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1172 lines
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1172 lines
36 KiB
package socket
import (
forexd "matchmaking-system/internal/data/tradedeal/forex"
// orderSubAdminShareBlkSubscribeByOrder
// @Description: 管理员-大宗交易股|持仓订单订阅|持仓浮动盈亏订阅
// @receiver u
// @param psgMsg
func (u *Client) orderSubAdminShareBlkSubscribeByOrder(psgMsg *SymbolMessage) {
for {
if psgMsg.Symbol == setting.SubscribeAdminShareBlk {
var hashList []share.ShareBlkTallyCache
for _, field := range psgMsg.Order {
fieldStr, err := data.Reds.HGet(context.Background(), setting.AdminShareBlkSubscribe, field).Result()
if err != nil {
var msg share.ShareBlkTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(fieldStr), &msg); err != nil {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
hashList = append(hashList, msg)
for _, value := range hashList {
orderModel := shareData.ShareBlkOrderProcessing(setting.AdminShareBlkSubscribe, 1, value)
if orderModel != nil {
_, ok := u.symbol.Load(psgMsg.Symbol)
if ok {
// 清理[撤单|平仓]缓存队列
if orderModel.Status == flags.Cancel || orderModel.Status == flags.Close {
if err := data.Reds.HDel(context.Background(), setting.AdminShareBlkSubscribe, orderModel.OrderId).Err(); err != nil {
applogger.Error("AdminShareBlkSubscribe.HDel:%v", err)
orderStr, err := json.Marshal(orderModel)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("Administrator block stock subscription cache order error:%v", err)
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
u.msg <- orderStr // 用户(挂单|持仓)订阅
} else {
applogger.Info("Administrator cancels block order subscription.")
time.Sleep(600 * time.Millisecond)
func (u *Client) orderSubAdminShareBlkSubscribeBySum(psgMsg *SymbolMessage) {
for {
if psgMsg.Symbol == setting.AdminShareBlkSumSubscribe {
priceSum, err := memory.ShareBlkFloating.Get(flags.FloatingBlk)
if err != nil {
result := &SymbolSumResult{
Symbol: psgMsg.Symbol,
Price: string(priceSum),
priceByte, err := json.Marshal(result)
if err != nil {
_, ok := u.symbol.Load(psgMsg.Symbol)
if ok {
u.msg <- priceByte
} else {
applogger.Info("Administrator cancels block stock order subscription.")
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// orderSubAdminUserShareSubscribeBySum
// @Description: 管理员用户[美股订单|马股订单|泰股订单|印尼股订单|印度股订单|新加坡股订单|港股订单|期权股订单|大宗股订单]持仓总浮动盈亏
// @receiver u
// @param psgMsg
func (u *Client) orderSubAdminUserShareSubscribeBySum(psgMsg *SymbolMessage) {
for {
if psgMsg.Symbol == setting.AdminShareUserSumSubscribe {
userSumPrice := make(map[int64]decimal.Decimal)
// 统计用户总浮动盈亏
for _, value := range psgMsg.Order {
uid, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
if err != nil {
userId := int64(uid)
// 用户美股订单持仓总浮动盈亏
usPriceSum := GetShareUsByPriceSum(userId, setting.AdminShareUsSubscribe)
// 用户马股订单持仓总浮动盈亏
mysPriceSum := GetShareMysByPriceSum(userId, setting.AdminShareMysSubscribe)
// 用户泰股订单持仓总浮动盈亏
thaPriceSum := GetShareThaByPriceSum(userId, setting.AdminShareThaSubscribe)
// 用户印尼股订单持仓总浮动盈亏
idnPriceSum := GetShareIdnByPriceSum(userId, setting.AdminShareIdnSubscribe)
// 用户印度股订单持仓总浮动盈亏
inrPriceSum := GetShareInrByPriceSum(userId, setting.AdminShareInrSubscribe)
// 用户新加坡股订单持仓总浮动盈亏
sgdPriceSum := GetShareSgdByPriceSum(userId, setting.AdminShareSgdSubscribe)
// 用户德股订单持仓总浮动盈亏
eurPriceSum := GetShareEurByPriceSum(userId, setting.AdminShareEurSubscribe)
// 用户巴西股订单持仓总浮动盈亏
brlPriceSum := GetShareBrlByPriceSum(userId, setting.AdminShareBrlSubscribe)
// 用户法股订单持仓总浮动盈亏
furPriceSum := GetShareFurByPriceSum(userId, setting.AdminShareFurSubscribe)
// 用户日股订单持仓总浮动盈亏
jpyPriceSum := GetShareJpyByPriceSum(userId, setting.AdminShareJpySubscribe)
// 用户英股订单持仓总浮动盈亏
gbxPriceSum := GetShareGbxByPriceSum(userId, setting.AdminShareGbxSubscribe)
// 用户港股订单持仓总浮动盈亏
hkdPriceSum := GetShareHkdByPriceSum(userId, setting.AdminShareHkdSubscribe)
// 用户大宗股订单持仓总浮动盈亏
blkPriceSum := GetShareBlkByPriceSum(userId, setting.AdminShareBlkSubscribe)
// 用户外汇股订单持仓总浮动盈亏
forexPriceSum := GetForexByPriceSum(userId, setting.AdminForexSubscribe)
// 用户印度期权订单持仓总浮动盈亏
optionInrPriceSum := GetShareOptionInrByPriceSum(userId)
userSumPrice[userId] = usPriceSum.Add(mysPriceSum).Add(thaPriceSum).
result := &SymbolUserSumResult{
Symbol: psgMsg.Symbol,
UserSumPrice: userSumPrice,
priceByte, err := json.Marshal(result)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("orderSubAdminUserShareSubscribeBySum json Marshal err:%v", err)
_, ok := u.symbol.Load(psgMsg.Symbol)
if ok {
u.msg <- priceByte
} else {
applogger.Error("Administrator cancels block stock order subscription.")
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// GetShareData
// @Description: 查询用户美股订单总浮动盈亏
// @param userid
// @param shareKey
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetShareUsByPriceSum(userid int64, topIc string) decimal.Decimal {
shareKey := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", setting.ShareUsSubscribe, userid)
hashMap, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), shareKey).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("GetShareData.HGetAll:%v", err)
return decimal.Zero
var priceSum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range hashMap {
var msg share.ShareUsTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
if msg.Status == flags.Position {
orderModel := shareData.ShareUsOrderProcessing(topIc, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
var subPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.Price)
if err != nil {
openPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.OpenPrice)
if err != nil {
switch msg.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨 = 新价格 - 开仓价
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖跌 = 开仓价 - 新价格
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
subPrice = decimal.Zero
orderNumber := decimal.RequireFromString(orderModel.OrderNumber) // 订单量
price := subPrice.Mul(orderNumber)
priceSum = priceSum.Add(price) // 累加盈亏统计
return priceSum
// GetShareThaByPriceSum
// @Description: 查询用户泰股订单总浮动盈亏
// @param userid
// @param topIc
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetShareThaByPriceSum(userid int64, topIc string) decimal.Decimal {
shareKey := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", setting.ShareThaSubscribe, userid)
hashMap, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), shareKey).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("GetShareData.HGetAll:%v", err)
return decimal.Zero
var priceSum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range hashMap {
var msg share.ShareThaTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
if msg.Status == flags.Position {
orderModel := shareData.ShareThaOrderProcessing(topIc, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
var subPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.Price)
if err != nil {
openPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.OpenPrice)
if err != nil {
switch msg.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨 = 新价格 - 开仓价
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖跌 = 开仓价 - 新价格
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
subPrice = decimal.Zero
orderNumber := decimal.RequireFromString(orderModel.OrderNumber) // 订单量
price := subPrice.Mul(orderNumber)
priceSum = priceSum.Add(price) // 累加盈亏统计
return priceSum
// GetShareMysByPriceSum
// @Description: 查询用户马股订单总浮动盈亏
// @param userid
// @param topIc
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetShareMysByPriceSum(userid int64, topIc string) decimal.Decimal {
shareKey := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", setting.ShareMysSubscribe, userid)
hashMap, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), shareKey).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("GetShareData.HGetAll:%v", err)
return decimal.Zero
var priceSum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range hashMap {
var msg share.ShareMysTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
if msg.Status == flags.Position {
orderModel := shareData.ShareMysOrderProcessing(topIc, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
var subPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.Price)
if err != nil {
openPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.OpenPrice)
if err != nil {
switch msg.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨 = 新价格 - 开仓价
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖跌 = 开仓价 - 新价格
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
subPrice = decimal.Zero
orderNumber := decimal.RequireFromString(orderModel.OrderNumber) // 订单量
price := subPrice.Mul(orderNumber)
priceSum = priceSum.Add(price) // 累加盈亏统计
return priceSum
// GetShareIdnByPriceSum
// @Description: 查询用户印尼股订单总浮动盈亏
// @param userid
// @param topIc
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetShareIdnByPriceSum(userid int64, topIc string) decimal.Decimal {
shareKey := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", setting.ShareIdnSubscribe, userid)
hashMap, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), shareKey).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("GetShareData.HGetAll:%v", err)
return decimal.Zero
var priceSum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range hashMap {
var msg share.ShareIdnTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
if msg.Status == flags.Position {
orderModel := shareData.ShareIdnOrderProcessing(topIc, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
var subPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.Price)
if err != nil {
openPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.OpenPrice)
if err != nil {
switch msg.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨 = 新价格 - 开仓价
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖跌 = 开仓价 - 新价格
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
subPrice = decimal.Zero
orderNumber := decimal.RequireFromString(orderModel.OrderNumber) // 订单量
price := subPrice.Mul(orderNumber)
priceSum = priceSum.Add(price) // 累加盈亏统计
return priceSum
// GetShareInrByPriceSum
// @Description: 查询用户印度股订单总浮动盈亏
// @param userid
// @param topIc
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetShareInrByPriceSum(userid int64, topIc string) decimal.Decimal {
shareKey := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", setting.ShareInrSubscribe, userid)
hashMap, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), shareKey).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("GetShareData.HGetAll:%v", err)
return decimal.Zero
var priceSum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range hashMap {
var msg share.ShareInrTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
if msg.Status == flags.Position {
orderModel := shareData.ShareInrOrderProcessing(topIc, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
var subPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.Price)
if err != nil {
openPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.OpenPrice)
if err != nil {
switch msg.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨 = 新价格 - 开仓价
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖跌 = 开仓价 - 新价格
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
subPrice = decimal.Zero
orderNumber := decimal.RequireFromString(orderModel.OrderNumber) // 订单量
price := subPrice.Mul(orderNumber)
priceSum = priceSum.Add(price) // 累加盈亏统计
return priceSum
// GetShareSgdByPriceSum
// @Description: 查询用户新加坡股订单总浮动盈亏
// @param userid
// @param topIc
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetShareSgdByPriceSum(userid int64, topIc string) decimal.Decimal {
shareKey := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", setting.ShareSgdSubscribe, userid)
hashMap, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), shareKey).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("GetShareData.HGetAll:%v", err)
return decimal.Zero
var priceSum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range hashMap {
var msg share.ShareSgdTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
if msg.Status == flags.Position {
orderModel := shareData.ShareSgdOrderProcessing(topIc, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
var subPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.Price)
if err != nil {
openPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.OpenPrice)
if err != nil {
switch msg.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨 = 新价格 - 开仓价
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖跌 = 开仓价 - 新价格
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
subPrice = decimal.Zero
orderNumber := decimal.RequireFromString(orderModel.OrderNumber) // 订单量
price := subPrice.Mul(orderNumber)
priceSum = priceSum.Add(price) // 累加盈亏统计
return priceSum
// GetShareFurByPriceSum
// @Description: 查询用户法股订单总浮动盈亏
// @param userid
// @param topIc
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetShareFurByPriceSum(userid int64, topIc string) decimal.Decimal {
shareKey := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", setting.ShareFurSubscribe, userid)
hashMap, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), shareKey).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("GetShareFurByPriceSum.HGetAll:%v", err)
return decimal.Zero
var priceSum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range hashMap {
var msg share.ShareFurTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
if msg.Status == flags.Position {
orderModel := shareData.ShareFurOrderProcessing(topIc, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
var subPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.Price)
if err != nil {
openPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.OpenPrice)
if err != nil {
switch msg.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨 = 新价格 - 开仓价
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖跌 = 开仓价 - 新价格
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
subPrice = decimal.Zero
orderNumber := decimal.RequireFromString(orderModel.OrderNumber) // 订单量
price := subPrice.Mul(orderNumber)
priceSum = priceSum.Add(price) // 累加盈亏统计
return priceSum
// GetShareJpyByPriceSum
// @Description: 查询用户日股订单总浮动盈亏
// @param userid
// @param topIc
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetShareJpyByPriceSum(userid int64, topIc string) decimal.Decimal {
shareKey := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", setting.ShareJpySubscribe, userid)
hashMap, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), shareKey).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("GetShareJpyByPriceSum.HGetAll:%v", err)
return decimal.Zero
var priceSum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range hashMap {
var msg share.ShareJpyTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
if msg.Status == flags.Position {
orderModel := shareData.ShareJpyOrderProcessing(topIc, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
var subPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.Price)
if err != nil {
openPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.OpenPrice)
if err != nil {
switch msg.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨 = 新价格 - 开仓价
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖跌 = 开仓价 - 新价格
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
subPrice = decimal.Zero
orderNumber := decimal.RequireFromString(orderModel.OrderNumber) // 订单量
price := subPrice.Mul(orderNumber)
priceSum = priceSum.Add(price) // 累加盈亏统计
return priceSum
// GetShareEurByPriceSum
// @Description: 查询用户德股订单总浮动盈亏
// @param userid
// @param topIc
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetShareEurByPriceSum(userid int64, topIc string) decimal.Decimal {
shareKey := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", setting.ShareEurSubscribe, userid)
hashMap, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), shareKey).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("GetShareEurByPriceSum.HGetAll:%v", err)
return decimal.Zero
var priceSum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range hashMap {
var msg share.ShareEurTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
if msg.Status == flags.Position {
orderModel := shareData.ShareEurOrderProcessing(topIc, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
var subPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.Price)
if err != nil {
openPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.OpenPrice)
if err != nil {
switch msg.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨 = 新价格 - 开仓价
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖跌 = 开仓价 - 新价格
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
subPrice = decimal.Zero
orderNumber := decimal.RequireFromString(orderModel.OrderNumber) // 订单量
price := subPrice.Mul(orderNumber)
priceSum = priceSum.Add(price) // 累加盈亏统计
return priceSum
// GetShareBrlByPriceSum
// @Description: 查询用户巴西股订单总浮动盈亏
// @param userid
// @param topIc
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetShareBrlByPriceSum(userid int64, topIc string) decimal.Decimal {
shareKey := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", setting.ShareBrlSubscribe, userid)
hashMap, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), shareKey).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("GetShareBrlByPriceSum.HGetAll:%v", err)
return decimal.Zero
var priceSum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range hashMap {
var msg share.ShareBrlTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
if msg.Status == flags.Position {
orderModel := shareData.ShareBrlOrderProcessing(topIc, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
var subPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.Price)
if err != nil {
openPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.OpenPrice)
if err != nil {
switch msg.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨 = 新价格 - 开仓价
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖跌 = 开仓价 - 新价格
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
subPrice = decimal.Zero
orderNumber := decimal.RequireFromString(orderModel.OrderNumber) // 订单量
price := subPrice.Mul(orderNumber)
priceSum = priceSum.Add(price) // 累加盈亏统计
return priceSum
// GetShareGbxByPriceSum
// @Description: 查询用户英股订单总浮动盈亏
// @param userid
// @param topIc
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetShareGbxByPriceSum(userid int64, topIc string) decimal.Decimal {
shareKey := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", setting.ShareGbxSubscribe, userid)
hashMap, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), shareKey).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("GetShareGbxByPriceSum.HGetAll:%v", err)
return decimal.Zero
var priceSum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range hashMap {
var msg share.ShareGbxTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
if msg.Status == flags.Position {
orderModel := shareData.ShareGbxOrderProcessing(topIc, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
var subPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.Price)
if err != nil {
openPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.OpenPrice)
if err != nil {
switch msg.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨 = 新价格 - 开仓价
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖跌 = 开仓价 - 新价格
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
subPrice = decimal.Zero
orderNumber := decimal.RequireFromString(orderModel.OrderNumber) // 订单量
price := subPrice.Mul(orderNumber)
priceSum = priceSum.Add(price) // 累加盈亏统计
return priceSum
// GetShareHkdByPriceSum
// @Description: 查询用户港股订单总浮动盈亏
// @param userid
// @param topIc
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetShareHkdByPriceSum(userid int64, topIc string) decimal.Decimal {
shareKey := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", setting.ShareHkdSubscribe, userid)
hashMap, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), shareKey).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("GetShareData.HGetAll:%v", err)
return decimal.Zero
var priceSum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range hashMap {
var msg share.ShareHkdTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
if msg.Status == flags.Position {
orderModel := shareData.ShareHkdOrderProcessing(topIc, 0, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
var subPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.Price)
if err != nil {
openPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.OpenPrice)
if err != nil {
switch msg.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨 = 新价格 - 开仓价
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖跌 = 开仓价 - 新价格
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
subPrice = decimal.Zero
orderNumber := decimal.RequireFromString(orderModel.OrderNumber) // 订单量
price := subPrice.Mul(orderNumber)
priceSum = priceSum.Add(price) // 累加盈亏统计
return priceSum
// GetShareBlkByPriceSum
// @Description: 查询用户大宗股订单总浮动盈亏
// @param userid
// @param topIc
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetShareBlkByPriceSum(userid int64, topIc string) decimal.Decimal {
shareKey := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", setting.ShareBlkSubscribe, userid)
hashMap, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), shareKey).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("GetShareData.HGetAll:%v", err)
return decimal.Zero
var priceSum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range hashMap {
var msg share.ShareBlkTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
if msg.Status == flags.Position {
orderModel := shareData.ShareBlkOrderProcessing(topIc, 1, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
var subPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.Price)
if err != nil {
openPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.OpenPrice)
if err != nil {
switch msg.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨 = 新价格 - 开仓价
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖跌 = 开仓价 - 新价格
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
subPrice = decimal.Zero
orderNumber := decimal.RequireFromString(orderModel.OrderNumber) // 订单量
price := subPrice.Mul(orderNumber)
priceSum = priceSum.Add(price) // 累加盈亏统计
return priceSum
// GetShareOptionInrByPriceSum
// @Description: 查询用户印度期权股订单总浮动盈亏
// @param userid
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetShareOptionInrByPriceSum(userid int64) decimal.Decimal {
shareKey := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", setting.OptionInrSubscribe, userid)
hashMap, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), shareKey).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("GetShareData.HGetAll:%v", err)
return decimal.Zero
var priceSum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range hashMap {
var msg option.OptionInrTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
if msg.Status == flags.Position {
orderModel := optionData.OptionInrOrderProcessing(1, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
var newPrice, openPrice, orderNumber, subPrice, resultPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err = decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.Price) // 股票实时价格
if err != nil {
openPrice, err = decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.OpenPrice) // 订单开仓价格
if err != nil {
orderNumber = decimal.RequireFromString(orderModel.OrderNumber) // 订单量
subPrice = OptionResultPrice(msg.Order.TradeType, msg.Order.TradingType, openPrice, newPrice) // 计算浮动盈亏
resultPrice = subPrice.Mul(orderNumber) // 计算订单浮动总盈亏
priceSum = priceSum.Add(resultPrice) // 累加盈亏统计
return priceSum
// OptionResultPrice
// @Description: 查询用户印度期权股订单浮动盈亏
// @param tradeType
// @param tradingType
// @param openPrice
// @param newPrice
// @return decimal.Decimal
func OptionResultPrice(tradeType, tradingType int64, openPrice, newPrice decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal {
//1>buy call & buy put
// 1> bid买一价为0, P/L显示为 -
// 2> bid买一价大于0, P/L =(bid买一价 - Cost Price)*Contracts Quantity
//2>sell call & sell put
// 1> ask卖一价为0, P/L显示为 -
// 2> ask卖一价大于0, P/L =(Cost Price - ASK卖一价)*Contracts Quantity
var subPrice decimal.Decimal
switch tradeType {
case flags.OptionCalls: // Call
switch tradingType {
case flags.OptionBuy: // buy - call
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.OptionSell: // sell - call
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
case flags.OptionPuts: // PUT
switch tradingType {
case flags.OptionBuy: // buy - put
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.OptionSell: // sell - put
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
subPrice = decimal.Zero
return subPrice
// GetShareBlkByPriceSum
// @Description: 查询用户外汇股订单总浮动盈亏
// @param userid
// @param topIc
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetForexByPriceSum(userid int64, topIc string) decimal.Decimal {
shareKey := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", setting.ForexSubscribe, userid)
hashMap, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), shareKey).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("GetShareGbxByPriceSum.HGetAll:%v", err)
return decimal.Zero
var priceSum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range hashMap {
var msg forexd.ForexTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
if msg.Status == flags.Position {
orderModel := forexData.ForexOrderProcessing(topIc, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
var subPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.Price)
if err != nil {
openPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.OpenPrice)
if err != nil {
switch msg.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨 = 新价格 - 开仓价
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖跌 = 开仓价 - 新价格
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
subPrice = decimal.Zero
orderNumber := decimal.RequireFromString(msg.Order.OrderNumber)
pryNum := decimal.RequireFromString(msg.Order.PryNum)
price := subPrice.Mul(orderNumber).Mul(pryNum)
priceSum = priceSum.Add(price) // 累加盈亏统计
return priceSum
// GetMoneyByPriceSum
// @Description: 查询用户综合(现货|合约|外汇)订单总浮动盈亏
// @param userid
// @param topIc
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetMoneyByPriceSum(userid int64, topIc string) decimal.Decimal {
shareKey := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", setting.MoneySubscribe, userid)
hashMap, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), shareKey).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("GetMoneyByPriceSum.HGetAll:%v", err)
return decimal.Zero
var priceSum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range hashMap {
var msg money.MoneyTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
if msg.Status == flags.Position {
orderModel := moneyData.MoneyOrderProcessing(topIc, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
var subPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.Price)
if err != nil {
openPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.OpenPrice)
if err != nil {
switch msg.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨 = 新价格 - 开仓价
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖跌 = 开仓价 - 新价格
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
subPrice = decimal.Zero
orderNumber := decimal.RequireFromString(msg.Order.OrderNumber)
pryNum := decimal.RequireFromString(msg.Order.PryNum)
price := subPrice.Mul(orderNumber).Mul(pryNum)
priceSum = priceSum.Add(price) // 累加盈亏统计
return priceSum
// GetSpotsByPriceSum
// @Description: 查询用户现货订单总浮动盈亏
// @param userid
// @param topIc
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetSpotsByPriceSum(userid int64, topIc string) decimal.Decimal {
shareKey := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", setting.SpotsSubscribe, userid)
hashMap, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), shareKey).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("GetSpotsByPriceSum.HGetAll:%v", err)
return decimal.Zero
var priceSum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range hashMap {
var msg virtual.SpotsTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
if msg.Status == flags.Position {
_, orderModel := virtualData.SpotOrderProcessing(topIc, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
var subPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.Price)
if err != nil {
openPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.OpenPrice)
if err != nil {
switch msg.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨 = 新价格 - 开仓价
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖跌 = 开仓价 - 新价格
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
subPrice = decimal.Zero
orderNumber := decimal.RequireFromString(msg.Order.OrderNumber)
price := subPrice.Mul(orderNumber)
priceSum = priceSum.Add(price) // 累加盈亏统计
return priceSum
// GetContractByPriceSum
// @Description: 查询用户合约订单总浮动盈亏
// @param userid
// @param topIc
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetContractByPriceSum(userid int64, topIc string) decimal.Decimal {
shareKey := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", setting.ContractSubscribe, userid)
hashMap, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), shareKey).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("GetContractByPriceSum.HGetAll:%v", err)
return decimal.Zero
var priceSum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range hashMap {
var msg virtual.ContractTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
if msg.Status == flags.Position {
orderModel := virtualData.ContractOrderProcessing(topIc, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
var subPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.Price)
if err != nil {
openPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.OpenPrice)
if err != nil {
switch msg.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨 = 新价格 - 开仓价
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖跌 = 开仓价 - 新价格
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
subPrice = decimal.Zero
orderNumber := decimal.RequireFromString(msg.Order.OrderNumber)
pryNum := decimal.RequireFromString(msg.Order.PryNum)
price := subPrice.Mul(orderNumber).Mul(pryNum)
priceSum = priceSum.Add(price) // 累加盈亏统计
return priceSum
// GetSecondByPriceSum
// @Description: 查询用户秒合约订单总浮动盈亏
// @param userid
// @param topIc
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetSecondByPriceSum(userid int64, topIc string) decimal.Decimal {
shareKey := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", setting.SecondSubscribe, userid)
hashMap, err := data.Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), shareKey).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("GetSecondByPriceSum.HGetAll:%v", err)
return decimal.Zero
var priceSum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range hashMap {
var msg virtual.ContractTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &msg); err != nil {
if msg.Status == flags.Position {
orderModel := virtualData.SecondOrderProcessing(topIc, msg)
if orderModel != nil {
var subPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.Price)
if err != nil {
openPrice, err := decimal.NewFromString(orderModel.OpenPrice)
if err != nil {
switch msg.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨 = 新价格 - 开仓价
subPrice = newPrice.Sub(openPrice)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖跌 = 开仓价 - 新价格
subPrice = openPrice.Sub(newPrice)
subPrice = decimal.Zero
orderNumber := decimal.RequireFromString(msg.Order.OrderNumber)
pryNum := decimal.RequireFromString(msg.Order.PryNum)
price := subPrice.Mul(orderNumber).Mul(pryNum)
priceSum = priceSum.Add(price) // 累加盈亏统计
return priceSum