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133 lines
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133 lines
7.3 KiB
2 months ago
package flags
var (
// 股票交易|杠杆判定
SetZero = "0" // 判定杠杆值是否为零
SetOne = "1" // 交易开启|默认值(数字币面值|股票杠杆)
SetTwo = "2" // 交易关闭
SetThree = "3" // 值等于3时通过,[其他值|没有]则不通过
// 股票闭盘涨跌幅标识
UpLimit = "up" // 涨停
DownLimit = "down" // 跌停
// 股票各个市场
UsMarket = "3" // 美股--T+0
IdnMarket = "4" // 印尼--T+3
MysMarket = "5" // 马股--T+1
ThaMarket = "6" // 泰股--T+2
InrMarket = "7" // 印度--T+0
SgdMarket = "9" // 新加坡--T+2
OpiMarket = "11" // 期权印度--T+0
HkdMarket = "12" // 香港--T+0
GbxMarket = "14" // 英国--T+0
FurMarket = "15" // 法国--T+0
EurMarket = "16" // 德国--T+0
BrlMarket = "17" // 巴西--T+0
JpyMarket = "18" // 日本--T+0
// 大宗交易系统设置
UsBlk = "US:BLOCK:LIST:" // 大宗(美股)交易
ThaBlk = "THA:BLOCK:LIST:" // 大宗(泰股)交易
MysBlk = "MYS:BLOCK:LIST:" // 大宗(马股)交易
IdnBlk = "IDN:BLOCK:LIST:" // 大宗(印尼股)交易
InBlk = "IN:BLOCK:LIST:" // 大宗(印度股)交易
SgdBlk = "SGD:BLOCK:LIST:" // 大宗(新加坡股)交易
HkdBlk = "HKD:BLOCK:LIST:" // 大宗(港股)交易
GbxBlk = "GBX:BLOCK:LIST:" // 大宗(英股)交易
FurBlk = "FUR:BLOCK:LIST" // 大宗(法股)交易
EurBlk = "EUR:BLOCK:LIST" // 大宗(德股)交易
BrlBlk = "BRL:BLOCK:LIST" // 大宗(巴西股)交易
JpyBlk = "JPY:BLOCK:LIST" // 大宗(日本股)交易
// 平仓时间设置[T+0,T+1,T+2.....],下单交易设置
CloseOne = "1"
CloseTwo = "2"
CloseThree = "3"
CloseFour = "4"
// 订阅行情-国家名称
CountryUs = "US" // 美股
CountryMys = "Malaysia" // 马股
CountryIdn = "Indonesia" // 印尼股
CountryTha = "Thailand" // 泰股
CountryInr = "India" // 印度股
CountrySgd = "Singapore" // 新加坡股
CountryHkd = "HongKong" // 港股
CountryGbx = "UK" // 英股
CountryEur = "Germany" // 德股
CountryFur = "France" // 法股
CountryBrl = "Brazil" // 巴西股
CountryJpy = "Japan" // 日本股
CountryOptionInr = "Option:India:List:" // 期权印度股
// 股票系统全局缓存配置
StockMarketList = "STOCK_MARKET:LIST:" // 股票市场阈值设置
StockTradePrices = "STOCK_PRICES:" // 股票市场盘前|盘后下单设置
StockTradePryNum = "USER:LEVER_STATUS:" // 股票用户杠杆是否开启(数值为3通过)
StockTradePryNumSet = "LEVERAGE:" // 股票用户杠杆设置
StockIpoList = "USER:ARREAR:ORDER:" // 用户IPO未支付订单OrderNo
StockUsSystemSetUpKey = "US:STOCK:LIST:" // 股票-美股阈值设置
ShareUsClosingPriceKey = "Stock:US:ClosePrice" // 股票-美股闭盘价格
ShareUsClosingNewPriceKey = "Stock:US:CloseNewPrice" // 股票-美股上次闭盘价格
ShareUsBeforeClose = "Stock:US:BeforeClose" // 股票-美股当天开盘价格
StockUkSystemSetUpKey = "UK:STOCK:LIST:" // 股票-英股阈值设置
ShareUkClosingPriceKey = "Stock:UK:ClosePrice" // 股票-英股闭盘价格
ShareUkClosingNewPriceKey = "Stock:UK:CloseNewPrice" // 股票-英股上次闭盘价格
ShareUkBeforeClose = "Stock:UK:BeforeClose" // 股票-英股当天开盘价格
StockMGSystemSetUpKey = "MYS:STOCK:LIST:" // 股票-马股阈值设置
ShareMalaysiaClosingPriceKey = "Stock:Malaysia:ClosePrice" // 股票-马股闭盘价格
ShareMalaysiaClosingNewPriceKey = "Stock:Malaysia:CloseNewPrice" // 股票-马股上次闭盘价格
ShareMalaysiaBeforeClose = "Stock:Malaysia:BeforeClose" // 股票-马股当天开盘价格
StockTGSystemSetUpKey = "THA:STOCK:LIST:" // 股票-泰股阈值设置
ShareThailandClosingPriceKey = "Stock:Thailand:ClosePrice" // 股票-泰股闭盘价格
ShareThailandClosingNewPriceKey = "Stock:Thailand:CloseNewPrice" // 股票-泰股上次闭盘价格
ShareThailandBeforeClose = "Stock:Thailand:BeforeClose" // 股票-泰股当天开盘价格
StockYNSystemSetUpKey = "IDN:STOCK:LIST:" // 股票-印尼阈值设置
ShareIndonesiaClosingPriceKey = "Stock:Indonesia:ClosePrice" // 股票-印尼闭盘价格
ShareIndonesiaClosingNewPriceKey = "Stock:Indonesia:CloseNewPrice" // 股票-印尼上次闭盘价格
ShareIndonesiaBeforeClose = "Stock:Indonesia:BeforeClose" // 股票-印尼股当天开盘价格
StockYDSystemSetUpKey = "IN:STOCK:LIST:" // 股票-印度阈值设置
ShareIndiaClosingPriceKey = "Stock:India:ClosePrice" // 股票-印度闭盘价格
ShareIndiaClosingNewPriceKey = "Stock:India:CloseNewPrice" // 股票-印度上次闭盘价格
ShareIndiaBeforeClose = "Stock:India:BeforeClose" // 股票-印度股当天开盘价格
StockSGDSystemSetUpKey = "SGD:STOCK:LIST:" // 股票-新加坡股阈值设置
ShareSingaporeClosingPriceKey = "Stock:Singapore:ClosePrice" // 股票-新加坡股闭盘价格
ShareSingaporeClosingNewPriceKey = "Stock:Singapore:CloseNewPrice" // 股票-新加坡股上次闭盘价格
ShareSingaporeBeforeClose = "Stock:Singapore:BeforeClose" // 股票-新加坡股当天开盘价格
StockEURSystemSetUpKey = "EUR:STOCK:LIST:" // 股票-德股阈值设置
ShareGermanyClosingPriceKey = "Stock:Germany:ClosePrice" // 股票-德股闭盘价格
ShareGermanyClosingNewPriceKey = "Stock:Germany:CloseNewPrice" // 股票-德股上次闭盘价格
ShareGermanyBeforeClose = "Stock:Germany:BeforeClose" // 股票-德股当天开盘价格
StockBRLSystemSetUpKey = "BR:STOCK:LIST:" // 股票-巴西股阈值设置
ShareBrazilClosingPriceKey = "Stock:Brazil:ClosePrice" // 股票-巴西股闭盘价格
ShareBrazilClosingNewPriceKey = "Stock:Brazil:CloseNewPrice" // 股票-巴西股上次闭盘价格
ShareBrazilBeforeClose = "Stock:Brazil:BeforeClose" // 股票-巴西股当天开盘价格
StockFURSystemSetUpKey = "FUR:STOCK:LIST:" // 股票-法股阈值设置
ShareFranceClosingPriceKey = "Stock:France:ClosePrice" // 股票-法股闭盘价格
ShareFranceClosingNewPriceKey = "Stock:France:CloseNewPrice" // 股票-法股上次闭盘价格
ShareFranceBeforeClose = "Stock:France:BeforeClose" // 股票-法股当天开盘价格
StockJPYSystemSetUpKey = "JPY:STOCK:LIST:" // 股票-日股阈值设置
ShareJapanClosingPriceKey = "Stock:Japan:ClosePrice" // 股票-日股闭盘价格
ShareJapanClosingNewPriceKey = "Stock:Japan:CloseNewPrice" // 股票-日股上次闭盘价格
ShareJapanBeforeClose = "Stock:Japan:BeforeClose" // 股票-日股当天开盘价格
StockHKDSystemSetUpKey = "HKD:STOCK:LIST:" // 股票-香港股阈值设置
ShareHongKongClosingPriceKey = "Stock:HongKong:ClosePrice" // 股票-香港股闭盘价格
ShareHongKongClosingNewPriceKey = "Stock:HongKong:CloseNewPrice" // 股票-香港股上次闭盘价格
ShareHongKongBeforeClose = "Stock:HongKong:BeforeClose" // 股票-香港股当天开盘价格
OptionOpiSystemSetUpKey = "OPI:OPTION:LIST:" // 期权-印度股票阈值设置