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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
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716 lines
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2 months ago
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\BrowserKit;
use Symfony\Component\BrowserKit\Exception\BadMethodCallException;
use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Form;
use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Link;
use Symfony\Component\Process\PhpProcess;
* Simulates a browser.
* To make the actual request, you need to implement the doRequest() method.
* If you want to be able to run requests in their own process (insulated flag),
* you need to also implement the getScript() method.
* @author Fabien Potencier <>
abstract class AbstractBrowser
protected $history;
protected $cookieJar;
protected $server = [];
protected $internalRequest;
protected $request;
protected $internalResponse;
protected $response;
protected $crawler;
protected $insulated = false;
protected $redirect;
protected $followRedirects = true;
protected $followMetaRefresh = false;
private $maxRedirects = -1;
private $redirectCount = 0;
private $redirects = [];
private $isMainRequest = true;
* @param array $server The server parameters (equivalent of $_SERVER)
public function __construct(array $server = [], ?History $history = null, ?CookieJar $cookieJar = null)
$this->history = $history ?? new History();
$this->cookieJar = $cookieJar ?? new CookieJar();
* Sets whether to automatically follow redirects or not.
public function followRedirects(bool $followRedirects = true)
$this->followRedirects = $followRedirects;
* Sets whether to automatically follow meta refresh redirects or not.
public function followMetaRefresh(bool $followMetaRefresh = true)
$this->followMetaRefresh = $followMetaRefresh;
* Returns whether client automatically follows redirects or not.
* @return bool
public function isFollowingRedirects()
return $this->followRedirects;
* Sets the maximum number of redirects that crawler can follow.
public function setMaxRedirects(int $maxRedirects)
$this->maxRedirects = $maxRedirects < 0 ? -1 : $maxRedirects;
$this->followRedirects = -1 != $this->maxRedirects;
* Returns the maximum number of redirects that crawler can follow.
* @return int
public function getMaxRedirects()
return $this->maxRedirects;
* Sets the insulated flag.
* @throws \RuntimeException When Symfony Process Component is not installed
public function insulate(bool $insulated = true)
if ($insulated && !class_exists(\Symfony\Component\Process\Process::class)) {
throw new \LogicException('Unable to isolate requests as the Symfony Process Component is not installed.');
$this->insulated = $insulated;
* Sets server parameters.
public function setServerParameters(array $server)
$this->server = array_merge([
'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Symfony BrowserKit',
], $server);
* Sets single server parameter.
public function setServerParameter(string $key, string $value)
$this->server[$key] = $value;
* Gets single server parameter for specified key.
* @param mixed $default A default value when key is undefined
* @return mixed
public function getServerParameter(string $key, $default = '')
return $this->server[$key] ?? $default;
public function xmlHttpRequest(string $method, string $uri, array $parameters = [], array $files = [], array $server = [], ?string $content = null, bool $changeHistory = true): Crawler
$this->setServerParameter('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH', 'XMLHttpRequest');
try {
return $this->request($method, $uri, $parameters, $files, $server, $content, $changeHistory);
} finally {
* Converts the request parameters into a JSON string and uses it as request content.
public function jsonRequest(string $method, string $uri, array $parameters = [], array $server = [], bool $changeHistory = true): Crawler
$content = json_encode($parameters);
$this->setServerParameter('CONTENT_TYPE', 'application/json');
$this->setServerParameter('HTTP_ACCEPT', 'application/json');
try {
return $this->request($method, $uri, [], [], $server, $content, $changeHistory);
} finally {
* Returns the History instance.
* @return History
public function getHistory()
return $this->history;
* Returns the CookieJar instance.
* @return CookieJar
public function getCookieJar()
return $this->cookieJar;
* Returns the current Crawler instance.
* @return Crawler
public function getCrawler()
if (null === $this->crawler) {
throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('The "request()" method must be called before "%s()".', __METHOD__));
return $this->crawler;
* Returns the current BrowserKit Response instance.
* @return Response
public function getInternalResponse()
if (null === $this->internalResponse) {
throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('The "request()" method must be called before "%s()".', __METHOD__));
return $this->internalResponse;
* Returns the current origin response instance.
* The origin response is the response instance that is returned
* by the code that handles requests.
* @return object
* @see doRequest()
public function getResponse()
if (null === $this->response) {
throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('The "request()" method must be called before "%s()".', __METHOD__));
return $this->response;
* Returns the current BrowserKit Request instance.
* @return Request
public function getInternalRequest()
if (null === $this->internalRequest) {
throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('The "request()" method must be called before "%s()".', __METHOD__));
return $this->internalRequest;
* Returns the current origin Request instance.
* The origin request is the request instance that is sent
* to the code that handles requests.
* @return object
* @see doRequest()
public function getRequest()
if (null === $this->request) {
throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('The "request()" method must be called before "%s()".', __METHOD__));
return $this->request;
* Clicks on a given link.
* @return Crawler
public function click(Link $link)
if ($link instanceof Form) {
return $this->submit($link);
return $this->request($link->getMethod(), $link->getUri());
* Clicks the first link (or clickable image) that contains the given text.
* @param string $linkText The text of the link or the alt attribute of the clickable image
public function clickLink(string $linkText): Crawler
if (null === $this->crawler) {
throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('The "request()" method must be called before "%s()".', __METHOD__));
return $this->click($this->crawler->selectLink($linkText)->link());
* Submits a form.
* @param array $values An array of form field values
* @param array $serverParameters An array of server parameters
* @return Crawler
public function submit(Form $form, array $values = [], array $serverParameters = [])
return $this->request($form->getMethod(), $form->getUri(), $form->getPhpValues(), $form->getPhpFiles(), $serverParameters);
* Finds the first form that contains a button with the given content and
* uses it to submit the given form field values.
* @param string $button The text content, id, value or name of the form <button> or <input type="submit">
* @param array $fieldValues Use this syntax: ['my_form[name]' => '...', 'my_form[email]' => '...']
* @param string $method The HTTP method used to submit the form
* @param array $serverParameters These values override the ones stored in $_SERVER (HTTP headers must include an HTTP_ prefix as PHP does)
public function submitForm(string $button, array $fieldValues = [], string $method = 'POST', array $serverParameters = []): Crawler
if (null === $this->crawler) {
throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('The "request()" method must be called before "%s()".', __METHOD__));
$buttonNode = $this->crawler->selectButton($button);
$form = $buttonNode->form($fieldValues, $method);
return $this->submit($form, [], $serverParameters);
* Calls a URI.
* @param string $method The request method
* @param string $uri The URI to fetch
* @param array $parameters The Request parameters
* @param array $files The files
* @param array $server The server parameters (HTTP headers are referenced with an HTTP_ prefix as PHP does)
* @param string $content The raw body data
* @param bool $changeHistory Whether to update the history or not (only used internally for back(), forward(), and reload())
* @return Crawler
public function request(string $method, string $uri, array $parameters = [], array $files = [], array $server = [], ?string $content = null, bool $changeHistory = true)
if ($this->isMainRequest) {
$this->redirectCount = 0;
} else {
$originalUri = $uri;
$uri = $this->getAbsoluteUri($uri);
$server = array_merge($this->server, $server);
if (!empty($server['HTTP_HOST']) && !parse_url($originalUri, \PHP_URL_HOST)) {
$uri = preg_replace('{^(https?\://)'.preg_quote($this->extractHost($uri)).'}', '${1}'.$server['HTTP_HOST'], $uri);
if (isset($server['HTTPS']) && !parse_url($originalUri, \PHP_URL_SCHEME)) {
$uri = preg_replace('{^'.parse_url($uri, \PHP_URL_SCHEME).'}', $server['HTTPS'] ? 'https' : 'http', $uri);
if (!isset($server['HTTP_REFERER']) && !$this->history->isEmpty()) {
$server['HTTP_REFERER'] = $this->history->current()->getUri();
if (empty($server['HTTP_HOST'])) {
$server['HTTP_HOST'] = $this->extractHost($uri);
$server['HTTPS'] = 'https' === parse_url($uri, \PHP_URL_SCHEME);
$this->internalRequest = new Request($uri, $method, $parameters, $files, $this->cookieJar->allValues($uri), $server, $content);
$this->request = $this->filterRequest($this->internalRequest);
if (true === $changeHistory) {
if ($this->insulated) {
$this->response = $this->doRequestInProcess($this->request);
} else {
$this->response = $this->doRequest($this->request);
$this->internalResponse = $this->filterResponse($this->response);
$this->cookieJar->updateFromResponse($this->internalResponse, $uri);
$status = $this->internalResponse->getStatusCode();
if ($status >= 300 && $status < 400) {
$this->redirect = $this->internalResponse->getHeader('Location');
} else {
$this->redirect = null;
if ($this->followRedirects && $this->redirect) {
$this->redirects[serialize($this->history->current())] = true;
return $this->crawler = $this->followRedirect();
$this->crawler = $this->createCrawlerFromContent($this->internalRequest->getUri(), $this->internalResponse->getContent(), $this->internalResponse->getHeader('Content-Type') ?? '');
// Check for meta refresh redirect
if ($this->followMetaRefresh && null !== $redirect = $this->getMetaRefreshUrl()) {
$this->redirect = $redirect;
$this->redirects[serialize($this->history->current())] = true;
$this->crawler = $this->followRedirect();
return $this->crawler;
* Makes a request in another process.
* @return object
* @throws \RuntimeException When processing returns exit code
protected function doRequestInProcess(object $request)
$deprecationsFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'deprec');
$process = new PhpProcess($this->getScript($request), null, null);
if (file_exists($deprecationsFile)) {
$deprecations = file_get_contents($deprecationsFile);
foreach ($deprecations ? unserialize($deprecations) : [] as $deprecation) {
if ($deprecation[0]) {
// unsilenced on purpose
trigger_error($deprecation[1], \E_USER_DEPRECATED);
} else {
@trigger_error($deprecation[1], \E_USER_DEPRECATED);
if (!$process->isSuccessful() || !preg_match('/^O\:\d+\:/', $process->getOutput())) {
throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('OUTPUT: %s ERROR OUTPUT: %s.', $process->getOutput(), $process->getErrorOutput()));
return unserialize($process->getOutput());
* Makes a request.
* @return object
abstract protected function doRequest(object $request);
* Returns the script to execute when the request must be insulated.
* @param object $request An origin request instance
* @throws \LogicException When this abstract class is not implemented
protected function getScript(object $request)
throw new \LogicException('To insulate requests, you need to override the getScript() method.');
* Filters the BrowserKit request to the origin one.
* @return object
protected function filterRequest(Request $request)
return $request;
* Filters the origin response to the BrowserKit one.
* @return Response
protected function filterResponse(object $response)
return $response;
* Creates a crawler.
* This method returns null if the DomCrawler component is not available.
* @return Crawler|null
protected function createCrawlerFromContent(string $uri, string $content, string $type)
if (!class_exists(Crawler::class)) {
return null;
$crawler = new Crawler(null, $uri);
$crawler->addContent($content, $type);
return $crawler;
* Goes back in the browser history.
* @return Crawler
public function back()
do {
$request = $this->history->back();
} while (\array_key_exists(serialize($request), $this->redirects));
return $this->requestFromRequest($request, false);
* Goes forward in the browser history.
* @return Crawler
public function forward()
do {
$request = $this->history->forward();
} while (\array_key_exists(serialize($request), $this->redirects));
return $this->requestFromRequest($request, false);
* Reloads the current browser.
* @return Crawler
public function reload()
return $this->requestFromRequest($this->history->current(), false);
* Follow redirects?
* @return Crawler
* @throws \LogicException If request was not a redirect
public function followRedirect()
if (empty($this->redirect)) {
throw new \LogicException('The request was not redirected.');
if (-1 !== $this->maxRedirects) {
if ($this->redirectCount > $this->maxRedirects) {
$this->redirectCount = 0;
throw new \LogicException(sprintf('The maximum number (%d) of redirections was reached.', $this->maxRedirects));
$request = $this->internalRequest;
if (\in_array($this->internalResponse->getStatusCode(), [301, 302, 303])) {
$method = 'GET';
$files = [];
$content = null;
} else {
$method = $request->getMethod();
$files = $request->getFiles();
$content = $request->getContent();
if ('GET' === strtoupper($method)) {
// Don't forward parameters for GET request as it should reach the redirection URI
$parameters = [];
} else {
$parameters = $request->getParameters();
$server = $request->getServer();
$server = $this->updateServerFromUri($server, $this->redirect);
$this->isMainRequest = false;
$response = $this->request($method, $this->redirect, $parameters, $files, $server, $content);
$this->isMainRequest = true;
return $response;
* @see
private function getMetaRefreshUrl(): ?string
$metaRefresh = $this->getCrawler()->filter('head meta[http-equiv="refresh"]');
foreach ($metaRefresh->extract(['content']) as $content) {
if (preg_match('/^\s*0\s*;\s*URL\s*=\s*(?|\'([^\']++)|"([^"]++)|([^\'"].*))/i', $content, $m)) {
return str_replace("\t\r\n", '', rtrim($m[1]));
return null;
* Restarts the client.
* It flushes history and all cookies.
public function restart()
* Takes a URI and converts it to absolute if it is not already absolute.
* @return string
protected function getAbsoluteUri(string $uri)
// already absolute?
if (0 === strpos($uri, 'http://') || 0 === strpos($uri, 'https://')) {
return $uri;
if (!$this->history->isEmpty()) {
$currentUri = $this->history->current()->getUri();
} else {
$currentUri = sprintf('http%s://%s/',
isset($this->server['HTTPS']) ? 's' : '',
$this->server['HTTP_HOST'] ?? 'localhost'
// protocol relative URL
if ('' !== trim($uri, '/') && str_starts_with($uri, '//')) {
return parse_url($currentUri, \PHP_URL_SCHEME).':'.$uri;
// anchor or query string parameters?
if (!$uri || '#' == $uri[0] || '?' == $uri[0]) {
return preg_replace('/[#?].*?$/', '', $currentUri).$uri;
if ('/' !== $uri[0]) {
$path = parse_url($currentUri, \PHP_URL_PATH);
if ('/' !== substr($path, -1)) {
$path = substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, '/') + 1);
$uri = $path.$uri;
return preg_replace('#^(.*?//[^/]+)\/.*$#', '$1', $currentUri).$uri;
* Makes a request from a Request object directly.
* @param bool $changeHistory Whether to update the history or not (only used internally for back(), forward(), and reload())
* @return Crawler
protected function requestFromRequest(Request $request, bool $changeHistory = true)
return $this->request($request->getMethod(), $request->getUri(), $request->getParameters(), $request->getFiles(), $request->getServer(), $request->getContent(), $changeHistory);
private function updateServerFromUri(array $server, string $uri): array
$server['HTTP_HOST'] = $this->extractHost($uri);
$scheme = parse_url($uri, \PHP_URL_SCHEME);
$server['HTTPS'] = null === $scheme ? $server['HTTPS'] : 'https' == $scheme;
unset($server['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'], $server['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']);
return $server;
private function extractHost(string $uri): ?string
$host = parse_url($uri, \PHP_URL_HOST);
if ($port = parse_url($uri, \PHP_URL_PORT)) {
return $host.':'.$port;
return $host;