* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\BrowserKit; /** * Cookie represents an HTTP cookie. * * @author Fabien Potencier */ class Cookie { /** * Handles dates as defined by RFC 2616 section 3.3.1, and also some other * non-standard, but common formats. */ private const DATE_FORMATS = [ 'D, d M Y H:i:s T', 'D, d-M-y H:i:s T', 'D, d-M-Y H:i:s T', 'D, d-m-y H:i:s T', 'D, d-m-Y H:i:s T', 'D M j G:i:s Y', 'D M d H:i:s Y T', ]; protected $name; protected $value; protected $expires; protected $path; protected $domain; protected $secure; protected $httponly; protected $rawValue; private $samesite; /** * Sets a cookie. * * @param string $name The cookie name * @param string|null $value The value of the cookie * @param string|null $expires The time the cookie expires * @param string|null $path The path on the server in which the cookie will be available on * @param string $domain The domain that the cookie is available * @param bool $secure Indicates that the cookie should only be transmitted over a secure HTTPS connection from the client * @param bool $httponly The cookie httponly flag * @param bool $encodedValue Whether the value is encoded or not * @param string|null $samesite The cookie samesite attribute */ public function __construct(string $name, ?string $value, ?string $expires = null, ?string $path = null, string $domain = '', bool $secure = false, bool $httponly = true, bool $encodedValue = false, ?string $samesite = null) { if ($encodedValue) { $this->value = urldecode($value); $this->rawValue = $value; } else { $this->value = $value; $this->rawValue = rawurlencode($value ?? ''); } $this->name = $name; $this->path = empty($path) ? '/' : $path; $this->domain = $domain; $this->secure = $secure; $this->httponly = $httponly; $this->samesite = $samesite; if (null !== $expires) { $timestampAsDateTime = \DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $expires); if (false === $timestampAsDateTime) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('The cookie expiration time "%s" is not valid.', $expires)); } $this->expires = $timestampAsDateTime->format('U'); } } /** * Returns the HTTP representation of the Cookie. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { $cookie = sprintf('%s=%s', $this->name, $this->rawValue); if (null !== $this->expires) { $dateTime = \DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $this->expires, new \DateTimeZone('GMT')); $cookie .= '; expires='.str_replace('+0000', '', $dateTime->format(self::DATE_FORMATS[0])); } if ('' !== $this->domain) { $cookie .= '; domain='.$this->domain; } if ($this->path) { $cookie .= '; path='.$this->path; } if ($this->secure) { $cookie .= '; secure'; } if ($this->httponly) { $cookie .= '; httponly'; } if (null !== $this->samesite) { $cookie .= '; samesite='.$this->samesite; } return $cookie; } /** * Creates a Cookie instance from a Set-Cookie header value. * * @return static * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public static function fromString(string $cookie, ?string $url = null) { $parts = explode(';', $cookie); if (!str_contains($parts[0], '=')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The cookie string "%s" is not valid.', $parts[0])); } [$name, $value] = explode('=', array_shift($parts), 2); $values = [ 'name' => trim($name), 'value' => trim($value), 'expires' => null, 'path' => '/', 'domain' => '', 'secure' => false, 'httponly' => false, 'passedRawValue' => true, 'samesite' => null, ]; if (null !== $url) { if (false === ($urlParts = parse_url($url)) || !isset($urlParts['host'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The URL "%s" is not valid.', $url)); } $values['domain'] = $urlParts['host']; $values['path'] = isset($urlParts['path']) ? substr($urlParts['path'], 0, strrpos($urlParts['path'], '/')) : ''; } foreach ($parts as $part) { $part = trim($part); if ('secure' === strtolower($part)) { // Ignore the secure flag if the original URI is not given or is not HTTPS if (null === $url || !isset($urlParts['scheme']) || 'https' != $urlParts['scheme']) { continue; } $values['secure'] = true; continue; } if ('httponly' === strtolower($part)) { $values['httponly'] = true; continue; } if (2 === \count($elements = explode('=', $part, 2))) { if ('expires' === strtolower($elements[0])) { $elements[1] = self::parseDate($elements[1]); } $values[strtolower($elements[0])] = $elements[1]; } } return new static( $values['name'], $values['value'], $values['expires'], $values['path'], $values['domain'], $values['secure'], $values['httponly'], $values['passedRawValue'], $values['samesite'] ); } private static function parseDate(string $dateValue): ?string { // trim single quotes around date if present if (($length = \strlen($dateValue)) > 1 && "'" === $dateValue[0] && "'" === $dateValue[$length - 1]) { $dateValue = substr($dateValue, 1, -1); } foreach (self::DATE_FORMATS as $dateFormat) { if (false !== $date = \DateTime::createFromFormat($dateFormat, $dateValue, new \DateTimeZone('GMT'))) { return $date->format('U'); } } // attempt a fallback for unusual formatting if (false !== $date = date_create($dateValue, new \DateTimeZone('GMT'))) { return $date->format('U'); } return null; } /** * Gets the name of the cookie. * * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * Gets the value of the cookie. * * @return string */ public function getValue() { return $this->value; } /** * Gets the raw value of the cookie. * * @return string */ public function getRawValue() { return $this->rawValue; } /** * Gets the expires time of the cookie. * * @return string|null */ public function getExpiresTime() { return $this->expires; } /** * Gets the path of the cookie. * * @return string */ public function getPath() { return $this->path; } /** * Gets the domain of the cookie. * * @return string */ public function getDomain() { return $this->domain; } /** * Returns the secure flag of the cookie. * * @return bool */ public function isSecure() { return $this->secure; } /** * Returns the httponly flag of the cookie. * * @return bool */ public function isHttpOnly() { return $this->httponly; } /** * Returns true if the cookie has expired. * * @return bool */ public function isExpired() { return null !== $this->expires && 0 != $this->expires && $this->expires <= time(); } /** * Gets the samesite attribute of the cookie. */ public function getSameSite(): ?string { return $this->samesite; } }