* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License * @package phpQuery */ // class names for instanceof // TODO move them as class constants into phpQuery define('DOMDOCUMENT', 'DOMDocument'); define('DOMELEMENT', 'DOMElement'); define('DOMNODELIST', 'DOMNodeList'); define('DOMNODE', 'DOMNode'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/phpQuery/DOMEvent.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/phpQuery/DOMDocumentWrapper.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/phpQuery/phpQueryEvents.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/phpQuery/Callback.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/phpQuery/phpQueryObject.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/phpQuery/compat/mbstring.php'); /** * Static namespace for phpQuery functions. * * @author Tobiasz Cudnik * @package phpQuery */ abstract class phpQuery { /** * XXX: Workaround for mbstring problems * * @var bool */ public static $mbstringSupport = true; public static $debug = false; public static $documents = array(); public static $defaultDocumentID = null; // public static $defaultDoctype = 'html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"'; /** * Applies only to HTML. * * @var unknown_type */ public static $defaultDoctype = ''; public static $defaultCharset = 'UTF-8'; /** * Static namespace for plugins. * * @var object */ public static $plugins = array(); /** * List of loaded plugins. * * @var unknown_type */ public static $pluginsLoaded = array(); public static $pluginsMethods = array(); public static $pluginsStaticMethods = array(); public static $extendMethods = array(); /** * @TODO implement */ public static $extendStaticMethods = array(); /** * Hosts allowed for AJAX connections. * Dot '.' means $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] (if any). * * @var array */ public static $ajaxAllowedHosts = array( '.' ); /** * AJAX settings. * * @var array * XXX should it be static or not ? */ public static $ajaxSettings = array( 'url' => '',//TODO 'global' => true, 'type' => "GET", 'timeout' => null, 'contentType' => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'processData' => true, // 'async' => true, 'data' => null, 'username' => null, 'password' => null, 'dataType' => null, 'ifModified' => null, 'accepts' => array( 'xml' => "application/xml, text/xml", 'html' => "text/html", 'script' => "text/javascript, application/javascript", 'json' => "application/json, text/javascript", 'text' => "text/plain", '_default' => "*/*" ) ); public static $lastModified = null; public static $active = 0; public static $dumpCount = 0; /** * Multi-purpose function. * Use pq() as shortcut. * * In below examples, $pq is any result of pq(); function. * * 1. Import markup into existing document (without any attaching): * - Import into selected document: * pq('
') // DOESNT accept text nodes at beginning of input string ! * - Import into document with ID from $pq->getDocumentID(): * pq('
', $pq->getDocumentID()) * - Import into same document as DOMNode belongs to: * pq('
', DOMNode) * - Import into document from phpQuery object: * pq('
', $pq) * * 2. Run query: * - Run query on last selected document: * pq('div.myClass') * - Run query on document with ID from $pq->getDocumentID(): * pq('div.myClass', $pq->getDocumentID()) * - Run query on same document as DOMNode belongs to and use node(s)as root for query: * pq('div.myClass', DOMNode) * - Run query on document from phpQuery object * and use object's stack as root node(s) for query: * pq('div.myClass', $pq) * * @param string|DOMNode|DOMNodeList|array $arg1 HTML markup, CSS Selector, DOMNode or array of DOMNodes * @param string|phpQueryObject|DOMNode $context DOM ID from $pq->getDocumentID(), phpQuery object (determines also query root) or DOMNode (determines also query root) * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery|false * phpQuery object or false in case of error. */ public static function pq($arg1, $context = null) { if ($arg1 instanceof DOMNODE && ! isset($context)) { foreach(phpQuery::$documents as $documentWrapper) { $compare = $arg1 instanceof DOMDocument ? $arg1 : $arg1->ownerDocument; if ($documentWrapper->document->isSameNode($compare)) $context = $documentWrapper->id; } } if (! $context) { $domId = self::$defaultDocumentID; if (! $domId) throw new Exception("Can't use last created DOM, because there isn't any. Use phpQuery::newDocument() first."); // } else if (is_object($context) && ($context instanceof PHPQUERY || is_subclass_of($context, 'phpQueryObject'))) } else if (is_object($context) && $context instanceof phpQueryObject) $domId = $context->getDocumentID(); else if ($context instanceof DOMDOCUMENT) { $domId = self::getDocumentID($context); if (! $domId) { //throw new Exception('Orphaned DOMDocument'); $domId = self::newDocument($context)->getDocumentID(); } } else if ($context instanceof DOMNODE) { $domId = self::getDocumentID($context); if (! $domId) { throw new Exception('Orphaned DOMNode'); // $domId = self::newDocument($context->ownerDocument); } } else $domId = $context; if ($arg1 instanceof phpQueryObject) { // if (is_object($arg1) && (get_class($arg1) == 'phpQueryObject' || $arg1 instanceof PHPQUERY || is_subclass_of($arg1, 'phpQueryObject'))) { /** * Return $arg1 or import $arg1 stack if document differs: * pq(pq('
')) */ if ($arg1->getDocumentID() == $domId) return $arg1; $class = get_class($arg1); // support inheritance by passing old object to overloaded constructor $phpQuery = $class != 'phpQuery' ? new $class($arg1, $domId) : new phpQueryObject($domId); $phpQuery->elements = array(); foreach($arg1->elements as $node) $phpQuery->elements[] = $phpQuery->document->importNode($node, true); return $phpQuery; } else if ($arg1 instanceof DOMNODE || (is_array($arg1) && isset($arg1[0]) && $arg1[0] instanceof DOMNODE)) { /* * Wrap DOM nodes with phpQuery object, import into document when needed: * pq(array($domNode1, $domNode2)) */ $phpQuery = new phpQueryObject($domId); if (!($arg1 instanceof DOMNODELIST) && ! is_array($arg1)) $arg1 = array($arg1); $phpQuery->elements = array(); foreach($arg1 as $node) { $sameDocument = $node->ownerDocument instanceof DOMDOCUMENT && ! $node->ownerDocument->isSameNode($phpQuery->document); $phpQuery->elements[] = $sameDocument ? $phpQuery->document->importNode($node, true) : $node; } return $phpQuery; } else if (self::isMarkup($arg1)) { /** * Import HTML: * pq('
') */ $phpQuery = new phpQueryObject($domId); return $phpQuery->newInstance( $phpQuery->documentWrapper->import($arg1) ); } else { /** * Run CSS query: * pq('div.myClass') */ $phpQuery = new phpQueryObject($domId); // if ($context && ($context instanceof PHPQUERY || is_subclass_of($context, 'phpQueryObject'))) if ($context && $context instanceof phpQueryObject) $phpQuery->elements = $context->elements; else if ($context && $context instanceof DOMNODELIST) { $phpQuery->elements = array(); foreach($context as $node) $phpQuery->elements[] = $node; } else if ($context && $context instanceof DOMNODE) $phpQuery->elements = array($context); return $phpQuery->find($arg1); } } /** * Sets default document to $id. Document has to be loaded prior * to using this method. * $id can be retrived via getDocumentID() or getDocumentIDRef(). * * @param unknown_type $id */ public static function selectDocument($id) { $id = self::getDocumentID($id); self::debug("Selecting document '$id' as default one"); self::$defaultDocumentID = self::getDocumentID($id); } /** * Returns document with id $id or last used as phpQueryObject. * $id can be retrived via getDocumentID() or getDocumentIDRef(). * Chainable. * * @see phpQuery::selectDocument() * @param unknown_type $id * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery */ public static function getDocument($id = null) { if ($id) phpQuery::selectDocument($id); else $id = phpQuery::$defaultDocumentID; return new phpQueryObject($id); } /** * Creates new document from markup. * Chainable. * * @param unknown_type $markup * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery */ public static function newDocument($markup = null, $contentType = null) { if (! $markup) $markup = ''; $documentID = phpQuery::createDocumentWrapper($markup, $contentType); return new phpQueryObject($documentID); } /** * Creates new document from markup. * Chainable. * * @param unknown_type $markup * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery */ public static function newDocumentHTML($markup = null, $charset = null) { $contentType = $charset ? ";charset=$charset" : ''; return self::newDocument($markup, "text/html{$contentType}"); } /** * Creates new document from markup. * Chainable. * * @param unknown_type $markup * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery */ public static function newDocumentXML($markup = null, $charset = null) { $contentType = $charset ? ";charset=$charset" : ''; return self::newDocument($markup, "text/xml{$contentType}"); } /** * Creates new document from markup. * Chainable. * * @param unknown_type $markup * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery */ public static function newDocumentXHTML($markup = null, $charset = null) { $contentType = $charset ? ";charset=$charset" : ''; return self::newDocument($markup, "application/xhtml+xml{$contentType}"); } /** * Creates new document from markup. * Chainable. * * @param unknown_type $markup * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery */ public static function newDocumentPHP($markup = null, $contentType = "text/html") { // TODO pass charset to phpToMarkup if possible (use DOMDocumentWrapper function) $markup = phpQuery::phpToMarkup($markup, self::$defaultCharset); return self::newDocument($markup, $contentType); } public static function phpToMarkup($php, $charset = 'utf-8') { $regexes = array( '@(<(?!\\?)(?:[^>]|\\?>)+\\w+\\s*=\\s*)(\')([^\']*)<'.'?php?(.*?)(?:\\?>)([^\']*)\'@s', '@(<(?!\\?)(?:[^>]|\\?>)+\\w+\\s*=\\s*)(")([^"]*)<'.'?php?(.*?)(?:\\?>)([^"]*)"@s', ); foreach($regexes as $regex) while (preg_match($regex, $php, $matches)) { $php = preg_replace_callback( $regex, // create_function('$m, $charset = "'.$charset.'"', // 'return $m[1].$m[2] // .htmlspecialchars("<"."?php".$m[4]."?".">", ENT_QUOTES|ENT_NOQUOTES, $charset) // .$m[5].$m[2];' // ), array('phpQuery', '_phpToMarkupCallback'), $php ); } $regex = '@(^|>[^<]*)+?(<\?php(.*?)(\?>))@s'; //preg_match_all($regex, $php, $matches); //var_dump($matches); $php = preg_replace($regex, '\\1', $php); return $php; } public static function _phpToMarkupCallback($php, $charset = 'utf-8') { return $m[1].$m[2] .htmlspecialchars("<"."?php".$m[4]."?".">", ENT_QUOTES|ENT_NOQUOTES, $charset) .$m[5].$m[2]; } public static function _markupToPHPCallback($m) { return "<"."?php ".htmlspecialchars_decode($m[1])." ?".">"; } /** * Converts document markup containing PHP code generated by phpQuery::php() * into valid (executable) PHP code syntax. * * @param string|phpQueryObject $content * @return string PHP code. */ public static function markupToPHP($content) { if ($content instanceof phpQueryObject) $content = $content->markupOuter(); /* ... to */ $content = preg_replace_callback( '@\s*\s*@s', // create_function('$m', // 'return "<'.'?php ".htmlspecialchars_decode($m[1])." ?'.'>";' // ), array('phpQuery', '_markupToPHPCallback'), $content ); /* extra space added to save highlighters */ $regexes = array( '@(<(?!\\?)(?:[^>]|\\?>)+\\w+\\s*=\\s*)(\')([^\']*)(?:<|%3C)\\?(?:php)?(.*?)(?:\\?(?:>|%3E))([^\']*)\'@s', '@(<(?!\\?)(?:[^>]|\\?>)+\\w+\\s*=\\s*)(")([^"]*)(?:<|%3C)\\?(?:php)?(.*?)(?:\\?(?:>|%3E))([^"]*)"@s', ); foreach($regexes as $regex) while (preg_match($regex, $content)) $content = preg_replace_callback( $regex, function ($m) { return $m[1].$m[2].$m[3]."", " ", "\n", " ", "{", "$", "}", '"', "[", "]"), htmlspecialchars_decode($m[4]) ) ." ?>".$m[5].$m[2]; }, $content ); return $content; } /** * Creates new document from file $file. * Chainable. * * @param string $file URLs allowed. See File wrapper page at php.net for more supported sources. * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery */ public static function newDocumentFile($file, $contentType = null) { $documentID = self::createDocumentWrapper( file_get_contents($file), $contentType ); return new phpQueryObject($documentID); } /** * Creates new document from markup. * Chainable. * * @param unknown_type $markup * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery */ public static function newDocumentFileHTML($file, $charset = null) { $contentType = $charset ? ";charset=$charset" : ''; return self::newDocumentFile($file, "text/html{$contentType}"); } /** * Creates new document from markup. * Chainable. * * @param unknown_type $markup * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery */ public static function newDocumentFileXML($file, $charset = null) { $contentType = $charset ? ";charset=$charset" : ''; return self::newDocumentFile($file, "text/xml{$contentType}"); } /** * Creates new document from markup. * Chainable. * * @param unknown_type $markup * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery */ public static function newDocumentFileXHTML($file, $charset = null) { $contentType = $charset ? ";charset=$charset" : ''; return self::newDocumentFile($file, "application/xhtml+xml{$contentType}"); } /** * Creates new document from markup. * Chainable. * * @param unknown_type $markup * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery */ public static function newDocumentFilePHP($file, $contentType = null) { return self::newDocumentPHP(file_get_contents($file), $contentType); } /** * Reuses existing DOMDocument object. * Chainable. * * @param $document DOMDocument * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery * @TODO support DOMDocument */ public static function loadDocument($document) { // TODO die('TODO loadDocument'); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $html * @param unknown_type $domId * @return unknown New DOM ID * @todo support PHP tags in input * @todo support passing DOMDocument object from self::loadDocument */ protected static function createDocumentWrapper($html, $contentType = null, $documentID = null) { if (function_exists('domxml_open_mem')) throw new Exception("Old PHP4 DOM XML extension detected. phpQuery won't work until this extension is enabled."); // $id = $documentID // ? $documentID // : md5(microtime()); $document = null; if ($html instanceof DOMDOCUMENT) { if (self::getDocumentID($html)) { // document already exists in phpQuery::$documents, make a copy $document = clone $html; } else { // new document, add it to phpQuery::$documents $wrapper = new DOMDocumentWrapper($html, $contentType, $documentID); } } else { $wrapper = new DOMDocumentWrapper($html, $contentType, $documentID); } // $wrapper->id = $id; // bind document phpQuery::$documents[$wrapper->id] = $wrapper; // remember last loaded document phpQuery::selectDocument($wrapper->id); return $wrapper->id; } /** * Extend class namespace. * * @param string|array $target * @param array $source * @TODO support string $source * @return unknown_type */ public static function extend($target, $source) { switch($target) { case 'phpQueryObject': $targetRef = &self::$extendMethods; $targetRef2 = &self::$pluginsMethods; break; case 'phpQuery': $targetRef = &self::$extendStaticMethods; $targetRef2 = &self::$pluginsStaticMethods; break; default: throw new Exception("Unsupported \$target type"); } if (is_string($source)) $source = array($source => $source); foreach($source as $method => $callback) { if (isset($targetRef[$method])) { // throw new Exception self::debug("Duplicate method '{$method}', can\'t extend '{$target}'"); continue; } if (isset($targetRef2[$method])) { // throw new Exception self::debug("Duplicate method '{$method}' from plugin '{$targetRef2[$method]}'," ." can\'t extend '{$target}'"); continue; } $targetRef[$method] = $callback; } return true; } /** * Extend phpQuery with $class from $file. * * @param string $class Extending class name. Real class name can be prepended phpQuery_. * @param string $file Filename to include. Defaults to "{$class}.php". */ public static function plugin($class, $file = null) { // TODO $class checked agains phpQuery_$class // if (strpos($class, 'phpQuery') === 0) // $class = substr($class, 8); if (in_array($class, self::$pluginsLoaded)) return true; if (! $file) $file = $class.'.php'; $objectClassExists = class_exists('phpQueryObjectPlugin_'.$class); $staticClassExists = class_exists('phpQueryPlugin_'.$class); if (! $objectClassExists && ! $staticClassExists) require_once($file); self::$pluginsLoaded[] = $class; // static methods if (class_exists('phpQueryPlugin_'.$class)) { $realClass = 'phpQueryPlugin_'.$class; $vars = get_class_vars($realClass); $loop = isset($vars['phpQueryMethods']) && ! is_null($vars['phpQueryMethods']) ? $vars['phpQueryMethods'] : get_class_methods($realClass); foreach($loop as $method) { if ($method == '__initialize') continue; if (! is_callable(array($realClass, $method))) continue; if (isset(self::$pluginsStaticMethods[$method])) { throw new Exception("Duplicate method '{$method}' from plugin '{$c}' conflicts with same method from plugin '".self::$pluginsStaticMethods[$method]."'"); return; } self::$pluginsStaticMethods[$method] = $class; } if (method_exists($realClass, '__initialize')) call_user_func_array(array($realClass, '__initialize'), array()); } // object methods if (class_exists('phpQueryObjectPlugin_'.$class)) { $realClass = 'phpQueryObjectPlugin_'.$class; $vars = get_class_vars($realClass); $loop = isset($vars['phpQueryMethods']) && ! is_null($vars['phpQueryMethods']) ? $vars['phpQueryMethods'] : get_class_methods($realClass); foreach($loop as $method) { if (! is_callable(array($realClass, $method))) continue; if (isset(self::$pluginsMethods[$method])) { throw new Exception("Duplicate method '{$method}' from plugin '{$c}' conflicts with same method from plugin '".self::$pluginsMethods[$method]."'"); continue; } self::$pluginsMethods[$method] = $class; } } return true; } /** * Unloades all or specified document from memory. * * @param mixed $documentID @see phpQuery::getDocumentID() for supported types. */ public static function unloadDocuments($id = null) { if (isset($id)) { if ($id = self::getDocumentID($id)) unset(phpQuery::$documents[$id]); } else { foreach(phpQuery::$documents as $k => $v) { unset(phpQuery::$documents[$k]); } } } /** * Parses phpQuery object or HTML result against PHP tags and makes them active. * * @param phpQuery|string $content * @deprecated * @return string */ public static function unsafePHPTags($content) { return self::markupToPHP($content); } public static function DOMNodeListToArray($DOMNodeList) { $array = array(); if (! $DOMNodeList) return $array; foreach($DOMNodeList as $node) $array[] = $node; return $array; } /** * Checks if $input is HTML string, which has to start with '<'. * * @deprecated * @param String $input * @return Bool * @todo still used ? */ public static function isMarkup($input) { return ! is_array($input) && substr(trim($input), 0, 1) == '<'; } public static function debug($text) { if (self::$debug) print var_dump($text); } /** * Make an AJAX request. * * @param array See $options http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.ajax#toptions * Additional options are: * 'document' - document for global events, @see phpQuery::getDocumentID() * 'referer' - implemented * 'requested_with' - TODO; not implemented (X-Requested-With) * @return Zend_Http_Client * @link http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.ajax * * @TODO $options['cache'] * @TODO $options['processData'] * @TODO $options['xhr'] * @TODO $options['data'] as string * @TODO XHR interface */ public static function ajax($options = array(), $xhr = null) { $options = array_merge( self::$ajaxSettings, $options ); $documentID = isset($options['document']) ? self::getDocumentID($options['document']) : null; if ($xhr) { // reuse existing XHR object, but clean it up $client = $xhr; // $client->setParameterPost(null); // $client->setParameterGet(null); $client->setAuth(false); $client->setHeaders("If-Modified-Since", null); $client->setHeaders("Referer", null); $client->resetParameters(); } else { // create new XHR object require_once('Zend/Http/Client.php'); $client = new Zend_Http_Client(); $client->setCookieJar(); } if (isset($options['timeout'])) $client->setConfig(array( 'timeout' => $options['timeout'], )); // 'maxredirects' => 0, foreach(self::$ajaxAllowedHosts as $k => $host) if ($host == '.' && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) self::$ajaxAllowedHosts[$k] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $host = parse_url($options['url'], PHP_URL_HOST); if (! in_array($host, self::$ajaxAllowedHosts)) { throw new Exception("Request not permitted, host '$host' not present in " ."phpQuery::\$ajaxAllowedHosts"); } // JSONP $jsre = "/=\\?(&|$)/"; if (isset($options['dataType']) && $options['dataType'] == 'jsonp') { $jsonpCallbackParam = $options['jsonp'] ? $options['jsonp'] : 'callback'; if (strtolower($options['type']) == 'get') { if (! preg_match($jsre, $options['url'])) { $sep = strpos($options['url'], '?') ? '&' : '?'; $options['url'] .= "$sep$jsonpCallbackParam=?"; } } else if ($options['data']) { $jsonp = false; foreach($options['data'] as $n => $v) { if ($v == '?') $jsonp = true; } if (! $jsonp) { $options['data'][$jsonpCallbackParam] = '?'; } } $options['dataType'] = 'json'; } if (isset($options['dataType']) && $options['dataType'] == 'json') { $jsonpCallback = 'json_'.md5(microtime()); $jsonpData = $jsonpUrl = false; if ($options['data']) { foreach($options['data'] as $n => $v) { if ($v == '?') $jsonpData = $n; } } if (preg_match($jsre, $options['url'])) $jsonpUrl = true; if ($jsonpData !== false || $jsonpUrl) { // remember callback name for httpData() $options['_jsonp'] = $jsonpCallback; if ($jsonpData !== false) $options['data'][$jsonpData] = $jsonpCallback; if ($jsonpUrl) $options['url'] = preg_replace($jsre, "=$jsonpCallback\\1", $options['url']); } } $client->setUri($options['url']); $client->setMethod(strtoupper($options['type'])); if (isset($options['referer']) && $options['referer']) $client->setHeaders('Referer', $options['referer']); $client->setHeaders(array( // 'content-type' => $options['contentType'], 'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86; en-US; rv: Gecko' .'/2008122010 Firefox/3.0.5', // TODO custom charset 'Accept-Charset' => 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7', // 'Connection' => 'keep-alive', // 'Accept' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Language' => 'en-us,en;q=0.5', )); if ($options['username']) $client->setAuth($options['username'], $options['password']); if (isset($options['ifModified']) && $options['ifModified']) $client->setHeaders("If-Modified-Since", self::$lastModified ? self::$lastModified : "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT" ); $client->setHeaders("Accept", isset($options['dataType']) && isset(self::$ajaxSettings['accepts'][ $options['dataType'] ]) ? self::$ajaxSettings['accepts'][ $options['dataType'] ].", */*" : self::$ajaxSettings['accepts']['_default'] ); // TODO $options['processData'] if ($options['data'] instanceof phpQueryObject) { $serialized = $options['data']->serializeArray($options['data']); $options['data'] = array(); foreach($serialized as $r) $options['data'][ $r['name'] ] = $r['value']; } if (strtolower($options['type']) == 'get') { $client->setParameterGet($options['data']); } else if (strtolower($options['type']) == 'post') { $client->setEncType($options['contentType']); $client->setParameterPost($options['data']); } if (self::$active == 0 && $options['global']) phpQueryEvents::trigger($documentID, 'ajaxStart'); self::$active++; // beforeSend callback if (isset($options['beforeSend']) && $options['beforeSend']) phpQuery::callbackRun($options['beforeSend'], array($client)); // ajaxSend event if ($options['global']) phpQueryEvents::trigger($documentID, 'ajaxSend', array($client, $options)); if (phpQuery::$debug) { self::debug("{$options['type']}: {$options['url']}\n"); self::debug("Options:
".var_export($options, true)."
\n"); // if ($client->getCookieJar()) // self::debug("Cookies:
".var_export($client->getCookieJar()->getMatchingCookies($options['url']), true)."
\n"); } // request $response = $client->request(); if (phpQuery::$debug) { self::debug('Status: '.$response->getStatus().' / '.$response->getMessage()); self::debug($client->getLastRequest()); self::debug($response->getHeaders()); } if ($response->isSuccessful()) { // XXX tempolary self::$lastModified = $response->getHeader('Last-Modified'); $data = self::httpData($response->getBody(), $options['dataType'], $options); if (isset($options['success']) && $options['success']) phpQuery::callbackRun($options['success'], array($data, $response->getStatus(), $options)); if ($options['global']) phpQueryEvents::trigger($documentID, 'ajaxSuccess', array($client, $options)); } else { if (isset($options['error']) && $options['error']) phpQuery::callbackRun($options['error'], array($client, $response->getStatus(), $response->getMessage())); if ($options['global']) phpQueryEvents::trigger($documentID, 'ajaxError', array($client, /*$response->getStatus(),*/$response->getMessage(), $options)); } if (isset($options['complete']) && $options['complete']) phpQuery::callbackRun($options['complete'], array($client, $response->getStatus())); if ($options['global']) phpQueryEvents::trigger($documentID, 'ajaxComplete', array($client, $options)); if ($options['global'] && ! --self::$active) phpQueryEvents::trigger($documentID, 'ajaxStop'); return $client; // if (is_null($domId)) // $domId = self::$defaultDocumentID ? self::$defaultDocumentID : false; // return new phpQueryAjaxResponse($response, $domId); } protected static function httpData($data, $type, $options) { if (isset($options['dataFilter']) && $options['dataFilter']) $data = self::callbackRun($options['dataFilter'], array($data, $type)); if (is_string($data)) { if ($type == "json") { if (isset($options['_jsonp']) && $options['_jsonp']) { $data = preg_replace('/^\s*\w+\((.*)\)\s*$/s', '$1', $data); } $data = self::parseJSON($data); } } return $data; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param array|phpQuery $data * */ public static function param($data) { return http_build_query($data, null, '&'); } public static function get($url, $data = null, $callback = null, $type = null) { if (!is_array($data)) { $callback = $data; $data = null; } // TODO some array_values on this shit return phpQuery::ajax(array( 'type' => 'GET', 'url' => $url, 'data' => $data, 'success' => $callback, 'dataType' => $type, )); } public static function post($url, $data = null, $callback = null, $type = null) { if (!is_array($data)) { $callback = $data; $data = null; } return phpQuery::ajax(array( 'type' => 'POST', 'url' => $url, 'data' => $data, 'success' => $callback, 'dataType' => $type, )); } public static function getJSON($url, $data = null, $callback = null) { if (!is_array($data)) { $callback = $data; $data = null; } // TODO some array_values on this shit return phpQuery::ajax(array( 'type' => 'GET', 'url' => $url, 'data' => $data, 'success' => $callback, 'dataType' => 'json', )); } public static function ajaxSetup($options) { self::$ajaxSettings = array_merge( self::$ajaxSettings, $options ); } public static function ajaxAllowHost($host1, $host2 = null, $host3 = null) { $loop = is_array($host1) ? $host1 : func_get_args(); foreach($loop as $host) { if ($host && ! in_array($host, phpQuery::$ajaxAllowedHosts)) { phpQuery::$ajaxAllowedHosts[] = $host; } } } public static function ajaxAllowURL($url1, $url2 = null, $url3 = null) { $loop = is_array($url1) ? $url1 : func_get_args(); foreach($loop as $url) phpQuery::ajaxAllowHost(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST)); } /** * Returns JSON representation of $data. * * @static * @param mixed $data * @return string */ public static function toJSON($data) { if (function_exists('json_encode')) return json_encode($data); require_once('Zend/Json/Encoder.php'); return Zend_Json_Encoder::encode($data); } /** * Parses JSON into proper PHP type. * * @static * @param string $json * @return mixed */ public static function parseJSON($json) { if (function_exists('json_decode')) { $return = json_decode(trim($json), true); // json_decode and UTF8 issues if (isset($return)) return $return; } require_once('Zend/Json/Decoder.php'); return Zend_Json_Decoder::decode($json); } /** * Returns source's document ID. * * @param $source DOMNode|phpQueryObject * @return string */ public static function getDocumentID($source) { if ($source instanceof DOMDOCUMENT) { foreach(phpQuery::$documents as $id => $document) { if ($source->isSameNode($document->document)) return $id; } } else if ($source instanceof DOMNODE) { foreach(phpQuery::$documents as $id => $document) { if ($source->ownerDocument->isSameNode($document->document)) return $id; } } else if ($source instanceof phpQueryObject) return $source->getDocumentID(); else if (is_string($source) && isset(phpQuery::$documents[$source])) return $source; } /** * Get DOMDocument object related to $source. * Returns null if such document doesn't exist. * * @param $source DOMNode|phpQueryObject|string * @return string */ public static function getDOMDocument($source) { if ($source instanceof DOMDOCUMENT) return $source; $source = self::getDocumentID($source); return $source ? self::$documents[$id]['document'] : null; } // UTILITIES // http://docs.jquery.com/Utilities /** * * @return unknown_type * @link http://docs.jquery.com/Utilities/jQuery.makeArray */ public static function makeArray($object) { $array = array(); if (is_object($object) && $object instanceof DOMNODELIST) { foreach($object as $value) $array[] = $value; } else if (is_object($object) && ! ($object instanceof Iterator)) { foreach(get_object_vars($object) as $name => $value) $array[0][$name] = $value; } else { foreach($object as $name => $value) $array[0][$name] = $value; } return $array; } public static function inArray($value, $array) { return in_array($value, $array); } /** * * @param $object * @param $callback * @return unknown_type * @link http://docs.jquery.com/Utilities/jQuery.each */ public static function each($object, $callback, $param1 = null, $param2 = null, $param3 = null) { $paramStructure = null; if (func_num_args() > 2) { $paramStructure = func_get_args(); $paramStructure = array_slice($paramStructure, 2); } if (is_object($object) && ! ($object instanceof Iterator)) { foreach(get_object_vars($object) as $name => $value) phpQuery::callbackRun($callback, array($name, $value), $paramStructure); } else { foreach($object as $name => $value) phpQuery::callbackRun($callback, array($name, $value), $paramStructure); } } /** * * @link http://docs.jquery.com/Utilities/jQuery.map */ public static function map($array, $callback, $param1 = null, $param2 = null, $param3 = null) { $result = array(); $paramStructure = null; if (func_num_args() > 2) { $paramStructure = func_get_args(); $paramStructure = array_slice($paramStructure, 2); } foreach($array as $v) { $vv = phpQuery::callbackRun($callback, array($v), $paramStructure); // $callbackArgs = $args; // foreach($args as $i => $arg) { // $callbackArgs[$i] = $arg instanceof CallbackParam // ? $v // : $arg; // } // $vv = call_user_func_array($callback, $callbackArgs); if (is_array($vv)) { foreach($vv as $vvv) $result[] = $vvv; } else if ($vv !== null) { $result[] = $vv; } } return $result; } /** * * @param $callback Callback * @param $params * @param $paramStructure * @return unknown_type */ public static function callbackRun($callback, $params = array(), $paramStructure = null) { if (! $callback) return; if ($callback instanceof CallbackParameterToReference) { // TODO support ParamStructure to select which $param push to reference if (isset($params[0])) $callback->callback = $params[0]; return true; } if ($callback instanceof Callback) { $paramStructure = $callback->params; $callback = $callback->callback; } if (! $paramStructure) return call_user_func_array($callback, $params); $p = 0; foreach($paramStructure as $i => $v) { $paramStructure[$i] = $v instanceof CallbackParam ? $params[$p++] : $v; } return call_user_func_array($callback, $paramStructure); } /** * Merge 2 phpQuery objects. * @param array $one * @param array $two * @protected * @todo node lists, phpQueryObject */ public static function merge($one, $two) { $elements = $one->elements; foreach($two->elements as $node) { $exists = false; foreach($elements as $node2) { if ($node2->isSameNode($node)) $exists = true; } if (! $exists) $elements[] = $node; } return $elements; // $one = $one->newInstance(); // $one->elements = $elements; // return $one; } /** * * @param $array * @param $callback * @param $invert * @return unknown_type * @link http://docs.jquery.com/Utilities/jQuery.grep */ public static function grep($array, $callback, $invert = false) { $result = array(); foreach($array as $k => $v) { $r = call_user_func_array($callback, array($v, $k)); if ($r === !(bool)$invert) $result[] = $v; } return $result; } public static function unique($array) { return array_unique($array); } /** * * @param $function * @return unknown_type * @TODO there are problems with non-static methods, second parameter pass it * but doesnt verify is method is really callable */ public static function isFunction($function) { return is_callable($function); } public static function trim($str) { return trim($str); } /* PLUGINS NAMESPACE */ /** * * @param $url * @param $callback * @param $param1 * @param $param2 * @param $param3 * @return phpQueryObject */ public static function browserGet($url, $callback, $param1 = null, $param2 = null, $param3 = null) { if (self::plugin('WebBrowser')) { $params = func_get_args(); return self::callbackRun(array(self::$plugins, 'browserGet'), $params); } else { self::debug('WebBrowser plugin not available...'); } } /** * * @param $url * @param $data * @param $callback * @param $param1 * @param $param2 * @param $param3 * @return phpQueryObject */ public static function browserPost($url, $data, $callback, $param1 = null, $param2 = null, $param3 = null) { if (self::plugin('WebBrowser')) { $params = func_get_args(); return self::callbackRun(array(self::$plugins, 'browserPost'), $params); } else { self::debug('WebBrowser plugin not available...'); } } /** * * @param $ajaxSettings * @param $callback * @param $param1 * @param $param2 * @param $param3 * @return phpQueryObject */ public static function browser($ajaxSettings, $callback, $param1 = null, $param2 = null, $param3 = null) { if (self::plugin('WebBrowser')) { $params = func_get_args(); return self::callbackRun(array(self::$plugins, 'browser'), $params); } else { self::debug('WebBrowser plugin not available...'); } } /** * * @param $code * @return string */ public static function php($code) { return self::code('php', $code); } /** * * @param $type * @param $code * @return string */ public static function code($type, $code) { return "<$type>"; } public static function __callStatic($method, $params) { return call_user_func_array( array(phpQuery::$plugins, $method), $params ); } protected static function dataSetupNode($node, $documentID) { // search are return if alredy exists foreach(phpQuery::$documents[$documentID]->dataNodes as $dataNode) { if ($node->isSameNode($dataNode)) return $dataNode; } // if doesn't, add it phpQuery::$documents[$documentID]->dataNodes[] = $node; return $node; } protected static function dataRemoveNode($node, $documentID) { // search are return if alredy exists foreach(phpQuery::$documents[$documentID]->dataNodes as $k => $dataNode) { if ($node->isSameNode($dataNode)) { unset(self::$documents[$documentID]->dataNodes[$k]); unset(self::$documents[$documentID]->data[ $dataNode->dataID ]); } } } public static function data($node, $name, $data, $documentID = null) { if (! $documentID) // TODO check if this works $documentID = self::getDocumentID($node); $document = phpQuery::$documents[$documentID]; $node = self::dataSetupNode($node, $documentID); if (! isset($node->dataID)) $node->dataID = ++phpQuery::$documents[$documentID]->uuid; $id = $node->dataID; if (! isset($document->data[$id])) $document->data[$id] = array(); if (! is_null($data)) $document->data[$id][$name] = $data; if ($name) { if (isset($document->data[$id][$name])) return $document->data[$id][$name]; } else return $id; } public static function removeData($node, $name, $documentID) { if (! $documentID) // TODO check if this works $documentID = self::getDocumentID($node); $document = phpQuery::$documents[$documentID]; $node = self::dataSetupNode($node, $documentID); $id = $node->dataID; if ($name) { if (isset($document->data[$id][$name])) unset($document->data[$id][$name]); $name = null; foreach($document->data[$id] as $name) break; if (! $name) self::removeData($node, $name, $documentID); } else { self::dataRemoveNode($node, $documentID); } } } /** * Plugins static namespace class. * * @author Tobiasz Cudnik * @package phpQuery * @todo move plugin methods here (as statics) */ class phpQueryPlugins { public function __call($method, $args) { if (isset(phpQuery::$extendStaticMethods[$method])) { $return = call_user_func_array( phpQuery::$extendStaticMethods[$method], $args ); } else if (isset(phpQuery::$pluginsStaticMethods[$method])) { $class = phpQuery::$pluginsStaticMethods[$method]; $realClass = "phpQueryPlugin_$class"; $return = call_user_func_array( array($realClass, $method), $args ); return isset($return) ? $return : $this; } else throw new Exception("Method '{$method}' doesnt exist"); } } /** * Shortcut to phpQuery::pq($arg1, $context) * Chainable. * * @see phpQuery::pq() * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery * @author Tobiasz Cudnik * @package phpQuery */ function pq($arg1, $context = null) { $args = func_get_args(); return call_user_func_array( array('phpQuery', 'pq'), $args ); } // add plugins dir and Zend framework to include path set_include_path( get_include_path() .PATH_SEPARATOR.dirname(__FILE__).'/phpQuery/' .PATH_SEPARATOR.dirname(__FILE__).'/phpQuery/plugins/' ); // why ? no __call nor __get for statics in php... // XXX __callStatic will be available in PHP 5.3 phpQuery::$plugins = new phpQueryPlugins(); // include bootstrap file (personal library config) if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/phpQuery/bootstrap.php')) require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/phpQuery/bootstrap.php';