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2 months ago
package models
import (
type BotUserStockBlockLog struct {
BeforeNum string `xorm:"not null comment('变动前余额') DECIMAL(36,18)"`
ChangeNum string `xorm:"not null comment('变动资产数量') DECIMAL(36,18)"`
ChangeType int `xorm:"not null default 0 comment('变动类型:1-充值,2-提现,3-买入,4-卖出,5-冻结,6-解冻,7-注册返佣,8-开仓返佣,9-平仓返佣') index(user_id) TINYINT(1)"`
CreateTime time.Time `xorm:"not null comment('创建时间') DATETIME"`
Id int `xorm:"not null pk autoincr INT"`
OrderId string `xorm:"comment('订单号') VARCHAR(60)"`
StockId string `xorm:"not null comment('股票代码') index(user_id) VARCHAR(100)"`
Type int `xorm:"comment('市场类型:3美股、4印尼股、5马股、6泰股、7印度股、9新加坡股、12港股') INT"`
UpdateTime time.Time `xorm:"comment('更新时间') DATETIME"`
UserId int `xorm:"not null comment('用户ID') index(user_id) INT"`