From d38c1af03b5d6e7ee60a29a4b8d107653718a396 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: chuan <>
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2025 10:39:14 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] del chat part

 .gitignore                         |   2 +-
 app/admin/service/AdminService.php |  51 +----------
 app/home/controller/News.php       |  24 +-----
 app/home/service/LoginService.php  | 130 +----------------------------
 app/home/service/UserService.php   |  50 +++++------
 app/utility/RequestChatServer.php  |  24 ++++--
 6 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 233 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 445cbae..40ddb51 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/admin/service/AdminService.php b/app/admin/service/AdminService.php
index 762e543..74b4940 100644
--- a/app/admin/service/AdminService.php
+++ b/app/admin/service/AdminService.php
@@ -29,49 +29,15 @@ class AdminService extends AdminBaseService
             $username = $param['user_name'];
             $user = AdminModel::getByUserName($username);
             if (!empty($user)) {
-                return $this->toData('200100', '该用户已存在', []);
+                return $this->toData('500', '该用户已存在');
             $param['password'] = (new UnqId())->encryptPassword($param['password'], env('ENCRYPT.ADMINSALT'));
             $param['invite_code'] = (new BaseHomeService())->getUniqInviteCode();
             $resAdmin = AdminModel::create($param);
-            // 注册一下聊天账号
-            $chatData = [
-                'Username' => $resAdmin->id."_".$resAdmin->user_name,   //用 + account.user_name 拼接作为聊天账号注册的Username
-                'Password' => '123456',
-            ];
-            $chatUrl = env('CHAT_SERVER.BASE_URL') . '/api/user/register';
-            $regChat = (new \app\utility\RequestChatServer())->ReqChatServer($chatUrl, $chatData);
-            if (!isset($regChat['data']['uuid'])) {
-                return $this->toData('0', '注册聊天账号失败.', ['chat_response' => $regChat]);
+            if (!$resAdmin) {
+                return $this->toData('500', '添加失败');
-            UserChatLinkModel::create([
-                'user_id' => $resAdmin->id,
-                'user_type' => 2,
-                'chat_uuid' => $regChat['data']['uuid'],
-                'chat_name' => $regChat['data']['username']
-            ]);
-            // 创建聊天群
-            $groupName = 'ivs-group'.$resAdmin->id;
-            $chatGroupData = [
-                'Name' => $groupName,
-            ];
-            $chatGroupUrl = env('CHAT_SERVER.BASE_URL') . '/api/group/join/'.$regChat['data']['uuid'];
-            $chatGroupRes = (new \app\utility\RequestChatServer())->ReqChatServer($chatGroupUrl, $chatGroupData);
-            if (!isset($chatGroupRes['data']['group_uuid'])) {
-                return $this->toData('100400', 'Failed to register a chat group.', []);
-            }
-            UserChatGroupModel::create([
-                'user_id' => $resAdmin->id,
-                'user_chat_uuid' => $regChat['data']['uuid'],
-                'group_name' => $groupName,
-                'group_uuid' => $chatGroupRes['data']['group_uuid']
-            ]);
-            return $this->toData('0', '添加成功.', ['chatData' => $regChat]);
+            return $this->toData('0', '添加成功', ['id' => $resAdmin->id]);
         } catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
             $message = $validateException->getError();
             return $this->toData('100400', $message);
@@ -142,15 +108,6 @@ class AdminService extends AdminBaseService
                 return $this->toData('100400', 'The user does not exist.', []);
             $infoArr = $info->toArray();
-            // 获取用户的聊天账号信息
-            $chatInfo = UserChatLinkModel::where(['user_id'=>$userId, 'user_type'=>2])->find();
-            $chat_uuid = 0;
-            if (!empty($chatInfo)) {
-                $chat_uuid = $chatInfo->chat_uuid;
-            }
-            $infoArr['chat_uuid'] = $chat_uuid;
             // 返回数据
             return $this->toData('0', 'Modification successful.', $infoArr);
         } catch (\Exception $exception) {
diff --git a/app/home/controller/News.php b/app/home/controller/News.php
index ba249de..d5b0f8f 100644
--- a/app/home/controller/News.php
+++ b/app/home/controller/News.php
@@ -93,31 +93,9 @@ class News extends HomeBaseController
     public function testApi()
-        $chatData = [
-            'Username' => "ccc333519",
-            'Password' => '123456',
-        ];
-        $chatUrl = env('CHAT_SERVER.BASE_URL') . '/user/register';
-        $res = (new \app\utility\RequestChatServer())->ReqChatServer($chatUrl, $chatData);
-        if (!isset($res['data']['uuid'])) {
-            return json([
-                'code' => '-1',
-                'message' => '注册聊天账号失败',
-            ]);
-        }
-        //将客服账号与聊天账号关联
-        UserChatLinkModel::create([
-            'user_id' => 999,
-            'user_type' => 1,
-            'chat_uuid' => $res['data']['uuid'],
-        ]);
         return json([
             'code' => '0',
-            'message' => 'successful',
-            'data' => $res,
-            'uuid' => $res['data']['uuid']
+            'message' => 'successful'
diff --git a/app/home/service/LoginService.php b/app/home/service/LoginService.php
index 5fcdd38..6c936ea 100644
--- a/app/home/service/LoginService.php
+++ b/app/home/service/LoginService.php
@@ -172,79 +172,12 @@ class LoginService extends BaseHomeService
                 $userId = UserModel::emailRegister($email, $userNo, $userInviteCode, $parentUserId, $password, $ip, $salt, 1, $agentId);
                 // 生成钱包地址
                 (new UserService())->doRegInitUserInfo($userId, $parentUserId);
-                // 注册聊天账号
-                $chatData = [
-                    'Username' => $userNo,
-                    'Password' => '123456',
-                ];
-                $chatUrl = env('CHAT_SERVER.BASE_URL') . '/api/user/register';
-                $chatRes = (new \app\utility\RequestChatServer())->ReqChatServer($chatUrl, $chatData);
-                if (!isset($chatRes['data']['uuid'])) {
-                    return $this->toData('100400', 'Failed to register a chat account.', []);
-                }
-                // 绑定注册账号与聊天账号
-                UserChatLinkModel::create([
-                    'user_id' => $userId,
-                    'user_type' => 1,
-                    'chat_uuid' => $chatRes['data']['uuid'],
-                    'chat_name' => $chatRes['data']['username']
-                ]);
-                Log::info("邮箱注册 - 用户注册chat账号 - user_id=".$userId. " chat_uiud=".$chatRes['data']['uuid']);
-                // 如果有代理,绑定到代理下一个客服(轮询客服绑定)
-                if ($agentId > 0 ) {
-                    $customerIds = AdminModel::getCustomerIdsByAgentId($agentId);       // 获取代理下的所有客服ID
-                    Log::info("邮箱注册 - 代理下客服ids=".json_encode($customerIds));
-                    if (empty($customerIds)) {
-                        return $this->toData('100400', 'There is no customer service account under the current agent', []);
-                    }
-                    $counterKey = 'counter_bind_customer:'.$agentId;
-                    $counterIndex = Cache::store('redis')->get($counterKey);  //客服绑定计数器索引
-                    if (empty($counterIndex)) {
-                        $counterIndex = 0;
-                        Cache::store('redis')->set($counterKey, $counterIndex);
-                        $tagCustomerId = $customerIds[0];
-                    } else {
-                        Cache::store('redis')->inc($counterKey);  //更新计数器索引
-                        $tagIndex = $counterIndex % count($customerIds);
-                        $tagCustomerId = $customerIds[$tagIndex];
-                    }
-                    Log::info("邮箱注册 - 要绑定的客服id=".$tagCustomerId);
-                    if ($tagCustomerId > 0) {
-                        CustomerRelationalModel::create([
-                            'user_id' => $userId,
-                            'customer_id' => $tagCustomerId,
-                            'agent_id' => $agentId,
-                        ]);
-                    }
-                    // 将注册账号的chat_id与绑定客服的chat_id加为好友
-                    Log::info("邮箱注册 - 获取去客服聊天账号信息, $tagCustomerId=".$tagCustomerId);
-                    $customerChatInfo = UserChatLinkModel::where(['user_id'=>$tagCustomerId, 'user_type'=>2])->find();  //查询客服的聊天账号uuid
-                    if (empty($customerChatInfo)) {
-                        return $this->toData('100400', 'The customer uuid is error.', []);
-                    }
-                    $chatFriendsData = [
-                        'UserUuid' => $chatRes['data']['uuid'],
-                        'CustomerUuid' => $customerChatInfo->chat_uuid,
-                    ];
-                    Log::info("邮箱注册 - 请求聊天夫加好友=".$tagCustomerId);
-                    $chatFriendsUrl = env('CHAT_SERVER.BASE_URL') . '/api/eachOtherFriends';
-                    $chatFriendsRes = (new \app\utility\RequestChatServer())->ReqChatServer($chatFriendsUrl, $chatFriendsData);
-                    Log::info("邮箱注册 - chat服务加好友结果:".json_encode($chatFriendsRes));
-                    // 将当前用户加入到代理创建的群聊中 【需要查出当前用户的代理创建的群聊信息】
-                    $agentGroup = UserChatGroupModel::where(['user_id'=>$agentId])->find();
-                    if (empty($agentGroup)) {
-                        return $this->toData('100400', 'The chat group is error.', []);
-                    }
-                    $joinChatGroupUrl = env('CHAT_SERVER.BASE_URL') . '/api/group/join/'.$chatRes['data']['uuid'].'/'.$agentGroup->group_uuid;
-                    $joinChatGroupRes = (new \app\utility\RequestChatServer())->ReqChatServer($joinChatGroupUrl, []);
-                }
             // 删除缓存
             // 累加已经注册的个数
-            return $this->toData('0', 'Registration Successful.', []);
+            return $this->toData('0', 'Registration Successful.');
         } catch (ValidateException $validateException) {
             // 参数校验失败 异常类
             $message = $validateException->getError();
@@ -485,67 +418,6 @@ class LoginService extends BaseHomeService
                 $userId = UserModel::phoneRegister($param['nation'], $param['phone'], $userNo, $userInviteCode, $parentUserId, $password, $ip, $salt, 1, $agentId);
                 // 生成钱包地址
                 (new UserService())->doRegInitUserInfo($userId, $parentUserId);
-                // 注册聊天账号
-                $chatData = [
-                    'Username' => $userNo,
-                    'Password' => '123456',
-                ];
-                $chatUrl = env('CHAT_SERVER.BASE_URL') . '/api/user/register';
-                $chatRes = (new \app\utility\RequestChatServer())->ReqChatServer($chatUrl, $chatData);
-                if (!isset($chatRes['data']['uuid'])) {
-                    return $this->toData('100400', 'Failed to register a chat account.', []);
-                }
-                // 绑定注册账号与聊天账号
-                UserChatLinkModel::create([
-                    'user_id' => $userId,
-                    'user_type' => 1,
-                    'chat_uuid' => $chatRes['data']['uuid'],
-                    'chat_name' => $chatRes['data']['username']
-                ]);
-                // 如果有代理,绑定到代理下一个客服(轮询客服绑定)
-                if ($agentId > 0 ) {
-                    $customerIds = AdminModel::getCustomerIdsByAgentId($agentId);       // 获取代理下的所有客服ID
-                    if (empty($customerIds)) {
-                        return $this->toData('100400', 'There is no customer service account under the current agent', []);
-                    }
-                    $counterKey = 'counter_bind_customer:'.$agentId;
-                    $counterIndex = Cache::store('redis')->get($counterKey);  //客服绑定计数器索引
-                    if (empty($counterIndex)) {
-                        $counterIndex = 0;
-                        Cache::store('redis')->set($counterKey, $counterIndex);
-                        $tagCustomerId = $customerIds[0];
-                    } else {
-                        Cache::store('redis')->inc($counterKey);  //更新计数器索引
-                        $tagIndex = $counterIndex % count($customerIds);
-                        $tagCustomerId = $customerIds[$tagIndex];
-                    }
-                    if ($tagCustomerId > 0) {
-                        CustomerRelationalModel::create([
-                            'user_id' => $userId,
-                            'customer_id' => $tagCustomerId,
-                            'agent_id' => $agentId,
-                        ]);
-                    }
-                    // 将注册账号的chat_id与绑定客服的chat_id加为好友
-                    $customerChatInfo = UserChatLinkModel::where('user_id', $tagCustomerId)->find();  //查询客服的聊天账号uuid
-                    if (empty($customerChatInfo)) {
-                        return $this->toData('100400', 'The customer uuid is error.', []);
-                    }
-                    $chatFriendsData = [
-                        'UserUuid' => $chatRes['data']['uuid'],
-                        'CustomerUuid' => $customerChatInfo->chat_uuid,
-                    ];
-                    $chatFriendsUrl = env('CHAT_SERVER.BASE_URL') . '/api/eachOtherFriends';
-                    $chatFriendsRes = (new \app\utility\RequestChatServer())->ReqChatServer($chatFriendsUrl, $chatFriendsData);
-                    Log::info("手机号注册 - chat服务加好友结果:".json_encode($chatFriendsRes));
-                    // 将当前用户加入到代理创建的群聊中 【需要查出当前用户的代理创建的群聊信息】
-                    $agentGroup = UserChatGroupModel::where(['user_id'=>$agentId])->find();
-                    if (empty($agentGroup)) {
-                        return $this->toData('100400', 'The chat group is error.', []);
-                    }
-                    $joinChatGroupUrl = env('CHAT_SERVER.BASE_URL') . '/api/group/join/'.$chatRes['data']['uuid'].'/'.$agentGroup->group_uuid;
-                    $joinChatGroupRes = (new \app\utility\RequestChatServer())->ReqChatServer($joinChatGroupUrl, []);
-                }
             // 删除缓存
diff --git a/app/home/service/UserService.php b/app/home/service/UserService.php
index 1cfc79c..d1f2999 100644
--- a/app/home/service/UserService.php
+++ b/app/home/service/UserService.php
@@ -281,31 +281,8 @@ class UserService extends BaseHomeService
                 return $this->toData('100400', ' The user USD balance is insufficient ', []);
-            // 查询是否有购买vip记录, 计算用户vip到期时间
-            $expireTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
-            $vipLog = PurchaseVipModel::where(['user_id'=>$userId])->order('id', 'desc')->find();
-            if (!empty($vipLog)) {
-                if (empty($vipLog->expire)) {
-                    return $this->toData('100400', ' The vip expire error ', []);
-                }
-                if ($vipLog->expire >= $expireTime) {
-                    $expireTimestamp = strtotime('+30 days', strtotime($vipLog->expire));
-                    $expireTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $expireTimestamp);
-                }
-            } else {
-                $expireTimestamp = strtotime('+30 days', time());
-                $expireTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $expireTimestamp);
-            }
             // 记录购买vip信息, 扣除用户金额
-            Db::transaction(function () use ($userId, $userMoneyNum, $vipPrice, $expireTime, $stockId) {
-                // 添加购买vip记录
-                PurchaseVipModel::create([
-                    'user_id' => $userId,
-                    'amount' => $vipPrice,
-                    'stock_id' => $stockId,
-                    'expire' => $expireTime
-                ]);
+            Db::transaction(function () use ($userId, $userMoneyNum, $vipPrice, $stockId) {
                 // 扣除用户USD
                 UserMoneyModel::where(['user_id'=>$userId,'stock_id'=>$stockId])->where('usable_num', ">=", $vipPrice)->dec('usable_num', $vipPrice)->update();
                 // 添加用户USD变更日志
@@ -317,8 +294,31 @@ class UserService extends BaseHomeService
                     'change_num' => -$vipPrice,
                     'order_id' => uniqid('vip_', true),
+                // 查询用户是否开通过vip,更新用户vip到期时间
+                $vipLog = PurchaseVipModel::where(['user_id'=>$userId])->find();
+                $expireTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+                if (!empty($vipLog)) {
+                    if (empty($vipLog->expire)) {
+                        return $this->toData('100400', ' The vip expire error ');
+                    }
+                    if ($vipLog->expire >= $expireTime) {
+                        $expireTimestamp = strtotime('+30 days', strtotime($vipLog->expire));
+                        $expireTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $expireTimestamp);
+                    }
+                    $vipLog->expire = $expireTime;
+                    $vipLog->save();
+                } else {
+                    $expireTimestamp = strtotime('+30 days', time());
+                    $expireTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $expireTimestamp);
+                    PurchaseVipModel::create([
+                        'user_id' => $userId,
+                        'amount' => $vipPrice,
+                        'stock_id' => $stockId,
+                        'expire' => $expireTime
+                    ]);
+                }
-            return $this->toData('0', 'successful', ['expire'=>$expireTime]);
+            return $this->toData('0', 'successful');
         } catch (\Exception $exception) {
             return $this->toData('100500', 'The system is busy.', [$exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTrace()]);
diff --git a/app/utility/RequestChatServer.php b/app/utility/RequestChatServer.php
index c00a0f7..f8ec6ff 100644
--- a/app/utility/RequestChatServer.php
+++ b/app/utility/RequestChatServer.php
@@ -8,28 +8,36 @@ use think\facade\Log;
 class RequestChatServer
-    public function ReqChatServer(string $url, array $data): array
+    public function ReqChatServer(string $url, array $data,  string $method = 'POST'): array
         try {
+            if (!in_array($method, ['POST','PUT'])) {
+                return $this->toData('400', '请求方法不在支持列表中');
+            }
             Log::info("请求URL==".$url." 请求Param==".json_encode($data));
             $resBody = [];
             $client = new Client();
-            $response = $client->post($url, [
-                'json' => $data,
-            ]);
+            if ($method == 'PUT') {
+                $response = $client->put($url, [
+                    'json' => $data,
+                ]);
+            } else {
+                $response = $client->post($url, [
+                    'json' => $data,
+                ]);
+            }
             $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
-            Log::error("请求聊天服返回:code==".$statusCode);
-            Log::error("请求聊天服返回:body==". $response->getBody());
+            Log::error("请求聊天服返回:code==".$statusCode." body==". $response->getBody());
             if ($statusCode == 200) {
                 $resBody = json_decode($response->getBody(), true); // 转换为数组
             return $resBody;
         } catch (GuzzleException $e) {
             Log::error("请求聊天服异常 - guzzle: " . $e->getMessage());
-            return [];
+            return $this->toData('500', $e->getMessage());
         } catch (\Exception $exception) {
             Log::error("请求聊天服异常 - exc:" . $exception->getMessage());
-            return [];
+            return $this->toData('500', $exception->getMessage());
\ No newline at end of file