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You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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namespace Tests;
use think\Collection;
class CollectionTest extends TestCase
public function testMerge()
$c = new Collection(['name' => 'Hello']);
$this->assertSame(['name' => 'Hello', 'id' => 1], $c->merge(['id' => 1])->all());
public function testFirst()
$c = new Collection(['name' => 'Hello', 'age' => 25]);
$this->assertSame('Hello', $c->first());
public function testLast()
$c = new Collection(['name' => 'Hello', 'age' => 25]);
$this->assertSame(25, $c->last());
public function testToArray()
$c = new Collection(['name' => 'Hello', 'age' => 25]);
$this->assertSame(['name' => 'Hello', 'age' => 25], $c->toArray());
public function testToJson()
$c = new Collection(['name' => 'Hello', 'age' => 25]);
$this->assertSame(json_encode(['name' => 'Hello', 'age' => 25]), $c->toJson());
$this->assertSame(json_encode(['name' => 'Hello', 'age' => 25]), (string) $c);
$this->assertSame(json_encode(['name' => 'Hello', 'age' => 25]), json_encode($c));
public function testSerialize()
$c = new Collection(['name' => 'Hello', 'age' => 25]);
$sc = serialize($c);
$c = unserialize($sc);
$this->assertSame(['name' => 'Hello', 'age' => 25], $c->all());
public function testGetIterator()
$c = new Collection(['name' => 'Hello', 'age' => 25]);
$this->assertInstanceOf(\ArrayIterator::class, $c->getIterator());
$this->assertSame(['name' => 'Hello', 'age' => 25], $c->getIterator()->getArrayCopy());
public function testCount()
$c = new Collection(['name' => 'Hello', 'age' => 25]);
$this->assertCount(2, $c);