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2 months ago
package models
import (
type BotDigitalTrade struct {
ClosingCost string `xorm:"comment('平仓手续费') DECIMAL(36,18)"`
ClosingPrice string `xorm:"comment('平仓价格') DECIMAL(36,18)"`
ClosingTime time.Time `xorm:"comment('平仓时间') DATETIME"`
CreateTime time.Time `xorm:"not null comment('创建时间') DATETIME"`
DealPrice string `xorm:"comment('成交价') DECIMAL(36,18)"`
DealType int `xorm:"not null default 0 comment('委托方式:1限价,2市价') index(user_id) TINYINT(1)"`
DigitalId string `xorm:"not null comment('数字币交易对id') index(u_s_d) index(user_id) VARCHAR(100)"`
KeepDecimal int `xorm:"comment('小数点保留位数') INT"`
LimitPrice string `xorm:"comment('限价') DECIMAL(36,18)"`
MarketPrice string `xorm:"comment('市价') DECIMAL(36,18)"`
OpenTime time.Time `xorm:"comment('开仓时间') DATETIME"`
OrderId string `xorm:"not null comment('订单ID') index(order_id) index(user_id) VARCHAR(60)"`
OrderMoney string `xorm:"not null comment('订单金额') DECIMAL(36,18)"`
OrderNumber string `xorm:"not null comment('委托数量') DECIMAL(36,18)"`
OvernightCost string `xorm:"comment('过夜手续费') DECIMAL(36,18)"`
ServiceCost string `xorm:"not null comment('持仓手续费') DECIMAL(36,18)"`
Status int `xorm:"not null default 0 comment('订单状态:0-挂单(委托),1-持仓订单,2-已撤单,3-完成订单') index(order_id) index(u_s_d) index(user_id) TINYINT(1)"`
TotalMoney string `xorm:"not null comment('订单总金额(包含手续费用)') DECIMAL(36,18)"`
TradeId int `xorm:"not null pk autoincr comment('自增长ID') INT"`
TradeType int `xorm:"not null default 0 comment('交易类型:1买入,2卖出') index(user_id) TINYINT(1)"`
UpdateTime time.Time `xorm:"comment('更新时间') DATETIME"`
UserId int `xorm:"not null comment('用户ID') index(u_s_d) index(user_id) INT"`