@ -172,79 +172,12 @@ class LoginService extends BaseHomeService |
$userId = UserModel::emailRegister($email, $userNo, $userInviteCode, $parentUserId, $password, $ip, $salt, 1, $agentId); |
$userId = UserModel::emailRegister($email, $userNo, $userInviteCode, $parentUserId, $password, $ip, $salt, 1, $agentId); |
// 生成钱包地址 |
// 生成钱包地址 |
(new UserService())->doRegInitUserInfo($userId, $parentUserId); |
(new UserService())->doRegInitUserInfo($userId, $parentUserId); |
// 注册聊天账号 |
$chatData = [ |
'Username' => $userNo, |
'Password' => '123456', |
]; |
$chatUrl = env('CHAT_SERVER.BASE_URL') . '/api/user/register'; |
$chatRes = (new \app\utility\RequestChatServer())->ReqChatServer($chatUrl, $chatData); |
if (!isset($chatRes['data']['uuid'])) { |
return $this->toData('100400', 'Failed to register a chat account.', []); |
} |
// 绑定注册账号与聊天账号 |
UserChatLinkModel::create([ |
'user_id' => $userId, |
'user_type' => 1, |
'chat_uuid' => $chatRes['data']['uuid'], |
'chat_name' => $chatRes['data']['username'] |
]); |
Log::info("邮箱注册 - 用户注册chat账号 - user_id=".$userId. " chat_uiud=".$chatRes['data']['uuid']); |
// 如果有代理,绑定到代理下一个客服(轮询客服绑定) |
if ($agentId > 0 ) { |
$customerIds = AdminModel::getCustomerIdsByAgentId($agentId); // 获取代理下的所有客服ID |
Log::info("邮箱注册 - 代理下客服ids=".json_encode($customerIds)); |
if (empty($customerIds)) { |
return $this->toData('100400', 'There is no customer service account under the current agent', []); |
} |
$counterKey = 'counter_bind_customer:'.$agentId; |
$counterIndex = Cache::store('redis')->get($counterKey); //客服绑定计数器索引 |
if (empty($counterIndex)) { |
$counterIndex = 0; |
Cache::store('redis')->set($counterKey, $counterIndex); |
$tagCustomerId = $customerIds[0]; |
} else { |
Cache::store('redis')->inc($counterKey); //更新计数器索引 |
$tagIndex = $counterIndex % count($customerIds); |
$tagCustomerId = $customerIds[$tagIndex]; |
} |
Log::info("邮箱注册 - 要绑定的客服id=".$tagCustomerId); |
if ($tagCustomerId > 0) { |
CustomerRelationalModel::create([ |
'user_id' => $userId, |
'customer_id' => $tagCustomerId, |
'agent_id' => $agentId, |
]); |
} |
// 将注册账号的chat_id与绑定客服的chat_id加为好友 |
Log::info("邮箱注册 - 获取去客服聊天账号信息, $tagCustomerId=".$tagCustomerId); |
$customerChatInfo = UserChatLinkModel::where(['user_id'=>$tagCustomerId, 'user_type'=>2])->find(); //查询客服的聊天账号uuid |
if (empty($customerChatInfo)) { |
return $this->toData('100400', 'The customer uuid is error.', []); |
} |
$chatFriendsData = [ |
'UserUuid' => $chatRes['data']['uuid'], |
'CustomerUuid' => $customerChatInfo->chat_uuid, |
]; |
Log::info("邮箱注册 - 请求聊天夫加好友=".$tagCustomerId); |
$chatFriendsUrl = env('CHAT_SERVER.BASE_URL') . '/api/eachOtherFriends'; |
$chatFriendsRes = (new \app\utility\RequestChatServer())->ReqChatServer($chatFriendsUrl, $chatFriendsData); |
Log::info("邮箱注册 - chat服务加好友结果:".json_encode($chatFriendsRes)); |
// 将当前用户加入到代理创建的群聊中 【需要查出当前用户的代理创建的群聊信息】 |
$agentGroup = UserChatGroupModel::where(['user_id'=>$agentId])->find(); |
if (empty($agentGroup)) { |
return $this->toData('100400', 'The chat group is error.', []); |
} |
$joinChatGroupUrl = env('CHAT_SERVER.BASE_URL') . '/api/group/join/'.$chatRes['data']['uuid'].'/'.$agentGroup->group_uuid; |
$joinChatGroupRes = (new \app\utility\RequestChatServer())->ReqChatServer($joinChatGroupUrl, []); |
} |
}); |
}); |
// 删除缓存 |
// 删除缓存 |
$this->delCache($emailKey); |
$this->delCache($emailKey); |
// 累加已经注册的个数 |
// 累加已经注册的个数 |
$this->updateHadRegisterNumCache($ipCanRegisterNumPerIpPerDay); |
$this->updateHadRegisterNumCache($ipCanRegisterNumPerIpPerDay); |
return $this->toData('0', 'Registration Successful.', []); |
return $this->toData('0', 'Registration Successful.'); |
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) { |
} catch (ValidateException $validateException) { |
// 参数校验失败 异常类 |
// 参数校验失败 异常类 |
$message = $validateException->getError(); |
$message = $validateException->getError(); |
@ -485,67 +418,6 @@ class LoginService extends BaseHomeService |
$userId = UserModel::phoneRegister($param['nation'], $param['phone'], $userNo, $userInviteCode, $parentUserId, $password, $ip, $salt, 1, $agentId); |
$userId = UserModel::phoneRegister($param['nation'], $param['phone'], $userNo, $userInviteCode, $parentUserId, $password, $ip, $salt, 1, $agentId); |
// 生成钱包地址 |
// 生成钱包地址 |
(new UserService())->doRegInitUserInfo($userId, $parentUserId); |
(new UserService())->doRegInitUserInfo($userId, $parentUserId); |
// 注册聊天账号 |
$chatData = [ |
'Username' => $userNo, |
'Password' => '123456', |
]; |
$chatUrl = env('CHAT_SERVER.BASE_URL') . '/api/user/register'; |
$chatRes = (new \app\utility\RequestChatServer())->ReqChatServer($chatUrl, $chatData); |
if (!isset($chatRes['data']['uuid'])) { |
return $this->toData('100400', 'Failed to register a chat account.', []); |
} |
// 绑定注册账号与聊天账号 |
UserChatLinkModel::create([ |
'user_id' => $userId, |
'user_type' => 1, |
'chat_uuid' => $chatRes['data']['uuid'], |
'chat_name' => $chatRes['data']['username'] |
]); |
// 如果有代理,绑定到代理下一个客服(轮询客服绑定) |
if ($agentId > 0 ) { |
$customerIds = AdminModel::getCustomerIdsByAgentId($agentId); // 获取代理下的所有客服ID |
if (empty($customerIds)) { |
return $this->toData('100400', 'There is no customer service account under the current agent', []); |
} |
$counterKey = 'counter_bind_customer:'.$agentId; |
$counterIndex = Cache::store('redis')->get($counterKey); //客服绑定计数器索引 |
if (empty($counterIndex)) { |
$counterIndex = 0; |
Cache::store('redis')->set($counterKey, $counterIndex); |
$tagCustomerId = $customerIds[0]; |
} else { |
Cache::store('redis')->inc($counterKey); //更新计数器索引 |
$tagIndex = $counterIndex % count($customerIds); |
$tagCustomerId = $customerIds[$tagIndex]; |
} |
if ($tagCustomerId > 0) { |
CustomerRelationalModel::create([ |
'user_id' => $userId, |
'customer_id' => $tagCustomerId, |
'agent_id' => $agentId, |
]); |
} |
// 将注册账号的chat_id与绑定客服的chat_id加为好友 |
$customerChatInfo = UserChatLinkModel::where('user_id', $tagCustomerId)->find(); //查询客服的聊天账号uuid |
if (empty($customerChatInfo)) { |
return $this->toData('100400', 'The customer uuid is error.', []); |
} |
$chatFriendsData = [ |
'UserUuid' => $chatRes['data']['uuid'], |
'CustomerUuid' => $customerChatInfo->chat_uuid, |
]; |
$chatFriendsUrl = env('CHAT_SERVER.BASE_URL') . '/api/eachOtherFriends'; |
$chatFriendsRes = (new \app\utility\RequestChatServer())->ReqChatServer($chatFriendsUrl, $chatFriendsData); |
Log::info("手机号注册 - chat服务加好友结果:".json_encode($chatFriendsRes)); |
// 将当前用户加入到代理创建的群聊中 【需要查出当前用户的代理创建的群聊信息】 |
$agentGroup = UserChatGroupModel::where(['user_id'=>$agentId])->find(); |
if (empty($agentGroup)) { |
return $this->toData('100400', 'The chat group is error.', []); |
} |
$joinChatGroupUrl = env('CHAT_SERVER.BASE_URL') . '/api/group/join/'.$chatRes['data']['uuid'].'/'.$agentGroup->group_uuid; |
$joinChatGroupRes = (new \app\utility\RequestChatServer())->ReqChatServer($joinChatGroupUrl, []); |
} |
}); |
}); |
// 删除缓存 |
// 删除缓存 |