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package data
import (
// SecondSymbol
// @Description: 秒合约Map设置
type SecondSymbol struct {
SecondMap chan []byte // 秒合约订单交易对 -- 用户秒合约下单通知订阅
SecondMapSymbol sync.Map // 秒合约订阅交易对簿
// InitSubscribeQuotesSecond
// @Description: 秒合约初始化
// @param ctx
// @param uo
// @param contract
func InitSubscribeQuotesSecond() {
for {
listSpots, err := LoadLRangeList(setting.MarketContract)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v InitSubscribeQuotesSecond.LoadLRangeList:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
for _, value := range listSpots {
// Prevent duplicate subscription to CtrIp
_, ok := second.SecondMapSymbol.Load(value)
if ok {
second.SecondMap <- []byte(value)
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
// SubscribeQuotesSecond
// @Description: 秒合约订阅
// @param ctx
// @param uo
// @param contract
func SubscribeQuotesSecond(ctx context.Context, uo *Data, second *SecondSymbol) {
for {
select {
case symbol, _ := <-second.SecondMap:
symbolStr := string(symbol)
// Prevent duplicate subscription to CtrIp
_, ok := second.SecondMapSymbol.Load(symbolStr)
if ok {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
// Write to the redis list hot cache for initializing subscriptions when the program is pulled up
checkBool, err := uo.redisDB.HExists(context.Background(), setting.MarketContract, symbolStr).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v SubscribeQuotesSecond.MarketContract.HExists:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
if !checkBool {
if err = uo.redisDB.HSet(context.Background(), setting.MarketContract, symbolStr, symbolStr).Err(); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v SubscribeQuotesSecond.MarketContract.HSet:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
// 订阅插针价格
go func() {
for {
var data string
data, err = uo.redisDB.Get(context.Background(), flags.ContractSystemPriceSetUp).Result()
if err != nil || data == "[]" {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
var dataList []ContractSetUp
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &dataList); err != nil {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
for _, value := range dataList {
checkStart := len(utils.StrReplace(value.BeginTime))
checkEnd := len(utils.StrReplace(value.EndTime))
if checkStart == 0 || checkEnd == 0 {
if value.SelfContractCode == symbolStr {
// Determine if it is the current subscription type
priceKey := publicData.SymbolCache(flags.Hy, symbolStr, flags.TradeTypePrice)
if !utils.CheckTimeUTC(value.BeginTime, value.EndTime) {
if err = memory.SecondPriceSetUp.Set(priceKey, []byte(utils.DecimalsPrice(value.Price))); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v SubscribeQuotesSecond.SecondPriceSetUp.set:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Info("当前写入插针最新价格:%v,%v", priceKey, value.Price)
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
// 订阅实时价格
go func() {
topIc := fmt.Sprintf("market.%v.detail", utils.ReplaceStrByValue(symbolStr, "/"))
pubSub := uo.redisDB.Subscribe(ctx, topIc)
defer pubSub.Close()
if _, err = pubSub.Receive(ctx); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v SubscribeQuotesSecond.Receive:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
chp := pubSub.Channel()
for msg := range chp {
var subMsg QuitesContract
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(msg.Payload), &subMsg); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v SubscribeQuotesSecond.QuitesContract.Unmarshal:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
// 交易类型:0最新价,1买入,2卖出
price := publicData.SymbolCache(flags.Sd, symbolStr, flags.TradeTypePrice)
if err = memory.SecondCache.Set(price, []byte(subMsg.Content.Tick.Close)); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v SubscribeQuotesSecond.Set:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Info("当前写入最新价格:%v,%v", price, subMsg.Content.Tick.Close)
// Write in the map to determine whether to repeat subscription
second.SecondMapSymbol.Store(symbolStr, symbolStr)
// SecondTransactionPosition
// @Description: 秒合约-持仓业务处理
// @param ctx
func SecondTransactionPosition(ctx context.Context) {
for {
time.Sleep(400 * time.Millisecond)
// SecondTransactionCalculationPosition
// @Description: 监控秒合约持仓缓存列表(注意:止盈止损|强行平仓)
// @param ctx
func SecondTransactionCalculationPosition(ctx context.Context) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
entrustList, err := Reds.HGetAll(context.Background(), setting.MarketSecondPosition).Result()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v SecondTransactionCalculationPosition.LRange:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
for _, value := range entrustList {
var msg = make(chan virtual.ContractTallyCache, 1)
var entrust virtual.ContractTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &entrust); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v SecondTransactionCalculationPosition.Unmarshal:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
// 查询时间
var newPrice decimal.Decimal
newPrice, err = GetSecondPrice(entrust.Symbol)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v SecondTransactionCalculationPosition.GetSecondPrice:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
go func(value string) {
resultMsg := SecondConcurrentComputingPosition(&entrust, newPrice, &wg)
msg <- resultMsg
// 处理并发结果
select {
case resultMsg, _ := <-msg:
switch resultMsg.Status {
case flags.Position: // 持仓
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Info("从信道接收到秒合约持仓信息:%v", resultMsg)
case flags.Close: // 平仓
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Info("从信道接收到秒合约平仓信息:%v", resultMsg)
if err = SecondLiquidationPosition(ctx, &resultMsg); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v SecondTransactionCalculationPosition.ContractLiquidationPosition:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
// SecondConcurrentComputingPosition
// @Description: 秒合约持仓缓存列表业务处理
// @param order
// @param newPrice
// @param bidPrice
// @param askPrice
// @param wg
// @return tradedeal.ContractTallyCache
func SecondConcurrentComputingPosition(order *virtual.ContractTallyCache, newPrice decimal.Decimal, wg *sync.WaitGroup) virtual.ContractTallyCache {
var dealPrice string // 平仓价格
var checkBool bool // 删除缓存状态
var status = order.Status // 原始价格
time1 := time.Now() // 通过时间判定是否平仓
time2 := order.Order.StopTime
if time1.After(time2) {
dealPrice = newPrice.String() // 时间1在时间2之后
checkBool = true
} else if time1.Equal(time2) {
dealPrice = newPrice.String() // 时间1等于时间2
checkBool = true
if checkBool {
order.Status = flags.Close // 删除合约持仓缓存列表数据
if err := Reds.HDel(context.Background(), setting.MarketSecondPosition, order.OrderId).Err(); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractConcurrentComputingPosition.MarketContractPosition.HDel:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
order.Status = status
return virtual.ContractTallyCache{
UserId: order.UserId, // 用户Id
OrderId: order.OrderId, // 订单Id
Symbol: order.Symbol, // 下单交易对
ClosingPrice: dealPrice, // 平仓价格
Status: order.Status, // 订单状态
Order: order.Order, // 下单信息
// SecondLiquidationPosition
// @Description: 合约平仓操作
// @param ctx
// @param order
// @return error
func SecondLiquidationPosition(ctx context.Context, order *virtual.ContractTallyCache) error {
// 1、平仓操作
err := SecondClosingPosition(ctx, Msql, order.OrderId, order.ClosingPrice, order.Order)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v SecondLiquidationPosition.ContractClosingPosition:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return err
// 2、平仓更新用户合约订阅订单状态
userSubKey := virtual.OrderIdListKey(setting.SecondSubscribe, order.UserId)
if err = UpdateContractSubscribeHashStatusByOrderId(order.OrderId, userSubKey, flags.Close, order.ClosingPrice); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v SecondLiquidationPosition.SecondSubscribe:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return err
// 3、平仓更新管理员合约订阅订单状态
if err = UpdateContractSubscribeHashStatusByOrderId(order.OrderId, setting.AdminSecondSubscribe, flags.Close, order.ClosingPrice); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v SecondLiquidationPosition.AdminSecondSubscribe:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return err
return nil
// GetSecondPrice
// @Description: 合约价格
// @param symbol
// @return decimal.Decimal
// @return decimal.Decimal
// @return decimal.Decimal
// @return error
func GetSecondPrice(symbol string) (decimal.Decimal, error) {
var newPrice decimal.Decimal
key := publicData.SymbolCache(flags.Sd, symbol, flags.TradeTypePrice)
priceByte, err := memory.GetSecondCache(key)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v GetSecondPrice.Get:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return decimal.Decimal{}, err
newPrice, err = decimal.NewFromString(string(priceByte))
if err != nil {
return decimal.Decimal{}, err
applogger.Info("secondCode:%v,topIc:%v,secondPrice:%v", symbol, key, newPrice)
return newPrice, nil