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package models
type BotDrawalSetting struct {
BankDrawalFee string `xorm:"not null comment('银行提现手续费') DECIMAL(36,18)"`
BankRechargeFee string `xorm:"not null comment('银行充值手续费') DECIMAL(36,18)"`
DigitalDrawalFee string `xorm:"not null comment('数字币提现手续费') DECIMAL(36,18)"`
DigitalRechargeFee string `xorm:"not null comment('数字币充值手续费') DECIMAL(36,18)"`
Id int `xorm:"not null pk autoincr INT"`
MinDrawal string `xorm:"not null comment('最小提现金额') DECIMAL(36,18)"`
MinRecharge string `xorm:"not null comment('最小充值金额') DECIMAL(36,18)"`