package flags import ( "errors" ) /* 股票|数字币提示语言 1、买涨提示语: 买涨涨停无法开仓:"无法开仓:由于涨停限制,目前无法买入该股票" 买涨跌停无法平仓:"跌停限制:该股票的涨幅已经达到了交易所规定的跌停幅度,暂停交易" 2、买跌提示语: 买跌跌停无法开仓:"跌停限制:该股票的跌幅已经达到了交易所规定的跌停幅度,暂停交易" 买跌涨停无法平仓:"无法平仓:由于涨停限制,目前无法卖出该股票 3、休市提示语 管理员后台手动强制休市:"休市":因突发情况进行休市,暂停交易. 股市午间休息时间:"午间休市":市场午间休息状态,暂停交易. 股市交易日正常闭市:"闭市":市场已到闭市时间,暂停交易. */ var ( ErrPublicOne = errors.New("Insufficient funds, please recharge.") ErrPublicTow = errors.New("Insufficient funds in the ordering account.") ErrPublicThree = errors.New("Insufficient closing funds, please contact the administrator.") ErrPublicFour = errors.New("Please enter a valid order number.") ErrPublicFive = errors.New("Failed to place order, incorrect delegation method.") ErrPublicSix = errors.New("Parameter error.") ErrPublicServe = errors.New("You have an unpaid IPO allotment order pending. Please complete the payment soon for the new stock listing. Happy investing!") ) // Transaction system prompt language configuration var ( ErrNetWorkMessage = errors.New("Network issue, failed to place order, please try again.") ErrPriceUpdate = errors.New("Quote update, please resubmit!") ErrMySqlDB = errors.New("Data anomaly detected. Please contact customer service for assistance.") // Data exception, please contact customer service for handling - database exception ErrPosition = errors.New("Price discrepancy detected. Please resubmit your request!") // Exception - Error reported due to inability to obtain market information: (quotation exception, please resubmit!) - Place order | close position | one click close position | cancel order | Set stop profit and stop loss ErrStopTread = errors.New("Market closed. Trading temporarily suspended.") // Reminder for stock market not yet open and no pre - and post market prices set in the background: (closed time, trading suspended) - Place order | close position | one click close position ErrBuyStopWinPrice = errors.New("Place an order with a limit price increase, and the stop profit price must be greater than the limit price.") // When placing an order with a limit price increase, the stop profit price must be greater than the limit price ErrBuyStopLossPrice = errors.New("Place an order with a limit price increase, and the stop loss price must be less than the limit price.") // Limit price buy up order, stop loss price must be less than the limit price ErrSellStopWinPrice = errors.New("Limit price buy down order, stop profit price must be less than the limit price.") // Limit price buy down order, stop profit price must be less than the limit price ErrSellStopLossPrice = errors.New("Limit price buy down order, stop loss price must be greater than the limit price.") // Limit price buy down order, stop loss price must be greater than the limit price ErrTokenError = errors.New("redis: nil") // token absent ErrTokenMessage = errors.New("Token validation error.") // token abnormal ErrIsReal = errors.New("No real name authentication.") // Real name authentication ErrIsParameter = errors.New("Incorrect parameter verification.") // Parameter verification error ErrCacheDB = errors.New("Cache data exception, please contact the administrator.") // Cache data exception, please contact the administrator. ) var ( ErrBuyStopWinPriceOption = errors.New("Bullish orders with a stop profit price greater than the buy price.") // 看涨下单,止盈价大于买一价 ErrBuyStopLossPriceOption = errors.New("Place a bullish order with a stop loss price lower than the selling price.") // 看涨下单,止损价小于卖一价 ErrBuyLimitPriceOption = errors.New("Bullish orders, opening price less than selling price.") // 看涨下单,开仓价格小于卖一价 ErrSellStopWinPriceOption = errors.New("Place a bearish order with a stop profit price lower than the sell price.") // 看跌下单,止盈价小于卖一价 ErrSellStopLossPriceOption = errors.New("Place a bearish order with a stop loss price greater than the buy price.") // 看跌下单,止损价大于买一价 ErrSellLimitPriceOption = errors.New("Bullish orders, opening price greater than buy price.") // 看涨下单,开仓价格大于买一价 ) var ( ErrOrderOne = errors.New("Wrong transaction type for placing an order.") ErrOrderTow = errors.New("Please enter the correct stock market.") ErrOrderThree = errors.New("Error in obtaining commission return relationship.") ErrOrderFour = errors.New("Error in obtaining user commission information.") ErrOrderFive = errors.New("The return commission type is incorrect. Please contact the administrator.") ErrOrderSix = errors.New("Error in obtaining user commission level relationship.") ErrOrderSeven = errors.New("NewHTTPServer:Please enter the initialized environment variable.") ) // Spot reminder var ( ErrSpotMsgOne = errors.New("Wrong delegation method, failed to place order.") ErrSpotMsgTow = errors.New("Failed to write transaction details table.") ErrSpotsMsgThree = errors.New("One click spot exchange error, please contact the administrator.") ErrSpotsMsgFour = errors.New("Market price order type error.") ErrSpotsMsgSix = errors.New("The amount does not meet the order requirements.") ErrSpotsMsgSeven = errors.New("Failed to place order, incorrect transaction type.") ) // Contract reminder language var ( ErrContractOne = errors.New("Error in obtaining contract face value.") ErrContractTow = errors.New("Contract leverage setting error.") ErrContractThree = errors.New("There is an error in placing the order transaction, please check.") ErrContractFive = errors.New("Contract closing error, please contact the administrator.") ErrContractSeven = errors.New("The contract cancellation data is incorrect.") ErrContractEight = errors.New("Error in obtaining the optimal closing price for the current transaction, closing failed. Please contact the administrator.") ErrContractTen = errors.New("Set stop profit and stop loss, and stop profit and stop loss cannot both be zero.") ErrContractEleven = errors.New("Error in modifying stop loss and stop gain settings.") ErrContractTwelve = errors.New("Failed to place order, wrong transaction type.") ErrContractThirteen = errors.New("Failed to place order, incorrect stop loss and stop gain settings.") ) // Stock reminder language var ( ErrShareOne = errors.New("Sufficient funds, please recharge.") ErrShareTow = errors.New("Share closing error, please share the administrator.") ErrShareThree = errors.New("Insufficient frozen assets in stocks.") ErrShareFour = errors.New("Error setting order.") ErrShareFive = errors.New("Closing error, please contact the administrator.") ErrShareSeven = errors.New("During a calm period, trading is prohibited.") ErrShareNine = errors.New("Insufficient USD frozen assets in stocks.") ErrShareSix = errors.New("Order parameters incorrect") ErrShareTen = errors.New("Order market identification error.") )