* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\DomCrawler; use Masterminds\HTML5; use Symfony\Component\CssSelector\CssSelectorConverter; /** * Crawler eases navigation of a list of \DOMNode objects. * * @author Fabien Potencier * * @implements \IteratorAggregate */ class Crawler implements \Countable, \IteratorAggregate { /** * @var string|null */ protected $uri; /** * The default namespace prefix to be used with XPath and CSS expressions. * * @var string */ private $defaultNamespacePrefix = 'default'; /** * A map of manually registered namespaces. * * @var array */ private $namespaces = []; /** * A map of cached namespaces. * * @var \ArrayObject */ private $cachedNamespaces; /** * The base href value. * * @var string|null */ private $baseHref; /** * @var \DOMDocument|null */ private $document; /** * @var list<\DOMNode> */ private $nodes = []; /** * Whether the Crawler contains HTML or XML content (used when converting CSS to XPath). * * @var bool */ private $isHtml = true; /** * @var HTML5|null */ private $html5Parser; /** * @param \DOMNodeList|\DOMNode|\DOMNode[]|string|null $node A Node to use as the base for the crawling */ public function __construct($node = null, ?string $uri = null, ?string $baseHref = null) { $this->uri = $uri; $this->baseHref = $baseHref ?: $uri; $this->html5Parser = class_exists(HTML5::class) ? new HTML5(['disable_html_ns' => true]) : null; $this->cachedNamespaces = new \ArrayObject(); $this->add($node); } /** * Returns the current URI. * * @return string|null */ public function getUri() { return $this->uri; } /** * Returns base href. * * @return string|null */ public function getBaseHref() { return $this->baseHref; } /** * Removes all the nodes. */ public function clear() { $this->nodes = []; $this->document = null; $this->cachedNamespaces = new \ArrayObject(); } /** * Adds a node to the current list of nodes. * * This method uses the appropriate specialized add*() method based * on the type of the argument. * * @param \DOMNodeList|\DOMNode|\DOMNode[]|string|null $node A node * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException when node is not the expected type */ public function add($node) { if ($node instanceof \DOMNodeList) { $this->addNodeList($node); } elseif ($node instanceof \DOMNode) { $this->addNode($node); } elseif (\is_array($node)) { $this->addNodes($node); } elseif (\is_string($node)) { $this->addContent($node); } elseif (null !== $node) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Expecting a DOMNodeList or DOMNode instance, an array, a string, or null, but got "%s".', get_debug_type($node))); } } /** * Adds HTML/XML content. * * If the charset is not set via the content type, it is assumed to be UTF-8, * or ISO-8859-1 as a fallback, which is the default charset defined by the * HTTP 1.1 specification. */ public function addContent(string $content, ?string $type = null) { if (empty($type)) { $type = str_starts_with($content, 'convertToHtmlEntities('charset=', $m[2])) { $charset = $m[2]; } return $m[1].$charset; }, $content, 1); if ('x' === $xmlMatches[1]) { $this->addXmlContent($content, $charset); } else { $this->addHtmlContent($content, $charset); } } /** * Adds an HTML content to the list of nodes. * * The libxml errors are disabled when the content is parsed. * * If you want to get parsing errors, be sure to enable * internal errors via libxml_use_internal_errors(true) * and then, get the errors via libxml_get_errors(). Be * sure to clear errors with libxml_clear_errors() afterward. */ public function addHtmlContent(string $content, string $charset = 'UTF-8') { $dom = $this->parseHtmlString($content, $charset); $this->addDocument($dom); $base = $this->filterRelativeXPath('descendant-or-self::base')->extract(['href']); $baseHref = current($base); if (\count($base) && !empty($baseHref)) { if ($this->baseHref) { $linkNode = $dom->createElement('a'); $linkNode->setAttribute('href', $baseHref); $link = new Link($linkNode, $this->baseHref); $this->baseHref = $link->getUri(); } else { $this->baseHref = $baseHref; } } } /** * Adds an XML content to the list of nodes. * * The libxml errors are disabled when the content is parsed. * * If you want to get parsing errors, be sure to enable * internal errors via libxml_use_internal_errors(true) * and then, get the errors via libxml_get_errors(). Be * sure to clear errors with libxml_clear_errors() afterward. * * @param int $options Bitwise OR of the libxml option constants * LIBXML_PARSEHUGE is dangerous, see * http://symfony.com/blog/security-release-symfony-2-0-17-released */ public function addXmlContent(string $content, string $charset = 'UTF-8', int $options = \LIBXML_NONET) { // remove the default namespace if it's the only namespace to make XPath expressions simpler if (!preg_match('/xmlns:/', $content)) { $content = str_replace('xmlns', 'ns', $content); } $internalErrors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); if (\LIBXML_VERSION < 20900) { $disableEntities = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true); } $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', $charset); $dom->validateOnParse = true; if ('' !== trim($content)) { @$dom->loadXML($content, $options); } libxml_use_internal_errors($internalErrors); if (\LIBXML_VERSION < 20900) { libxml_disable_entity_loader($disableEntities); } $this->addDocument($dom); $this->isHtml = false; } /** * Adds a \DOMDocument to the list of nodes. * * @param \DOMDocument $dom A \DOMDocument instance */ public function addDocument(\DOMDocument $dom) { if ($dom->documentElement) { $this->addNode($dom->documentElement); } } /** * Adds a \DOMNodeList to the list of nodes. * * @param \DOMNodeList $nodes A \DOMNodeList instance */ public function addNodeList(\DOMNodeList $nodes) { foreach ($nodes as $node) { if ($node instanceof \DOMNode) { $this->addNode($node); } } } /** * Adds an array of \DOMNode instances to the list of nodes. * * @param \DOMNode[] $nodes An array of \DOMNode instances */ public function addNodes(array $nodes) { foreach ($nodes as $node) { $this->add($node); } } /** * Adds a \DOMNode instance to the list of nodes. * * @param \DOMNode $node A \DOMNode instance */ public function addNode(\DOMNode $node) { if ($node instanceof \DOMDocument) { $node = $node->documentElement; } if (null !== $this->document && $this->document !== $node->ownerDocument) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Attaching DOM nodes from multiple documents in the same crawler is forbidden.'); } if (null === $this->document) { $this->document = $node->ownerDocument; } // Don't add duplicate nodes in the Crawler if (\in_array($node, $this->nodes, true)) { return; } $this->nodes[] = $node; } /** * Returns a node given its position in the node list. * * @return static */ public function eq(int $position) { if (isset($this->nodes[$position])) { return $this->createSubCrawler($this->nodes[$position]); } return $this->createSubCrawler(null); } /** * Calls an anonymous function on each node of the list. * * The anonymous function receives the position and the node wrapped * in a Crawler instance as arguments. * * Example: * * $crawler->filter('h1')->each(function ($node, $i) { * return $node->text(); * }); * * @param \Closure $closure An anonymous function * * @return array An array of values returned by the anonymous function */ public function each(\Closure $closure) { $data = []; foreach ($this->nodes as $i => $node) { $data[] = $closure($this->createSubCrawler($node), $i); } return $data; } /** * Slices the list of nodes by $offset and $length. * * @return static */ public function slice(int $offset = 0, ?int $length = null) { return $this->createSubCrawler(\array_slice($this->nodes, $offset, $length)); } /** * Reduces the list of nodes by calling an anonymous function. * * To remove a node from the list, the anonymous function must return false. * * @param \Closure $closure An anonymous function * * @return static */ public function reduce(\Closure $closure) { $nodes = []; foreach ($this->nodes as $i => $node) { if (false !== $closure($this->createSubCrawler($node), $i)) { $nodes[] = $node; } } return $this->createSubCrawler($nodes); } /** * Returns the first node of the current selection. * * @return static */ public function first() { return $this->eq(0); } /** * Returns the last node of the current selection. * * @return static */ public function last() { return $this->eq(\count($this->nodes) - 1); } /** * Returns the siblings nodes of the current selection. * * @return static * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When current node is empty */ public function siblings() { if (!$this->nodes) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The current node list is empty.'); } return $this->createSubCrawler($this->sibling($this->getNode(0)->parentNode->firstChild)); } public function matches(string $selector): bool { if (!$this->nodes) { return false; } $converter = $this->createCssSelectorConverter(); $xpath = $converter->toXPath($selector, 'self::'); return 0 !== $this->filterRelativeXPath($xpath)->count(); } /** * Return first parents (heading toward the document root) of the Element that matches the provided selector. * * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/closest#Polyfill * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When current node is empty */ public function closest(string $selector): ?self { if (!$this->nodes) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The current node list is empty.'); } $domNode = $this->getNode(0); while (\XML_ELEMENT_NODE === $domNode->nodeType) { $node = $this->createSubCrawler($domNode); if ($node->matches($selector)) { return $node; } $domNode = $node->getNode(0)->parentNode; } return null; } /** * Returns the next siblings nodes of the current selection. * * @return static * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When current node is empty */ public function nextAll() { if (!$this->nodes) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The current node list is empty.'); } return $this->createSubCrawler($this->sibling($this->getNode(0))); } /** * Returns the previous sibling nodes of the current selection. * * @return static * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function previousAll() { if (!$this->nodes) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The current node list is empty.'); } return $this->createSubCrawler($this->sibling($this->getNode(0), 'previousSibling')); } /** * Returns the parent nodes of the current selection. * * @return static * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When current node is empty */ public function parents() { trigger_deprecation('symfony/dom-crawler', '5.3', 'The %s() method is deprecated, use ancestors() instead.', __METHOD__); return $this->ancestors(); } /** * Returns the ancestors of the current selection. * * @return static * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the current node is empty */ public function ancestors() { if (!$this->nodes) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The current node list is empty.'); } $node = $this->getNode(0); $nodes = []; while ($node = $node->parentNode) { if (\XML_ELEMENT_NODE === $node->nodeType) { $nodes[] = $node; } } return $this->createSubCrawler($nodes); } /** * Returns the children nodes of the current selection. * * @return static * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When current node is empty * @throws \RuntimeException If the CssSelector Component is not available and $selector is provided */ public function children(?string $selector = null) { if (!$this->nodes) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The current node list is empty.'); } if (null !== $selector) { $converter = $this->createCssSelectorConverter(); $xpath = $converter->toXPath($selector, 'child::'); return $this->filterRelativeXPath($xpath); } $node = $this->getNode(0)->firstChild; return $this->createSubCrawler($node ? $this->sibling($node) : []); } /** * Returns the attribute value of the first node of the list. * * @return string|null * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When current node is empty */ public function attr(string $attribute) { if (!$this->nodes) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The current node list is empty.'); } $node = $this->getNode(0); return $node->hasAttribute($attribute) ? $node->getAttribute($attribute) : null; } /** * Returns the node name of the first node of the list. * * @return string * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When current node is empty */ public function nodeName() { if (!$this->nodes) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The current node list is empty.'); } return $this->getNode(0)->nodeName; } /** * Returns the text of the first node of the list. * * Pass true as the second argument to normalize whitespaces. * * @param string|null $default When not null: the value to return when the current node is empty * @param bool $normalizeWhitespace Whether whitespaces should be trimmed and normalized to single spaces * * @return string * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When current node is empty */ public function text(?string $default = null, bool $normalizeWhitespace = true) { if (!$this->nodes) { if (null !== $default) { return $default; } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The current node list is empty.'); } $text = $this->getNode(0)->nodeValue; if ($normalizeWhitespace) { return trim(preg_replace("/(?:[ \n\r\t\x0C]{2,}+|[\n\r\t\x0C])/", ' ', $text), " \n\r\t\x0C"); } return $text; } /** * Returns only the inner text that is the direct descendent of the current node, excluding any child nodes. */ public function innerText(): string { return $this->filterXPath('.//text()')->text(); } /** * Returns the first node of the list as HTML. * * @param string|null $default When not null: the value to return when the current node is empty * * @return string * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When current node is empty */ public function html(?string $default = null) { if (!$this->nodes) { if (null !== $default) { return $default; } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The current node list is empty.'); } $node = $this->getNode(0); $owner = $node->ownerDocument; if (null !== $this->html5Parser && '' === $owner->saveXML($owner->childNodes[0])) { $owner = $this->html5Parser; } $html = ''; foreach ($node->childNodes as $child) { $html .= $owner->saveHTML($child); } return $html; } public function outerHtml(): string { if (!\count($this)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The current node list is empty.'); } $node = $this->getNode(0); $owner = $node->ownerDocument; if (null !== $this->html5Parser && '' === $owner->saveXML($owner->childNodes[0])) { $owner = $this->html5Parser; } return $owner->saveHTML($node); } /** * Evaluates an XPath expression. * * Since an XPath expression might evaluate to either a simple type or a \DOMNodeList, * this method will return either an array of simple types or a new Crawler instance. * * @return array|Crawler */ public function evaluate(string $xpath) { if (null === $this->document) { throw new \LogicException('Cannot evaluate the expression on an uninitialized crawler.'); } $data = []; $domxpath = $this->createDOMXPath($this->document, $this->findNamespacePrefixes($xpath)); foreach ($this->nodes as $node) { $data[] = $domxpath->evaluate($xpath, $node); } if (isset($data[0]) && $data[0] instanceof \DOMNodeList) { return $this->createSubCrawler($data); } return $data; } /** * Extracts information from the list of nodes. * * You can extract attributes or/and the node value (_text). * * Example: * * $crawler->filter('h1 a')->extract(['_text', 'href']); * * @return array */ public function extract(array $attributes) { $count = \count($attributes); $data = []; foreach ($this->nodes as $node) { $elements = []; foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { if ('_text' === $attribute) { $elements[] = $node->nodeValue; } elseif ('_name' === $attribute) { $elements[] = $node->nodeName; } else { $elements[] = $node->getAttribute($attribute); } } $data[] = 1 === $count ? $elements[0] : $elements; } return $data; } /** * Filters the list of nodes with an XPath expression. * * The XPath expression is evaluated in the context of the crawler, which * is considered as a fake parent of the elements inside it. * This means that a child selector "div" or "./div" will match only * the div elements of the current crawler, not their children. * * @return static */ public function filterXPath(string $xpath) { $xpath = $this->relativize($xpath); // If we dropped all expressions in the XPath while preparing it, there would be no match if ('' === $xpath) { return $this->createSubCrawler(null); } return $this->filterRelativeXPath($xpath); } /** * Filters the list of nodes with a CSS selector. * * This method only works if you have installed the CssSelector Symfony Component. * * @return static * * @throws \LogicException if the CssSelector Component is not available */ public function filter(string $selector) { $converter = $this->createCssSelectorConverter(); // The CssSelector already prefixes the selector with descendant-or-self:: return $this->filterRelativeXPath($converter->toXPath($selector)); } /** * Selects links by name or alt value for clickable images. * * @return static */ public function selectLink(string $value) { return $this->filterRelativeXPath( sprintf('descendant-or-self::a[contains(concat(\' \', normalize-space(string(.)), \' \'), %1$s) or ./img[contains(concat(\' \', normalize-space(string(@alt)), \' \'), %1$s)]]', static::xpathLiteral(' '.$value.' ')) ); } /** * Selects images by alt value. * * @return static */ public function selectImage(string $value) { $xpath = sprintf('descendant-or-self::img[contains(normalize-space(string(@alt)), %s)]', static::xpathLiteral($value)); return $this->filterRelativeXPath($xpath); } /** * Selects a button by name or alt value for images. * * @return static */ public function selectButton(string $value) { return $this->filterRelativeXPath( sprintf('descendant-or-self::input[((contains(%1$s, "submit") or contains(%1$s, "button")) and contains(concat(\' \', normalize-space(string(@value)), \' \'), %2$s)) or (contains(%1$s, "image") and contains(concat(\' \', normalize-space(string(@alt)), \' \'), %2$s)) or @id=%3$s or @name=%3$s] | descendant-or-self::button[contains(concat(\' \', normalize-space(string(.)), \' \'), %2$s) or @id=%3$s or @name=%3$s]', 'translate(@type, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")', static::xpathLiteral(' '.$value.' '), static::xpathLiteral($value)) ); } /** * Returns a Link object for the first node in the list. * * @return Link * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the current node list is empty or the selected node is not instance of DOMElement */ public function link(string $method = 'get') { if (!$this->nodes) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The current node list is empty.'); } $node = $this->getNode(0); if (!$node instanceof \DOMElement) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The selected node should be instance of DOMElement, got "%s".', get_debug_type($node))); } return new Link($node, $this->baseHref, $method); } /** * Returns an array of Link objects for the nodes in the list. * * @return Link[] * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the current node list contains non-DOMElement instances */ public function links() { $links = []; foreach ($this->nodes as $node) { if (!$node instanceof \DOMElement) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The current node list should contain only DOMElement instances, "%s" found.', get_debug_type($node))); } $links[] = new Link($node, $this->baseHref, 'get'); } return $links; } /** * Returns an Image object for the first node in the list. * * @return Image * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the current node list is empty */ public function image() { if (!\count($this)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The current node list is empty.'); } $node = $this->getNode(0); if (!$node instanceof \DOMElement) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The selected node should be instance of DOMElement, got "%s".', get_debug_type($node))); } return new Image($node, $this->baseHref); } /** * Returns an array of Image objects for the nodes in the list. * * @return Image[] */ public function images() { $images = []; foreach ($this as $node) { if (!$node instanceof \DOMElement) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The current node list should contain only DOMElement instances, "%s" found.', get_debug_type($node))); } $images[] = new Image($node, $this->baseHref); } return $images; } /** * Returns a Form object for the first node in the list. * * @return Form * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the current node list is empty or the selected node is not instance of DOMElement */ public function form(?array $values = null, ?string $method = null) { if (!$this->nodes) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The current node list is empty.'); } $node = $this->getNode(0); if (!$node instanceof \DOMElement) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The selected node should be instance of DOMElement, got "%s".', get_debug_type($node))); } $form = new Form($node, $this->uri, $method, $this->baseHref); if (null !== $values) { $form->setValues($values); } return $form; } /** * Overloads a default namespace prefix to be used with XPath and CSS expressions. */ public function setDefaultNamespacePrefix(string $prefix) { $this->defaultNamespacePrefix = $prefix; } public function registerNamespace(string $prefix, string $namespace) { $this->namespaces[$prefix] = $namespace; } /** * Converts string for XPath expressions. * * Escaped characters are: quotes (") and apostrophe ('). * * Examples: * * echo Crawler::xpathLiteral('foo " bar'); * //prints 'foo " bar' * * echo Crawler::xpathLiteral("foo ' bar"); * //prints "foo ' bar" * * echo Crawler::xpathLiteral('a\'b"c'); * //prints concat('a', "'", 'b"c') * * @return string */ public static function xpathLiteral(string $s) { if (!str_contains($s, "'")) { return sprintf("'%s'", $s); } if (!str_contains($s, '"')) { return sprintf('"%s"', $s); } $string = $s; $parts = []; while (true) { if (false !== $pos = strpos($string, "'")) { $parts[] = sprintf("'%s'", substr($string, 0, $pos)); $parts[] = "\"'\""; $string = substr($string, $pos + 1); } else { $parts[] = "'$string'"; break; } } return sprintf('concat(%s)', implode(', ', $parts)); } /** * Filters the list of nodes with an XPath expression. * * The XPath expression should already be processed to apply it in the context of each node. * * @return static */ private function filterRelativeXPath(string $xpath): object { $crawler = $this->createSubCrawler(null); if (null === $this->document) { return $crawler; } $domxpath = $this->createDOMXPath($this->document, $this->findNamespacePrefixes($xpath)); foreach ($this->nodes as $node) { $crawler->add($domxpath->query($xpath, $node)); } return $crawler; } /** * Make the XPath relative to the current context. * * The returned XPath will match elements matching the XPath inside the current crawler * when running in the context of a node of the crawler. */ private function relativize(string $xpath): string { $expressions = []; // An expression which will never match to replace expressions which cannot match in the crawler // We cannot drop $nonMatchingExpression = 'a[name() = "b"]'; $xpathLen = \strlen($xpath); $openedBrackets = 0; $startPosition = strspn($xpath, " \t\n\r\0\x0B"); for ($i = $startPosition; $i <= $xpathLen; ++$i) { $i += strcspn($xpath, '"\'[]|', $i); if ($i < $xpathLen) { switch ($xpath[$i]) { case '"': case "'": if (false === $i = strpos($xpath, $xpath[$i], $i + 1)) { return $xpath; // The XPath expression is invalid } continue 2; case '[': ++$openedBrackets; continue 2; case ']': --$openedBrackets; continue 2; } } if ($openedBrackets) { continue; } if ($startPosition < $xpathLen && '(' === $xpath[$startPosition]) { // If the union is inside some braces, we need to preserve the opening braces and apply // the change only inside it. $j = 1 + strspn($xpath, "( \t\n\r\0\x0B", $startPosition + 1); $parenthesis = substr($xpath, $startPosition, $j); $startPosition += $j; } else { $parenthesis = ''; } $expression = rtrim(substr($xpath, $startPosition, $i - $startPosition)); if (str_starts_with($expression, 'self::*/')) { $expression = './'.substr($expression, 8); } // add prefix before absolute element selector if ('' === $expression) { $expression = $nonMatchingExpression; } elseif (str_starts_with($expression, '//')) { $expression = 'descendant-or-self::'.substr($expression, 2); } elseif (str_starts_with($expression, './/')) { $expression = 'descendant-or-self::'.substr($expression, 3); } elseif (str_starts_with($expression, './')) { $expression = 'self::'.substr($expression, 2); } elseif (str_starts_with($expression, 'child::')) { $expression = 'self::'.substr($expression, 7); } elseif ('/' === $expression[0] || '.' === $expression[0] || str_starts_with($expression, 'self::')) { $expression = $nonMatchingExpression; } elseif (str_starts_with($expression, 'descendant::')) { $expression = 'descendant-or-self::'.substr($expression, 12); } elseif (preg_match('/^(ancestor|ancestor-or-self|attribute|following|following-sibling|namespace|parent|preceding|preceding-sibling)::/', $expression)) { // the fake root has no parent, preceding or following nodes and also no attributes (even no namespace attributes) $expression = $nonMatchingExpression; } elseif (!str_starts_with($expression, 'descendant-or-self::')) { $expression = 'self::'.$expression; } $expressions[] = $parenthesis.$expression; if ($i === $xpathLen) { return implode(' | ', $expressions); } $i += strspn($xpath, " \t\n\r\0\x0B", $i + 1); $startPosition = $i + 1; } return $xpath; // The XPath expression is invalid } /** * @return \DOMNode|null */ public function getNode(int $position) { return $this->nodes[$position] ?? null; } /** * @return int */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function count() { return \count($this->nodes); } /** * @return \ArrayIterator */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function getIterator() { return new \ArrayIterator($this->nodes); } /** * @return array */ protected function sibling(\DOMNode $node, string $siblingDir = 'nextSibling') { $nodes = []; $currentNode = $this->getNode(0); do { if ($node !== $currentNode && \XML_ELEMENT_NODE === $node->nodeType) { $nodes[] = $node; } } while ($node = $node->$siblingDir); return $nodes; } private function parseHtml5(string $htmlContent, string $charset = 'UTF-8'): \DOMDocument { if (!$this->supportsEncoding($charset)) { $htmlContent = $this->convertToHtmlEntities($htmlContent, $charset); $charset = 'UTF-8'; } return $this->html5Parser->parse($htmlContent, ['encoding' => $charset]); } private function supportsEncoding(string $encoding): bool { try { return '' === @mb_convert_encoding('', $encoding, 'UTF-8'); } catch (\Throwable $e) { return false; } } private function parseXhtml(string $htmlContent, string $charset = 'UTF-8'): \DOMDocument { if ('UTF-8' === $charset && preg_match('//u', $htmlContent)) { $htmlContent = ''.$htmlContent; } else { $htmlContent = $this->convertToHtmlEntities($htmlContent, $charset); } $internalErrors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); if (\LIBXML_VERSION < 20900) { $disableEntities = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true); } $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', $charset); $dom->validateOnParse = true; if ('' !== trim($htmlContent)) { @$dom->loadHTML($htmlContent); } libxml_use_internal_errors($internalErrors); if (\LIBXML_VERSION < 20900) { libxml_disable_entity_loader($disableEntities); } return $dom; } /** * Converts charset to HTML-entities to ensure valid parsing. */ private function convertToHtmlEntities(string $htmlContent, string $charset = 'UTF-8'): string { set_error_handler(function () { throw new \Exception(); }); try { return mb_encode_numericentity($htmlContent, [0x80, 0x10FFFF, 0, 0x1FFFFF], $charset); } catch (\Exception|\ValueError $e) { try { $htmlContent = iconv($charset, 'UTF-8', $htmlContent); $htmlContent = mb_encode_numericentity($htmlContent, [0x80, 0x10FFFF, 0, 0x1FFFFF], 'UTF-8'); } catch (\Exception|\ValueError $e) { } return $htmlContent; } finally { restore_error_handler(); } } /** * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ private function createDOMXPath(\DOMDocument $document, array $prefixes = []): \DOMXPath { $domxpath = new \DOMXPath($document); foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) { $namespace = $this->discoverNamespace($domxpath, $prefix); if (null !== $namespace) { $domxpath->registerNamespace($prefix, $namespace); } } return $domxpath; } /** * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ private function discoverNamespace(\DOMXPath $domxpath, string $prefix): ?string { if (\array_key_exists($prefix, $this->namespaces)) { return $this->namespaces[$prefix]; } if ($this->cachedNamespaces->offsetExists($prefix)) { return $this->cachedNamespaces[$prefix]; } // ask for one namespace, otherwise we'd get a collection with an item for each node $namespaces = $domxpath->query(sprintf('(//namespace::*[name()="%s"])[last()]', $this->defaultNamespacePrefix === $prefix ? '' : $prefix)); return $this->cachedNamespaces[$prefix] = ($node = $namespaces->item(0)) ? $node->nodeValue : null; } private function findNamespacePrefixes(string $xpath): array { if (preg_match_all('/(?P[a-z_][a-z_0-9\-\.]*+):[^"\/:]/i', $xpath, $matches)) { return array_unique($matches['prefix']); } return []; } /** * Creates a crawler for some subnodes. * * @param \DOMNodeList|\DOMNode|\DOMNode[]|string|null $nodes * * @return static */ private function createSubCrawler($nodes): object { $crawler = new static($nodes, $this->uri, $this->baseHref); $crawler->isHtml = $this->isHtml; $crawler->document = $this->document; $crawler->namespaces = $this->namespaces; $crawler->cachedNamespaces = $this->cachedNamespaces; $crawler->html5Parser = $this->html5Parser; return $crawler; } /** * @throws \LogicException If the CssSelector Component is not available */ private function createCssSelectorConverter(): CssSelectorConverter { if (!class_exists(CssSelectorConverter::class)) { throw new \LogicException('To filter with a CSS selector, install the CssSelector component ("composer require symfony/css-selector"). Or use filterXpath instead.'); } return new CssSelectorConverter($this->isHtml); } /** * Parse string into DOMDocument object using HTML5 parser if the content is HTML5 and the library is available. * Use libxml parser otherwise. */ private function parseHtmlString(string $content, string $charset): \DOMDocument { if ($this->canParseHtml5String($content)) { return $this->parseHtml5($content, $charset); } return $this->parseXhtml($content, $charset); } private function canParseHtml5String(string $content): bool { if (null === $this->html5Parser) { return false; } if (false === ($pos = stripos($content, ''))) { return false; } $header = substr($content, 0, $pos); return '' === $header || $this->isValidHtml5Heading($header); } private function isValidHtml5Heading(string $heading): bool { return 1 === preg_match('/^\x{FEFF}?\s*(\s*)*$/u', $heading); } }