
namespace app\home\validate;

class WalletValidate extends BaseHomeValidate
    protected $rule = [
        'user_id' => 'require|number',
        'recharge_type' => 'require|in:1,2',
        'recharge_channel' => 'require|isString',
        'recharge_num' => 'require|number',
        'change_num' => 'require|gt:0',
        'page' => 'number',
        'page_size' => 'number',

    protected $message = [
        'user_id.require' => 'Please fill in the user ID.',
        'account_type.require' => 'Please fill in the market type.',
        'from_account.require' => 'Please select the transfer out account.',
        'to_account.require' => 'Please select the transfer in account.',
        'account_type.in' => 'Account type is incorrect.',
        'from_account.in' => 'Transfer out account type is incorrect.',
        'to_account.in' => 'Transfer in account type is incorrect.',
        'recharge_type.require' => 'Please fill in the recharge method.',
        'recharge_type.in' => 'The recharge method is incorrect.',
        'recharge_channel.require' => 'Please fill in the recharge channel.',
        'recharge_num.require' => 'Please fill in the recharge amount.',
        'change_num.gt' => 'The quantity must be greater than 0.',
        'page.number' => 'Please enter the page number.',
        'page_size.number' => 'Please enter the page size number.',

    protected $scene = [
        'recharge' => ['user_id','account_type','recharge_type','recharge_channel','recharge_num'],
        'transfer' => ['user_id','from_account','to_account','change_num'],

