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2 months ago
package models
type BotAccount struct {
Avatar string `xorm:"default '' comment('头像') VARCHAR(255)"`
CreateTime int64 `xorm:"comment('创建时间') BIGINT"`
Desc string `xorm:"comment('个人简介') VARCHAR(255)"`
Email string `xorm:"comment('邮箱') VARCHAR(50)"`
Id int `xorm:"not null pk autoincr comment('ID') INT"`
InviteCode string `xorm:"not null default '' comment('邀请码') CHAR(6)"`
LoginFailure int `xorm:"not null default 0 comment('失败次数') TINYINT"`
LoginIp string `xorm:"comment('登录IP') VARCHAR(50)"`
LoginTime int64 `xorm:"comment('登录时间') BIGINT"`
Mobile string `xorm:"default '' comment('手机号码') VARCHAR(11)"`
NickName string `xorm:"default '' comment('昵称') VARCHAR(50)"`
Password string `xorm:"default '' comment('密码') VARCHAR(32)"`
Remark string `xorm:"comment('备注') VARCHAR(255)"`
RoleId int `xorm:"comment('角色ID') INT"`
Status int `xorm:"not null default 1 comment('状态: 1:正常 2 禁用') TINYINT"`
Token string `xorm:"default '' comment('Session标识') VARCHAR(300)"`
UpdateTime int64 `xorm:"comment('更新时间') BIGINT"`
UserName string `xorm:"default '' comment('用户名') unique VARCHAR(20)"`