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package option
import (
// OptionInrTallyCache
// @Description:
type OptionInrTallyCache struct {
UserId int64 // 用户ID
OrderId string // 订单ID
Symbol string // 交易对
Status string // 订单状态
OpenPrice string // 开仓价格
ClosingPrice string // 平仓价格
ClosingTime time.Time // 平仓时间
Order structure.ShareOrder // 下单信息
// OptionInrCacheDeal
// @Description:
// @param ctx
// @param userId
// @param orderId
// @param subKey
// @param order
// @param chg
// @param priceNew
// @param closingTime
// @return string
// @return *OptionInrTallyCache
// @return error
func OptionInrCacheDeal(ctx context.Context, userId int64, orderId string, order structure.ShareOrder) (string, *OptionInrTallyCache, error) {
var marketStatus string
tallyCache := OptionInrTallyCache{
UserId: userId, // 股票期权下单用户Id
OrderId: orderId, // 股票期权下单订单Id
Symbol: order.StockId, // 股票期权下单交易对
Status: flags.Entrust, // 股票期权下单挂单状态
Order: order, // 股票期权完整下单信息
// 股票期权到期时间
closingTime, err := utils.TimeStopTime(order.StopTime)
if err == nil {
tallyCache.ClosingTime = closingTime
// 股票期权缓存状态
marketStatus = setting.MarketOptionInrEntrust
return marketStatus, &tallyCache, nil
// GetOptionOrderInrByChg
// @Description: 处理涨跌幅
// @param priceNew
// @param tallyCache
// @param chg
// @return string
// @return OptionInrTallyCache
func GetOptionOrderInrByChg(priceNew string, tallyCache OptionInrTallyCache, chg string) (string, OptionInrTallyCache) {
var marketStatus string
switch chg {
case flags.UpLimit: // 涨停
switch tallyCache.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨:涨停-下单不到持仓,可以平仓
if !flags.CheckSetting {
marketStatus = setting.MarketOptionInrEntrust
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 买跌:涨停-下单到持仓,不能平仓
marketStatus, tallyCache = GetOptionOrderInrMarketPrice(priceNew, tallyCache)
marketStatus = setting.MarketOptionInrEntrust
case flags.DownLimit: // 跌停
switch tallyCache.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨:跌停-下单到持仓,不能平仓
marketStatus, tallyCache = GetOptionOrderInrMarketPrice(priceNew, tallyCache)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 买跌:跌停-下单不到持仓,可以平仓
if !flags.CheckSetting {
marketStatus = setting.MarketOptionInrEntrust
marketStatus = setting.MarketOptionInrEntrust
marketStatus, tallyCache = GetOptionOrderInrMarketPrice(priceNew, tallyCache)
return marketStatus, tallyCache
// CheckOptionInrOrderByChg
// @Description: 股票期权判定涨跌幅业务逻辑
// @param orderMarket
// @param tallyCache
// @param chg
// @return bool
func CheckOptionInrOrderByChg(orderMarket string, tallyCache OptionInrTallyCache, chg string) bool {
var checkBool bool
switch chg {
case flags.UpLimit: // 涨停
switch tallyCache.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨:涨停-下单不到持仓,持仓可以平仓
checkBool = CheckOptionOrderInrBuyMarket(orderMarket)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 买跌:涨停-下单到持仓,持仓不能平仓
checkBool = CheckOptionOrderInrSellMarket(orderMarket)
case flags.DownLimit: // 跌停
switch tallyCache.Order.TradeType {
case flags.TradeTypeBuy: // 买涨:跌停-下单到持仓,持仓不能平仓
checkBool = CheckOptionOrderInrSellMarket(orderMarket)
case flags.TradeTypeSell: // 买跌:跌停-下单不到持仓,持仓可以平仓
checkBool = CheckOptionOrderInrBuyMarket(orderMarket)
checkBool = false
return checkBool
// CheckOptionOrderInrBuyMarket
// @Description: 买涨-涨跌幅
// @param orderMarket
// @return bool
func CheckOptionOrderInrBuyMarket(orderMarket string) bool {
var checkBool bool
switch orderMarket {
case setting.MarketOptionInrEntrust: // 挂单缓存状态--不到持仓
checkBool = true
case setting.MarketOptionInrPosition: // 持仓缓存状态--可以平仓
checkBool = false
return checkBool
// CheckOptionOrderInrSellMarket
// @Description: 买跌-涨跌幅
// @param orderMarket
// @return bool
func CheckOptionOrderInrSellMarket(orderMarket string) bool {
var checkBool bool
switch orderMarket {
case setting.MarketOptionInrEntrust: // 挂单缓存状态-- 到持仓
checkBool = false
case setting.MarketOptionInrPosition: // 持仓缓存状态-- 不能平仓
checkBool = true
return checkBool
// GetOptionOrderInrMarketPrice
// @Description: 市价下单开仓信息
// @param priceNew
// @param tallyCache
// @return string
// @return OptionInrTallyCache
func GetOptionOrderInrMarketPrice(priceNew string, tallyCache OptionInrTallyCache) (string, OptionInrTallyCache) {
var marketStatus string
tallyCache.OpenPrice = decimal.RequireFromString(priceNew).String() // 股票期权市价下单开盘价格(price)
tallyCache.Status = flags.Position // 股票期权市价下单持仓状态(status)
marketStatus = setting.MarketOptionInrPosition // 股票期权下单状态(挂单|持仓)缓存列表
return marketStatus, tallyCache
// OptionInrSubMarketPrice
// @Description: 下单订阅行情数据
// @param subKey
// @return string
// @return error
func OptionInrSubMarketPrice(subKey string) (string, error) {
price, err := memory.GetOptionInrCache(subKey)
if err != nil {
return flags.SetNull, err
return string(price), nil
// OptionInrHashUserOrder
// @Description: 下单录入订阅缓存列表(用户订阅|管理员订阅|挂单|持仓)
// @param red
// @param cacheKey
// @param order
// @return error
func OptionInrHashUserOrder(red *redis.Client, cacheKey string, order *OptionInrTallyCache) error {
orderStr, err := json.Marshal(order)
if err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v OptionInrHashUserOrder.Marshal:%v", common.ErrOptionInr, err)
return err
if err = red.HSet(context.Background(), cacheKey, order.OrderId, string(orderStr)).Err(); err != nil {
applogger.Error("%v OptionInrHashUserOrder.HSet:%v", common.ErrOptionInr, err)
return err
return nil
// UpdateOptionInrHashByOrderId
// @Description: 更新缓存列表
// @param reds
// @param orderId
// @param updateKey
// @param status
// @return error
func UpdateOptionInrHashByOrderId(reds *redis.Client, orderId, updateKey, status string) error {
order, err := reds.HGet(context.Background(), updateKey, orderId).Result()
if err != nil {
return err
var orderModel OptionInrTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(order), &orderModel); err != nil {
return err
orderModel.Status = status
orderStr, err := json.Marshal(&orderModel)
if err != nil {
return err
err = reds.HSet(context.Background(), updateKey, orderId, string(orderStr)).Err()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UpdateOptionInrStopByOrderId
// @Description: 更新止盈止损设置
// @param reds
// @param order
// @param updateKey
// @param status
// @return error
func UpdateOptionInrStopByOrderId(reds *redis.Client, order structure.StopOrder, updateKey, status string) error {
orderHash, err := reds.HGet(context.Background(), updateKey, order.OrderId).Result()
if err != nil {
return err
var orderModel OptionInrTallyCache
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(orderHash), &orderModel); err != nil {
return err
orderModel.Status = status
orderModel.Order.StopType = order.StopType
orderModel.Order.StopLossPrice = order.StopLossPrice
orderModel.Order.StopWinPrice = order.StopWinPrice
orderStr, err := json.Marshal(&orderModel)
if err != nil {
return err
err = reds.HSet(context.Background(), updateKey, order.OrderId, string(orderStr)).Err()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil