `gorm:"column:type;not null;type:tinyint(2);COMMENT:'0 插针 1 自发合约 2 自发现货 '"json:"type"` |
IsGet int `gorm:"column:is_get;not null;type:tinyint(2);DEFAULT:1;COMMENT:'是否完成(1 未领取 2 已领取 ) '"json:"is_get"` |
KeepDecimal int `gorm:"column:keep_decimal; '"json:"keep_decimal"` |
Gorm *gorm.DB `gorm:"-" json:"-"` |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) TableName() string { |
return "bot_contract_market" |
} |
func NewContractMarket() *ContractMarket { |
ContractMarket := &ContractMarket{} |
ContractMarket.NewGorm() |
return ContractMarket |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) NewGorm() *ContractMarket { |
this.Gorm = data.WebGorm.Table(this.TableName()) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) WhereBegin() *ContractMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Table(this.TableName()).Where("begin_time >= ?", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) WhereID() *ContractMarket { |
if this.ID == 0 { |
this.Gorm.Error = errors.New("param is null") |
return this |
} |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Table(this.TableName()).Where(&ContractMarket{ID: this.ID}) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) WhereName() *ContractMarket { |
if this.TradeName == "" { |
this.Gorm.Error = errors.New("param is null") |
return this |
} |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Table(this.TableName()).Where(&ContractMarket{TradeName: this.TradeName}) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) WhereModifyContract() *ContractMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Table(this.TableName()).Where("`bot_contract_market`.`type` = ?", ModifyContract) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) WhereInID(ids []int64) *ContractMarket { |
if len(ids) <= 0 { |
this.Gorm.Error = errors.New("param is null") |
return this |
} |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Table(this.TableName()).Where("id in (?)", ids) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) WhereIsTyep() *ContractMarket { |
if this.IsType <= 0 { |
this.Gorm.Error = errors.New("param is null") |
return this |
} |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Table(this.TableName()).Where(&ContractMarket{IsType: this.IsType}) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) WhereIsGet() *ContractMarket { |
if this.IsGet == 0 { |
this.Gorm.Error = errors.New("param is null") |
return this |
} |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Table(this.TableName()).Where(&ContractMarket{IsGet: this.IsGet}) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) Update(record *ContractMarket) *ContractMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Updates(record) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) Create() *ContractMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Create(&this) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) Joins(sql string) *ContractMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Joins(sql) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) Limit(limit int) *ContractMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Limit(limit) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) Offset(Offset int) *ContractMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Offset(Offset) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) First() *ContractMarket { |
Accounts := ContractMarket{} |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.First(&Accounts) |
return &Accounts |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) Assign(ContractMarket *ContractMarket) *ContractMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Assign(ContractMarket) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) FirstOrCreate() *ContractMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.FirstOrCreate(&this) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) Order(value interface{}) *ContractMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Order(value) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) Count() int64 { |
var num int64 |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Count(&num) |
return num |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) Select(column string) *ContractMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Select(column) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) WhereTime(LoginAt string) *ContractMarket { |
if LoginAt == "" { |
this.Gorm.Error = errors.New("date require ") |
return this |
} |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Table(this.TableName()).Where("login_at = ?", LoginAt) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) Pluck(column string, value interface{}) *ContractMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Pluck(column, value) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) Find(list *[]ContractMarket) *ContractMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Find(&list) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) List() (result []ContractMarket) { |
this.IsGet = Unclaimed |
this.WhereIsTyep().WhereIsGet().WhereBegin().WhereName().Order("id asc").Find(&result) |
return result |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) ListModifyContract() (result []ContractMarket) { |
this.IsGet = Unclaimed |
this.Select("l.keep_decimal,bot_contract_market.*").WhereModifyContract().Joins("inner join bot_contract_list l on l.trade_name = bot_contract_market.trade_name").WhereIsGet().Order("id asc").Find(&result) |
return result |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) UpdateIsGet(ids []int64) error { |
this.IsGet = Unclaimed |
return this.WhereInID(ids).WhereIsGet().Update(&ContractMarket{IsGet: AlreadyReceived}).Gorm.Error |
} |
func (this *ContractMarket) UpdateIsGetOne() error { |
this.IsGet = Unclaimed |
return this.WhereID().WhereIsGet().Update(&ContractMarket{IsGet: AlreadyReceived}).Gorm.Error |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ |
package model |
import ( |
"errors" |
"" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/internal/data" |
) |
const ( |
AlreadyReceivedForex int = 2 //已领取
UnclaimedForex int = 1 //未领取
ModifyForex int = 0 //插针
Forex int = 1 //外汇
) |
type ForexMarket struct { |
ID int64 `gorm:"column:id;"json:"id"` |
TradeName string `gorm:"column:trade_name;" json:"name"` |
BeginTime string `gorm:"column:begin_time;" json:"begin_time"` |
Step int `gorm:"column:step;" json:"step"` |
EndTime string `gorm:"column:end_time;" json:"end_time"` |
MaxPrice string `gorm:"column:max_price" json:"max_price"` |
IsType int `gorm:"column:type;not null;type:tinyint(2);COMMENT:'0 插针 1 自发合约 2 自发现货 '"json:"type"` |
IsGet int `gorm:"column:is_get;not null;type:tinyint(2);DEFAULT:1;COMMENT:'是否完成(1 未领取 2 已领取 ) '"json:"is_get"` |
KeepDecimal int `gorm:"column:keep_decimal; '"json:"keep_decimal"` |
Gorm *gorm.DB `gorm:"-" json:"-"` |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) TableName() string { |
return "bot_forex_market" |
} |
func NewForexMarket() *ForexMarket { |
ForexMarket := &ForexMarket{} |
ForexMarket.NewGorm() |
return ForexMarket |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) NewGorm() *ForexMarket { |
this.Gorm = data.WebGorm.Table(this.TableName()) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) WhereBegin() *ForexMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Table(this.TableName()).Where("begin_time >= ?", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) WhereID() *ForexMarket { |
if this.ID == 0 { |
this.Gorm.Error = errors.New("param is null") |
return this |
} |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Table(this.TableName()).Where(&ForexMarket{ID: this.ID}) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) WhereName() *ForexMarket { |
if this.TradeName == "" { |
this.Gorm.Error = errors.New("param is null") |
return this |
} |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Table(this.TableName()).Where(&ForexMarket{TradeName: this.TradeName}) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) WhereModifyForex() *ForexMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Table(this.TableName()).Where("`bot_forex_market`.`type` = ?", ModifyForex) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) WhereInID(ids []int64) *ForexMarket { |
if len(ids) <= 0 { |
this.Gorm.Error = errors.New("param is null") |
return this |
} |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Table(this.TableName()).Where("id in (?)", ids) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) WhereIsTyep() *ForexMarket { |
if this.IsType <= 0 { |
this.Gorm.Error = errors.New("param is null") |
return this |
} |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Table(this.TableName()).Where(&ForexMarket{IsType: this.IsType}) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) WhereIsGet() *ForexMarket { |
if this.IsGet == 0 { |
this.Gorm.Error = errors.New("param is null") |
return this |
} |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Table(this.TableName()).Where(&ForexMarket{IsGet: this.IsGet}) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) Update(record *ForexMarket) *ForexMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Updates(record) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) Create() *ForexMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Create(&this) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) Joins(sql string) *ForexMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Joins(sql) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) Limit(limit int) *ForexMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Limit(limit) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) Offset(Offset int) *ForexMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Offset(Offset) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) First() *ForexMarket { |
Accounts := ForexMarket{} |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.First(&Accounts) |
return &Accounts |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) Assign(ForexMarket *ForexMarket) *ForexMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Assign(ForexMarket) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) FirstOrCreate() *ForexMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.FirstOrCreate(&this) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) Order(value interface{}) *ForexMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Order(value) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) Count() int64 { |
var num int64 |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Count(&num) |
return num |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) Select(column string) *ForexMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Select(column) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) WhereTime(LoginAt string) *ForexMarket { |
if LoginAt == "" { |
this.Gorm.Error = errors.New("date require ") |
return this |
} |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Table(this.TableName()).Where("login_at = ?", LoginAt) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) Pluck(column string, value interface{}) *ForexMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Pluck(column, value) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) Find(list *[]ForexMarket) *ForexMarket { |
this.Gorm = this.Gorm.Find(&list) |
return this |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) List() (result []ForexMarket) { |
this.IsGet = UnclaimedForex |
this.WhereIsTyep().WhereIsGet().WhereBegin().WhereName().Order("id asc").Find(&result) |
return result |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) ListModifyForex() (result []ForexMarket) { |
this.IsGet = UnclaimedForex |
this.Select("l.keep_decimal,bot_forex_market.*").WhereModifyForex().Joins("inner join bot_forex_list l on l.trade_name = bot_forex_market.trade_name").WhereIsGet().Order("id asc").Find(&result) |
return result |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) UpdateIsGet(ids []int64) error { |
this.IsGet = UnclaimedForex |
return this.WhereInID(ids).WhereIsGet().Update(&ForexMarket{IsGet: AlreadyReceivedForex}).Gorm.Error |
} |
func (this *ForexMarket) UpdateIsGetOne() error { |
this.IsGet = UnclaimedForex |
return this.WhereID().WhereIsGet().Update(&ForexMarket{IsGet: AlreadyReceivedForex}).Gorm.Error |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ |
package model |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
) |
type PingMessage struct { |
Ping int64 `json:"ping"` |
} |
type SymbolMessage struct { |
Type string `json:"type"` |
Symbol string `json:"symbol"` |
} |
func ParsePingMessage(message string) *PingMessage { |
result := PingMessage{} |
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(message), &result) |
if err != nil { |
return nil |
} |
return &result |
} |
func SubMessage(message string) *SymbolMessage { |
result := SymbolMessage{} |
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(message), &result) |
applogger.Info("ws param %v", message) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("subMessage", err) |
return nil |
} |
return &result |
} |
func ReturnValue(str string) string { |
pongMsg := fmt.Sprintf("{\"type\": \"%v\"}", str) |
return pongMsg |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
package model |
import "encoding/json" |
type PingV1Message struct { |
Op string `json:"op"` |
Timestamp int64 `json:"ts"` |
} |
func (p *PingV1Message) IsPing() bool { |
return p != nil && p.Op == "ping" && p.Timestamp != 0 |
} |
func ParsePingV1Message(message string) *PingV1Message { |
result := PingV1Message{} |
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(message), &result) |
if err != nil { |
return nil |
} |
return &result |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
package model |
import "encoding/json" |
type PingV2Message struct { |
Action string `json:"action"` |
Data *struct { |
Timestamp int64 `json:"ts"` |
} |
} |
func (p *PingV2Message) IsPing() bool { |
return p != nil && p.Action == "ping" && p.Data.Timestamp != 0 |
} |
func ParsePingV2Message(message string) *PingV2Message { |
result := PingV2Message{} |
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(message), &result) |
if err != nil { |
return nil |
} |
return &result |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
package model |
type WebSocketV1AuthenticationRequest struct { |
Op string `json:"op"` |
AccessKeyId string |
SignatureMethod string |
SignatureVersion string |
Timestamp string |
Signature string |
} |
func (p *WebSocketV1AuthenticationRequest) Init() *WebSocketV1AuthenticationRequest { |
p.Op = "auth" |
p.SignatureMethod = "HmacSHA256" |
p.SignatureVersion = "2" |
return p |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ |
package model |
type WebSocketV2AuthenticationRequest struct { |
Action string `json:"action"` |
Ch string `json:"ch"` |
Params *Params `json:"params"` |
} |
type Params struct { |
AuthType string `json:"authType"` |
AccessKey string `json:"accessKey"` |
SignatureMethod string `json:"signatureMethod"` |
SignatureVersion string `json:"signatureVersion"` |
Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` |
Signature string `json:"signature"` |
} |
func (p *WebSocketV2AuthenticationRequest) Init() *WebSocketV2AuthenticationRequest { |
p.Action = "req" |
p.Ch = "auth" |
p.Params = new(Params) |
p.Params.AuthType = "api" |
p.Params.SignatureMethod = "HmacSHA256" |
p.Params.SignatureVersion = "2.1" |
return p |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
package mq |
import ( |
"" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
) |
var Rdb *redis.Client |
const ( |
PublishKey = "websocket" |
) |
func init() { |
Rdb = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{ |
Addr: "localhost:6379", |
Password: "", |
DB: 0, |
}) |
} |
// Publish 发布消息到redis
// channel是发布的目标信道
// payload是要发布的消息内容
func Publish(channel string, payload string) error { |
var err error |
applogger.Debug("[Redis] publish [%s]: %s", channel, payload) |
err = Rdb.Publish(channel, payload).Err() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("[Redis] pulish error: %s", err.Error()) |
return err |
} |
return err |
} |
// Subscribe 订阅redis消息
// channel是订阅的目标信道
func Subscribe(channel string) (string, error) { |
applogger.Info("[Redis] subscribe [%s]", channel) |
sub := Rdb.Subscribe(channel) |
msg, err := sub.ReceiveMessage() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("[Redis] subscribe [%s]", channel) |
return "", err |
} |
applogger.Debug("[Redis] subscribe [%s]: %s", channel, msg.String()) |
return msg.Payload, err |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
package mq |
import ( |
"testing" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
) |
// TestPublish 测试发布消息到redis
func TestPublish(t *testing.T) { |
msg := "当前时间: " + time.Now().Format("15:04:05") |
applogger.Debug("[publish] msg: %s", msg) |
err := Publish(PublishKey, msg) |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("publish error: %s", err.Error()) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ |
package internal |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"" |
"strconv" |
"strings" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model" |
) |
// Analysis of spot parameters
func StrParamStr(c *gin.Context) (*model.SpotsModel, error) { |
var paramModel model.SpotsModel |
err := c.BindJSON(¶mModel) |
if err != nil { |
return ¶mModel, err |
} |
return ¶mModel, err |
} |
// Contract parameter analysis
func ContractStr(c *gin.Context) (*model.ContractModel, error) { |
var paramModel model.ContractModel |
err := c.BindJSON(¶mModel) |
if err != nil { |
return ¶mModel, err |
} |
return ¶mModel, err |
} |
// Empty character replacement
func ReplaceStr(value string) string { |
return strings.Replace(value, " ", "", 1) |
} |
// Integer conversion
func IntegerInit(value string) int { |
in, err := strconv.Atoi(value) |
if err != nil { |
return 0 |
} |
return in |
} |
// TimeMaoSendToString int64 - string
func TimeMaoSendToString(i int64) string { |
layout := "2006-01-02 15:04:05.000" |
t := time.Unix(0, i*int64(time.Microsecond)) |
return t.Format(layout) |
} |
// TimeDateToMaoSend time - int64
func TimeDateToMaoSend(t time.Time) int64 { |
now := time.Now() |
fmt.Println(now) |
return now.UnixMicro() |
} |
// TimeStringToTime string - time
func TimeStringToTime(t string) time.Time { |
timeLayout := "2006-01-02 15:04:05" |
loc, err := time.LoadLocation("Local") |
if err != nil { |
return time.Time{} |
} |
theTime, err := time.ParseInLocation(timeLayout, t, loc) |
if err != nil { |
return time.Time{} |
} |
return theTime |
} |
// TimeStringToIn64 string - int64
func TimeStringToIn64(t string) int64 { |
timeLayout := "2006-01-02 15:04:05" |
loc, err := time.LoadLocation("Local") |
if err != nil { |
return int64(0) |
} |
theTime, err := time.ParseInLocation(timeLayout, t, loc) |
if err != nil { |
return int64(0) |
} |
return theTime.UnixMicro() |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ |
package pubsub |
import ( |
"sync" |
"time" |
) |
type ( |
subscriber chan interface{} //订阅者,类型为管道
topicFunc func(v interface{}) bool //主题,是一个过滤器函数
) |
// 发布者对象
type publisher struct { |
m sync.RWMutex //读写锁
buffer int //订阅队列缓存大小
timeout time.Duration //发布超时时间
subscribers map[subscriber]topicFunc //订阅者信息
} |
// 构建一个新的发布者对象
func NewPublisher(buffer int, publishTimeout time.Duration) *publisher { |
return &publisher{ |
m: sync.RWMutex{}, |
buffer: buffer, |
timeout: publishTimeout, |
subscribers: make(map[subscriber]topicFunc), |
} |
} |
// 添加一个新的订阅者,订阅过滤器筛选后的主题
func (p *publisher) SubscriberTopic(topic topicFunc) chan interface{} { |
ch := make(chan interface{}, p.buffer) |
p.m.Lock() |
defer p.m.Unlock() |
p.subscribers[ch] = topic |
return ch |
} |
// 添加一个订阅者,订阅所有主题
func (p *publisher) SubscriberAllTopic() chan interface{} { |
return p.SubscriberTopic(nil) |
} |
// 退出订阅
func (p *publisher) Exict(sub chan interface{}) { |
p.m.Lock() |
defer p.m.Unlock() |
delete(p.subscribers, sub) |
close(sub) |
} |
// 关闭发布者对象,同时关闭所有订阅者管道
func (p *publisher) Close() { |
p.m.Lock() |
defer p.m.Unlock() |
for sub := range p.subscribers { |
close(sub) |
delete(p.subscribers, sub) |
} |
} |
// 发布一个主题
func (p *publisher) Publish(v interface{}) { |
p.m.RLock() |
defer p.m.RUnlock() |
wg := sync.WaitGroup{} |
for sub, topic := range p.subscribers { //向所有的订阅者管道发送主题
wg.Add(1) |
go p.SendTopic(sub, topic, v, &wg) |
} |
} |
// 向订阅者发送主题
func (p *publisher) SendTopic(sub subscriber, topic topicFunc, v interface{}, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { |
defer wg.Done() |
if topic != nil && !topic(v) { //订阅者未订阅这个主题,不发送
return |
} |
select { |
case sub <- v: |
case <-time.After(p.timeout): //超时后就不再发送
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ |
package pubsub |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"strings" |
"testing" |
"time" |
) |
func Test_NewPublisher(t *testing.T) { |
publisher := NewPublisher(3, 5*time.Second) |
all := publisher.SubscriberAllTopic() |
golang := publisher.SubscriberTopic(func(v interface{}) bool { |
if s, ok := v.(string); ok { |
return strings.Contains(s, "golang") |
} |
return false |
}) |
publisher.Publish("hello world") |
publisher.Publish("hello golang") |
go func() { |
for i := range all { |
fmt.Println("all:", i) |
} |
}() |
go func() { |
for i := range golang { |
fmt.Println("golang:", i) |
} |
}() |
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) |
publisher.Close() |
fmt.Println(<-all, <-golang) //发布者对象关闭后读取的都是nil
} |
@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ |
package redis |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"" |
"os" |
"strconv" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/config" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
) |
var RedisClient *redis.Client |
var RedisClientMap = map[string]*redis.Client{} |
// RedisInit init Redis
func RedisInit(db int) *redis.Client { |
addr := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", config.Config.Redis.Server, config.Config.Redis.Port) |
client := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{ |
Addr: addr, |
DB: db, // use default DB
Password: config.Config.Redis.PassWord, // no password set
}) |
_, err := client.Ping().Result() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Failed to connect to Redis, terminating startup err: %v", err) |
return nil |
} else { |
applogger.Info("redis init success") |
} |
return client |
} |
func RedisInitMap(dbs []string) { |
RedisClientMap = make(map[string]*redis.Client) |
for key, db := range dbs { |
dbInt, _ := strconv.Atoi(db) // 表库
server := config.Config.Redis.Server // Ip
password := config.Config.Redis.PassWord // 密码
addr := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", server, config.Config.Redis.Port) //
client := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{ |
Addr: addr, |
DB: dbInt, |
Password: password, |
}) |
_, err := client.Ping().Result() |
if err != nil { |
os.Exit(dbInt) |
} else { |
applogger.Info("redis init success") |
} |
if key == 0 { |
RedisClient = client |
} |
RedisClientMap[server] = client |
} |
} |
// TODO: 初始化多个Redis客户端
func RedisInitMapList(addrList map[string]string) { |
RedisClientMap = make(map[string]*redis.Client) |
for addr, password := range addrList { |
client := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{ |
Addr: addr, |
DB: 0, |
Password: password, |
}) |
_, err := client.Ping().Result() |
if err != nil { |
os.Exit(0) |
} else { |
applogger.Info("redis init success") |
} |
RedisClientMap[addr] = client |
} |
} |
// Get_Cache_Data Query data through key
func Get_Cache_Data(key string) (string, error) { |
rge, err := RedisClient.Get(key).Result() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Redis Get err: %v", err) |
return "", err |
} |
return rge, nil |
} |
// Get_Cache_Data Query data through key
func Get_Cache_Byte(key string) ([]byte, error) { |
rge, err := RedisClient.Get(key).Bytes() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Redis Get err: %v", err) |
return rge, err |
} |
return rge, nil |
} |
// Set_Cache_Data Set the key lifecycle
func Set_Cache_Data(key string, value interface{}, td int) error { |
if err := RedisClient.Set(key, value, time.Duration(td)*time.Minute).Err(); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Redis Set err: %v", err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
// Get_Cache_Keys Query all keys
func Get_Cache_Keys() ([]string, error) { |
rge, err := RedisClient.Keys("*").Result() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Redis Get err: %v", err) |
return []string{}, err |
} |
return rge, nil |
} |
// Get_Cache_Count Query the total number of Redis
func Get_Cache_Count(key string) (int64, error) { |
rge, err := RedisClient.DbSize().Result() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error("RedisClient DbSize err:%v", err) |
return rge, err |
} |
return rge, nil |
} |
// Set_Cache_Value persistent data
func Set_Cache_Value(key, value string) error { |
if err := RedisClient.Set(key, value, 0).Err(); err != nil { |
applogger.Error("Redis Set err: %v", err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
func HsetMap(key, field string, value interface{}) { |
for k, db := range RedisClientMap { |
applogger.Info("key", key, "field", field, "value", value, "DB", k) |
err := db.HSet(key, field, value).Err() |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("db", k, "存储失败:", err) |
} |
} |
} |
func PublishMap(channel string, message interface{}) { |
for k, db := range RedisClientMap { |
applogger.Info("channel", channel, "DB", k) |
err := db.Publish(channel, message).Err() |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("db", k, "存储失败:", err) |
} |
} |
} |
func ScanMap(prefix string) map[string][]string { |
scanMap := make(map[string][]string) |
for k, db := range RedisClientMap { |
var keys []string |
var err error |
keys, err = db.Keys(prefix + "*").Result() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error(err.Error()) |
} |
scanMap[k] = keys |
} |
return scanMap |
} |
func HGetAllMap(db string, key string) (map[string]string, error) { |
return RedisClientMap[db].HGetAll(key).Result() |
} |
func Hset(key, field string, value interface{}) error { |
applogger.Info("key", key, "field", field, "value", value) |
err := RedisClient.HSet(key, field, value).Err() |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("存储失败:", err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
func Expire(key string, expiration time.Duration) error { |
err := RedisClient.Expire(key, expiration).Err() |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Println("设置过期时间:", err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
func Hget(key, field string) (string, error) { |
value, err := RedisClient.HGet(key, field).Result() |
if err != nil { |
return value, err |
} |
return value, nil |
} |
func HGetNew(key, field string, red *redis.Client) (string, error) { |
value, err := red.HGet(key, field).Result() |
if err != nil { |
return value, err |
} |
return value, nil |
} |
func HDel(key string, fields string) error { |
if err := RedisClient.HDel(key, fields).Err(); err != nil { |
fmt.Println("del error:", err) |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
func HGetAll(key string) (map[string]string, error) { |
return RedisClient.HGetAll(key).Result() |
} |
func Scan(prefix string) []string { |
var keys []string |
var err error |
keys, err = RedisClient.Keys(prefix + "*").Result() |
if err != nil { |
applogger.Error(err.Error()) |
} |
return keys |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ |
package requestbuilder |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"net/url" |
"time" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model" |
) |
type PrivateUrlBuilder struct { |
host string |
akKey string |
akValue string |
smKey string |
smValue string |
svKey string |
svValue string |
tKey string |
signer *Signer |
} |
func (p *PrivateUrlBuilder) Init(accessKey string, secretKey string, host string) *PrivateUrlBuilder { |
p.akKey = "AccessKeyId" |
p.akValue = accessKey |
p.smKey = "SignatureMethod" |
p.smValue = "HmacSHA256" |
p.svKey = "SignatureVersion" |
p.svValue = "2" |
p.tKey = "Timestamp" |
||| = host |
p.signer = new(Signer).Init(secretKey) |
return p |
} |
func (p *PrivateUrlBuilder) Build(method string, path string, request *model.GetRequest) string { |
time := time.Now().UTC() |
return p.BuildWithTime(method, path, time, request) |
} |
func (p *PrivateUrlBuilder) BuildWithTime(method string, path string, utcDate time.Time, request *model.GetRequest) string { |
time := utcDate.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05") |
req := new(model.GetRequest).InitFrom(request) |
req.AddParam(p.akKey, p.akValue) |
req.AddParam(p.smKey, p.smValue) |
req.AddParam(p.svKey, p.svValue) |
req.AddParam(p.tKey, time) |
parameters := req.BuildParams() |
signature := p.signer.Sign(method,, path, parameters) |
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s%s?%s&Signature=%s",, path, parameters, url.QueryEscape(signature)) |
return url |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ |
package requestbuilder |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model" |
) |
type PublicUrlBuilder struct { |
host string |
} |
func (p *PublicUrlBuilder) Init(host string) *PublicUrlBuilder { |
||| = host |
return p |
} |
func (p *PublicUrlBuilder) Build(path string, request *model.GetRequest) string { |
if request != nil { |
result := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s%s?%s",, path, request.BuildParams()) |
return result |
} else { |
result := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s%s",, path) |
return result |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
package requestbuilder |
import ( |
"crypto/hmac" |
"crypto/sha256" |
"encoding/base64" |
"strings" |
) |
type Signer struct { |
key []byte |
} |
func (p *Signer) Init(key string) *Signer { |
p.key = []byte(key) |
return p |
} |
func (p *Signer) Sign(method string, host string, path string, parameters string) string { |
if method == "" || host == "" || path == "" || parameters == "" { |
return "" |
} |
var sb strings.Builder |
sb.WriteString(method) |
sb.WriteString("\n") |
sb.WriteString(host) |
sb.WriteString("\n") |
sb.WriteString(path) |
sb.WriteString("\n") |
sb.WriteString(parameters) |
return p.sign(sb.String()) |
} |
func (p *Signer) sign(payload string) string { |
hash := hmac.New(sha256.New, p.key) |
hash.Write([]byte(payload)) |
result := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil)) |
return result |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ |
package requestbuilder |
import ( |
"time" |
"wss-pool/internal/model" |
model2 "wss-pool/pkg/model" |
) |
type WebSocketV1RequestBuilder struct { |
akKey string |
akValue string |
smKey string |
smValue string |
svKey string |
svValue string |
tKey string |
tValue string |
host string |
path string |
signer *Signer |
} |
func (p *WebSocketV1RequestBuilder) Init(accessKey string, secretKey string, host string, path string) *WebSocketV1RequestBuilder { |
p.akKey = "AccessKeyId" |
p.akValue = accessKey |
p.smKey = "SignatureMethod" |
p.smValue = "HmacSHA256" |
p.svKey = "SignatureVersion" |
p.svValue = "2" |
p.tKey = "Timestamp" |
||| = host |
p.path = path |
p.signer = new(Signer).Init(secretKey) |
return p |
} |
func (p *WebSocketV1RequestBuilder) Build() (string, error) { |
time := time.Now().UTC() |
return |
} |
func (p *WebSocketV1RequestBuilder) build(utcDate time.Time) (string, error) { |
time := utcDate.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05") |
req := new(model2.GetRequest).Init() |
req.AddParam(p.akKey, p.akValue) |
req.AddParam(p.smKey, p.smValue) |
req.AddParam(p.svKey, p.svValue) |
req.AddParam(p.tKey, time) |
signature := p.signer.Sign("GET",, p.path, req.BuildParams()) |
auth := new(model.WebSocketV1AuthenticationRequest).Init() |
auth.AccessKeyId = p.akValue |
auth.Timestamp = time |
auth.Signature = signature |
result, err := model2.ToJson(auth) |
return result, err |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ |
package requestbuilder |
import ( |
"time" |
"wss-pool/internal/model" |
model2 "wss-pool/pkg/model" |
) |
type WebSocketV2RequestBuilder struct { |
akKey string |
akValue string |
smKey string |
smValue string |
svKey string |
svValue string |
tKey string |
tValue string |
host string |
path string |
signer *Signer |
} |
func (p *WebSocketV2RequestBuilder) Init(accessKey string, secretKey string, host string, path string) *WebSocketV2RequestBuilder { |
p.akKey = "accessKey" |
p.akValue = accessKey |
p.smKey = "signatureMethod" |
p.smValue = "HmacSHA256" |
p.svKey = "signatureVersion" |
p.svValue = "2.1" |
p.tKey = "timestamp" |
||| = host |
p.path = path |
p.signer = new(Signer).Init(secretKey) |
return p |
} |
func (p *WebSocketV2RequestBuilder) Build() (string, error) { |
time := time.Now().UTC() |
return |
} |
func (p *WebSocketV2RequestBuilder) build(utcDate time.Time) (string, error) { |
time := utcDate.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05") |
req := new(model2.GetRequest).Init() |
req.AddParam(p.akKey, p.akValue) |
req.AddParam(p.smKey, p.smValue) |
req.AddParam(p.svKey, p.svValue) |
req.AddParam(p.tKey, time) |
signature := p.signer.Sign("GET",, p.path, req.BuildParams()) |
auth := new(model.WebSocketV2AuthenticationRequest).Init() |
auth.Params.AccessKey = p.akValue |
auth.Params.Timestamp = time |
auth.Params.Signature = signature |
result, err := model2.ToJson(auth) |
return result, err |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ |
package applogger |
import ( |
"" |
"" |
"os" |
) |
var sugaredLogger *zap.SugaredLogger |
var atomicLevel zap.AtomicLevel |
func init() { |
encoderCfg := zapcore.EncoderConfig{ |
TimeKey: "time", |
MessageKey: "msg", |
LevelKey: "level", |
EncodeLevel: zapcore.CapitalColorLevelEncoder, |
EncodeTime: zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder, |
} |
// define default level as debug level
atomicLevel = zap.NewAtomicLevel() |
atomicLevel.SetLevel(zapcore.DebugLevel) |
core := zapcore.NewCore(zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder(encoderCfg), os.Stdout, atomicLevel) |
sugaredLogger = zap.New(core).Sugar() |
} |
func SetLevel(level zapcore.Level) { |
atomicLevel.SetLevel(level) |
} |
func Fatal(template string, args ...interface{}) { |
sugaredLogger.Fatalf(template, args...) |
} |
func Error(template string, args ...interface{}) { |
sugaredLogger.Errorf(template, args...) |
} |
func Panic(template string, args ...interface{}) { |
sugaredLogger.Panicf(template, args...) |
} |
func Warn(template string, args ...interface{}) { |
sugaredLogger.Warnf(template, args...) |
} |
func Info(template string, args ...interface{}) { |
sugaredLogger.Infof(template, args...) |
} |
func Debug(template string, args ...interface{}) { |
sugaredLogger.Debugf(template, args...) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ |
package perflogger |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"log" |
"os" |
"strings" |
"time" |
) |
// The global PerformanceLogger instance
var performanceLogger *PerformanceLogger |
// The global switch for Performance logging
var logEnabled = false |
type PerformanceLogger struct { |
logger *log.Logger |
enable bool |
file *os.File |
index int |
start time.Time |
} |
// Enable performance logger and initialize the global instance
// This method should be called once
func Enable(enable bool) { |
logEnabled = enable |
if logEnabled && performanceLogger == nil { |
performanceLogger = new(PerformanceLogger).init() |
} |
} |
// Get the global PerformanceLogger instance
func GetInstance() *PerformanceLogger { |
return performanceLogger |
} |
// Initialize the instance
func (p *PerformanceLogger) init() *PerformanceLogger { |
if logEnabled { |
var err error |
fileName := time.Now().Format("20060102_150405.txt") |
p.file, err = os.OpenFile(fileName, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0666) |
if err != nil { |
log.Fatalln("Failed to open file: ", fileName) |
} |
p.logger = log.New(p.file, "", 0) |
p.index = 1 |
} |
return p |
} |
// Start timer
func (p *PerformanceLogger) Start() { |
if logEnabled { |
p.start = time.Now() |
} |
} |
// Stop timer and output log
func (p *PerformanceLogger) StopAndLog(method string, url string) { |
if logEnabled { |
duration := time.Since(p.start).Milliseconds() |
// Strip parameters
i := strings.IndexByte(url, '?') |
var path string |
if i > 0 { |
path = url[0:i] |
} else { |
path = url |
} |
// Log the header before first record
if p.index == 1 { |
p.logger.Println("Index, Duration(ms), URL") |
} |
p.logger.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%d, %d, %s %s", p.index, duration, method, path)) |
p.index++ |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ |
package bawssclient |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"strings" |
"wss-pool/dictionary" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/client/bawebsocketclientbase" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/market" |
) |
type BaKLineParam struct { |
Method string `json:"method"` |
Params []string `json:"params"` |
ID int64 `json:"id"` |
} |
type BaKLineResponseK struct { |
T int64 `json:"t"` |
Ts int64 `json:"T"` |
S string `json:"s"` |
I string `json:"i"` |
F int64 `json:"f"` |
L interface{} `json:"L"` |
O string `json:"o"` |
C string `json:"c"` |
H string `json:"h"` |
l string `json:"l"` |
V string `json:"v"` |
N int `json:"n"` |
X bool `json:"x"` |
Vs string `json:"V"` |
Q string `json:"Q"` |
B string `json:"B"` |
} |
type BaKLineResponse struct { |
E string `json:"e"` //事件类型
Es int64 `json:"E"` //事件时间
S string `json:"s"` //交易对
K BaKLineResponseK `json:"k"` |
} |
// Responsible to handle candlestick data from WebSocket
type CandlestickWebSocketClient struct { |
bawebsocketclientbase.WebSocketClientBase |
} |
// Initializer
func (p *CandlestickWebSocketClient) Init(host string) *CandlestickWebSocketClient { |
p.WebSocketClientBase.Init(host) |
return p |
} |
// Request the full candlestick data according to specified criteria
//func (p *CandlestickWebSocketClient) Request(symbol string) {
// topic := fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.kline.%s", symbol, period)
// req := fmt.Sprintf("{\"req\": \"%s\", \"from\":%d, \"to\":%d, \"id\": \"%s\" }", topic, from, to, clientId)
// p.Send(req)
// applogger.Info("WebSocket requested, topic=%s, clientId=%s", topic, clientId)
// Set callback handler
func (p *CandlestickWebSocketClient) SetHandler( |
connectedHandler bawebsocketclientbase.ConnectedHandler, |
responseHandler bawebsocketclientbase.ResponseHandler) { |
p.WebSocketClientBase.SetHandler(connectedHandler, p.handleMessage, responseHandler) |
} |
// Request the full candlestick data according to specified criteria
// Subscribe candlestick data
func (p *CandlestickWebSocketClient) Subscribe(symbol string) { |
topis := make([]string, 0) |
for _, v := range dictionary.BaTimeCycle { |
topis = append(topis, fmt.Sprintf("%susdt@kline_%s", symbol, v)) |
} |
sub := BaKLineParam{ |
Method: "SUBSCRIBE", |
Params: topis, |
ID: bawebsocketclientbase.Randomnumber(), |
} |
data, _ := json.Marshal(sub) |
p.Send(data) |
applogger.Info("WebSocket subscribed, clientId=%s", sub.ID) |
} |
// Unsubscribe candlestick data
func (p *CandlestickWebSocketClient) UnSubscribe(symbol string) { |
topis := make([]string, 0) |
for _, v := range dictionary.BaTimeCycle { |
topis = append(topis, fmt.Sprintf("%susdt@%s", symbol, v)) |
} |
sub := BaKLineParam{ |
Method: "UNSUBSCRIBE", |
Params: topis, |
ID: bawebsocketclientbase.Randomnumber(), |
} |
data, _ := json.Marshal(sub) |
p.Send(data) |
applogger.Info("WebSocket unsubscribed, clientId=%s", sub.ID) |
} |
func (p *CandlestickWebSocketClient) handleMessage(msg string) (interface{}, error) { |
baRes := BaKLineResponse{} |
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(msg), &baRes) |
amount, _ := decimal.NewFromString(baRes.K.V) |
open, _ := decimal.NewFromString(baRes.K.O) |
close, _ := decimal.NewFromString(baRes.K.C) |
low, _ := decimal.NewFromString(baRes.K.l) |
high, _ := decimal.NewFromString(baRes.K.H) |
vol, _ := decimal.NewFromString(baRes.K.Q) |
result := market.SubscribeCandlestickResponse{ |
Channel: fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.kline.%s", strings.ToLower(baRes.S), dictionary.BaToBaMap[baRes.K.I]), |
Timestamp: baRes.Es, |
Tick: &market.Tick{ |
Id: baRes.Es, |
Amount: amount, |
Count: baRes.K.N, |
Open: open, |
Close: close, |
Low: low, |
High: high, |
Vol: vol, |
IsBa: bawebsocketclientbase.BinAnce, |
}, |
} |
return result, err |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ |
package bawssclient |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"wss-pool/dictionary" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/client/bawebsocketclientbase" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/market" |
) |
type SubscribeDepthResponse struct { |
LastUpdateId string `json:"lastUpdateId"` |
Bids [][]string `json:"bids"` |
Asks [][]string `json:"asks"` |
} |
// Responsible to handle Depth data from WebSocket
type DepthWebSocketClient struct { |
bawebsocketclientbase.WebSocketClientBase |
} |
// Initializer
func (p *DepthWebSocketClient) Init(host string) *DepthWebSocketClient { |
p.WebSocketClientBase.Init(host) |
return p |
} |
// Request the full Depth data according to specified criteria
//func (p *DepthWebSocketClient) Request(symbol string) {
// topic := fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.kline.%s", symbol, period)
// req := fmt.Sprintf("{\"req\": \"%s\", \"from\":%d, \"to\":%d, \"id\": \"%s\" }", topic, from, to, clientId)
// p.Send(req)
// applogger.Info("WebSocket requested, topic=%s, clientId=%s", topic, clientId)
// Set callback handler
func (p *DepthWebSocketClient) SetHandler( |
connectedHandler bawebsocketclientbase.ConnectedHandler, |
responseHandler bawebsocketclientbase.ResponseHandler) { |
p.WebSocketClientBase.SetHandler(connectedHandler, p.handleMessage, responseHandler) |
} |
// Request the full Depth data according to specified criteria
// Subscribe Depth data
func (p *DepthWebSocketClient) Subscribe(symbol string) { |
topis := make([]string, 0) |
sub := BaKLineParam{ |
Method: "SUBSCRIBE", |
Params: append(topis, fmt.Sprintf("%susdt@depth5@100ms", symbol)), |
ID: bawebsocketclientbase.Randomnumber(), |
} |
data, _ := json.Marshal(sub) |
p.Send(data) |
applogger.Info("WebSocket subscribed, clientId=%s", sub.ID) |
} |
// Unsubscribe Depth data
func (p *DepthWebSocketClient) UnSubscribe(symbol string) { |
topis := make([]string, 0) |
for _, v := range dictionary.BaTimeCycle { |
topis = append(topis, fmt.Sprintf("%susdt@%s", symbol, v)) |
} |
sub := BaKLineParam{ |
Method: "UNSUBSCRIBE", |
Params: append(topis, fmt.Sprintf("%susdt@depth5@100ms", symbol)), |
ID: bawebsocketclientbase.Randomnumber(), |
} |
data, _ := json.Marshal(sub) |
p.Send(data) |
applogger.Info("WebSocket unsubscribed, clientId=%s", sub.ID) |
} |
func (p *DepthWebSocketClient) handleMessage(msg string) (interface{}, error) { |
baRes := SubscribeDepthResponse{} |
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(msg), &baRes) |
bids := make([][]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
for _, v := range baRes.Bids { |
if len(v) >= 2 { |
info := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
price, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v[0]) |
info = append(info, price) |
size, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v[1]) |
info = append(info, size) |
bids = append(bids, info) |
} |
} |
asks := make([][]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
for _, v := range baRes.Asks { |
if len(v) >= 2 { |
info := make([]decimal.Decimal, 0) |
price, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v[0]) |
info = append(info, price) |
size, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v[1]) |
info = append(info, size) |
asks = append(asks, info) |
} |
} |
result := market.SubscribeMarketByPriceResponse{ |
Tick: &market.MarketByPrice{ |
Bids: bids, |
Asks: asks, |
}, |
} |
return result, err |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ |
package bawssclient |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"" |
"strings" |
"wss-pool/logging/applogger" |
"wss-pool/pkg/client/bawebsocketclientbase" |
"wss-pool/pkg/model/market" |
) |
type BaTickerResponse struct { |
E string `json:"e"` |
Es int64 `json:"e"` |
S string `json:"s"` |
P string `json:"p"` |
Ps string `json:"P"` |
W string `json:"w"` |
X string `json:"x"` |
C string `json:"c"` |
Qs string `json:"Q"` |
B string `json:"b"` |
Bs string `json:"B"` |
A string `json:"a"` |
As string `json:"A"` |
O string `json:"o"` |
H string `json:"h"` |
L string `json:"l"` |
V string `json:"v"` |
Q string `json:"q"` |
Os int64 `json:"O"` |
Cs int64 `json:"c"` |
F int64 `json:"f"` |
Ls int64 `json:"L"` |
N int `json:"n"` |
} |
// Responsible to handle Ticker data from WebSocket
type TickerWebSocketClient struct { |
bawebsocketclientbase.WebSocketClientBase |
} |
// Initializer
func (p *TickerWebSocketClient) Init(host string) *TickerWebSocketClient { |
p.WebSocketClientBase.Init(host) |
return p |
} |
// Set callback handler
func (p *TickerWebSocketClient) SetHandler( |
connectedHandler bawebsocketclientbase.ConnectedHandler, |
responseHandler bawebsocketclientbase.ResponseHandler) { |
p.WebSocketClientBase.SetHandler(connectedHandler, p.handleMessage, responseHandler) |
} |
// Request the full Ticker data according to specified criteria
// Subscribe Ticker data
func (p *TickerWebSocketClient) Subscribe(symbol string) { |
topis := make([]string, 0) |
sub := BaKLineParam{ |
Method: "SUBSCRIBE", |
Params: append(topis, fmt.Sprintf("%susdt@ticker", symbol)), |
ID: bawebsocketclientbase.Randomnumber(), |
} |
data, _ := json.Marshal(sub) |
p.Send(data) |
applogger.Info("WebSocket subscribed, clientId=%s", sub.ID) |
} |
// Unsubscribe Ticker data
func (p *TickerWebSocketClient) UnSubscribe(symbol string) { |
topis := make([]string, 0) |
sub := BaKLineParam{ |
Method: "UNSUBSCRIBE", |
Params: append(topis, fmt.Sprintf("%susdt@ticker", symbol)), |
ID: bawebsocketclientbase.Randomnumber(), |
} |
data, _ := json.Marshal(sub) |
p.Send(data) |
applogger.Info("WebSocket unsubscribed, clientId=%s", sub.ID) |
} |
func (p *TickerWebSocketClient) handleMessage(msg string) (interface{}, error) { |
baRes := BaTickerResponse{} |
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(msg), &baRes) |
amount, _ := decimal.NewFromString(baRes.V) |
open, _ := decimal.NewFromString(baRes.X) // 整整24小时之前,向前数的最后一次成交价格
close, _ := decimal.NewFromString(baRes.C) |
low, _ := decimal.NewFromString(baRes.L) |
high, _ := decimal.NewFromString(baRes.H) |
Bid, _ := decimal.NewFromString(baRes.B) |
BidSize, _ := decimal.NewFromString(baRes.Bs) |
Ask, _ := decimal.NewFromString(baRes.A) |
AskSize, _ := decimal.NewFromString(baRes.As) |
LastPrice, _ := decimal.NewFromString(baRes.C) |
LastSize, _ := decimal.NewFromString(baRes.Qs) |
result := market.TickerWebsocketResponse{ |
Channel: fmt.Sprintf("market.%s.ticker", strings.ToLower(baRes.S)), |
Timestamp: baRes.Es, |
Tick: &market.TickR{ |
Open: open, |
High: high, |
Low: low, |
Close: close, |
Amount: amount, |
Count: baRes.N, |
Bid: Bid, |
BidSize: BidSize, |
Ask: Ask, |
AskSize: AskSize, |
LastPrice: LastPrice, |
LastSize: LastSize, |
IsBa: bawebsocketclientbase.BinAnce, |
}, |
} |
return result, err |
} |
Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff
Reference in new issue