bourse stock
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

34 lines
4.7 KiB

## Example
pq('div > p')->add('div > ul')->filter(':has(a)')->find('p:first')->nextAll()->andSelf()->...
# Table of Contents
* [Filtering](
* [Finding](
* [Chaining](
## Filtering
* **[eq](**[($index)]( Reduce the set of matched elements to a single element.
* **[hasClass](**[($class)]( Checks the current selection against a class and returns true, if at least one element of the selection has the given class.
* **[filter](**[($expr)]( Removes all elements from the set of matched elements that do not match the specified expression(s).
* **[filter](**[($fn)]( Removes all elements from the set of matched elements that does not match the specified function.
* **[is](**[($expr)]( Checks the current selection against an expression and returns true, if at least one element of the selection fits the given expression.
* **[map](**[($callback)]( Translate a set of elements in the jQuery object into another set of values in an array (which may, or may not, be elements).
* **[not](**[($expr)]( Removes elements matching the specified expression from the set of matched elements.
* **[slice](**[($start, $end)]( Selects a subset of the matched elements.
## Finding
* **[add](**[($expr)]( Adds more elements, matched by the given expression, to the set of matched elements.
* **[children](**[($expr)]( Get a set of elements containing all of the unique immediate children of each of the matched set of elements.
* **[contents](**[()]( Find all the child nodes inside the matched elements (including text nodes), or the content document, if the element is an iframe.
* **[find](**[($expr)]( Searches for all elements that match the specified expression. This method is a good way to find additional descendant elements with which to process.
* **[next](**[($expr)]( Get a set of elements containing the unique next siblings of each of the given set of elements.
* **[nextAll](**[($expr)]( Find all sibling elements after the current element.
* **[parent](**[($expr)]( Get a set of elements containing the unique parents of the matched set of elements.
* **[parents](**[($expr)]( Get a set of elements containing the unique ancestors of the matched set of elements (except for the root element). The matched elements can be filtered with an optional expression.
* **[prev](**[($expr)]( Get a set of elements containing the unique previous siblings of each of the matched set of elements.
* **[prevAll](**[($expr)]( Find all sibling elements before the current element.
* **[siblings](**[($expr)]( Get a set of elements containing all of the unique siblings of each of the matched set of elements. Can be filtered with an optional expressions.
## Chaining
* **[andSelf](**[()]( Add the previous selection to the current selection.
* **[end](**[()]( Revert the most recent 'destructive' operation, changing the set of matched elements to its previous state (right before the destructive operation).
Read more at [Traversing]( section on [jQuery Documentation Site](