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185 lines
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185 lines
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package socket
import (
models "matchmaking-system/internal/pkg/model"
// orderSubForexSubscribe
// @Description: 用户外汇订单订阅
// @receiver u
// @param psgMsg
func (u *Client) orderSubForexSubscribe(psgMsg *SymbolMessage) {
for {
userId, err := GetUserIdByToken(u.token)
if err != nil {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
if userId != flags.AdministratorsId && psgMsg.Symbol == setting.ForexSubscribe {
orderTokenKey := virtual.OrderIdListKey(setting.ForexSubscribe, userId) // 获取订阅Key
orderList, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), orderTokenKey).Result()
if err != nil {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
for _, value := range orderList {
var msg forex.ForexTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
orderModel := forexData.ForexOrderProcessing(setting.ForexSubscribe, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
_, ok := u.symbol.Load(psgMsg.Symbol)
if ok {
// 清理合约订阅缓存订单中(撤单|平仓)状态的订单
if orderModel.Status == flags.Cancel || orderModel.Status == flags.Close {
err = data.Reds.HDel(context.Background(), orderTokenKey, msg.OrderId).Err()
if err != nil {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
applogger.Error("ForexSubscribe.HDel:%v", err)
orderStr, err := json.Marshal(orderModel)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("orderSubForexSubscribe.Marshal:%v", err)
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
u.msg <- orderStr // 用户外汇(挂单|持仓)订阅
} else {
applogger.Info("User cancels Forex order subscription.")
time.Sleep(600 * time.Millisecond)
func (u *Client) orderSubShareForexMarketSubscribe(psgMsg *SymbolMessage) {
var n int
var MarketForexCache decimal.Decimal // 缓存记录
var marketProfitAndLoss decimal.Decimal // 用户市场累计盈亏
var marketTotalFee decimal.Decimal // 用户市场总手续费
for {
userId, err := GetUserIdByToken(u.token)
if err != nil {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
if userId != flags.AdministratorsId && psgMsg.Symbol == setting.ShareForexMarketSubscribe {
var marketTotalAssets decimal.Decimal // 用户市场总资产
var marketAvailable decimal.Decimal // 用户市场可用
var marketFreeze decimal.Decimal // 用户市场冻结
var marketFloatingPL decimal.Decimal // 用户市场总浮动盈亏
// 统计用户市场可用余额和冻结余额
var botUserForex []models.BotUserForex
err = data.Msql.Table(flags.BotUserForex).Where("user_id = ?", userId).Where("contract_id = ?", flags.ForexUnit).Find(&botUserForex)
if err != nil {
marketAvailable = decimal.Zero
marketFreeze = decimal.Zero
for _, value := range botUserForex {
marketAvailable = decimal.RequireFromString(value.UsableNum)
marketFreeze = decimal.RequireFromString(value.FrozenNum)
// 判定是否存在订单
if marketAvailable.IsZero() || marketFreeze.IsZero() {
if n == 0 {
tradeCount, _ := data.Msql.Table(flags.BotForexTrade).Where("user_id = ?", userId).In("status", 1, 3).Count()
if tradeCount > 0 {
n = 1
if marketAvailable.Cmp(MarketForexCache) != 0 || n == 1 {
// 统计用户市场累计盈亏
var botForexTrade []models.BotForexTrade
err = data.Msql.Table(flags.BotForexTrade).Where("user_id = ?", userId).Where("status = 3").Find(&botForexTrade)
if err != nil {
marketProfitAndLoss = decimal.Zero
for key, value := range botForexTrade {
sumValue := decimal.Zero
openPrice := decimal.RequireFromString(value.DealPrice)
closePrice := decimal.RequireFromString(value.ClosingPrice)
orderNum := decimal.RequireFromString(value.OrderNumber)
pryNum := decimal.RequireFromString(strconv.Itoa(value.PryNum))
switch value.TradeType {
case 1: // 买张
sumValue = closePrice.Sub(openPrice)
case 2: // 买跌
sumValue = openPrice.Sub(closePrice)
profLass := sumValue.Mul(orderNum).Mul(pryNum)
applogger.Error("第一个:%v,买涨还是买跌:%v,开仓价:%v,平仓价:%v,订单量:%v,杠杆:%v,盈亏:%v", key, value.TradeType, openPrice, closePrice, orderNum, pryNum, profLass)
marketProfitAndLoss = marketProfitAndLoss.Add(profLass)
// 统计用户市场总手续费
var botForexTradeFee models.BotForexTrade
totalFee, err := data.Msql.Table(flags.BotForexTrade).Where("user_id = ?", userId).In("status", 1, 3).Sums(botForexTradeFee, "service_cost", "closing_cost")
if err != nil || len(totalFee) != 2 {
marketTotalFee = decimal.Zero
marketTotalFee = decimal.NewFromFloat(totalFee[0]).Add(decimal.NewFromFloat(totalFee[1]))
MarketForexCache = marketAvailable
n = 2
// 用户市场总浮动盈亏
pLPriceSum := GetForexByPriceSum(userId, setting.AdminForexSubscribe)
// 统计用户市场总资产
marketTotalAssets = marketAvailable.Add(marketFreeze).Add(pLPriceSum)
// 统计用户市场总浮动盈亏
marketFloatingPL = pLPriceSum
orderModel := &UserMarketStatistics{
UserMarkerSubscribe: psgMsg.Symbol,
UserMarketTotalAssets: marketTotalAssets.String(),
UserMarketAvailable: marketAvailable.String(),
UserMarketFreeze: marketFreeze.String(),
UserMarketProfitAndLoss: marketProfitAndLoss.String(),
UserMarketTotalFee: marketTotalFee.String(),
UserMarketFloatingPL: marketFloatingPL.String(),
_, ok := u.symbol.Load(psgMsg.Symbol)
if ok {
orderStr, err := json.Marshal(orderModel)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("User market Forex stock subscription cache order error:%v", err)
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
u.msg <- orderStr // 用户市场统计订阅
} else {
applogger.Info("User market cancels subscription to Forex stock orders.")
time.Sleep(800 * time.Millisecond)