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994 lines
36 KiB
994 lines
36 KiB
2 months ago
package business
import (
red "wss-pool/internal/redis"
TODO: 股票列表更新规则(注意:每种股票的开盘时间进行更新)
const (
ContracttTime int = 1 //数字币数据年限
StockTime int = 5 //美股数据年限
PageSize int64 = 120 //聚合股票条数
StockStatusOn int = 1
StockStatusOff int = 2
var (
OldNextUrl string
StockClosedDataList = map[string]int{
"US": 3, // 美股
"Malaysia": 5, // 马股
"Thailand": 6, // 泰股
"Indonesia": 4, // 印尼股
"India": 7, // 印度股
"Singapore": 9, // 新加坡股
"HongKong": 12, // 港股
"UK": 14, // 英股
"France": 15, // 法股
"Germany": 16, // 德股
"Brazil": 17, // 巴西股
"Japan": 18, // 日股
var CountryStartTime = map[string]int64{
"India": 42300000,
"Thailand": 39000000,
"Indonesia": 36000000,
"Malaysia": 32400000,
"Singapore": 32400000,
"UK": 54000000,
"France": 54000000,
"Germany": 54000000,
"Brazil": 75600000,
"Japan": 42300000,
var pinStock = map[string]map[string]map[string]bool{}
var pinStockMutex = sync.RWMutex{}
// InitStockList Stock List Collection
func InitStockList() {
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/v3/reference/tickers?market=stocks&active=true&limit=1000&sort=ticker&apiKey=%s",
config.Config.ShareGather.PolygonHost, config.Config.ShareGather.PolygonKey)
for url != "" {
applogger.Debug("url info:%v", url)
bodyStr, err := internal.HttpGet(url)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("Failed to query data:%v", err)
var shareModel stock.StockPolygonParam
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &shareModel); err != nil {
applogger.Error("Failed to parse stock list information:%v", err)
if shareModel.Status == "ERROR" {
fmt.Printf("%+v", shareModel)
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
url = ""
if shareModel.NextUrl != "" && shareModel.NextUrl != OldNextUrl {
OldNextUrl = shareModel.NextUrl
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s&apiKey=%s&market=stocks", shareModel.NextUrl, config.Config.ShareGather.PolygonKey)
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel
for _, value := range shareModel.Results {
// TODO: 更新本地股票列表查
value.YesterdayClose = ""
value.BeforeClose = ""
filter := bson.D{{"Code", bson.M{
"$eq": value.Code,
}}, {"Country", bson.M{
"$eq": "US",
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{
{"Code", value.Code},
{"Name", value.Name},
{"Country", strings.ToUpper(value.Locale)},
{"Exchange", value.PrimaryExchange},
{"Currency", value.Currency},
{"Type", value.Type},
{"Cik", value.CIK},
{"CompositeFigi", value.CompositeFigi},
{"ShareClassFigi", value.ShareClassFigi},
{"YesterdayClose", value.YesterdayClose},
{"BeforeClose", value.BeforeClose}}}}
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true)
dataList = append(dataList, models)
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(data.StockList, dataList); err != nil {
applogger.Error("MgoInsertMany err:%v", err)
// TickUpdateStockUS US Stock List Data - Scheduled Tasks (Update Data)
func TickUpdateStockUS() {
for {
now := time.Now()
next := now.Add(time.Hour * 24)
next = time.Date(next.Year(), next.Month(), next.Day(), 6, 0, 0, 0, next.Location())
t := time.NewTimer(next.Sub(now))
// TickUpdateStockKLSE Equities List Data - Scheduled Tasks (Update Data)
func TickUpdateStockKLSE() {
for {
now := time.Now()
next := now.Add(time.Hour * 24)
next = time.Date(next.Year(), next.Month(), next.Day(), 6, 0, 0, 0, next.Location())
t := time.NewTimer(next.Sub(now))
// 火币现货只允许拉取当前2000条数据
func TickUpdateSpotKline() {
for _, value := range dictionary.TimeCycle {
for {
t := time.NewTimer(1 * time.Hour)
for _, value := range dictionary.TimeCycle {
// 火币K线价格只允许拉取当前2000条数据
func TickUpdateContractPriceKline() {
for _, value := range dictionary.ContractPriceTime {
for {
t := time.NewTimer(1 * time.Hour)
for _, value := range dictionary.ContractPriceTime {
// 合约
func TickUpdateContractKline(isAll bool) {
if isAll {
applogger.Info("start TickUpdateContractKline")
//endTime := time.Now().Unix()
//startTime := time.Now().AddDate(-0, -6, 0).Unix()
for _, value := range dictionary.ContractTime {
//for _, value := range dictionary.ContractTime {
// start := time.Now().Add(-2 * time.Hour).Unix()
// end := time.Now().Unix()
// UpdateContractKline(value, start, end)
//for {
// t := time.NewTimer(2 * time.Hour)
// <-t.C
// for _, value := range dictionary.ContractTime {
// start := time.Now().Add(-2 * time.Hour).Unix()
// end := time.Now().Unix()
// UpdateContractKline(value, start, end)
// }
// 美股
func TickUpdateStockUs(isAll bool) {
if isAll {
start := common.TimeToNows().AddDate(0, 0, -20).Format("2006-01-02")
end := common.TimeToNows().AddDate(0, 0, 0).Format("2006-01-02")
for _, value := range dictionary.StockUsListDayTime {
UpdateStockUs(start, end, value)
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "run us stock -----------------------------end")
//nextFiveMinute := common.GenerateSingaporeFifteenMinTimestampOrigins()
//waitDuration := nextFiveMinute.Sub(common.TimeToNows())
//time.Sleep(waitDuration) // 60 min
runTime := time.Now() // 获取当前时间
if !common.IsOpeningUS() {
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "us it's not opening time -----------------------------end")
end := common.GenerateSingaporeFifteenMinTimestampOrigin() * 1000
start := end - int64(60*60*1000)
for _, value := range dictionary.StockUsListTime {
UpdateStockUs(start, end, value)
fmt.Println("Run time: ", time.Since(runTime))
func GetTimeNewPrice(symbol string, from, to int64, country, period string) error {
//fmt.Println("country", country, "period", period, "from", common.ConvertToTimeStr(from/1000), from, "to", common.ConvertToTimeStr(to/1000), to)
filter := bson.M{"symbol": symbol, "timestamp": bson.M{"$gte": from, "$lte": to}}
tableName := data.GetStockTableName(common.CapitalizeFirstLetter(country))
highRes := make([]model.StockMogoParam, 0)
projection := bson.M{"price": 1}
sort := bson.M{"price": -1}
data.MgoFindProjectionRes(tableName, filter, projection, sort, &highRes, 1)
if len(highRes) <= 0 {
applogger.Error(symbol+" no data", period)
return errors.New(symbol + " no data")
high := highRes[0].Price
lowRes := make([]model.StockMogoParam, 0)
sort = bson.M{"price": 1}
data.MgoFindProjectionRes(tableName, filter, projection, sort, &lowRes, 1)
low := lowRes[0].Price
openRes := make([]model.StockMogoParam, 0)
sort = bson.M{"timestamp": 1}
data.MgoFindProjectionRes(tableName, filter, projection, sort, &openRes, 1)
open := openRes[0].Price
closeRes := make([]model.StockMogoParam, 0)
projection = bson.M{}
sort = bson.M{"timestamp": -1}
data.MgoFindProjectionRes(tableName, filter, projection, sort, &closeRes, 1)
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel
filter = bson.M{"timestamp": bson.M{"$eq": from}, "symbol": bson.M{"$eq": symbol}}
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{
{"symbol", closeRes[0].Symbol},
{"stock_code", closeRes[0].StockCode},
{"stock_name", closeRes[0].StockName},
{"open_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", open)},
{"high_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", high)},
{"low_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", low)},
{"close_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", closeRes[0].Price)},
{"up_down_rate", closeRes[0].UpDownRate},
{"up_down", closeRes[0].UpDown},
{"trade_v", closeRes[0].TradeV},
{"trade_k", closeRes[0].TradeK},
{"vol", closeRes[0].Vol},
{"turnover_price_total", closeRes[0].TurnoverPriceTotal},
{"price_total", closeRes[0].PriceTotal},
//{"p_e", res[l].PE},
//{"eps", res[l].Eps},
//{"employees_number", res[l].EmployeesNumber},
//{"plate", res[l].Plate},
//{"desc", res[l].Desc},
{"price_code", closeRes[0].PriceCode},
{"country", closeRes[0].Country},
{"timestamp", from},
//applogger.Info("GetTimeNewPrice info: %v", update)
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true)
dataList = append(dataList, models)
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(data.GetStockSouthAsiaTableName(country, period), dataList); err != nil {
applogger.Error("stock MgoInsertMany err:%v", err)
return err
return nil
func GetTimeNewPriceAll(symbol string, from, to int64, country, period, periodPre string) {
//fmt.Println("country", country, "period", period, "from", common.ConvertToTimeStr(from/1000), "to", common.ConvertToTimeStr(to/1000))
filter := bson.M{"symbol": symbol, "timestamp": bson.M{"$gte": from, "$lte": to}}
tableName := data.GetStockSouthAsiaTableName(country, periodPre)
projection := bson.M{"stringVal": 1}
sort := bson.M{"stringVal": -1}
highRes := data.MgoFindProjectionAggregate(tableName, "high_price", filter, projection, sort, 1)
if len(highRes) <= 0 {
applogger.Error(symbol+" no data", period)
if highRes[0].StringVal <= 0 {
applogger.Error(symbol+" no data", period)
high := highRes[0].StringVal
sort = bson.M{"stringVal": 1}
lowRes := data.MgoFindProjectionAggregate(tableName, "low_price", filter, projection, sort, 1)
low := lowRes[0].StringVal
sort = bson.M{"timestamp": 1}
openRes := data.MgoFindProjectionAggregate(tableName, "open_price", filter, projection, sort, 1)
open := openRes[0].StringVal
sort = bson.M{"timestamp": -1}
closeRes := data.MgoFindProjectionAggregate(tableName, "close_price", filter, projection, sort, 1)
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel
ts := from
if period == "1day" || period == "1week" || period == "1mon" {
ts = from + CountryStartTime[country]
if country == "Brazil" && (period == "1day" || period == "1mon") {
ts = from
filter = bson.M{"timestamp": bson.M{"$eq": ts}, "symbol": bson.M{"$eq": symbol}}
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{
{"symbol", closeRes[0].Symbol},
{"stock_code", closeRes[0].StockCode},
{"stock_name", closeRes[0].StockName},
{"open_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", open)},
{"high_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", high)},
{"low_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", low)},
{"close_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", closeRes[0].StringVal)},
//{"up_down_rate", res[l].UpDownRate},
//{"up_down", res[l].UpDown},
//{"trade_v", res[l].TradeV},
//{"trade_k", res[l].TradeK},
{"vol", closeRes[0].Vol},
{"turnover_price_total", closeRes[0].TurnoverPriceTotal},
{"price_total", closeRes[0].PriceTotal},
//{"p_e", res[l].PE},
//{"eps", res[l].Eps},
//{"employees_number", res[l].EmployeesNumber},
//{"plate", res[l].Plate},
// {"desc", res[l].Desc},
{"price_code", closeRes[0].PriceCode},
{"country", closeRes[0].Country},
{"timestamp", ts},
//applogger.Info("GetTimeNewPriceAll info: %v", update)
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true)
dataList = append(dataList, models)
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(data.GetStockSouthAsiaTableName(country, period), dataList); err != nil {
applogger.Error("stock MgoInsertMany err:%v", err)
func GetStockAll(country string, pageNum, pageSize int64) ([]stock.StockPolygon, int64, int64) {
filter := bson.M{"Country": country, "YesterdayClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}}
projection := bson.M{"Code": 1, "Country": 1}
res := make([]stock.StockPolygon, 0)
total, _ := data.MgoFindTotal(data.StockList, filter)
data.MgoPagingFindStructProjection(data.StockList, filter, projection, pageSize, pageNum, -1, &res)
//印度股票过多 现在只画后台有权限得股票
//if country == "India" {
// data := make([]stock.StockPolygon, 0)
// for k, v := range res {
// if common.IsExistStock(v.Locale, v.Code) {
// data = append(data, res[k])
// }
// }
// return data, total, int64(math.Ceil(float64(total) / float64(pageSize)))
return res, total, int64(math.Ceil(float64(total) / float64(pageSize)))
func getOpen(timestamp int64, country, period, symbol string, price string) string {
filter := bson.M{"stock_code": symbol}
projection := bson.M{"timestamp": 1, "open_price": 1, "close_price": 1}
sort := bson.M{"timestamp": -1}
res, _ := data.MgoFindProjection(data.GetStockSouthAsiaTableName(country, period), filter, projection, sort, int64(1))
open := price
if len(res) > 0 {
timestamps, _ := res[0]["timestamp"].(int64)
switch timestamps {
case timestamp:
open = res[0]["open_price"].(string)
open = res[0]["close_price"].(string)
return open
func DeleteUs() {
red.RedisClient = red.RedisInit(config.Config.Redis.DbEleven)
filter := bson.M{"Country": "US", "YesterdayClose": ""}
projection := bson.M{"Code": 1, "Country": 1}
sort := bson.M{}
result, _ := data.MgoFindProjection(data.StockList, filter, projection, sort, 0)
country := "US"
for _, v := range result {
code := v["Code"].(string)
red.Hset(StockClosingPrice[country], code, "0")
red.Hset(StockClosingPrice[fmt.Sprintf("%sNew", country)], code, "0")
red.Hset(StockClosingPrice[fmt.Sprintf("%sBeforeClose", country)], code, "0")
// 只保留前半天数据
func DeleteSpot(param string) {
red.RedisClient = red.RedisInit(config.Config.Redis.DbEleven)
times := common.TimeToNows().Add(-10 * time.Minute).UnixMilli()
filter := bson.M{"timestamp": bson.M{"$lte": times}}
for _, country := range dictionary.StockCodeList {
tableName := data.GetStockTableName(common.CapitalizeFirstLetter(country))
if err := data.MgoDeleteMany(tableName, filter); err != nil {
applogger.Error(country, "err :", err.Error())
if param == "true" {
for _, v := range dictionary.StockSouthAsiaListTime {
tableNames := data.GetStockSouthAsiaTableName(country, v)
applogger.Debug(tableNames, "start")
timeHour := common.TimeToNows().Add(-48 * time.Hour).UnixMilli()
switch v {
case "15min":
timeHour = common.TimeToNows().Add(-75 * time.Hour).UnixMilli()
case "30min":
timeHour = common.TimeToNows().Add(-75 * time.Hour * 2).UnixMilli()
case "1hour":
timeHour = common.TimeToNows().Add(-7 * time.Hour * 24 * 2).UnixMilli()
case "1day":
timeHour = common.TimeToNows().Add(-365 * time.Hour * 24).UnixMilli()
case "1week":
timeHour = common.TimeToNows().Add(-365 * time.Hour * 24).UnixMilli()
case "1mon":
timeHour = common.TimeToNows().Add(-365 * time.Hour * 24 * 2).UnixMilli()
filter = bson.M{"timestamp": bson.M{"$lte": timeHour}}
if err := data.MgoDeleteMany(tableNames, filter); err != nil {
applogger.Error(country, "err :", err.Error())
applogger.Debug("delete run end")
func DeleteSpotDay(times string, ts int64) {
// var stockTime = []string{ "1day", "1week", "1mon"}
stocks, _, _ := GetStockAll("India", 1, 7001)
for _, stock := range stocks {
// for _,times:= range stockTime {
tableNames := data.GetStockSouthAsiaTableName("India", times)
filter := bson.M{"symbol": stock.Code, "timestamp": ts}
projection := bson.M{"stringVal": 1}
sort := bson.M{"stringVal": -1}
highRes := data.MgoFindProjectionAggregate(tableNames, "high_price", filter, projection, sort, 1)
fmt.Printf("%+v", highRes)
if len(highRes) <= 0 {
applogger.Info(times, ts, stock.Code, "id empty ")
if highRes[0].ID.String() == "" {
applogger.Info(times, ts, stock.Code, "id kong ")
filter = bson.M{"symbol": stock.Code, "timestamp": ts, "_id": bson.M{"$ne": highRes[0].ID}}
if err := data.MgoDeleteMany(tableNames, filter); err != nil {
applogger.Error(times, ts, stock.Code, "err :", err.Error())
applogger.Info(times, ts, stock.Code)
// os.Exit(111)
// 清理外汇成交报价数据信息
func DeleteForexTrade() {
// 当前时间
now := time.Now()
// 时间戳格式化函数
timestamp := func(t time.Time) int64 {
return t.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)
// 计算5分钟前的时间戳
fiveMinutesAgo := now.Add(time.Duration(-3) * time.Minute)
fiveMinutesAgoMillis := timestamp(fiveMinutesAgo)
filter := bson.M{"tick_time": bson.M{"$lte": fiveMinutesAgoMillis}}
if err := data.MgoDeleteMany(data.ForexTradeList, filter); err != nil {
applogger.Error("DeleteForexTrade MgoDeleteMany err :", err.Error())
// 推送插针数据:[3:美股 4:印尼 5:马股 6:泰股 9:新加坡 11:期权印度 12:港股 14:英国 15:法国 16:德国 17:巴西 18:日本]
func StockClosedData() {
red.RedisClient = red.RedisInit(config.Config.Redis.DbTen)
for k, v := range StockClosedDataList {
// TODO: 盘前数据功能 实行全天更改数据
//if k == "US" && common.IsOpeningUS() {
// applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), k, " it's opening time -----------------------------end")
// continue
//} else if (k == "Thailand" || k == "Indonesia" || k == "India" || k == "Singapore" || k == "Malaysia" || k == "HongKong" || k == "UK" || k == "France" || k == "Germany" || k == "Brazil") && common.IsOpening(k) {
// applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), k, " it's opening time -----------------------------end")
// continue
// TODO: 插针
hashListName := fmt.Sprintf("STOCK_PRICES:%d", v)
keys := red.Scan(hashListName)
stockCodes := make(map[string]bool)
for _, key := range keys {
res, _ := red.HGetAll(key)
status, _ := strconv.Atoi(res["status"])
code := res["stock_code"]
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), res)
if status != StockStatusOn {
if k == "US" {
UsStock(code, res["price"], k, true)
} else {
stockCode := common.GetOldCode(code)
SouthAsiaSpot(code, stockCode, res["price"], k, true)
stockCodes[code] = true
FullPush(stockCodes, k, v)
// 只全量推送旧数据,对数据不做修改
func FullPush(stockCodes map[string]bool, country string, countryNum int) {
if config.Config.Redis.FullPush != 1 {
res, _ := red.HGetAll(fmt.Sprintf("STOCK_MARKET:LIST:%d", countryNum))
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), country, res)
status, _ := strconv.Atoi(res["status"])
if status != StockStatusOn {
if !common.IsPullOpen(country, res["am_open_time"], res["am_close_time"], res["pm_open_time"], res["pm_close_time"]) {
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), country, " it's not pull push time -----------------------------end")
filter := bson.M{"Country": country, "YesterdayClose": bson.M{"$ne": ""}}
projection := bson.M{"Code": 1, "YesterdayClose": 1}
stockRes := make([]stock.StockPolygon, 0)
data.MgoPagingFindStructProjection(data.StockList, filter, projection, 11000, 1, -1, &stockRes)
for _, v := range stockRes {
if !common.IsExistStock(country, v.Code) || stockCodes[v.Code] {
applogger.Debug(country, v.Code, "not pin code")
key := StockClosingPrice[fmt.Sprintf("%sNew", country)]
closePrice, _ := red.Hget(key, v.Code)
if closePrice == "0" || closePrice == "" {
closePrice = v.YesterdayClose
if country == "US" {
UsStock(v.Code, closePrice, country, false)
} else {
stockCode := common.GetOldCode(v.Code)
SouthAsiaSpot(v.Code, stockCode, closePrice, country, false)
func CheckNewPrice(code, country, price string) {
key := StockClosingPrice[fmt.Sprintf("%sNew", country)]
value, _ := red.Hget(key, code)
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), code, country, price, value, "CheckNewPrice")
if value != "" && value != "0" && value == price { //value 不是 0 并且 跟盘前价格一致
red.Hset(key, code, "0")
// 推送目标美股插针数据行情
func UsStock(code, price, country string, isUpdate bool) {
message := &model.ClientMessage{
S: code, // 股票代码
C: []decimal.Decimal{decimal.NewFromInt(0), decimal.NewFromFloat(1)}, // 条件,有关更多信息,请参阅贸易条件术语表
V: common.CalculateContractPrices(decimal.NewFromInt(int64(100)), float64(0.02), 0, 1)[0].IntPart(), // 交易量,代表在相应时间戳处交易的股票数量 -- 报价交易量
Dp: true, // 暗池真/假
Ms: "open", // 市场状态,指示股票市场的当前状态(“开盘”、“收盘”、“延长交易时间”)
T: time.Now().UnixMilli(), // 以毫秒为单位的时间戳 -- 此聚合窗口的结束时钟周期的时间戳(以 Unix 毫秒为单位)
Cl: decimal.RequireFromString(price), // 此聚合窗口的收盘价
A: decimal.NewFromInt(11), // 今天的成交量加权平均价格
Se: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
H: decimal.RequireFromString(price), // 此聚合窗口的最高逐笔报价
L: decimal.RequireFromString(price), // 此聚合窗口的最低价格变动价格
Op: decimal.RequireFromString(price), // 今天正式开盘价格
// P: decimal.RequireFromString(price),
ClosingMarket: true,
msgStr, err := json.Marshal(message)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err: %v", err)
if isUpdate {
red.Hset(StockClosingPrice[fmt.Sprintf("%sNew", country)], code, price)
applogger.Info("last date info: %v", string(msgStr))
red.RedisClient.Publish(fmt.Sprintf("%s.US", message.S), string(msgStr))
// 推送目标市场股票插针数据行情
func SouthAsiaSpot(symbol, stockCode, price, country string, isUpdate bool) {
prices, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(price, 64)
param := model.StockParam{
Symbol: symbol,
StockCode: stockCode,
StockName: "",
Price: prices,
UpDownRate: decimal.NewFromInt(0),
UpDown: decimal.NewFromInt(0),
TradeV: decimal.NewFromInt(0),
TradeK: "买入",
Country: strings.ToLower(country),
Ts: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
ClosingMarket: true,
param.Token = ""
msgStr, err := json.Marshal(param)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err: %v", err)
applogger.Info("last date info: %v", string(msgStr))
// Write to Redis for broadcasting
red.RedisClient.Publish(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", param.Symbol, country), string(msgStr))
if isUpdate {
red.Hset(StockClosingPrice[fmt.Sprintf("%sNew", country)], symbol, price)
// 东南亚聚合行情
func TickSouthAsiaSpotKline(stockName string) {
if !common.IsOpening(stockName) {
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "it's not opening time -----------------------------end")
start := time.Now() // 获取当前时间
applogger.Info(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "start TickSouthAsiaSpotKline")
// 五分钟聚合
FiveMinTo := common.GenerateSingaporeFiveMinTimestampOrigin() * 1000
FiveMinFrom := FiveMinTo - int64(5*60*1000)
// 十五分钟聚合
FifteenMinTo := common.GenerateSingaporeFifteenMinTimestampOrigin() * 1000
FifteenMinFrom := FifteenMinTo - int64(15*60*1000)
// 三十分钟聚合
ThirtyMinTo := common.GenerateSingaporeThirtyMinTimestampOrigin() * 1000
ThirtyMinToForm := ThirtyMinTo - int64(30*60*1000)
// 小时聚合
HourFrom := common.GenerateSingaporeHourTimestampOrigin() * 1000
HourTo := HourFrom + int64(60*60*1000)
// 天聚合
DayFrom := common.GenerateSingaporeDayTimestamp(stockName) * 1000
DayTo := common.TimeToNow() * 1000
// 周聚合
WeekFrom := common.GetWeekTimestamp() * 1000
WeekTo := common.TimeToNow() * 1000
// 月聚合
MonFrom := common.GenerateSingaporeMonTimestampStock(stockName) * 1000
MonTo := common.TimeToNow() * 1000
//并发过高 拆分
stocks, _, pageTotal := GetStockAll(stockName, 1, PageSize)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for _, value := range stocks {
go func(FiveMinTo, FiveMinFrom, FifteenMinTo, FifteenMinFrom, ThirtyMinTo, ThirtyMinToForm, HourFrom, HourTo, DayFrom, DayTo, WeekFrom, WeekTo, MonFrom, MonTo int64, value stock.StockPolygon) {
defer wg.Done()
applogger.Info(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "start ", value.Code, value.Locale)
if err := GetTimeNewPrice(value.Code, FiveMinFrom, FiveMinTo, value.Locale, "5min"); err != nil {
applogger.Error(err.Error(), "run end")
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, FifteenMinFrom, FifteenMinTo, value.Locale, "15min", "5min")
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, ThirtyMinToForm, ThirtyMinTo, value.Locale, "30min", "15min")
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, HourFrom, HourTo, value.Locale, "1hour", "30min")
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, DayFrom, DayTo, value.Locale, "1day", "1hour")
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, WeekFrom, WeekTo, value.Locale, "1week", "1day")
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, MonFrom, MonTo, value.Locale, "1mon", "1week")
}(FiveMinTo, FiveMinFrom, FifteenMinTo, FifteenMinFrom, ThirtyMinTo, ThirtyMinToForm, HourFrom, HourTo, DayFrom, DayTo, WeekFrom, WeekTo, MonFrom, MonTo, value)
for i := int64(2); i <= pageTotal; i++ {
stocks, _, _ := GetStockAll(stockName, i, PageSize)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for _, value := range stocks {
go func(FiveMinTo, FiveMinFrom, FifteenMinTo, FifteenMinFrom, ThirtyMinTo, ThirtyMinToForm, HourFrom, HourTo, DayFrom, DayTo, WeekFrom, WeekTo, MonFrom, MonTo int64, value stock.StockPolygon) {
defer wg.Done()
applogger.Info(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "start ", value.Code, value.Locale)
if err := GetTimeNewPrice(value.Code, FiveMinFrom, FiveMinTo, value.Locale, "5min"); err != nil {
applogger.Error(err.Error(), "run end")
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, FifteenMinFrom, FifteenMinTo, value.Locale, "15min", "5min")
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, ThirtyMinToForm, ThirtyMinTo, value.Locale, "30min", "15min")
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, HourFrom, HourTo, value.Locale, "1hour", "30min")
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, DayFrom, DayTo, value.Locale, "1day", "1hour")
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, WeekFrom, WeekTo, value.Locale, "1week", "1day")
GetTimeNewPriceAll(value.Code, MonFrom, MonTo, value.Locale, "1mon", "1week")
}(FiveMinTo, FiveMinFrom, FifteenMinTo, FifteenMinFrom, ThirtyMinTo, ThirtyMinToForm, HourFrom, HourTo, DayFrom, DayTo, WeekFrom, WeekTo, MonFrom, MonTo, value)
fmt.Println("Run time: ", time.Since(start))
// TODO: 删除已画好的数据,提高查询速度
filter := bson.M{"timestamp": bson.M{"$lte": FiveMinTo}}
tableName := data.GetStockTableName(stockName)
data.MgoDeleteMany(tableName, filter)
applogger.Info(tableName, FiveMinTo, "DELETE INFO")
// 指数数据聚合
func TickSpotIndexKline() {
start := time.Now() // 获取当前时间
applogger.Info(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "start TickSpotIndexKline")
// 五分钟聚合
FiveMinTo := common.GenerateSingaporeFiveMinTimestampOrigin() * 1000
FiveMinFrom := FiveMinTo - int64(5*60*1000)
// 十五分钟聚合
FifteenMinTo := common.GenerateSingaporeFifteenMinTimestampOrigin() * 1000
FifteenMinFrom := FifteenMinTo - int64(15*60*1000)
// 三十分钟聚合
ThirtyMinTo := common.GenerateSingaporeThirtyMinTimestampOrigin() * 1000
ThirtyMinToForm := ThirtyMinTo - int64(30*60*1000)
// 小时聚合
HourFrom := common.GenerateSingaporeHourTimestampOrigin() * 1000
HourTo := HourFrom + int64(60*60*1000)
// 天聚合
DayFrom := common.GenerateSingaporeDayTimestamp("") * 1000
DayTo := common.TimeToNow() * 1000
// 周聚合
WeekFrom := common.GetWeekTimestamp() * 1000
WeekTo := common.TimeToNow() * 1000
// 月聚合
MonFrom := common.GenerateSingaporeMonTimestampStock("") * 1000
MonTo := common.TimeToNow() * 1000
//并发过高 拆分
filter := bson.M{"State": common.StockIndexOn}
res := make([]stock.StockIndexPolygon, 0)
data.MgoFindStockRes(data.StockIndexList, filter, &res)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for _, value := range res {
go func(FiveMinTo, FiveMinFrom, FifteenMinTo, FifteenMinFrom, ThirtyMinTo, ThirtyMinToForm, HourFrom, HourTo, DayFrom, DayTo, WeekFrom, WeekTo, MonFrom, MonTo int64, value stock.StockIndexPolygon) {
defer wg.Done()
applogger.Info(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "start ", value.Code, value.Locale)
if err := GetTimeNewIndexPrice(value.Code, FiveMinFrom, FiveMinTo, value.Locale, "5min"); err != nil {
applogger.Error(err.Error(), "run end")
GetTimeNewIndexPriceAll(value.Code, FifteenMinFrom, FifteenMinTo, value.Locale, "15min", "5min")
GetTimeNewIndexPriceAll(value.Code, ThirtyMinToForm, ThirtyMinTo, value.Locale, "30min", "15min")
GetTimeNewIndexPriceAll(value.Code, HourFrom, HourTo, value.Locale, "1hour", "30min")
GetTimeNewIndexPriceAll(value.Code, DayFrom, DayTo, value.Locale, "1day", "1hour")
GetTimeNewIndexPriceAll(value.Code, WeekFrom, WeekTo, value.Locale, "1week", "1day")
GetTimeNewIndexPriceAll(value.Code, MonFrom, MonTo, value.Locale, "1mon", "1week")
}(FiveMinTo, FiveMinFrom, FifteenMinTo, FifteenMinFrom, ThirtyMinTo, ThirtyMinToForm, HourFrom, HourTo, DayFrom, DayTo, WeekFrom, WeekTo, MonFrom, MonTo, value)
fmt.Println("Run time: ", time.Since(start))
func GetTimeNewIndexPrice(symbol string, from, to int64, country, period string) error {
//fmt.Println("country", country, "period", period, "from", common.ConvertToTimeStr(from/1000), from, "to", common.ConvertToTimeStr(to/1000), to)
filter := bson.M{"stock_code": symbol, "timestamp": bson.M{"$gte": from, "$lte": to}}
tableName := data.GetStockIndexTableName()
highRes := make([]model.StockIndexParam, 0)
projection := bson.M{"price": 1}
sort := bson.M{"price": -1}
data.MgoFindProjectionRes(tableName, filter, projection, sort, &highRes, 1)
if len(highRes) <= 0 {
applogger.Error(symbol+" no data", period)
return errors.New(symbol + " no data")
high := highRes[0].Price
lowRes := make([]model.StockIndexParam, 0)
sort = bson.M{"price": 1}
data.MgoFindProjectionRes(tableName, filter, projection, sort, &lowRes, 1)
low := lowRes[0].Price
openRes := make([]model.StockIndexParam, 0)
sort = bson.M{"timestamp": 1}
data.MgoFindProjectionRes(tableName, filter, projection, sort, &openRes, 1)
open := openRes[0].Price
closeRes := make([]model.StockIndexParam, 0)
projection = bson.M{}
sort = bson.M{"timestamp": -1}
data.MgoFindProjectionRes(tableName, filter, projection, sort, &closeRes, 1)
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel
filter = bson.M{"timestamp": bson.M{"$eq": from}, "stock_code": bson.M{"$eq": symbol}}
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{
{"stock_code", closeRes[0].StockCode},
{"stock_name", closeRes[0].StockName},
{"open_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", open)},
{"high_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", high)},
{"low_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", low)},
{"close_price", fmt.Sprintf("%f", closeRes[0].Price)},
{"up_down_rate", closeRes[0].UpDownRate},
{"up_down", closeRes[0].UpDown},
{"vol", closeRes[0].Vol},
{"country", closeRes[0].Country},
{"timestamp", from},
applogger.Info("GetTimeNewPrice info: %v", update)
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true)
dataList = append(dataList, models)
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(data.GetStockIndixKlineTableName(period), dataList); err != nil {
applogger.Error("stock MgoInsertMany err:%v", err)
return err
return nil
func GetTimeNewIndexPriceAll(symbol string, from, to int64, country, period, periodPre string) {
filter := bson.M{"stock_code": symbol, "timestamp": bson.M{"$gte": from, "$lte": to}}
tableName := data.GetStockIndixKlineTableName(periodPre)
res := make([]model.StockMogoParam, 0)
projection := bson.M{"symbol": 1, "stock_code": 1, "stock_name": 1, "open_price": 1, "high_price": 1, "low_price": 1, "close_price": 1, "vol": 1, "country": 1, "timestamp": 1}
sort := bson.M{"timestamp": 1}
data.MgoFindProjectionRes(tableName, filter, projection, sort, &res, 0)
if len(res) <= 0 {
applogger.Error(symbol+" no data", period)
var low, high, vol decimal.Decimal
for key, v := range res {
lows, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v.LowPrice)
highs, _ := decimal.NewFromString(v.HighPrice)
var vols decimal.Decimal
if key == 0 {
low = lows
high = highs
vol = vols
vol = vol.Add(vols)
if low.GreaterThan(lows) {
low = lows
if high.LessThan(highs) {
high = highs
l := len(res) - 1
var dataList []mongo.WriteModel
ts := from
open := res[0].OpenPrice
opens, _ := decimal.NewFromString(open)
if low.GreaterThan(opens) && !opens.Equal(decimal.NewFromInt(0)) {
low = opens
if high.LessThan(opens) {
high = opens
filter = bson.M{"timestamp": bson.M{"$eq": ts}, "stock_code": bson.M{"$eq": symbol}}
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{
{"symbol", res[l].Symbol},
{"stock_code", res[l].StockCode},
{"stock_name", res[l].StockName},
{"open_price", open},
{"high_price", high.String()},
{"low_price", low.String()},
{"close_price", res[l].ClosePrice},
{"vol", res[l].Vol},
{"country", res[l].Country},
{"timestamp", ts},
applogger.Info("GetTimeNewPriceAll info: %v", update)
models := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel().SetFilter(filter).SetUpdate(update).SetUpsert(true)
dataList = append(dataList, models)
if err := data.MgoBulkWrite(data.GetStockIndixKlineTableName(period), dataList); err != nil {
applogger.Error("stock MgoInsertMany err:%v", err)
// 控制插针数据不推送
func NewPinStock(noPin map[string]bool) {
for {
for k, v := range StockClosedDataList {
hashListName := fmt.Sprintf("STOCK_PRICES:%d", v)
dbs := red.ScanMap(hashListName)
dbData := make(map[string]map[string]bool)
for db, keys := range dbs {
if noPin[db] {
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), db, "no pin 不用插针")
stockCode := make(map[string]bool)
for _, key := range keys {
res, _ := red.HGetAllMap(db, key)
applogger.Debug(common.TimeToNows().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), db, res)
status, _ := strconv.Atoi(res["status"])
code := res["stock_code"]
if status == StockStatusOn {
stockCode[code] = true
dbData[db] = stockCode
pinStock[k] = dbData
applogger.Info("pin stock :%v", pinStock)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Minute)
func getPinStock(db, country string) map[string]bool {
defer pinStockMutex.RUnlock()
return pinStock[country][db]
func JudgePublishMap(country, code, channel string, message interface{}) {
for k, db := range red.RedisClientMap {
if getPinStock(k, country)[code] {
applogger.Debug(k, code, "pin stock", message)
applogger.Info("channel", channel, "DB", k)
err := db.Publish(channel, message).Err()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("db", k, "存储失败:", err)
func JudgeHsetMap(country, key, field string, value interface{}) {
for k, db := range red.RedisClientMap {
if getPinStock(k, country)[field] {
applogger.Debug(k, field, "pin stock", value)
applogger.Info("key", key, "field", field, "value", value, "DB", k)
err := db.HSet(key, field, value).Err()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("db", k, "存储失败:", err)
func StockWs(param model.StockParam, country string) {
param.Token = ""
msgStr, err := json.Marshal(param)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("json.Marshal err: %v", err)
//applogger.Info("last date info: %v", string(msgStr))
// Write to Redis for broadcasting
JudgePublishMap(country, param.Symbol, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", param.Symbol, country), string(msgStr))