createUserLevel($user_id, $parent_id); (new TeamService())->regBrokerage($data['parent_id'], $data['grandpa_id'], $data['top_id']); } $this->initUserWallet($user_id); } /** * 处理用户等级关系 * @param int $user_id * @param int $parent_id * @return bool */ private function createUserLevel(int $user_id, int $parent_id) { //插入用户等级关系 if ($parent_id > 0) { $parent_info = UserLevelModel::getUserLevelById($parent_id); $grandpa_id = $parent_info['parent_id']; $top_id = $parent_info['grandpa_id']; } else { $grandpa_id = 0; $top_id = 0; } $data['user_id'] = $user_id; $data['parent_id'] = $parent_id; $data['grandpa_id'] = $grandpa_id; $data['top_id'] = $top_id; UserLevelModel::InsertUserLevel($data); return $data; } public function getUserLevel(int $user_id) { $level_info = UserLevelModel::getUserLevelById($user_id); $this->setUserLevel($user_id, $level_info); } /** * 初始化各钱包数据 U数据 * @param int $user_id * @return void */ private function initUserWallet(int $user_id) { if(env('ACCOUT_TYPE.ALL_IN_ONE')==1){ UserMoneyModel::InsertUserMoneyk([ 'user_id' => $user_id, 'stock_id' => 'USD', 'usable_num' => 0, 'frozen_num' => 0, ]); }else{ if (env('FEATURE.HAS_STOCK_US')) { UserStockModel::InsertUserStock([ 'user_id' => $user_id, 'stock_id' => 'USD', 'usable_num' => 0, 'frozen_num' => 0, ]); } if (env('FEATURE.HAS_DIGITAL')) { UserDigitalModel::InsertUserDigital([ 'user_id' => $user_id, 'digital_id' => 'USDT', 'usable_num' => 0, 'frozen_num' => 0, ]); } if (env('FEATURE.HAS_CONTRACT')) { UserContractModel::InsertUserContract([ 'user_id' => $user_id, 'contract_id' => 'USDT', 'usable_num' => 0, 'frozen_num' => 0, ]); } } } /** * @desc 获取用户信息 * @param $userId * @return array * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException */ public function getUserInfo($userId) { try { if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first', []); } $info = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('trade_password,lever_status,gender,last_name,first_name,real_status,country_id,user_no,nick_name,email,phone_number,country_code,agent_id,is_real,head_img_id,invite_code,is_test_user', $userId); if (empty($info)) { return $this->toData('100400', 'The user does not exist.', []); } // 获取国家名称 $countryId = $info['country_id']; $countryName = ''; if ($countryId > 0) { $countryName = CountryModel::getNameById($countryId); } // 获取头像 $headPath = env('USER.DEFAULT_HEAD_IMG_PATH'); if ($info['head_img_id'] > 0) { $headPath = FileModel::getFilePath($info['head_img_id']); } $key = 'LEVERAGE:' . $userId; $leverageNum = Cache::store('redis')->get($key); if (empty($leverageNum)) { $key = 'LEVERAGE:0'; $leverageNum = Cache::store('redis')->get($key); } $leverageNum= empty($leverageNum) ? 1: $leverageNum; // 查询用户的chat_uuid $userChatInfo = UserChatLinkModel::where('user_id', $userId)->find(); $userChatUuid = ""; $userChatName = ""; if (!empty($userChatInfo)) { $userChatUuid = $userChatInfo->chat_uuid; $userChatName = $userChatInfo->chat_name; } // 查询用户绑定的客服chat_uuid $customerChatUuid = ""; $customerChatName = ""; $customerRelationInfo = CustomerRelationalModel::where('user_id', $userId)->find(); //查询用户关联的客服账号信息 if ($customerRelationInfo) { $customerChatInfo = UserChatLinkModel::where(['user_id'=>$customerRelationInfo->customer_id, 'user_type'=>2])->find(); //查询客服的chat账号 if ($customerChatInfo) { $customerChatUuid = $customerChatInfo->chat_uuid; $customerChatName = $customerChatInfo->chat_name; } } // 获取当前用户代理创建的群聊信息 $group_chat_name = ""; $group_chat_uuid = ""; if ($info['agent_id']) { $agentGroup = UserChatGroupModel::where(['user_id'=>$info['agent_id']])->find(); if (empty($agentGroup)) { return $this->toData('100400', 'Agent chat group is null.', []); } $group_chat_name = $agentGroup->group_name; $group_chat_uuid = $agentGroup->group_uuid; } // 检测用户是否为有效VIP [判断规则 - 用户购买过VIP, 每个VIP有效期30天] $isVip = false; $purchaseInfo = PurchaseVipModel::where(['user_id'=>$userId])->order('id', 'desc')->find(); if (!empty($purchaseInfo)) { if ($purchaseInfo->expire >= date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) { $isVip = true; } } // 返回数据 return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.', [ 'logo' => $headPath, 'userId' => $userId, 'userNo' => $info['user_no'], 'nickName' => $info['nick_name'], 'nation' => $info['country_code'], 'phone' => $info['phone_number'], 'email' => $info['email'], 'isReal' => $info['is_real'], 'is_test_user' => $info['is_test_user'], 'real_status' => $info['real_status'], 'inviteCode' => $info['invite_code'], 'firstName' => $info['first_name'], 'lastName' => $info['last_name'], 'gender' => (string)$info['gender'], 'isSetPayPassword' => $info['trade_password'] ? '1' : '0', 'country' => $countryName, 'countryId' => $countryId, 'lever_status' => $info['lever_status'], 'leverage_num' =>$leverageNum, 'user_chat_uuid' => $userChatUuid, 'user_chat_name' => $userChatName, 'customer_chat_uuid' => $customerChatUuid, 'customer_chat_name' => $customerChatName, 'customer_chat_avatar' => '/bs/image/default.jpeg', 'group_chat_name' => $group_chat_name, 'group_chat_uuid' => $group_chat_uuid, 'is_vip' => $isVip, ]); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]); } } // 用户购买VIP public function purchaseVip($userId) { try { if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first', []); } $info = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('trade_password,lever_status,gender,last_name,first_name,real_status,country_id,user_no,nick_name,email,phone_number,country_code,agent_id,is_real,head_img_id,invite_code,is_test_user', $userId); if (empty($info)) { return $this->toData('100400', 'The user does not exist.', []); } // 获取购买VIP所需的配置 $vipPurchaseCfg = Config::get('common.vip_purchase'); if (empty($vipPurchaseCfg)) { return $this->toData('100400', 'vip config error', []); } // 购买vip所需的货币类型检测 if (empty($vipPurchaseCfg['stock_id'])) { return $this->toData('100400', 'vip config error', []); } $stockId = $vipPurchaseCfg['stock_id']; // vip价格检测 if (!isset($vipPurchaseCfg['vip_price']) || $vipPurchaseCfg['vip_price'] <= 0) { return $this->toData('100400', 'vip config error', []); } $vipPrice = $vipPurchaseCfg['vip_price']; // vip有效天数检测 if (!isset($vipPurchaseCfg['vip_day']) || $vipPurchaseCfg['vip_day'] <= 0) { return $this->toData('100400', 'vip config error', []); } $vipDay = $vipPurchaseCfg['vip_day']; // 查询用户余额是否足够 $userMoney = UserMoneyModel::where(['user_id'=>$userId,'stock_id'=>$stockId])->find(); if (empty($userMoney)) { return $this->toData('100400', ' The user USD balance is insufficient ', []); } $userMoneyNum = $userMoney->usable_num; if ($userMoneyNum < $vipPrice) { return $this->toData('100400', ' The user USD balance is insufficient ', []); } // 记录购买vip信息, 扣除用户金额 Db::transaction(function () use ($userId, $userMoneyNum, $vipPrice, $stockId) { // 扣除用户USD UserMoneyModel::where(['user_id'=>$userId,'stock_id'=>$stockId])->where('usable_num', ">=", $vipPrice)->dec('usable_num', $vipPrice)->update(); // 添加用户USD变更日志 UserMoneyLogModel::create([ 'user_id' => $userId, 'change_type' => 101, 'stock_id' => $stockId, 'before_num' => $userMoneyNum, 'change_num' => -$vipPrice, 'order_id' => uniqid('vip_', true), ]); // 查询用户是否开通过vip,更新用户vip到期时间 $vipLog = PurchaseVipModel::where(['user_id'=>$userId])->find(); $expireTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if (!empty($vipLog)) { if (empty($vipLog->expire)) { return $this->toData('100400', ' The vip expire error '); } if ($vipLog->expire >= $expireTime) { $expireTimestamp = strtotime('+30 days', strtotime($vipLog->expire)); $expireTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $expireTimestamp); } $vipLog->expire = $expireTime; $vipLog->save(); } else { $expireTimestamp = strtotime('+30 days', time()); $expireTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $expireTimestamp); PurchaseVipModel::create([ 'user_id' => $userId, 'amount' => $vipPrice, 'stock_id' => $stockId, 'expire' => $expireTime ]); } }); return $this->toData('0', 'successful'); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]); } } // 用户购买VIP记录列表 public function purchaseVipLog($userId, $param) { try { if (!isset($param['page']) || !isset($param['limit'])) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Missing parameter', []); } $list = PurchaseVipModel::where(['user_id'=>$userId])->order('id', 'desc')->paginate([ 'list_rows' => $param['limit'], 'page' => $param['page'], ]); return $this->toData('0', 'Successful', [ 'list' => $list->items(), // 当前页的数据 'page' => $list->currentPage(), // 当前页码 'total' => $list->total(), // 总记录数 'last_page' => $list->lastPage(), // 最后一页页码 ]); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]); } } // 查询代理下的一个主播信息 public function getAnchorForAgent($userId) { try { if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first', []); } // 查询用户所属的代理id $info = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('trade_password,lever_status,gender,last_name,first_name,real_status,country_id,user_no,nick_name,email,phone_number,country_code,agent_id,is_real,head_img_id,invite_code,is_test_user', $userId); if (empty($info)) { return $this->toData('100400', 'The user does not exist.', []); } if (empty($info['agent_id'])) { return $this->toData('100400', 'The user does not have a agent.', []); } // 查询代理下的一个主播信息 $anchorData = AwsIvsModel::where(['agent_id'=>$info['agent_id']])->find(); if (empty($anchorData)) { return $this->toData('100400', 'The anchor information is empty', ['agent_id'=>$info['agent_id']]); } return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.', $anchorData->toArray()); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]); } } /** * @desc 设置用户国家 * @param $userId * @param $param * @return array */ public function setCountry($userId, $param): array { try { // 主键 if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 邮件注册参数校验 validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('setCountry')->check($param); $countryId = $param['country_id']; // 国家是否存在 $country = CountryModel::getById($countryId); if (empty($country)) { return $this->toData('100400', 'Unsupported country or region.', []); } // 是否是黑名单国家 if ($this->checkForbidNation($country['code'])) { return $this->toData('100400', 'Unsupported country or region.', []); } // 设置 UserModel::updateFieldsByUserId(['country_id' => $country['id']], $userId); return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.'); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { $message = $validateException->getMessage(); return $this->toData('100400', $message, []); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]); } } /** * @desc 更新用户头像 * @param $userId * @param $param * @return array */ public function updateHeadImg($userId, $param): array { try { // 主键 if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 参数校验 validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('updateHeadImg')->check($param); $fileId = $param['file_id']; // 文件是否存在 $file = FileModel::getById($fileId); if (empty($file)) { return $this->toData('100400', 'The file does not exist.', []); } // 设置 UserModel::updateFieldsByUserId(['head_img_id' => $fileId], $userId); return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.'); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { $message = $validateException->getMessage(); return $this->toData('100400', $message, []); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', []); } } /** * @desc 设置用户 昵称 性别 名字信息 * @param $userId * @param $param * @return array */ public function updateInfo($userId, $param): array { try { // 主键 if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 参数校验 validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('updateInfo')->check($param); // 查找用户信息 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('user_id,nick_name,first_name,first_name,gender', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } $nickName = $param['nick_name']; $gender = $param['gender']; $lastName = $param['last_name'] ?? $user['last_name']; $first_name = $param['first_name'] ?? $user['first_name']; UserModel::updateFieldsByUserId([ 'nick_name' => $nickName, 'first_name' => $first_name, 'last_name' => $lastName, 'gender' => $gender, ], $userId); // 返回 return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.', []); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { $message = $validateException->getError(); return $this->toData('100400', $message); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage()]); } } /** * @desc 登陆状态下发送短信 * @param $userId * @param $param * @return array * @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException */ public function sendEmail($userId, $param) { try { $ip = $this->getClientRealIp(); // 主键 if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 参数校验 validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('sendEmail')->check($param); // 如果是非交易业务 需要判断验证码获取次数 $key = 'USER:SEND_CODE_NUM:' . $ip; if ($param['business'] == '1') { if ($this->checkGetNoTradeCodeNum($key)) { return $this->toData('100300', 'No worries. Please feel free to reach out again tomorrow.', []); } } // 提取参数 $emailType = $param['email_type']; // 1 给已经绑定的邮箱发 2 给新邮箱发 $email = $param['email'] ?? ''; if ($emailType == 1) { $email = UserModel::getEmailById($userId); if (empty($email)) { return $this->toData('100400', '邮箱未绑定', []); } } // 获取邮件内容 $content = $this->getEmailContent(); $content['email'] = $email; $code = $content['code']; Queue::push('app\home\job\SendEmail', $content, 'sendEmail'); // 设置缓存 $sendEmailCacheKey = 'USER:sendEmailLoginTrade:' . $email; if ($param['business'] == '1') { $sendEmailCacheKey = 'USER:sendEmailLoginNoTrade:' . $email; // 累加ip获取的次数 $this->updateHadGetCodeNumCache($key); } $this->insertCodeToCache($sendEmailCacheKey, $code, 300); // 返回结果 return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.'); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { // 参数校验失败 异常类 $message = $validateException->getError(); return $this->toData('100400', $message); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage()]); } } /** * @desc 登陆状态下发送短信 * @param $userId * @param $param * @return array * @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException */ public function sendSms($userId, $param): array { try { $ip = $this->getClientRealIp(); // 主键 if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 参数校验 validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('sendSms')->check($param); // 如果是非交易业务 需要判断验证码获取次数 $key = 'USER:SEND_CODE_NUM:' . $ip; if ($param['business'] == '1') { if ($this->checkGetNoTradeCodeNum($key)) { return $this->toData('100300', 'No worries. Please feel free to reach out again tomorrow.', []); } } // 提取参数 $phoneType = $param['phone_type']; // 1 给已经绑定的手机发 2 给新手机发 $phone = $param['phone'] ?? ''; $nation = $param['nation'] ?? ''; if ($phoneType == 1) { $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('country_code,phone_number', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100400', 'The phone number is not linked/bound.', []); } $phone = $user['phone_number']; $nation = $user['country_code']; } else { // 如果给新手机发 判断国家码是否存在 $nationCheck = CountryModel::checkCodeExists($nation); if (!$nationCheck) { return $this->toData('100400', 'Unsupported country or region.', []); } } $mobile = $nation . $phone; // 获取邮件内容 $content = $this->getSmsContent(1); $content['mobile'] = $mobile; $code = $content['code']; Queue::push('app\home\job\SendSms', $content, 'sendSms'); // 设置缓存 $sendCodeKey = 'USER:sendSmsLoginTrade:' . $mobile; if ($param['business'] == '1') { $sendCodeKey = 'USER:sendSmsLoginNoTrade:' . $mobile; // 累加已经获取的次数 $this->updateHadGetCodeNumCache($key); } $this->insertCodeToCache($sendCodeKey, $code, 300); // 返回结果 return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.'); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { // 参数校验失败 异常类 $message = $validateException->getError(); return $this->toData('100400', $message); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage()]); } } public function setPayPasswordByEmail($userId, $param) { try { // 主键 if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 参数校验 email_code pay_password validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('setPayPasswordByEmail')->check($param); // 获取用户 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('email,user_id,trade_password', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // // 校验验证码 // $key = 'USER:sendEmailLoginNoTrade:'.$user['email']; // $emailCache = Cache::store('redis')->get($key); // if(empty($param['email_code']) || $emailCache != $param['email_code']){ // return $this->toData('100400', 'The verification code is incorrect.', []); // } // 如果已经存在交易密码 则不能设置 if (!empty($user['trade_password'])) { return $this->toData('100400', 'The payment password has already been set.', []); } // 加密密码 $payPassword = $param['pay_password']; $salt = env('ENCRYPT.SALT'); $payPassword = (new UnqId())->encryptPassword($payPassword, $salt); // 设置密码 UserModel::setPayPassword($payPassword, $salt, $userId); return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.', []); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { // 参数校验失败 异常类 $message = $validateException->getError(); return $this->toData('100400', $message); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', []); } } /** * @desc 通过短信设置取款密码 * @param $userId * @param $param * @return array * @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException */ public function setPayPasswordBySms($userId, $param) { try { // 主键 if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 参数校验 nation phone pay_password validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('setPayPasswordBySms')->check($param); // 获取用户信息 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('country_code,phone_number,user_id,trade_password', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } if (!empty($user['trade_password'])) { return $this->toData('100400', 'The payment password has already been set.', []); } // // 校验验证码 // $mobile = $user['country_code'].$user['phone_number']; // $key = 'USER:sendSmsLoginNoTrade:'.$mobile; // if(Cache::store('redis')->get($key) != $param['sms_code']){ // return $this->toData('100400', 'The verification code is incorrect.', []); // } // 校验验证码 $payPassword = $param['pay_password']; $salt = env('ENCRYPT.SALT'); $payPassword = (new UnqId())->encryptPassword($payPassword, $salt); // 设置密码 UserModel::setPayPassword($payPassword, $salt, $userId); return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.', []); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { // 参数校验失败 异常类 $message = $validateException->getError(); return $this->toData('100400', $message); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage()]); } } /** * @desc 通过手机号修改交易密码 * @param $userId * @param $param * @return array * @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException */ public function updatePayPasswordBySms($userId, $param) { try { // user_id if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 参数校验 email_code email validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('updatePayPasswordBySms')->check($param); // 获取用户信息 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('user_id,trade_password,salt,phone_number,country_code', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 提取参数 // $nation = $user['country_code']; // $phone = $user['phone_number']; // $smsCode = $param['sms_code']; $payPassword = $param['pay_password']; $payPasswordNew = $param['pay_password_new']; // 校验验证码 // $mobile = $nation.$phone; // $cacheSmsKey = 'USER:sendSmsLoginNoTrade:'.$mobile; // $cacheSmsCode = Cache::store('redis')->get($cacheSmsKey); // if(empty($smsCode) || $smsCode != $cacheSmsCode){ // return $this->toData('100400', 'The verification code is incorrect.', []); // } // 校验旧密码 $checkPasswordBool = (new UnqId())->checkPassword($payPassword, $user['trade_password'], $user['salt']); if (!$checkPasswordBool) { return $this->toData('100400', 'Incorrect password.'); } // 设置密码 $newPassword = (new UnqId())->encryptPassword($payPasswordNew, $user['salt']); UserModel::updateFieldsByUserId(['trade_password' => $newPassword], $userId); // 返回结果 return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.', []); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { // 参数校验失败 异常类 $message = $validateException->getError(); return $this->toData('100400', $message); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage()]); } } /** * @desc 根据邮箱修改交易密码 * @param $userId * @param $param * @return array * @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException */ public function updatePayPasswordByEmail($userId, $param) { // 通过 邮箱 收款密码 重新设置收款密码 try { // user_id if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 参数校验 email_code email validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('updatePayPasswordByEmail')->check($param); // 获取用户信息 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('user_id,trade_password,salt,email', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 提取参数 // $email = $user['email']; // $emailCode = $param['email_code']; $payPassword = $param['pay_password']; $payPasswordNew = $param['pay_password_new']; // 校验验证码 // $cacheEmailKey = 'USER:sendEmailLoginNoTrade:'.$email; // $cacheEmailCode = Cache::store('redis')->get($cacheEmailKey); // if(empty($emailCode) || $emailCode != $cacheEmailCode){ // return $this->toData('100400', 'The verification code is incorrect.', []); // } // 校验旧密码 $checkPasswordBool = (new UnqId())->checkPassword($payPassword, $user['trade_password'], $user['salt']); if (!$checkPasswordBool) { return $this->toData('100400', 'Incorrect password.', []); } // 设置密码 $newPassword = (new UnqId())->encryptPassword($payPasswordNew, $user['salt']); UserModel::updateFieldsByUserId(['trade_password' => $newPassword], $userId); // 返回结果 return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.', []); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { // 参数校验失败 异常类 $message = $validateException->getError(); return $this->toData('100400', $message); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage()]); } } /** * @desc 根据短信重新设置交易密码 * @param $userId * @param $param * @return array * @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException */ public function resetPayPasswordBySms($userId, $param) { try { // user_id if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 参数校验 email_code email validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('resetPayPasswordBySms')->check($param); // 获取用户信息 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('user_id,salt,phone_number,country_code', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 提取参数 // $nation = $user['country_code']; // $phone = $user['phone_number']; // $smsCode = $param['sms_code']; $payPasswordNew = $param['pay_password_new']; // 校验验证码 // $mobile = $nation.$phone; // $cacheSmsKey = 'USER:sendSmsLoginNoTrade:'.$mobile; // $cacheSmsCode = Cache::store('redis')->get($cacheSmsKey); // if(empty($smsCode) || $smsCode != $cacheSmsCode){ // return $this->toData('100400', 'The verification code is incorrect.', []); // } // 设置密码 $newPassword = (new UnqId())->encryptPassword($payPasswordNew, $user['salt']); UserModel::updateFieldsByUserId(['trade_password' => $newPassword], $userId); // 返回结果 return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.', []); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { // 参数校验失败 异常类 $message = $validateException->getError(); return $this->toData('100400', $message); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage()]); } } /** * @desc 通过邮箱重新设置交易密码 * @param $userId * @param $param * @return array * @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException */ public function resetPayPasswordByEmail($userId, $param) { // 通过邮箱验证码 新密码 设置交易密码 try { // user_id if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 参数校验 email_code email validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('resetPayPasswordByEmail')->check($param); // 获取用户信息 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('user_id,salt,email', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 提取参数 // $email = $user['email']; // $emailCode = $param['email_code']; $payPasswordNew = $param['pay_password_new']; // 校验验证码 // $cacheEmailKey = 'USER:sendEmailLoginNoTrade:'.$email; // $cacheEmailCode = Cache::store('redis')->get($cacheEmailKey); // if(empty($emailCode) || $emailCode != $cacheEmailCode){ // return $this->toData('100400', 'The verification code is incorrect.', []); // } // 设置密码 $newPassword = (new UnqId())->encryptPassword($payPasswordNew, $user['salt']); UserModel::updateFieldsByUserId(['trade_password' => $newPassword], $userId); // 返回结果 return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.', []); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { // 参数校验失败 异常类 $message = $validateException->getError(); return $this->toData('100400', $message); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage()]); } } public function updatePasswordBySms($userId, $param) { try { if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 参数校验 email_code email validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('updatePasswordBySms')->check($param); // 获取用户信息 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('user_id,login_password,salt,phone_number,country_code', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 提取参数 // $nation = $user['country_code']; // $phone = $user['phone_number']; // $smsCode = $param['sms_code']; $password = $param['password']; $passwordNew = $param['password_new']; // 校验验证码 // $mobile = $nation.$phone; // $cacheSmsKey = 'USER:sendSmsLoginNoTrade:'.$mobile; // $cacheSmsCode = Cache::store('redis')->get($cacheSmsKey); // if(empty($smsCode) || $smsCode != $cacheSmsCode){ // return $this->toData('100400', 'The verification code is incorrect.', []); // } // 校验旧密码 $checkPasswordBool = (new UnqId())->checkPassword($password, $user['login_password'], $user['salt']); if (!$checkPasswordBool) { return $this->toData('100400', 'Incorrect password.', []); } // 设置密码 $newPassword = (new UnqId())->encryptPassword($passwordNew, $user['salt']); UserModel::updateFieldsByUserId(['login_password' => $newPassword], $userId); // 返回结果 return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.', []); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { // 参数校验失败 异常类 $message = $validateException->getError(); return $this->toData('100400', $message); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage()]); } } /** * @desc 邮箱修改登陆密码 * @param $userId * @param $param * @return array * @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException */ public function updatePasswordByEmail($userId, $param) { try { // user_id if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 参数校验 validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('updatePasswordByEmail')->check($param); // 获取用户信息 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('user_id,login_password,salt,email', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 提取参数 // $email = $user['email']; // $emailCode = $param['email_code']; $password = $param['password']; $passwordNew = $param['password_new']; // 校验验证码 // $cacheEmailKey = 'USER:sendEmailLoginNoTrade:'.$email; // $cacheEmailCode = Cache::store('redis')->get($cacheEmailKey); // if(empty($emailCode) || $emailCode != $cacheEmailCode){ // return $this->toData('100400', 'The verification code is incorrect.', []); // } // 校验旧密码 $checkPasswordBool = (new UnqId())->checkPassword($password, $user['login_password'], $user['salt']); if (!$checkPasswordBool) { return $this->toData('100400', 'Incorrect password.', []); } // 设置密码 $newPassword = (new UnqId())->encryptPassword($passwordNew, $user['salt']); UserModel::updateFieldsByUserId(['login_password' => $newPassword], $userId); // 返回结果 return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.', []); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { // 参数校验失败 异常类 $message = $validateException->getError(); return $this->toData('100400', $message); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage()]); } } /** * @desc 短信重新设置登陆密码 * @param $userId * @param $param * @return array * @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException */ public function resetPasswordBySms($userId, $param) { try { if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 参数校验 email_code email validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('resetPasswordBySms')->check($param); // 获取用户信息 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('user_id,salt,phone_number,country_code', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 提取参数 // $nation = $user['country_code']; // $phone = $user['phone_number']; // $smsCode = $param['sms_code']; $passwordNew = $param['password_new']; // 校验验证码 // $mobile = $nation.$phone; // $cacheSmsKey = 'USER:sendSmsLoginNoTrade:'.$mobile; // $cacheSmsCode = Cache::store('redis')->get($cacheSmsKey); // if(empty($smsCode) || $smsCode != $cacheSmsCode){ // return $this->toData('100400', 'The verification code is incorrect.', []); // } // 设置密码 $newPassword = (new UnqId())->encryptPassword($passwordNew, $user['salt']); UserModel::updateFieldsByUserId(['login_password' => $newPassword], $userId); // 返回结果 return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.', []); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { // 参数校验失败 异常类 $message = $validateException->getError(); return $this->toData('100400', $message); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage()]); } } /** * @desc 邮箱重新设置登陆密码 * @param $userId * @param $param * @return array * @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException */ public function resetPasswordByEmail($userId, $param) { try { // user_id if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 参数校验 email_code email validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('resetPasswordByEmail')->check($param); // 获取用户信息 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('user_id,salt,email', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 提取参数 // $email = $user['email']; // $emailCode = $param['email_code']; $passwordNew = $param['password_new']; // 校验验证码 // $cacheEmailKey = 'USER:sendEmailLoginNoTrade:'.$email; // $cacheEmailCode = Cache::store('redis')->get($cacheEmailKey); // if(empty($emailCode) || $emailCode != $cacheEmailCode){ // return $this->toData('100400', 'The verification code is incorrect.', []); // } // 设置密码 $newPassword = (new UnqId())->encryptPassword($passwordNew, $user['salt']); UserModel::updateFieldsByUserId(['login_password' => $newPassword], $userId); // 返回结果 return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.', []); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { // 参数校验失败 异常类 $message = $validateException->getError(); return $this->toData('100400', $message); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage()]); } } public function bindEmail($userId, $param) { try { // user_id if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 参数校验 email_code email validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('bindEmail')->check($param); // 判断验证码 // $emailCode = $param['email_code']; $email = $param['email']; // $cacheCodeKey = 'USER:sendEmailLoginNoTrade:'.$email; // $cacheSmsCode = Cache::store('redis')->get($cacheCodeKey); // if(empty($emailCode) || $emailCode != $cacheSmsCode){ // return $this->toData('100400', 'The verification code is incorrect.', []); // } // 获取用户信息 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('email,user_id', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 判读是否已经绑定 if (!empty($user['email'])) { return $this->toData('100400', 'You have already bound your email', []); } //判断手机号是否已经被别人绑定 $emailExits = UserModel::checkEmailExists($email); if ($emailExits) { return $this->toData('100400', 'The email has been bound', []); } // 执行入库操作 UserModel::updateFieldsByUserId(['email' => $email], $userId); // 返回结果 return $this->toData('0', 'Binding successful', []); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { // 参数校验失败 异常类 $message = $validateException->getError(); return $this->toData('100400', $message); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage()]); } } /** * @desc 修改已经绑定的手机号 * @param $userId * @param $param * @return array * @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException */ public function updateEmail($userId, $param): array { try { // user_id if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 参数校验 nation phone sms_code validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('updateEmail')->check($param); // 判断验证码 // $emailCode = $param['email_code']; $email = $param['email']; // $cacheCodeKey = 'USER:sendEmailLoginNoTrade:'.$email; // $cacheSmsCode = Cache::store('redis')->get($cacheCodeKey); // if(empty($emailCode) || $emailCode != $cacheSmsCode){ // return $this->toData('100400', 'The verification code is incorrect.', []); // } // 获取用户信息 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('login_password,email,user_id,salt', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 判读是否已经绑定 需要已经绑定 if (empty($user['email'])) { return $this->toData('100400', 'Email is not linked/bound.', []); } //校验登陆密码 $passwordCheck = (new UnqId())->checkPassword($param['password'], $user['login_password'], $user['salt']); if (!$passwordCheck) { return $this->toData('100400', 'Incorrect password.', []); } //判断手机号是否已经被别人绑定 $emailExits = UserModel::checkEmailExists($email); if ($emailExits) { return $this->toData('100400', 'The email has already been linked/bound.', []); } // 执行入库操作 UserModel::updateFieldsByUserId(['email' => $email], $userId); // 返回结果 return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.', []); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { // 参数校验失败 异常类 $message = $validateException->getError(); return $this->toData('100400', $message); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage()]); } } public function bindPhone($userId, $param) { try { // user_id if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 参数校验 nation phone sms_code validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('bindPhone')->check($param); // 判断验证码 // $smsCode = $param['sms_code']; // $mobile = $param['nation'].$param['phone']; // $cacheSmsKey = 'USER:sendSmsLoginNoTrade:'.$mobile; // $cacheSmsCode = Cache::store('redis')->get($cacheSmsKey); // if(empty($smsCode) || $smsCode != $cacheSmsCode){ // return $this->toData('100400', 'The verification code is incorrect.', []); // } // 获取用户信息 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('user_id,country_code,phone_number', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 判读是否已经绑定 if (!empty($user['phone_number'])) { return $this->toData('100400', 'The phone number has already been linked/bound.', []); } //判断手机号是否已经被别人绑定 $phoneExits = UserModel::checkPhoneExists($param['phone']); if ($phoneExits) { return $this->toData('100400', 'The phone number has already been linked/bound.', []); } // 判断国家码是否存在 $codeExists = CountryModel::checkCodeExists($param['nation']); if (!$codeExists) { return $this->toData('100400', 'Unsupported country or region.', []); } // 执行入库操作 UserModel::updateFieldsByUserId(['phone_number' => $param['phone'], 'country_code' => $param['nation']], $userId); // 返回结果 return $this->toData('0', 'Binding successful.', []); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { // 参数校验失败 异常类 $message = $validateException->getError(); return $this->toData('100400', $message); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage()]); } } /** * @desc 修改已经绑定的手机号 * @param $userId * @param $param * @return array * @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException */ public function updatePhone($userId, $param): array { try { // user_id if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 参数校验 nation phone sms_code validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('updatePhone')->check($param); // 判断验证码 // $smsCode = $param['sms_code']; // $mobile = $param['nation'].$param['phone']; // $cacheSmsKey = 'USER:sendSmsLoginNoTrade:'.$mobile; // $cacheSmsCode = Cache::store('redis')->get($cacheSmsKey); // if(empty($smsCode) || $smsCode != $cacheSmsCode){ // return $this->toData('100400', 'The verification code is incorrect.', []); // } // 判断国家码是否存在 $codeExists = CountryModel::checkCodeExists($param['nation']); if (!$codeExists) { return $this->toData('100400', 'Unsupported country or region', []); } //判断手机号是否已经被别人绑定 $phoneExits = UserModel::checkPhoneExists($param['phone']); if ($phoneExits) { return $this->toData('100400', 'The phone number has already been linked/bound.', []); } // 获取用户信息 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('salt,login_password,user_id,country_code,phone_number', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 判读是否已经绑定 需要已经绑定手机 if (empty($user['phone_number'])) { return $this->toData('100400', 'The phone number is not linked/bound.', []); } //校验登陆密码 $passwordCheck = (new UnqId())->checkPassword($param['password'], $user['login_password'], $user['salt']); if (!$passwordCheck) { return $this->toData('100400', 'Incorrect password.', []); } // 执行入库操作 UserModel::updateFieldsByUserId(['phone_number' => $param['phone'], 'country_code' => $param['nation']], $userId); // 返回结果 return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.', []); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { // 参数校验失败 异常类 $message = $validateException->getError(); return $this->toData('100400', $message); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage()]); } } public function apply_loan($userId, $param) { try { // user_id if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 参数校验 nation phone sms_code validate(UserValidate::class)->scene('apply_loan')->check($param); $count=UserLoanModel::where('status',0)->where('user_id',$userId)->count(); if($count>0){ return $this->toData('100402', 'You have applied, please be patient and wait.', []); } $userloan=new UserLoanModel(); $userloan->user_id=$userId; $userloan->num= intval($param['num']); $userloan->day= intval($param['day']); $userloan->status= 0; $userloan->is_delete= 0; $userloan->create_time=date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $userloan->save(); // 返回结果 return $this->toData('0', 'Binding successful.', []); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { // 参数校验失败 异常类 $message = $validateException->getError(); return $this->toData('100400', $message); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage()]); } } public function loan($userId, $param) { try { // user_id if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } $data['where']['user_id']=$userId; $data['page']=isset($param['page']) ? intval($param['page']) : 1; $data['size']=isset($param['size']) ? intval($param['size']) : 10; $list=UserLoanModel::getUserLoanList($data); // 返回结果 return $this->toData('0', 'successful.', $list); } catch (ValidateException $validateException) { // 参数校验失败 异常类 $message = $validateException->getError(); return $this->toData('100400', $message); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage()]); } } /** * @desc 退出登陆 * @param $userId * @return array */ public function logout($userId) { try { // 删除缓存 $this->delUserTokenCache($userId); return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.'); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage()]); } } /** * @desc 获取用户登陆信息 * @param $userId * @return array */ public function loginLog($userId): array { try { if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } $data = UserLoginLog::getLog($userId); if (empty($data)) { return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.', []); } $res = []; foreach ($data as $item) { $countryCn = ''; $countryEn = ''; $cityCn = ''; $cityEn = ''; if (!empty($item['country'])) { $countryArr = json_decode($item['country'], true); $countryCn = $countryArr['cn']; $countryEn = $countryArr['en']; } if (!empty($item['city'])) { $cityArr = json_decode($item['city'], true); $cityCn = $cityArr['cn']; $cityEn = $cityArr['en']; } $res[] = [ 'device' => $item['device'], 'ip' => $item['ip'], 'countryCn' => $countryCn, 'countryEn' => $countryEn, 'cityCn' => $cityCn, 'cityEn' => $cityEn, 'loginDate' => $item['login_date'], ]; } return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.', $res); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', []); } } /** * 用户申请使用杠杆 * @param $userId * @return array */ public function leverApply($userId) { try { if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 获取用户信息 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('lever_status,user_id', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } if (in_array($user['lever_status'], [UserModel::LEVER_STATUS_NO, UserModel::LEVER_STATUS_FAIL])) { $level_status=env('USER_LEVEL.NO_APPLY')==1 ? UserModel::LEVER_STATUS_PASSED : UserModel::LEVER_STATUS_APPLY; UserModel::update(['lever_status' => $level_status, 'update_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')], ['user_id' => $userId]); return $this->toData('0', 'success.', []); } return $this->toData('0', 'Already submitted.', []); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', []); } } public function applyTestAccount($userId) { if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 获取用户信息 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('test_account,user_id,user_no', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100401', 'Please log in first.', []); } if(!empty($user['test_account'])){ return $this->toData('0', 'success.', []); } //添加模拟账号 $userNo=$this->getUniqUserNo(); $email="test_".$userNo.""; $salt = env('ENCRYPT.SALT'); $password = (new UnqId())->encryptPassword('test12345', $salt); $userInviteCode=$this->getUniqInviteCode(); $parentUserId = $userId; $ip = (new BaseHomeService())->getClientRealIp(); $test_userId = UserModel::emailRegister($email, $userNo, $userInviteCode, $parentUserId, $password, $ip, $salt, 2, 0); if($test_userId){ $this->doRegInitUserInfo($test_userId,$parentUserId); UserModel::where('user_id', $userId)->update([ 'test_account' => $test_userId ]); UserModel::where('user_id', $test_userId)->update([ 'is_real' => 0, 'real_status'=>3 ]); if(env('ACCOUT_TYPE.ALL_IN_ONE')==1){ UserMoneyModel::where('user_id', $test_userId)->update([ 'user_id' => $test_userId, 'stock_id' => 'USD', 'usable_num' => 100000, 'frozen_num' => 0, ]); }else{ UserDigitalModel::where('user_id', $test_userId)->update([ 'user_id' => $test_userId, 'digital_id' => 'USDT', 'usable_num' => 100000, 'frozen_num' => 0, ]); UserContractModel::where('user_id', $test_userId)->update([ 'user_id' => $test_userId, 'contract_id' => 'USDT', 'usable_num' => 100000, 'frozen_num' => 0, ]); UserForexModel::InsertUserForex([ 'user_id' => $test_userId, 'contract_id' => 'USD', 'usable_num' => 100000, 'frozen_num' => 0, ]); UserStockHkdModel::InsertUserStock([ 'user_id' => $test_userId, 'stock_id' => 'HKD', 'usable_num' => 100000, 'frozen_num' => 0, ]); } } return $this->toData('0', 'success.', []); } public function applyTestMoney($userId,$param){ if (empty($userId) || $userId <= 0) { return $this->toData('100403', 'Please log in first.', []); } // 获取用户信息 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('is_test_user,user_id,user_no', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100401', 'Please log in first.', []); } if($user['is_test_user']!=2){ return $this->toData('100402', 'error.', []); } $num=isset($param['num']) ? intval($param['num']) : 0; if($num<=0 || $num>100000){ return $this->toData('100401', 'error.', []); } $user_money=UserMoneyModel::getUserUSDByUserId(['user_id'=>$userId]); $update_num=$user_money['usable_num']+$num; UserMoneyModel::where('user_id', $userId)->update([ 'stock_id' => 'USD', 'usable_num' => $update_num, 'update_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ]); return $this->toData('0', 'success.', []); } public function testLogin($userId) { // 获取用户信息 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('test_account,user_id,user_no', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100401', 'Please log in first.', []); } if(empty($user['test_account'])){ return $this->toData('100402', 'Please log in first.', []); } //登录模拟账号 $test_user=UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('test_account,user_id,user_no,nick_name,invite_code,is_real,is_test_user', $user['test_account']); // 生成token $token = (new Jwt())->getToken($test_user['user_id'], env('ENCRYPT.SALT')); if (empty($token)) { return $this->toData('100300', 'The system is busy.', []); } // 将token存致缓存 覆盖新的缓存 实现单设备登陆 $this->setUserTokenCache($token, $test_user['user_id']); // 删除缓存 $this->delUserTokenCache($userId); // 返回结果以及用户信息 return $this->toData('0', 'Request successful.', [ 'userId' => $test_user['user_id'], 'userNo' => $test_user['user_no'], 'nickName' => $test_user['nick_name'], 'inviteCode' => $test_user['invite_code'], 'isReal' => $test_user['is_real'], 'is_test_user' => $test_user['is_test_user'], 'logo' => env('USER.DEFAULT_HEAD_IMG_PATH'), 'token' => $token, ]); } public function formalLogin($userId) { // 获取用户信息 $user = UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('parent_id,user_id,user_no,is_test_user', $userId); if (empty($user)) { return $this->toData('100401', 'Please log in first.', []); } if(empty($user['parent_id'])){ return $this->toData('100402', 'The system is busy.', []); } if(empty($user['is_test_user'])){ return $this->toData('100403', 'The system is busy.', []); } //登录模拟账号 $test_user=UserModel::getFieldsByUserId('test_account,user_id,user_no,nick_name,invite_code,is_real,is_test_user', $user['parent_id']); if($test_user['test_account']!=$userId){ return $this->toData('100404', 'The system is busy.', []); } // 生成token $token = (new Jwt())->getToken($test_user['user_id'], env('ENCRYPT.SALT')); if (empty($token)) { return $this->toData('100300', 'The system is busy.', []); } // 将token存致缓存 覆盖新的缓存 实现单设备登陆 $this->setUserTokenCache($token, $test_user['user_id']); // 删除缓存 $this->delUserTokenCache($userId); // 返回结果以及用户信息 return $this->toData('0', 'Request successful.', [ 'userId' => $test_user['user_id'], 'userNo' => $test_user['user_no'], 'nickName' => $test_user['nick_name'], 'inviteCode' => $test_user['invite_code'], 'isReal' => $test_user['is_real'], 'is_test_user' => $test_user['is_test_user'], 'logo' => env('USER.DEFAULT_HEAD_IMG_PATH'), 'token' => $token, ]); } }