## Example
pq('#element')->load('http://somesite.com/page .inline-selector')->...
# Table of Contents
  * [Server Side Ajax](#Server_Side_Ajax.md)
  * [Cross Domain Ajax](#Cross_Domain_Ajax.md)
  * [Ajax Requests](#Ajax_Requests.md)
  * [Ajax Events](#Ajax_Events.md)
  * [Misc](#Misc.md)
## Server Side Ajax
Ajax, standing for _Asynchronous JavaScript and XML_ is combination of HTTP Client and XML parser which doesn't lock program's thread (doing request in asynchronous way).

**phpQuery** also offers such functionality, making use of solid quality [Zend\_Http\_Client](http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.http.html). Unfortunately requests aren't asynchronous, but nothing is impossible. For today, instead of [XMLHttpRequest](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XMLHttpRequest) you always get Zend\_Http\_Client instance. API unification is [planned](http://code.google.com/p/phpquery/issues/detail?id=44).
## Cross Domain Ajax
For security reasons, by default **phpQuery** doesn't allow connections to hosts other than actual `$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']`. Developer needs to grant rights to other hosts before making an [Ajax](Ajax.md) request.

There are 2 methods for allowing other hosts
  * phpQuery::**ajaxAllowURL**($url)
  * phpQuery::**ajaxAllowHost**($host)

// connect to google.com
// or using same string
$url = 'http://google.com/ig';
## Ajax Requests
  * **[phpQuery::ajax](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.ajax)**[($options)](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.ajax) Load a remote page using an HTTP request.
  * **[load](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/load)**[($url, $data, $callback)](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/load) Load HTML from a remote file and inject it into the DOM.
  * **[phpQuery::get](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.get)**[($url, $data, $callback)](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.get) Load a remote page using an HTTP GET request.
  * **[phpQuery::getJSON](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.getJSON)**[($url, $data, $callback)](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.getJSON) Load JSON data using an HTTP GET request.
  * **[phpQuery::getScript](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.getScript)**[($url, $callback)](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.getScript) Loads, and executes, a local JavaScript file using an HTTP GET request.
  * **[phpQuery::post](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.post)**[($url, $data, $callback, $type)](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.post) Load a remote page using an HTTP POST request.
## Ajax Events
  * **[ajaxComplete](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/ajaxComplete)**[($callback)](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/ajaxComplete) Attach a function to be executed whenever an AJAX request completes. This is an Ajax Event.
  * **[ajaxError](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/ajaxError)**[($callback)](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/ajaxError) Attach a function to be executed whenever an AJAX request fails. This is an Ajax Event.
  * **[ajaxSend](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/ajaxSend)**[($callback)](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/ajaxSend) Attach a function to be executed before an AJAX request is sent. This is an Ajax Event.
  * **[ajaxStart](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/ajaxStart)**[($callback)](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/ajaxStart) Attach a function to be executed whenever an AJAX request begins and there is none already active. This is an Ajax Event.
  * **[ajaxStop](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/ajaxStop)**[($callback)](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/ajaxStop) Attach a function to be executed whenever all AJAX requests have ended. This is an Ajax Event.
  * **[ajaxSuccess](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/ajaxSuccess)**[($callback)](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/ajaxSuccess) Attach a function to be executed whenever an AJAX request completes successfully. This is an Ajax Event.
## Misc
  * **[phpQuery::ajaxSetup](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.ajaxSetup)**[($options)](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.ajaxSetup) Setup global settings for AJAX requests.
  * **[serialize](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/serialize)**[()](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/serialize) Serializes a set of input elements into a string of data. This will serialize all given elements.
  * **[serializeArray](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/serializeArray)**[()](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/serializeArray) Serializes all forms and form elements (like the .serialize() method) but returns a JSON data structure for you to work with.
## Options
Detailed options description in available at [jQuery Documentation Site](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.ajax#toptions).
  * **`async`** `Boolean`
  * **`beforeSend`** `Function`
  * **`cache`** `Boolean`
  * **`complete`** `Function`
  * **`contentType`** `String`
  * **`data`** `Object, String`
  * **`dataType`** `String`
  * **`error`** `Function`
  * **`global`** `Boolean`
  * **`ifModified`** `Boolean`
  * **`jsonp`** `String`
  * **`password`** `String`
  * **`processData`** `Boolean`
  * **`success`** `Function`
  * **`timeout`** `Number`
  * **`type`** `String`
  * **`url`** `String`
  * **`username`** `String`

Read more at [Ajax](http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax) section on [jQuery Documentation Site](http://docs.jquery.com/).