You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

647 lines
22 KiB

package data
import (
orders "matchmaking-system/internal/data/convert"
models "matchmaking-system/internal/pkg/model"
// GetBotSecondTradeList
// @Description: 秒合约订单列表
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param pageSize
// @param pageCount
// @param userId
// @param status
// @param state
// @return []*models.BotContractSecTrade
// @return int64
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) GetBotSecondTradeList(pageSize, pageCount, userId, status int64) ([]*models.BotContractSecTrade, int64, error) {
totalCount, err :=
Where("user_id = ?", userId).
Where("status = ?", status).
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, flags.ErrMySqlDB
if totalCount == 0 {
return nil, 0, nil
var contractList []*models.BotContractSecTrade
if err :=
Where("user_id = ?", userId).
Where("status = ?", status).
Limit(int(pageSize), int(pageCount)).
Find(&contractList); err != nil {
return nil, 0, flags.ErrMySqlDB
var contractUpdateList []*models.BotContractSecTrade
for _, value := range contractList {
value.KeepDecimal = GetKeepDecimal(flags.ContractSystemSetUpKey, value.ContractId)
contractUpdateList = append(contractUpdateList, value)
return contractUpdateList, totalCount, nil
// CreateSecondBotContractTrade
// @Description: 秒合约下单
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param userId
// @param order
// @return string
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreateSecondBotContractTrade(ctx context.Context, userId int64, order structure.ContractOrder) (string, error) {
// 1、下单订阅
contractId := strings.ToUpper(order.ContractId)
_, ok := second.SecondMapSymbol.Load(contractId)
if ok {
go func() {
second.SecondMap <- []byte(contractId)
// 2、获取系统设置
system, err := GetContractSystemSetUp(contractId)
if err != nil || system == nil {
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrContractOne
secondSystem, err := GetContractSystemSecond()
if err != nil {
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrContractOne
order.System = system // 系统设置
order.Proportion = secondSystem // 比例设置
order.StopTime = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(order.Time) * time.Second) // 设置时间
// 3、获取交易币市价
//priceNew, err := GetDigitalCurrencyPrice(ctx, flags.Sd, contractId)
//if len(priceNew) == 0 || err != nil {
// applogger.Error("%v CreateSecondBotContractTrade.GetDigitalCurrencyPrice:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
// return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrPriceUpdate
// 4、下单判定
// 下单判定设置(false无设置|true止盈止损)
checkBool, stopWinPrice, stopLossPrice, err := ContractVoteStopType(order)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v CreateSecondBotContractTrade.ContractVoteStopType:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.SetNull, err
// 下单判定设置(限价|市价)
limitOrMarketPrice, err := uo.ContractVoteDealType(order)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v CreateSecondBotContractTrade.ContractVoteDealType:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.SetNull, err
// 下单判定设置(买涨|买跌)
if err = uo.VoteTradeType(order.TradeType, stopWinPrice, stopLossPrice, limitOrMarketPrice, checkBool); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v CreateSecondBotContractTrade.VoteTradeType:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.SetNull, err
// 5、下单(订单信息|资产信息)
orderId, err := uo.SecondWriteDB(ctx, userId, order)
if err != nil || len(orderId) == 0 {
applogger.Error("%v CreateSecondBotContractTrade.ContractSecondWriteDB:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.SetNull, err
// 6、写入缓存列表(挂单缓存|持仓缓存),等待撮合计算
marketStatus, tallyCache, err := virtual.SecondCacheDeal(ctx, userId, orderId, limitOrMarketPrice.String(), order)
if err != nil || tallyCache == nil {
applogger.Error("%v CreateSecondBotContractTrade.ContractSecondCacheDeal:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.SetNull, err
// 7、市价下单开仓处理(订单信息|资产信息|手续费|返佣|资产详情记录)
if marketStatus == setting.MarketSecondPosition {
if err = SecondOpenPosition(ctx,, userId, orderId, tallyCache.OpenPrice, order); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v CreateSecondBotContractTrade.ContractSecondOpenPosition:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.SetNull, err
// 8、写入(挂单|持仓)缓存列表
if err = virtual.SecondPushAddCache(Reds, marketStatus, tallyCache); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v CreateSecondBotContractTrade.ContractSecondPushAddCache:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrCacheDB
// 9、写入用户订单订阅缓存列表
orderIdKey := virtual.OrderIdListKey(setting.SecondSubscribe, userId)
if err = virtual.SecondHashSetOrderId(Reds, orderIdKey, tallyCache); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v CreateSecondBotContractTrade.ContractSecondHashSetOrderId:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrCacheDB
// 10、写入管理员订单订阅列表
if err = virtual.SecondHashSetOrderId(Reds, setting.AdminSecondSubscribe, tallyCache); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v CreateSecondBotContractTrade.ContractSecondHashSetOrderId:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrCacheDB
return orderId, nil
// SecondWriteDB
// @Description: 秒合约下单处理
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param userId
// @param order
// @return string
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) SecondWriteDB(ctx context.Context, userId int64, order structure.ContractOrder) (string, error) {
session :=
defer session.Close()
err := session.Begin()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractSecondWriteDB.NewSession:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrMySqlDB
// 查询当前下单用户可用账户金额和冻结金额
var usable, frozen decimal.Decimal
usable, frozen, _, err = uo.GetBotUserContractSec(session, userId, flags.BasicUnit)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractSecondWriteDB.GetBotUserContractSec:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrMySqlDB
// 检查用户订单下单资产
if usable.IsZero() || usable.IsNegative() || frozen.IsNegative() {
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrPublicOne
// 写入订单信息
orderId, err := uo.VerifyBotContractSecTradeOrderId(session)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractSecondWriteDB.VerifyBotContractSecTradeOrderId:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.SetNull, err
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("下单可用金额:%v", usable)
applogger.Debug("下单冻结金额:%v", frozen)
applogger.Debug("下单ID:%v", orderId)
applogger.Debug("下单杠杆:%v", order.PryNum)
botStockTrade := orders.BotContractSecTrade(ctx, userId, orderId, order)
if err = uo.CreatBotContractSecTrade(session, botStockTrade); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractSecondWriteDB.CreatBotContractSecTrade:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrMySqlDB
// 转换下单信息
orderAmount := decimal.RequireFromString(order.OrderAmount) // 订单价格
earnestMoney := decimal.RequireFromString(order.EarnestMoney) // 保证金
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("下单订单价格:%v", orderAmount)
applogger.Debug("下单保证金:%v", earnestMoney)
// 总金额下单判定
residue := usable.Sub(earnestMoney).Div(usable)
if usable.Cmp(earnestMoney) < 0 || residue.Cmp(utils.DecimalsStrInt()) < 0 {
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrPublicOne
// (买涨|买跌)处理
usableNew := usable.Sub(earnestMoney) // 可用资产
frozenNew := frozen.Add(earnestMoney) // 冻结资产
// 检查用户订单下单资产
if usableNew.IsNegative() || usableNew.IsZero() {
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrPublicTow
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("下单后用户可用资产:%v", usableNew)
applogger.Debug("下单后用户冻结资产:%v", frozenNew)
// 更新用户资产信息
userContractUSDT := orders.UpdateBotUserContractSec(ctx, usableNew.String(), frozenNew.String())
if err = uo.UpdateBotUserContractSec(session, userId, flags.BasicUnit, userContractUSDT); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractSecondWriteDB.UpdateBotUserContractSec:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrMySqlDB
if err = session.Commit(); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractSecondWriteDB.Commit:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.SetNull, flags.ErrMySqlDB
return orderId, nil
// SecondOpenPosition
// @Description: 秒合约开仓处理
// @param ctx
// @param db
// @param userId
// @param orderId
// @param openPrice
// @param order
// @return error
func SecondOpenPosition(ctx context.Context, db *xorm.EngineGroup, userId int64, orderId, openPrice string, order structure.ContractOrder) error {
session := db.NewSession()
defer session.Close()
err := session.Begin()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractSecondOpenPosition.NewSession:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.ErrMySqlDB
// 查询当前下单用户可用账户金额和冻结金额
var usable, frozen decimal.Decimal
usable, frozen, _, err = Uo.GetBotUserContractSec(session, userId, flags.BasicUnit)
if err != nil || usable.IsNegative() || frozen.IsNegative() {
applogger.Error("%v ContractSecondOpenPosition.GetBotUserContractSec:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.ErrPublicThree
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("下单可用金额:%v", usable)
applogger.Debug("下单冻结金额:%v", frozen)
// 转换下单信息
earnestMoney := decimal.RequireFromString(order.EarnestMoney) // 保证金
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("下单保证金:%v", earnestMoney)
openOrderPrice := decimal.RequireFromString(openPrice) // 开仓价格
usableNew := usable // 可用资产
frozenNew := frozen.Sub(earnestMoney) // 冻结资产
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("开仓订单价格:%v", openOrderPrice)
applogger.Debug("下单开仓总金额容差值:%v", earnestMoney)
applogger.Debug("下单后用户可用资产:%v", usableNew)
applogger.Debug("下单后用户冻结资产:%v", frozenNew)
// 检查用户平仓资产
if frozenNew.IsNegative() {
return flags.ErrPublicThree
// 处理资产信息
userContractUSDT := orders.UpdateBotUserContractSec(ctx, usableNew.String(), frozenNew.String())
if err = Uo.UpdateBotUserContractSec(session, userId, flags.BasicUnit, userContractUSDT); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractSecondOpenPosition.UpdateBotUserContractSec:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.ErrMySqlDB
// 处理订单信息(成交价|仓位|开仓时间|订单总金额|手续费|持仓状态)
trade := orders.UpdateOpenBotContractSecTrade(ctx, openPrice, decimal.Zero.String(), earnestMoney.String(), decimal.Zero.String())
if err = Uo.UpdateBotContractSecTradeByOrderId(session, orderId, trade); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractSecondOpenPosition.UpdateBotContractSecTradeByOrderId:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.ErrMySqlDB
// 更改交易日志记录方式
var list []models.BotUserContractSecLog
qData1 := orders.CreatBotUserContractSecLog(ctx, userId, flags.TransferOut, flags.BasicUnit, NegativeValue(earnestMoney.String()), orderId) // 资金变动明细表(开仓保证金)
list = append(list, qData1)
// 批量写入数据信息
if err = Uo.CreatBotUserContractSecLogList(session, list); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractSecondOpenPosition.CreatBotUserContractSecLogList:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.ErrMySqlDB
if err = session.Commit(); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractSecondOpenPosition.Commit:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.ErrMySqlDB
return nil
// SecondClosingPosition
// @Description: 秒合约平仓处理
// @param ctx
// @param db
// @param orderId
// @param price
// @param order
// @return error
func SecondClosingPosition(ctx context.Context, db *xorm.EngineGroup, orderId, closePrice string, order structure.ContractOrder) error {
session := db.NewSession()
defer session.Close()
err := session.Begin()
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractSecondClosingPosition.NewSession:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.ErrMySqlDB
// 查询订单信息
tread, err := Uo.GetBotContractSecTradeByOrderId(session, orderId, flags.PositionStatus)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractSecondClosingPosition.GetBotContractSecTradeByOrderId:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.ErrMySqlDB
var userId int64
var dealPrice, earnestMoney decimal.Decimal
var closeTime time.Time
if tread != nil {
userId = int64(tread.UserId) // 用户Id
earnestMoney = decimal.RequireFromString(tread.EarnestMoney) // 开仓保证金
dealPrice = decimal.RequireFromString(tread.DealPrice) // 开仓价格
closeTime = tread.OpenTime.Add(time.Duration(tread.SecondTime) * time.Second) // 平仓时间
// 查询当前下单用户可用账户金额和冻结金额
var usable, frozen decimal.Decimal
usable, frozen, _, err = Uo.GetBotUserContractSec(session, userId, flags.BasicUnit)
if err != nil || usable.IsNegative() || frozen.IsNegative() {
applogger.Error("%v ContractSecondClosingPosition.GetBotUserContract:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.ErrContractFive
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("下单开仓用户Id:%v", userId)
applogger.Debug("开仓下单开仓价格:%v,平仓价格:%v", dealPrice, closePrice)
applogger.Debug("下单可用金额:%v", usable)
applogger.Debug("下单冻结金额:%v", frozen)
// 判定准备
var orderStatus int
var orderValue string
checkBool := decimal.RequireFromString(closePrice).Cmp(dealPrice) // 判定平仓和开仓价格
proValue := order.Proportion[order.Time] // 设定值
proPrice := decimal.RequireFromString(proValue.Value).Div(decimal.RequireFromString(flags.DecimalOne)) // 设置定转化
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("平仓数据展示:%v,%v,%v", proValue, proPrice, earnestMoney.Mul(proPrice))
// 已经实现盈亏计算公式(已平仓结算方式)
// 买涨 = 平仓价格 > 开仓价格(盈利) 平仓价格 < 开仓价格(亏损) 平仓价格 = 开仓价格(不亏不盈)
// 买跌 = 平仓价格 < 开仓价格(盈利) 平仓价格 > 开仓价格(亏损) 平仓价格 = 开仓价格(不亏不盈)
var usableNew, frozenNew, resultPrice decimal.Decimal
switch order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨--->{盈利|亏损|不亏不盈}
if checkBool == 1 {
resultPrice = earnestMoney.Mul(proPrice).Add(earnestMoney)
usableNew = usable.Add(resultPrice)
orderStatus = flags.OrderSetOne
orderValue = resultPrice.String()
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("买涨盈利:%v", resultPrice)
if checkBool == -1 {
resultPrice = decimal.Zero
usableNew = usable
orderStatus = flags.OrderSetTwo
orderValue = NegativeValue(earnestMoney.String())
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("买涨亏损:%v", resultPrice)
if checkBool == 0 {
resultPrice = earnestMoney
usableNew = usable.Add(earnestMoney)
orderStatus = flags.OrderSetZero
orderValue = decimal.Zero.String()
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("买涨平局:%v", resultPrice)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 买跌--->{盈利|亏损|不亏不盈}
if checkBool == -1 {
resultPrice = earnestMoney.Mul(proPrice).Add(earnestMoney)
usableNew = usable.Add(resultPrice)
orderStatus = flags.OrderSetOne
orderValue = resultPrice.String()
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("买跌盈利:%v", resultPrice)
if checkBool == 1 {
resultPrice = decimal.Zero
usableNew = usable
orderStatus = flags.OrderSetTwo
orderValue = NegativeValue(earnestMoney.String())
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("买跌亏损:%v", resultPrice)
if checkBool == 0 {
resultPrice = earnestMoney
usableNew = usable.Add(earnestMoney)
orderStatus = flags.OrderSetZero
orderValue = decimal.Zero.String()
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("买跌平局:%v", resultPrice)
frozenNew = frozen // 冻结资产
if !flags.CheckSetting {
applogger.Debug("可用资产:%v", usableNew)
applogger.Debug("冻结资产:%v", frozenNew)
// 平仓(处理资产表(资产))
userContractUSDT := orders.UpdateBotUserContractSec(ctx, usableNew.String(), frozenNew.String())
if err = Uo.UpdateBotUserContractSec(session, userId, flags.BasicUnit, userContractUSDT); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractSecondClosingPosition.UpdateBotUserContractSec:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.ErrMySqlDB
// 平仓(处理订单信息(平仓价|保证金|平仓|订单总金额|平仓手续费|完成订单))
trade := orders.UpdateCloseBotContractSecTrade(ctx, closePrice, earnestMoney.String(), earnestMoney.String(), decimal.Zero.String(), orderValue, orderStatus, closeTime)
if err = Uo.UpdateBotContractSecTradeByOrderId(session, orderId, trade); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractSecondClosingPosition.UpdateBotContractSecTradeByOrderId:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.ErrMySqlDB
// 盈利-亏损不写入日志
if !resultPrice.IsZero() {
// 平仓(资金变动明细表(正负盈亏))
var list []models.BotUserContractSecLog
qData4 := orders.CreatBotUserContractSecLog(ctx, userId, flags.ChangeInto, flags.BasicUnit, resultPrice.String(), orderId)
list = append(list, qData4)
if err = Uo.CreatBotUserContractSecLogList(session, list); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractSecondClosingPosition.CreatBotUserContractSecLogList:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.ErrMySqlDB
if err = session.Commit(); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v ContractSecondClosingPosition.Commit:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return flags.ErrMySqlDB
return nil
// GetBotContractSecTradeByOrderId
// @Description:
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param orderId
// @param status
// @return *models.BotContractSecTrade
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) GetBotContractSecTradeByOrderId(session *xorm.Session, orderId string, status int) (*models.BotContractSecTrade, error) {
var botContractTrade []models.BotContractSecTrade
if err := session.Table(flags.BotContractSecTrade).
Where("order_id = ?", orderId).
Where("`status` = ?", status).
Find(&botContractTrade); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, value := range botContractTrade {
return &value, nil
return nil, nil
// GetBotUserContractSec
// @Description:
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param symbol
// @return decimal.Decimal
// @return decimal.Decimal
// @return int
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) GetBotUserContractSec(session *xorm.Session, userId int64, symbol string) (decimal.Decimal, decimal.Decimal, int, error) {
var contractUSDT []models.BotUserContractSec
if err := session.Table(flags.BotUserContractSec).
Where("user_id = ?", userId).
Where("contract_id = ?", strings.ToUpper(symbol)).
Find(&contractUSDT); err != nil {
return decimal.Zero, decimal.Zero, 0, err
var usableNum, frozenNum decimal.Decimal
for _, value := range contractUSDT {
usableNum = decimal.RequireFromString(value.UsableNum) // 资产可用余额
frozenNum = decimal.RequireFromString(value.FrozenNum) // 资产冻结数量
return usableNum, frozenNum, len(contractUSDT), nil
// VerifyBotContractSecTradeOrderId
// @Description:
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @return string
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) VerifyBotContractSecTradeOrderId(session *xorm.Session) (string, error) {
var orderId string
for {
orderId = orders.CreateRandCodeOrder(10)
var orderList []models.BotContractSecTrade
err := session.Table(flags.BotContractSecTrade).Where("order_id = ?", orderId).Find(&orderList)
if err != nil || len(orderList) > 0 {
applogger.Error("%v VerifyBotContractTradeOrderId.Find:%v", common.ErrSecond, err)
return orderId, nil
// CreatBotContractSecTrade
// @Description:
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param trade
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) CreatBotContractSecTrade(session *xorm.Session, trade models.BotContractSecTrade) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotContractSecTrade).Insert(&trade)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UpdateBotUserContractSec
// @Description:
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param userId
// @param symbol
// @param userContract
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) UpdateBotUserContractSec(session *xorm.Session, userId int64, symbol string, userContract models.BotUserContractSec) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotUserContractSec).
Where("user_id = ?", userId).
Where("contract_id = ?", symbol).
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UpdateBotContractSecTradeByOrderId
// @Description:
// @receiver uo
// @param ctx
// @param session
// @param orderId
// @param trade
// @return error
func (uo *userOrderRepo) UpdateBotContractSecTradeByOrderId(session *xorm.Session, orderId string, trade models.BotContractSecTrade) error {
_, err := session.Table(flags.BotContractSecTrade).
Where("order_id = ?", orderId).
if err != nil {
return err
return nil