<?php /** * Validates tel (for phone numbers). * * The relevant specifications for this protocol are RFC 3966 and RFC 5341, * but this class takes a much simpler approach: we normalize phone * numbers so that they only include (possibly) a leading plus, * and then any number of digits and x'es. */ class HTMLPurifier_URIScheme_tel extends HTMLPurifier_URIScheme { /** * @type bool */ public $browsable = false; /** * @type bool */ public $may_omit_host = true; /** * @param HTMLPurifier_URI $uri * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config * @param HTMLPurifier_Context $context * @return bool */ public function doValidate(&$uri, $config, $context) { $uri->userinfo = null; $uri->host = null; $uri->port = null; // Delete all non-numeric characters, commas, and non-x characters // from phone number, EXCEPT for a leading plus sign. $uri->path = preg_replace('/(?!^\+)[^\dx,]/', '', // Normalize e(x)tension to lower-case str_replace('X', 'x', rawurldecode($uri->path))); return true; } } // vim: et sw=4 sts=4