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* PHP-CS-Fixer config for ZipStream-PHP
* @author Nicolas CARPi <>
* @copyright 2022 Nicolas CARPi
* @see
* @license MIT
* @package maennchen/ZipStream-PHP
use PhpCsFixer\Config;
use PhpCsFixer\Finder;
$finder = Finder::create()
$config = new Config();
return $config->setRules([
'@PER' => true,
'@PER:risky' => true,
'@PHP81Migration' => true,
'@PHPUnit84Migration:risky' => true,
'array_syntax' => ['syntax' => 'short'],
'class_attributes_separation' => true,
'declare_strict_types' => true,
'dir_constant' => true,
'is_null' => true,
'no_homoglyph_names' => true,
'no_null_property_initialization' => true,
'no_php4_constructor' => true,
'no_unused_imports' => true,
'no_useless_else' => true,
'non_printable_character' => true,
'ordered_imports' => true,
'ordered_class_elements' => true,
'php_unit_construct' => true,
'pow_to_exponentiation' => true,
'psr_autoloading' => true,
'random_api_migration' => true,
'return_assignment' => true,
'self_accessor' => true,
'semicolon_after_instruction' => true,
'short_scalar_cast' => true,
'simplified_null_return' => true,
'single_blank_line_before_namespace' => true,
'single_class_element_per_statement' => true,
'single_line_comment_style' => true,
'single_quote' => true,
'space_after_semicolon' => true,
'standardize_not_equals' => true,
'strict_param' => true,
'ternary_operator_spaces' => true,
'trailing_comma_in_multiline' => true,
'trim_array_spaces' => true,
'unary_operator_spaces' => true,
'global_namespace_import' => [
'import_classes' => true,
'import_functions' => true,
'import_constants' => true,