You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

144 lines
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syntax = "proto3";
package matchmaking.v1;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
option go_package = "matchmaking-system/api/matchmaking/v1;v1";
service ShareSgd {
// GetBotStockSgdTrade 新加坡股列表查询
rpc GetBotStockSgdTrade(GetSgdBotStockTradeRequest)returns(GetBotStockSgdTradeReply){
option (google.api.http) = {
// ShareSgdPlaceOrder 新加坡股下单
rpc ShareSgdPlaceOrder(ShareSgdOrderRequest)returns(SgdOrderReply) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/order_sharesgd/share_place_order",
body: "*",
// ShareSgdUpdateOrder 新加坡股设置止盈止损
rpc ShareSgdUpdateOrder(UpdateSgdOrderRequest)returns(SgdOrderReply){
option (google.api.http) = {
// ShareSgdPosition 新加坡股平仓
rpc ShareSgdPosition(CancelSgdOrderRequest)returns(SgdOrderReply){
option (google.api.http) = {
// ShareSgdAllPosition 新加坡股一键平仓
rpc ShareSgdAllPosition(AllSgdOrderRequest)returns(AllSgdOrderReply){
option (google.api.http) = {
// ShareSgdCancel 新加坡股撤单
rpc ShareSgdCancel(CancelSgdOrderRequest)returns(SgdOrderReply){
option (google.api.http) = {
message GetSgdBotStockTradeRequest{
int64 status =1;// 状态码
int64 pageSize =2; // 每页显示条数
int64 pageCount =3;// 开始的位置
message GetBotStockSgdTradeReply{
int64 code =1;// 状态码
BotStockSgdTradeReply data =2;// 返回结果
string message =3;// 返回消息提示
message BotStockSgdTradeReply{
int64 pageSize =1; // 每页显示条数
int64 pageCount =2;// 开始的位置
repeated BotStockSgdTrade data =3;// 返回结果
int64 totalCount =4;// 总数据
message BotStockSgdTrade{
string orderId =1;// 订单ID
string stockId =2;// 股票代码
int64 tradeType =3;// 交易类型
int64 dealType =4;// 交易方式
string limitPrice =5;// 限价
string marketPrice =6;// 市价
string dealPrice =7;// 开仓价
string closingPrice =8;// 平仓价
string orderNumber =9;// 订单数量
int64 stopType =10;// 止盈止损
string stopLossPrice =11;// 止损
string stopWinPrice =12;// 止盈
string serviceCost =13;// 开仓手续费
string marketMoney =14;// 订单金额
string orderMoney =15;// 订单总金额
int64 status =16;// 订单状态
string createTime =17;// 订单创建时间
string updateTime =18;// 订单更新时间
string openTime =19;// 订单开仓时间
string closingTime =20;// 订单平仓时间
string closingCost =21;// 平仓手续费
string faceValue =22;// 面值
string pryNum =23;// 杠杆
string keepDecimal =24;// 保留小数位
string stockName =25;// 股票名称
message ShareSgdOrderRequest{
string stockId =1;// 股票Code
int64 tradeType =2;// 交易类型:1买入,2卖出
int64 dealType =3;// 委托方式:1限价,2市价
string limitPrice =4;// 限价
string marketPrice =5;// 市价
string marketMoney =6;// 订单金额
string orderNumber =7;// 订单数量
string serviceCost =8;// 手续费
int64 stopType =9;// 止损止盈设置:1无设置,2止损止盈
string stopLossPrice =10;// 止损
string stopWinPrice =11;// 止损
string pryNum =12;// 杠杆
message UpdateSgdOrderRequest{
string orderId =1;// 订单Id
int64 stopType =2;// 止盈止损
string stopLossPrice =3;// 止损
string stopWinPrice =4;// 止盈
message SgdOrderReply{
int64 code =1;// 状态码
SgdOrderResult data =2;// 返回结果
string message =3;// 返回消息提示
message SgdOrderResult {
string orderId =1;// 订单Id
message CancelSgdOrderRequest{
string orderId =1;// 订单ID
message AllSgdOrderRequest{
message AllSgdOrderReply{
int64 code =1;// 状态码
string data =2;// 返回结果
string message =3;// 返回消息提示