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2897 lines
132 KiB
2897 lines
132 KiB
namespace app\admin\service;
use app\admin\service\setting\IPOService;
use app\admin\validate\OrderValidate;
use app\model\ContractSecTradeModel;
use app\model\ContractTradeModel;
use app\model\DigitalTradeModel;
use app\model\ForexTradeModel;
use app\model\PreBrlStockModel;
use app\model\PreEurStockModel;
use app\model\PreFundStockModel;
use app\model\PreFurStockModel;
use app\model\PreGBXStockModel;
use app\model\PreHkdStockModel;
use app\model\PreIdnStockModel;
use app\model\PreInStockModel;
use app\model\PreMysStockModel;
use app\model\PreThaStockModel;
use app\model\PreUsStockModel;
use app\model\StockHkdListModel;
use app\model\StockHkdTradeModel;
use app\model\StockIdnListModel;
use app\model\StockIdnTradeModel;
use app\model\StockInListModel;
use app\model\StockInTradeModel;
use app\model\StockListModel;
use app\model\StockMysListModel;
use app\model\StockMysTradeModel;
use app\model\StockOptionInrTradeModel;
use app\model\StockSgdTradeModel;
use app\model\StockThaListModel;
use app\model\StockThaTradeModel;
use app\model\StockTradeModel;
use app\model\UserArrearsModel;
use app\model\UserBrlPreStockOrderModel;
use app\model\UserEurPreStockOrderModel;
use app\model\UserFundPreStockOrderModel;
use app\model\UserFurPreStockOrderModel;
use app\model\UserGBXPreStockOrderModel;
use app\model\UserHkdPreStockOrderModel;
use app\model\UserIdnPreStockOrderModel;
use app\model\UserInPreStockOrderModel;
use app\model\UserModel;
use app\model\UserMysPreStockOrderModel;
use app\model\UserStockBlockOrderModel;
use app\model\UserStockEurLogModel;
use app\model\UserStockFundInterestReceiptModel;
use app\model\UserThaPreStockOrderModel;
use app\model\UserUsPreStockOrderModel;
use think\exception\ValidateException;
use think\facade\Db;
use think\facade\Log;
class OrderService extends AdminBaseService
######################################## 现货交易 #######################################
// 现货持仓
public function digitalPlace($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$where = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($where)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
if (!empty($where['user_id']) && is_numeric($where['user_id']) && $where['user_id'] == 0) {
return $this->toData('1', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0,
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['digital_id'])) {
$where['digital_id'] = $param['digital_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['create_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = DigitalTradeModel::where('status', DigitalTradeModel::STATUS_PLACE)->where($where)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = DigitalTradeModel::where('status', DigitalTradeModel::STATUS_PLACE)
// 持仓总金额
$totalModel = DigitalTradeModel::where('status', DigitalTradeModel::STATUS_PLACE)
->field('SUM(order_money) as total')
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
$rows[] = [
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 用户号
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'], //
'trade_type_name' => $item['trade_type'] == DigitalTradeModel::TRADE_TYPE_BUY ? '买入' : '卖出', //交易类型
'create_time' => $item['create_time'], // 挂单时间
'order_money' => $item['order_money'], // 订单金额
'digital_id' => $item['digital_id'], // 股票代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'deal_price' => $item['deal_price'], // 开仓价
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => ['totalMoney' => round($totalModel['total'], 4),
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
// 现货撤单
public function digitalBack($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['digital_id'])) {
$where['digital_id'] = $param['digital_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['create_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = DigitalTradeModel::where('status', DigitalTradeModel::STATUS_BACk)
->order('trade_id', 'desc')
->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = DigitalTradeModel::where('status', DigitalTradeModel::STATUS_BACk)
// 持仓总金额
$totalModel = DigitalTradeModel::where('status', DigitalTradeModel::STATUS_BACk)
->field('SUM(order_money) as total')
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 用户号
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'], //
'trade_type_name' => $item['trade_type'] == DigitalTradeModel::TRADE_TYPE_BUY ? '买入' : '卖出', //交易类型
'create_time' => $item['create_time'], // 挂单时间
'update_time' => $item['update_time'], // 撤单时间
'order_money' => $item['order_money'], // 订单金额
'digital_id' => $item['digital_id'], // 股票代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'deal_price' => $item['deal_price'], // 开仓价
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => ['totalMoney' => round($totalModel['total'], 4),
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
// 现货订单
public function digitalDeal($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['digital_id'])) {
$where['digital_id'] = $param['digital_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['create_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = DigitalTradeModel::where('status', DigitalTradeModel::STATUS_SUCCESS)
->order('trade_id', 'desc')
->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = DigitalTradeModel::where('status', DigitalTradeModel::STATUS_SUCCESS)
// 持仓总金额
$totalModel = DigitalTradeModel::where('status', DigitalTradeModel::STATUS_SUCCESS)
->field('SUM(order_money) as total')
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 用户号
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'], //
'trade_type_name' => $item['trade_type'] == DigitalTradeModel::TRADE_TYPE_BUY ? '买入' : '卖出', //交易类型
'create_time' => $item['create_time'], // 挂单时间
'closing_time' => $item['closing_time'], // 完成时间
'order_money' => $item['order_money'], // 订单金额
'digital_id' => $item['digital_id'], // 股票代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['closing_cost'], // 服务费
'deal_price' => $item['closing_price'], // 平仓价
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => ['totalMoney' => round($totalModel['total'], 4),
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
######################################## 外汇交易 #######################################
// 合约持仓
public function forexHold($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['contract_id'])) {
$where['contract_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['open_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = ForexTradeModel::where('status', ForexTradeModel::STATUS_HOLD)->where($where)->where($whereU)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = ForexTradeModel::where('status', ForexTradeModel::STATUS_HOLD)
// 持仓总金额
$totalModel = ForexTradeModel::where('status', ForexTradeModel::STATUS_HOLD)
->field('SUM(order_money) as total')
// 持仓总手续费
$totalServiceCost = ForexTradeModel::where('status', ForexTradeModel::STATUS_HOLD)
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 用户号
'open_time' => $item['open_time'], // 挂单时间
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'order_money' => $item['order_money'], // 订单金额
'contract_id' => $item['contract_id'], // 合约代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'float' => '-', // 浮动盈亏
'face_value' => $item['face_value'], // 浮动盈亏
'deal_price' => $item['deal_price'], // 开仓价
'now_price' => '-', // 当前价
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => ['totalMoney' => round($totalModel['total'], 4), 'totalServiceCost' => $totalServiceCost,
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
// 合约持仓
public function forexPlace($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['contract_id'])) {
$where['contract_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['create_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = ForexTradeModel::where('status', ForexTradeModel::STATUS_PLACE)->where($where)->where($whereU)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = ForexTradeModel::where('status', ForexTradeModel::STATUS_PLACE)
// 持仓总金额
$totalModel = ForexTradeModel::where('status', ForexTradeModel::STATUS_PLACE)
->field('SUM(order_money) as total')->where($whereU)
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 订单号
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'create_time' => $item['create_time'], // 挂单时间
'order_money' => $item['order_money'], // 订单金额
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'contract_id' => $item['contract_id'], // 合约代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'deal_price' => $item['deal_price'], // 开仓价
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'face_value' => $item['face_value'], // 面值
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
'limit_price' => $item['limit_price'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => ['totalMoney' => round($totalModel['total'], 4),
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
// 合约撤单
public function forexBack($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['contract_id'])) {
$where['contract_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['update_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = ForexTradeModel::where('status', ForexTradeModel::STATUS_BACK)->where($whereU)->where($where)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = ForexTradeModel::where('status', ForexTradeModel::STATUS_BACK)
// 持仓总金额
$totalModel = ForexTradeModel::where('status', ForexTradeModel::STATUS_BACK)
->field('SUM(order_money) as total')->where($whereU)
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 用户号
'create_time' => $item['create_time'], // 挂单时间
'update_time' => $item['update_time'], // 挂单时间
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'order_money' => $item['order_money'], // 订单金额
'contract_id' => $item['contract_id'], // 合约代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'face_value' => $item['face_value'], // 浮动盈亏
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'price' => $item['deal_type'] == 1 ? $item['limit_price'] : $item['market_price'], // 价格
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => ['totalMoney' => round($totalModel['total'], 4),
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
// 合约持仓
public function forexClear($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['contract_id'])) {
$where['contract_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['open_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = ForexTradeModel::where('status', ForexTradeModel::STATUS_CLEAR)->where($whereU)->where($where)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = ForexTradeModel::where('status', ForexTradeModel::STATUS_CLEAR)->where($whereU)
// 持仓总手续费
$totalClosingCost = ForexTradeModel::where('status', ForexTradeModel::STATUS_CLEAR)
$totalFloat = ForexTradeModel::where('status', ForexTradeModel::STATUS_CLEAR)
->field("SUM( CASE WHEN trade_type = 1 THEN ( closing_price - deal_price )* order_number ELSE ( deal_price - closing_price )* order_number END ) AS total")->find();
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
// 计算浮动盈亏
if ($item['trade_type'] == 1) {
$float = $item['closing_price'] - $item['deal_price'];
} else {
$float = $item['deal_price'] - $item['closing_price'];
// * 仓位
$float = @bcmul($float, $item['order_number'], 10);
// * 面值
$float = @bcmul($float, $item['face_value'], 6);
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 用户号
'closing_time' => $item['closing_time'], // 平仓时间
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'order_money' => $item['order_money'], // 订单金额
'contract_id' => $item['contract_id'], // 合约代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'closing_cost' => $item['closing_cost'], // 平仓服务费
'face_value' => $item['face_value'], //
'deal_price' => $item['deal_price'], // 开仓价
'closing_price' => $item['closing_price'], // 平仓价格
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'float' => $float, // 平仓盈亏
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => [
'totalClosingCost' => $totalClosingCost,
'totalFloat' => $totalFloat['total'],
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
######################################## 合约交易 #######################################
// 合约持仓
public function contractHold($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['contract_id'])) {
$where['contract_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['open_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = ContractTradeModel::where('status', ContractTradeModel::STATUS_HOLD)->where($where)->where($whereU)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = ContractTradeModel::where('status', ContractTradeModel::STATUS_HOLD)
// 持仓总金额
$totalModel = ContractTradeModel::where('status', ContractTradeModel::STATUS_HOLD)
->field('SUM(order_money) as total')
// 持仓总手续费
$totalServiceCost = ContractTradeModel::where('status', ContractTradeModel::STATUS_HOLD)
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 用户号
'open_time' => $item['open_time'], // 挂单时间
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'order_money' => $item['order_money'], // 订单金额
'contract_id' => $item['contract_id'], // 合约代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'float' => '-', // 浮动盈亏
'face_value' => $item['face_value'], // 浮动盈亏
'deal_price' => $item['deal_price'], // 开仓价
'now_price' => '-', // 当前价
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => ['totalMoney' => round($totalModel['total'], 4), 'totalServiceCost' => $totalServiceCost,
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
// 合约持仓
public function contractPlace($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['contract_id'])) {
$where['contract_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['create_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = ContractTradeModel::where('status', ContractTradeModel::STATUS_PLACE)->where($where)->where($whereU)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = ContractTradeModel::where('status', ContractTradeModel::STATUS_PLACE)
// 持仓总金额
$totalModel = ContractTradeModel::where('status', ContractTradeModel::STATUS_PLACE)
->field('SUM(order_money) as total')->where($whereU)
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 订单号
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'create_time' => $item['create_time'], // 挂单时间
'order_money' => $item['order_money'], // 订单金额
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'contract_id' => $item['contract_id'], // 合约代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'deal_price' => $item['deal_price'], // 开仓价
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'face_value' => $item['face_value'], // 面值
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
'limit_price' => $item['limit_price'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => ['totalMoney' => round($totalModel['total'], 4),
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
// 合约撤单
public function contractBack($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['contract_id'])) {
$where['contract_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['update_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = ContractTradeModel::where('status', ContractTradeModel::STATUS_BACK)->where($whereU)->where($where)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = ContractTradeModel::where('status', ContractTradeModel::STATUS_BACK)
// 持仓总金额
$totalModel = ContractTradeModel::where('status', ContractTradeModel::STATUS_BACK)
->field('SUM(order_money) as total')->where($whereU)
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 用户号
'create_time' => $item['create_time'], // 挂单时间
'update_time' => $item['update_time'], // 挂单时间
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'order_money' => $item['order_money'], // 订单金额
'contract_id' => $item['contract_id'], // 合约代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'face_value' => $item['face_value'], // 浮动盈亏
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'price' => $item['deal_type'] == 1 ? $item['limit_price'] : $item['market_price'], // 价格
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => ['totalMoney' => round($totalModel['total'], 4),
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
// 合约持仓
public function contractClear($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['contract_id'])) {
$where['contract_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['open_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = ContractTradeModel::where('status', ContractTradeModel::STATUS_CLEAR)->where($whereU)->where($where)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = ContractTradeModel::where('status', ContractTradeModel::STATUS_CLEAR)->where($whereU)
// 持仓总手续费
$totalClosingCost = ContractTradeModel::where('status', ContractTradeModel::STATUS_CLEAR)
$totalFloat = ContractTradeModel::where('status', ContractTradeModel::STATUS_CLEAR)
->field("SUM( CASE WHEN trade_type = 1 THEN ( closing_price - deal_price )* order_number ELSE ( deal_price - closing_price )* order_number END ) AS total")->find();
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
// 计算浮动盈亏
if ($item['trade_type'] == 1) {
$float = $item['closing_price'] - $item['deal_price'];
} else {
$float = $item['deal_price'] - $item['closing_price'];
// * 仓位
$float = @bcmul($float, $item['order_number'], 10);
// * 面值
$float = @bcmul($float, $item['face_value'], 6);
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 用户号
'closing_time' => $item['closing_time'], // 平仓时间
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'order_money' => $item['order_money'], // 订单金额
'contract_id' => $item['contract_id'], // 合约代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'closing_cost' => $item['closing_cost'], // 平仓服务费
'face_value' => $item['face_value'], //
'deal_price' => $item['deal_price'], // 开仓价
'closing_price' => $item['closing_price'], // 平仓价格
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'float' => $float, // 平仓盈亏
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => [
'totalClosingCost' => $totalClosingCost,
'totalFloat' => $totalFloat['total'],
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
######################################## 秒合约交易 #######################################
// 合约持仓
public function contractSecHold($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['contract_id'])) {
$where['contract_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['open_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = ContractSecTradeModel::where('status', ContractSecTradeModel::STATUS_HOLD)->where($where)->where($whereU)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = ContractSecTradeModel::where('status', ContractSecTradeModel::STATUS_HOLD)
// 持仓总金额
$totalModel = ContractSecTradeModel::where('status', ContractSecTradeModel::STATUS_HOLD)
->field('SUM(order_money) as total')
// 持仓总手续费
$totalServiceCost = ContractSecTradeModel::where('status', ContractSecTradeModel::STATUS_HOLD)
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 用户号
'open_time' => $item['open_time'], // 挂单时间
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'order_money' => $item['order_money'], // 订单金额
'contract_id' => $item['contract_id'], // 合约代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'float' => '-', // 浮动盈亏
'face_value' => $item['face_value'], // 浮动盈亏
'deal_price' => $item['deal_price'], // 开仓价
'now_price' => '-', // 当前价
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => ['totalMoney' => round($totalModel['total'], 4), 'totalServiceCost' => $totalServiceCost,
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
// 合约持仓
public function contractSecPlace($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['contract_id'])) {
$where['contract_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['create_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = ContractSecTradeModel::where('status', ContractSecTradeModel::STATUS_PLACE)->where($where)->where($whereU)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = ContractSecTradeModel::where('status', ContractSecTradeModel::STATUS_PLACE)
// 持仓总金额
$totalModel = ContractSecTradeModel::where('status', ContractSecTradeModel::STATUS_PLACE)
->field('SUM(order_money) as total')->where($whereU)
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 订单号
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'create_time' => $item['create_time'], // 挂单时间
'order_money' => $item['order_money'], // 订单金额
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'contract_id' => $item['contract_id'], // 合约代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'deal_price' => $item['deal_price'], // 开仓价
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'face_value' => $item['face_value'], // 面值
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
'limit_price' => $item['limit_price'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => ['totalMoney' => round($totalModel['total'], 4),
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
// 合约撤单
public function contractSecBack($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['contract_id'])) {
$where['contract_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['update_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = ContractSecTradeModel::where('status', ContractSecTradeModel::STATUS_BACK)->where($whereU)->where($where)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = ContractSecTradeModel::where('status', ContractSecTradeModel::STATUS_BACK)
// 持仓总金额
$totalModel = ContractSecTradeModel::where('status', ContractSecTradeModel::STATUS_BACK)
->field('SUM(order_money) as total')->where($whereU)
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 用户号
'create_time' => $item['create_time'], // 挂单时间
'update_time' => $item['update_time'], // 挂单时间
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'order_money' => $item['order_money'], // 订单金额
'contract_id' => $item['contract_id'], // 合约代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'face_value' => $item['face_value'], // 浮动盈亏
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'price' => $item['deal_type'] == 1 ? $item['limit_price'] : $item['market_price'], // 价格
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => ['totalMoney' => round($totalModel['total'], 4),
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
// 合约持仓
public function contractSecClear($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['contract_id'])) {
$where['contract_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['open_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = ContractSecTradeModel::where('status', ContractSecTradeModel::STATUS_CLEAR)->where($whereU)->where($where)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = ContractSecTradeModel::where('status', ContractSecTradeModel::STATUS_CLEAR)->where($whereU)
// 持仓总手续费
$totalClosingCost = ContractSecTradeModel::where('status', ContractSecTradeModel::STATUS_CLEAR)
$totalFloat = ContractSecTradeModel::where('status', ContractSecTradeModel::STATUS_CLEAR)
->field("SUM( CASE WHEN trade_type = 1 THEN ( closing_price - deal_price )* order_number ELSE ( deal_price - closing_price )* order_number END ) AS total")->find();
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
// 计算浮动盈亏
if ($item['trade_type'] == 1) {
$float = $item['closing_price'] - $item['deal_price'];
} else {
$float = $item['deal_price'] - $item['closing_price'];
// * 仓位
$float = @bcmul($float, $item['order_number'], 10);
// * 面值
$float = @bcmul($float, $item['face_value'], 6);
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 用户号
'closing_time' => $item['closing_time'], // 平仓时间
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'order_money' => $item['order_money'], // 订单金额
'contract_id' => $item['contract_id'], // 合约代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'closing_cost' => $item['closing_cost'], // 平仓服务费
'face_value' => $item['face_value'], //
'deal_price' => $item['deal_price'], // 开仓价
'closing_price' => $item['closing_price'], // 平仓价格
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'float' => $float, // 平仓盈亏
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => [
'totalClosingCost' => $totalClosingCost,
'totalFloat' => $totalFloat['total'],
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
########################################## 股票交易 ###########################################
// 股票持仓
public function StockHold($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$market_type = intval($param['market_type']);
$table_obj = (new IPOService())->getStockModel($market_type);
if (empty($table_obj)) {
return $this->toData('1', '数据异常');
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['stock_id'])) {
$where['stock_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['open_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = Db::table($table_obj['trade_table'])->where('status', 1)->where($whereU)->where($where)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = Db::table($table_obj['trade_table'])->where('status', 1)
// 持仓总金额
$totalModel = Db::table($table_obj['trade_table'])->where('status', 1)
->field('SUM(order_money) as total')
// 持仓总手续费
$totalServiceCost = Db::table($table_obj['trade_table'])->where('status', 1)
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
$orderNumber = number_format($item['order_number'], '18', '.', '');
$orderPrice = number_format($item['deal_price'], '18', '.', '');
$orderAmount = bcmul($orderNumber, $orderPrice, 18);
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 用户号
'open_time' => $item['open_time'] ?? '-', // 挂单时间
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'order_money' => $orderAmount, // 订单金额
'stock_id' => $item['stock_id'], // 股票代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'float' => '-', // 浮动盈亏
'deal_price' => $item['deal_price'], // 开仓价
'now_price' => '-', // 当前价
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => ['totalMoney' => round($totalModel['total'], 4), 'totalServiceCost' => $totalServiceCost,
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
// 股票挂单
public function StockPlace($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['stock_id'])) {
$where['stock_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['create_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
$market_type = intval($param['market_type']);
$table_obj = (new IPOService())->getStockModel($market_type);
if (empty($table_obj)) {
return $this->toData('1', '数据异常');
// 列表
$list = Db::table($table_obj['trade_table'])->where('status', 0)->where($whereU)->where($where)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = Db::table($table_obj['trade_table'])->where('status', 0)
// 持仓总金额
$totalModel = Db::table($table_obj['trade_table'])->where('status', 0)
->field('SUM(order_money) as total')
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
// 挂单价
$price = $item['limit_price'];
if ($item['deal_type'] == 2) {
$price = $item['market_price'];
$orderNumber = number_format($item['order_number'], '18', '.', '');
$orderPrice = number_format($price, '18', '.', '');
$orderAmount = bcmul($orderNumber, $orderPrice, 18);
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 订单号
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'create_time' => $item['create_time'], // 挂单时间
'order_money' => $orderAmount, // 订单金额
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'stock_id' => $item['stock_id'], // 合约代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'deal_price' => $price, // 委托价
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'limit_price' => $item['limit_price'], // 限价
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => ['totalMoney' => round($totalModel['total'], 4),
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
// 股票撤单
public function StockBack($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$market_type = intval($param['market_type']);
$table_obj = (new IPOService())->getStockModel($market_type);
if (empty($table_obj)) {
return $this->toData('1', '数据异常');
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['stock_id'])) {
$where['stock_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['update_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = Db::table($table_obj['trade_table'])->where('status', 2)->where($where)->where($whereU)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = Db::table($table_obj['trade_table'])->where('status', 2)
// 持仓总金额
$totalModel = Db::table($table_obj['trade_table'])->where('status', 2)
->field('SUM(order_money) as total')->where($whereU)
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
// 挂单价
$price = $item['limit_price'];
if ($item['deal_type'] == 2) {
$price = $item['market_price'];
$orderNumber = number_format($item['order_number'], '18', '.', '');
$orderPrice = number_format($price, '18', '.', '');
$orderAmount = bcmul($orderNumber, $orderPrice, 18);
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 用户号
'create_time' => $item['create_time'], // 挂单时间
'update_time' => $item['update_time'], // 挂单时间
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'order_money' => $orderAmount, // 订单金额
'stock_id' => $item['stock_id'], // 合约代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'deal_price' => $price, // 委托价
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => ['totalMoney' => round($totalModel['total'], 4),
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
// 股票平仓
public function StockClear($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['contract_id'])) {
$where['contract_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['open_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
$market_type = intval($param['market_type']);
$table_obj = (new IPOService())->getStockModel($market_type);
if (empty($table_obj)) {
return $this->toData('1', '数据异常');
// 列表
$list = Db::table($table_obj['trade_table'])->where('status', 3)->where($whereU)->where($where)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = Db::table($table_obj['trade_table'])->where('status', 3)
// 持仓总手续费
$totalClosingCost = Db::table($table_obj['trade_table'])->where('status', 3)
$totalFloat = Db::table($table_obj['trade_table'])->where('status', 3)
->field("SUM( CASE WHEN trade_type = 1 THEN ( closing_price - deal_price )* order_number ELSE ( deal_price - closing_price )* order_number END ) AS total")->find();
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
// 计算浮动盈亏
if ($item['trade_type'] == 1) {
$float = $item['closing_price'] - $item['deal_price'];
} else {
$float = $item['deal_price'] - $item['closing_price'];
$orderNumber = number_format($item['order_number'], '18', '.', '');
$orderPrice = number_format($item['deal_price'], '18', '.', '');
$float = number_format($float, '18', '.', '');
$float = bcmul($float, $item['order_number'], 18);
$orderAmount = bcmul($orderNumber, $orderPrice, 18);
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 用户号
'closing_time' => $item['closing_time'], // 平仓时间
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'order_money' => $orderAmount, // 订单金额
'stock_id' => $item['stock_id'], // 股票代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'closing_cost' => $item['closing_cost'], // 平仓服务费
'deal_price' => $item['deal_price'], // 开仓价
'closing_price' => $item['closing_price'], // 平仓价格
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'float' => $float, // 平仓盈亏
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => [
'totalClosingCost' => $totalClosingCost,
'totalFloat' => $totalFloat['total'],
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
################################################# 申购订单
// 申购订单
public function preStock($marketType, $param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_no'])) {
$where['order_no'] = $param['order_no'];
$tableObj = (new IPOService)->getStockModel($marketType);
if (!empty($param['stock_code'])) {
$stockArr = Db::table($tableObj['stock_table'])->where('stock_code', 'like', '%' . $param['stock_code'])->column('id');
if (!empty($stockArr)) {
$where[] = ['pre_stock_id', 'in', $stockArr];
$list = Db::table($tableObj['order_table'])->where($where)->where($whereU)->order('id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
$total = Db::table($tableObj['order_table'])->where($where)->where($whereU)->count();
$stockTape=(new IPOService)->getStockTape($marketType);
$tapeList = $stockTape['tape'];
$stockTypeList = $stockTape['type'];
$statusList = UserUsPreStockOrderModel::$statusList;
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
// stock
$preStockId = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$preStockId[] = $idItem['pre_stock_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
$stockArr = Db::table($tableObj['stock_table'])->where('id', 'in', $preStockId)->column('*', 'id');
$rows = $list->toArray();
foreach ($rows as $key => $item) {
$stock = $stockArr[$item['pre_stock_id']] ?? [];
$rows[$key]['user_no'] = $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-'; // 用户号
$rows[$key]['stock_code'] = $stock['stock_code'] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['stock_name'] = $stock['stock_name'] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['stock_type'] = $stock['stock_type'] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['tape'] = $stock['stock_type'] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['rate'] = $stock['rate'] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['open_time'] = $stock['open_time'] ?? '-';
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows, 'extend' => [
'tape_list' => $tapeList,
'stock_type_list' => $stockTypeList,
'status_list' => $statusList
} catch
(ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
// 申购订单 - 修改中签数
public function updateGetNum($marketType, $param)
try {
if (empty($param['id']) || !is_numeric($param['id'])) {
return $this->toData('1', 'id参数错误');
if (!is_numeric($param['get_num'])) {
return $this->toData('1', 'get_num参数错误');
$tableObj = (new IPOService)->getStockModel($marketType);
$order = Db::table($tableObj['order_table'])->where('id', $param['id'])->find();
if (empty($order)) return $this->toData('1', 'id参数错误');
if (in_array($order['status'], [7, 8])) return $this->toData('1', '订单已退款,不可操作');
if ($param['get_num'] > $order['num']) {
return $this->toData('1', '修改中签数不能大于订单申购数');
$getTime = Db::table($tableObj['stock_table'])->where('id', $order['pre_stock_id'])->value('get_time');
if (env('USER_ARREARS.HAS_USER_ARREARS') == 1 && $order['pay_type'] == 2 && in_array($order['status'], [5, 6])) {
} else {
if (strtotime($getTime) < time()) return $this->toData('1', 'IPO已中签,无法修改');
$bool = Db::table($tableObj['order_table'])->where('id', $param['id'])->update([
'get_num' => $param['get_num'],
'get_amount' => $param['get_num'] * $order['price'],
'get_fee' => $order['get_amount'] * $order['fee_rate'],
'update_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
if (!$bool) return $this->toData('1', '修改失败');
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', []);
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
// 申购订单退款
public function preRefund($marketType, $param)
try {
if (empty($param['id']) || !is_numeric($param['id'])) {
return $this->toData('1', 'id参数错误');
$tableObj = (new IPOService)->getStockModel($marketType);
$order = Db::table($tableObj['order_table'])->where('id', $param['id'])->whereIn('status',[1,2,5,6])->find();
if (empty($order)) return $this->toData('1', 'id参数错误');
$preStock = Db::table($tableObj['stock_table'])->where('id', $param['id'])->where('is_delete', 1)
->where('status', 1)
->where('id', $param['pre_id'])
// 签名状态
->where('sign_status', 1)
->where('open_status', 1) ->find();
return $this->toData('1', 'IPO未签名或已上市不可退款');
$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$user_arrears=UserArrearsModel::where('order_no', $order['order_no'])->where('status',0)->where('user_id', $order['user_id'])->find();
$updateNum = Db::table($tableObj['user_table'])->where('stock_id', $tableObj['stock_id'])->where('user_id', $order['user_id'])
->where('frozen_num', '>=', $total_num)
->update(['update_time' => $now]);
trace('IPO订单退款01-给用户ID:' . $order['user_id'] . "解冻资金异常" . $order['order_no'], 'error');
return $this->toData('1', '解冻资金异常');
$update_bool=UserArrearsModel::where('order_no', $order['order_no'])->where('user_id', $order['user_id'])
trace('IPO订单退款02-给用户ID:' . $order['user_id'] . "更新贷款订单异常" . $order['order_no'], 'error');
return $this->toData('1', '更新贷款订单异常');
//扣除冻结 加可用
$updateNum = Db::table($tableObj['user_table'])->where('stock_id', $tableObj['stock_id'])->where('user_id', $order['user_id'])
->where('frozen_num', '>=', $total_num)
->inc('usable_num', $total_num)
->update(['update_time' => $now]);
trace('IPO订单退款03-给用户ID:' . $order['user_id'] . "解冻资金异常" . $order['order_no'], 'error');
return $this->toData('1', '解冻资金异常');
$bool_status = Db::table($tableObj['order_table'])->where('id', $order['id'])->update([
'status' => $status,
'update_time' => $now
if (!$bool_status) {
trace('IPO订单退款04-更新订单状态异常' . $order['order_no'], 'error');
return $this->toData('1', '更新订单状态异常');
$redis = $this->getRedis();
$key = "USER:ARREAR:ORDER:" . $order['order_no'];
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', []);
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
################################################# 基金订单
public function fundStock($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_no'])) $where[] = ['order_no', '=', $param['order_no']];
// 状态
if (!empty($param['open_status']) && in_array($param['open_status'], array_keys(PreFundStockModel::$stockTypeList))) $where[] = ['status', '=', $param['status']];
if (!empty($param['stock_code'])) {
$stockId = PreFundStockModel::where('stock_code', $param['stock_code'])->value('id');
$stockId = $stockId ?? 0;
$where[] = ['pre_stock_id', '=', $stockId];
$list = UserFundPreStockOrderModel::where($whereU)->where($where)->order('id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
$total = UserFundPreStockOrderModel::where($whereU)->where($where)->count();
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
// stock
$preStockId = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$preStockId[] = $idItem['pre_stock_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
$stockArr = PreFundStockModel::where('id', 'in', $preStockId)->column('*', 'id');
$rows = $list->toArray();
foreach ($rows as $key => $item) {
$stock = $stockArr[$item['pre_stock_id']] ?? [];
if (empty($stock)) continue;
$rows[$key]['user_no'] = $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-'; // 用户号
$rows[$key]['stock_code'] = $stock['stock_code'] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['stock_name'] = $stock['stock_name'] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['stock_type'] = PreFundStockModel::$stockTypeList[$stock['stock_type']] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['rate'] = $item['stock_rate'] . "%" ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['cycle'] = $item['stock_cycle'] . PreFundStockModel::$cycleTypeList[$item['stock_cycle_type']] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['open_time'] = $stock['open_time'] ?? '-';
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows, 'extend' => [
'tape_list' => [],
'stock_type_list' => PreFundStockModel::$stockTypeList,
'cycle_type_list' => PreFundStockModel::$cycleTypeList
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
public function fundStockInfo($param)
try {
// 参数校验
$list = UserStockFundInterestReceiptModel::where('order_id', $param['id'])->append(['status_text'])->select();
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['list' => $list]);
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
public function fundInterestList($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 状态
if (!empty($param['status']) && in_array($param['status'], ['1', '2'])) $where[] = ['status', '=', $param['status']];
if (!empty($param['stock_code'])) {
$stockId = PreFundStockModel::where('stock_code', $param['stock_code'])->value('id');
$stockId = $stockId ?? 0;
$where[] = ['pre_stock_id', '=', $stockId];
$list = UserStockFundInterestReceiptModel::where($whereU)->where($where)->append(['status_text'])->order('status', 'asc')->order('return_date', 'asc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
$total = UserStockFundInterestReceiptModel::where($whereU)->where($where)->count();
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
// stock
$preStockId = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$orderIdArr[] = $idItem['order_id'];
$preStockId[] = $idItem['pre_stock_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
$orderArr = UserFundPreStockOrderModel::where('id', 'in', $orderIdArr)->column('*', 'id');
$stockArr = PreFundStockModel::where('id', 'in', $preStockId)->column('*', 'id');
$rows = $list->toArray();
foreach ($rows as $key => $item) {
$order = $orderArr[$item['order_id']] ?? [];
$stock = $stockArr[$item['pre_stock_id']] ?? [];
if (empty($stock) || empty($order)) continue;
$rows[$key]['user_no'] = $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-'; // 用户号
$rows[$key]['stock_code'] = $stock['stock_code'] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['stock_name'] = $stock['stock_name'] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['stock_type'] = PreFundStockModel::$stockTypeList[$order['interest_type']] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['order_no'] = $order['order_no'] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['rate'] = $order['stock_rate'] . "%" ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['cycle'] = $order['stock_cycle'] . PreFundStockModel::$cycleTypeList[$order['stock_cycle_type']] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['open_time'] = $stock['open_time'] ?? '-';
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows, 'extend' => [
'tape_list' => [],
'stock_type_list' => PreFundStockModel::$stockTypeList,
'cycle_type_list' => PreFundStockModel::$cycleTypeList
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
########################################## 印度期权交易 ###########################################
// 印度期权持仓
public function inOptionHold($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['stock_id'])) {
$where['stock_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['open_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = StockOptionInrTradeModel::where('status', StockOptionInrTradeModel::STATUS_HOLD)->where($whereU)->where($where)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = StockOptionInrTradeModel::where('status', StockOptionInrTradeModel::STATUS_HOLD)
// 持仓总金额
$totalModel = StockOptionInrTradeModel::where('status', StockOptionInrTradeModel::STATUS_HOLD)
->field('SUM(order_money) as total')->where($whereU)
// 持仓总手续费
$totalServiceCost = StockOptionInrTradeModel::where('status', StockOptionInrTradeModel::STATUS_HOLD)
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
$orderNumber = number_format($item['order_number'], '18', '.', '');
$orderPrice = number_format($item['deal_price'], '18', '.', '');
$orderAmount = bcmul($orderNumber, $orderPrice, 18);
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 用户号
'open_time' => $item['open_time'] ?? '-', // 挂单时间
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'order_money' => $orderAmount, // 订单金额
'stock_id' => $item['stock_id'], // 股票代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'float' => '-', // 浮动盈亏
'deal_price' => $item['deal_price'], // 开仓价
'now_price' => '-', // 当前价
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => ['totalMoney' => round($totalModel['total'], 4), 'totalServiceCost' => $totalServiceCost,
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
// 印度期权挂单
public function inOptionPlace($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['stock_id'])) {
$where['stock_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['create_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = StockOptionInrTradeModel::where('status', StockOptionInrTradeModel::STATUS_PLACE)->where($whereU)->where($where)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = StockOptionInrTradeModel::where('status', StockOptionInrTradeModel::STATUS_PLACE)
// 持仓总金额
$totalModel = StockOptionInrTradeModel::where('status', StockOptionInrTradeModel::STATUS_PLACE)
->field('SUM(order_money) as total')->where($whereU)
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
// 挂单价
$price = $item['limit_price'];
if ($item['deal_type'] == 2) {
$price = $item['market_price'];
$orderNumber = number_format($item['order_number'], '18', '.', '');
$orderPrice = number_format($price, '18', '.', '');
$orderAmount = bcmul($orderNumber, $orderPrice, 18);
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 订单号
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'create_time' => $item['create_time'], // 挂单时间
'order_money' => $orderAmount, // 订单金额
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'stock_id' => $item['stock_id'], // 合约代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'deal_price' => $price, // 委托价
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'limit_price' => $item['limit_price'], // 限价
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => ['totalMoney' => round($totalModel['total'], 4),
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
// 印度期权撤单
public function inOptionBack($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['stock_id'])) {
$where['stock_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['update_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = StockOptionInrTradeModel::where('status', StockOptionInrTradeModel::STATUS_BACK)->where($whereU)->where($where)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = StockOptionInrTradeModel::where('status', StockOptionInrTradeModel::STATUS_BACK)
// 持仓总金额
$totalModel = StockOptionInrTradeModel::where('status', StockOptionInrTradeModel::STATUS_BACK)
->field('SUM(order_money) as total')->where($whereU)
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
// 挂单价
$price = $item['limit_price'];
if ($item['deal_type'] == 2) {
$price = $item['market_price'];
$orderNumber = number_format($item['order_number'], '18', '.', '');
$orderPrice = number_format($price, '18', '.', '');
$orderAmount = bcmul($orderNumber, $orderPrice, 18);
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 用户号
'create_time' => $item['create_time'], // 挂单时间
'update_time' => $item['update_time'], // 挂单时间
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'order_money' => $orderAmount, // 订单金额
'stock_id' => $item['stock_id'], // 合约代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'deal_price' => $price, // 委托价
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => ['totalMoney' => round($totalModel['total'], 4),
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
// 印度期权平仓
public function inOptionClear($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
// 订单号
if (!empty($param['order_id'])) {
$where['order_id'] = $param['order_id'];
// 交易对
if (!empty($param['contract_id'])) {
$where['contract_id'] = $param['contract_id'];
if (!empty($param['start_time']) && !empty($param['end_time'])) {
$where['open_time'] = ['between time', [$param['start_time'], $param['end_time']]];
// 列表
$list = StockOptionInrTradeModel::where('status', StockOptionInrTradeModel::STATUS_CLEAR)->where($whereU)->where($where)->order('trade_id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
// 总数
$total = StockOptionInrTradeModel::where('status', StockOptionInrTradeModel::STATUS_CLEAR)
// 持仓总手续费
$totalClosingCost = StockOptionInrTradeModel::where('status', StockOptionInrTradeModel::STATUS_CLEAR)
$totalFloat = StockOptionInrTradeModel::where('status', StockOptionInrTradeModel::STATUS_CLEAR)
->field("SUM( CASE WHEN trade_type = 1 THEN ( closing_price - deal_price )* order_number ELSE ( deal_price - closing_price )* order_number END ) AS total")->find();
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
foreach ($list as $item) {
// 计算浮动盈亏
if ($item['trade_type'] == 1) {
$float = $item['closing_price'] - $item['deal_price'];
} else {
$float = $item['deal_price'] - $item['closing_price'];
$float = bcmul($float, $item['order_number'], 18);
$orderNumber = number_format($item['order_number'], '18', '.', '');
$orderPrice = number_format($item['deal_price'], '18', '.', '');
$orderAmount = bcmul($orderNumber, $orderPrice, 18);
$rows[] = [
'trade_id' => $item['trade_id'], //
'user_no' => $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-', // 用户号
'order_id' => $item['order_id'], // 用户号
'closing_time' => $item['closing_time'], // 平仓时间
'trade_type' => $item['trade_type'] == 1 ? '买涨' : '买跌',
'order_money' => $orderAmount, // 订单金额
'stock_id' => $item['stock_id'], // 股票代码
'order_number' => $item['order_number'], // 数量
'service_cost' => $item['service_cost'], // 服务费
'closing_cost' => $item['closing_cost'], // 平仓服务费
'deal_price' => $item['deal_price'], // 开仓价
'closing_price' => $item['closing_price'], // 平仓价格
'stop_loss_price' => $item['stop_loss_price'], // 止损价
'stop_win_price' => $item['stop_win_price'], // 止盈价
'float' => $float, // 平仓盈亏
'pry_num' => $item['pry_num'], // 杠杆
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows,
'extent' => [
'totalClosingCost' => $totalClosingCost,
'totalFloat' => $totalFloat['total'],
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
################################################# 大宗交易
public function blockStock($param, $adminId)
try {
// 参数校验
$where = [];
$userId = 0;
// 用户号精确搜索
if (!empty($param['user_no'])) {
$user = UserModel::where('user_no', $param['user_no'])->find();
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
$userId = $user['user_id'];
// 判断是否是代理 如果是代理 只能看他自己管理的用户
$whereU = $this->getWhereByIsAgentAndUserId($adminId, $where, $userId);
if (!is_array($whereU)) {
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => 0, 'list' => [], 'extent' => ['totalMoney' => 0]]);
if (!empty($param['type']) && is_numeric($param['type'])) {
$where['type'] = $param['type'];
$list = UserStockBlockOrderModel::where($whereU)->where($where)->order('id', 'desc')->page($param['page'], $param['limit'])->select();
$total = UserStockBlockOrderModel::where($whereU)->where($where)->count();
$rows = [];
if (!$list->isEmpty()) {
// 获取用户号
$userIdArr = [];
// stock
$preStockId = [];
foreach ($list as $idItem) {
$userIdArr[] = $idItem['user_id'];
// $preStockId[] = $idItem['pre_stock_id'];
$userNoArr = UserModel::where('user_id', 'in', $userIdArr)->column('user_no', 'user_id');
// $stockArr = PreFundStockModel::where('id', 'in', $preStockId)->column('*', 'id');
$rows = $list->toArray();
foreach ($rows as $key => $item) {
// $stock = $stockArr[$item['pre_stock_id']] ?? [];
// if (empty($stock)) continue;
$rows[$key]['user_no'] = $userNoArr[$item['user_id']] ?? '-'; // 用户号
$rows[$key]['stock_name'] = $item['stock_name'] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['market_price'] = $item['market_price'] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['deal_price'] = $item['deal_price'] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['order_number'] = $item['order_number'] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['market_money'] = $item['market_money'] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['order_money'] = $item['order_money'] ?? '-';
$rows[$key]['status'] = UserStockBlockOrderModel::$statusList[$item['status']];
$rows[$key]['type'] = UserStockBlockOrderModel::$typeList[$item['type']];
$rows[$key]['create_time'] = $item['create_time'] ?? '-';
return $this->toData('0', 'SUCCESS', ['total' => $total, 'list' => $rows, 'extend' => [
'status_list' => UserStockBlockOrderModel::$statusList,
'type_list' => UserStockBlockOrderModel::$typeList
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
// 参数校验失败
$message = $validateException->getError();
return $this->toData('1', $message);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $this->toData('1', '系统异常 请稍后重试', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);