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3171 lines
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3171 lines
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package data
import (
forexd "matchmaking-system/internal/data/tradedeal/forex"
orders "matchmaking-system/internal/data/convert"
models "matchmaking-system/internal/pkg/model"
// userLevelRebate
// @Description:
type userLevelRebate struct {
RebatePrice decimal.Decimal
Level int
// SetPrice
// @Description:
type SetPrice struct {
PreStatus string
PreStartTime string
PreLimit string
PrePrices string
AfterStatus string
AfterStartTime string
AfterLimit string
AfterPrices string
Status string
Price string
// CalculateHandlingFees
// @Description: 手续费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId 用户Id
// @param marketType 市场类型:现货|合约|美股
// @param tradeType 交易类型:买入|卖出
// @param orderId 订单Id
// @param dealPrice 成交价格(开仓|平仓)
// @param faceValue
// @return string
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CalculateHandlingFees(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, marketType, tradeType int, orderId, dealPrice, faceValue string) (string, error) {
var feeData decimal.Decimal
var feeList []models.BotFeeSetting
if err := session.Table(flags.BotFeeSetting).
Where("market_type = ?", marketType).
Find(&feeList); err != nil {
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrMySqlDB
priceNew := decimal.RequireFromString(dealPrice)
for _, value := range feeList {
switch tradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy:
feeData = decimal.RequireFromString(value.BuyFee).Mul(priceNew).Mul(decimal.RequireFromString(faceValue))
case flags.TradeTypeSell:
feeData = decimal.RequireFromString(value.SaleFee).Mul(priceNew).Mul(decimal.RequireFromString(faceValue))
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrOrderOne
tradeFee := orders.CreatBotTradeFee(ctx, userId, marketType, tradeType, feeData.String(), orderId)
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotTradeFee).Insert(&tradeFee)
if err != nil {
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrMySqlDB
return feeData.String(), nil
// CalculateHandlingFeesShare
// @Description: 现货、合约、股票-手续费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param marketType
// @param tradeType
// @param orderId
// @param dealPrice
// @return string
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CalculateHandlingFeesShare(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, marketType, tradeType int, orderId, dealPrice string) (string, error) {
var feeData decimal.Decimal
var feeList []models.BotFeeSetting
if err := session.Table(flags.BotFeeSetting).
Where("market_type = ?", marketType).
Find(&feeList); err != nil {
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrMySqlDB
priceNew := decimal.RequireFromString(dealPrice)
for _, value := range feeList {
switch tradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy:
feeData = decimal.RequireFromString(value.BuyFee).Mul(priceNew)
case flags.TradeTypeSell:
feeData = decimal.RequireFromString(value.SaleFee).Mul(priceNew)
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrOrderOne
tradeFee := orders.CreatBotTradeFee(ctx, userId, marketType, tradeType, feeData.String(), orderId)
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotTradeFee).Insert(&tradeFee)
if err != nil {
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrMySqlDB
return feeData.String(), nil
// CalculateHandlingFeesOption
// @Description: 期权手续费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param marketType
// @param tradeType
// @param orderId
// @param dealPrice
// @return string
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CalculateHandlingFeesOption(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, marketType, tradeType int, orderId, dealPrice, quantity string) (string, error) {
var feeData decimal.Decimal
var feeList []models.BotFeeSetting
if err := session.Table(flags.BotFeeSetting).
Where("market_type = ?", marketType).
Find(&feeList); err != nil {
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrMySqlDB
//手续费(Total Fee)
// 1> 固定费用:Total Fee = Total Fee Fix Value(固定费用)
// 2> 按比例结算:Total Fee = Total Fee Ratio(总费用比例) * Option Filled Price(开仓价格) * Quantity(订单数量)
// 3> 按张结算:Total Fee = Total Fee Per Contract(每份费用) * Quantity(订单数量)
priceNew := decimal.RequireFromString(dealPrice)
orderNum := decimal.RequireFromString(quantity)
for _, value := range feeList {
switch tradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 开仓手续费
feeData = OptionFeeByPayType(value.PayType, priceNew, orderNum, decimal.RequireFromString(value.BuyFee))
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 平仓手续费
feeData = OptionFeeByPayType(value.PayType, priceNew, orderNum, decimal.RequireFromString(value.SaleFee))
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrOrderOne
tradeFee := orders.CreatBotTradeFee(ctx, userId, marketType, tradeType, feeData.String(), orderId)
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotTradeFee).Insert(&tradeFee)
if err != nil {
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrMySqlDB
return feeData.String(), nil
// OptionFeeByPayType
// @Description: 通过手续费类型计算手续费
// @param payType
// @param price
// @param orderNum
// @param fee
// @return decimal.Decimal
func OptionFeeByPayType(payType int, price, orderNum, fee decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal {
var feeData decimal.Decimal
switch payType {
case flags.FixedCosts: // 固定费用
feeData = fee
case flags.RatioCosts: // 按比例结算
feeData = price.Mul(orderNum).Mul(fee)
case flags.FixCosts: // 按张结算
feeData = fee.Mul(orderNum)
feeData = decimal.Zero
return feeData
// SpotsRebateCalculation
// @Description: 现货返佣
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId 用户Id
// @param marketType 市场类型:1现货|2合约|3美股
// @param brokType 返佣类型:0注册,1开仓,2平仓
// @param rebateCode 用户资金变动类型:1-充值,2-提现,3-买入,4-卖出,5-冻结,6-解冻,7-账户转出,8-账户转入,9-注册返佣,10-开仓返佣,11-平仓返佣,12-调整加钱,13-调整减钱,14-手续费
// @param cost 手续费(计算返佣金额)
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) SpotsRebateCalculation(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, marketType, brokType, rebateCode int, cost, orderId string) error {
rebateMap, err := uo.MapSetRebateMySqlDB(session, userId, brokType, cost)
if err != nil {
return err
// 写入返佣记录表|更新用户资产表|记录交易明细
for key, value := range rebateMap {
if value == nil {
return flags.ErrOrderThree
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("接收返佣的用户ID:%v,接收返佣的用户返佣金额:%v", key, value)
// 写入返佣记录表
brokerage := orders.CreatBotUserBrokerage(ctx, marketType, key, value.Level, cost, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserBrokerage).Insert(&brokerage)
if err != nil {
return err
// 更新资产信息表(查询|更新)
var usableOld decimal.Decimal
usableOld, _, _, err = uo.GetBotUserDigital(session, int64(key), flags.BasicUnit)
if err != nil {
return err
usableNew := usableOld.Add(value.RebatePrice)
var checkNum int64
userDigitalUSDT := orders.UpdateBotUserDigitalByUsableNum(ctx, usableNew.String())
checkNum, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserDigital).
Where("user_id = ?", key).
Where("digital_id = ?", flags.BasicUnit).
if err != nil || checkNum < 0 {
return err
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣对应代理原有资产:%v,%v", key, usableOld)
applogger.Debug("用户返佣更新对应代理资产:%v,%v", key, usableNew)
// 写入资金明细表(平仓返佣)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserDigitalLogByRebate(ctx, session, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ContractRebateCalculation
// @Description: 返佣
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param marketType
// @param brokType
// @param rebateCode
// @param cost
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) ContractRebateCalculation(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, marketType, brokType, rebateCode int, cost, orderId string) error {
rebateMap, err := uo.MapSetRebateMySqlDB(session, userId, brokType, cost)
if err != nil {
return err
// 写入返佣记录表|更新用户资产表|记录交易明细
for key, value := range rebateMap {
if value == nil {
return flags.ErrOrderFour
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣记录:%v,%v", key, value)
brokerage := orders.CreatBotUserBrokerage(ctx, marketType, key, value.Level, cost, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserBrokerage).Insert(&brokerage)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractRebateCalculation.Insert:%v", common.ErrContract, err)
return err
// 查询资产信息表
var usableOld, frozenOld decimal.Decimal
usableOld, frozenOld, _, err = uo.GetBotUserContract(session, int64(key), flags.BasicUnit)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractRebateCalculation.GetBotUserContract:%v", common.ErrContract, err)
return err
usableNew := usableOld.Add(value.RebatePrice)
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣对应代理原有资产:%v", key, usableOld)
applogger.Debug("用户返佣更新对应代理资产:%v", key, usableNew)
// 更新返佣用户资产信息
userContractUSDT := orders.UpdateBotUserContract(ctx, usableNew.String(), frozenOld.String())
if err = uo.UpdateBotUserContract(session, int64(key), flags.BasicUnit, userContractUSDT); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractRebateCalculation.UpdateBotUserContract:%v", common.ErrContract, err)
return err
// 写入资金明细表(返佣)
uData := orders.CreatBotUserContractLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.BasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserContractLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserContractLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrContract, err)
return err
return nil
func (uo *userOrderRepo) ForexRebateCalculation(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, marketType, brokType, rebateCode int, cost, orderId string) error {
rebateMap, err := uo.MapSetRebateMySqlDB(session, userId, brokType, cost)
if err != nil {
return err
// 写入返佣记录表|更新用户资产表|记录交易明细
for key, value := range rebateMap {
if value == nil {
return flags.ErrOrderFour
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣记录:%v,%v", key, value)
brokerage := orders.CreatBotUserBrokerage(ctx, marketType, key, value.Level, cost, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserBrokerage).Insert(&brokerage)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractRebateCalculation.Insert:%v", common.ErrForex, err)
return err
// 查询资产信息表
var usableOld, frozenOld decimal.Decimal
usableOld, frozenOld, _, err = uo.GetBotUserForex(session, int64(key), flags.ForexUnit)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractRebateCalculation.GetBotUserForex:%v", common.ErrForex, err)
return err
usableNew := usableOld.Add(value.RebatePrice)
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣对应代理原有资产:%v", key, usableOld)
applogger.Debug("用户返佣更新对应代理资产:%v", key, usableNew)
// 更新返佣用户资产信息
userForexUSDT := orders.UpdateBotUserForex(ctx, usableNew.String(), frozenOld.String())
if err = uo.UpdateBotUserForex(session, int64(key), flags.ForexUnit, userForexUSDT); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractRebateCalculation.UpdateBotUserForex:%v", common.ErrForex, err)
return err
// 写入资金明细表(返佣)
uData := orders.CreatBotUserForexLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ForexUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserForexLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserForexLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrForex, err)
return err
return nil
func (uo *userOrderRepo) MoneyRebateCalculation(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, marketType, brokType, rebateCode int, cost, orderId string) error {
rebateMap, err := uo.MapSetRebateMySqlDB(session, userId, brokType, cost)
if err != nil {
return err
// 写入返佣记录表|更新用户资产表|记录交易明细
for key, value := range rebateMap {
if value == nil {
return flags.ErrOrderFour
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣记录:%v,%v", key, value)
brokerage := orders.CreatBotUserBrokerage(ctx, marketType, key, value.Level, cost, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserBrokerage).Insert(&brokerage)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractRebateCalculation.Insert:%v", common.ErrForex, err)
return err
// 查询资产信息表
var usableOld, frozenOld decimal.Decimal
usableOld, frozenOld, _, err = uo.GetBotUserMoney(session, int64(key), flags.ForexUnit)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractRebateCalculation.GetBotUserMoney:%v", common.ErrForex, err)
return err
usableNew := usableOld.Add(value.RebatePrice)
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣对应代理原有资产:%v", key, usableOld)
applogger.Debug("用户返佣更新对应代理资产:%v", key, usableNew)
// 更新返佣用户资产信息
userMoneyUSDT := orders.UpdateBotUserMoney(ctx, usableNew.String(), frozenOld.String())
if err = uo.UpdateBotUserMoney(session, int64(key), flags.MoneyUnit, userMoneyUSDT); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractRebateCalculation.UpdateBotUserMoney:%v", common.ErrForex, err)
return err
// 写入资金明细表(返佣)
uData := orders.CreatBotUserMoneyLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.MoneyUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserMoneyLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserMoneyLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrForex, err)
return err
return nil
// ShareUsRebateCalculation
// @Description: 美股返佣
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param marketType
// @param brokType
// @param rebateCode
// @param cost
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) ShareUsRebateCalculation(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, marketType, brokType, rebateCode int, cost, orderId string, typeStatus int64) error {
rebateMap, err := uo.MapSetRebateMySqlDB(session, userId, brokType, cost)
if err != nil {
return err
// 写入返佣记录表|更新用户资产表|记录交易明细
for key, value := range rebateMap {
if value == nil {
return flags.ErrOrderFour
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣记录:%v", key, value)
brokerage := orders.CreatBotUserBrokerage(ctx, marketType, key, value.Level, cost, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserBrokerage).Insert(&brokerage)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareUsRebateCalculation.Insert:%v", common.ErrShareUs, err)
return err
// 查询资产信息表
var usableOld, frozenOld decimal.Decimal
userStockUsd, err := uo.GetBotUserStockByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareUsBasicUnit)
if err != nil || userStockUsd == nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareUsRebateCalculation.GetBotUserStockByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareUs, err)
return err
usableNew := usableOld.Add(value.RebatePrice)
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣对应代理原有资产:%v", key, usableOld)
applogger.Debug("用户返佣更新对应代理资产:%v", key, usableNew)
// 更新返佣用户资产信息
userStockUSD := orders.UpdateBotUserStock(ctx, usableNew.String(), frozenOld.String())
if err = uo.UpdateBotUserStockByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareUsBasicUnit, userStockUSD); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareUsRebateCalculation.UpdateBotUserStockByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareUs, err)
return err
// 写入资金明细表(返佣)
if !CheckTypeStatus(typeStatus) {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareUsBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareUsRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareUs, err)
return err
} else {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockBlockLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareUsBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId, typeStatus)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareUsRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareUs, err)
return err
return nil
// ShareHkdRebateCalculation
// @Description:
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param marketType
// @param brokType
// @param rebateCode
// @param cost
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) ShareHkdRebateCalculation(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, marketType, brokType, rebateCode int, cost, orderId string, typeStatus int64) error {
rebateMap, err := uo.MapSetRebateMySqlDB(session, userId, brokType, cost)
if err != nil {
return err
// 写入返佣记录表|更新用户资产表|记录交易明细
for key, value := range rebateMap {
if value == nil {
return flags.ErrOrderFour
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣记录:%v", key, value)
brokerage := orders.CreatBotUserBrokerage(ctx, marketType, key, value.Level, cost, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserBrokerage).Insert(&brokerage)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareHkdRebateCalculation.Insert:%v", common.ErrShareHkd, err)
return err
// 查询资产信息表
var usableOld, frozenOld decimal.Decimal
userStockUsd, err := uo.GetBotUserStockHkdByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareHkdBasicUnit)
if err != nil || userStockUsd == nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareHkdRebateCalculation.GetBotUserStockHkdByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareHkd, err)
return err
usableNew := usableOld.Add(value.RebatePrice)
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣对应代理原有资产:%v", key, usableOld)
applogger.Debug("用户返佣更新对应代理资产:%v", key, usableNew)
// 更新返佣用户资产信息
userStockUSD := orders.UpdateBotUserStockHkd(ctx, usableNew.String(), frozenOld.String())
if err = uo.UpdateBotUserStockHkdByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareHkdBasicUnit, userStockUSD); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareHkdRebateCalculation.UpdateBotUserStockByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareHkd, err)
return err
// 写入资金明细表(返佣)
if !CheckTypeStatus(typeStatus) {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockHkdLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareHkdBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockHkdLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareHkdRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockHkdLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareHkd, err)
return err
} else {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockBlockLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareHkdBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId, typeStatus)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareHkdRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareHkd, err)
return err
return nil
// ShareIdnRebateCalculation
// @Description: 印尼股返佣
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param marketType
// @param brokType
// @param rebateCode
// @param cost
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) ShareIdnRebateCalculation(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, marketType, brokType, rebateCode int, cost, orderId string, typeStatus int64) error {
rebateMap, err := uo.MapSetRebateMySqlDB(session, userId, brokType, cost)
if err != nil {
return err
// 写入返佣记录表|更新用户资产表|记录交易明细
for key, value := range rebateMap {
if value == nil {
return flags.ErrOrderFour
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣记录:%v", key, value)
brokerage := orders.CreatBotUserBrokerage(ctx, marketType, key, value.Level, cost, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserBrokerage).Insert(&brokerage)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareIdnRebateCalculation.Insert:%v", common.ErrShareIdn, err)
return err
// 查询资产信息表
var usableOld, frozenOld decimal.Decimal
userStockIdr, err := uo.GetBotUserStockIdnByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareIdnBasicUnit)
if err != nil || userStockIdr == nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareIdnRebateCalculation.GetBotUserStockIdnByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareIdn, err)
return err
usableNew := usableOld.Add(value.RebatePrice)
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣对应代理原有资产:%v", key, usableOld)
applogger.Debug("用户返佣更新对应代理资产:%v", key, usableNew)
// 更新返佣用户资产信息
userStockIDR := orders.UpdateBotUserStockIdn(ctx, usableNew.String(), frozenOld.String())
if err = uo.UpdateBotUserStockIdnByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareIdnBasicUnit, userStockIDR); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareIdnRebateCalculation.UpdateBotUserStockIdnByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareIdn, err)
return err
// 写入资金明细表(返佣)
if !CheckTypeStatus(typeStatus) {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockIdnLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareIdnBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockIdnLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareUsRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockIdnLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareIdn, err)
return err
} else {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockBlockLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareIdnBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId, typeStatus)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareUsRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareIdn, err)
return err
return nil
// ShareInrRebateCalculation
// @Description: 印度股返佣
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param marketType
// @param brokType
// @param rebateCode
// @param cost
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) ShareInrRebateCalculation(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, marketType, brokType, rebateCode int, cost, orderId string, typeStatus int64) error {
rebateMap, err := uo.MapSetRebateMySqlDB(session, userId, brokType, cost)
if err != nil {
return err
// 写入返佣记录表|更新用户资产表|记录交易明细
for key, value := range rebateMap {
if value == nil {
return flags.ErrOrderFour
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣记录:%v", key, value)
brokerage := orders.CreatBotUserBrokerage(ctx, marketType, key, value.Level, cost, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserBrokerage).Insert(&brokerage)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareInrRebateCalculation.Insert:%v", common.ErrShareInr, err)
return err
// 查询资产信息表
var usableOld, frozenOld decimal.Decimal
userStockIdr, err := uo.GetBotUserStockInByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareInrBasicUnit)
if err != nil || userStockIdr == nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareInrRebateCalculation.GetBotUserStockInByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareInr, err)
return err
usableNew := usableOld.Add(value.RebatePrice)
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣对应代理原有资产:%v", key, usableOld)
applogger.Debug("用户返佣更新对应代理资产:%v", key, usableNew)
// 更新返佣用户资产信息
userStockIDR := orders.UpdateBotUserStockIn(ctx, usableNew.String(), frozenOld.String())
if err = uo.UpdateBotUserStockInByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareInrBasicUnit, userStockIDR); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareInrRebateCalculation.UpdateBotUserStockIdnByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareInr, err)
return err
// TODO: 写入资金明细表(返佣)
if !CheckTypeStatus(typeStatus) {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockInLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareInrBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockInLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareInrRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockInLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareInr, err)
return err
} else {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockBlockLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareInrBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId, typeStatus)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareInrRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareInr, err)
return err
return nil
// ShareGbxRebateCalculation
// @Description: 英股返佣
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param marketType
// @param brokType
// @param rebateCode
// @param cost
// @param orderId
// @param typeStatus
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) ShareGbxRebateCalculation(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, marketType, brokType, rebateCode int, cost, orderId string, typeStatus int64) error {
rebateMap, err := uo.MapSetRebateMySqlDB(session, userId, brokType, cost)
if err != nil {
return err
// 写入返佣记录表|更新用户资产表|记录交易明细
for key, value := range rebateMap {
if value == nil {
return flags.ErrOrderFour
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣记录:%v", key, value)
brokerage := orders.CreatBotUserBrokerage(ctx, marketType, key, value.Level, cost, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserBrokerage).Insert(&brokerage)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareGbxRebateCalculation.Insert:%v", common.ErrShareGbx, err)
return err
// 查询资产信息表
var usableOld, frozenOld decimal.Decimal
userStockIdr, err := uo.GetBotUserStockGbxByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareGbxBasicUnit)
if err != nil || userStockIdr == nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareGbxRebateCalculation.GetBotUserStockGbxByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareGbx, err)
return err
usableNew := usableOld.Add(value.RebatePrice)
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣对应代理原有资产:%v", key, usableOld)
applogger.Debug("用户返佣更新对应代理资产:%v", key, usableNew)
// 更新返佣用户资产信息
userStockIDR := orders.UpdateBotUserStockGbx(ctx, usableNew.String(), frozenOld.String())
if err = uo.UpdateBotUserStockGbxByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareGbxBasicUnit, userStockIDR); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareGbxRebateCalculation.UpdateBotUserStockGbxByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareGbx, err)
return err
// TODO: 写入资金明细表(返佣)
if !CheckTypeStatus(typeStatus) {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockGbxLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareGbxBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockGbxLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareGbxRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockGbxLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareGbx, err)
return err
} else {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockBlockLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareGbxBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId, typeStatus)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareGbxRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareGbx, err)
return err
return nil
// ShareMysRebateCalculation
// @Description: 马股返佣
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param marketType
// @param brokType
// @param rebateCode
// @param cost
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) ShareMysRebateCalculation(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, marketType, brokType, rebateCode int, cost, orderId string, typeStatus int64) error {
rebateMap, err := uo.MapSetRebateMySqlDB(session, userId, brokType, cost)
if err != nil {
return err
// 写入返佣记录表|更新用户资产表|记录交易明细
for key, value := range rebateMap {
if value == nil {
return flags.ErrOrderFour
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣记录:%v", key, value)
brokerage := orders.CreatBotUserBrokerage(ctx, marketType, key, value.Level, cost, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserBrokerage).Insert(&brokerage)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareMysRebateCalculation.Insert:%v", common.ErrShareMys, err)
return err
// 查询资产信息表
var usableOld, frozenOld decimal.Decimal
userStockIdr, err := uo.GetBotUserStockMysByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareMysBasicUnit)
if err != nil || userStockIdr == nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareMysRebateCalculation.GetBotUserStockMysByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareMys, err)
return err
usableNew := usableOld.Add(value.RebatePrice)
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣对应代理原有资产:%v", key, usableOld)
applogger.Debug("用户返佣更新对应代理资产:%v", key, usableNew)
// 更新返佣用户资产信息
userStockMYR := orders.UpdateBotUserStockMys(ctx, usableNew.String(), frozenOld.String())
if err = uo.UpdateBotUserStockMysByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareMysBasicUnit, userStockMYR); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareMysRebateCalculation.UpdateBotUserStockMysByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareMys, err)
return err
// 写入资金明细表(返佣)
if !CheckTypeStatus(typeStatus) {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockMysLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareMysBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockMysLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareMysRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockMysLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareMys, err)
return err
} else {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockBlockLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareMysBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId, typeStatus)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareMysRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareMys, err)
return err
return nil
// ShareThaRebateCalculation
// @Description: 泰股返佣
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param marketType
// @param brokType
// @param rebateCode
// @param cost
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) ShareThaRebateCalculation(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, marketType, brokType, rebateCode int, cost, orderId string, typeStatus int64) error {
rebateMap, err := uo.MapSetRebateMySqlDB(session, userId, brokType, cost)
if err != nil {
return err
// 写入返佣记录表|更新用户资产表|记录交易明细
for key, value := range rebateMap {
if value == nil {
return flags.ErrOrderFour
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("用户返佣记录:%v", key, value)
brokerage := orders.CreatBotUserBrokerage(ctx, marketType, key, value.Level, cost, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserBrokerage).Insert(&brokerage)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareThaRebateCalculation.Insert:%v", common.ErrShareTha, err)
return err
// 查询资产信息表
var usableOld, frozenOld decimal.Decimal
userStockThb, err := uo.GetBotUserStockThaByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareThaBasicUnit)
if err != nil || userStockThb == nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareThaRebateCalculation.GetBotUserStockThaByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareTha, err)
return err
usableNew := usableOld.Add(value.RebatePrice)
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Info("用户返佣对应代理原有资产:%v", key, usableOld)
applogger.Info("用户返佣更新对应代理资产:%v", key, usableNew)
// 更新返佣用户资产信息
userStockTHB := orders.UpdateBotUserStockTha(ctx, usableNew.String(), frozenOld.String())
if err = uo.UpdateBotUserStockThaByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareThaBasicUnit, userStockTHB); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareThaRebateCalculation.UpdateBotUserStockThaByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareTha, err)
return err
// 写入资金明细表(返佣)
if !CheckTypeStatus(typeStatus) {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockThaLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareThaBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockThaLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareThaRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockThaLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareTha, err)
return err
} else {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockBlockLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareThaBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId, typeStatus)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareThaRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareTha, err)
return err
return nil
// ShareSgdRebateCalculation
// @Description: 新加坡返佣
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param marketType
// @param brokType
// @param rebateCode
// @param cost
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) ShareSgdRebateCalculation(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, marketType, brokType, rebateCode int, cost, orderId string, typeStatus int64) error {
rebateMap, err := uo.MapSetRebateMySqlDB(session, userId, brokType, cost)
if err != nil {
return err
// 写入返佣记录表|更新用户资产表|记录交易明细
for key, value := range rebateMap {
if value == nil {
return flags.ErrOrderFour
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Info("用户返佣记录:%v", key, value)
brokerage := orders.CreatBotUserBrokerage(ctx, marketType, key, value.Level, cost, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserBrokerage).Insert(&brokerage)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareSgdRebateCalculation.Insert:%v", common.ErrShareSgd, err)
return err
// 查询资产信息表
var usableOld, frozenOld decimal.Decimal
userStockThb, err := uo.GetBotUserStockSgdByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareSgdBasicUnit)
if err != nil || userStockThb == nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareSgdRebateCalculation.GetBotUserStockSgdByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareSgd, err)
return err
usableNew := usableOld.Add(value.RebatePrice)
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Info("用户返佣对应代理原有资产:%v", key, usableOld)
applogger.Info("用户返佣更新对应代理资产:%v", key, usableNew)
// 更新返佣用户资产信息
userStockTHB := orders.UpdateBotUserStockSgd(ctx, usableNew.String(), frozenOld.String())
if err = uo.UpdateBotUserStockSgdByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareSgdBasicUnit, userStockTHB); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareSgdRebateCalculation.UpdateBotUserStockSgdByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareSgd, err)
return err
// TODO: 写入资金明细表(返佣)
if !CheckTypeStatus(typeStatus) {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockSgdLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareSgdBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockSgdLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareSgdRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockSgdLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareSgd, err)
return err
} else {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockBlockLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareSgdBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId, typeStatus)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareSgdRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockSgdLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareSgd, err)
return err
return nil
// ShareEurRebateCalculation
// @Description: 德返佣
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param marketType
// @param brokType
// @param rebateCode
// @param cost
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) ShareEurRebateCalculation(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, marketType, brokType, rebateCode int, cost, orderId string, typeStatus int64) error {
rebateMap, err := uo.MapSetRebateMySqlDB(session, userId, brokType, cost)
if err != nil {
return err
// 写入返佣记录表|更新用户资产表|记录交易明细
for key, value := range rebateMap {
if value == nil {
return flags.ErrOrderFour
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Info("用户返佣记录:%v", key, value)
brokerage := orders.CreatBotUserBrokerage(ctx, marketType, key, value.Level, cost, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserBrokerage).Insert(&brokerage)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareEurRebateCalculation.Insert:%v", common.ErrShareEur, err)
return err
// 查询资产信息表
var usableOld, frozenOld decimal.Decimal
userStockThb, err := uo.GetBotUserStockEurByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareEurBasicUnit)
if err != nil || userStockThb == nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareEurRebateCalculation.GetBotUserStockEurByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareEur, err)
return err
usableNew := usableOld.Add(value.RebatePrice)
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Info("用户返佣对应代理原有资产:%v", key, usableOld)
applogger.Info("用户返佣更新对应代理资产:%v", key, usableNew)
// 更新返佣用户资产信息
userStockTHB := orders.UpdateBotUserStockEur(ctx, usableNew.String(), frozenOld.String())
if err = uo.UpdateBotUserStockEurByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareEurBasicUnit, userStockTHB); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareEurRebateCalculation.UpdateBotUserStockSgdByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareEur, err)
return err
// TODO: 写入资金明细表(返佣)
if !CheckTypeStatus(typeStatus) {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockEurLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareEurBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockEurLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareEurRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockEurLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareEur, err)
return err
} else {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockBlockLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareEurBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId, typeStatus)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareEurRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareEur, err)
return err
return nil
// ShareBrlRebateCalculation
// @Description: 巴西返佣
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param marketType
// @param brokType
// @param rebateCode
// @param cost
// @param orderId
// @param typeStatus
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) ShareBrlRebateCalculation(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, marketType, brokType, rebateCode int, cost, orderId string, typeStatus int64) error {
rebateMap, err := uo.MapSetRebateMySqlDB(session, userId, brokType, cost)
if err != nil {
return err
// 写入返佣记录表|更新用户资产表|记录交易明细
for key, value := range rebateMap {
if value == nil {
return flags.ErrOrderFour
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Info("用户返佣记录:%v", key, value)
brokerage := orders.CreatBotUserBrokerage(ctx, marketType, key, value.Level, cost, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserBrokerage).Insert(&brokerage)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareBrlRebateCalculation.Insert:%v", common.ErrShareBrl, err)
return err
// 查询资产信息表
var usableOld, frozenOld decimal.Decimal
userStockThb, err := uo.GetBotUserStockBrlByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareBrlBasicUnit)
if err != nil || userStockThb == nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareBrlRebateCalculation.GetBotUserStockBrlByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareBrl, err)
return err
usableNew := usableOld.Add(value.RebatePrice)
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Info("用户返佣对应代理原有资产:%v", key, usableOld)
applogger.Info("用户返佣更新对应代理资产:%v", key, usableNew)
// 更新返佣用户资产信息
userStockTHB := orders.UpdateBotUserStockBrl(ctx, usableNew.String(), frozenOld.String())
if err = uo.UpdateBotUserStockBrlByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareBrlBasicUnit, userStockTHB); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareBrlRebateCalculation.UpdateBotUserStockBrlByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareBrl, err)
return err
// TODO: 写入资金明细表(返佣)
if !CheckTypeStatus(typeStatus) {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockBrlLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareBrlBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockBrlLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareBrlRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockBrlLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareBrl, err)
return err
} else {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockBlockLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareBrlBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId, typeStatus)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareBrlRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareBrl, err)
return err
return nil
// ShareEurRebateCalculation
// @Description: 法返佣
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param marketType
// @param brokType
// @param rebateCode
// @param cost
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) ShareFurRebateCalculation(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, marketType, brokType, rebateCode int, cost, orderId string, typeStatus int64) error {
rebateMap, err := uo.MapSetRebateMySqlDB(session, userId, brokType, cost)
if err != nil {
return err
// 写入返佣记录表|更新用户资产表|记录交易明细
for key, value := range rebateMap {
if value == nil {
return flags.ErrOrderFour
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Info("用户返佣记录:%v", key, value)
brokerage := orders.CreatBotUserBrokerage(ctx, marketType, key, value.Level, cost, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserBrokerage).Insert(&brokerage)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareFurRebateCalculation.Insert:%v", common.ErrShareFur, err)
return err
// 查询资产信息表
var usableOld, frozenOld decimal.Decimal
userStockThb, err := uo.GetBotUserStockFurByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareFurBasicUnit)
if err != nil || userStockThb == nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareFurRebateCalculation.GetBotUserStockFurByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareFur, err)
return err
usableNew := usableOld.Add(value.RebatePrice)
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Info("用户返佣对应代理原有资产:%v", key, usableOld)
applogger.Info("用户返佣更新对应代理资产:%v", key, usableNew)
// 更新返佣用户资产信息
userStockTHB := orders.UpdateBotUserStockFur(ctx, usableNew.String(), frozenOld.String())
if err = uo.UpdateBotUserStockFurByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareFurBasicUnit, userStockTHB); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareFurRebateCalculation.UpdateBotUserStockFurByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareFur, err)
return err
// TODO: 写入资金明细表(返佣)
if !CheckTypeStatus(typeStatus) {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockFurLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareFurBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockFurLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareFurRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockFurLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareFur, err)
return err
} else {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockBlockLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareFurBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId, typeStatus)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareFurRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareFur, err)
return err
return nil
// ShareJpyRebateCalculation
// @Description:
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param marketType
// @param brokType
// @param rebateCode
// @param cost
// @param orderId
// @param typeStatus
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) ShareJpyRebateCalculation(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, marketType, brokType, rebateCode int, cost, orderId string, typeStatus int64) error {
rebateMap, err := uo.MapSetRebateMySqlDB(session, userId, brokType, cost)
if err != nil {
return err
// 写入返佣记录表|更新用户资产表|记录交易明细
for key, value := range rebateMap {
if value == nil {
return flags.ErrOrderFour
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Info("用户返佣记录:%v", key, value)
brokerage := orders.CreatBotUserBrokerage(ctx, marketType, key, value.Level, cost, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserBrokerage).Insert(&brokerage)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareFurRebateCalculation.Insert:%v", common.ErrShareJpy, err)
return err
// 查询资产信息表
var usableOld, frozenOld decimal.Decimal
userStockThb, err := uo.GetBotUserStockJpyByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareJpyBasicUnit)
if err != nil || userStockThb == nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareJpyRebateCalculation.GetBotUserStockJpyByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareJpy, err)
return err
usableNew := usableOld.Add(value.RebatePrice)
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Info("用户返佣对应代理原有资产:%v", key, usableOld)
applogger.Info("用户返佣更新对应代理资产:%v", key, usableNew)
// 更新返佣用户资产信息
userStockTHB := orders.UpdateBotUserStockJpy(ctx, usableNew.String(), frozenOld.String())
if err = uo.UpdateBotUserStockJpyByUserIdAndStockId(session, int64(key), flags.ShareJpyBasicUnit, userStockTHB); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareFurRebateCalculation.UpdateBotUserStockJpyByUserIdAndStockId:%v", common.ErrShareJpy, err)
return err
// TODO: 写入资金明细表(返佣)
if !CheckTypeStatus(typeStatus) {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockJpyLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareJpyBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockJpyLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareJpyRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockJpyLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareJpy, err)
return err
} else {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserStockBlockLog(ctx, int64(key), int64(rebateCode), flags.ShareJpyBasicUnit, value.RebatePrice.String(), orderId, typeStatus)
if err = uo.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate(session, uData); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ShareJpyRebateCalculation.CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate:%v", common.ErrShareJpy, err)
return err
return nil
// MapSetRebate
// @Description: 返佣层级关系
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param userId
// @param brokType
// @param cost
// @return map[int]*userLevelRebate
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) MapSetRebate(userId, brokType int, cost string) (map[int]*userLevelRebate, error) {
var level models.BotUserLevel
keyData := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", flags.UserLevel, userId)
userLevel, err := Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), keyData).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v MapSetRebate.HGetAll:%v", common.ErrContract, err)
return nil, err
for key, value := range userLevel {
valueId, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v MapSetRebate.Atoi:%v", common.ErrContract, err)
return nil, err
switch key {
case "user_id":
level.UserId = valueId
case "parent_id":
level.ParentId = valueId
case "grandpa_id":
level.GrandpaId = valueId
case "top_id":
level.TopId = valueId
if level.UserId == 0 {
return nil, flags.ErrOrderSix
// 查询当前用户--返佣计算比例
var setting map[string]string
var parentFee, grandpaFee, topFee decimal.Decimal
switch brokType {
case flags.Register: // 0 注册返佣
setting, err = Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), flags.RegSetting).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v MapSetRebate.HGetAll:%v", common.ErrContract, err)
return nil, err
case flags.OpenPosition: // 1 开仓返佣 BROKERAGE:BUY:SETTING
setting, err = Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), flags.BuySetting).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v MapSetRebate.HGetAll:%v", common.ErrContract, err)
return nil, err
case flags.ClosingPosition: // 2 平仓返佣 BROKERAGE:SALE:SETTING
setting, err = Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), flags.SaleSetting).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v MapSetRebate.HGetAll:%v", common.ErrContract, err)
return nil, err
return nil, flags.ErrOrderFive
for key, value := range setting {
switch key {
case "parent_fee":
parentFee = decimal.RequireFromString(value)
case "grandpa_fee":
grandpaFee = decimal.RequireFromString(value)
case "top_fee":
topFee = decimal.RequireFromString(value)
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Info("父级返佣比例ID:%v", parentFee)
applogger.Info("爷级返佣比例ID:%v", grandpaFee)
applogger.Info("祖级返佣比例ID:%v", topFee)
mapLevelFee := make(map[int]*userLevelRebate)
if level.ParentId > 0 {
mapLevelFee[level.ParentId] = &userLevelRebate{
RebatePrice: parentFee.Mul(decimal.RequireFromString(cost)),
Level: flags.ParentId,
if level.GrandpaId > 0 {
mapLevelFee[level.GrandpaId] = &userLevelRebate{
RebatePrice: grandpaFee.Mul(decimal.RequireFromString(cost)),
Level: flags.GrandpaId,
if level.TopId > 0 {
mapLevelFee[level.TopId] = &userLevelRebate{
RebatePrice: topFee.Mul(decimal.RequireFromString(cost)),
Level: flags.TopId,
return mapLevelFee, nil
// MapSetRebateMySqlDB
// @Description: 返佣比例
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param brokType
// @param cost
// @return map[int]*userLevelRebate
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) MapSetRebateMySqlDB(session *xorm.Session, userId, brokType int, cost string) (map[int]*userLevelRebate, error) {
// 获取用户等级-从缓存中取
var levelList []models.BotUserLevel
if err := session.Table(flags.BotUserLevel).
Where("user_id = ?", userId).
Find(&levelList); err != nil {
return map[int]*userLevelRebate{}, err
// 获取返佣比例-从缓存中取
var brokerSetList []models.BotBrokerageSetting
if err := session.Table(flags.BotBrokerageSetting).
Where("brok_type = ?", brokType).
Find(&brokerSetList); err != nil {
return nil, err
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Info("查询用户返佣关系:%v", levelList)
// 统计需要返佣的用户数据
var parentFee, grandpaFee, topFee decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range brokerSetList {
parentFee = decimal.RequireFromString(value.ParentFee)
grandpaFee = decimal.RequireFromString(value.GrandpaFee)
topFee = decimal.RequireFromString(value.TopFee)
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Info("父级返佣比例ID:%v", parentFee)
applogger.Info("爷级返佣比例ID:%v", grandpaFee)
applogger.Info("祖级返佣比例ID:%v", topFee)
mapLevelFee := make(map[int]*userLevelRebate)
for _, value := range levelList {
if value.ParentId > 0 {
if !parentFee.IsZero() {
mapLevelFee[value.ParentId] = &userLevelRebate{
RebatePrice: parentFee.Mul(decimal.RequireFromString(cost)),
Level: flags.ParentId,
if value.GrandpaId > 0 {
if !grandpaFee.IsZero() {
mapLevelFee[value.GrandpaId] = &userLevelRebate{
RebatePrice: grandpaFee.Mul(decimal.RequireFromString(cost)),
Level: flags.GrandpaId,
if value.TopId > 0 {
if !topFee.IsZero() {
mapLevelFee[value.TopId] = &userLevelRebate{
RebatePrice: topFee.Mul(decimal.RequireFromString(cost)),
Level: flags.TopId,
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Info("展示数据:%v", mapLevelFee)
return mapLevelFee, nil
// CreatBotUserDigitalLog
// @Description: 资产--录入交易明细
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId 用户Id
// @param tradeType 用户资金变动类型:1-充值,2-提现,3-买入,4-卖出,5-冻结,6-解冻,7-账户转出,8-账户转入,9-注册返佣,10-开仓返佣,11-平仓返佣,12-调整加钱,13-调整减钱,14-手续费
// @param symbol 数字币代码
// @param changeNum 变动资产数量
// @param orderNum 变动资产数量
// @param cost
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserDigitalLog(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, tradeType int64, symbol, changeNum, orderNum, cost, orderId string) error {
var codeUSDT, codeFUSDT int64
switch tradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买入
changeNum = NegativeValue(changeNum)
if symbol != flags.BasicUnit {
codeUSDT = flags.TransferOut // 用户账户转出
codeFUSDT = flags.ChangeInto // 用户账户非转入
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖出
orderNum = NegativeValue(orderNum)
if symbol != flags.BasicUnit {
codeUSDT = flags.ChangeInto // 用户账户转入
codeFUSDT = flags.TransferOut // 用户账户非转出
return nil
// 记录用户资产变动详情
uData := orders.CreatBotUserDigitalLog(ctx, userId, codeUSDT, flags.BasicUnit, changeNum, orderId)
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserDigitalLog).Insert(&uData)
if err != nil {
return err
// 记录用户非资产变动详情
qData := orders.CreatBotUserDigitalLog(ctx, userId, codeFUSDT, symbol, orderNum, orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserDigitalLog).Insert(&qData)
if err != nil {
return err
// 记录用户(买入|卖出)手续费变动详情
cData := orders.CreatBotUserDigitalLog(ctx, userId, flags.CostMoney, flags.BasicUnit, NegativeValue(cost), orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserDigitalLog).Insert(&cData)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserMoneyLog(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, tradeType int64, symbol, changeNum, orderNum, cost, orderId string) error {
var codeUSDT, codeFUSDT int64
switch tradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买入
changeNum = NegativeValue(changeNum)
if symbol != flags.MoneyUnit {
codeUSDT = flags.TransferOut // 用户账户转出
codeFUSDT = flags.ChangeInto // 用户账户非转入
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 卖出
orderNum = NegativeValue(orderNum)
if symbol != flags.MoneyUnit {
codeUSDT = flags.ChangeInto // 用户账户转入
codeFUSDT = flags.TransferOut // 用户账户非转出
return nil
// 记录用户资产变动详情
uData := orders.CreatBotUserMoneyLog(ctx, userId, codeUSDT, flags.MoneyUnit, changeNum, orderId)
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserMoneyLog).Insert(&uData)
if err != nil {
return err
// 记录用户非资产变动详情
qData := orders.CreatBotUserMoneyLog(ctx, userId, codeFUSDT, symbol, orderNum, orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserMoneyLog).Insert(&qData)
if err != nil {
return err
// 记录用户(买入|卖出)手续费变动详情
cData := orders.CreatBotUserMoneyLog(ctx, userId, flags.CostMoney, flags.MoneyUnit, NegativeValue(cost), orderId)
_, err = session.Table(flags.BotUserMoneyLog).Insert(&cData)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserDigitalLogFreeze
// @Description: 创建现货交易日志信息
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param code
// @param symbol
// @param changeNum
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserDigitalLogFreeze(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, code int64, symbol, changeNum, orderId string) error {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserDigitalLog(ctx, userId, code, symbol, changeNum, orderId)
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserDigitalLog).Insert(&uData)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserDigitalLogByRebate
// @Description: 返佣--录入交易明细
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId 用户Id
// @param tradeType 用户资金变动类型:1-充值,2-提现,3-买入,4-卖出,5-冻结,6-解冻,7-账户转出,8-账户转入,9-注册返佣,10-开仓返佣,11-平仓返佣,12-调整加钱,13-调整减钱,14-手续费
// @param changeNum 变动资产数量(返佣)
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserDigitalLogByRebate(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, tradeType int64, changeNum, orderId string) error {
uData := orders.CreatBotUserDigitalLog(ctx, userId, tradeType, flags.BasicUnit, changeNum, orderId)
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserDigitalLog).Insert(&uData)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserContractLog
// @Description: 合约日志详情:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param changeType
// @param symbol
// @param changeNum
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserContractLog(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, changeType int64, symbol, changeNum, orderId string) error {
qData := orders.CreatBotUserContractLog(ctx, userId, changeType, symbol, changeNum, orderId)
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserContractLog).Insert(&qData)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserContractLogList
// @Description: 合约日志列表记录
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param list
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserContractLogList(session *xorm.Session, list []models.BotUserContractLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserContractLog).Insert(&list)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserForexLogList(session *xorm.Session, list []models.BotUserForexLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserForexLog).Insert(&list)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserMoneyLogList(session *xorm.Session, list []models.BotUserMoneyLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserMoneyLog).Insert(&list)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserContractSecLogList
// @Description: 秒合约日志详情:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param list
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserContractSecLogList(session *xorm.Session, list []models.BotUserContractSecLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserContractSecLog).Insert(&list)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserContractLogNew
// @Description: 创建合约交易日志信息
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param log
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserContractLogNew(session *xorm.Session, log models.BotUserContractLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserContractLog).Insert(&log)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockLog
// @Description: 美股交易日志记录
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param changeType
// @param symbol
// @param changeNum
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockLog(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, changeType int64, symbol, changeNum, orderId string) error {
qData := orders.CreatBotUserStockLog(ctx, userId, changeType, symbol, changeNum, orderId)
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockLog).Insert(&qData)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockLogList
// @Description: 美股交易列表日志记录
// @receiver uo
// @param session
// @param list
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockLogList(session *xorm.Session, list []models.BotUserStockLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockLog).Insert(&list)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockBlockLogList
// @Description: 大宗交易列表日志记录
// @receiver uo
// @param session
// @param list
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockBlockLogList(session *xorm.Session, list []models.BotUserStockBlockLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockBlockLog).Insert(&list)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockHkdLogList
// @Description:
// @receiver uo
// @param session
// @param list
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockHkdLogList(session *xorm.Session, list []models.BotUserStockHkdLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockHkdLog).Insert(&list)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockIdnLog
// @Description: 印尼股日志详情:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param changeType
// @param symbol
// @param changeNum
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockIdnLog(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, changeType int64, symbol, changeNum, orderId string) error {
qData := orders.CreatBotUserStockIdnLog(ctx, userId, changeType, symbol, changeNum, orderId)
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockIdnLog).Insert(&qData)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockIdnLogList
// @Description: 印尼股列表日志记录
// @receiver uo
// @param session
// @param list
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockIdnLogList(session *xorm.Session, list []models.BotUserStockIdnLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockIdnLog).Insert(&list)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockInLog
// @Description: 印度股日志详情:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param changeType
// @param symbol
// @param changeNum
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockInLog(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, changeType int64, symbol, changeNum, orderId string) error {
qData := orders.CreatBotUserStockInLog(ctx, userId, changeType, symbol, changeNum, orderId)
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockInLog).Insert(&qData)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockInLogList
// @Description: 印度股日志列表记录
// @receiver uo
// @param session
// @param list
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockInLogList(session *xorm.Session, list []models.BotUserStockInLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockInLog).Insert(&list)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockGbxLogList
// @Description: 英股日志列表记录
// @receiver uo
// @param session
// @param list
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockGbxLogList(session *xorm.Session, list []models.BotUserStockGbxLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockGbxLog).Insert(&list)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockOptionInrLogList
// @Description: 期权-印度股列表日志记录
// @receiver uo
// @param session
// @param list
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockOptionInrLogList(session *xorm.Session, list []models.BotUserStockOptionInrLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockOptionInrLog).Insert(&list)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockMysLog
// @Description: 马股日志详情:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param changeType
// @param symbol
// @param changeNum
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockMysLog(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, changeType int64, symbol, changeNum, orderId string) error {
qData := orders.CreatBotUserStockMysLog(ctx, userId, changeType, symbol, changeNum, orderId)
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockMysLog).Insert(&qData)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockMysLogList
// @Description: 马股列表日志详情:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param session
// @param list
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockMysLogList(session *xorm.Session, list []models.BotUserStockMysLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockMysLog).Insert(&list)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockThaLog
// @Description: 马股日志详情:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param changeType
// @param symbol
// @param changeNum
// @param orderId
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockThaLog(ctx context.Context, session *xorm.Session, userId, changeType int64, symbol, changeNum, orderId string) error {
qData := orders.CreatBotUserStockThaLog(ctx, userId, changeType, symbol, changeNum, orderId)
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockThaLog).Insert(&qData)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockThaLogList
// @Description: 马股列表日志详情:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param list
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockThaLogList(session *xorm.Session, list []models.BotUserStockThaLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockThaLog).Insert(&list)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockSgdLogList
// @Description: 新加坡股日志详情:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param list
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockSgdLogList(session *xorm.Session, list []models.BotUserStockSgdLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockSgdLog).Insert(&list)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockEurLogList
// @Description: 德国股日志详情:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param list
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockEurLogList(session *xorm.Session, list []models.BotUserStockEurLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockEurLog).Insert(&list)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockBrlLogList
// @Description: 巴西国股日志详情:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param session
// @param list
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockBrlLogList(session *xorm.Session, list []models.BotUserStockBrlLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockBrlLog).Insert(&list)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockFurLogList
// @Description: 法国股日志详情:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param list
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockFurLogList(session *xorm.Session, list []models.BotUserStockFurLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockFurLog).Insert(&list)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockJpyLogList
// @Description: 日国股日志详情:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param list
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockJpyLogList(session *xorm.Session, list []models.BotUserStockJpLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockJpyLog).Insert(&list)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserContractLogByRebate
// @Description: 德国列表股日志详情-手续费:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param log
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserContractLogByRebate(session *xorm.Session, log models.BotUserContractLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserContractLog).Insert(&log)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserForexLogByRebate
// @Description: 外汇列表股日志详情-手续费:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param log
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserForexLogByRebate(session *xorm.Session, log models.BotUserForexLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserForexLog).Insert(&log)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserMoneyLogByRebate
// @Description: 综合(现货|合约|外汇)列表股日志详情-手续费:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param session
// @param log
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserMoneyLogByRebate(session *xorm.Session, log models.BotUserMoneyLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserMoneyLog).Insert(&log)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockLogByRebate
// @Description: 美股日志详情-手续费:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param log
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockLogByRebate(session *xorm.Session, log models.BotUserStockLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockLog).Insert(&log)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate
// @Description: 大宗(美股)交易日志详情-手续费:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param session
// @param log
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockBlockLogByRebate(session *xorm.Session, log models.BotUserStockBlockLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockBlockLog).Insert(&log)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockHkdLogByRebate
// @Description:
// @receiver uo
// @param session
// @param log
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockHkdLogByRebate(session *xorm.Session, log models.BotUserStockHkdLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockHkdLog).Insert(&log)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockIdnLogByRebate
// @Description: 印尼股日志详情-手续费:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param log
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockIdnLogByRebate(session *xorm.Session, log models.BotUserStockIdnLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockIdnLog).Insert(&log)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockInLogByRebate
// @Description: 印度股日志详情-手续费:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param log
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockInLogByRebate(session *xorm.Session, log models.BotUserStockInLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockInLog).Insert(&log)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockGbxLogByRebate
// @Description: 英股日志详情-手续费:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param session
// @param log
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockGbxLogByRebate(session *xorm.Session, log models.BotUserStockGbxLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockGbxLog).Insert(&log)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockOptionInrLogByRebate
// @Description: 期权印度股日志详情-手续费:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param session
// @param log
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockOptionInrLogByRebate(session *xorm.Session, log models.BotUserStockOptionInrLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockOptionInrLog).Insert(&log)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockMysLogByRebate
// @Description: 马股股日志详情-手续费:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param log
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockMysLogByRebate(session *xorm.Session, log models.BotUserStockMysLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockMysLog).Insert(&log)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockThaLogByRebate
// @Description: 泰度股日志详情-手续费:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param log
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockThaLogByRebate(session *xorm.Session, log models.BotUserStockThaLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockThaLog).Insert(&log)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockSgdLogByRebate
// @Description: 新加坡股日志详情-手续费:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param log
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockSgdLogByRebate(session *xorm.Session, log models.BotUserStockSgdLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockSgdLog).Insert(&log)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockEurLogByRebate
// @Description: 德股日志详情-手续费:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param log
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockEurLogByRebate(session *xorm.Session, log models.BotUserStockEurLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockEurLog).Insert(&log)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockBrlLogByRebate
// @Description: 巴西股日志详情-手续费:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param session
// @param log
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockBrlLogByRebate(session *xorm.Session, log models.BotUserStockBrlLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockBrlLog).Insert(&log)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockFurLogByRebate
// @Description: 法股日志详情-手续费:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param log
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockFurLogByRebate(session *xorm.Session, log models.BotUserStockFurLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockFurLog).Insert(&log)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreatBotUserStockJpyLogByRebate
// @Description: 日股日志详情-手续费:转出|转出|冻结|手续费|返佣费
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param log
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotUserStockJpyLogByRebate(session *xorm.Session, log models.BotUserStockJpLog) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserStockJpyLog).Insert(&log)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CheckGlobalTread
// @Description: true:开启交易 false:关闭交易
// 股票:冷静期停止所有交易(全局设置)
// 熔断机制(后台配置冷静期)
// 触发幅度:10%,交易暂停15分钟
// 触发幅度:15%,交易暂停30分钟
// 触发幅度:20%,剩余交易时间(重新交易到休市时间)
// @param symbol
// @return bool
func CheckGlobalTread(symbol string) bool {
check := GetCacheStockMarketStatus(flags.StockMarketList, symbol)
return check
// CheckBlockTread
// @Description: true:开启交易 false:关闭交易
// 股票:冷静期停止所有交易(全局设置)
// 熔断机制(后台配置冷静期)
// 触发幅度:10%,交易暂停15分钟
// 触发幅度:15%,交易暂停30分钟
// 触发幅度:20%,剩余交易时间(重新交易到休市时间)
// @param cacheKey
// @param symbol
// @return bool
// @return string
// @return int
// @return time.Time
func CheckBlockTread(cacheKey, symbol string) (bool, string, int, time.Time) {
check, openPrice, minNum, today := GetCacheStockBlockStatus(cacheKey, symbol)
if check {
return check, openPrice, minNum, today
return check, openPrice, minNum, today
// GetShareChgUs
// @Description: 股票美股涨跌幅
// @param ctx
// @param share
// @param symbol
// @return string
func GetShareChgUs(share, symbol string) string {
closingKey := publicData.SymbolCache(share, symbol, flags.TradeTypeChg)
chg, err := memory.ShareUsChgMark.Get(closingKey)
if err != nil {
return flags.SetZero
if len(string(chg)) == 0 {
chg = []byte(flags.SetOne)
chgV := decimal.RequireFromString(string(chg))
shareUsChg := GetCacheLimitOrDown(flags.StockUsSystemSetUpKey, symbol) // 股票涨跌停读取缓存
var checkBoll bool
if chgV.Abs().Cmp(shareUsChg) >= 0 {
checkBoll = true // 到达涨跌幅上限
var checkChg string
if checkBoll {
if chgV.IsNegative() {
checkChg = flags.DownLimit // 跌停
} else {
checkChg = flags.UpLimit // 涨停
return checkChg
// GetShareChgIdn
// @Description: 股票印尼股涨跌幅
// @param ctx
// @param share
// @param symbol
// @return string
func GetShareChgIdn(share, symbol string) string {
closingKey := publicData.SymbolCache(share, symbol, flags.TradeTypeChg)
chg, err := memory.ShareIdnChgMark.Get(closingKey)
if err != nil {
return flags.SetZero
if len(string(chg)) == 0 {
chg = []byte(flags.SetOne)
chgV := decimal.RequireFromString(string(chg))
shareUsChg := GetCacheLimitOrDown(flags.StockYNSystemSetUpKey, symbol) // 股票涨跌停读取缓存
var checkBoll bool
if chgV.Abs().Cmp(shareUsChg) >= 0 {
checkBoll = true // 到达涨跌幅上限
var checkChg string
if checkBoll {
if chgV.IsNegative() {
checkChg = flags.DownLimit // 跌停
} else {
checkChg = flags.UpLimit // 涨停
return checkChg
// GetShareChgHkd
// @Description:
// @param share
// @param symbol
// @return string
func GetShareChgHkd(share, symbol string) string {
closingKey := publicData.SymbolCache(share, symbol, flags.TradeTypeChg)
chg, err := memory.ShareHkdChgMark.Get(closingKey)
if err != nil {
return flags.SetZero
if len(string(chg)) == 0 {
chg = []byte(flags.SetOne)
chgV := decimal.RequireFromString(string(chg))
shareUsChg := GetCacheLimitOrDown(flags.StockHKDSystemSetUpKey, symbol) // 股票涨跌停读取缓存
var checkBoll bool
if chgV.Abs().Cmp(shareUsChg) >= 0 {
checkBoll = true // 到达涨跌幅上限
var checkChg string
if checkBoll {
if chgV.IsNegative() {
checkChg = flags.DownLimit // 跌停
} else {
checkChg = flags.UpLimit // 涨停
return checkChg
// GetShareChgInr
// @Description: 股票印度股涨跌幅
// @param ctx
// @param share
// @param symbol
// @return string
func GetShareChgInr(share, symbol string) string {
closingKey := publicData.SymbolCache(share, symbol, flags.TradeTypeChg)
chg, err := memory.ShareInrChgMark.Get(closingKey)
if err != nil {
return flags.SetZero
if len(string(chg)) == 0 {
chg = []byte(flags.SetOne)
chgV := decimal.RequireFromString(string(chg))
shareUsChg := GetCacheLimitOrDown(flags.StockYDSystemSetUpKey, symbol) // 股票涨跌停读取缓存
var checkBoll bool
if chgV.Abs().Cmp(shareUsChg) >= 0 {
checkBoll = true // 到达涨跌幅上限
var checkChg string
if checkBoll {
if chgV.IsNegative() {
checkChg = flags.DownLimit // 跌停
} else {
checkChg = flags.UpLimit // 涨停
return checkChg
// GetShareChgGbx
// @Description:
// @param share
// @param symbol
// @return string
func GetShareChgGbx(share, symbol string) string {
closingKey := publicData.SymbolCache(share, symbol, flags.TradeTypeChg)
chg, err := memory.ShareGbxChgMark.Get(closingKey)
if err != nil {
return flags.SetZero
if len(string(chg)) == 0 {
chg = []byte(flags.SetOne)
chgV := decimal.RequireFromString(string(chg))
shareUsChg := GetCacheLimitOrDown(flags.StockUkSystemSetUpKey, symbol) // 股票涨跌停读取缓存
var checkBoll bool
if chgV.Abs().Cmp(shareUsChg) >= 0 {
checkBoll = true // 到达涨跌幅上限
var checkChg string
if checkBoll {
if chgV.IsNegative() {
checkChg = flags.DownLimit // 跌停
} else {
checkChg = flags.UpLimit // 涨停
return checkChg
// GetOptionChgInr
// @Description: 期权印度股涨跌幅
// @param share
// @param symbol
// @return string
func GetOptionChgInr(share, symbol string) string {
closingKey := publicData.SymbolCache(share, symbol, flags.TradeTypeChg)
chg, err := memory.OptionInrChgMark.Get(closingKey)
if err != nil {
return flags.SetZero
if len(string(chg)) == 0 {
chg = []byte(flags.SetOne)
chgV := decimal.RequireFromString(string(chg))
optionInrChg := GetCacheLimitOrDown(flags.OptionOpiSystemSetUpKey, symbol) // 股票涨跌停读取缓存
var checkBoll bool
if chgV.Abs().Cmp(optionInrChg) >= 0 {
checkBoll = true // 到达涨跌幅上限
var checkChg string
if checkBoll {
if chgV.IsNegative() {
checkChg = flags.DownLimit // 跌停
} else {
checkChg = flags.UpLimit // 涨停
return checkChg
// GetShareChgMys
// @Description: 股票马股涨跌幅
// @param ctx
// @param share
// @param symbol
// @return string
func GetShareChgMys(share, symbol string) string {
closingKey := publicData.SymbolCache(share, symbol, flags.TradeTypeChg)
chg, err := memory.ShareMysChgMark.Get(closingKey)
if err != nil {
return flags.SetZero
if len(string(chg)) == 0 {
chg = []byte(flags.SetOne)
chgV := decimal.RequireFromString(string(chg))
shareUsChg := GetCacheLimitOrDown(flags.StockMGSystemSetUpKey, symbol) // 股票涨跌停读取缓存
var checkBoll bool
if chgV.Abs().Cmp(shareUsChg) >= 0 {
checkBoll = true // 到达涨跌幅上限
var checkChg string
if checkBoll {
if chgV.IsNegative() {
checkChg = flags.DownLimit // 跌停
} else {
checkChg = flags.UpLimit // 涨停
return checkChg
// GetShareChgTha
// @Description: 股票泰股涨跌幅
// @param ctx
// @param share
// @param symbol
// @return string
func GetShareChgTha(share, symbol string) string {
closingKey := publicData.SymbolCache(share, symbol, flags.TradeTypeChg)
chg, err := memory.ShareThaChgMark.Get(closingKey)
if err != nil {
return flags.SetZero
if len(string(chg)) == 0 {
chg = []byte(flags.SetOne)
chgV := decimal.RequireFromString(string(chg))
shareUsChg := GetCacheLimitOrDown(flags.StockTGSystemSetUpKey, symbol) // 股票涨跌停读取缓存
var checkBoll bool
if chgV.Abs().Cmp(shareUsChg) >= 0 {
checkBoll = true // 到达涨跌幅上限
var checkChg string
if checkBoll {
if chgV.IsNegative() {
checkChg = flags.DownLimit // 跌停
} else {
checkChg = flags.UpLimit // 涨停
return checkChg
// GetShareChgSgd
// @Description: 股票新加坡股涨跌幅
// @param ctx
// @param share
// @param symbol
// @return string
func GetShareChgSgd(share, symbol string) string {
closingKey := publicData.SymbolCache(share, symbol, flags.TradeTypeChg)
chg, err := memory.ShareSgdChgMark.Get(closingKey)
if err != nil {
return flags.SetZero
if len(string(chg)) == 0 {
chg = []byte(flags.SetOne)
chgV := decimal.RequireFromString(string(chg))
shareUsChg := GetCacheLimitOrDown(flags.StockSGDSystemSetUpKey, symbol) // 股票涨跌停读取缓存
var checkBoll bool
if chgV.Abs().Cmp(shareUsChg) >= 0 {
checkBoll = true // 到达涨跌幅上限
var checkChg string
if checkBoll {
if chgV.IsNegative() {
checkChg = flags.DownLimit // 跌停
} else {
checkChg = flags.UpLimit // 涨停
return checkChg
// GetShareChgEur
// @Description: 股票德股涨跌幅
// @param ctx
// @param share
// @param symbol
// @return string
func GetShareChgEur(share, symbol string) string {
closingKey := publicData.SymbolCache(share, symbol, flags.TradeTypeChg)
chg, err := memory.ShareEurChgMark.Get(closingKey)
if err != nil {
return flags.SetZero
if len(string(chg)) == 0 {
chg = []byte(flags.SetOne)
chgV := decimal.RequireFromString(string(chg))
shareUsChg := GetCacheLimitOrDown(flags.StockEURSystemSetUpKey, symbol) // 股票涨跌停读取缓存
var checkBoll bool
if chgV.Abs().Cmp(shareUsChg) >= 0 {
checkBoll = true // 到达涨跌幅上限
var checkChg string
if checkBoll {
if chgV.IsNegative() {
checkChg = flags.DownLimit // 跌停
} else {
checkChg = flags.UpLimit // 涨停
return checkChg
// GetShareChgBrl
// @Description: 股票巴西股涨跌幅
// @param share
// @param symbol
// @return string
func GetShareChgBrl(share, symbol string) string {
closingKey := publicData.SymbolCache(share, symbol, flags.TradeTypeChg)
chg, err := memory.ShareBrlChgMark.Get(closingKey)
if err != nil {
return flags.SetZero
if len(string(chg)) == 0 {
chg = []byte(flags.SetOne)
chgV := decimal.RequireFromString(string(chg))
shareUsChg := GetCacheLimitOrDown(flags.StockBRLSystemSetUpKey, symbol) // 股票涨跌停读取缓存
var checkBoll bool
if chgV.Abs().Cmp(shareUsChg) >= 0 {
checkBoll = true // 到达涨跌幅上限
var checkChg string
if checkBoll {
if chgV.IsNegative() {
checkChg = flags.DownLimit // 跌停
} else {
checkChg = flags.UpLimit // 涨停
return checkChg
// GetShareChgFur
// @Description: 股票法股涨跌幅
// @param ctx
// @param share
// @param symbol
// @return string
func GetShareChgFur(share, symbol string) string {
closingKey := publicData.SymbolCache(share, symbol, flags.TradeTypeChg)
chg, err := memory.ShareFurChgMark.Get(closingKey)
if err != nil {
return flags.SetZero
if len(string(chg)) == 0 {
chg = []byte(flags.SetOne)
chgV := decimal.RequireFromString(string(chg))
shareUsChg := GetCacheLimitOrDown(flags.StockFURSystemSetUpKey, symbol) // 股票涨跌停读取缓存
var checkBoll bool
if chgV.Abs().Cmp(shareUsChg) >= 0 {
checkBoll = true // 到达涨跌幅上限
var checkChg string
if checkBoll {
if chgV.IsNegative() {
checkChg = flags.DownLimit // 跌停
} else {
checkChg = flags.UpLimit // 涨停
return checkChg
// GetShareChgJpy
// @Description: 股票日股涨跌幅
// @param share
// @param symbol
// @return string
func GetShareChgJpy(share, symbol string) string {
closingKey := publicData.SymbolCache(share, symbol, flags.TradeTypeChg)
chg, err := memory.ShareJpyChgMark.Get(closingKey)
if err != nil {
return flags.SetZero
if len(string(chg)) == 0 {
chg = []byte(flags.SetOne)
chgV := decimal.RequireFromString(string(chg))
shareUsChg := GetCacheLimitOrDown(flags.StockJPYSystemSetUpKey, symbol) // 股票涨跌停读取缓存
var checkBoll bool
if chgV.Abs().Cmp(shareUsChg) >= 0 {
checkBoll = true // 到达涨跌幅上限
var checkChg string
if checkBoll {
if chgV.IsNegative() {
checkChg = flags.DownLimit // 跌停
} else {
checkChg = flags.UpLimit // 涨停
return checkChg
// GetBeforeAndAfterSetPrice
// @Description: 股票盘前和盘后下单 【pre_status|after_status 1、开启 2、关闭】
// @param ctx
// @param keyCache
// @return string
// @return error
func GetBeforeAndAfterSetPrice(keyCache string) (string, error) {
var setPrice string
setBAPrice, err := Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), keyCache).Result()
if err != nil {
return setPrice, err
setModel := &SetPrice{}
for key, value := range setBAPrice {
switch key {
case "status": // 开启|关闭状态
setModel.Status = value
case "price": // 价格
setModel.Price = value
if setModel != nil {
switch setModel.Status {
case flags.SetTwo:
setPrice = ""
case flags.SetOne:
return setModel.Price, nil
return setPrice, nil
// GetOrderByStatusSort
// @Description: 查询列表数据排序
// 1、持仓订单:持仓时间越近越前;
// 2、委托订单:委托时间越近越前;
// 3、撤销订单:撤销时间越近越前;
// 4、平仓订单:平仓时间越近越前;
// @param status
// @return string
func GetOrderByStatusSort(status int64) string {
switch status {
case flags.EntrustStatus: // 委托
return "update_time"
case flags.PositionStatus: // 持仓
return "update_time"
case flags.CancelStatus: // 撤单
return "update_time"
case flags.CloseStatus: // 平仓
return "closing_time"
return "create_time"
// GetForcedClosureValue
// @Description: 缓存强平阈值
// @param name
// @param symbol
// @return string
func GetForcedClosureValue(name, symbol string) string {
chgKey := publicData.SymbolCache(name, symbol, flags.TradeTypeForcedClosure)
switch name {
case flags.Us:
fb, err := memory.ShareUsForcedClosure.Get(chgKey)
if err != nil || len(string(fb)) == 0 {
return flags.ForcedClosure
return string(fb)
case flags.Tha:
fb, err := memory.ShareThaForcedClosure.Get(chgKey)
if err != nil || len(string(fb)) == 0 {
return flags.ForcedClosure
return string(fb)
case flags.Mys:
fb, err := memory.ShareMysForcedClosure.Get(chgKey)
if err != nil || len(string(fb)) == 0 {
return flags.ForcedClosure
return string(fb)
case flags.Idn:
fb, err := memory.ShareIdnForcedClosure.Get(chgKey)
if err != nil || len(string(fb)) == 0 {
return flags.ForcedClosure
return string(fb)
case flags.Inr:
fb, err := memory.ShareInrForcedClosure.Get(chgKey)
if err != nil || len(string(fb)) == 0 {
return flags.ForcedClosure
return string(fb)
case flags.Hkd:
fb, err := memory.ShareHkdForcedClosure.Get(chgKey)
if err != nil || len(string(fb)) == 0 {
return flags.ForcedClosure
return string(fb)
case flags.Sgd:
fb, err := memory.ShareSgdForcedClosure.Get(chgKey)
if err != nil || len(string(fb)) == 0 {
return flags.ForcedClosure
return string(fb)
case flags.Gbx:
fb, err := memory.ShareGbxForcedClosure.Get(chgKey)
if err != nil || len(string(fb)) == 0 {
return flags.ForcedClosure
return string(fb)
case flags.Opi:
fb, err := memory.OptionInrForcedClosure.Get(chgKey)
if err != nil || len(string(fb)) == 0 {
return flags.ForcedClosure
return string(fb)
return flags.ForcedClosure
// GetDigitalCurrencyPrice
// @Description: (现货|合约)最新价格
// @param ctx
// @param identifying
// @param symbol
// @return string
// @return error
func GetDigitalCurrencyPrice(ctx context.Context, identifying, symbol string) (string, error) {
var num int // 计数器
var err error // 错误定义
var priceNew string // 交易对最新价格
for {
subKey := publicData.SymbolCache(identifying, symbol, flags.TradeTypePrice)
switch identifying {
case flags.Hy:
priceNew, err = virtual.ContractSubMarketPrice(ctx, subKey) // 合约交易币价
case flags.Sd:
priceNew, err = virtual.SecondSubMarketPrice(ctx, subKey) // 秒合约交易币价
case flags.Xh:
priceNew, err = virtual.DealSpotsMarketPrice(ctx, subKey) // 现货交易币价
case flags.Wh:
priceNew, err = forexd.ForexSubMarketPrice(ctx, subKey) // 外汇交易币价
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v CreateBotContractTrade.ContractSubMarketPrice:%v", common.ErrContract, err)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
num = num + 1
if num == 4 {
return priceNew, err
// GetDigitalCurrencyForexPrice
// @Description: 外汇买一卖一最新报价
// @param ctx
// @param identifying
// @param symbol
// @param tradeType
// @return string
// @return error
func GetDigitalCurrencyForexPrice(ctx context.Context, identifying, symbol string, tradeType int64) (string, error) {
var num int // 计数器
var err error // 错误定义
var priceNew string // 交易对最新价格
for {
switch tradeType {
case 1: // 买入
subKey := publicData.SymbolCache(identifying, symbol, flags.TradeTypeBuy)
priceNew, err = forexd.ForexSubMarketPrice(ctx, subKey) // 外汇交易对买一最新报价
case 2: // 卖出
subKey := publicData.SymbolCache(identifying, symbol, flags.TradeTypeSell)
priceNew, err = forexd.ForexSubMarketPrice(ctx, subKey) // 外汇交易对卖一最新报价
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v GetDigitalCurrencyForexPrice.ForexSubMarketPrice:%v", common.ErrForex, err)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
num = num + 1
if num == 4 {
return priceNew, err
// GetOptionInrCostPrice
// @Description: 期权-计算保证金
// @receiver uo
// @param order
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetOptionInrCostPrice(limitOrMarketPrice decimal.Decimal, order structure.ShareOrder) decimal.Decimal {
// 保证金(Margin Ratio)
// 1> buy call & buy put:Margin = Open Filled Price(开仓价格) * Quantity(订单数量)
// 2> sell call & sell put:Margin = (Stock Price(行权价) * Option Multiplier(期权乘数)) * Margin Ratio(保证金比率) * Quantity(订单数量)
quantity := decimal.RequireFromString(order.OrderNumber)
stockPrice := decimal.RequireFromString(order.StrikePrice)
multiplier := decimal.RequireFromString(order.Multiplier)
ratio := decimal.RequireFromString(order.Ratio)
// 保证金计算
marginBuy := limitOrMarketPrice.Mul(quantity)
marginSell := stockPrice.Mul(multiplier).Mul(ratio.Div(decimal.RequireFromString(flags.DecimalOne))).Mul(quantity)
var marginRatio decimal.Decimal
switch order.TradeType {
case flags.OptionCalls: // CallS
switch order.TradingType {
case flags.OptionBuy: // buy
marginRatio = marginBuy
case flags.OptionSell: // sell
marginRatio = marginSell
case flags.OptionPuts: // PUTS
switch order.TradingType {
case flags.OptionBuy: // buy
marginRatio = marginBuy
case flags.OptionSell: // sell
marginRatio = marginSell
return marginRatio
// GetOptionInrFloatingPL
// @Description: 期权-计算浮动盈亏
// @param order
// @param closePrice
// @param costPrice
// @param orderNumber
// @param totalAmount
// @return decimal.Decimal
func GetOptionInrFloatingPL(order structure.ShareOrder, openPrice, closePrice, orderNumber decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal {
// 一、浮动盈亏(P/L)
// 1>buy call & buy put: P/L = (Last Price(开仓价格) - Cost Price(当前价格)) * Contracts Quantity
// 2>sell call & sell put: P/L = (Cost Price(当前价格) - Last Price(开仓价格)) * Contracts Quantity
var resultPrice decimal.Decimal
switch order.TradeType {
case flags.OptionCalls: // CallS
switch order.TradingType {
case flags.OptionBuy: // buy
resultPrice = openPrice.Sub(closePrice).Mul(orderNumber)
case flags.OptionSell: // sell
resultPrice = closePrice.Sub(openPrice).Mul(orderNumber)
case flags.OptionPuts: // PUTS
switch order.TradingType {
case flags.OptionBuy: // buy
resultPrice = openPrice.Sub(closePrice).Mul(orderNumber)
case flags.OptionSell: // sell
resultPrice = closePrice.Sub(openPrice).Mul(orderNumber)
return resultPrice